polaroidcats · 5 months
when you get this ask you have to you could perhaps maybe bless us with 5 of ur fav songs (currently or of all time), and then send this ask to 5 of your moots who you think have good taste!
hiii omg thank u for sending me this I feel very honored!! I'll do 5 songs that were faves at some point in my life and that I still love, to have a little bit of a throwback just for fun bc I was feeling nostalgic earlier and listened to my teenage throwback playlist:
a friend of mine very legally downloaded the song (definitely not via limewire) and I listened to it approximately 2747583992 times on my mp3 player when I was 12 and made it my entire personality for a while, I still love it
I was a big system of a down fan, esp as a teenager, and there are so many of their songs I still love but this has always been a fave!
honestly such an underappreciated green day song, it's so fucking good!!!!
a guy i had a crush on when i was 13 had his msn name set as "~°*tHe oFfsPriNg*°~" or sth similar to that, the crush never turned into anything more than hours of msn chats about school and life and music but the offspring stayed one of my all time fav bands all throughout my teenage years
you didn't think I could make a song list without mentioning at least 1 fall out boy song did you?
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goodboylupin · 1 year
🍬💕!!! Thank you for organizing this fest!! <3 <3 <3
you're welcome! thanks for taking part
I give my great big box of candy hearts a shake…
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I open it up to pull one out for @everythingbutcoldfire and see the inscription…
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broomsticks · 1 year
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@everythingbutcoldfire your blog! your blog! aroace resource HEAVEN. i have no idea where you find these posts, but holy shit so much of them are #relatable, and even those that are not give me such an intriguing perspective on a different human experience… it is immensely cool and so very interesting to have my beliefs and assumptions challenged like that! i love it! not to mention all the wonderful sensitivity reading and reassurance you gave me on my attempt at one... all the gratitude. thank you, you lovely gem of a human being <3
ok firstly. i love any and all reclists, and this demisexual wolfstar reclist especially!! what an idea :)
ace lesbians ace lesbians!! With A Girl Like You • dorlene • 2k, T. every emotional beat of this — the admiration, the hesitation, the questioning, the resolution — was perfect!
🎶all i want for vday is an aroace friend date🎵 Cherry-coloured Funk • wolfstar • 4k, T. lady and the tramp!!! this fic is extremely cool and so are youuuu
spACE WOLFSTAR ha ha ha • Far Above the World • wolfstar • 6k, T • forgive the bad pun but this was SUCH a unique fic all around! the worldbuilding!!! breathtaking
big feelings in missing moments These Days • wolfstar • 3k, T. grimmauld place settings are always such a mood, and love how you managed to work in a bit of demiro/oblivious remus/remadora in here too!
the only important holiday in february is effie’s birthday, i’m adopting this as canon immediately! Valentine's Day • 3k, T. yk i LOVE how incomplete this story is. there’s fear and hesitation and worry and so much internalized everything and that’s real and lovely it’s just one moment, of one story, and that really makes it the most accurate representation of life i’ve ever seen bc what else is life but a series of neverending Moments?
for an explanation of why i just wrote you a whole ~thing~, check out this post & the ‘mutuals march’ tag below!
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mblematic · 5 months
current things tag!! thanks for the tag @fatemy-friend
three ships: wolfstar obvi, pynch is the same ship in a different font so not sure if that counts?? and then griddlehark (yum, but, ouch, ouch, ouch 💔💔💔) and then lately it's uhh sincaraz hehe sorry to my rpf-hating moots
last song: I've had Red Wine Supernova on re-fucking-peat
last movie: just watched Poor Things in theaters!!! LOVED IT, highly recommend
currently reading: Hello, Beautiful and I'm really liking it so far
currently watching: the Australian Open, and looking around for my next TV show ...
currently consuming: hot chocolate :)
currently craving: desperately need to go to a club and scream-sing something from my teenage years.....
tagging: @broomsticks @tahtahfornow @billsfangearring @maybebabyplease @pancakehouse @colgatebluemintygel @everythingbutcoldfire @blackberry-sunset @femme--de--lettres @munacy @popyandshit @a-fiery-fox :))
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ziezie13 · 2 years
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Happy Fanfiction Writers Appreciation Day!!!! Renegade Bindery has organized an event for the occasion, encouraging fans to gift bound copies to some well deserving authors. I decided to do a four part anthology for the event so that I could include as many authors as possible. The anthology, titled Sex, Love, and Rock ‘n Roll, features some of my favorite aspec wolfstar stories that I have collected over the years. These stories mean a lot to me and I’m so happy that I am able to give this gift to the authors that wrote them!
MIDNIGHT RADIO – @everythingbutcoldfire​ Sirius is an actor in his late twenties. Enter Remus: the wardrobe supervisor and dresser for his new show. SEE BUT ONE MOON – Anynomous Black has been pining for the nerdy Barista, Remus Lupin, for three months, but can’t seem to get his attention. Remus, however, has noticed the over-excited law student, but isn’t interested in being a conquest of the week. When Remus starts listening to the Marauding Hour – a University radio programme, he finds himself enraptured by one of the DJs, and starts to crush on him – hard. Little does he know that Padfoot has known him all along, and is looking for something much more than a one-off. VALENTINE'S DAY – @everythingbutcoldfire​ Remus has never really grasped how some people feel very neutral about kissing. It had never been like him to snog random people at parties. Sirius, on the other hand, happens to be a prime example of that person. STRANGERS WHEN WE MEET – @everythingbutcoldfire​ Remus is biking to the movie theater and meets a hot stranger on a motorcycle at a piece of car friendly infrastructure. You’ll never guess who it is. THE LIGHT THAT BLINDS MY EYES – @aryastark-valarmorghulis​ Sirius is in love. Remus is too, he just doesn’t know it yet. In which Sirius is demi and pines a lot, Remus is oblivious, and they should move together as soon as possible. TALK TO ME – @everythingbutcoldfire​ A tale of pining in two parts: Remus, hopelessly in love with his roommate, has to take care of him when Sirius has a fever and is a bit delirious. Sirius walks in on Remus watching a video. Remus tells him something. Sirius realizes something about himself. TEENAGE WASTELAND – @ziezie13​ Sirius Black and his best friend, James Potter, are the coolest guys in school. Their pranks are legendary and their reign is undisputed. But with graduation fast approaching and James heading off to Princeton in the fall with his girlfriend, Lily Evans, Sirius wants to get in one more epic day of hijinks and fun before the real world comes crashing down around them. HAPPY – literary_lion Sirius Black is very confused. He doesn’t know why Remus has been avoiding him, he can’t understand why none of his romance-obsessed friends believe he doesn’t get crushes, and he’s not sure why James thinks the two problems are related. THE JOY OF NOT SEX – @wereflamingo​ Sirius is confused about sex and sets out to investigate. And if that investigation includes an awful lot of snogging with one Remus Lupin, what of it? The story of how ace Sirius got together with allo Remus, to great success, and had lots of asexy not-sex with him. FEEL SOMETHING – @lovingremus​ Remus has never really grasped how some people feel very neutral about kissing. It had never been like him to snog random people at parties. Sirius, on the other hand, happens to be a prime example of that person. O NO I HOPE I DON'T FALL – @everythingbutcoldfire​ Remus and Sirius are roommates in their late twenties. They’re on a weekend trip to see a T. Rex cover band and to rent a boat for shiggles. FEELING OF INADEQUACY – @xomarauders​ Sirius struggles with his sexuality and questions if he’s worthy of Remus’ love. FAR ABOVE THE WORLD – @everythingbutcoldfire​ After a climate change apocalypse has rendered Earth uninhabitable, sixteen-year-olds Sirius and Remus live aboard a starship on course to another solar system and a new home. COLOUR ME INSIDE OUT – Anonymous In spite of their fundamental differences, Sirius Black and Remus Lupin have a happy marriage. It’s open, and they have strict rules. Only one night, a stranger at a pub turns everything upside down, and now both are afraid with these new feelings, it means everything’s falling apart. Neither of them expect this outcome when James Potter enters their lives. THESE DAYS – @everythingbutcoldfire​ An evening at Grimmauld Place, thinking about feelings, memories, and missed chances. CHERRY-COLOURED FUNK – @everythingbutcoldfire​ Remus is feeling sad about Valentine’s Day. Sirius takes him on a fake date to show him the true meaning of romance. Or to deconstruct what romance even means. A little bit of both
In order to keep this post (relatively) short you can find my introduction to the anthology here which includes some ramblings on fanfiction, asexuality/aromaticism, and Wolfstar. If you are interested in the technical stuff I have everything bookbinding related here.
More photos under the cut.
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werewolfenthusiast · 7 days
My May Reads
The Lauras by Sara Taylor
It was interesting that this was almost a coming-of-age story for both mother and child simultaneously, and I appreciate the complete refusal to reveal Alex's birth sex. It was very explicitly a mother-child relationship and not a mother-daughter or mother-son dynamic and I liked that. Unfortunately I was kind of bored for most of it. I just didn't really care about the characters or really anything they were doing, and it was just very underwhelming. 2.5/5 Stars.
One Shots:
Our House by @everythingbutcoldfire
This was so lovely, they are genuinely the sweetest ever.
whelve by @mothlau
LESBIAN WOLFSTAR !! Remus is adorable in this.
Fate is giving us a hard time, but maybe Romance isn’t dead by @maliceofminds
I am pacing around in circles about lesbian wolfstar and cutesy teen romance.
what's mine is yours by @divinerapturee
A reread because I just am so desperate for cutesy domestic lesbian wolfstar
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wolfstarwarehouse · 4 months
Hi there!
I have lost a fic and was hoping you could help me find it. In the fic Sirius is in an accident and suffers from memory loss. Remus takes care of him, despite the fact that he and Sirius broke up before the accident (Sirius obviously does not know this). One really specific detail I remember was Remus gives Sirius a chocolate cupcake because he knows Sirius hates vanilla, but Sirius thinks it’s rude that Remus doesn’t ask. I am 90% sure I read it on ao3, but I can’t be sure.
Hello! Unfortunately, I'm at a loss with this one. If anyone else recognizes anon's fic, let me know!
edit: Thank you @everythingbutcoldfire!
Forget-Me-Not by halictus
For someone who just woke up with amnesia and a bad concussion, Remus Lupin isn't too dispirited. He'll get through it with the help of his friends, taking it one day at a time, as Sirius says. The only (other) problem? There's something important that he's forgetting.
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eyra · 4 months
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thanks for the tag @puuvillaa! this was fun.
I only write for hp/marauders now but in the past I've written for simon snow, the hobbit (idk) and, a long, long time ago, [redacted]
no pressure tagging @elder-millennial-trash @greyeyedmonster-18 @mayescapade @imsiriuslyreading @starstruck4moony @everythingbutcoldfire and anyone else who'd like to do it x
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polaroidcats · 2 months
T and U! :)
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending? 
already answered here!
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites.
ohhhhh okay this is hard!!!
Baz Pitch - The Simon Snow series
idk I just love Baz so much!! Tbf snowbaz is what made me get back into wolfstar last year so that might play a role in it, but I just love everything about Baz and want him to be happy!!
Carmilla - the Carmilla webseries
I recently got reminded of the carmilla webseries and that made me so nostalgic for that fandom, I loved being part of the carmilla fandom and Carmilla (from the webseries) will always be my favorite fictional vampire!! <33 I think part of it is also that hollstein was my first queer femslash ship (probably at the same time as Clexa though lmao rip) and I was LIVING for all the angst and drama of the carmilla webseries as it was airing, and Carmilla was just always such an iconic character in that series.
Matteo - Druck
Listen, I've rewatched Druck season 3 more times than I can count and Matteo is such a loser and an idiot and I love him so so much!
alphabet ask game!
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goodboylupin · 1 year
Hello! I'm working on my candy hearts fic (prompt: good job) but I'm not going to be able to finish it by the deadline. Sorry for the delay! I'll post it when I've finished it <3
okie dok, take your time!
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broomsticks · 2 years
Hi friend!! :) <3 1, 2, 20, and 31 for the ask game, if u want!
hello hello ❤️❤️!!
2. How do you spend your time when it comes to fanfiction? Are you primarily a fic reader, writer, or a perfect 50/50 split of both?
fic reader definitely. beta commenter reccer etc :) i had a pretty write-heavy june-july-august and that was fun, proving to myself that hey maybe i CAN do this thing(???) but i think i’m good for a bit!
20. What’s your favorite part about the fanfiction writing process?
participating in fests together with people!!! the group cry-screaming, the finishing, currently in one in the anon posting and screaming stage and it is everything, it is basically everything i want out of fandom, haha 💕
31. Of the characters you write for, which is your favorite? Has that choice been swayed at all by your followers/readers’ reactions to certain ones?
previously answered (peter pettigrew! for which THANK YOU for the beta ❤️❤️❤️), but second favorite: andromeda! my third most written character behind sirius and remus — which, without wolfstar bingo that would be so much less — for which @thistlecatfics gets all of the credit and all of the blame.
thank you for the ask!! 🥰❤️
fic writer ask game
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mblematic · 3 months
lil guy maker!
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ty for the tag @fruityindividual !! I do so love to make a lil guy :)) can never help myself around a pic crew
no pressure tagging @tahtahfornow @popyandshit @fatemy-friend @everythingbutcoldfire @pancakehouse @maybebabyplease @achillesankle
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ziezie13 · 1 month
rules: answer & tag ppl u want to connect w and get to know better
thank you for the tag @everythingbutcoldfire ♡ it's been a while
fav color: emerald green, it's such a rich beautiful color and it brings out my eyes
last song: where are you by jonghyun, it's a sing about being jealous of two cockroaches in love need I say more? Well I will, because there is a kazoo solo
last film: puss in boots the last wish, the story is fine but the animation is where it really shines
currently reading: the frugal wizard's handbook to surviving medieval england by brandon sanderson, just started so no opinion yet but I've been enjoying his secret project series
currently watching: just finished the second season of heartbreak high, absolutely loved it
currently craving: just saw photos of the barbour house designed by john marsh davis and I am absolutely drooling
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coffee or tea: can't stand coffee but I will have a nice cup of tea as a treat, my go tos are white, green, chamomile, and ginger
tagging: @brethilaki, @chubsthehamster, @unfuckablecryptid, @joradio as you wish
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spikybanana · 1 year
get to know me tag
thank you for the tags @lynxindisguise @wanderingdonut @twostarscolliding !!!<3<3
relationship status: necessarily single :)
favourite colour: the kind of purple on the underbellies of clouds
stuck in my head: temptation by heaven 17, not even the whole song, just the bit where it goes "[something something] temptation!!"
last song i listened to: high and dry by radiohead
3 favourite foods: man. anything that isn't the all in a pot stew I've been cobbling together. chocolate. rice. and uhhhh idk fried rice!! which is very unspecific haha I know, but like. there's no bad fried rice
last thing i googled: I'm sure it's something unhinged about the star wars universe but it was in incognito, and the first thing in my actual history says "naive bayes with sklearn" (what I asked my brain for: just a few hundred lines of code, with maybe a bit of divine intervention; what I got: 4k words on a new wip about space monks)
dream trip: a small-ish dream but I wanna walk the west highland way in scotland! some time before I graduate for sure
absolutely zero pressure tags, sorry if it's a repeat!!: @shipsgaysfordays @deadgayfurrywizardsinthe70s @pinklume @whywcd @everythingbutcoldfire @lilyflxwers @achilleslikespeas @coldnerdnacho
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demonbanisher · 1 month
rules: answer & tag ppl u want to connect w and get to know better
thank you for the tag @everythingbutcoldfire
fav color: Red. Especially love me a red and black combo
last song: Wildflower by Mel Bryant and the Mercy Makers
last film: Mrs. Congeniality - put it on the background while I was doing some art
currently reading: Between Perfect and Real by Ray Stoeve - it's taking me awhile cause it's giving me so many gender feelings
currently watching: SpyxFamily - this show is ridiculous but also incredible and I'm enjoying it so much
currently craving: Juice - I went on vacation and just got back last week and only had water for the whole week and not nearly enough because I forgot my water bottle and now I am thirsty for literally anything but water all the time
coffee or tea: Tea! Always surprised how controversial this is to that I, an adult, don't drink coffee. Love me a good orange pekoe or any other type of black tea or a good peppermint. Fun fact I learned recently that drinking green tea on sertraline is not good. Made me think of the story Green Tea by Le Fanu where a monkey screams at a guy every time he does something day and he thinks it's all the green teas fault
tagging: anyone who wants to join in!
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polaroidcats · 6 months
6 + 94! :)
6: Soul Meets Body by Death Cab for Cutie
94: Crystals by Of Monsters and Men
send me a number and I'll tell you the spotify wrapped song!
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