#even in its incomplete and janky state
taffywabbit · 10 months
i've been playing through the leaked N64 prototype build of Dinosaur Planet (that rareware game that got turned into Starfox Adventures on the gamecube later) over the past couple nights and i gotta say... i think people gave the gibberish alien voice acting in Adventure a bit more hate than it deserved? like don't get me wrong, it WAS hilariously awkward and impossible to take seriously, but i'd take that shit ANY day over having to listen to... a handful of british people doing the most inscrutable attempts at racist accents i've maybe EVER heard in a video game??? like holy FUCK it's bad y'all. in fact the entire chunk of the game in Swapstone Circle is pretty much fully unsalvageable. the music, the iconography, the way the NPCs talk and are dressed, the literal most basic tropes of the storyline itself in that area... good grief, it's no wonder that entire chunk of the game was cut from the final product. absolutely wild that anyone at Rare thought that shit was okay to include, even 20+ years ago
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wardogsong · 1 year
Faith is something that seemingly died between Frank's fingers but its corpus still clouds under his nails. Does he have an opinion about the work he's undertaken? Does he fear some nebulous judgement or is confident that he's doing the right thing, that maybe he is, in fact, on the side of the angels?
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inbox headcanons || always accepting
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SEEMINGLY is precisely the right word here. Frank's faith appears to be dead or abandoned or even just long-forgotten. This is a picture he paints whenever he's questioned on all the little habits and bits of knowledge that mark him as Catholic. There's almost always a cross and a Saint on the same chain that holds his and Maria's wedding bands. He recognizes and names the Saint days and their celebrations and has more than just a glancing knowledge of all those things taught to good boys and girls in catechism and First Communion prep. Why would it be otherwise, right? He's only an Italian from Bayside, Queens; brought up right in The Sacred Heart of Jesus.
And yet he tends to speak of these things in the past tense. Is he a Catholic? Once, he'll say. The old habits aren't anything current, he doesn't darken confessionals with his presence or go to mass or take the eucharist. Whether or not the man prays is it's own mystery. But it's the something grim in the air about him when he does gruffly and shortly answer those kinds of questions that suggests faith is a thing of the past for him.
And it is. And it isn't.
The thing about his understanding of faith is that it's a belief— a trusting, in someone or something not yet proven. You have faith your buddy's coming to your wedding from three states away when he says he will, despite the last minute invite and his notorious flakiness; even though you don't see him book the flights. He's gonna come through for YOU just because. You have faith in a Trojan pack of rubbers not to screw you and make you the 1% they fail when you're just trying to have a good time. What are even the odds? They say right there on the pack, 99% effective. They DO fail. Others. But you have faith it won't be YOU. At least enough faith to buy 'em and keep 'em handy.
You have faith— once upon a time, in a God you've been hearing about for as long as you can remember and whose world-saving death is enshrined all over your house and body, even though you've never met the guy.
And then you get deployed into actual combat. And all those hours and hours and days and weeks and months of training just don't prepare you for the REAL feeling of blood making your hands sticky as it dries way too quickly for the quantity thanks to the arid climate— and all the wiping on your uniform's not quite good enough to make the feeling go away and stop distracting you. You see men die. Enemy men and not. People you were JUST riding with in a janky old humvee that has now survived more wars than they have and you understand in a sudden split-second that this place you've come to could make anyone lose their minds. Even you.
And if you are Frank Castle, that is the moment when the great He makes himself known to you. You feel Him there with you like a brother's hand on your shoulder— BETTER, like a cloak that wraps around you and lessens the buzzing and the ringing of the chaos all around you, calming it all into something you could take a stroll right through and never get too much more than a scratch.
You feel His PEACE and you KNOW it is God— and once you KNOW, can it ever be called FAITH again?
Or is it a word too lacking and incomplete for the concrete thing that you have felt touch you with it's own hands and could never be doubted or questioned again?
You don't BELIEVE in God. You KNOW Him. He has touched you and you have seen his shadow.
Does he have an opinion about the work he's undertaken?
"What I do I just do. It's out of necessity."
"I think that the people I kill need killing."
"I think there's no good in the filth that I put down, that's what I think."
"I think that this world, it needs men that are willing to make the hard call."
"I hit 'em and they stay down. It's permanent. I make sure that they don't make it out on the street again. I take pride in that."
Frank's opinion is only too easily summarized in all that he tells Daredevil on that rooftop that he chains him to. One bad day is his motivation. What he also calls his moment of clarity. Here he is sharing space with one of New York City's heroes, but where was this guy when his family was getting gunned down and killed while trying to have a picnic in Central Park? Where were any of the oh so popular capes and costumes that have gotten so common that it feels like there's one for every corner of the city?
Frank assumes they were all doing what they're always appearing to do, walking old ladies across streets for publicity and boy scout badges, and occasionally doing the NYPD's job for them and rounding up petty criminals for another ride on the legal carousel that spits them back out a little too easily.
He thinks what's really needed is a soldier. Someone like him. Someone who will make that hard call and has the training to back it up. What does it mean for him biblically? He doesn't know but he's wondered plenty. God doesn't appear to be stopping him in any way that he can decipher. Was God involved in him getting out of that hospital bed that held him when they pulled his plug? Could He have sanctioned this?
Furthermore; could He have made him for this? He FEELS made for it. Not quite an avenging angel. Just a man blessed or cursed and tasked and let loose on the world. A plague.
Does he fear some nebulous judgement or is confident that he's doing the right thing, that maybe he is, in fact, on the side of the angels?
Frank doesn't fear Judgement Day at all. He's not in any particular rush to get there, but he's not afraid of it either. There's even some curiosity towards seeing for himself how his life is measured and weighed. He is VERY MUCH confident that he's doing the right thing though. He wouldn't be doing it without that self-assurance. One does not just lightly get their hands on enough military-grade weaponry to be considered a one-man army and go to war on home soil without that security. Does he think himself on the side of the angels? Maybe. Too many people forget that there were angelic armies— that angels carry swords and can be warriors. They too can wreak havoc and destruction when commanded to.
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moritzsexdream · 4 years
Simply because it’s 4:30 am and I hate myself I’m gonna list some of my favorite crygi fics I’ve read on ao3
This is not a definite list I’m certainly forgetting some and I accidentally deleted some bookmarks I had on ao3 so There are some I’m for sure forgetting (also I’m listing mostly multi chapters because it’s what I like the most)
- an eye for an eye, a nose for a heart (I think that’s the name) by LeeSophia
I found it because it was the work with the most hits at the time and I love high school au’s and this one was great, I read a lot of high school au’s but this one stood out for me
- girl in red + world in red by Pulp_Reality
College au’s are also my thing and I’ve also read a LOT of them and this one is like my baby I love how all the characters are developed + the appreciation for Harry styles in it which I certainly did not expect
- holes of your heart by CampyGlampy
YES regency au with one of the sweetest endings I’ve ever seen it’s all so sweet really you can really feel for the characters and idk it’s just the sweetest thing ever you have to read it to see what I’m talking about
- What It Feels Like by rayedictator
This one is not finished yet and it also has very few chapters out so far BUT it’s so captivating already and all the characters have so much layers to them already also the mid 2000s vibe is immaculate
- sun and love have six things in common by silvervelour
This one is mostly Jankie but it has crygi in it and it’s a fucking masterpiece. The writing is one of the best I’ve ever seen ever and it’s really worth it to check out (also the one shots in the same universe are so good too)
- Don’t You Want To See These Clothes On Me by theartificialluci
Again this one isn’t finished but oh my god??? So good peak writing as well (but still very different from sun and love have six things in common) it hasn’t been updated in a while and it sort of left on a cliffhanger but it’s so worth it you won’t believe it
- The Party Goes With You by Abbdabb
This one has only one chapter left but it hasn’t been updated for like 2 months now so idk but the whole thing is amazing I have found I really like fics in which Crystal has a boyfriend but falls in love with Gigi so she dumps him which is oddly specific but so far I think this is my favorite of this genre (although most of which I read are fantastic) and it’s also very well written too (a pattern in this list because this fandom does not lack good writing)
- golden by ggigigoode
Another high school au but this one is a lot shorter and it’s very different from the other one, I love it so much it has one of my favorite crygi first kisses of all times I think and I’ve reread it more than once
- Crystal Fell In Love With The Radio Star by crossyourfingers
Another very creative premise and it develops super well, the author has stated that they’re having a hard time updating but it’s still worth it, all the characters have so much depth and it really gives that feeling that you need to know more about them asap
Now a shoutout to some crygi fics that I’ve read on ao3 that have been deleted for some reason but I was so invested I got really sad it was deleted (most of these I don’t know the name of the author and some I don’t even know the actual name I’m sorry)
- the one where Gigi was in an arranged marriage with Crystal’s brother and he was named Jett
JESUS this one was amazing and I can’t believe it was deleted (I’m sure the author had their reasons but it was deleted at a very big cliffhanger and I loved that fic so much I just wanted to reread it even if it was incomplete)
This one was a church camp au where crystal was a raging lesbian and Gigi was the preacher’s daughter and it was so good I loved to see their dynamic develop and Gigi’s inner struggles with internalized homophobia and oh my god it was so well written I can’t believe we lost this gem
- The one that was kinda inspired by Vanya and Sissy from season 2 of Umbrella Academy
This one had SO MUCH POTENTIAL it took one of my favorite things about Umbrella Academy s2 and made it crygi which I love, I was hoping to see it go further but it was deleted at an early stage so I couldn’t see it :(
- the writing on the arm soulmate au where crystal wrote “fuck Gigi Goode” on her arm and it opened the link
It only had one chapter but I was already so invested and I just wanted to see how it would play out yk when I saw it was deleted I almost cried (I’ve been having a not so great time in my life)
Anyway that’s it its 5am now there are a lot of crygi fics that I’ve read that I loved they’re just not on this list because I probably forgot so yeah take care wear your masks
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