#evil morty season 7
bouncybongfairy · 5 months
I love your evil morty fics so much! Not alot of people write for him so I was really happy when I found your account haha
I was wondering if I could request an evil morty x reader fic where it takes place in s7 ep 5 (unmortricken)
reader and morty both work to make the planet their "home," killing aliens, taking crystals, bulding their house, etc (morty is mostly the brains though, we're just there as a sort of bodygaurd/we watch his back so he doesn't get surprise attacked by some alien)
and if possible could you add some smut before his force field gets compromised? preferably where he starts rough due to all the stress from fighting aliens all day then when he finishes its softer and fluffier
hope my request made sense haha, thank you so much! 💖
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Hard Feelings
Evil Morty x Fem Reader
Summary: After breaking through the central finite curve, Morty and you have been having some tension building up because of the stress. Things come to a head during a mission which leads rough words and hands exchange between the two of you.
Word Count: 3.0k+
(!Spoilers from Rick and Morty Season 7 EP 5!)
(!This fanfic contains rough and dark depictions of sexual content!)
Shout out to @kaionyx whose account I used as a reference. Not super familiar with.. all that kinda stuff, his blog really helped so, I'll give credit where it is due.
Shout out to the person who sent the request. Hope I did you concept justice.
Morty’s plans to break through the central finite curve were completed. Finally able to be in a dimension where Rick isn’t the smartest asshole in the galaxy. Even though he was free from the shackles of being at Rick’s disposal, he still seemed to try filling some unknown void. It was never your place to say but there were times where Morty’s morals were becoming less and less clear. You were still grateful that he brought you along. He could have left you in your original universe but he saw something in you that couldn’t be replaced. Right now you guys were in the middle of an adventure, trying to find a certain rare type of crystal that Morty wanted to try using to power the planet's force field. He still hasn’t been able to find a crystal that can sustain his tech longer than a couple hours. The mixture of stress of constantly crystal searching and the insecurity that was caused by not figuring out exactly how to fix the problem was eating away at him. If that wasn’t enough fuel to the fire, he also was dealing with his feelings of arrival fallacy. Despite your warnings that getting away from Rick wouldn’t just magically take away the trauma, he chose to die on that hill. At times you thought it caused him to resent you when he was in a grumpy or insecure mood. 
Right now the both of you were in the ship; following the target of a crystal score Morty was pursuing. The ride was silent, it was 29 hours into the mission and the both of you were sleep deprived. As you dissociated, your mind wandered to the events that occurred two days before. Morty was working on the plans for the current mission, sitting at their kitchen table. He’s built the bunker to look like an average home on earth in order to make you feel more comfortable. You were in the kitchen making dinner for the both of you. It may seem like stereotypical domestic bliss but you didn’t cook for Morty because you had to. Simple things like cooking or reading a book in the lazy boy that helped block out the horrors from adventures and missions. Everything was ready and you were making his plate when you heard him let out a deep breath from frustration. His face was bright red and was letting his head hang off the back of the chair. You set his plate on the table and came around and stood behind him. While you kissing the top of his head in order to comfort him, you noticed that he missed a step in the formula of an equation, 
“Look, you were supposed to subtract 0.836 before multiplying by the distance and speed,” you said. He pushed back his chair and led you into the living room before going back into the kitchen and started smashing his chair against the floor. 
You immediately ran back into the kitchen and asked him what the fuck he was doing. He completely ignored you and continued his rampage. It was pointless trying to stop him, he was too far gone in his frustration. Grabbing his blueprints to make sure they didn’t get ruined, in case he wanted them when he sobered up from his anger. By the time he was done, he was practically panting. He’d smashed all four chairs that had previously surrounded the dining room table. He pulled his shirt off and wiped the sweat off his face. Throwing his shirt over his shoulder, he ran his fingers through his hair to keep the damp strands off his face. He pulled the portal gun out of his waistband and opened a portal underneath the pile of broken wood and cushions. Letting it drop into an unknown location, so he didn’t have to clean it up. He grabbed the plate and kissed you before walking into the living room to watch tv on the couch while he ate. For a while you stood there, feeling confused and frozen. You’d seen Morty go crazy while hunting and stuff but never inside at home. 
“Come eat with me!” he called out, not in an aggressive way but that just made you even more confused. The fact that he was acting like nothing happened. You made yourself a plate and joined him on the couch, trying your best to appear unaffected by the event. 
“Were here,” Morty said, breaking you out of the dissociation. 
Following Morty as you exited the ship, carrying a gun in each hand. Looking out for any monsters and he was collecting crystals. It could be the lack of sleep but you could not stop thinking about his freak out. It bothered you that he wasn’t communicating his feelings to you. It also made you insecure about how he felt about you. Painfully obvious that he wasn’t happy with himself and as his girlfriend that has to be partly your fault right? Not to mention you were tired, running on literal injections of adrenaline. The fact that you both hadn’t had sex in a while like literally since he broke through the central finite curve. It just made you feel like he didn’t care anymore or that he had much more important things to do other than well… you. Bringing this up to Morty made you insecure, he rarely showed emotion even before all this shit. So it just felt like you’d be bothering him with something that is so juvenile compared to what he’s dealing with. 
“If you have something to say you should just say it.” Morty stated, as if he was in your mind as you were overthinking. 
“What are you talking about?” you asked flatly. 
“Do you think I can’t tell when you’re bothered by something?” he asked as they walked through the dense foliage. 
“Oh that’s rich,” you practically laughed. 
“Excuse me?” he asked. 
“Are you on fucking crack? You literally went completely feral when you were making the plans for today. Then acted like nothing happened at all, so it’s weird as hell that you’re projecting that shit on to me,” you said, shooting at a large cat-like species that was running towards the two of you. 
“All I said was that I could tell something is bothering you,” he said. 
“No you also said that if I had something to say then I should just say it. Just in actuality I can communicate my feelings in a mature way without smashing shit like a child,” you said.
“Oh yeah great notes, i’m glad you have so much free time on your hands that you can categorize what icks I give you,” he said flatly.
“Please, do me a favor and get your ego in check. We both know if you didn’t need me I wouldn’t be here. I have free time the same way you have your mental health under control and we both know neither of those things are true,” you said, now not masking the irritation in your tone. 
“For sure let me just check that out, last time I checked my ego is backed up by the fact that I can do anything. Should I dull down my ego and aww jeez myself asleep every night? My ego is the reason why we're here,” he said, you could tell he was getting more irritated. 
“Fuck you! Ugh you’re such a fucking dick some times, what the fuck is your problem?!” you screamed, stopping dead in your tracks.
“I'm sure you would love that but still have work to do,” he grumbled.
“Careful their buddy, the God complex you got from your fucking grandaddy is showing!” you said, throwing one of your guns at his back. He stood still for a while, rubbing the back of his neck. Even though he wasn’t facing you it was obvious that his anger was through the roof. He turned around and walked towards you in an aggressive manner. Due to your sleep deprivation and frustration you didn’t let your body language show any weakness like you normally would have. You had your arms crossed over your chest and a wide foot stance. The other gun still in your hand, he was now as close as he could be without being pressed against you. His eyebrows were furrowed and sweat dripped down his forehead. Red in the face and breathing heavily. 
“Am I supposed to be intimidated? Cower down? Beg and plead to stop fighting? You’re fucking crazy if you think I’d beg for shit! Fuck you for real like fuck you.” you hissed. 
“You want me to fuck you?” he asked as he backed you against a tree. You didn’t know what to say, you were mad but at the same time you’d be lying if you didn’t feel the sexual tension. When you didn’t respond he continued, 
“You said you wanted me to be more open about my feelings right? So let me take my feelings out on you right now, I'll show you exactly how I feel,” he said. 
You knew a deep red blush was painted over your cheeks. His eyes were glazed over and every time his breath hit your face, you could feel your cheeks prickle and tingle. He looked feral and had the same look in his eye from when he smashed the furniture. Part of you felt like this was a Catch 22; on one had been in a dry spell for two months and you were just about as sexually frustrated as someone could be. On the other hand, it kinda felt like giving into his advances would be a sign of you admitting defeat. Morty could tell you were weighing out the pros and cons of the situation. His hands began to wonder, running up and down your back. Goosebumps covered your skin as he did, you could control your facial expressions but couldn’t help how your body reacted to his touch. You managed to keep the same unaffected facial expression as he pushed his limits. Somehow he manages to take a step closer, pressing his groin against your crotch. Feeling how hard he was made your core burn and throb. He moved your hair and moved his lips so they were hovering over your ear before whispering,
“I want to build and destroy you over and over again,” he growled in ear.
You were losing the mental battle of maintaining your stubbornness. Giving into him would be admitting weakness and defeat in the mind games you were playing. There wasn’t anywhere to go, you were completely smashed against his body and the tree. He moved his mouth from the ear to your neck. He was breathing against your skin, rubbing his nose up and down. You held back a shiver, leaning over to the side in hope to give your skin a break from the sensitivity. Running his hand up your back, he gently tangles his hands in your hair. Slowly tightening his grip on the soft strands. Grabbing your gun he kills another animal that was running to attack. The loud crack of the weapon was similar to when the gun goes off in a race. You smash your lips against his, fully letting your body melt into his arms. He pulled away from your lips and sunk his teeth into your neck, hard enough to break skin. Squirming away from the burning and stinging but every time you did, he got more aggressive. Every once in a while you’d hear a couple of strands popping. 
“Is that why you’re being so difficult today? You wanted my attention, hmm?” he asked, his tone was ragged and low. 
“Holy fuck.. okay,” you half mumble half moan. 
“Can’t even hold a conversation because the only thing on your mind is being pounded, such a dumb little whore,” he said, pushing you down to the ground. 
It was a lot more aggressive than normal, ripping your shirt exposing your tits. His eyes were wide yet he still kept his eyebrows furrowed and angry. You went to reach for his belt but before you could reach it, he slapped your tit so hard it made you gasp. It’s not necessarily that you weren’t into how dominant he was being. It was making you nervous because this was the first time he wasn’t holding back. You could feel your body shivering in excitement and anticipation. Again you reach for his belt again and in return his palm and fingers smacked against your face. Whipping your body to the side due to the force and the fact that it was completely unexpected. You were laying on your back and before you could finish reacting to the slap, he was on top of you. Using his knees to pin down your things, his legs digging painfully into the muscles of your thigh. Pulling out a dagger from his waistband, it was long and curved kinda like a claw. Using it to cut a hole into your cargo pants, ripping at the fabric. The tip of the knife nicked you, taking in a sharp breath mixed with a gasp. Instinctually you got to sit up and investigate the wound. He pushed you back down into the dirt, a couple of sharp rocks digging into your back. Looking up and staring at him; the sun was beginning to set creating a glow of burnt orange and red illuminating his figure from behind. Now that it was starting to get dark, more creatures from the dense forest were waking up and getting hungry. Every once in a while using his laser gun to kill anything that gets too close. Eventually growing tired of the constant monitoring he puts up a force field. 
“Now: you can take my belt off,” he said, still gripping the blade menacingly.
At first, you were nervous to make any sudden movements. You sat back on your knees, the dirt and gravel on the ground was becoming increasingly bothersome. Slowly you reach up and start to undo his belt, he raises the knife up and starts gently grazing the sharp tip against your jaw. Your hands were shaking from adrenaline, excitement and a little fear. The belt was now fully undone, he was still looking down at you. His silence was making you nervous, you didn’t want to provoke him by doing or saying the wrong thing. After a couple moments of waiting for instruction, you become impatient and reach up again pulling his boxers down. He lets you expose him but then uses his other hand to grab you tightly by the jaw. 
“How dumb are you? What is it going to take for you to learn to do as you're told?” he spat, creating a small scratch on your cheek. 
“I’m sorry,” you cry out, becoming mentally exhausted. This was your 31st hour without sleep and it was starting to affect your patients. 
“Not yet,” he laughed. 
He flipped you over and immediately crawled on top of you. His exposed member pressing against you from behind. Your thoughts were becoming foggy, like you were intoxicated by your arousal and desire. Grabbing a fistful of hair, he pinned your head to the dirt. Every time you exhaled the dirt would fly up a little, like a plume of smoke. You were bucking your behind against him, trying to initiate some type of contact with your sexes. He took this as a sign of defiance, almost humoured that you thought you’d deserve his cock yet. 
“Did you really think you’d get your cunt touched without begging?” he growled. As soon as the words fell from his lips, fire and ice began running through your veins. You were accepting your fate, he was right and you were wrong. He was relishing in the fact that he was breaking you down piece by piece. After you had played a big game about essentially being immune to his mind games. 
“I’m sorry, okay. Please!” you cried out, trying to press your ass against him but couldn’t. He adjusted his position, his tip now pressed against your entrance. Using his head to spread your moisture around your lips and clit. 
“Being treated like this gets you off? Having to beg for it makes you this wet? I thought begging was beneath you, say it, that you’re too good to beg,” you were panting and drooling, part of you wanted to hang on to that stubbornness. That maybe your dignity could be somewhat salvaged, you stayed silent trying to figure out what to say; whether to give in or keep fighting back. He was getting irritated waiting for a response and began slapping his dick against your pussy. 
“Say. It.” He ordered with a low yet strong voice.
“I’m not t-too good to b-beg,” you whimper out, a tear of humility streamed down your face. 
“What? You sounded so sure earlier though.. Say it again, just so I know you’re serious,” he growled, running the blade down your back. As bruised as your ego was, you couldn't lie and say you weren’t equality as turned on. Part of you felt a little ashamed that you’re enjoying this level of domination and humiliation. 
“I’m not too good to beg you! J-just please I can’t-!” you practically shrieked, not being able to take the anticipation and teasing anymore. 
He then lined himself up and slid into you. You tighten yourself around him, fully enjoying the feeling of his throbbing member filling your needy hole. You’d learned your lesson and let him take the lead, using your body however he wanted. His hip bones were stabbing into your ass but you didn’t care. Being sexually frustrated for weeks mixed with being teased mentally and physically made you overly sensitive. Your walls were burning but from a mix of immense pleasure and slight pain from how fast the friction was. His body was fully pressed against yours, fucking you into the ground. Your head was between his elbows and forearms. The side of your head was fully pressed against the dirt, tears turning into mud and sticking to your face. His lips were pressed against your ear, groaning and whispering vulgar nothings. 
“I- can’t, please, it h-hurts,” your words came out garbled and hoarse. 
“You want me to stop? Can’t take it? That’s okay, just say so,” he groaned into your ear. It wasn’t like you were lying, you didn’t think you could take much more. You wanted more though, so you shut your mouth and continued enjoying being stretched. 
“That’s what I fucking thought, silly little cumslut,” he growled, pounding into you harder than you thought possible. 
The force field was beginning to fail, getting smaller and less protective. He pulls you up, putting you in doggie position. Your knees were being scrapped by the rocks and gravel. He spit on his dick as he continued pounding into you. Using the gun to kill creatures trying to break through the force field. Both of you were getting close, his thrusts were becoming more erratic. Feeling you pulse and tighten around you. The gun was getting hot due to rapid use, noticing this: he remembers when you threw it at him. So he pressed the hot barrel against your lower back, right where a tramp stamp normally would be placed. This intense pain combined with the pleasure and overstimulation was enough to send you into climax. Even though you were nearly passed out, you could tell he was cumming into you. It was like he cock pressed deep enough into your spasming cunt. As soon as you were done riding out the high, you passed out.
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nebelihood · 5 months
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Evil Morty protects Morty
ok canonically he wouldn't even bother dodging the bullet cause he has the shield but he looks epic (even though I'm just seeing he's off balance but oh well,,, little practice
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nevon1nonly · 2 months
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You’ve changed
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riicksanchez · 7 months
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icebear4president · 6 months
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Kids these days
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barnacleboy122 · 9 days
"I'm gay" "I'm straight" okay??? I made you??? I showed you infinity??? And what did you do with it??? Hang out with my grandson??? Raise echoes of my daughter??? What's your life without me??? Admit it??? You would've been me??? I just walked into your garage before you walked into mine??? But eventually you did??? You lived in my house???
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pondhue · 7 months
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kreidxpriz · 7 months
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basically Evil Rick
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punksinspace · 7 months
There's *a lot* to be said about the new ep, but... did anyone else feel bad for Evil Rick trying to commit suicide? I had the impression he was "just a random programmed / rewired Rick" but knowing he was EM's Rick and that he was conscious of being controlled like that...it broke my heart.
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546 notes · View notes
bouncybongfairy · 6 months
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Halloween Night Part 2
Evil Morty x Bimbo Reader
Summary: Halloween was over and you plan on spending ThanksGiving break at Morty's house. This is when you notice that Morty's aggression is at an all time high and you're not sure what to do about it. You choose to ignore this but end up finding out about his troubling past and future plans.
(This fanfic contains smut) (This Fanfic contains spoilers for Rick and Morty season 7) (Both characters are aged up to 18, you both are seniors in highschool in this story.)
Word Count: 4.5k+
Halloween had come and gone, and fall was really starting to set in. Most of the leaves had fallen from their branches and every morning felt like the dead of winter. Like there weren’t enough blankets in the house to keep you warm at night. You and Morty were still doing well, but there was something different about Morty that you couldn’t put your finger on. Morty seemed to be on edge more, lashing out about random things. Never at you or anything but for example, you’d be in his room and he’d die in his game and just go ballistic. Or come to your window at night fuming from a fight he’s gotten into with his dad. You’d even asked him once if there was anything bothering him but he brushed it off. At that point, you chalked it up to the stress of being a senior, SATs, college applications, prom, etc. Luckily, thanksgiving break is right around the corner and you were staying at Morty's house. Your mom had an out-of-state business trip that she couldn’t get off and your dad was celebrating with his new fuckass family. You were super excited, missing your mom was gonna suck but you loved Morty and were really looking forward to spending so much time with him. 
When you told your friend group about the whole ordeal, they freaked out. Asking if you were prepared and they didn’t only mean packed but also physically. You wanted everything to be perfect while you were staying with the Smith’s. A couple of your girlfriends spent the day with you while you ran around doing errands. Getting your nails done, waxed, and picking up toiletries. You were quite lucky because your mom was feeling guilty about not being there for the holidays. This made her quite… generous if that makes sense. After getting home and packing all your bags, you began getting nervous. Triple-checking to make sure you didn’t miss anything. You zipped your bag up and brought it downstairs, sitting on the couch and waiting for Morty.
 It seemed like an eternity until you finally got the text that he was outside. You grabbed your stuff and made your way outside, he was sitting in the car. A blunt hanging out of his mouth, all the windows were rolled down. He got out of the car and grabbed your bag, setting it in the back seat. He gave you a kiss on the back of your hand before driving back to his house. 
Once you arrived, you went straight to his room. Even when you were just spending a couple of hours at his house, you never strayed from his room. It didn’t bother you necessarily, more of an observation. You were currently lying down together on his bed, talking about the plans you have for the week. 
“How does your family normally celebrate Thanksgiving?” you asked. 
“My dad makes everything and we just kinda sit around the table and eat, nothing extravagant,” he said. 
“I can help your dad, I make really good mashed potatoes,” you giggled, Morty chuckled and held the blunt in front of your lips. Allowing you to take a hit without readjusting your position. 
The first night was really nice, just cuddling while watching TV. It was dark and the soft glow of the television illuminated both your faces. It was momentary bliss, just how you imagined tonight to go. Because Morty was so… cold at times it made the moments where he was sweet and caring that much more special. When he would kiss your forehead or pull you closer as you cuddled. Especially when he would look down and smile at you, he rarely smiled and every time he did it made you melt. There was something that was off, lately when it came to intimacy, he was quite rough; more so than usual. At first, it was little things, like pulling your hair a little harder or squeezing her throat a little tighter than normal. You didn’t necessarily do a bad thing, it was just different. You know when you can’t quite decide if you like a certain food or not? That’s how it felt, kinda, not exactly. The first night you spent the night was the first time you’d done anything intimate during your stay. It was like he just went feral, and ended up biting your shoulder so hard it broke skin. You screamed so loud you were embarrassed that everyone in the house could hear you. Even though it did hurt and scare you, it was like an internal conflict whether you liked it or not. It felt primal and you liked that but you were more worried about mental health.
The next morning, you woke up first and started picking up the room a little. Differentiating the dirty yellow shirts from the clean ones. Once you were done, crawled back in bed, waking Morty up by kissing his forehead and rubbing his back until he started stirring awake. You guys lay there for a while, embracing each other underneath the covers. The first thing he did was sit up and start rolling, he did this every morning. You lay with your head in his lap, fighting the urge not to fall asleep. He asked you if there was anything specific you wanted to do today. There wasn’t, you just wanted to be with him. 
“You want to go to the mall?” he asked, setting the rolling tray on his bedside table. 
“Only if we can go to Auntie Anne’s,” you said, sitting up and kissing him on the cheek.
“Let’s shower,” he said, getting up to grab clothes. 
It wasn’t anything erotic or even sexual, you both were genuinely washing your hair and body. After both of you finished washing up you just embraced each other in the hot water. Running your hands up and down his back, his cheek was resting on top of your head. It was moments like this that made you think his being more aggressive was just because of stress. The water began to run cold and both of you made your way back to his room. He sat down on his bed, not even bothering to change out of the towel that was wrapped around his waist. You set up your towel in front of the closet door mirror and started doing your make-up. Watching him in the mirror, as he ghost inhaled a thick yellow cloud of smoke. You admired his side profile and the hint of muscle tone in his arm when he ashed the blunt. It didn’t take you long to finish getting ready. You tried to be as speedy as possible, you were looking forward to a frozen strawberry lemonade. He surprised you when you turned around and he was wearing a black shirt, on the right side there was a gold M symbol but the middle was elongated. You complimented him on his change of pace which made him smile. Every time he did you felt like you were winning an unspoken game. The ride to the mall was so nice, it was cold outside so he cranked the heater on. Using one hand to steer and the other to hold hands. 
It ended up being a really nice trip, the mall was already completely decorated to celebrate the Christmas season. You both walked hand in hand around the mall. It surprised you when he pulled out an extremely thick wad of cash from his pocket. You knew he sold weed and k-lax crystals but the wad was mostly 100 bills. It just seemed like a suspicious amount of money but at the same time you weren’t complaining. A little concerned but not to the point of bringing it up. However you were getting kind of nervous about how much stuff he was buying you, it was like he was encouraging, no, almost daring you push the limit. Spending hundreds of dollars on whatever you pointed to. You were looking for a dress to wear on Thanksgiving night. You ended up finding a thick black and gray striped mini dress. It was long sleeved and went well past your hands, the material was really soft feeling cotton. When you tried it on in the dressrooming, immediately you ruled it out as an option because of how short it was. Morty however objected, he was sitting on a cushioned bench. He had his elbows resting on his knees and his hands were interlocked and he was leaning forward. You were looking at his facial expression, he wasn’t looking at you with just lust, it was more like he was going to attack. 
“I think you look fucking amazing. Holy shit are gonna fucking get it?” he asked which made your face flush a deep red. 
Of course you ended up buying it, I mean how could you not after seeing his reaction. After you guys spent all day at the mall, it was time to head out. Immediately, you noticed the vibe was completely different. Morty was driving really fast, this was not necessarily out of the ordinary but he was weaving in and out of traffic. Bulls in The Bronx playing so loudly, the lyrics were becoming drowned out by sound. You started nervously squirming in your seat, looking over at him, he only had one hand on the steering wheel. When he pulled off the freeway exit, instead of slowing down he sped up and nearly drifted through the next right turn they made. The tires screeched and the smell of burning rubber came into the car. It was dark and kind of late so there weren't many cars on the road but it still scared the shit out of you. 
And I don’t wanna wait for the down-set date 
Gripping on to the seat of the car so tightly it pulled painfully at your acrylic nails. Suddenly, he pulls out onto a dirt road that's near the house. The way he was so calm and nonchalant about how reckless he was being was turning you on. You opened the glove box and pulled out the blunt he’s rolled and stashed. At first you struggled lighting it because of all the wind coming in from the windows but you eventually got it going. He was doing donuts and even then, his face never changed. Never showing any signs of fear or panic, it made you feel safer than you probably were. He took the blunt from you, taking a few puffs before turning his full attention back to the wheel. 
Cause’ I would rather end it all tonight
He was now going up a steep incline, you grabbed onto his shirt and were saying his name but the music was so loud that even if you were to scream it wouldn't make a difference. You looked over at him and he looked so nonchalant, blunt hanging off his lips. One hand was still gripping your thigh, you tried moving it so he could have both on the steering wheel but he just held on tighter. He then started reversing which scared the ever loving shit out of you. Out of instinct, you pull your knees to your chest. Because his hand was resting on your thigh it was now pressed against your chest. He handed the blunt back to you and smirked at your reaction. Pulling a three point turn so fast, you truly thought you were going to crash. He joked saying he was offended that you didn’t trust him and kissed your cheek once you were on a more stable part of the incline. Maybe it was because you were stoned but you couldn’t have found him more attractive than this moment.
And if I mean anything to you, I’m sorry but I’ve made up my mind.
After about 20 more minutes of this, they finally made their way back to Morty’s house. The sun was setting and you were feeling euphoric, like everything in life was momentarily perfect. Neither his mom or dad were home and you hadn’t seen Rick around in weeks. Summer had moved out to attend college, meaning they had the entire house to themselves. You had Morty by the hand and started tugging him upstairs. Not even bothering to close the bedroom door, you start pulling your clothes off. You got on your knees and started undoing his belt, he took the portal gun out of the waistband of his jeans and helped you kick them off. He was stroking your cheek with his thumb as you rub your bottom lip against his tip. He smirked slightly and moved his other hand to rest on top of your head. You take him into your mouth; he tangles his fingers through your hair and shoves your head down to take him fully into your mouth. You dug your fingernails into his thigh and shot him a death glare. He looks down at you and chuckles at your reaction. The stereo was blasting music and even though a lot of girls weren’t willing to admit it: you liked giving head. You liked watching his face scrunch up in pleasure, or when he would lose control of hands, in such pleasure that he was unaware of what the rest of his body was doing. Or when he let his head hang down, mouthing open as he climaxed. 
He pulled away and practically threw you on the bed. He had that same look in his eye from in the dressing room; feral and wild. His cheeks were flushed red and he was sweating. He crawled on top of you, planting his elbows by your ears and started making out with you again. You could feel his member pressed against your lower stomach, you bit his bottom lip, causing his dick to twitch. He pulled his hips back and lined himself up to enter you. He slowly slid into you, dropping his forehead onto your shoulder. Both your bodies were radiating so much heat and the energy was intoxicating. As he started to rock his hips back and forth he was making direct eye contact with you. He was biting his lip and your mouth hung open. The stereo was so loud you could barely hear yourself moaning, he was getting rougher and rougher. Thrusting in and out of you to the beat of If You Can’t Hang by SWS. 
You weren’t sure if you'd both been at it. You were as exhausted as you were, you couldn’t get enough. Both of your faces were beet red, sweat was dripping down his face. His thrusts were frantic and he was holding your wrists so tightly they were sure to be bruised. You were bucking your hips up, letting your head fall onto the mattress and your eyes roll back. Your chest was riddled with bite marks and hickeys, both of you were getting close to your limits. Him announcing with his eyebrows furrowed and wild eyes how he was going to cum was enough to send you over the edge. You could feel yourself spasming around his member. 
“Oh my God, Morty what the fuck!” Jerry yelled, backing away from the doorway. You screamed and tried to free yourself from the grip he had on your wrist but if anything he held on tighter. 
“Fuck off Jerry, I’m busy,” Morty barked, you froze for a second. Not sure if you were comfortable with what was happening. 
At the same time you were completely at the disposal of the orgasm that raked through your body. Partly out of pleasure and anger you rake your nails down his slender back. Watching as his face scrunched up in pain from the scratches, using your hair to pull your head to the side exposing your neck. He slams his head and mouth against your neck biting harder than ever before. You screamed and again scraped your nails against his back as he rutted through the rest of his orgasm. Once he finished he collapsed on top of you, his heart rate was so strong and fast it felt like it was vibrating your chest. He had his arms wrapped gingerly around your head, his head resting on your shoulder and part of your chest. You could tell he was physically drained because he bared his full weight onto you. Comfortingly, you start rubbing his back, feeling bad about the scratches. 
“Are you okay?” you asked nervously. 
“Yeah, I hate him and I don’t care if he knows anymore. I want him to,” he grumbled. 
“But are you like… okay,” you asked again, he moved his head to look at you. Giving you a deep kiss, as if that was going to answer the question. He then playfully rocked into you one more time and laughed at your reaction to the sudden moment. You slapped him arm and you both giggled with each other until falling asleep. 
When you woke Morty up, was sitting at his desk working on an unknown project. He was hunched over, leg bouncing every once and a while. You felt guilty when you saw how bad the scratches on his back were but then you remember the chunk he nearly took out of your neck. Sitting up, you wrap the comforter around your naked body. He heard the shuffling on the bed and got up to greet you. Laying on the bed and pulling you into a hug, rubbing his hands up and down your back. 
“Sleep okay?” he asked. 
“Yeah, did you talk to your dad?” you asked, worried about how upsetting the whole scene must have been for Jerry. 
“No, he left,” Morty said. 
“Like forever?” you asked?
“Probably not,” he replied flatly. 
“I think you have like, blue and red something smudged on your eye,” you said, reaching up to investigate but your body got caught in a stretch. While you weren’t looking, Morty tucked the colored wires back in eye before you went to look again. Reaching back up to wipe it off but when you looked it was gone.
“Oh, guess I saw wrong,” you said, not thinking anything of it.
The rest of the night was a little awkward, the fact that Morty was so unphased by fighting with his dad was throwing you off a bit. It wasn’t like he would ever get sad or insecure about a fight between the two of them. But normally he got more angry and frustrated, but now it was like it didn’t care in the slightest. The house was now completely empty and it was eriley noticeable. As nice as it was to have alone time, you couldn’t help but connect’s Morty’s sudden behavior change in the new absence. You both were in the kitchen now, finding something to eat. Morty couldn’t cook to save his life, personally you knew he was smart enough to, he just is stubborn. You were making pasta out of the little amount of food found in the house. Luckily there was noodles, pasta sauce and half a bag of frozen meatballs in the freezer. Morty was hugging you from behind, as you cooked you thought about earlier and how aggressive he was being and now he was huddling to you like a child who just got lost in the grocery store. After putting the lid back on the pan you walked over fridge and start looking for something drink. He followed you, keeping his arms tightly wrapped around your waist. 
“I’m going to the bathroom,” he said, kissing you on the back of the head and parted ways with you. 
After going back to the fridge trying to find something to drink even though you knew nothing was in there. You let out a frustrated sigh and went into the garage, you had a fridge in your garage so you assumed he would. Even if there wasn’t, it still didn’t hurt to check. When you walked in, it took you a couple moments to understand what you were seeing. Rick’s body, all emaciated and purple toned, was strapped to the wall, hooked up to a bunch of wires. Blood everywhere on the floor, you could barely see the original color anymore. Blueprints everywhere, along with a whiteboard full of pictures that were connected by strings. The spaceship was coated in a thick layer of blood. The room smelt of copper filled, so strong you could almost feel yourself choking on it. You lift your foot and see that the bottom is completely coated in thick, cold blood. Immediately you scream and go to run out and see Morty standing in the doorway. He takes a step towards you, being in shock, you take a step back. 
“What the fuck,” you said quietly, almost like you were mumbling 
“Come here,” he said. 
“No Morty, seriously like, what the fuck,” you said again but this time with your voice cracking and tears streaming down your face. 
“It’s not what you think,” he said, taking a couple more steps towards you.
“Wha- Morty this isn’t something- you can’t just talk your way out of this or pretend it didn’t happen!” your back was now pressed up against the work space. Morty was coming closer but not in an intimidating way. 
“It’s complicated,” he explained. 
“No,” you said. 
“Y/N, it really is complicated,” he said. 
He took you back inside, walking you over to the bathroom. Not caring if the two of you were leaving bloody footprints across the carpet. He helped wash your feet off and then broke everything down for you. You had to ask him several times if he was fucking with you, to the point where he was getting irritating with the same question over and over. He literally explained everything. The citadel, the entirety of his grandfather’s lore, the Morty Market. The reason why Rick’s use Morty’s for adventures and the abuse and torture they endure. Even spilling into his own trauma he’s faced at the hands of his own Rick. Even though he didn’t cry or anything you could tell that it was hard for him to tell you this. He explained that he’s planning on moving to the citadel. At first that kinda hit you like the rest of the overwhelming information he was telling you about. Until you realized what that meant for your relationship. Surely he would have mentioned it if he wanted to bring you. 
“When are you leaving,” you asked? 
“After Thanksgiving break,” he said. 
“Oh so what, was this like you letting me down easy? You- you just figured that I wouldn’t be as mad because at least you gave me your undivided attention for a week before you leave? Like did you really think I would just let you fucking leave. You fucking moron,” you said getting up and walked up the stairs, to Morty’s bedroom. 
“You can’t come,” Morty said. You ignored him, pulling a duffle bag out of the closet. Starting to pack all your clothes and make up and whatever else happened to be in your eyeline. 
“Are you fucking listening to me?” he asked, his voice becoming louder. 
“Obviously not,” you practically hissed as you were packing. 
“I’m not saying you can’t come with me because I don’t want you there. I want to be with you but it’s- you- I can’t guarantee your safety all the time,” he said. 
“I don’t care,” you continued, he grabbed your arm and turned to face him. 
“You. Can’t. Come,” he said, his jaw was clenched and his breathing was heavy. 
“I’D RATHER DIE THAN STAY!,” you shriek, ripping his hand off your upper arm and shoving him back. 
He reached up and grabbed your arm, pulling his portal gun out of his pants and opening the gateway. You were scared and tried to stop him from pulling you through it but the grip he had you was too tight. It wasn’t like you were completely unaware of his use of the gun, you’ve used it to get home from a couple parties when you both were too drunk to drive. When you came through the other side of the portal it was dark, windy and freezing. He was holding onto your arm so tightly you were sure there would be a bruise. But when you saw how high you guys were you literally started clutching onto him. 
“Where are we!” you screamed only for him to be able to hear you.
“The actual top of the empire state building!” he said back. 
“Why?” you asked.
“You said you’d rather die than stay right? So jump,” he said into your ear now. 
“Why though?” you asked again, trying to see if he was joking by looking into his eyes; he wasn’t.
“If you need to ask why then you really can’t come,” he said back. 
You looked up at him, you were exhausted. Tears were streaming down your face and you thought he would give up this little bluff he had. He just stared at you with a cold expression. You looked down and couldn’t even see the bottom because of how high in the air you were. Now, you were embarrassed that you said you’d rather die. It was painfully obvious he was doing this to call your bluff. Part of you was offended by this, did he really think you weren’t that serious about him? That you wouldn’t actually give your life for him? Was this entire relationship just frivolous and something he never truly kept serious. Looking back up at him and your stomach flipping when you realized he was dead serious. 
“You want me to jump?” you asked, practically whispered. 
“You’d rather die right?” he asked back. 
Maybe it was because you were mad that he was trying to call your bluff. Or perhaps because you were gaslit, but you jumped. There were no thoughts in your brain. You know when you’re a kid and stick your head out of the window, and the wind is so forceful you almost can’t breathe for a second. That’s what you were feeling, everything around you was just colors and blobs, your eyes unable to make out anything. A soundless scream came out of your mouth as you closed your eyes, accepting your fate. 
Morty was still at the top of the building, watching as you fell. He was getting flashbacks when Rick rhetorically asked ‘what if I wanted you to jump off the empire state building, I have to ask?’ Maybe it was because Morty had such a toxic mindset but he now agreed with that logic. Even if he took her, the likelihood of her dying is just 100% higher. He wouldn’t be able to take care of her with everything he had planned for the citadel. Not only that, he learned from Rick what happens when you have a women you love. They become collateral for anyone he’s done wrong. He knew she liked him, maybe even loved you but he didn’t know you loved him enough to jump. It made adrenaline flush through his entire body. He knew that he could no longer deny that he loved you. More than anything, Morty didn’t think he was capable of empathy or connection. He after he turned 7, he’d stop telling his mother he loved her. He didn’t cry at his Aunt’s funeral or during sad movies when he was a child. At one point, his parent’s were considering seeking a psychologist for how lackluster the boy was. Morty’s were normally girl obsessed unable to look past their own erection. Morty never felt this way, at least until he met you. He liked how you owned how hot you were. How you were never were worried with how people perceived you. He knew you worshiped him, he liked that. 
He let out a frustrated groan and dove off the building. Making his body slim and tight to help glide through the air faster than you. He wrapped his arms around your waist and started opening portals for the two of you to slow down the fall. He looked at your face, to see if you were okay or not. Your nose was bleeding slightly and although you were blinking your eyes were glazed over, in shock. He opened the portals he was opening were all in dimensions where the gravity was getting less and less intense, in order to prevent as much whiplash as he could for the both of you. The last portal was back to his bedroom, he threw the portal gun on the bed. Lowering the both of you to the ground, you were passed out. He brushed the hair out of your face, saying your name waiting for you to open your eyes. He checked your pulse and was relieved to feel it was strong. After using smelling salts to get you awake, you guys just stared at each other. 
“Can I come now?” you asked, which made Morty laugh.
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vhvrs · 6 months
rick and morty 100̶ years! rick and morty forever 100̶ times! over and over! www dot rickandmortyadventures dot com! all 100̶ years! every minute! rickandmorty dot com! the outside world is our enemy! we're the only friends we got!
individual panels
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editfandom · 7 months
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Morty Smith - Rick and Morty, S07E05
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crashnbrn · 7 months
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"what's your life without me? - let's find out."
season 7, ep 5
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zanukavat · 6 months
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family reunions suck!
psst. you can get this as a sticker here !!
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pygmaliosis · 3 months
HAVE YOU NOTICED THAT MOMENT? I don't know why I loved so f much.
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Really cool grandson. <Evil Morty3
The best duo, obviously.
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pavloathe · 7 months
i'm as ensnared by this episode as the next person, but i wanted to talk about how funny it is that evil morty joined in on the fight Just so he could finally be left alone.
he was completely unopposed to what was happening, his only motive to help get prime wiped out for good (& take his memory) was to be able to say "don't come after me, it won't go well," and MEAN it
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