#everyone select your roles in this ginormous crew!
Why did nobody tell me about the real life Gol D. Roger???
Olivier Levasseur "The Buzzard" (1680s - 1730) was a French pirate known for his wit and ferocious attacks. He originally was a privateer for France during the Spanish Succession, but turned to piracy when the war ended.
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After working with a pirate named Benjamin Hornigold, he captained his own crew. One time, he actually attacked a slave ship from Angola, leaving the crew to die but taking the about 240 slaves and putting them on an island off the coast of Macae.
Levasseur lost a lot of his crew to the Portuguese authority and then about 80 more and his ship in a big storm in an attempt to find a wealthy merchant. He escaped, and plundered from a ship full of cassava flour to feed what was left of his crew.
He found old friends, was named captain again, and then discovered the Portuguese galleon Nossa Senhora do Cabo, one of if not the most prized capture ever made by pirates in the golden age of sail.
This ship was full of treasure, and Levasseur sorted it out within the crew, giving even the lowest ranking pirate £50,000 worth of treasure. It is said that Levasseur got the most treasure, equal to over £1 billion.
Levasseur was eventually captured in Madagascar, and hanged. Before he was executed, he grabbed his necklace and threw it to the crowd, saying "Find my treasure, the one who may interpret it!"
On the necklace were lines of code. Although the code was eventually translated into plain, no one could figure out the message.
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Oda confirmed that Gol D. Roger is indeed based on this man.
One Piece fans should unite to create a crew so vast so that we can find the real One Piece!
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