#even if she isn't a Super Original OC Concept
krello-png · 10 months
Feelings on Xicor and DB AF as a whole!
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Posting a thread I had back on Twitter here, though I'll be expanding on a fair bit since I have MUCH more room to breath so, let's get into one of my favorite subjects in this fandom, AF fan culture!
The fandom in the 2000s is really fascinating to me as someone who wasn't "there", the show and manga were 100% DEAD, there were only games that retold the same story from Z to GT during that time and yet because of a certain localization that was happening the fanbase was kinda thriving, constantly making new stuff. There was ZERO actual new story content and yet the fans just took it upon themselves to make shit and keep that flame going! New transformations, endless sagas, whole multi work fan manga that just spawned from a dead series that happened to get an English Dub with a different soundtrack.
Arguably at the center of most of this was this guy right here, XICOR, third son of Goku and the main villain of AF (or at least, it's first arc.). People talk about how a character like Xicor is rather boring and yeah that is true, the character of Xicor is boring, but it's not he himself that's the fun part, it's what he represents that makes him interesting!
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He's undeniably fascinating if ya think about it.
His design? Ripped from a fan form. This pic is from like, 04' if I recall correctly and it's not even a new character, it's Goku in Super Saiyan 9. That's why he has Goku's Gi but green, the spikes are there cause apparently it's a dragon form??? Who'd have thunk it eh?
His character? Basically every villain that came before him and then some, a high and mighty powerhouse with an ego to match. Eager to take the throne atop the universe where his father supposedly sat as West Kai had told him. Ruthlessly evil to his core and merciless, in other words, very generic.
His backstory? A hodgepodge of several different fanfics from around the same time that combined into what we know now. The illegitimate third son of Goku, born of West Kai and Goku's DNA because she had taken his blood (or seduced him depending on the fic!).
It's just endlessly interesting what he represents, he feels less like a real character to me and more like an icon. Something that embodies DB's OC culture and general fandom in a lot of ways, whether the fans would admit it or not, he's a mainstay in this fandom that won't go away. No matter how far removed we get from that era.
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And that's not even getting into the story he's attached to, or rather the concept. DRAGON BALL AF, After Future! Or perhaps it's April Fools? AF is never concrete. It could be anything and everything. It's far beyond what it originally was, beyond what the creator of that "SSj5" image intended. Hell, it's not SSj5 at all, it isn't even Goku! But as far as the fandom is concerned, that didn't really matter.
What had originally began as one fan story, one image really, eventually became something that would define basically any Post GT story line. A lot of them having similar elements with wildly differing execution, from Goku's third son to Cellbuuzer or any manner of unholy creations one could dream up in their heads.
I think to some degree everyone involved in spreading the idea around knew it wasn't "real" but there's something insanely cool about how it became this big community fan project with ideas anyone could use in their own stories.
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I honestly can't speak to the quality of AF Origins cause I've never read it myself but Toyble and Jiji's AF Doujinshis are probably the most well known versions of the story aside from maybe PGV's take, but I can't speak on that either cause it's insanely long and it's lore is.. complicated to put it lightly.
Toyble's version of the story takes the Xicor premise and runs whole hog with it, the majority of Xicor's agreed upon characterization is found here and the action is a damn fun read if you're into this kinda thing.
The real highlight is probably the art and what little bits of humor are present, it feels very Toriyama like at it's best and I've no doubt it's why he landed a job doing official work.
It's a darn shame that it never truly finished but the ending we did get was kinda sweet and I'm more than happy with that.
Jiji's AF is a lot longer and has the benefit of actually being finished, with multiple arcs that are quite fun. The highlight is probably the story with Marble and seeing Goten, Trunks and Uub handle a threat on their own.
The last arc being a repeat of the Shadow Dragons is not my favorite conceptually and their designs even less so but it's really nifty to see everyone handle their own Dragon so, I give it a pass.
Both are rife with heavy amounts of ripping shots from the original manga and tracing in some instances but I can't say I'm too bothered by it. As they're still fun to see as real takes on AF in some form. There's definitely better fan manga out there but these are the ones I wanted to highlight.
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There's so many more fun and bizarre things from this era of DB's fandom history that I wanna highlight and go in depth on but I'd be here for a million years if I did so I'll leave on this:
I honestly believe there's no fandom that's like Dragon Ball's, Sonic's fandom is close, but that was never a dead franchise. This fandom can be annoying, offensive and quite unfun sometimes, but I adore it at it's best. It's a wildly interesting ride I'm happy to be part of!
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anger-ey · 1 year
NSR AMA FILE 2 (part 1)
How did you find your voice talents? In Malaysia the usual pattern is to go to a voice recording studio and have them find an actor for you, but they wanted to open opportunities so they on facebook, twitter, etc.
Differences between English and Japanese VA? According to Daim, the biggest difference is the Japanese VAs are punctual (though Su Ling was very punctual). Japanese VAs are also super professional. Ayane Sakura (Mayday's VA) finished the recording by 8 PM on the dot, every single line done. Steven and Su Ling helped coach less experienced VAs as well.
Did the game Jet Set Radio influence NSR's game design? Not so much as just the style of it. It's hard to draw the line between what affects game design and game experience. One of the ones that count is the grafitti that starts showing up the more you progress in the game.
Can Neon J dance? Yes, he is actually a dancer. He was in the Navy but his true passion has always been dancing. In the 1010 fight, what they wanted to do on the final phase was him dancing on the factory as well, so the factory is mocapped by him. Unfortunately due to limited resources they couldn't afford to include that. If you beat 1010 and talk to Kayane again she will say that Neon J is the best, so she actually saw him dance.
What do you look for in a concept artist? A good concept artist must be able to problem solve for what the story and the game needs. Good basics and a sense of lighting. A concept artist must understand what the final result looks like, so the art is also a communication tool not just for art's sake.
What do you look in a musician/music associate? Hazmer wanted Falk on board not just for good sense of rhythm and music, but also technical know-hows. The music isn't just for soundtrack, but the experience must fit the music and vice versa. Having a musician that understands looping and dynamism was the key.
What is the nature behind DK's shadow puppet powers? Is it passed down in the family? Does Zuke have it too? It might have (Daim doesn't want to lock the lore in) been a family thing, so Zuke might have it too. But what they wanted to do in the game is to showcase how despite the two brothers going different paths, they both dabble in percussions (Zuke drums, DK West handclaps). There is a hint of similarity in their craft. The idea to make DK Zuke's brother came from a staff member a few months into the production, previously he was just supposed to be some random guy who came and left.
Is Neon J added in the midst of 1010's development? Neon J and 1010 were both designed way later than the other bosses. So no, 1010's boy band concept was the idea since the beginnning, it's just that they took a while to finalize. There was a sequence in early development where you had to platform up towards the factory while fighting 1010/NJ. Compared to other NSR artists, 1010 was a mix of a lot of ideas from many people in the studio, which also means that many of their themes were added in later including their army theming. Their development is a reflection of manufactured boy bands, the studio members are like the manufacturers of the characters.
Yinu's animation style is different from the rest of the 2D commercial segments. Was this on purpose? Yinu and DJSS's commercials were originally done by someone else (Jerry?) before LZBros came and did the rest.
Any favorite OCs? There's so many… but they were very touched when seeing the end product of the Citizens of Vinyl City project. The fact that they were able to inspire OCs at all is extremely humbling and they didn't think it would have this much impact.
Why is the 1010 stage a moving limo? When Hazmer was thinking about NSR before they even started, he listened to music and tried to imagine what the action stages would be like. Somehow a moving platform is always what comes to mind. Then someone brought up "what if we had all the stages in different directions", e.g. DJSS goes in a circle, Yinu moves upwards, etc. The 1010 stage was troublesome to work with since the side buildings was hard to work with and caused some motion sickness, even within the team. They referred to Uncharted 2 for the tech, a mobius/figure 8 effect where the environment only changes depending on how much progress the players make. There was supposed to be a cutscene where you ride the helicopter to bring B2J to drop them on a moving car in 1010 approach.
How do you feel about speedrunners? Do you prefer glitchless runs or the glitchiest possible run? Early on when discussing the features of the game, they did take into account speedrunners. Haz thinks speedrunners add a flavor into game design and he wanted to tackle the demographic. To be honest glitches cause them a lot of stress (because they have to patch them) but they are also fun to see.
Will we ever get animated shorts? LZBROS WHERE ARE THE ANIMATED SHORTS- (Daim: would be nice lol)
Which NSR character was Ellie's favorite to design/draw? Sayu (very fast answer, but apparently Ellie just really likes drawing mermaids) and Eve.
What is Neon J/DJSS/Mama's real name? Neon J has no real name (they never gave him one). DJSS does presumably have a real name but he insists to be addressed by his stage name. Yinu's mama also has no canon name.
Will there be a sequel? When the opportunity arises! They're definitely considering it, but they also want to explore new grounds.
How did you get the themes for the bosses? They came up with the concept before drawing the characters. Sayu had an interesting story because Ellie designed her like a schoolgirl bunny rabbit, but later Daim realized Ellie likes mermaids so they switched courses. The direction also helped set Sayu apart from Hatsune Miku.
Less obvious symbolisms in the boss designs? Yinu's mama has yellow pupils because Yinu is her life. As the battle progresses, her pupils disappear to symbolize that she's lost sight of what she loves. Hence at the end, her pupils come back to show that she has regained her humanity. Sayu's arena represents going deeper not just into the ocean, but also into geek culture and the deep web.
During the game auditions, it says everything in the world follow music. Is this only for Vinyl City or for the world? It refers more to the game design itself, not the lore.
Was Yinu's father an NSR artist? No.
Do the 1010 members have their own personalities, memories, and ways to express themselves? Personalities and expression is covered in the previous AMA but they do have personal memories.
The game mentions that Eve was the first NSR artist, in what order did the other bosses join NSR? If they had to guess, Eve and 1010 were the original members. Neon J is like the Soundwave to Tatiana's Megatron. They don't know about the rest because it's not actually locked in.
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lordjimp · 1 year
8 15 and 29 for any!
I actual havnt shown any of my OCs yet, so I didn't expect any one to ask. Oh the horror, now I'm forced to talk about my OCs what a terrible fate!/s
Ok so here is Grelock Moorelis, for the first time seeing the light of day!
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[somewhat outated concept art. Grelock is the one standing to the left, the other is Lethe @fooling04's OC]
29. General description
Grelock, named after the main antagonist of Grognak the barbarian, is an eccentric young woman (she/her). She was raised by her equally eccentric adoptive ghoul uncle Moorelis, the original writer of ‘Grognak the barbarian’ (before he got sacked). They somewhat recently (Fo4 timeline) have migrated from the west and taken an impermanent occupation in Goodneighbour. By nature, like Moorelis, she's a scavenger. Grelock wears plenty of pouches and satchels to stow things away. Her uncle used to cherish his long back length hair, and somewhat lives through her by insisting Grelock keeps it long despite the inconvenience of the wasteland. And she always keeps her hair in two tight braids, courtesy of Moorelis.
8. Do they like robots?
Growing up, she’d seen the bigotry towards ghouls through her uncle. Not just ghouls, but anything that isn't human. A particularly traumatizing event; a group of muscle tracked her and her uncle down when she was a kid and gave moorelis the smack down just for walking through a place ‘he wasn’t supposed to be’. because of that she's someone that's most always going to align more with non-humans. 
But, beyond that; robots are sick! a whole being- a person! Made of bolts and doo-hickies, so cool. And so much easier to relate to? she can't quite put her finger on it, but robots are just easier to talk to.  
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(she to mirroring people)
15. What are thier vices?
Grelock has a very strange and inconsistent moral compass. She has her own paranoid moral rule set that mostly keeps her in check. eg; Theft is only wrong if she's seen somebody use it or talk about needing it- otherwise it's cool. She has a difficult time telling right from wrong. And generally let things slide with a friend because they are friends (this includes maybe cold blooded murder lol). The only thing that is definitively bad in her mind is cannibalism. she wouldn't resort to it even if she was on the very edge of starvation.
She'd never ever touch chems. Moorelis beat that into her head pretty early on; drugs r bad!! She's paranoid that somehow the moment she’d even think about taking a hit, her uncle would receive a psychic message from god and disown her. Although, she doesn't really care when other people are users, it's super just-her-thing.
Final tid bits, tends to vandalize and blow things up. says it's her 'art'. Grelock doesn't drink often because it's expensive (any expense is expensive to her lol), but when she does there is no moderation- she cannot control herself. Alcohol also makes her create more ‘art’. 
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(scared straight, before its too late. i thought of that dining table cat meme when i drew this lul)
Thank you for letting me talk about my OCs.
And thank YOU for reading until the end.
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magnuficent76 · 1 year
Poppy lily and daisy, for Luis, Kibby n Riva'lke (You can pick and choose if you want but I meant like, if you want, you can answer the same three questions for all characters! Up to you tho)
[Referencing this ! ]
Thank you so much for the ask !! Got a lil carried away, but I wanted to answer these so bad audhsjf
Poppy- How is your oc around strangers ?
Luis: ASTOUNDINGLY indifferent. It's actually kind of impressive how much he is just completely himself, for better or for worse. Generally he's polite enough to not like, be a COMPLETE nightmare to deal with, but he's also extremely blunt and overly honest so if you ask him things he might be rude about it.
Kibby: Kibby is super friendly to everything and everyone ! She's very silly and loves making friends, but this is also her greatest detriment because she's also pretty naive. You could tell this kid anything she'd believe you. But otherwise, she loves people and will walk up to anyone to try and befriend them any way she can, and thats why...
Riva'lke: ...Rivie is always nearby watching. As a whole she is not a big fan of people, especially not mortals, but since Kibby has to learn to be a scary demon somehow, ey will tolerate them. Expect a lot of scary looks and judgemental staring.
Lily- What is your oc's love language ?
Luis: Acts of service, gift giving and verbal affection/words of affirmation. He isn't much of a touchy person with people, even to those he doesn't mind touch him, so often times his love comes across with gifts, advice, help and just overall support. He could use a hug though
Kibby: PHYSICAL TOUCH !! Hugs !! Affection !! Pets !!! Affectionate tackling !! Kibby is fully nonverbal, so her way to show love is almost always with touch !
Riva'lke: if you asked Riva'lke a few eons ago what ne's love language was, ne would've probably blown you away and said "Puh love is for fools etc", but ever since Kibby got assigned to her ? Words of affirmation, 100%. Kibby doesn't talk and can't sign well, so half the time Rivie has to do the talking, and as a result she's learned to be a lot... softer with her words. Maybe for Kibby's sake, maybe because it was always how she wanted to show love, but either way, she doesn't mind it.
Daisy- What inspired you to create your oc ?
For all my ocs, my process is fairly similar- I get absorbed w/ an idea, I develop an initial conception, then I throw a hundred sketches at a wall until it works, which is how I got Kibby and Rivie ! But for Luis it's a little different.
He wasn't my oc initially, belonging to one of my very close friends, but unfortunately he isn't in this realm anymore, so I figured the best way to honour him would be through character developing you know ? Story telling was important for him, big passion and all, and I wanted to let that passion live on :]
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milekael · 3 months
YOU ALREADY KNOW!!! 2, 15, and 37 for any oc >:3c and B for you!!
OUGH answering with Laurel & Olive because Venture is already well known FGHJK 2- It kind of depends. To get a hearty laugh out of Laurel is HARD, but it doesn't mean he has a hard time finding things amusing or even funny, is just that his mannerisms are very subdued, so he would mostly smile and make some remark, at most he would snork a bit.
For Olive she is easier to make laugh in general! Is just... there is a lot in her mind at the beginning of the story, so joking with her can very quickly do a left turn and leave her more bothered than before... However when she starts to calm down she is very lively! Most times is a small, chest-y laughter!
15- Oh boy they are 100% opposites on this. Laurel mostly keeps to himself and his thoughts so he can have full internal monologues and then he says something out of nowhere and you get 0 on how he got to that conclusion (Unless someone asks him). That said he is not very good with interactions or charismatic, in part because he thinks too much and starts to get anxious when there isn't really a right way to respond to a person.
Olive on the other hand is 0 filter 0 thoughts bullshit through life and you can charisma your way out of any situation. A bit of backstory but she used to be a journalist! So she in general knows how to talk to get things out of people...
37- The two are very organized at taking notes! Again, Olive is a journalist so she is used to taking notes as she hears them, and Laurel as a detective also makes a point on noting anything that feels relevant (And if not... well, he has Mathew as his assistant to write anything <3).
Laurel is better with keeping stuff in his brain and waiting to have some downtime to write it all out, while Olive takes notes on the run or she might get lost on a mind tangent sdfghj AND FOR MYSELF OUGH <3 B- Ough this is so much fun. SO all of the main Part 1 Street Cats OCs are actually characters from WC roleplay groups from 2015! I made a bunch of OCs for these groups but they eventually started to die and I felt bad my wiwis didn't have homes. THEN Around that time in 2016 I started playing Ace Attorney and god Phoenix and Miles gave me so much inspiration for Laurel (Which was like- one of my main roleplay OCs alongside Belen) and so as the groups started to die I just- wanted to do something similar with these OCs, I like mystery stuff dfghj
The original concept always was "Laurel is doing his job until out of nowhere Olive joins and the two go hater mode on each other and eventually evolves into romance" SDFGH But it was more centered in Laurel and it had very little to no plot, just vibes dfghj Then I forgot/canned it for a few years until in 2021... Oh, the infectious worm attached itself to my brain. I was reading A Lot of Royai fanfics and cool concepts but I was like "Damn, I want more exploration of these themes just- in a way I have more control AKA me having OCs" and then I remembered WAIT I DO. These two fit sooo well those ideas I wanted to explore and as I developed Olive more I grew obsessed with her. I love feral insane women <3
Funny enough, I wouldn't call Laurel and Olive super Royai adjacent in terms of character :thinking: They are still very similar to how they were back in 2016, just... more and better SDFGHJ I just knew how to write them better this time around.
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grapecaseschoices · 9 months
Speaking of lala, can we get some facts about her too if you want to share only of course, if not its fine as well. I would love to know more about them. 💗💗
I feel bad cluttering ur inbox, so if it's annoying pls lmk, I'm really a nosy bitch, so I'm always super curious about people's ocs especially ones that are super interesting. 😭
I'm the same anon who asked for the Lloyd and Hayden facts asks before,ive been enjoying reading facts about ur ocs, u always develop them so well!
I was wondering if you used any sort of character sheet to keep track of ur oc/develop them. For me, my ocs just rotate in my mind like doner kebab meat in that metal pole thing that spins lmao, idk what it's called in english. 😭😂
Ooh I had another question. Would you ever consider writing your own IF if you had the chance to. I genuinely think that your characters and story would be so interesting.😊
Speaking of lala, can we get some facts about her too if you want to share only of course, if not its fine as well. I would love to know more about them. 💗💗
Lala! Yay~ I feel I talk about them the least so thanks for the opportunity to ramble!
I originally played Lala in Blooming Panic. They were a Bloomic MC and they were -- I don't want to say STEADIER but in a sense, I think they're more mature? I struggled with their beats as well but the more I play them Infamous/talk about them the clearer it becomes. I think Infamous!Lala is more -- not reckless per se, it isn't exactly indifference .... But it is very, It is My Life. It is less >[ then Kendis, Less 'Mx. Independent' by Kelly Clarkson and Destiny Child [both songs] and more the Bon Jovi song [energy than all the lyrics, but chorus definitely]
They and Orion definitely butt heads [some of the best options for them ig come off a touch brusquer than Lala would be but best believe they went straight back to sleep when he was speaking to them qwwewqe]. Orion is so on, he has an agenda and a direction for the band -- he wants the BEST for them and there is a way to do that. And Lala is like, yeaaaah -- chill. They're gonna nap if they want, they're gonna do the drugs if they want. Relax.
That said, Lala is very loyal and very -- not distracted? Like in the sense that they aren't going to let the drama keep them unfocused [which is probably why come off very ambitious, even if I wouldn't traditionally peg them as that. The way I would for Hiyam --- or even Alana or BJ]. They're also confident. So even though they're very much the wondering wanderlust character, the dryly sarcastic adrenaline junkie -- there IS sense of responsibility and discipline to them [for lack of better words]
Infamous Lala is they/them [but that might change to she/they later on].
Lala really is so unbothered of all my five -- probably of the majority of my characters. I think it is rather because they are straight forward/it is what is kind of person. They're both a [goth] hippie and sensible. Low-energy but driven for the fun. So if it's not fun and stresses you out, don't it now and do it when you're ready.
Some quotes that explain the vibe:
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I think the better way to say it is that Lala is [mostly] at harmony with themselves and thus that tends to influence how they react to things.
That said, August flusters them. It is so funny to me. I don't know WHY yet. I thought would be flat effect chill verses teasing chill but THEY'RE the one flustering THEM. Not a LOT but still [even Xyx didn't fluster them qwe]. Maybe because August is The Big Chill.
They play the harmonica LMAQWEWA
I feel I have mentioned that Lala loves cats. Part of the initial concepts for Infamous!Lala was that she stops to pspssp at strange cats. She will stop a concert or walking to somewheere important for a cat. Nothing is more important than a cat.,
Lala loves to eat. They're unapologetically fat and love to eat. I wanted a character like that.
Lala has a lot of smol tatts. Like a smiley face on their pointer finger, something on their wrist. That kinda vibe. Their on-stage look is very dark, goth/rock star, witchy vixen kinda look. [Hello Stevie Nicks? LMAO. It's dark and folky] and though they do love their black, and can def be their Partying look, but Lala is also the type of person to go to the corner market in their super large sandals and sweats and messy hair.
They're the type of musician that gets on their knees, sways with tthe mike, caresses the mike stand, wte -- some people call it 'being sexy' but that's just lala [and some of their songs are Very Sexy, so.
I feel bad cluttering ur inbox, so if it's annoying pls lmk, I'm really a nosy bitch, so I'm always super curious about people's ocs especially ones that are super interesting. 😭 I'm the same anon who asked for the Lloyd and Hayden facts asks before,ive been enjoying reading facts about ur ocs, u always develop them so well!
You're not even close to cluttering?? HAHA. It is so flattering [and I can't judge because I am the same? I too have nosy bitch-itis. And I love seeing people's processes and stuff. Sometimes I be stalking random people's art/commissions qqwered and feel like such a weirdo]. I hope one day I get to meet yours [if you comfortable ofc!!!]
Sides, you're super good for my ego. If I don't answer something it is because 1- I wanted to say something and wait til I was more awake .... then I forgot 2 -I wanted to wait and gather my thoughts and give a proper response .... then I forgot 3- I was tired. Then I forgot. 4- I still don't know what to say even weeks later. 5- I am no longer brain rotting a character/group of characters and want to wait to give the response it's; due.
As you can see I am very forgetful. WhiIe I do get overwhelmeed easily, I see that as a me thing and will never say no to people being so flattering [well on the internet, in person it's different qwerw]!! And you are VERY flattering. Ty <3
I was wondering if you used any sort of character sheet to keep track of ur oc/develop them. For me, my ocs just rotate in my mind like doner kebab meat in that metal pole thing that spins lmao, idk what it's called in english. 😭😂
That's actually the best description ever because FACTS. Also, I'm half and half. It really depends on how frequent the author updates and how in depth the character gets. For characters that I am just shuffling around with or figuring out as I go, I rotate it. I tend to go witth rotating first. But as we see I forget shit - including my own ideas and lore - so as things expand I do write down some stuff. Not really a character sheet [though I HAVE done that, usually when developing] but like either a word dump or, usually, a list. I am a very type of stream of consciousness person, so there is a rambling flow no matter what. I tend to keep in gdocs [though apparently i should change that soon] and it's like either pre-established facts or details that I realized as I play. [like for a example Infamous: It would be Lala: 1. Gets along with parents. 2. Isn't a fate believing character 3. Genre, etc. vs Ori: 1. Hates his parents (then maybe elaboration), 2. Told Seven it's fate; etc.]
Ooh I had another question. Would you ever consider writing your own IF if you had the chance to. I genuinely think that your characters and story would be so interesting.😊
I have1 In all, I have four ideas-ish. Two on my own and two I created with other people. The last two have been on/are on pause because of life happens, and writing my partners have been busy. The two I have on my own, one is much bigger than my current capabilities and the other might become a linear story should I ever find the motivation:
The first is a sort au for Haiti that is very vaguely influenced by what I know about Kings [a show that has been on my to watch list forever] and highly influenced by my obsession with Intrigue. I
The second is -- sorta like dropout actually [in the theme of the story of 'failing to meet expectations'] but modern fantasy. The characters are in their 30s and I think I was influenced by the internets thought that if you arent making it at 22, youre a failure [and romance novel I read mc was like 29/30 and was already GirlBoss and I was like ....... ]
Another is fuck cop dramas, maybe fire fighters but with a mystery-- I guess arguably, for a comparsion bc I love comparsion, it was like that show they cancelled in Fox? With Malcolm Bright. Except not. It's the aesthetics vibe. Sorta w23ew /so helpful
The third would be a detective [LIKE A DETECTIVE AND NOT THE POLICE] but urban fantasy. It is darker than twc but definitely inspired by welp what if MC wasnt a cop.
You didn't exactly ask, but I figured you wouldn't mind details -- and I have been thinking of them lately so ;-P
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erythristicbones · 1 year
✍️ and 💪?
I'm gonna add commentary to this for funsies. Thank you for the ask!!
✍: Top 5 Hardest to Draw/Write OCs
1. The Grimm
While she isn't the hardest to write, oh my GOD is she hard for me to draw. I went through so many different concepts for her and even now, I'm not 100% happy with her current look. I've just accepted it's the closest I can get to what I imagine with my current skill level. And hoo boy did it take me ages to fuckin forever to draw her the 2 times I've done so so far 🤣
2. Novlayne
The opposite of the Grimm- Nova isn't supremely difficult to draw, but to write? I'm gonna have to do half of IOTA's chapters from her POV and it's already proving immensely difficult in the bare bones outline currently. How am I supposed to write from the POV of a serial killer trying very hard to convince everyone she's not a serial killer?? Trying to nail down her writing voice is decidedly Not Fun At All
3. Bronwyn
Bronnie is only mildly difficult to write, cause she's a lot more suave and confident than I am. Doable, but I second-guess her dialogue more than anything. Also, I will openly admit that I struggle heavily with drawing more feminine characters and especially so with chests/boobs. Bronnie is definitely a project in learning how to overcome those hang-ups- given her two designs are "very femme with visible cleavage" and "very masc, still with visible cleavage". Ma'am you're so attractive and I like your looks, but I cannot do you justice at this point in time
4. Astrid (and/or Ambrose)
Astrid has the above problems (more feminine appearance) paired with having a lot of little details to said outfit. Dresses are hard to draw �� While I adore the themes I've got going with her outfit, goddamn does any art with her have half a billion layers to make it all come together nicely. Also, I forget which brushes I use for certain features on top of that lmao
Ambrose has the same difficulty problems as his sister, but to a lesser extent cause I'm a pro at drawing pants. All of my ocs would wear pants if I stayed within my comfort zone
5. Declan
Now this asshole.....she's a very weird case. Cause, yeah, I created her as her own separate character once upon a time before her debut as TOTLR's villain. The problem is that TOTLR is very heavily based upon the abuse I went through as a child and Declan became...a LOT like my abusive mother to fit that narrative. I love Declan as a character, but sometimes writing her can send me spiraling down emotionally bc she triggers my PTSD still
💪: Top 5 Easiest to Draw/Write OCs
1. Kirsen
KIRS MY BELOVED <3 Kirsen is, quite literally, the easiest OC I've ever had to write for. She's a lot like both myself and the person I want to be. Writing her comes as naturally to me as breathing.
2. Cassandra
While Cass' personality isn't actually all that similar to mine, she does have the exact same trauma I do. That's my best guess as to why writing her just flows from me like water? Idk man, some of my favorite things I've ever written have been about Cass and she's very near and dear to me
3. Josephine
My most traumatized kiddo gets the gift of being both easy for me to draw AND write!! Very simple designs that I can usually manage w/o using any of her references at all. She's also so damn interesting to write for that I just can't seem to stop, despite her not even being the main villain of Momentum
4. Tyreen
No long explanation here, Ty just has a simple design. Only difficulty is that I keep forgetting her glasses 🤟😔
5. Natalie
Same as above, Nat's super easy to draw!
[original ask meme here]
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sea-and-storm · 5 years
* Here’s the redone version of Kjrn! Ignore the other profile going around!
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[FULL NAME]   Kjrn Fythe.
[PRONOUNCED]   Kee-ehrn Faiythe (rhymes with lithe).
[ALIASES]   None at present. At least, none to which she’ll answer.
[GENDER]   Female.
[AGE]  Somewhere in her 80s-90s, but appears approx. early to mid-thirties.
[NAMEDAY]   21st Sun of the Fourth Umbral Moon (8/21).
[RACE]   Rava Viera
[RELIGION]   Non-practicing.
[LANGUAGES]   Common, Dalmascan.
[ACCENT]   Icelandic, by real world standards.
[HANDEDNESS]   Ambidextrous.
[HAIR]   A mid-back length mess of loose brunette waves, generally pulled forward to drape over one shoulder. Soft and silky smooth, its care obviously involved much love and attention – and vanity.Touch at your own risk.
[EARS]   Short-furred, not overly long, and standing straight upright, with the same brown of her hair giving way into some white dappling towards their tips. 
[EYES]   Pale, rosy pink.
[COMPLEXION]   Medium tan with coppery undertones.
[HEIGHT]   6′2″ (before ears)  -  7′0″ (with ears)
[BUILD]   She’s neither muscle-rippling powerhouse nor dramatically curved bombshell, but equal enough between both to boast both a bit of shapeliness as well as being sturdier than one might expect.
[POSTURE]   Upright, cool, and cocksure are all good ways to put it.
[SCARS]   If she has any scars, she goes to great lengths to conceal them and she’s certainly not going to tell you about them.
[MARKINGS]   A set of three white markings almost always don her face, set in patterns of lines and dots. It��s an odd, almost tribal touch to a woman who for all else seems to rebuke her more traditional origins. She doesn’t seem wont to speak of their meaning.
[MANNER OF DRESS]   Kjrn is quite fond of nice clothing that shows off her wealth, and she has somewhat of a weakness for jewelry and gems. It’ll be a cold day in the seventh hell before you catch her willingly garbed in something drab or of low quality make.
[COMBAT CLASS]   Gunslinger.
[MELEE PROFICIENCY]   None  |  Low  |  Intermediate  |  High  |  Masterful
[RANGED PROFICIENCY]   None  |  Low  |  Intermediate  |  High  |  Masterful
[MAGICAL PROFICIENCY]   None  |  Low  |  Intermediate  |  High  |  Masterful
[HEALING PROFICIENCY]   None  |  Low  |  Intermediate  |  High  |  Masterful
[ATTRIBUTES] - - -  STRENGTH:   11 (+0) - - -  DEXTERITY:    15 (+2) - - -  CONSTITUTION:   11 (+0) - - -  INTELLIGENCE:   15 (+2) - - -  WISDOM:   13 (+1) - - -  CHARISMA:   14 (+2)
[WEAPONRY]  A 6-shot pepperbox revolver (mid range), single shot rifle (long range), and a thin-bladed estoc (close range) as a final line of defense.
[ARMOR]  Usually not terribly much. She prefers not to be weighed down, so if she’s going to wear armor, it’s usually in the form of leathers.
[COMBAT STRENGTHS]   Excellent aim. Fights well at mid- to long distances. Quick on her feet, both physically and mentally. Resourceful.
[COMBAT WEAKNESSES]  Struggles in close quarters or when in need of a reload. Not the strongest or most durable, physically. Particularly sensitive to magical effects cast upon her;  too much aetheric exposure, even of the positive variety, may trigger a brief berserk state until the excess aether is expended and exhaustion takes over.
[HOMELAND]   Good luck finding out, because she’s not telling.
[PARENTS]   Mjra Fythe (mother)  -  Father Unknown.
[SIBLINGS]   Aela Fythe (younger sister)
[CLAN ROLE]   Huntress, tracker.
[CLAN STATUS]   Exiled.
[REASON(S) FOR LEAVING]   Kjrn left her homeland not once but twice, and that’s about as much detail as she will willingly impart on anyone without at least a fair few rounds being bought for her first.
[PAST RESIDENCE]   Dalmasca.
[PAST OCCUPATION]   Magitek salvager.
[PAST AFFILIATION]   Dalmascan Resistance.
[PAST FINANCIAL STATUS]   Moderate, comfortable.
[PAST RELATIONSHIPS]   Pria Atoel, wife - deceased.
[PAST FRIENDSHIPS]  A number of friends and allies from the Resistance, as well as other Dalmascan citizens. (Open to background connections!)
[REASON(S) FOR LEAVING]   Left Dalmasca and set herself to wandering aimlessly once her wife, Pria, had passed.
[RESIDENCE]   The open skies aboard her own small airship, the Fortuneseeker.
[OCCUPATION]   Some would define her lack of qualms about taking anything that isn’t nailed down (and some thing that are, with enough effort) as piracy or flat-out thievery. Kjrn prefers to call herself a simple treasure hunter and merchant of myriad miscellanea.
[AFFILIATIONS]   None actively, but still sympathetic to the Dalmascan Resistance and occasionally will send a bit of extra coin or goods their way through old contacts.
[FINANCIAL STATUS]   Well-off, or that’s what she’d like you to believe. Even when the money isn’t so good, she certainly won’t let on as if she’s broke.
[SOCIAL STATUS]   Hasn’t really stuck around in one place long enough in recent history to establish any roots, but there’s a few places that she may or may not be wanted by local authorities.
[RELATIONSHIP STATUS]   Widowed, shows little interest in courting anyone.
[PRESENT FRIENDSHIPS]   Keeps in touch with a few people from her Resistance days, but not many that she could call a close friend. (Open to connections!)
[VICES]   You can readily find Kjrn drinking, smoking, and even occasionally indulging in some drug use. But her worst vice of all is gambling. She can hardly turn down a good game of chance, especially when there’s betting involved.
[GENDER IDENTITY]   Cisgender Female.
[ROMANTIC ORIENTATION]  Demi-homoromantic.
[EMOTIONAL ROLE]   Submissive  |  Dominant  |  Switch  |  Unsure
[RELATIONSHIP TENDENCIES]   Her biggest tendency is to just not get herself into a relationship, period. Relationships are like anchors that weigh her down from the skies she’s come to love most of all. 
[LOVE LANGUAGE]  Kjrn isn’t much of a verbal lover. She’ll drop an ‘I love you’ every now and then, but her love speaks through things like lavish gifts and pampering.
[SEXUAL ROLE]   Submissive  |  Dominant  |  Switch  |  Unsure
[LIBIDO]   Average. She’s not bereft of want, nor is ruled by base physical needs.
[ATTRACTED TO]   Confidence. Wittiness. Ability to hold a good conversation. Thrillseekers. Fellow lovers of the skies. Physical attractiveness. Money.
[TURN OFFS]   Shyness. Indecisiveness. Clinginess. Jealousy. Lack of intelligence. Anyone afraid of heights.
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between / Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
TREASURE HUNTER Kjrn presently makes her living by delving into ruins, tombs, and other such places most folk have no business wandering into in search of anything she might turn a profit on. Want some company on a good ol’ dungeon delving? Or your character responds to a posting she’s made seeking assistance? 
SKY PIRATE Annnd sometimes when the more legally palatable treasure hunting jobs are lacking, Kjrn may or may not turn to a bit of piracy to fill the gaps. She’s targeted everything from small Garlean crafts to merchant vessels, usually trying to avoid violence where she can. Maybe your character was on one of these vessels, or has come to seek one of the bounties placed upon her for said crimes? Or maybe – just maybe – your character is interested in signing on with her?
CAPTAIN OF THE FORTUNESEEKER As mentioned before, Kjrn owns her own small airship by the name of the Fortuneseeker. She claims the title of captain upon her, with a crew of about ten (NPCs) underneath her. Maybe you’re looking to sign onto the crew? Or maybe you just have a more temporary need for someone with an airship to ferry yourself or any goods – legal or otherwise – from one place to the next? The sky’s the limit!
MERCHANT OF MYRIAD MISCELLANEA Naturally, after a victorious venture in dungeoneering or plundering, Kjrn will usually come out of it with a number of items in need of off-loading. She has a particular eye for anything shiny and beautiful like gems and jewelry, but she’s also been known to come back with anything from weapons to magical items to sell to whomsoever is inclined to pay good coin. Come buy something shiny from her!
DALMASCAN RESISTANCE AFFILIATE Kjrn and her wife, Pria, were once fairly respected members of the Resistance, salvaging Garlean magitek to refit and use against them when all was said and done. However, after the former’s passing, Kjrn stepped down from her active position in the Resistance to take on a more auxiliary role by helping support it financially. She still maintains connections to the Resistance to this day, and some still haven’t given up the hope that she might eventually return to the fight.
GAMBLING ADDICT Kjrn’s vice of choice would be a good drink, some good company, and a good game of cards. Or dice. Or anything, really, so long as there are stakes involved. It’s a pretty general and basic hook, but hey! It works!
GOT OTHER IDEAS? Maybe you’ve read through this profile and something other idea than these hooks has sparked your muse? If so, let me know! This isn’t an exhaustive list of hooks, so I’d be excited to hear your ideas!
[ OOC ]
[CALL ME]   Jali, Ghoa, Kjrn.. Anything but weird overly familiar petnames! (She/her)
[I AM…]    A 27-year-old woman who works a full time job and plays multiple tabletop games as well as playing FFXIV, so my schedule can be kinda all over the place. I also love cats and really bad puns and writing drabbles that make people’s hearts hurt.
[AVAILABILITY]    Most weekday evenings from 5PM - 10PM Central. Weekends, pretty much whenever. Not available most Wednesdays, and some Thursdays/Saturdays due to various D&D games! Also please note that Kjrn is an alt character. Meaning I won’t be available for RP on her 24/7! Please be sure you’re okay with this before reaching out!
[IN GAME NAME]   Crafty Corsair.
[SERVER]  Balmung (Crystal), but willing to world-visit for RP!
[PREFERRED RP METHODS]   Discord has quickly become my #1 RP platform because I can post even when I’m busy with something else or when I’m having a slow day at work. I can also do in-game RP, usually so long as we work out a day/time in advance! Sometimes I can do impromptu RP requests, but not often!
RP of any sort with real-life minors. Sorry, I just don’t feel comfortable writing with anyone under eighteen!
Characters that are minors ICly are tentatively fine, but I will absolutely not RP any romantic, sexual, mature, dark, or otherwise questionable themes with such a character;  and likewise, I will not RP with anyone whose minor character engages in this sort of RP with others, either.
Fetishistic characters, i.e. “f*ta”, “tr*p”, etc. Actual transgender, agender, genderfluid, etc. characters are 100% fine, but if your character is written not as a fleshed out person but as thinly veiled ERP-bait, I’m not interested.
OOC Romance or possessiveness or clinginess. Just… don’t. I don’t want to date you. I don’t want to sext with you. I don’t want to be up your butt 24/7, and I sure as hell don’t want you up mine. RP partners with reasonable personal space boundaries only need apply, please!
ERP-heavy/only connections.  I’m not opposed to sexual RP coming up, but I ask that it not be the goal of every single or even a good deal of the RP we do. To be entirely honest, I much prefer fade-to-black as opposed to writing out such scenes, anyway. Please respect this! Pressuring for ERP is immediate grounds for ceasing all RP and potentially all contact entirely.
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cosmohause · 2 years
✧ PINNED INTRODUCTIONS POST✧ ―――――――――― Howdy! You can call me any of the following: Cosmo, Kripke, Glacier, Gun, etc. Please use these interchangeably when talking to me or about me please! 24, gay queer, trans man he/him, howl/howls prns. Australian. Artist, sometimes animator, sometimes writer.
Please note that I am autistic + adhd, dyslexic and generally mentally ill (paranoia, UDD + de-personalization/de-realization, memory issues). Questioning OSDD, saving for a psych visit about this, even if I may be wrong what I experience is very real for me. Fakeclaimers go get a job!
Ask box open! Art requests for EXISTING media characters from a media is open!
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
Read my Fics @ AO3: [CLICK HERE]
Majority of social media I am listed as "cosmohause"!
friend me on steam @ thelastgunfighter !
DISCORD: cosmohause - Please only DM for commission purposes only! You're ofc free to friend request; just no dms unless commission related.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
NOTE: I Do not tag scars of any kind. As someone with scars from all origins I find it disgusting to try and cover myself or my characters. Blood and fresh wounds will always be censored however. Do not ask me to censor or tag scarring.
Quick QnA: This is tumblr specific but you can read my full FAQ: here
Q: Can I tag your art as kin/id/me? A: Of course! I'm very fictokin friendly! Even when it comes to my ocs I find it actually super cool people feel comfortable enough to kin my characters :33!! just don't claim them to be your creation, or make your own kinoc based on my OC, etc. Q: Can I repost your art? A: I much rather you didn't. However, if sending to friends to gush and admire I require full credits (like "Art by cosmohause", a link to my tumblr or carrd). Q: Can I use your art as a profile picture/icon/banner/discord emoji? A: Yes! But! Please credit me somewhere either in bio, a mention of it, etc. However, I rather those listed on my DNI (proship/comship, racists, anti-lgtbqia anti mogai, etc, or other horrid people) to NOT use my work please! Ain’t hard to respect an artists wishes.
Q: Can I reference/trace your art? A: Tracing? No, even as a learning tool my art isn't that very good for learning from. Referencing? Eh sure! I don't own concepts but while not needed to but it’s appreciated if I was credited as a reference.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
DO NOT INTERACT, or use my art, IF: You are racist, xenophobic, alt-right, conservative, trump supporter/MAGA, anti-Free Palestine, a Nazi or generally antisemitic. You are a proshipper/comshipper, or think fiction content cannot have at least some form of impact in real life (it does), and/or a pedophile/“MAP”, zoophile, Or some other brand of freak like this please kay why es /srs.
Endogenic "system"*, a Tulpa, think you can be a system without trauma, or generally ableist and reality-checky, as well as anti-kin, anti-therian, etc. (*Note! Even if you do use "endo" I will not fakeclaim you! As I personally do not know you, I cannot dictate if what you experience is true or false, etc. Just if you use this label i personally you rather didn't interact just due to the amount of sour interacts I had with endos, tulpas and whatever the fuck else)
Homophobic, transphobic, biphobic, panphobic, general LGTBQIA-phobic, against xenogenders, against neopronouns, anti-MOGAI, and against MSPEC people, she/her gays, he/him lesbians, etc etc. split attraction exists and shouldn’t stop at ace/aro people who’re still gay, lesbian, bi, etc. I will not debate this. Go fight real monsters who try to invade our communities (pedos, rapists, zoos)
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frogmentarii · 4 years
Haaaa ok so I am doing this cause i saw @fallout-lou-begas steal it from @tarberrymentats and they both looked like they were havin hella fun so i am commandeering this for my own purposes. So lucky for yall its Emi time (art by the dearest @yesjejunus because yall need to see more of her work)
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A) Why are you excited about this character?
Because she's an older woman (57) that breaks a lot of moulds and I love to see it. Aside from just enjoying older characters, Emi isn't a sweet old lady and she isn't here to try and mother anyone. Her drives are entirely her own and while she prioratizes herself and her sister before anyone else, its not always due to complete selfishness and just due to growing up in the wastes (I try to keep her character true to a fend for yourself setting as possible). I think Ill go into detail in another question with this, but I went through a lot of concepts and personalities for Emi before settling on someone who was seasoned and very much a product of the wastes. I think after seeing a lot of other couriers I finally figured out what I wanted to do differently, and that sort of helped guide her to become what she is today.
B) What inspired you to create them?
I think my last line there sort of short answers this. I wanted someone different from the other couriers I saw, and wanted to make one that was distinct or even juxtaposed against some tropes. She's a woman in her late 50s that doesnt try and play mom/granny to the companions, she very much has no stake in what happens to the Mojave, she doesnt care about Benny or that he shot her in the head (such is life in the Mojave, but she did have a job to complete so ripperoni him), and a lot of her motivations are selfish or exist to benefit her sister. She doesnt act 'old' in the fact that she isn't a wise caring soul or a grumpy old man, but rather her age is shown through her experience, and this also shapes her personality. She's never had to formally 'grow up' so she can come off as immature and irritating for her own entertainment, but she doesn't have youthful ignorance for how the world works. She knows how to be responsible but she doesnt have to act like it outwardly, even with her Tragic Caregiver Backstory.
C) Did you have trouble figuring out where they fit in their own story?
To a large degree in the beginning, yes, and to specific degrees now, also yes. Writing in general isnt my strong point though I did know what I wanted for her. The main image is there but the details are funky, and Ive been slowly hammering those out as I work along with her and Camila's stories. There's been some huge changes along the way that help push both of them towards an ending I like and that fits them, and even if it takes forever and I never actually write a fic, I'll be happy when she finally feels completed in New Vegas.
Aside from that, she kind of fits in anywhere in regards to AUs. My friend @yesjejunus and I have probably like 40000 fucking aus for our OCs and all of them feel just as organic and their canon stories.
D) Have they always had the same physical appearance, or have you had to edit how they look?
So I know I have an 'original concept Emilia' art on here where she looked like Laura Croft and had aviators but that wasnt even her first concept. I had originally wanted to make a petite southern belle type from Louisiana who used a shot gun and had a mean streak, but as I kept playing with concepts Emi really started to lean other places. Another huge change was her personality. Even when her concept got settled as a sniper from Mexico, she was suppose to be an early 30s caravan guard who was way too sure of herself. While there are reminents of that concept still in her, she has a lot more experience in the wastes and in think-on-your-feet situations to back up her attitude. Another thing she required was dropping her "take me seriously" personality with more goofy "i do what i want cause why not" traits.
E) Are they someone you would get along with? Would they get along with you?
Emi can get along with anyone at a surface level, for a small while, if it will benefit her or she wants to pass time. She really doesn't have interest in folks who arent interesting or beneficial in some way. Since I don't really offer her much, and am a bit of a wet bag, she might yank my chain for her own funsies or she'd have no interest.
And while I did indeed give Emi my go with the flow attitude, I think I wouldn't be able to keep up with her. Emi is very fast paced and doesnt necessarily have regard for those she decides to pick up as drinking buddies for the night. Def dont trust her with my life, and knowing the shit she gets into I'd def want to steer clear of it....like a trainwreck its much better to watch her from a safe distance, lol.
F) What do you feel when you think of your OC (pride, excitement, frustration, etc)?
A lot of affection from a meta standpoint? I've worked with Emi and Cam a lot since creating them, and they've def come a long way since their original concepts. I wouldn't say their story is quite where I want it yet, but I am quite happy with it overall.
That, and Ive met so many awesome writers along the way with Emi. Not all of my friends have posted fic but the amount of world building and having our characters interact and talking OCs ive done with them has placed both Emi and their OCs in a special place for me. Sure her having her own story is fun but I much more prefer the bonds Ive created with people over OCs and I think thats a bit more of a cherished component to character creation for me.
G) What trait of theirs bothers you the most?
Literally? That she likes to be irritating if she feels she can get away with it (or even if she cant). Actually? That she has a very "I shelter you and feed you therefore I make the rules, period." stance on how she takes care of her charge. She lets a lot of shit slide with Camila but things get very Rapunzel-esque at times.
H) What trait do you admire most?
How sure of herself she is. Even if its to a fault, she trusts herself and her judgements. That sort of confidence is something I strive to have haha.
To a lesser degree, and more of a meta point I wanted to make with her, just...her appearance I suppose? To me she's attractive, but she also has a lot of traits that aren't conventionally attractive and that's played a lot into how Ive wanted her to be. Again she's 57 years old. She has age to her body, her skin wrinkles and droops, her tits sag, she has the body of someone who uses chems, and yet despite her age and breaking of beauty standards ive made it a point to show that she is desired or thought of as attractive in non fetish specific circumstances. She herself, while aro, also still has an active sex drive and I really wanted this to be a backseat part of her character, as I feel like fandom in general shafts older women in this department (this also goes for a lot of her non 'old lady' traits I give her too). She still has sexual needs and is still very much sexually active, and she is still found to be a regular sort of attractive and is desired by those she gets involved with.
J) Did you have to manipulate or exclude canon factors to allow them to create their character?
Yes? Ish, to a degree. I didnt have to but I wanted to. I also did a lot of headcanoning with post Mexico for her early life which, afaik is free real estate for lore/nothing super detailed has been given in canon.
Given that she and Camila both shape their stories as individuals, I did have to split up some canon elements to follow two seperate characters, but other than that I really just had to make sure Emilia's story wasnt "boring" in the fact that she again, has no real stake in what happens to Vegas/the Mojave.
I) Do you prefer to keep them in their canon universe?
Cackles in 'which au will I obsess with today'
For the most part yes, however I love placing her in new things or different stories. She may be 'my courier' but really shes just the frog granny that goes into whatever au I am feeling at the time.
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siren-virus · 3 years
Hey there, another ask that isn't about Luckyboy!AU (don't worry, I have some questions for another day XD), would you mind telling us a bit about your OCs? I noticed there are more than one. Also it doesn't matter if you give almost no info about them since it's perfectly possible that you only though on their looks and nothing else, heavens know that that has happened to me before XD
Goodness me there's so much I can say about my OC's. They're more than their looks! In fact their looks keep changing (this is the curse of always wanting to change ur style and getting bored on your concepts)
I'll go through only 2 stories for now, cause I got a few.
SWUP and Flee (working title)
(Gecko and Intergalactic Fugitives are another 2- There's also a concept I play around with called Space thief, but it's nothing serious)
(this might be a long one ;;;) Also lucky you, you get to see my old hideous art!
To begin with we have SWUP. Super Warrior Unicorn Princess. The main character, Vicky has been through a few design changes and a few personality changes too haha ;;
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What I have set in stone for her was she was abducted by aliens turned into a "unicorn" (in this story unicorns and dragons are two different alien species- cause I like unicorns and dragons. that's literally the only reason lol.) Dumped back on earth and told she would be taken to their planet in 30 days to protect their planet. Hence the warrior part of her name.
I only just finalised a human version of her - the OG look per say.
Her design inspiration was from Legend of Korra- cause I love the buff women!
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James is another character- I cannot design him for the life of me. Originally he was supposed to be a love interest/sidekick. Than I realised I could make my characters gay. So yeah. He was going to be Cactus boy. Cause unicorns have sharp horns- and cactus's are sharp too. I was but a fetus when I came up with this! I'm almost considering booting him out completely, however.... his dad does play an important role to the story. So I dunno.
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Following up we have the actual love interest! Sara, She's kinda a new addition to the story, a sweet barista who pops up at the most inconvenient times with coffee. Cause as you can tell already, I love the coffee shop dynamic.
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Felidae, another victim, I mean unicorn. She's supposed to be like, the wise old man character achetype to the story, but It's kinda in and out. She was originally designed to be school aged, but I thought it'd be more interesting to have a 48 year wine aunt character. She was also a model.
So basically SWUP is coffee shop + action super + aliens. The story is still very much developing and always changing.
Next up is Flee (working title) I had this concept going for 5 years now And I still can't think of a better name.
The only reason it's called Flee is because the main characters were fleeing from a nasty village.
Basically the idea is about a post apocalyptic wasteland inhabited by humans and mutants(?) just animal people i guess. A nuclear explosion went off a couple hundred years ago, wiping out most of the population. Think Mad Max vibes (even tho i've never watched the movies ;;;)
The few humans/mutants that do exist live in caves (for the mutants- they hide from the humans cause humans hunt them for food and sport) And the humans live in villages. But there are also humans who live in Domes. These Domes are cities, only the rich could live in them. They were built before the nuclear downfall.
Anyways the main trio. I'm a huge sucker for the found family dynamic.
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Leo, a bearded vulture-like mutant, his og goal was to fly out and look for water for his cave colony. Unfortunately he ran into an annoying human. I keep playing with the idea that he was shot down by hunters. But I dunno. I mean it's probably the only way he'd stay grounded- badumptsss
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Tristian, the said, annoying human. A happy go lucky, optimistic kid. Originally I designed him as an adult, buuut nah, I wanted Tristian to be like a little brother to Leo. He lived in the Dome his whole life, but escaped because he wanted to explore the outside. Turns out it's a lot more dangerous than anticipated. So Leo has to take him back.
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Robin, the feral gremlin child. She's vengeful beast of a kid, living in an isolated cabin with her parents. Tristian and Leo ran into her accidentally. She's like baby sister. Another annoying child to drag back to the Dome for Leo.
Anyways that's those lot done. I had to be brief because like I said, there;s a lot i have to say.
I hope you could read that, cause I certainly can't!
Art @siren-virus
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paragons-saga · 4 years
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Got completely gobsmacked with nostalgia for my early days on the internet.
Back sometime around 1998 in the days that fandoms revolved around webrings and social media wasn't even close to being a thing, Nintendo did this thing after the release of Yoshi's Story on the N64 where you could hatch and raise a yoshi as a virtual pet on a website they hosted. While I was into this, I found out people would draw yoshis and made ocs out of them and had this nifty little community. I was particularly drawn to one artist (who I still follow to this day, widely known as Luna). Between this and the Metroid stuff I was finding on the MDb, this was how I found out that other people did things like draw art and write stories about their favorite shows or games or whatever like I did.
Now, I was never a widely known member of the Yoshi community.. sort of a quiet fringe groupie that absolutely lived for seeing characters like Markior and Luna and Vaporshi and @iliekgold's Meoshi (like holy shit the amazing Pokemon-Yoshi hybrids were amaaaaazing). I printed off SO MANY pictures. To the chagrin of my mother and grandmother.
My first Yoshi oc was called Yoshita, who was a black yoshi with blonde hair, but wasn't terribly interesting. I learned a lot about coloring and drawing by looking at the art shared in that little group, and around the same time, I'd started developing my Zelda fanart and building on it, which led to the ~50 page comic I posted about recently. Tincora was already built off of a concept I'd created previously (one of my first attempts at original fiction), and so I just took her.. and turned her into a Yoshi. And that's how I came up with Silverheart.
I've never been really super involved in any fandom group. I tend to keep to myself, and admire others and maybe geek a little bit and draw fanart of other fans' works because that generally makes me happier than anything. Making fan characters isn't a sin. Never has been. And I've made friends that have made an indelible mark on my heart that, even if we don't talk anymore, I remember them fondly.
(@iliekgold is literally my oldest internet friend that I still talk to. She's not that active on Tumblr, but we do check in on each other from time to time. ♡ We met as goofy teenagers in like 2000.)
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kurokoros · 7 years
hi!!! i love your writing so much especially berserk! it so weird and cool to think you basically wrote a book in 6 months- that's goals tbh. you're goals tbh. um for the ask writing meme, can you answer all even numbers + 53 with berserk as the story if that isn't too much??? if you don't want to do all that may you please do #30-54 even (+53). sorry if thats too much its just all the questions are super good!!! i hope you have/had a lovely day!!
2. Favorite part of writing.
The world building! God, I love world building so much. I try to make each universe distinct and playing around with locations/language/history is always super fun! I really want each universe to be memorable in its own right, something that really stands out to people!
4. Do you have writing habits or rituals?
Not really? I guess the only thing that comes to mind is that I always write out the dialogue for a chapter before doing anything else.
6. Favorite character you ever created.
I don’t do a lot of OCs, but I actually really adore everyone I created in Berserk, so you can expect Magi and Katya to be coming back at some point!
8. Favorite trope to write.
I don’t think I have a favorite tbh!
10. Pick a writer to co-write a book with and tell us what you’d write about.
Concept: @not-just-any-fangirl and I get together and write an fantasy/erotica novel.  
12. How do you deal with self-doubts?
Take a break and read fics for a while, then kick myself in the ass and throw myself into writing something more upbeat. 
14. What’s the most research you ever put into a book?
I guess Berserk with the languages? tbh I don’t do too much research for fics, considering a lot of it is stuff that’s coming directly from me.
16. Where do you take your motivation from?
Anything and everything! A lot of it is feedback from readers that keeps me going, but sometimes I see something so inspiring that I just have to write about it.
18. What’s your revision or rewriting process like?
I usually don’t do revisions until I’ve completed something, that way I know exactly what I need to change. With Berserk, I have to do a lot of revising to the beginning because of a timeline change and adding in things I forgot to include earlier on.
20. Post a snippet of a WIP you’re working on.
“Witches,” Lucy explains, answering Porlyusica’s question, “aregenerally more versatile Mythics.” She glares down at Flare, who sneers back. “Peopleare more likely to hire us because we’re better known and more reliable.” Flarescoffs and Lucy arches a brow, smile a bit too sweet as she flicks her gazeaway from the irate redhead, focusing back on their professor. “We have betterreputations,” she continues, aware of Natsu watching her from the seat behindher. “Why hire a siren when a witch can do the job just as well, but withoutthe added risk of drowning you in your bath tub?” she asks the class, hearingFlare hiss, the sound promising pain.
-witch!AU based on a lovely drawing by @constellunaa
22. How many drafts do you need until you’re satisfied and a project is ultimately done for you?
lmao what’s a draft
24. Poetry or prose, and why?
Prose. Poetry is the bane of my existence.
26. Standalone or series, and why?
Series! I love how much added character development comes with multiple books!
28. And who do you share them with?
I deleted the earlier question so I have no idea what this means???
30. Favorite line you’ve ever written.
Umm, probably any of the lines in Berserk where Natsu compares Lucy to gold. I can’t be bothered to search through to find them right now!
32. Easiest character to write.
Probably Natsu, honestly.
34. Handwritten notes or typed notes?
Typed unless I’m in class and don’t have my laptop.
36. A spoiler for Berserk.
The ending of arc 1 is going to leave people pissed and also excited.
38. Have you shared your outline of your story Berserk with someone? If so, what did they think of it?
I don’t share my outlines, but @not-just-any-fangirl knows what happens at the end of Berserk, and she seemed to like it lmao
40. Original Fiction or Fanfiction, and why?
Both! I mostly write fics, but all of them are original ideas, so it’s like, a fic only because of character names and descriptions sometimes. I do have some original stuff I plan to start soon, but first I need to outline them and meh
42. How do you figure out your characters looks, personality, etc.
I model it after the world around them. 
44. Best piece of feedback you’ve ever gotten.
I’ve been told a few times that my fics help cheer people up when they’re upset and that’s probably the best thing I could ever be told.
46. What would your story Berserk look like as a tv show or movie? 
It would probably be a darker TV show, probably similar to the tone of Game of Thrones, but without the unnecessarily added rape. Berserk is pretty serious most of the time, but with it’s lighter moments, so???
48. Favorite genre to write in.
Fantasy of all kinds, but I also adore crime AUs. I actually have plans for a White Collar AU at some point.
50. Weirdest story idea you’ve ever had.
The one where Natsu’s penis turned into an actual snake. That one was actually Maci’s fault because I was joking and she encouraged me.
52. How did writing change you?
I have friends and a passion now.
53. What does writing mean to you?
tbh everything. I wouldn’t know what to do with myself if I wasn’t writing.
54. Any writing advice you want to share?
Don’t give up if you love it, but know when you need to stop.
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