#exo hogwarts au
exodusmc · 2 years
Golden, like the snitch
Genre: Hogwarts au, fluff, some angst
Words: 3092
Paring:  slytherin  Sehun x  hufflepuff reader
Warning!: Injury, bad relationship with parents
a/n: This ones a part in my hogwarts series, I’m solwly working one the other guys as well. But schools hard man, but maybe it will clam down a little now and I’ll get some motivation back! I will try to update Insider more and I hope everyones well!
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Gif is not mine 
You were always sitting by the window facing whomping willow, a book in your hands that flipped pages with a soft sound. Sehun would lean his head against one of the many book shelves, eyes closed as he just listened. The title could be about animals or herbs, even the universe was in your rotations of books. But it was your time to relax, his too, and he really needed it right now. There was a quidditch match right around the corner, looming over his shoulders like his bloodline. 
Sehun was a pureblood and he remembered the day he got sorted to slytherin, the happiness and relief he felt made him almost feel like he was drowning. But that was a long time ago, he was young back then, believing in blood and pride. Things were different now when he was sitting on the floor just breathing. The wish for everything to always be like this was growing like weed in his soul. 
Cheering echoed like a white noise in his head. Chanyeol swished around in his red clothing with grins on his lips. Sure, they were friends with each other but he was competitive and Sehun knew he actually had to try, if he wanted to avoid the disappointment of his father. 
Sweat dropped down his forehead as the Quaffel was thrown up. 
“Game on” someone screamed as Sehun focused everything on the snitch. He had to get it.
Wind ripped around him as he flew towards the golden ball, seeing the other seeker in the corner of his eye. Sehun barely managed to avoid the gryffindor coming at him.
Diving down, he slipped between wooden poles, only accompanied by the drumming of his heart. He was lean which meant he could move fast and it made him a great seeker, but he was also foolish. 
Coming up from the tunnel like graves around the arena, he was so focused on the snitch he missed the other seeker.  Swirling around and around, pain shot up his side. Sehun could feel his vision blurr but he had to ignore it and all the gasps from the public. He couldn't even hear what the announcer said, only try to steer his broom right. 
“Shit shit…”his mumble was lost to the wind, adrenaline making the pain forgettable. The snitch was so close now, he could almost feel it with his fingers tips. Cheering broke out around him and Sehun exhaled one last time. 
Lifting his gaze from the golden ball, time stopped, because there was another golden thing right before him. His obsidian eyes met yours as you were standing with the other hufflepuffs, right in the direction he was flying towards. It was you and only you, until there was nothing. 
Gaps broke through the crowd and you put your hands over your mouth. Someone was screaming at the slytherin beaters but you could only stare at the green and black pile on the ground. Both bludgers had hit him in the side. 
Teachers rushed towards him, Hagrid lifting the limp body and ignoring Mcgonagall's warnings to wait for a gurney.    
You hadn't spoken much with Sehun but you knew about the Oh family since they had an interesting history but rumors spread like wildfires in Hogwarts so you knew more than just history too. Searching through the crowd, you found the man who had similar features to Sehun but he didn't even look concerned. No, he only stood up and left the stand. 
“Did he die?” someone to your right asked but you could only hope it was not the case, besides Madame Pomfrey was excellent with what she was doing, the best. You knew since you had studied a little under her and she was almost a miracle worker. 
Sehun groaned as he seemingly came back to life, the grogginess and headache making him turn to the side and hope for a bucket or something to catch his last lunch. But nothing came up, only liquid since he hadn't eaten for five days. 
Coughing, he managed to focus on the tall windows. It wasn't something new, being in the hospital wing, but the figure standing to his right, holding a bucket, was something new.
You looked concerned at his pale face, even if you had watched it turn green, blue and red. He had some nasty bruises still but they had started to fade, all thanks to…
“Madame Pomfrey, he’s awake!” you called for the peculiar woman, watching as she came out from her room.
She had a tendency to not like when the wing was crowded but ever since you expressed interest in healing magic, had she helped you and taken a liking to you. Madame Pomfrey would smile at you and say that she felt safe leaving her wing to you when her time had come. It made you feel both warm and weird, how could she not be in the hospital wing? Folding sheets or making sure that all the supplies were stocked?
“Now now mister Oh, please stay down..” she pushed Sehun down gently, making him still as she checked to see how he had healed. 
You remember coming later the same day he had fallen, just before curfew. The scary bandages and hollowness of his eyes. It got worse when Madame Pomfrey told you about the broken ribs and arm and dislocated shoulder and twisted ankle and…yeah, you were surprised he was as whole as he was.
“Everything seems to be healing right but I want you to rest for this day…”the Madame stood up, mumbling to herself a little as she thought about what she had to write down, you guessed.”I’ll get you some food…and Y/n, please don't stay too long, our patient needs his sleep..”
She said everything with a smile but you knew she meant it too, besides why were you here? You didn't know Sehun..maybe you should tell his friends instead. 
Madame Pomfrey left with the closing of the privacy screens and you were alone with Sehun. It got awkward fast, you wondered why you were still there and he thought about how you had seen him take fall from the sky and throw up. He was so cool..yeah right, all he had to do now was say something stupid. 
“How..how are you feeling?” the question hung in the air, your voice soft like the turning of pages. 
Sehun closed his eyes, floating back to all the times in the library, the peace and calm. He hadn't realised until now but you were a safe space just as much as the window nook. 
“I’m sore but that’s about it…have a little bit of a headache, maybe..”your smile was too pretty, almost unfair. He knew why you belonged to hufflepuff. 
“That’s good…since you took quite a fall..”his slightly reddening cheeks made you giggle. Gazing at him up close was so different from seeing him in the corridors, the boy was not as scary as you thought. 
The ruffle of fabric made the both of you tense as Madame Pomfrey arrived with food, her blue eyes having something knowing in them. 
“Here you go mister Oh…eat carefully now so it stays down..”she left as soon as she came but you knew it was time for you to go as well. 
“Well I should leave you now…”it actually made him disappointed, seeing you stand up from the chair. It felt empty now. “By the way…you caught it, the snitch..”
“Dude! You can't scare us like that!” Chanyeol’s loud voice made Madame Pomfrey almost throw her tray, glaring at the giant who pulled the privacy screens with one goal in mind. Junmeyon had the decency to look embarrassed and apologetic at the older woman before he to piled into the almost room.”I really thought you were dead!”
Sehun smiled a little, the feeling of warmness spreading through his cold chest when he watched Junmyeon, Chanyeol and Baekhyun standing before him. The others would be here too if it weren't for school and Madame Pomfrey. But they were family and the best thing that could have ever happened to him. They were what made him take the right way, his own way. 
“Yea! I mean, we couldn't have let you go in that way! It would have been too embarrassing for you!” Baekhyun teased but Junmyeon would later tell him that the other slytherin boy had cried for days and been red eyed due to it. Chaewon had told them about how scared he was, even after it was declared that Sehun would survive. 
“How did you miss the bludgers!?”Chanyeol leaned forward, staring his friend down. Sehun was usually one of the best players and missing those goddamn iron balls was one hell of a rookie mistake, especially since it was so they were coming towards him.
Something clicked in Baekhyun's brain and he got that grin on his face, accompanied with that look that only meant hell was about to go down. Junmyeon swallowed because he also knew why and it was spelt hufflepuff. 
“Maybe he was looking for something else..just as gold as the snitch..”the smirk widened, his tone crawling over Sehun’s skin. Baekhyun leaned forward, excitement in his brown eyes.”A little bird whispered that she had been here everyday since the fall…hmm, you wouldn't know, would ya?”
Sehun’s cheeks reddened and that was that, his crush confirmed for his loud mouthed friend. Chanyeol’s eyes widened as realisation hit him like the Hogwarts express.
“Is it her you have been going to all this time? When you just disappear?” Chanyeol’s question made Sehun even hotter in the face and Baekhyun made some delighted noise. 
“My my..have our little Sehunnie fallen in love? I never thought I would see the day!” Baekhyun could tease anyone to death but he was quickly remiended with his own pining after Chaewon and actually kept his mouth shut after that. 
“Well..I’m happy you’re fine..”Junmyeon smiled, his hair perfectly laid.”Rest some more now..”
With that was Sehun left alone again and Chanyeol hurried out when he felt the daggers Madame Pomfrey's eyes threw after him.
You didn't dare come back for three days after Sehun had woken up, too embarrassed and filled with butterflies. But the Madame asked for your help so one morning, when the double doors closed, were you standing in the room and alone with the black haired slytherin again. 
“Good morning.”Sehun had started to love the sounds of your voice, carving to hear the tones.
“Morning..”it became quiet again, you two just studying each other.” Why are you here?”
Maybe it sounded rude, he hoped it didn't, but he sure knew what he wished you would say. 
“I’m helping Madame Pomfrey…and she shows me some…stuff.”
“Oh…”disappointing but not surprising, stupid of him to hope you came to see him. 
Quiet again, so heavy that it felt like something pressed down on his chest. Sehun’s hair shone in morning light filtering through half opened white curtains. It looked soft when it had no gel in, like you wanted to pull your fingers through it. Some colour had returned to his face as well but the tone was still contracting to those were dark eyes. Green sure fit him but this not so perfect look made him less hard. 
“How’s everything going? Are you well now?” you kept your distance, watching like you always did. He was pure blood and you were half, it would never be okay or even an option.
“I’m okay now, getting out tomorrow..”
“Oh…”you wanted to say more, wanted to ask about him..the real him, but nothing left your lips, nothing left his.”That’s great to hear…”
Sehun didn't have a chance to say something more, he could only watch as you slipped into Madame Pomfrey’s room.
Sehun watched you from afar, gaze following as he guessed you were picking out a book to read at your nook…One week had passed since he left the hospital wing and he felt like the two of you were catching each other's eyes more but you would look away, every time. And Baekhyun noticed, he noticed it too much. 
“You know..ogling at her won't make her come talk to you…” Sehun glared at his house mate, hating the heat he felt covering his cheeks.
“You forced Chanyeol to come when you wanted to talk to Chaewon…about dragons too..”Kyungsoo didn't look up from his book when he spoke, missing the offended look Baekhyun had. 
“Yeah…and you were pale because you were so stressed.”Chanyeol smiled but Sehun had noticed that his giant of a friend was looking for someone and that he had been a little off since he ran into that ravenclaw. 
“Maybe I can get Chaewon to talk to her!..”Baekhyun’s voice was loud again, earning glares from a table filled with students.”...but I don't really know if they are friends…”
Sehun stopped listening because you were gone and it took most of his willpower to not go after you or at least where he thought you went.
Autumn had turned to winter and Sehun started to dread the holiday break, even if there were weeks left. He hadn't heard from his father since he fell and it probably meant he was mad. It clouded his mind and Chanyeol was worried for his friend, seeing him fall deeper and deeper in that dark void. 
“Hey..are you staying over the holidays?” Sehun looked at the giant, scarf covering most of his lower face but letting his ears point out.”I was thinking about it anyway…”
Sehun sighed. He knew that Chanyeol really wanted to go home, see his family and the creature he called a dog. 
“No…I’m going home…” but it wasn't home, not like Hogwarts.”I think you should too.”
Chanyeol smiled sadly, throwing his arm over his friend's shoulders. 
“Well then, we better celebrate before everyone leaves!” yea, before everyone leaves…” Butterbeers on me!”
Sehun laughed lightly, nodding his head, black hair laid perfectly just like his uniform.  He would miss his friends but he couldn't keep them here, not when they already did so much for him. However, there was one more place he had to go to before leaving, one more person to see. 
The bookshelves were the same, spines in all colours and with all titles. Sehun walked quietly, following his usual path towards the window. But you weren't there, no he was just staring out the glass at a grey world which would probably soon be covered in white snow. The whomping willow bare and almost lonely. 
“Oh…uhm…”he turned fast as lightning, wide eyed and blushing. You stood there, book in hand and robes falling over your form.”Sorry…are using this…uhm place?”
Sehun just stared. There you were, busting him. Shit. 
“No no…eh..”Sehun scratched his neck, wondering what he should say. You had already seen him and it would be weird if he just ran away.”You can…read here, if you want..”
But he didn't move, glancing up and down from your book to your eyes. You too felt like disappearing. No one had ever come close the million times you had been here and now was Oh Sehun standing there, looking dumbfounded. 
“O..okay..?”Shit, he should really leave, like now but he didn't want to. The next time he could be in forever and anything could happen. 
“Maybe we can…use it together?” Sehun grabbed a random book from the shelf, smiling slightly. It made his face completely different, soft and with arched brows instead of straight.
“Sure…but I didn't know you were interested in the frog choir…” Sehun looked down at the book he had taken, hearing you giggle softly under your breath. He blushed, putting it back before actually looking at the titles.
You kept laughing as quietly as you could, hopping up to sit by the window you always sat, back pressed against the wooden frame. It was actually spaceus up there and had a nice view of the outside, something which made you calm, for the most part. But now, now was a slytherin distracting you. 
Sehun looked and looked, taking a book called “History of frogs and the magic world” and putting it back. It made you laugh again, the clueless look he had as he searched for something bearable to read. He didn't know that this was the “frog corner” and that you had chosen it because almost no one came back here.
“You won't find anything here…If you don't want to read about frogs…”your smile was wide as Sehun turned to look at you, this weird feeling floating through him. Most of the time, he was hiding behind one of the shelfs but was now right before you.
“Ah…Yeah not really..”
“Do..Do you want me to read for you?” you lifted the book in your hands, heat slowly creeping up your face.” I’m a couple pages in but maybe that’s okay?”
Sehun nodded, swallowing a little too hard. It was everything he had dreamed of for a long time but it felt..not scary but not okay either. Like this could break a fragile picture of something he cherished. 
He hopped onto the window sill, leaning against the cool glass as you started to read. It was pleasant to listen to, made his heart beat calmly. Your voice was really like the turning of pages, soft and full in a sense that only emotions made vowles. 
With closed eyes, he let the whole world be only you and your voice. There was nothing more, no problem and no need. Only you and him. Everything made you hope a little, glancing at the slytherin boy with polished hair and no part of his uniform tilted. Maybe one day, you’ll read for him but those words will be your own and said to him as a promise of forever…hopefully he’ll have his own too. 
“Shhhhh…”Baekhyun waved his hand up and down, a camera pointing towards a window. He was leaning as much as he could around the bookshelf, holding his tongue between his teeth. 
You and Sehun were blissfully unaware of the jokester, who was Sehun’s housemate. But he was too unaware of the gryffindor taking his own picture. Those two pictures would later become your favorite when your Hogwarts years were done. Sehun would blush but secretly feel the same
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arthenaa · 6 months
house of arthena — masterlist, introductory, and rules
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writer: athen/ayen | 20 | he/him | sapphic | INFP-T
occupation: freelance artist, college student, writer
birthday: 10/04/2003
nationality: 🇵🇭
kins (can be best compared to irl): mizu, caelus, ominis, ren amamiya, sun jing (physical wise), geto suguru
media — blue-eyed samurai, jujutsu kaisen, shingeki no kyojin, chainsaw man, detroit become human, red dead redemption, hogwarts legacy, persona 5 royal, valorant, honkai star rail, genshin impact
artists — nct (all units but prefers dream), riize, lesserafim, newjeans, bada lee, lee youngji, laufey, kiss of life, exo
will write for the following — mizu, gojo satoru, geto suguru, ieri shoko, nanami kento, fushiguro megumi, kugisaki nobara, zenin maki, okkotsu yuuta, eren jaeger, pieck finger, mikasa ackerman, armin arlert, annie leonhart, makima, quanxi, power, aki hayakawa, denji, connor (all rk series), john marston, arthur morgan, sebastian sallow, ominis gaunt, imelda reyes, ren amamiya, akechi goro, jett, cypher, sage, reyna, neon, fade, iso, gekko, chamber, yoru, sova, jingyuan, danheng, blade, kafka, seele, albedo, xiao, kaeya, raiden ei, yae miko, alhaitham, childe, knave, nct dream, bada lee, hong seunghan, park wonbin, lee sohee, huh yunjin, kim chaewon, byun baekhyun, do kyungsoo
read more to check rules and list of works!
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rules (for requesting)
— writer has the right to refuse request
— writer is a full-time college student and a part-time freelance artist doing commissions, there is no set time that he will upload and post said requests
— only refer to the list above when requesting (if your character despite in the same media listed above is not included, you may dm the writer if he is willing to write the request or simply state it in the request ask linked on his bio)
— writer prefers writing in gender-neutral terms or she/her pronouns, he will use this unless stated otherwise so make sure to include it in your requests
— nsfw is okay but always keep in mind rule 1
— writer appreciates reactions such as comments or reposts with messages a lot! <3 it just makes writing fun and enjoyable to know that his readers are enjoying his works :)
— writer will only do oneshots or 2-3 chapter works, (oneshots with multiple parts under the same theme eg. modern!au mizu or nocturne(interlude)!mizu are counted as oneshots under the same theme. they can be read as solo or just under the same category) longer chapter series will be done through commissions.
— if reader wishes to commission, refer to pinned.
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Blue-Eyed Samurai
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nocturne (interlude) (p1)
my love mine all mine (p2)
blurred lines (roommate!mizu)
mizu as your roommate (pre-blurred lines)
creative team lead!mizu x concept artist!reader
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Jujutsu Kaisen
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can't think right, too tongue tied, it must be love
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Hogwarts Legacy
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Masterlist here
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Honkai Star Rail
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Feelings with Kafka 18+
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mizu x oc! blurred lines
nier x sebastian hogwarts legacy
seb x mc commission
nier and nora (ocs hl)
stelle x asta
ominis x mc x seb
tbotb concept art hl series
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If you have any concerns or questions you'd like to ask, click the question mark emoji on my blog bio! or if you want to support me as an artist hehe listed below is my kofi. tysm!
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itstheoneshots · 9 months
Exo Fic Recommendations
🧠 = All time favourites 🍡 = Fluff ❗ = Mature
*Updated on 19/09/2023
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🍡 Friends to lovers by guardians-of-exo
How To Kiss A Boy by gyudior
Inquiring minds by papermatisse
Work can wait for other days by doiefics
First Bliss by dreamylittlesugarcube
🧠🍡 I’ll Cover You by lana-writes
🍡❗ Mean by baekhyuns-abs
White Noise by guardians-of-exo
Kyungsoo (D.O)
🧠❗ Borrowed T-Shirt by soobadnoonecanstopher
Clickbait by dreamylittlesugarcube
I Hate You For Hating Me by whimsical-ness
Making a Splash by dreamylittlesugarcube
🍡Spellbound by whimsical-ness
Steam by dreamylittlesugarcube
The Heart Sees by soobadnoonecanstopher
Undressing by kpoptrashlord-007
Minseok (Xiumin)
Behind The Mask by lana-writes
Snowy wonderland by cxsmicmyeon
🧠 ❗ Trending Topic by brokeandjetlagged
Formidable by prettywordsyouleft
Golden, like the snitch by exodusmc
🍡Hogwarts AU by def-initely-soul
Spellbound by navellera
🧠🍡You Drive Me Insane by whimsical-ness
Yixing (Lay)
Hurt Me, Heal Me by brokeandjetlagged
🧠🍡Kiss him, Wake him? by whimsical-ness
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galoresficrecs · 7 months
[EXO] Kyungsoo
LAST UPDATED ON: Dec 2nd, 2022
newly added ✦ || personal faves ✪ || ongoing ✑
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not rated || general || teen and up || mature || explicit🔞
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kyungsoo x baekhyun x jongdae
kyungsoo x chanyeol
kyungsoo x jongin
❧ kyungsoo x reader ☙
[part of The Cartel] Artifex by def-initely-soul [5,3k words] f!reader, 1970s!au, set in florida, crimes & criminals!au, federal agent!kyungsoo || mature
Disqualified by yehet-me-up [5,9k words] f!reader, scavenger hunt, friends to lovers || teen and up
Spellbound by whimsical-ness [6,7k words] f!reader, hogwarts!au || not rated
[part of Welcome to the Exodus Mall] The Problem With Wanting by yehet-me-up [16,1k words] f!reader, 1990s!au, mall!au, set in seattle, coworkers to lovers || mature
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2023 To Write List
The following are projects I’d like to write over the coming year. If there are any that you’re interested in, feel free to request them so that I can make them more of a priority. The list will be constantly changing and evolving as projects get finished, become actual WIPs, or I think of more. Published fics will stay on the list for a few days before being removed. 
Ateez NSFW Headcanons (By request only) Hongjoong Seonghwa Yunho Yeosang San Mingi Wooyoung Jongho
Yeosang- Fluff Imagine
Ateez as Fae- Individual stories. 
Big Bang:
Big Bang as Fae
BTS as Fae
Young K- Starving Artists pt2 (WIP)
Day6 as Fae
Lay- Snow Crossed pt3
Got7 as Fae
Monsta X:
Hyungwon- Hogwarts AU (WIP)
MX as Fae
Johnny- Rich Kid AU (WIP)
Mark- The One That Got Away (WIP)
Poly Seoksoo- Fae AU (WIP)
Dino- Fae AU (WIP)
Joshua- Fluff Imagine
Without A Word Series (TBD)
Stray Kids: 
Changbin- Fae AU (WIP)
Jisung- Morgue AU 
Stray Kids as Fae
TXT as Fae
Solo Artists: 
Nothing Yet
This list will be changing all the time, so please check back for updates on anything you’re interested in. Don’t forget, my requests are open. 
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callmedanquixote · 7 months
❥ N A V I G A T I O N
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❥ Hello! You can call me DanOh
❥ She / her | 26 | Spanish & English | Ace
❥ INFJ | Sagittarius 🏹 | Wiccan
❥ Who I stan?
Maybe I don't write specifically about all those groups but you can find the members as characters in some of my fics.
❥ I'm a slooow writer because I have a work that leaves me drain a lot during weekdays and I also struggle with bipolar disorder on a daily basis so I ask for your patience pls 🙏💖
❥ I will finish all my current and future works. I'm kinda slow cause I write in spanish first and then in english. And sometimes when I don't feel like it's a perfect work I tend to rewrite it a couple more times.
❥ So, yeah. This blog is basically made for me to write all the shitty cliché stuff that I love with the people I like. If you like the stories I write, thank u so much. I hope I can give you a little time of entertainment. 🌸
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Last work: Blooming even in the shadows - Chapter 2
Currently working in:
✧ A reverse harem with magic, royalty and our beautiful 96 line (Wonwoo, Kun, Doyoung, Changkyun and Sangyeon) - Completing plot ideas
✧ A creepy(?), sick and questionable story in a mental facility with DPR Ian, Wonwoo and Mingyu. - Writing. Maybe (I really hope so) out in november.
✧ A super cliché college au, friends to lovers, with the beautiful Editor in Chief of the newspaper Doyoung. - Making a list of situations for the plot
✧ A marriage of convenience au, with a lot of juicy drama with Kun and Doyoung. - Rewriting ideas to complete the plot so I can rewrite the chapters I already had.
✧ Rich people, chaebol life, kinda enemies to lovers, with Wonwoo, Mingyu and Jun. - Completing (rewriting) plot ideas.
✧ Soulmate au, lots of drama, angsty but I only write happy endings so don't worry too much, with Kun. - Finding time to write this story. I have the complete sketch but I need to give it shape.
✧ Blooming even in the shadows: My Hogwarts/The Boyz series that I absolutely will finish one day hehe. I just need to catch up with my old chapters and with my plot ideas so I can continue the story well. And I'm trying to reduce the chapters so I'll finish it faster.
0 notes
marshmallow-phd · 2 years
Charms and Cauldron Cakes
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Pairing: EXO x Reader
Genre: Harry Potter!AU
Request: anon: Hello~~Maybe a Harry Potter!Exo au?
A/N: I loved writing for Harry Potter. No other story defines my childhood :)
“You’re showing off again.”
“That’s precisely the point.”
You rolled your eyes as Junmyeon, the head boy from Ravenclaw, turned several goblets into dancing frogs. The poor creatures kicked high across the mostly empty table in time to a song that didn’t exist. 
It was the end of the first term and most of the students had gone home for the holidays. With your parents’ jobs at the ministry involving a lot of traveling, you were forced to be included in the small group of students staying behind at school. You didn’t mind, though, since a few of your friends were sticking it out as well and the castle was at its most beautiful in the nighttime snow. 
“Watch it!”
Something round and dull red flew over the table, barely missing the heads of the congregated students. 
“Chanyeol! What have I said about Quidditch inside?” Junmyeon scolded. 
Gryffindor’s team captain sat down sheepishly, his ears turning red. “Sorry.”
“We’re just having fun, Jun.” Baekhyun, a fellow Gryffindor, slid into the spot next to his best friend, the quaffle tucked nicely under his arm. “It’s Christmas, loosen up.”
With a wave of your wand - and a whispered spell - the quaffle shrank to the size of a golf ball. It fell down to the table’s surface with a light thunk and rolled between the dishes half empty of food. Baekhyun’s cry of protest was followed by Junmyeon’s frogs returning to their small goblet forms. 
“Now who’s the one showing off, (y/n),” Jongdae teased as he loosened the yellow and black tie around his neck. 
You shook your head. “I didn’t do that to the frogs.”
A flutter of green entered your vision. Sitting down on the other side of Chanyeol, Yixing wore a cheeky smirk, slipping his wand into his robes pocket. “Professor Thisaru would be very impressed with that bit of transfiguration, Junmyeon.”
“Of course,” Sehun teased. “Junmyeon is expected to be top of the marks in N.E.W.T.s.”
At the poking compliment, Junmeyon gave a smile that was halfway between proud and embarrassed. As nearly the top student in his year, the teachers loved Jun and had high expectations for his test scores, like Sehun said. The N.E.W.T.s were something he was looking forward to. The end of the year tests for you, however, were nothing but anxiety-inducing. 
According to Professor Longbottom, you should be more than adequate in herbology and similar subjects. Simple, factual recall was easy for you. More complex subjects, like runes or divination - which you were sure you were going to drop next year - weren’t so kind to you. At the end of next term you would be taking the all important O.W.L.s. The results of that rigorous day would dictate what classes you could sign up for the following two years which then would lead to a possible career choice after leaving Hogwarts. On that avenue, you were completely lost. 
“Hey, (y/n),” Minseok nudged your shoulder with his own. 
“Don’t stress out about it.”
You snorted. How did he know exactly what was on your mind? “That’s like asking a mermaid not to drown you.”
“If you’re nice to them, they won’t,” laughed Jongdae. You threw him a pointed look. If he didn’t watch out, you were going to throw him into the lake. See if the mermaids won’t drown him then. 
“That’s right. They promised they would send me a whole box full!”
You caught the tail end of Baekhyun’s excitement. “A box of what?”
“Candies and Jokes from Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes!” he replied with way too much enthusiasm. “My parents have to go to London next week so they’re going to send me a box to make up for me having to stay here.”
“Don’t want to stay with us?” Sehun pulled his best hurt face.
“It’s kind of nice to walk around without accidentally stepping through the ghosts.”
“Be careful or you’ll find one lingering in your room while you sleep,” Yixing warned. Baekhyun swallowed, genuinely worried. All the creatures in Care of Magical Creatures, he could handle. Even the boggart in Defense Against the Dark Arts didn’t faze him much. But ghosts…. It was actually a bit comical. 
“Come on,” Junmyeon said. “The snowing has stopped. We can get a scrimmage in at the pitch before it gets too dark.”
That suggestion made everyone jump up. Chatter full of excitement buzzed around you as the group headed towards the doors. Professor Longbottom smiled and waved at you all as you passed, the newest addition of Herbology Weekly tucked under his arm. But when the group started to split off to their respective dorms to change into warmer clothes, you realized that you’d left your wand at the table. With a promise to meet them at the front doors, you hurried back and found the eleven inch piece of wood sitting amongst the golden plates. 
When you exited the Great Hall, you started for your own dormitory. But then you stopped. 
Floating in the middle of the hall was a small box no bigger than your hand. Tied to the top was a small note with your name. You plucked the box from the air with no resistance and pulled on the dark blue ribbon. Inside was your favorite cauldron cake and another note. 
Meet me on the Astronomy Tower before the scrimmage. Please?
A giggly smile spread out across your face. The sweater you had on would be good enough for the scrimmage. By passing the staircase that led to your dorm, you instead ran up the floors to the tower. 
You didn’t know who had left you the present, but you had a hope and it grew with each step under your foot.
128 notes · View notes
sooibian · 4 years
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✨ part of the Spellbound collab series with insanely talented writers @hkynm ​ @fullsuninbloom​ @blackberrykai​ and @j-pping​
✨ pairing: hufflepuff!kyungsoo x ravenclaw!oc/reader ft. ravenclaw!chen
✨ themes: fluff, mild angst, slow burn, cheesy couples
✨ genre: hogwarts!au
✨ description: broken bones and a tedious detention - can I still say that this is the best christmas i've ever had? it’s because I found magic in him - the big eyed, dark haired, hufflepuff boy. funny I say that as a witch! but sadly, good things don’t last forever.
✨ word count: 16.5k
✨ tag list: @eggsodose @christiandosworld @imgonweast @is-that-baekhyuns-shirt @changshapatrol @thatanonymousgirl-as14 @his-mochi-cheeks @charmedbaek @xiusoomygod @crescent-iak @gdaystays @mangobaek @keonaforever21 @staryyugy @hyckrens @yixing-jaebeom @halfbloodkjm @thepoeticfirefly​
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With a baggie of Caramel Cobwebs grasped between her fingers, he saw her head towards Gladrags Wizardwear. He feigned untied shoelaces as his friends Baekhyun, Chanyeol and Chen made a beeline for a table at The Three Broomsticks. He stayed just so that he could see her for just a little bit longer as she walked down the quaint but bustling lane of Hogsmeade. It baffled him how different she looked to him every time he saw her. 
Yet she looked so familiar.
A sound of girls giggling reached his ears suddenly making him more aware. A jet of purple light shot in her direction and she stood frozen, right in the middle of the street, face buried in hands.
It enraged him to see her like this, weak and lost. With a flick of his wand he unbound her legs. Misty eyed, she hesitantly looked over her shoulder for a fleeting moment before hurrying into the safer confines of the shop as though nothing had happened.
This was their first ever trip to Hogsmeade and he thought J. Pippin's Potions worth the detour. 
Rat tails. Porcupine quills. Billywig stings.
The Hair Raising potion had its benefits, after all. 
A few drops of it in their pumpkin juice and those girls went around school with their hair standing on end. It made them the laughing-stock and not a single soul suspected the innocent looking, third-year Hufflepuff boy.
Professor Trelawney's got me feeling like I’ve downed an entire flask of Felix Felicis.
Maybe it was the fine sherry I brought her for Christmas and if I'm being honest she was most likely under the influence of some at the time - a bit too early in the day for such an indulgence but that’s just my opinion. Anyway, she has prophesied that today’s going to be a momentous day for me. She said it would “change the course of my destiny”. Jupiter has entered Pisces owing to which I’ll be able to open myself up more to the world. I shudder at the thought but her comically large, moony eyes bore a distinct hint of euphoria so I’ll take her word for it. And I don’t care what “opinions” other students - or even Professors for that matter - have of her but I’ll always believe that Divination is a highly compelling (albeit misunderstood) branch of magic. 
And Professor Trelawney is a truly gifted Seer.
With a spring in my step, I'm practically galloping down the Great Hall after a hearty breakfast and Professor Flitwick is unfeignedly in his element. A peppy tune on his lips, he blossoms golden baubles out of his wand, trailing them over the branches of the new dozen of frost covered fir trees akin to a Maestro weaving a symphony with his baton. Christmas has always been an ethereal treat for the eyes at Hogwarts. The Castle is covered in several feet of silver snow, in the Great Hall thick streams of holly and mistletoe criss-cross the ceilings and enchanted snow falls warm and dry from it. While I do feel a little lonely sometimes, I'd rather spend the holidays here than back home with Gran.  
Fourteen years of having to raise me all by herself after Mum and Dad passed away couldn’t have been easy. I reckon she could do well without having to unnecessarily fret over me during the holidays. And I could do very well without her persuasions, asking me to live up to the dreams my parents had had for me. Hopefully, she's enjoying herself with a cup or two of Firewhisky in the evenings in the company of her Ministry friends and gorging on those delicious Ugly Christmas Sweater Cookies and Liquorice Wands that she so relishes!
"Looks great, Professor!" I say to Professor Flitwick and with a cheery laugh he waves his wand bearing arm at me. I duck at the sudden attack of tinsels but one golden bauble nests in the loop of my topknot anyway. I think I'll keep it and use it for Hagrid's gift.
A glance out the window behind the staff table and I resolve to brave the weather and pay him a long overdue visit. I have a little something for him and old Fang. I won’t lie, it helps to be the granddaughter of an influential woman for Hagrid’s Christmas presents don’t come easy. 
Another great thing about Christmas is that I have the castle all to myself. The dormitory is vacant and the Common Room is far emptier than usual. And I’m spared the everyday torment of hushed whispers and giggles and the occasional “practical jokes”. Carefully, I bring Hagrid’s present out of its little pen to measure it up against the stray bauble. Not his size. He rapidly blinks his beetle brown eyes at me and crawls up my arm with a certain urgency, nestling into the crook of my neck. “Aww Mr. Twiggles”, I plop the Bowtruckle down onto my lap and wrap a pink ribbon around its knobbly brown arm. Placing him under an airy bronze cloche, alongside a huge slab of butterbeer fudge, I bid him adieu. 
My butt is freezing, I’m pretty sure I heard something crack and it was definitely not the ice. A terrified Bowtruckle is smack in the middle of my face while I lie amidst crumbs of Butterbeer Fudge. Since this could be his only shot at freedom, Mr. Twiggles scuttles into the Forbidden Forest. Taking stock of the situation I realise that Fang’s present has now become one with the snow, I’ve lost Hagrid’s present to its natural habitat and probably snapped a few of my bones in the process. 
But this is the least of my concerns. 
My literal fall further down the school’s social structure has a witness - the Muggle-born Hufflepuff boy, who belongs to probably one of the most influential cliques in school. I don’t think much of them, to be honest. They’re just a babbling band of bumbling baboons. But can’t I have a day go by without being humiliated? Is that a lot to ask? Hagrid’s hut is barely ten feet from here. I wouldn’t mind breaking all of my bones in his company. He would’ve probably offered me some tea and his infamous rock cakes before carrying me to the Hospital Wing. Out of all the places in Hogwarts... out of all the places in the world...did this wide-eyed bloke really have to be here? Exactly in this moment? And just how many students is Hagrid friends with anyway? And why him? I swear I’ve never seen the boy smile. Not even when he’s with his rowdy friends. 
This can’t be it. 
This can’t be the ‘momentous day that changes the course of my destiny’. This is just like...any other rubbish day and it’s crushing my soul. I'm starting to believe that Divination is a whole lot of hogwash and Professor Trelawney is indeed a fraud. But at this point, I can’t feel my limbs and I really, really could use some help.
Squinting hard, the Muggle-born rushes to my aid. My lips begin to quiver and I feel warm tears trickle down my temples, further wetting my already damp hair. He stoops down and his eyes widen with surprise and recognition and he scoffs at my immobilized state. As he’s helping me up, I wrap my right arm around his shoulders. An imperceptible smile tugs at his lips as his left arm firms around my waist and before I know it, I’m standing on my own two feet - or one. My weight is supported by him and my good right leg. But before I can begin to thank him, a sharp pain shoots to my head and I see little stars buzzing around his ears. Maybe they are real! 
“Wrackspurts”, I mumble and observe his lips form the shape of a heart when curved into a wide smile. His smile is….bewitching.
And it's the last thing I see.
Madam Pomfrey strongly insists on keeping me caged in for the night. She’s implacable and my protests are met with a standard taut response, “Broken bones are particularly dangerous in winters. You’re staying the night.” How do I explain that I feel fine and keeping me in will only make matters a LOT worse for me.
I have to go see the Hufflepuff boy.
I have absolutely no memory of the events that unfolded after I literally started seeing stars. Not Wrackspurts. Did he perhaps carry me to the Hospital Wing? I have no answers and this isn’t exactly the kind of topic I wish to broach with Madam Pomfrey. My throat dries up at the thought of him struggling to bring me all the way up here and it makes me actively consider a transfer to Beauxbatons - if that is indeed possible. Because this cannot be happening right now! Sixth year has been quiet and I’d like to keep it that way, thank you very much. 
I don’t know if the Hufflepuff boy will keep it down for me. Will he tell his friends about it? Will I become the talk of the town even before school resumes? Will he keep it to himself if I cut a deal with him? I don’t mind helping him out with schoolwork or something.
My delirious train of thought is interrupted by three rhythmic knocks on the slightly ajar double door.
It’s him.
He’s standing in the doorway, twiddling a rectangular purple box in his hands, shifting his weight nervously from one foot to the other. Does he expect me to invite him in? What’s the protocol? Smoothing out the wrinkles in my blanket, I sit up slightly and crane my neck to find Madam Pomfrey who seems to be in her Office. Pursing my lips into an awkward smile, I turn to look at him and shrug noncommittally. He takes it as his cue to enter.
“This is for you.” He says in a low mellifluous voice which tastes like honeyed milk and gingerly places the box at the edge of my bed. Caramel Cobwebs. My favourite! He finds a seat at the edge of the other end of my bed.
“Thanks, you didn’t have to...and thank you for everything. I -”
His deep brown eyes suddenly meet mine and I lose all sense of speech.
“It was Hagrid who brought you here”, he says nonchalantly, drumming his fingers on his knees while allowing his large eyes to survey the sterile, sprawling infirmary.
Then why is he here?
“Aren’t you missing lunch?” I ask, unwrapping the box and offering the constellate of bite sized confectionery to him. “I’m not too hungry”, he says, guzzling down a few anyway. A soft smile touches the corners of his mouth. 
Silence echoes in the Hospital Wing, save for our muted nibbling. It’s soothing in its sense of comfort as neither of us is particularly chatty. And that’s just as gratifying as the sweet treats.
“Looks like we have company!” The stern but kind Matron swooshes out of her office, scrutinizing the boy from top to bottom, making him shift uncomfortably in his seat. She’s never been too fond of visitors. I remember the day I tagged along with Chen last year to visit his human banshee of a friend - Baekhyun. 
A doxy had apparently sunk it’s double row sharp front teeth into his arm, injecting him with its venom. His dense idea was to experiment with doxy venom to appear ill just so that he could cut a couple of lessons with his dimwitted oaf - Chanyeol. While the latter went unscathed and even managed to extract an ounce of venom out of the doxy (cute fairies he liked to call them), the human banshee had to be brought into the Hospital Wing to be administered the Antidote to Uncommon Poisons. I only visited the boy who cackles like a goose to get a little look-see of what doxy venom could do to a person. But to my absolute dismay, he looked... peachy, with an annoying boxy grin plastered across his face. The Matron shooed Chen, me and the big oaf out in a matter of minutes. It’s not that I blame her. I would’ve probably done the same in view of the racket that ensued amidst their boisterous conversation.
Madam Pomfrey brings out a small vial of brown liquid and applies a few drops of it on my elbow. I hadn’t noticed the nasty wound my fall had left on it, up until then. A greenish smoke billows upward and it quickly clears out to make the wound look several days old and new skin stretches over what had been a deep cut.
“Dittany!” The Hufflepuff boy and I say in unison.
“Well done! 5 points each to Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw!” Madam Pomfrey jokes as she peers over her spectacles and her gaze flits between him and me. I catch his heart shaped smile again. And for some reason, makes my stomach contract and my heart go into a somersault. Or maybe it’s the effect whatever Madam Pomfrey’s got me under.
The Matron raises her wand and points it at the table adjoining my bed. A large plate of sandwiches, two silver goblets and a jug of a cold beverage appear with a pop.
It's honeyed milk. 
She retracts into her office without pressing on him to leave and for that I am grateful. We share sandwiches in silence as a mildly bitter citrus aroma of Dittany wafts through the space between us. The plate endlessly refills itself but we’re both satiated by the third fill.
“I’m Kyungsoo, by the way. Sixth year.” He says in his dulcet tone and I take a huge gulp of the sweet nectar out of the goblet.
Madam Pomfrey sets me free with not one but two warnings. Avoid slippery outdoors if you’d like to enjoy the Christmas feast and Don’t count your owls before they are delivered. I’ll admit the second one is a bit difficult to stomach since I had my eyes trained on the door for the better part of the morning. It comes in fine print at the bottom of the letter of acceptance - steer clear of parent-less weirdos who believe in Divination and Nargles. Of course the sweet and quiet Kyungsoo received the same letter. 
After having sent Hagrid a Christmas greeting via an owl, I head over to the library. Its musty fragrance clears my mind off trivial sentiments. Sixth year is no child’s play and I need to read up on Apparition to avoid having a limb splinched especially after yesterday’s disaster. 
“Umm...HI!”, a chirpy voice startles me and I almost collapse into the Restricted Section. This voice is a little too sprightly for a deserted library and its owner looks like someone who does not belong in school during the holiday season. Her dazzling smile perfectly complements the twinkle in her eyes. She’s one of those girls but she seems nice? My puzzled expression asks her the obvious questions.
“Sorry! Professor Slughorn asked me to give this to you.” She hands me a rich parchment. It’s a letter addressed to me in the most exquisite cursive inviting me to dinner held by Professor H.E.F Slughorn.
The girl is still here, eyes beaming with curiosity, “It’s for the Slug Club, right? What’s it all about? Well... I’ve always wondered.” Her voice trails off in an awkward giggle.
“Be my guest!”
It’ll help to have a slightly known, apparently friendly face in an obnoxious crowd.
I’m no stranger to the opulent ways of prestigious wizarding families but this isn’t something one would expect to see in a Professor’s office at Hogwarts. It’s barely even an office! It’s an enormous tent bathed in a dim orange of the sunset with its ceiling and walls draped in emerald hangings. The deep melody of violins drowns the frantic squeaking of house elves who are obscured by the heavy silver platters of the finest hors d'oeuvres.  
A circular dining area is set up right in the middle of the room where most of the invitees have taken their seats. There aren’t too many compared to last year. No Warlocks, no Vampires. Just a handful of students with their guests and a couple of past students - Slughorn’s proteges of course - who’ve managed to carve a name for themselves all thanks to the powerful connections he’d helped them forge through this very same Club. Or so he’d rather believe.
The tap on my shoulder strikes me with the realization that I’m still stood at the entrance. It’s my chirpy guest! The fifth year Gryffindor Prefect. One awkward small talk later, we find our seats at the ostentatious table.
Despite the grandiose, this is a rather intimate gathering. But judging by Professor Slughorn’s enthusiasm, the turnout is certainly not off-putting to him. He drones on about his overachieving handpicked students and I let my mind wander into the distance while Miss Prefect is certainly taken by the charms of this first-class motley. Well, at least someone’s liking it here.
“Kyungsoo, m’boy!” Slughorn jumps mid-feast at the sight of the newest entrant to this coalition, almost causing me to choke on my roast duck, “Welcome, welcome!” 
At a gesture from Slughorn, he sits down in the empty chair next to me and mutters a velvety ‘hullo’ in my direction and I’ve suddenly lost my appetite thanks to the butterflies in my stomach. He’s dressed casually in blue denims and a beige knit sweater yet he’s shining brighter than Sirius among all these boys in their finest ensembles.
“This young man is the only sixth year I’ve ever seen who’s managed to concoct the Draught of Living Death”, he takes a dramatic pause to peer at his guests over his spectacles before meeting my eyes, “flawlessly!”
Almost everyone at the table acknowledges Kyungsoo with a smile or a slight nod, save for a few overtly arrogant Purebloods who merely grunt in response or completely ignore his accomplishment. I, on the other hand, have my eyes trained on the roast duck to keep my erratic heartbeat in check.
Slughorn gears up for another act, “So tell us, Mister Doh, what exactly does your family do in the Muggle world?” His smile is cold, unwelcoming.
“My Mum is a chef, Professor...my parents own a restaurant.” Kyungsoo answers.
Slughorn contemplates on his answer for a while with a ‘hmm’, “A Muggle-born, eh?”, he lifts an eyebrow, “But the fumes from his cauldron almost lulled this old man into a deep slumber”, he chortles, wagging a sausage like finger, only to receive cold silence in response from everyone else except one invitee.
The feline eyed man laughs the loudest at Slughorn’s pathetic joke. One might think it’s probably out of sympathy. But it’s not. He seems to have actually found that funny.
Slughorn introduces him as Minseok Kim and goes on to sing praises about this former student of his. Slytherin. Excellent potioneer. One of the youngest registered animagi. 
His animagus is a cat. 
Minseok interrupts Slughorn’s discourse with an uncomfortable laugh showcasing his wide gummy grin, “You give me too much credit, Professor!”
“You’ve made me proud, my son! So tell us how your career as a Magizoologist is treating you? Well, I hope? Your uncle Soo Man Lee, a notable Warlock and a dear friend of mine, wrote to me saying that you happened to cross paths with an obscurus during one of your recent travels! That must have been...” Professor Slughorn shakes his head in horror and awe as his voice tails away.
“It’s certainly a story for a different occasion, Professor. Although, it happens to be one of my most memorable experiences.” Something about Minseok’s discomfit demeanour tells me he’d rather have a tête-à-tête with the obscurus than with Professor Slughorn. I take an instant liking to this man. 
“Minseok, we happen to have an aspiring Magizoologist in our company”, I loathe the nickname. It’s a garb. It’s a lie. But the conversation seamlessly steers towards me as a dozen pairs of eyes follow Professor Slughorn’s snivelling gaze. Clearing my throat, I say to Minseok, “I’m delighted to meet you - ”
“My dear, if I may ask and I hope you won’t mind”, Professor Slughorn interrupts me, per usual. Kyungsoo lets out a barely audible annoyed grunt and I hold my breath in anticipation of what he’s about to say next. Slughorn has a knack for broaching treacherous territories with utmost eloquence. I didn’t think it was possible for me to despise this gathering any more than I already do. I know where he’s going. I know what he’s going to say next. He’s going to play the Devil’s (Gran’s) Advocate. 
This is not a party. It’s an intervention which serves as an offhanded reminder of my parents’ gruesome deaths.
“You come from a lineage of Aurors par excellence. Your grandparents with whom I had the great fortune of exchanging notes and secrets in these very same classrooms. Your parents…. a tremendous loss to our world…” 
At this point, I’ve lost Professor Slughorn. 
He’s testing me again to see if I have any of my parents’ flair. I do not. Magizoologist is just a veil that conceals my seemingly purposeless life. I’m not sure what I want to be. Or who I want to be. If there’s one thing I know it’s that I don’t want to end up like my parents. Neither am I brave nor am I self sacrificial. Their deaths, I’ve come to terms with. It’s the torture they went through that keeps me up most nights - the unimaginable pain of the Cruciatus Curse before they were engulfed in blinding green light. My throat seizes up and I chew on the insides of my cheeks to feel pain that’s more superficial.
My sweaty palms clutch at the hem of my silk lilac dress. I feel hesitant fingers gently graze the back of my left hand, steadying the tremble. Judging by my lack of protest, Kyungsoo’s grip around my hand courageously strengthens. 
In subliminal comfort. 
I don’t feel cornered anymore.
Oh I shouldn’t have. 
I’m not a pervert. In my defense her hand was right there! Trembling. Astray. Seeking shelter.
Asking to be held.
She didn’t say a word to me after that ridiculous party. I couldn’t muster the courage to say anything to her, either. What could I have said? I’m sorry? That would’ve been dishonest. I wasn’t sorry about it at all. Are you alright? I didn’t want her to feel any more uncomfortable than she already did. So I left it at that. Like I always do. 
Because I’m a coward. 
She swooped out with her friend as soon as the snoozefest was over, leaving her food completely untouched. In fact, I didn’t catch her taking a bite out of anything ever since I arrived. Her slender fingers were gracefully wrapped around a silver goblet the entire time.
It’s always been like that with her. She always needs something or the other to physically hold on to. The straps of her bag, books, remembralls, whatever she can find. I notice these little things about her. I always have. But to her I’m only a face in the crowd. The very same crowd she fights shy of. I don’t blame her. It is quite rare for pretty girls to notice me. 
And she’s ethereal.
Year One
My heart was hammering in my chest as I was ridiculously close to missing the Hogwarts Express. Partially because the oddly named Platform was nowhere to be found and I was starting to think of the entire thing as an elaborate prank. And when we did end up finding the way to the Platform by following a snooty wizarding couple who seemed to be seeing their daughter off, I quite frankly lost my mind at the prospect of having to run through a solid wall to get to it.
I said a final word of my goodbye to my teary-eyed mother.
Earlier in the day, her theatrical sobfest went on for hours after she progressed from outright denial and came to terms with the fact that witches and wizards do exist and that her only son is in fact a wizard. He wasn’t going to take over his parents’ restaurant business like she’d always hoped he would. Honestly, at this point he’s not entirely sure what his future beholds but he’s a wizard and is indeed very happy about it.
But I didn’t dare say this to her. 
I pretended to be upset about having to practically move out at the age of eleven. In all honesty, I was mildly upset but far more excited about this school I’d, obviously, never heard of before the Letter arrived - Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. 
But it wasn’t long before all of my bubbling excitement was reduced to a pile of rubbish.
I had lost my little pouch of wizard money which I thought I'd carefully tucked into the back pocket of my jeans only to find out about it seconds prior to having to pay for the strange but oddly tempting treats. I felt myself shrink under the kind old lady’s sympathetic gaze as I put my little confectionery treasure back to where it belonged. On the top of her trolley. Suddenly, the embarrassing rumble of my stomach was drowned by a welcome jingle of coins.
The second year boy in my compartment - who later introduced himself as Baekhyun Byun - paid for the treats instead. I didn’t like him at first since he had a permanent smile plastered across his face, was giggly and extremely chatty. He’d told me all kinds of sorting stories which made me want to take the same train back home. I discovered his annoyingly loud chewing habits while sharing a stack of Cauldron Cakes with him. But I guess a happy stomach makes one truly tolerant.
We tried to offer Pumpkin Pasties to the girl in our compartment who had her face buried in a book right since the moment she boarded. Baekhyun even tried to strike up a conversation with her, multiple times, but to no avail. She’d only respond in nods and slight smiles.
After a point, we gave up. There’s no cure to snobbery.
There was an empty feeling in the pit of my stomach even after having annihilated five Chocolate Frogs, a dozen Liquorice Wands, six Pumpkin Pasties and two Cauldron Cakes. It wasn't even the first day yet and I’d lost ten Galleons in wizarding money which equalled fifty Pounds in muggle money which equalled two meals at our restaurant.
The rain thickened as the train sped further north. Baekhyun pulled on his long black robe, gave me all of his Chocolate Frog cards and scurried ahead with his trunk leaving me alone with the oddball. We were nearly there.
“Here”, she said, thrusting a heavy, knotted pink cloth in my hands before exiting the compartment in a rush.
It was five Galleons neatly wrapped in a cloth that smelled exactly like the “farewell” cake Mum baked me. 
We didn’t have to wrestle a troll or turn a fat rat yellow for the Sorting Ceremony like Baekhyun said we’d have to.
“RAVENCLAW!” the Hat bellowed and the girl from the Hogwarts Express found her place amidst the brains at Hogwarts (as Baekhyun liked to call them) and that didn’t leave me surprised at all.
When the strict witch called out my name I almost stumbled upon a step on my way up to the wooden stool. For no particular reason the word “Ravenclaw” rolled off my tongue and the Hat contemplated, “Intelligent and hard-working, eh? Hmm….where should I place you...I see. I see! HUFFLEPUFF!”
The table next to Ravenclaw cheered me on as a ghost, the Fat Friar, swooshed past me in what was supposed to be a bone chilling embrace. I caught her eyes and she gave me a little wave.
Ravenclaw...at least I knew where to find her. I’ll return her money but not the piece of cloth.
It is a reminder of home.
Year Two
Am I invisible to her?
Every time I’ve so much as smiled at her she’s returned it with an unreadable expression like that lady in the fake painting at our restaurant. If I approach her and she doesn’t recognize me, I’ll be making a complete ass out of myself. Anyway, she probably thinks I’m not good enough to be seen around with but third-year Chen is. People say she belongs to one of the oldest wizarding families and she sure does act like royalty. I guess, five Galleons to her is nothing but a drop in the ocean.
While Professor Sprout thinks I’m the next Tilden Toots - a celebrity Herbologist and Potioneer, Professor Snape’s way of expressing his satisfaction with my abilities in Potions was with a scowl and a barely audible “five points to Hufflepuff.”
Most of the students think of Potions as a lot of hard work but to me, it’s really not. I don’t entirely blame them. The classes are held in a dungeon and the Potions Master looms over us with a murderous intent but if you ignore all of that it’s just intricacies of timing and stirring techniques.
The Hair Raising potion was disgusting to concoct especially since one of the key ingredients was rat tails and three counter clockwise stirs left the cauldron with a sickening green residue causing the entire dungeon to smell like a dead rat.
I must admit, Hogwarts is one weird school. What on earth would I need this potion for?
Year Three
Whenever I’ve tried to avoid the joined at the hips duo Baekhyun and Chanyeol, I’ve found myself in their ear splitting company. By now, I’ve resigned to my fate. My fellow Hufflepuff Yoongi isn’t up for much these days. To be honest, he’s always liked to stick to the confines of the Hufflepuff dorm and that’s kind of a downer.
So I spend almost all of my free time in the company of the Perpetually In Detention duo and their Ravenclaw friend Chen. And I realise that I can never be Chen. Chen is perfect in every way. He’s polite, he’s intelligent, and at such a young age he’s got his life planned out. He wants to work for the Ministry of Magic. Which, I believe, is a cakewalk for the likes of him. He’s also kinda good looking. While we’re all struggling with embarrassing bulk sticking out of odd places and less than appealing skin, he could very well replace Gilderoy Lockhart for the next issue of Witch Weekly.
When I saw her head toward Gladrags Wizardwear, fingers clutched at a baggie of Caramel Cobwebs, I feigned untied shoelaces as Baekhyun, Chanyeol and Chen made their way into The Three Broomsticks. Suddenly, a jet of purple light shot in her direction and a sound of girls giggling reached my ears. She stood frozen in the middle of the street, face buried in hands and with a flick of my wand I unbound her legs. Misty eyed, she hesitantly looked over her shoulder for a fleeting moment before hurrying into the safer confines of the shop as though nothing had happened.
This was our first ever trip to Hogsmeade and I thought J. Pippin's Potions worth the detour.
Rat tails. Porcupine quills. Billywig stings.
The Hair Raising potion had its benefits, after all. 
A few drops of it in their pumpkin juice and not a single soul suspected the innocent looking, third-year Hufflepuff boy.
Year Four
Hagrid seemed quite proud of his crate full of Blast-Ended Skrewts. They were cuddly creatures, very useful and made for exceptional pets. 
If you looked at them with Hagrid’s beady brown, affectionate eyes.
Everyone in class was visibly disturbed at the sight of them. Yoongi was quite close to disappearing into the Forbidden Forest. But that’s just him - slimy, foul smelling, shell-less lobsters or not. I wouldn’t be surprised if he chose, out of the blue, to live as a hermit in the company of centaurs. Not sure if he’s aware that they’re averse to humans.
Smiling, she took two graceful steps towards the crate as the rest of us took two steps back. Then four, then six as her waist length hair rippled down her shoulders and sunlight bounced off the silver trinkets in her ears. Perhaps motivated by her deep affection for Hagrid and anything non-human, she dipped a piece of frog liver to tempt the freshly hatched Skrewts.
It was pointless. Skrewts don’t have mouths. Mine is carefully locked away in a little pen under my bed. Honestly, I don’t care whether it survives the semester or not. 
Anyway, she ended up earning a roaring applause from Hagrid and ten points for Ravenclaw.
I found myself following her to the hideous crate like my legs had a mind of their own while Yoongi gaped at me in horror. I don’t know what struck me but I’m pretty sure that I don’t love Hagrid enough to get stung by an ugly lobster. 
But she had her eyes lovingly trained on the Skrewts the entire time and my valiant battle against a six inch burning, biting and stinging hybrid went completely unnoticed by her. 
Would I have to transfigure into an ugly Skrewt to get her attention? Or gulp down a vial of Polyjuice Potion to look like Chen? 
I’d still lack his charm.
Year Five
How Chanyeol and Baekhyun managed to advance to the sixth year is anyone’s guess, really. 
Because at this point I wish I had a Time Turner. Twenty four hours in a day are not enough for what the O.W.L.s demand. I’ve got Potions, Arithmancy, Charms, Transfiguration, Herbology, Care of Magical Creatures, History of Magic and Defence Against The Dark Arts. 
And Divination is entirely her fault.
There’s one thing, though, that Trelawney’s “Inner Eye” was right about - Everything is not as bad as it seems, my dear. It’s true. Professor Slughorn isn’t half as bad as Professor Snape. Although he’s a little vain and self-serving, I have a better shot at earning an O in Potions with him than I could have ever had with Snape. Where Snape would dismiss my nearly perfect brews with a grunt, I manage to earn some real points for Hufflepuff with Slughorn.
Professor Sprout, ever so confident in my abilities, had laughed away my Career Advice session by calling me the next Tilden Toots. Her face fell slightly when I told her that I aspired to be Tilden Toots the Potioneer and not Tilden Toots the Herbologist.
But my dreams won’t materialize if I don’t have near perfect scores in Charms and Arithmancy and these are the two subjects that have kept me away from my “happening” social life.
I’d been haunting the Hufflepuff common room with my fingers in my ears, muttering soundlessly and my dear friend Yoongi chose to “take a quick catnap for a refreshed mind” every chance he got. I haven’t seen them in a while - Baekhyun, Chanyeol, Chen and their Quidditch friends Kai and Sehun. With twelve (failed) study schedules strewn on the floor and six weeks left until the exams, I seized my copy of Defensive Magical Theory and stepped out of the dorm for some fresh air and mindless chatter.
Last I’d heard, they’d managed to earn themselves a week’s worth of detention for setting off Filibuster’s Fireworks in Filch’s office. 
What I witnessed in the corridor on my way out made me stop dead in my tracks. Chen had his arm around her shoulders as they walked along the hallway laughing and talking animatedly. This was the happiest I had ever seen her in all these years. At the sight of them, I felt a paralyzing dread seep into my consciousness. 
I hated it.
I hated to see her happy. With him. A part of me saw this coming but I could’ve never prepared myself for it and I immediately regretted leaving the unwitting confines of my Common Room. 
Seething, I went in the other direction, taking a detour for the Quidditch pitch, to find those clowns. 
With them, I could very well drift in and out of conversations. While I lacked patience for most of their rubbish and I usually brought my earmuffs along, today was different. I needed to hear something refreshing to get my mind off the horrible fragmented flashbacks of what I’d witnessed just minutes ago. It’s probably nothing and they’re just friends but the nagging rebuttal to my ‘just friends’ argument is making me restless.
To my absolute horror, Chen breezed into the pitch with an annoying grin on his face, cheeks flushed. I felt the knot in my stomach tighten.
“Guys! I asked her out and she said yes!” He announced to the world in his usual thunderous scream invoking a deafening response from the rest of them. Slamming my copy of Defensive Magical Theory shut, I rushed to the common room, ignoring Kai calling out for me.
Year Six
Study hard and you will be rewarded. Fail to do so and the consequences may be... severe.
And rewarded, I was. With 6 Os, 2 Es (Arithmancy and Defence Against the Dark Arts) and 1 A (Divination). Yoongi had managed to scrape through with a decent O.W.Ls score as well. And “Chen’s girlfriend” had topped the year, per usual. With 8 O’s and 1 E in Defence Against The Dark Arts, having messed up one counter jinx in the practicals.  She’s strangely under confident when it comes to this subject.
My house-elf friend Winky smuggled in a congratulatory vanilla cake - a Muggle recipe I’d helped her recreate.
So turns out “Chen’s girlfriend” isn’t Chen’s girlfriend. 
I mean, Chen has a girlfriend but it’s not the girl from the Hogwarts Express. It’s the Ravenclaw Head Girl. Because I spent nearly half a year sulking, slogging away in the library, feeling betrayed for no particular reason, despite my well above average O.W.Ls score I felt like a complete idiot.
The bearer of good news was Chanyeol Park.
Who enraged me and made me want to kiss a Blast-Ended Skrewt on its non-existent mouth at the same time with, “Of course he’s not dating that Ravenclaw oddball. He’s dating the Ravenclaw Head Girl.”
Smacking him on the head with my copy of Advanced Potion Making, I decided to spend the upcoming Christmas at school. 
It’s now or never.
She’s SUCH an idiot!
A freezing, injured, drenched, clumsy idiot. 
A Bowtruckle whirred past me into the Forbidden Forest as I rushed to help her off the ground. Tergeo, I muttered to siphon the blood off her elbow and hoisted her up not long before she collapsed into my arms.
She’s a cute idiot whose pain is… my gain.
“Why aren’t you home for the holidays?”
Howling, a chilly breeze engulfs us but the panoramic view of the landscape from the Wooden Bridge is well worth it. As is the mildly attractive Hufflepuff boy who’d asked, very shyly, if he could see me here.
“My parents are always busy with the restaurant during the holidays, anyway. Thought I’d use this time to prepare better in advance for N.E.W.T.s”, says a red-nosed, shivering Kyungsoo.
He’s ambitious as he is kind. “So, are you?”
“Preparing for... N.E.W.T.s?”
“No. Something’s kept me busy.” An imperceptible smile tugs at his lips and I find myself unconsciously mirroring him. It’s freezing out here but my cheeks are ablaze.
“What has?” My tone is unwavering but his rich pause has me dreading as well as anticipating the answer.
“The Patronus Charm”, he says, “All I can manage is formless silver vapour.”
“I could help if you like.” I turn to face him to find his confused expression uncoil into a toasty smile.
“You can conjure an actual corporeal Patronus?” His excitable voice is not as deep as his regular talking voice but it’s melodic anyway.
Nodding, I say, “Let’s go.” 
Kyungsoo’s eyes aren’t exactly trusting. I’ve brought him to the seventh floor and we’re gawking at a tapestry of trolls ridiculously bent in a plier. If I were him, I wouldn’t trust me either. But Hogwarts is an ancient castle and I’ve spent a good amount of time recceing it’s rooms, hallways, and everything in between. Yet, I discover something new, every time. 
Last year, I discovered this - The Room of Requirement - or as Meady likes to call it - the Come and Go Room.
“Okay, so we’re going to walk past the area of this door, thrice, thinking clearly of what we need.” Pointing at the wall opposite the funny tapestry, I say to Kyungsoo but a look of sheer confusion mixed with worry clouds his face.
“We’re going to think of a large, dingy classroom where we can have our lessons without anyone disturbing us.”
His expression is short of saying, ‘You’re crazy. Goodbye.’ Despite that, he valiantly follows my instruction.
After the third pass we’re in a spacious classroom completely devoid of any furniture, save for two desks.
“Ahhh”, hands on hips, he gapes in surprise surveying the dimly lit room, “but...we could’ve practised anywhere. Why here?”
“For the effect?” My fingers clutch at the edge of the desk as a knot tightens in my stomach and I find myself hoping that he stays.
His ha-ha-ha echoes in the room and his voice is at it’s high pitch again, “Shall we?”
Nodding, I take the centre of the class, “So the incantation is ‘Expecto Patronum’”
“Of that, I am aware.”
“Great now concentrate hard on a happy memory. I know it’s going to be tough without an actual Dementor or even a Boggart to practise on. But let’s give it a try, alright? Professor Flitwick taught me using a Boggart last year. I didn’t leave him alo -- sorry I’m rambling. Okay, happy memory... now...go!”
Kyungsoo squeezes his eyes shut and his face screws up in concentration. With a swish of his wand he stutters, “Ex-expecto Patronus!”
Nothing except peals of laughter echo in the room.
“Lets go again. Together now.” I say patting his shoulder.
Signalling each other with a nod we try again, “Expecto Patronum!”
A lynx rises out the end of my wand, trotting across the room before diffusing into nothingness. While Kyungsoo manages to issue a not so tangible cloud of silver.
A few tries later, he manifests something visibly stronger but he’s not quite there yet. And we’re both exhausted. I fish for a Chocolate Frog in the pockets of my cardigan and hand it to him.
“This charm is ridiculously advanced! How about we try again after Christmas?” Leaning on one of the desks, he offers dejectedly, nibbling at the Frog’s head.
I gladly accept it.
Owing to the small number of students that have stayed back this year, the House tables have been put aside and a single table has been set up for the Christmas feast. As if it were the most natural thing to do in the world, Kyungsoo comes and sits next to me. I hope he doesn’t hold my hand like he did during Slughorn’s party or maybe I hope that he does. I hope we do get to hold hands often and discuss what happened at the party. But we’re both great at pretending that nothing unusual did. The Gryffindor Prefect is somewhere on the other end of the table, chatting to a fellow Gryffindor. And the spread, as always, is sumptuous. 
Digging into a delectable roast turkey I ask Kyungsoo, “What’s Christmas like in the Muggle world?”
“Isn’t half as exciting as it is here. For starters, we have no Wizard Crackers. Or silver Sickles hidden within puddings.” He says toying with the cardboard tube moments before it went off like a canon, covering him in a cloud of blue smoke. A flurry of white mice scamper down his legs and scurry out of the Great Hall.
His mouth drops, inviting a roar of laughter from the rest of the table and he chooses to steer clear of the Crackers for the rest of the Feast.
He insists on dropping me off to the Ravenclaw Common Room, “I’ll see you again tomorrow? Six in the evening, the Room of Requirement?”
It’s a date?
Today’s class wasn’t nearly as bad as the previous one but God knows Kyungsoo’s in a dire need of practise.
We sit on the floor after two scarcely productive hours with our stash of Chocolate Frogs pooled in the space between us.
“Here’s something I don’t get about Muggleborns. How are your parents okay with sending their children away to an entirely different world? Doesn’t matter what Professor Dumbledore has to say, I refuse to believe Hogwarts is one of the safest places in the world. We have moving staircases, a murderous tree, Quidditch, and Filch!”
His laugh reverberates in the empty classroom, “It’s not much of a trade off, really. The Muggle world has its own set of issues.” He unwraps a Chocolate Frog and offers it to me, “You live with your grandmother, right?”
“My fierce, retired Auror, grandmother. Yes. And you?”
“With my parents. I’m an only child. And you’re right. My mother wasn’t very keen on sending me away but she couldn’t risk their restaurant being reduced to a pile of ash every time I threw a temper tantrum.”
“You don’t look like the temper tantrum sort.”
“Ah you underestimate me.” He chuckles, “so the holidays end soon and I don’t have a Patronus which means our classes will have to continue. You’re okay with that, right?”
“Very much”, I nod but an upsetting finality pulls at me.
“Is there anything...you’d like to do on the last day of the holidays?” He fixes his gaze on my feet.
“Do you have something in mind?”
“Do you want to...well I was thinking if...I need to procure some Wolfsbane from the Forbidden Forest would you like to come with?”
“Are you daft? Do you have any idea what sorts of -”
“Creatures dwell in the Forest? Yeah, I’ve been there, multiple times.”
“And you haven’t been caught? Mauled? Battered?”
He sighs, “Unfortunately, not once.”
Meeting his unflinching gaze I welcome my impending doom, “Okay...maybe I’ll end up finding Twiggles in one of those Wiggentrees but don’t abandon me if Werewolves come for us.”
I guess there’s a first time for everything. But it’s my first time flouting a rule and getting caught. My adventurous friend from Hufflepuff seems absolutely unperturbed by the ghastly smile that’s spread across Filch’s face. And anything that makes Filch this happy can’t be good news. Kyungsoo shoves the bunch of Wolfsbane down the pocket of his jeans and I just stand there as an unwitting accomplice to his dumbassery. To my dumbassery. I should’ve never agreed to this. I didn’t even have any luck with Twiggles. But then again Bowtruckles are master camouflagers. What was I expecting?
“Follow me”, the sadistic old man wheezes and my legs feel bound by shackles. Kyungsoo tugs at my arm and teary eyed, I slowly shake my head. He laughs mouthing, ‘It’s nothing.’ Maybe it’s nothing to him considering the company he keeps. What if I get expelled? Where will I go? It’ll be enough reason for Gran to disown me but this bespectacled charming boy doesn’t have a lot to lose now, does he? He can waltz back into his Muggle world and work in his ‘restaurant’. Of course he’s an exceptional cook if he trades recipes with freaking house-elves! I can’t end up having a life worse than squibs. Boys are trouble unless they’re Chen. I literally never should’ve. What of this was a trap all along? I’m SUCH a fool!
I find myself in the part of the vast echoing Entrance Hall I’ve deliberately avoided in all these years. It’s foul smelling, really dull and a cat menacingly meows at us while curling around her Master’s feet. 
Room 234-00. Filch’s office.
Coughing, the caretaker points at the chains and manacles that are hung from the ceiling, “I keep ‘em well oiled in case they’re needed. The Forbidden Forest, eh? Brave enough for Acromantulas and Werewolves, are we?” His face is barely inches away from Kyungsoo’s and I feel a sudden pump of adrenaline, “Sir, please, it was a mistake. We promise to never venture into the Forest again. We promise to never venture out of our own dormitories again. Please, please just let us go!”
Filch is taken aback by my plea and Kyungsoo has pursed his lips, holding in a laugh and I feel stupid.
With the sound of a crack, Filch’s equipment of torture comes crashing to the floor. Mrs Norris’ tail shoots up in fear and a raucous laugh echoes in the room souring Filch’s mood, “PEEVES!”
“Nasty Filch! Leave the luuuuurve birds alone! Leave them alone! Loony woony filthy Filch!” An invisible Peeves’ annoying cackle resounds before ceasing with a deafening crack. 
Filch is boiling in rage. I tilt my head to look at the slightly experienced in disciplinary matters Kyungsoo and judging by his sullen expression, we’ve had it.
Does he think that I somehow jinxed his great expedition to the Forest? Because it’s been two days since the start of semester and there’s no sign of Kyungsoo. Neither in the Great Hall, nor in the classes I share with Hufflepuff. Is he avoiding me now that his friends are back? The lump in my throat aches.
Chen greets me with a smack of a book on my head, “I MISSED YOU, GOBLIN!”
I’ll never get used to Chen’s incessant need to announce everything to the world to get his point across but seeing him makes me realise just how much I’d missed him, too. Despite his dig at my height and an underhanded compliment to my brain. He slumps into the chair next to me, activating his ability to speak like a banshee. Not very different from his white haired Gryffindor friend. 
“So tell me. How was Christmas? Did you get the set of Wizard Chess I sent you? We should play sometime. Thanks for the Floo Connection, by the way! It was really thoughtful of you and I love it! My darling loved it a lot, too but I had a tough time explaining it to my folks. So how was Christmas?”
I wait patiently for my closest friend in school to finish babbling before telling him what I think he’d like to hear about my little adventures. Or the information Kyungsoo would rather have me share. The nagging feeling that he’s been avoiding me weighs me down like a rock. 
 “So you broke your leg, told Slughorn off and earned yourself Detention with a Hufflepuff boy who happened to be in the Forest at the same time as you. All of this in a matter of two weeks? Wait, why were you in the Forest again?” Chen is amused but also a little suspicious.
“I told you! I was bored. I went looking for the Bowtruckle!” I argue, needlessly.
“Bored? Didn’t you have to read up on Apparition? Also, you of all the people should know how elusive Bowtruckles are, Miss Magizoologist!” I cringe at the nickname. “And who is this Hufflepuff boy?” I wouldn’t be surprised if Chen were a Legilimens.
Letting out an exasperated sigh I answer, “Some Kwangsoo something?”
“Glasses? Kinda short? Squints a lot? Brooding?”
“So you know him, Mister Tall Guy?” I ask, inviting another smack on my head.
“Yes, through Baekhyun. I mean, haven’t you seen him with us? His name is Kyungsoo, by the way.” Chen’s not particularly suspicious now which bolsters my confidence to spew rubbish.
“No I haven’t. It’s probably because I can hear you guys before I can see you and I prefer not to violate my eyes like I do my ears when I’m around any of you. I hope this answers your question.” I think it was a bit much but Chen breaks into a fit of laughter.
“Then you’ve probably not heard him, either. He isn’t a lot like us.” He contemplates, “but don’t you look around in class? You haven’t ever noticed him before? He’s in the same year as you! You’re ridiculous!”
Of course I’ve noticed him. 
Every time he’s tried to talk to me, return my money, earned points for his house or even a sneer from Snape. Every time Madam Pomfrey has cooed at him. Even when he braved feeding a Skrewt. I’ve seen him in the hallways, in classes, in the Great Hall. 
But to know someone is to invite heartache and I’ve had my fair share of it.
“You mean he isn’t noisy like the rest of you. And no I haven’t. It’s probably because he’s not as attractive as a Merperson or as lithe as a Basilisk.” I lie. He’s not anything like the magical creatures I’ve studied about. He is a human. And humans are too tricky for my liking. Two weeks with him, two days without him and I seem to have lost my marbles. 
Guess, I am pathetic if not ridiculous.
“Come to think of it, I haven’t seen him around either”, Jongdae ponders.
“You’ve been avoiding me.”
Maybe it was too direct but I need to get this weight off my chest. I can’t spend every Saturday until the end of term with him in close quarters, clearing out Filch’s old files (the Muggle way) with animosity looming between us. Peeves is enough trouble with his water bombs already. And Kyungsoo’s silent treatment is simply too much. 
He brings me Caramel Cobwebs, holds my hand and refuses to talk about it, insists on being tutored, spends Christmas with me, lands me in Detention and starts avoiding me as soon as his friends are back.
“I caused you trouble and you seemed so disturbed by it. I’m sorry. I’ve not been avoiding you...I just thought maybe you wouldn’t like to see me again.” Mumbles Kyungsoo, dropping Filch’s File Number 27 on the floor, leaving a mess of loose, dusty papers.
‘Butterfingers’ here isn’t right at all. I’ve been dying to see him.
I help him clear the mess by re-filing the records of the 27th file in alphabetical order. 
“I’m not mad at you. I was a tad bit worried, that’s all. This is my first time being...punished and none of this is your fault. I’m sorry if I made you feel like that.”
His little smile and an understanding nod makes my heart flutter. Snapping out of it, I read out an amusing record from a random file, “at least we’re not pickling rat brains in the dungeons.” 
His eyes grow wide in horror, “What?”
“Sehun Oh and Kai Kim for bewitching snowballs to hit Professor Snape!” I summarise.
Kyungsoo guffaws, “Yes! This was last year. Baekhyun had dared them to it and those idiots thought Snape wouldn’t notice. They ended up reeking of dead rats for two weeks after that. Nobody would go near them! Not even Baekhyun.”
I put the file back with an ‘ahh’, “So Kai Kim, Sehun Oh, Baekhyun Byun are your friends right? And Chen, too?”
“Yeah, Chen and Chanyeol Park. Why?”
Of course, the Great Oaf.
“Nothing, you’re quite different from them.”
“How so?” Resting his chin in his hand, Kyungsoo inquires and avoiding his eyes I reply, “Well, you’re not very noisy or mischievous?”
He chuckles, “I’m not noisy that’s true. But I literally took you to the Forbidden Forest and it’s the reason why we’re here today sifting through these records. Will you still say that I’m not mischievous, Miss Ravenclaw?”
“I take back my words, Mister Hufflepuff”, I need to get away from this sweet talker, “Now let’s look for more, shall we? Filch certainly has your friends’ adventures chronicled in these files.”
“We’ll probably find something on Chen, too.” He says quietly.
“No wayyy! Chen’s perfect.” I protest.
He throws a file onto the desk, creating a cloud of dust, “What if we do end up finding something about him here, in these records? Then what?”
“Then I’ll….do whatever you ask!” 
Why! Why?
“It’s a deal!”
Kyungsoo and I have been seeing each other fortnightly for the sake of Dementors. Let’s just say if he were required to actually fight one off today, he’d end up having his soul sucked out. Does the boy have no solid happy memory or what? Or maybe I’m just a terrible guide.
In class, we’re cordial. But somewhat distracted.
We spend all of our Saturdays together. Turns out he’s a couple of weeks older than me which means we both qualify for  Apparition Lessons. The lessons are scheduled for Saturday mornings and we spend the rest of the day in Detention.
The first lesson was...quite unforgettable. 
For Kyungsoo, me and whoever was witness to our idiocy. Professor Flitwick positioned Ravenclaws into a line as did Professor Sprout with Hufflepuff which had Kyungsoo and me standing next to each other with the requisite distance of five feet between us. The Instructor from the Ministry waved his wand and old-fashioned wooden hoops appeared on the floor in front of us.
“Destination. Determination. Deliberation!” The man who was a white wispy version of humans, squeaked.
“Concentrate upon the destination now. Which is within the hoop. Then focus on your determination to occupy the visualized space. And when I give a command, on three, turn on your spot, feeling your way into nothingness, moving with deliberation!”
Kyungsoo gave me one furtive glance and I lost all sense of Destination and Determination.
“On my command….one….”
I spun on the spot, lost my balance and fell over and Kyungsoo crash landed into my wooden hoop. With our Professors’ eyes on us, I felt myself melt into a puddle of embarrassment.
The inexplicable tension crowding the office during Detention that day left hardly any room for conversation. Which was kind of okay considering the ground we covered with Filch’s wretched files.
Although, the next lesson found us positioned at the two opposite ends of our respective House lines by Professor Flitwick. 
Despite being in the same room, I missed Kyungsoo.
Transfiguration hasn’t been particularly eventful with Kyungsoo. With Professor McGonagall’s hawk-like eyes on us, we don’t dare to so much as shoot a glance in each other’s direction. 
But last week was different.
In a lesson that included conjuring a flock of birds out of our wands, the entire class managed a few feathers, some gross mutations, and severed heads. Everyone except Kyungsoo. He’d succeeded in creating several twittering birds in his third try. Which was not so great for me since the little yellow chirpers zoomed in my direction and circled around my head, singing merrily. This continued even after most of the class, including Professor McGonagall, had already left. His idea of an apology for the inconvenience was flashing his heart-shaped smile. 
I guess it doesn’t take a lot for me to forgive him.
It’s nearing the end of the third month of the semester and there’s no dirt on Chen. 
Like I’d said, he’s perfect. We’ve found volumes on the other two, though. Chanyeol and Baekhyun. How they’ve not been expelled yet is anyone’s guess. These delinquents make my little Forest excursion look like a joke.
They’ve set off dungbombs in Snape’s dungeon, cursed each other and ended up having a slug attack right in the middle of their Astronomy practicals, got caught sneaking out of their dorms after curfew only eleven times, transfigured McGonagall’s desk into a ferret to ‘showcase their Transfiguration prowess’, set off Filibuster’s Fireworks in Filch’s office, distracted Filch by jinxing Mrs Norris with Tarantallegra - her legs spasmed wildly out of control, making her appear as though she were dancing. 
No wonder they’re the only students Peeves gets on with.
This little vault of information made Kyungsoo exceptionally happy after moping around for not having anything on Chen, yet. He’s going to use these embarrassing incidents (one of the punishments included cleaning out the bedpans in the Hospital Wing without using magic) against the two of them, he says. 
Detention and shared classes is the only time Kyungsoo and I get to see each other since sixth year is no cakewalk. 
Free periods come by few and far between and are used to keep up with the vast amount of homework we’re being set. We’re studying as though we have exams everyday and lessons themselves are far more demanding than they used to be. Especially since we’re required to use Nonverbal spells now in every lesson that requires incantation. I often catch Kyungsoo’s motley around school. Somehow, they’re everywhere but he’s hardly ever to be seen with them. Working hard towards his ambition to become a Potioneer, I suppose. I wish I were just as passionate about something.
Sixth year is an anomaly. 
Professor Sprout says we’re allowed to swear loudly in today’s lesson since we’re going to be dealing with one of the most dangerous plants ever - Venomous Tentacula - a green, spiky, toothsome magical plant with mobile vines that tries to grab living prey. Kyungsoo quietly stations himself next to me in the greenhouse inviting snarky sideway looks and hushed whispers from a couple of Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws around us. “She’s latched on to him now”, sniggers a Ravenclaw boy and I notice Kyungsoo ears turn scarlet. 
A pair of thick gloves on, Professor Sprout takes her place behind a trestle bench in the centre of the greenhouse, “We’ll be extracting Venomous Tentacula’s essence for Professor Slughorn’s experimental Potion No 7 today. Now, who can tell me how we should proceed to extract essence out of a plant that could try to strangle you?”
Kyungsoo’s hand rose in the air like it always does during Potions and Herbology, “By using the Severing Charm, Professor.”
“Excellent. Ten points to Hufflepuff”, Professor Sprout beams at her favourite student, “We’ll use the Severing Charm but Nonverbally. Which will stun Venomous Tentacula and sever its mobile vines. Along with me, on three. One...two...”
I nearly squeal as one of the Tentacula’s sharp fangs grazes my arm. Kyungsoo notices and in a state of panic tries to stun my plant for me only to get seized and bitten by his own. “Diffindo”, I flick my wand at Kyungsoo’s plant, flailing it and flouting the nonverbal spell rule but it’s too late for any of that. The plant’s poison, although non-fatal, has started working on Kyungsoo. 
His skin turns bright purple, knocking the wind out of me.
Professor Sprout rushes him to the Hospital Wing.
On Professor Sprout’s special request, Filch has begrudgingly exempted Kyungsoo from this week’s Detention. I saw him for Apparition this morning and we’d both managed to, with Destination, Determination and Deliberation in mind of course, land into our own hoops. 
Kyungsoo looked perfectly fine. Which is to say the purple of his skin from yesterday has been washed over by the roses of his cheeks and the honey of his skin. Madam Pomfrey was required to keep him in only for the day as Professor Sprout was quick to act and the poison hadn’t caused much harm. I feel like a bad friend for not having visited him since lessons ended in the a.m. with Astronomy but he says he was out in a couple of hours at most. 
He’s planned to spend the rest of the day with his friends who he’d not had a chance to catch up with off lately.
By late afternoon I’d unexpectedly fallen into a state of blissful slumber on one of Filch’s old files. Coughing, I woke up engulfed by dust. I had to admit, Detention was boring without Kyungsoo and it’s honestly starting to scare me how used to I gotten to his presence, the faint scent of eucalyptus that trails after him and the ambrosial warmth that infiltrates through his seemingly tougher exterior.
But at the same time I regret misreading him. Mistrusting him or sometimes trusting him too much. He’s nothing like I thought he’d be. His simplicity is comforting but at the same time it is truly baffling. Maybe it’s okay to not give it much thought and let Jupiter do its celestial dance while I do mine by recreating damaged detention records.
>> Chen Kim
>> Lack of concentration in Charms resulting in production of a hoselike jet of water instead of a fountain from his wand, knocking Professor Flitwick flat on his face in the process
>> Lines - ‘I am a wizard, not a baboon brandishing a stick.’
>> Issued by Professor Flitwick
>> Points taken: None
I do a double take when I read the name. 
Chen! Chen? Chen in Detention? How did I never know about this? Even if it’s just lines it is still a punishment. And how did The (then) Ravenclaw Prefect Chen mess up a Charm in Professor Flitwick’s class? I must know. But Kyungsoo’s got to see this first! I quickly replicate the record on a spare parchment and shove it in my bag and with a flick of my wand, I place everything exactly where it belongs in Filch’s office. What’s he going to do about it when he finds out? Give me another detention? Bring it on!
Throwing caution to the wind I allow my feet to take me where Kyungsoo said he’d be. Swiftly descending down the staircase, I exit out the side door down the corridor off the Entrance Hall and run towards the courtyard feeling the harsh winds tugging against my skin.
It’s unusually cold for the first day of April.
Seated between Chanyeol and Baekhyun, he’s laughing away seemingly at the two lanky boys - Kai and Sehun who’ve got their wands at the ready. The courtyard is oddly vacant, save for these four rioters and Kyungsoo. 
Even Chen’s not here. 
All banter comes to an abrupt halt when Kyungsoo’s eyes meet mine, his expression solid as a rock. With a barely perceptible shake of his head he’s signalling me to walk away from here and maybe this is what it feels like being punched in the gut. Four curious pairs of eyes flit between Kyungsoo and me and I feel too numb to even get out of there. Did I make a mistake being here? Is he too embarrassed to acknowledge me in front of his friends? The frigidity of his expression is eating away at my insides. Moments of complete stillness later I sprint out of the courtyard amidst wolf whistles and peals of laughter.
Throwing my bag over my shoulder, I wipe the angry tears rolling down my cheeks and vow to never see this doe eyed pretender again.
It’s been two weeks since the incident. 
Two whole weeks of her arriving after and leaving before me for our shared lessons. She’s even charted up a Detention routine which limits our interactions to curt nods and dismissive grunts. Needless to say, I still don’t know how to conjure a corporeal Patronus. She thinks she’s the only one I could’ve asked? Not Baekhyun. Not Chanyeol’s Slytherin friend. Just her?
So much for her big Ravenclaw brains. 
She walks around all high and mighty displaying her knack for embarrassing honesty but in the moments of truth she plays ostrich. I wasn’t trying to avoid her. I would never. But she’s a complete idiot who’d rather believe otherwise. An idiot who’ll never look into my eyes to feel what I feel. Even if she does, she’d just never accept it. It took me five and a half years to get her to talk to me. And if it takes just one misunderstanding to drive her away like that, I’m not sure if I want to try again.
The only two things I’ve gained out of my short lived acquaintance with Kyungsoo Doh are Detention and a new foul nickname “the girl who follows Kyungsoo around.”
I hear it everywhere I go. The Great Hall, the corridors and the Common Room isn’t very forgiving either. So all thanks to Kyungsoo, I’ve retracted into my wretched shell. I arrive late for lessons and swoop out like an owl as soon as it’s over. I spend every free period in one corner of the Library and try to avoid the Common Room as much as I can.
All these years I spent pretending like the cute, short, portly boy I met on the Hogwarts Express didn’t exist were far better than the last couple of months of letting him into my small Universe. In all honesty, I’ve started to loathe him. It takes immense self control for me to not have his pretty face eat slugs every time I cross paths every time I lay my eyes on it.
“Now, this one here….who can tell me what this is. My dear boy, Kyungsoo?” Holding a vial of liquid pearl in the air for us to see, play-acts Professor Slughorn. Another potential victim of my out-of-character slug attack.
“It’s Amortentia”, Kyungsoo’s voice reaches my ears from the far end of the dungeon. 
“It is indeed. It almost seems foolish to ask”, he says, bringing the vial to my eye level, “but I assume you could tell me what it does?”
“It’s a love potion, Professor.” I say.
“It’s not just a love potion, sir. It’s the most powerful love potion in the world.” Kyungsoo offers and I feel the heat rising up my cheeks. I hate having this volley regarding a love potion with Kyungsoo.
“Excellent! And how did you recognize it, my dear?” Slughorn directs his question to me.
“By its distinctive mother-of-pearl sheen.”
“And?” His theatrics redirect to Kyungsoo.
“And the steam rising in characteristic spirals.” His dulcet tone echoes in the gloomy dungeon.
“Well, well, take ten well-earned points each for Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw”, says Slughorn genially, “would you two please be kind enough to come forward?”
Kyungsoo and I take, in what it seems like, ages to be stood on either side of Slughorn, arms over our chests, looking in opposite directions.
“There is one more key characteristic --”
“It’s supposed to smell differently to each of us, according to what attracts us”, Interrupting Slughorn, Kyungsoo and I garble.
“So to demonstrate”, Slughorn brings the vial closer to my face, “my dear?”
Consumed by the heady steam rising out of the potion, I clear my throat, “I can smell honey and...eucalyptus and….” Dittany. But I leave it at that, “That’s all Professor.”
“Very well, Mister Doh?” Slughorn quizzes.
“Sleekeazy’s Hair Potion…..Vanilla and …..Dittany.”
With that my last bottle of Sleekeazy vanishes in thin air.
“What are you doing up so late?” Chen’s groggy voice makes me jump but I counter, “What are you doing up so late?”
“Early. Up so early. It’s three in the morning”, yawning he waves his Charms textbook in front of my face, “Protean Charm.”
“Vanishing Spell”, I say pointing my wand at the empty table in front of us.
Chen relaxes into the chair next to mine and I let my gaze wander around the deserted Common Room. It really is a work of art encapsulated in all the blue and bronze. The stars painted over the domed ceiling, shine the brightest at this hour of the night, waltzing gracefully across the midnight blue carpet. If they were my stars, they’d wobble and fall owing to their two left feet. Could they, in the very least, give me a reason for this nagging ache in my chest?
Drenched and dishevelled by a jet of cold water that shot out of Chen’s wand, I silence his raucous laugh and shower him with the choicest expletives before lifting the spell and drying myself.
“WHAT WAS THAT FOR!” I demand.
“You seemed so lost I was tempted. It’s what my dad uses to wake me up when I oversleep, you know? A nice cold bucket of water.” Chen’s snicker causes me to silence him again and he continues to blather soundlessly. How is this idiot so energetic at three in the morning!
“I’m going to bed”, wearily, I get up to leave and wave my wand at him.
“Wait! Stay”, says Chen, “It’s been quite a while!”
Groaning I slump back into the chair without further protest, “You’re right...so how’s our Head Girl doing?”
“She’s doing great. We’re doing great! She’s signed up to intern with the Ministry this summer under a certain Arthur Weasley...The Misuse of Muggle Artifacts office.” Chen beams and making me want to pinch his cheeks in adoration.
“Congratulations Chen! Ah but I’m not surprised. She’s always been as bright as a button.” I can’t help but coo at these lovebirds. At how absolutely smitten they are with each other while I suffer with an inexplicable tug of longing.
“And you, not so bright. Stopped following Kyungsoo around, have we?” Putting on his ‘big brother cloak’ he quizzes me with a raised eyebrow and I shrink back into my chair out of embarrassment, “You know about it?”
“The whole school’s talking about it!”
“I’ve stopped ‘following him around’ now why isn’t anybody talking about that, eh?” My anger is misdirected at Chen.
“He’s been talking about that. About how you’ve been acting like he’s invisible. A notch below satisfactory behaviour, am I right?” The low rumble of his voice thunders.
“You’re defending your stupid friend here! So much for being unbiased, hah!” Seething, I argue.
“You’re absolutely right Dung Brains I am defending my stupid friend here which is you. Now tell me, airhead, what’s it called when two wizards have their wands pointed at each other, in a combative position.”
I groan, he can’t really be asking me that but the urging silence is uncomfortable.
“A duel”, I mumble.
“You, my dear, were walking straight into a battlefield of hair-brained blokes who were surrounded by stink pellets, dungbombs and fireworks. It was only natural for Kyungsoo to ask you to skedaddle, make a run for it...save your life! If only you’d have let him explain?”
Guilt courses through my veins and I find myself in the defensive, “But then why didn’t he just tell me instead of giving me that terrifying look? I thought he’s ...I thought he didn’t want to see me...and..and why didn’t he do anything when those great prunes started laughing at me? Also why do they keep causing trouble everywhere they go? Do they want to fill up Filch’s office with their records before they graduate? It only means more work for me. And for Kyungsoo.”
“They were celebrating a Muggle custom, April Fools’ Day as per the wise counsel of their frog brained leader Baekhyun and Kyungsoo was only trying to protect you. And you were too obtuse to see that. Why won’t you give him a chance? He’s one of the good ones, you know? And those prunes aren’t too bad either. They were laughing not at you but at him...they’re just happy for their friend.”
“Happy? Why?” My heart goes into a wild frenzy.
“You should ask him that. We’re going to be at the Three Broomsticks for Baekhyun’s birthday celebration on our trip to Hogsmeade this Saturday. So naturally, your Detention is suspended for the week. Come along?” He eyes me expectantly.
“Not in a million years”, I deadpan.
“Don’t be stupid”, with a flick of his wand he makes the three bottles of Sleekeazy’s Hair Potion reappear, “and live a little.”
On Saturday morning I went down for breakfast feeling thoroughly depressed but trying my best to act normal. Kyungsoo was seated with Yoongi at the Hufflepuff table. He was stealing glances at the Ravenclaw table before his eyes met mine. Pursing his lips he nodded slightly in acknowledgment. For a fleeting second I had a strange desire of joining him at the Hufflepuff table but I quietly slipped into my seat besides the fifth year girl who’s been tutoring Kyungsoo’s friend Kai and has been a tad chipper ever since.
The largest portion of my headspace has been occupied with an internal debate on whether I should apologize to Kyungsoo or not. But I’ve noticed how he’d not been trying too hard either. If I handed him the Detention routine he went along with it without a single word of protest. If I’ve been ignoring him in class he hasn’t been exactly forthcoming. The familiar sense of finality sets deep into my bones and I’ve lost my appetite. I gulp down my tea and slip out of the Great Hall to pay Hagrid a long overdue visit.
They never tire of it. 
The two boys from Slytherin provoked me to strike them with the Twitchy-Ear hex. They’d found it particularly amusing to call me by my stale nickname as I made my way down to Gladrags Wizardwear to buy Hagrid a new moleskin robe. 
He’d been exceptionally understanding despite my despicable behaviour. Not having visited him in nearly six months and communicated with him only via a flurry of owls, I had no idea Fangs had been suffering with distemper. Kyungsoo’s been helping out with a self prepared brew to keep him stable. Explains why he’s been frequenting Hagrid’s hut. Also explains why he didn’t come see me on the second day that I’d spent in the Hospital Wing.
And my attitude towards him explains exactly why he chose to keep the truth about helping me get to the Hospital Wing that day. 
I don’t know how to thank him or apologize to him. Maybe he’s just better off without me. 
I am here in Hogsmeade on a whim. 
As the sun fades into a deeper blue my feet stop outside The Three Broomsticks and I’m desperate to see him. But he’s at a friend’s party and I’d only be making it awkward for everyone.
“Hullo”, a familiar honeyed voice reaches my ears making me stop dead in my tracks.
Taken by surprise, I turn and tip my head back slightly to look up at the large eyed boy, his face bearing that lethal heart shaped smile. I hug myself despite the warmth of May wishing I could make myself smaller.
Having rehearsed an entire apology speech in the shower in the morning, I found myself strangely tongue tied at the sight of him. He prods me to walk the quaint streets of Hogsmeade by his side.
“I’m sorry”, staring into the distance, I muster with a giddy head and a seized up throat.
“No. I’m sorry”, says Kyungsoo as his hand slowly finds mine, inviting stares from passersby, “I should’ve...communicated better. But promise to never shut me out again? I couldn’t take it.”
Fireworks go off in my head at the sudden contact, “No, no I’m sorry I should’ve trusted you and… I promise to never shut you out again.” I couldn’t take it either.
“So what are we now?” He interjects, lacing his warm fingers with mine.
If only he could hear the thunder of my heart, “We’re friends again?”
“Friends who fancy each other? Isn’t that a bit odd?”
“I-- umm, I--”.
“I --- umm?” He teases, “Okay...I fancy you. I always have. In case you hadn’t noticed.”
Going up on my toes I plant a little kiss on his jaw, I don’t know what came over me. Maybe I’ve finally gone mad.
His fingers run over his jaw lightly and he chuckles, “If you attack me like this again I’d have to report you to Professor Sprout.” Letting go off my hand he wraps his arm around my shoulders, pulling me closer. I feel a tingling sensation run down my spine.
Having circled the rural settlement for nearly an hour, we’re famished. We find ourselves on the High Street, right outside of Honeydukes, “After you, M’lady!” Crouching down in a bow, Kyungsoo gestures me to walk in.
Together we stare in wonder at the shelves upon shelves of the most succulent looking sweets imaginable. We’ve both, individually, been here countless times but together we feel like children lost in wonderland. I realize how light my pockets feel as Kyungsoo’s eyes wander around the shop ambitiously.
“Kyungsoo, I only have enough for Hagrid’s moleskin robe. I didn’t think I’d need a lot of gold for this trip...I could make a quick run to a Cashpoint first”, embarrassed, I admit.
“If we were to compound the five Galleons that I’ve owed you for six years now, I’m certain I could buy you half the shop!” The portly Ambrosius Flume, the owner of Honeydukes, clears his throat in annoyance at Kyungsoo’s comment, eyeing us suspiciously. 
Buy half the shop we did. 
Kyungsoo wasn’t entirely lucky with all the flavours of Berti Botts having sampled soap, dirt and earwax while I almost choked on a rotten-egg flavoured one. The Pepper Imps had us breathing fire at each other and a lock of my hair got caught in the line which Kyungsoo doused just in time and saved my scalp from going up in flames. We pigged on Peppermint Toads which made us sick after they literally started hopping frantically in our stomachs. 
Kyungsoo suggested we make a quick stop at Dogweed and Deathcap for a handful of leaves of a very foul smelling plant that were supposed to help us keep our barbaric fare down. When I absolutely refused to chew on them, Kyungsoo force fed me. The weird red dotted black leaves made our mouths go completely dry and left us with a pungent after taste.
“If you wanted me dead, you could’ve just used the Unforgivable Curse instead!” I cried.
We realized if we weren’t quick about it, we’d just end up breaking curfew so we sprinted to Gladrags Wizardwear to pick up Hagrid’s robe only to be tempted to by the thought of staying longer in each other’s company. Going back to Hogwarts meant being held hostage by the blue and bronze and the yellow and black. I’ve never appreciated Hogwarts’ divisive House system, even more so now.
“We’ll make it in time if we leave exactly at 9:30 p.m.” Kyungsoo reasons.
“How much longer do we have now?” I ask, dreading the answer.
“20ish?” he says sheepishly.
Burying my face into his warm and fuzzy sweater, I whine, “That’s not a lot.”
Squeezing me in a hug he says, “Then let’s make the most of it!”
We enter the shop that’s apparently been dressing ‘the Elegant Wizard’ for over two centuries with lurid socks and flashy robes. I chance upon a moleskin one which I quickly set aside for Hagrid and a furry red one with silver and gold stars that bounced off of it. I egged Kyungsoo to try it on over his all black Muggle clothing along with a bright yellow hat made out of chicken and pheasant feathers. He on the other hand picked out a black velvet robe with a high collar, a set of fake fangs and dragon hide boots that made me look like a vicar at something that the Muggles call a “rock concert.”
The disapproving help at the shop agreed to get our magazine cover worthy looks on camera. She said she’d get them printed and that we could get a copy on our next visit for fifteen Sickles.
Along with Hagrid’s robe, I purchased a pair of socks for the birthday boy Baekhyun. They were patterned with wolves that howled when the socks got too smelly.
And then, just like that, it was time for us to go back to Hogwarts.
Which came first; the Phoenix or the Flame?
The eagle knocker drawls and for the first time in six years I have no clue what it’s talking about. I’ve lost all ability to reason and all I want to right now is run over to the Hufflepuff Tower. A tall, thin boy who stood leaned against the wall next to the door comes out of the shadows ‘tsk-ing’ at me.
“Aren’t you supposed to be one of the smart ones? Did Kyungsoo really manage to dumb you down?” He chuckles before proceeding to answer the knocker, leading us into the Common Room. 
I choose to not answer him but he continues to look at me questioningly. He extends his arm and says, “I’m Sehun Oh, fifth-year.”
“I know”, I say, “I’m --”
“I know who you are. The pretty girl who’s captured Kyungsoo’s heart thus breaking mine.” He dramatically clutches at his chest, falls and rolls over on the floor. 
Excusing myself, I softly apologize to the elongated Flobberworm and head over to the Dormitory.
“Wait!”, he calls out, “I didn’t mean to weird you out! Are you up for a game of Chess? You’re practically a friend now… considering what you have going on with Kyungsoo. And I’m really bored.”
What do I have going on with Kyungsoo and what does Flobberworm know about it?
Unsure of my role here as a friend or an entertainer, I decide to indulge him with, “...just one game!”
“Wicked! Let me call Chen and you can ask his girl to join.. also Miss Ravenclaw!”
“Aren’t we all Ravenclaw?”
“Sorry...you know the girl who’s tutoring Kai?”
This is by far the most eventful day I’ve had in all of my six years at Hogwarts.
Resting his chin on my shoulder, he’s circled his arms around my waist as we stare into the distance from the Wooden Bridge. Every free period finds us together, somewhere very far away from prying eyes. The seventh floor and the Bridge are our usual haunts. Although, we think of these excursions as extremely detrimental to our upcoming exams, we realize there’s nothing to be gained out of fighting a troll. That is, our intense feelings for each other. But I’m not that brave and honestly neither is he. The shadows underneath his eyes are self explanatory.
“We need to chart up a study schedule. We barely have any time left!” I say bursting out of our saccharine bubble.
“Sure”, he nods, “whatever you say.”
“Kyungsoo!” Freeing myself from his embrace I turn around to face him, “We need to make it to the seventh year!”
“Who says we won’t?”
He’s loopy.
“That’s me.”
He pulls me into a hug again and I’m close enough to see the constellation of moles on his neck. “Mmm Sleekeazy”, he hums, sniffing my hair. Distracting me.
“Do you need some?” I ask, immediately realising how his hair seems to be getting shorter each day. I run a hand over his head, “guess you don’t. What do you keep doing with your hair?”
“I like it like that. It’s more comfortable”, he sighs, “Wait! You don’t like it?”
“I can learn to live with it. Besides, more Sleekeazy for me. Keeps my hair from looking like a bunch of Flobberworms!”
I have a Chess game to win!
“Kyungsoo! I have to go. I need to win this time. That Sehun boy is ridiculously good at Chess. Even Chen and I together don’t stand a chance against him.”
“Wait! You’re abandoning me for Sehun?” He asks, mock angrily.
“Noooo! I just….have to win this time. And you need to go chart up a study schedule for us. Also, what are you doing next week?”
“Whatever you’re doing next week”, he says, batting his eyelashes. And I try to suppress a smile.
“Have you ever watched a Quidditch match before?”
“Baekhyun’s Captain of Gryffindor, Kai is the Keeper. Chanyeol is the captain of the Slytherin team and Sehun’s the Seeker for Ravenclaw. And Yoongi is a lousy Beater. So yes, I have. Except I’ve never found myself rooting for my own House. And if you tell those Mandrakes this, I’m afraid I will have to break up with you despite you being the prettiest, smartest, nicest girl I’ve ever met. I’m sorry I don’t make the rules.” 
“Aww”, I tease, “Noted. And you could’ve just said yes. Let’s watch the Hufflepuff vs Ravenclaw match next week?”
“We’ll be in different stands!” He cries.
“Oh! That’s absolutely terrible but can we go anyway? I finally have someone to root for.”
“You’ve always had Ravenclaw to root for!”
“No, silly! Sehun Oh.”
“Ah! Of course”, he says, putting his arms around me. Again.
On the morning of the match, I had my game face on. I don’t even know why.
Having successfully followed the study schedule that Kyungsoo had laid out for us, our mood was light, and we were ready to let our hair down. Which, for all practical purposes, wasn’t something Kyungsoo was capable of. We were walking up to the pitch until it was time for us to go our separate ways.
“You turn right and I’ll go left”, I instruct Kyungsoo.
“I’m aware of where the Hufflepuff stands are. Thank you for your consideration.”
“Okay then”, I giggle, “see you later?”
“No...you’re joining me in the Hufflepuff stands.”
“Do you want me to get expelled? Was that your grand scheme all along?”
“Of course they’re going to expel you for this. And if they do, I promise to voluntarily drop out.”
“What will we do then? Deal in stolen artefacts?”
“Looks like you have it all planned out.”
“No, I just know someone...great we’re off on a tangent again! No, I’m not joining you in the Hufflepuff stands. Bye bye Kyungsoo Doh. See you later!”
“You’re bound by law to break the law”, he hands me a neatly folded parchment, “Chen’s detention record. When you came to see me that day, it made me wonder. What was so important? So I went back to sift through the records you’d worked on and voila!”
“What’s ‘voila’?”
“Don’t digress. Come along, house-elf and find me a good seat.”
“Yessir”, I give up. And covering all the blue and bronze of my uniform with the black robe, I sneak into the Hufflepuff stands. 
The things I do for this bald idiot.
The pitch is pulsing with a contagious energy and I find myself completely engaged as soon as Madam Hooch’s first whistle sounds. All the whizzing and whirring players make my head spin so I have my eyes trained on the Ravenclaw goalpost except for when I’m checking up on Sehun’s progress with the Snitch. Ravenclaw hasn’t been doing too well and with the game down to it’s final few minutes, Sehun really is their only hope. Kyungsoo pulls me down everytime I jump or squeal for the Ravenclaw side, “Do you want to get thrashed?” he whispers.
And just then the commentator shouts, “Ravenclaw’s Seeker Sehun has caught the Snitch! RAVENCLAW HAS WON THE MATCH!”
My voice is hoarse from all the screaming. I turn around to face Kyungsoo pulling him in a tight hug annoying all the Hufflepuff fans around us. 
In a fleeting moment of exhilaration, his lips are on mine and the world stops.
"Happy memory!" I parrot for our last lesson before the year ends but Kyungsoo seems to be awfully distracted. That teasing smile on his face he's trying not so hard to contain is making my heart thump against my ribcage.
"Focus", I croon once again with mock annoyance but my brain is mush and I feel like I'm levitating because there's no way my jelly legs could be supporting my stance right now. He sways closer to give me a quick peck on the nose. 
"Happy memory", he whispers as his eyes search mine. Brushing a stray lock of hair away from my face, he allows his thumb to softly caress my cheek. His fingers pry for mine before they're intertwined in a steady grip. 
We take our positions, raise our wands and yell with a flick, "Expecto Patronum!"
Two lynxes dance around the Room of Requirement illuminating it with the gleam of their silver.
Dumbstruck, I tilt my head to face Kyungsoo, “Your Patronus...”
“Our Patronuses”, he whispers.
“We have the same --”
Kyungsoo reaches for my waist and draws me close, his plush lips an agonizing touch away from mine. Twirling my fingers in the seams of his robe, I close my eyes and feel my breath hitch in my throat. A tingling sensation spreads through every fragment of my being as his hand finds the back of my neck and his lips meet mine in a dizzying kiss.
Two Years Later
My house looks wonky.
And, no. It’s not the after effect of Apparating here. A wonky house held up by charms in the middle of nowhere was the only thing Kyungsoo and I could afford with his meagre pay at J. Pippin’s Potions and the modest “severance” I received after being practically disinherited by Gran for wasting my time with a Muggle-born.
I trudge the short distance from the shabby front garden to the main door, weary from my dismal performance in today’s Stealth and Tracking lesson. 
The door swings open and the pungent odour coming out from Kyungsoo’s makeshift Apothecary in our basement makes me want to barf. Putting a bubble around my head to avoid the smell, I traipse to the basement.
A bald Kyungsoo is bent over a cauldron, the steam from which has fogged up his glasses and has apparently made him go deaf. I poke him on his shoulder to grab his attention, making him jump. Therefore causing his little vials to smash on the floor.
I just set us back by twenty Galleons.
Kyungsoo is quick to clear the sloppy and shard-y mess I’d made and reverse the Bubble Head charm I’d put myself under. He covers up the putrid cauldron immediately.
Tears well up in my eyes and I lean into his chest. 
The world is bleak.
“You’re home”, he coaxes, gently running a gloved hand over my head.
“Remind me again why I chose to become an Auror? I could’ve done anything with my perfect N.E.W.T. scores. I’m disastrous at this!” I’m sobbing against his soft ‘t-shirt’ as he comforts me with a ‘shhh..it’s okay’. “The chickens have made such a mess in the coop, Soo and I haven’t heard back from the Auror Office on the internship yet. We have a piteous stack of gold in our vault at Gringotts….” sniffling I continue, “You know we could just keep our money in a safe here..those clever Goblins are making so much money out of our money! The vault is a bad decision...we’re losing more money because of it. I hate the vault and the chickens and this house! What if it crumbles down while we’re asleep? What will we do then?” I pull away from him, my wide eyes demanding answers.
“We won’t have to worry about much if the roof comes crashing on us”, He reasons with a slight teasing smile. 
“The very stringent Auror Office accepted you because you’re a brilliant witch and right, I believe you enrolled with them only to spite Gran. And honestly my love, you’re being too hard on yourself. You did really well on the Concealment and Disguise training, didn’t you?” He says, lifting my chin up.
“Also on the Memory Charm”, I offer quietly, making him chuckle.
“Exactly! What else is bothering you? Ahh the chickens and the vault?” 
“Also the fact that Gran hates you and your parents think I’m a sinister witch who has tied their son down”, my lips begin to tremble again.
He sighs.
“I promise to take care of the chicken situation tomorrow and my love, we finally have a reason to keep that vault”, his eyes enlarge into beautiful brown circles and his plush lips stretch into a heart. A shrill pitch betrays his otherwise deep, calm voice, “Dogweed and Deathcap has offered me a job with a pay raise and a free supply of ingredients! Which is a great thing because ever since you’ve started your Auror training you’ve practically emptied my Dittany stores!”
“KYUNGSOO! I’m so happy for you!” Screaming, I jump into his arms and he twirls me around, dancing and giggling.
Panting, he says excitedly, “Wait! There’s more. Apparently the article on the benefits of Confusing Concoction I co-authored with Slughorn’s Warlock friend’s daft grand nephew?”
I nod vigorously.
“That article really took off! One of the reviews called me a ‘promising Potioneer’! Gran apparently got a whiff of that article...”
My expression soured, “And?”
“She’s invited us home to discuss it!” He rummages for a letter in his desk drawer and hands it to me, “Take a look at this!”
The letter reads in Gran’s shrewd yet artistic handwriting. She mentions, to the best of her abilities, how proud she is of me for following my parents’ footsteps and that she’d like to see us for dinner to discuss our ‘future’.
“She’s coming around”, Kyungsoo crouches to peer into my blank eyes.
“Took her long enough.”
“There’s one more thing”, he says sheepishly.
It looks like an evening full of surprises. 
Kyungsoo gives me a glossy magazine with a still picture of a woman in the most garish outfit I’ve ever seen with the word VOGUE sprawled across her scrawny frame in big bold white letters.
“Soo, why are you giving me a Muggle magazine?”
“For Muggle clothing inspo.”
I hate it when he uses these ridiculous foreign terms like “inspo” and “voila”. “Voila” is definitely his favourite.
“Why would I need clothing inspiration, Soo? Do you not like what I wear?”
“I love what you wear. Even when you don’t wear --”
“Okay umm we have to take a trip to London...my parents would like to have us over for the weekend….you’re”, he pauses, “you’re okay with that right?”
It’s a lot to process. 
What if they prosecute me by hanging? I’ve read about what Muggles do to witches. Idly running through the pages of the magazine which suddenly seems too heavy for my arms, I buy time. Kyungsoo patiently waits for my answer.
“What’s ‘goss’?” I mumble, eyes trained on ‘Vogue’.
“Ahh...I have some ‘goss’ on Baekhyun and his girlfriend.” I digress and let me.
His brows crinkle in concern, “Oh-kay?”
“They were caught snogging in one of the Training Rooms yesterday...”
“And what became of them?”
“I don’t know.” They were made to clean all the Training Rooms the Muggle way. “Kyungsoo, I love you.”
“I love you, too.” He pulls me into his arms and presses his soft lips to my forehead, “We’ll get through this.”
“Of course, we will. We’re soulmates”, I say into his chest, reminiscing the time we’d kissed while two lynxes waltzed around us.
Suddenly, with a loud boom, Kyungsoo’s cauldron went flying in the air. It’s bubbling hot contents splattered on the walls of our basement. The impact made us duck under his desk.
“I forgot to turn off the burner.”
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baeklooming-day · 4 years
Blue - the Constellation | Baekhyun
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Previous part: Blue
Summary: Even though you are Slytherin’s queen of delinquents whilst he is Gryffindor’s praiseworthy admirable student, you manage to make your relationship work just excellently. Until one night, when you discover that there is something the stars didn’t tell you.
ft. older mean brother Sehun
Genre: Hogwarts!au, bad girl!au, good boy!au, fluffish
Word count: 4.3k
A/N: Y’all. I can’t believe that I’m doing this, I will probably cry halfway. If you haven’t read the first part (which was actually supposed to be the only part), then let me tell you to go and read it first before you start this one, otherwise you won’t wholly understand the plot!
~ play this <3
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“My hour is over, leader.”
Actually, your hour has already been over a whole fifteen minutes ago. You impatiently tapped your navy blue nails on your book, looking at the tall boy before you.
It was only two weeks ago when you even noticed him being in one of your classes, the potion class precisely. Being the totally careless you, never paying any attention to others surrounding you, you probably would never know the boy existed if it wasn’t for Baekhyun, who was in Gryffindor as well.
Well, you could recall something that your brother said about him those two weeks ago, or at least you thought it were already two weeks that have passed, because since the particularly memorable yesterday you were feeling as if you were moving in completely another time lapse.
That’s right, it was just yesterday when after the unpleasant confrontation with Taehyung and other boys from Ravenclaw, you finally opened up to Baekhyun about your true feelings, loosing yourself in the softest kiss of his delicate lips, already knowing that you didn’t want to wait any longer and making things official right away, with your closest circle to witness that moment.
It was just yesterday, and right the next day which was, well, today, you appeared to have more than enough time to get yourself in trouble again, and end in your thousandth detention, again.
Even though it was practically just taking away your own free time, you couldn’t bring yourself to care about it, detention was literally your everyday’s bread at this point.
The only good thing about it was that, that your lovely boyfriend was so nice to take some time from his studying to come a little earlier and wait next to the room you were in until you were finally dismissed from your detention, just to walk back with you.
At this point, you couldn’t really decide if you preferred the boring detention in class, basically just sitting around without moving and looking at the wall until your time was over, or something like the last time when professor Snape threw you out for spilling the potion and ordered you to clean the whole damned Quidditch field.
When you thought about it, even though it was literally collecting all that old rubbish that was laying around, forgotten, with your own two hands because you weren’t allowed to use magic for that, it was some kind of wonderful to be in Baekhyun’s company, only the two of you and clear blue night sky above your heads.
You looked at your nails, painted with navy blue nail polish that were still quietly tapping on your astrology book.
Blue was indeed a thing that brought you and Baekhyun together, you could state.
Blue was also something that resembled Ravenclaw, and as much as you loved this color itself you honestly disliked remembering that it was your former boyfriend who was lucky enough to wear it every day included somewhere in his stupid uniform.
You have always hated the green of your own house, but at the same time you couldn’t imagine yourself being in any other house than the proud Slytherin.
One thing that you could imagine right now though, was finally getting the hell out of this detention, in those fifteen additional minutes that you have been kept in there you would manage to make at least ten circles on a broomstick around the whole school.
You knew it, and you were fully aware that ending up in detentions was your own fault, but of course you wouldn’t admit it out loud.
Normally, the reasons which almost always lead you to be placed there were your careless and often disrespectful manners which, you always used to justify that in moments when something or someone decided to make you totally angry, you couldn’t really control and let it out on the one who woke up the volcano known as your nerves.
You also loved to blame it on the stars.
You loved astrology, even though you never talked openly about it knowing that even in magical world not everybody believed in the things it said, so if anybody was about to ask you about it, you would probably answer that it was a guilty pleasure of yours.
And right now, your little guilty pleasure as called, was the reason for your one hour and fifteen extra minutes detention of being held hostage in an empty classroom.
Well, almost empty, if you overlooked Chanyeol.
You just didn’t understand why what looked like all the teachers trusted and praised him so much that he ended up being the one selected to watch you for the rest of your forever alone detention until you could finally leave.
Frankly, you really didn’t get it because he wasn’t even a prefect.
To be honest, Chanyeol seemed to be quite popular amongst the teachers as well as students, but in contrast to you his fame was good, yours was that of a full time girl delinquent who was just a whole lot more impulsive and unapproachable than her older brother.
For all you knew, Sehun and Chanyeol were kind of friends, that’s why right now you started to wonder if Chanyeol really overlooked those damned fifteen minutes on the clock, or if your stupid brother told him to keep you there longer than necessary only to get on your nerves again.
“Look, Y/N, I really wanna leave too but-” Chanyeol leaned on the desk behind him. “I guess you didn’t hear the last sentence.” You could already see a little frustration on his face. “They said that your detention will be now thirty minutes longer for every rule you break... Don’t look at me like that, you know that I don’t make the rules... So, there are still another fifteen minutes left.”
You shrugged. “Screw them.”
Chanyeol gave you a look of disbelief. “Oh my god, Y/N, how can you not care?”
“Like this.” You looked at him with a straight face, raising your both arms in some sort of a ‘what can I do?’ sign.
“Y/N.” He started again.
“Don’t call my name so often, you are wasting the oxygen.” You stopped him. “More than that, Baekhyun should be already waiting for me outside, so if you could let me go. Didn’t you mention that you were about to go meet up with some of your friends or whatever? Then you can go to them immediately if I’ll go now, so” You were carefully observing him, looking for any kind of change in his expression that would show that you won.
He looked like he was questioning his own life choices right now, but finally he spoke up, confirming your thought. “Alright let’s just go, I wanted to hang out with Taehyung before anyway...”
You looked up at him with question in your bright eyes. “You hang out with Taehyung?”
“Uhm, yeah” He answered a little confused.
“Well, you do know that this dirty clown has been bullying Baekhyun since, like, yesterday?” You couldn’t believe this. Naturally you knew why Taehyung bothered Baekhyun whenever there was an opportunity to do so now, you were the mere reason. But you made it your mission to never be quiet and verbally destroy Taehyung every time when he thought it would be a splendid idea to open his own mouth and talk trash about your poor boyfriend who was way too nice to tell anyone anything mean himself.
The mean part was obviously your area of expertise.
Without waiting for Chanyeol’s reply, you stood up taking your book and dashed to the door, expecting to be met with Baekhyun’s lovely smile right after you pushed them open.
And to your delight, he was there waiting, but as soon as you took in the state he was in, you felt the hot blood coming up to your cheeks making a vexed dark blush appear, a signal that you were starting to loose all your cool.
Baekhyun was sitting on a wooden bench right next to the door, leaning his back on the cold wall.
His uniform was completely drenched in some black, unidentifiable slimy substance, and so was his hair, face, and even glasses.
You stood there frozen in your spot until he finally noticed you and hurried up to come closer to you, although avoiding your eyes, looking at his shoes.
“Which b-” You started, only to be interrupted a second later. You intended to ask him who did it to him, but of course you already knew which ‘b-’ it was.
“I had the pleasure to run into Taehyung on my way here.” Baekhyun said. “I-” He continued. “I’m stupid. I can never talk back to him, and I feel even more stupid now that I let him do this to me and-”
This time it was you who interrupted him, by placing your hands on his black stained cheeks and gently pulling him in for a soft peck on his lips.
A light blush creeped up on his skin from underneath the stains and his pupils dilated ever so slightly, a completely melting look which you loved on him.
“So this ass did it to you?” You asked.
“Yes, I really-”
“Is it beef yeah” You concluded. “I’m calling backup-”
You pulled him on his sleeve, directing yourself to your dorm. “Wait, Y/N, what backup” Baekhyun gave you a questionable look, but let you lead him anyway.
“As in, my wand, the backup.” You answered. Since the Quidditch field cleaning punishment without magic, you weren’t allowed to show up to any detention with your wand, so it was left in your dorm. Jerks. “I will jinx this raven shit until his own mother won’t recognize him.” You said.
“You can’t fight fire with fire, my diamond, you” Baekhyun tried to sound more earnest, but he failed to hold back a chuckle at your comment.
“Then what do you suggest me to do?” You asked. “Because I won’t let that jackass continue this. It’s payback, bitch. If he wanna play then I will show him how to play. Because I’m the freaking coach and I’m pissed off right now.” You crossed your arms on your chest, letting off his sleeve that you have been holding.
Baekhyun gave you a lopsided smile. “Well, for starters I actually need to clean up.” He said.
“Fair enough.”
And with that being said, you decided to leave your evil plans on how to come back at the Ravenclaw boy be, at least for the time being.
You would have plenty of time to think about it later.
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If there was something that visibly distinguished you from your older brother, it would be the detail that Sehun was way more composed than you were.
If there was something that particularly pissed you off about him, well, it would be quite everything. And in the least expected moments.
“But WHY-” You whined. “Why won’t you just give me the damn spell! Last time when you went and jinxed him things were quiet for two weeks.” You continued whining, following your brother around the Slytherin common room like a puppy, tugging on his arm because, that cruel moron, decided to instantaneously become deaf to your pleas.
“Listen up, my baby freak sister.” Sehun whirled around only to give you a look of unmasked disapproval. “That was the first and the last time I went down to your sick level of solving problems. Do you want to go and mess him up every two weeks then, what the-”
You lightly punched his shoulder. “You clown! I will mess you up if you don’t help me out, what kind of brother are you-”
“Not my fault that you always get involved with cuckoos.”
“Sehun I swear I will-”
“Will you calm down finally?” A subtle voice filled the air behind you, followed with soft footsteps audible on the floor. Soon Minseok appeared next to you, with his hands in his pockets. “I know that all that brother-sister fight is apparently necessary for something but your yelling can be heard at the beginning of the hallway.”
Yeah, apparently it was, and in particular when your brother was Sehun.
That’s why you were glad that Minseok, as well as Kyungsoo, were your a whole lot calmer cousins who watched out for eventual flying insults and roasts becoming too loud for everyone’s liking.
“Then tell him something.” You pointed at Sehun, a pleading look in your eyes thrown to your cousin next to you.
“Oh my god-” Minseok covered his face with both his hands for a moment. “You know I love you both but we just had one drama a while back and now a new one is up?” The question was more directed to you.
You immediately jumped up. “It’s always the same drama! I come out of detention, first thing I see is Baekhyun splashed with some black slime from head to toe! This asshole Taehyung made it his goal to make his days go down the freaking toilet.” You remarked.
Minseok lifted one corner of his mouth, an apologetic smile. “Dear cousin, this is a quite common thing when your ex boyfriend hates your new boyfriend.” He paused for a brief moment. “But okay, that shows that this kid is cracked.”
Sehun straightened. “I told you he was bananas. I never liked him.” A sparkle flickered in his eyes, only to squint them right after and put a finger on his lower lip. “Actually, I was always right when I said someone you were starting to fall for in the past wasn’t right for you. Beginning with that one oblivious dirt, what was his name again, something with D-”
“QUIET, YOU FILTH” You interrupted him, slapping his shoulder one more time.
All three of you were so invested in the discussion that you completely failed to acknowledge the last member of your family quietly entering the room carrying a pile of books.
“Woah, what’s up squad” Kyungsoo carefully put the books on the nearest table. “Is it an unannounced assembly again?” He let out a soft chuckle, moving over to the rest of you.
“Soo, save me” You leaned your cheek on your cousin’s shoulder in a childlike manner, starting to tell him the newest events which the other two already knew.
All in all, you didn’t complete your evil plan for Taehyung that day, but nonetheless you felt a little better knowing that your brother and two cousins were there to listen to you, even when you came up with totally crazy nonsense.
And again, you really needed to appreciate your family a little more.
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Later the following day, just when you finished your beloved Astronomy class, you dashed through the hallway for your next up lesson, the History of Magic.
You weren’t particularly pleased at the moment, even though Astronomy was always able to cheer you up whenever you felt upset, at the same time being as good as the only subject which always had your full attention.
But today you couldn’t really follow the lesson in tranquility as much as you wanted because unfortunately, Astronomy was also the class that you shared with Taehyung.
Taehyung, who apparently planned it before to bother you for the whole damned lesson for whatever sick reason that time.
Although you were sure that it was always the exactly same reason as before.
First, he started to blow small bluebell flames in your direction which came right at your temple.
As a matter of fact at that point to be completely honest, you didn’t know if you were more astonished by the fact that he could actually perform this spell, or that even though he was being so obvious Professor Sinistra didn’t warn him even one time.
And there was no way that she didn’t notice what he was doing with his own wand during the lesson.
When you kept on ignoring him, next up were little flying notes landing on your desk. There were merely ugly sketches of a person covered in some black mass, which was obviously supposed to be Baekhyun.
You felt the extreme need to just stand up from your seat, walk over to him and smash a book on his nose but you decided to keep your cool at least in that one class.
So before you could change your mind, as soon as you were all dismissed you collected your belongings and left the room, not even looking back.
You looked at one of your deep-coloured tarot cards which you’ve been whirling around with your fingers on your way to your next class.
Nine of Cups.
Monthly card for Capricorn, you wished it was something less optimistic though knowing that your ex boyfriend was indeed, a Capricorn.
But so was Kyungsoo, so you weren’t really all about instantly despising the said sign.
You continued walking, actually there was quite some free time left until the next lesson but right now you just wanted to keep your distance from every possible source that could make you mad all over again.
Your thoughts were full of Baekhyun though, you wished he would be there right now, be it just looking at him was enough to relax you.
Before you knew it, you heard fast footsteps behind you, followed by a loud voice right after.
But unfortunately, that voice didn’t belong to the one you wished to hear right this instant.
“Look who it is” Taehyung quickly appeared before you, his eyes fixed on you. “I just don’t get it how you can be so stupid, Y/N. This is your last call to come back to me-”
“Oh, what a waste, there’s no signal to call so I think this is YOUR last call, how you described it, to screw off before I mess you up” You said.
“You know that I’m just getting started” He let out a stupid laugh. “I will make your dear Baekhyun regret that he ever laid his eyes on you-”
“Touch him and I will end you, you sorry excuse of a ma-”
You couldn’t finish your sentence as he abruptly pulled you closer by your left wrist, a clearly wrathful look in his eyes. “You were never like this with me. So protective. Tell me Y/N” He paused. “Have you done this with him?”
You felt like your eyes became ten times bigger, looking at him not believing he was really asking you that question. “What? Are you actually stupid? And even if, I wouldn’t tell you.”
“I will literally murder him, and I will make you watch this.”
Alright, now you really were out of it. What on earth.
Before you knew it, you already took your wand to your free right hand, ready to use whatever that came to your mind on him, when you felt someone else’s fingers around your right wrist, stopping it.
“What are you DOING.” Said your brother in a firm voice. “Enough is enough Y/N.”
You gave in, letting him take your wand away. For a moment you really were about to leave it be and follow Sehun, but when you saw the impertinent, triumphant smile playing on Taehyung’s lips, you just couldn’t.
In a matter of seconds, you grasped him by the collar, pulled him down to your level and measured a concrete blow to his nose, which to be completely honest was tempting you this whole time already.
Then everything happened in a blur, soon running appeared Professor Flitwick together with Professor Snape, taking in the state you put Taehyung in with blood coming out of his nose.
“What-” Started Professor Flitwick. “Miss Y/L/N! What is this!”
You moved to properly face your two teachers. “We are Slytherin, and this is jackass.” You said pointing at Taehyung, as if nothing wrong just happened.
“It is always you!” Professor Snape’s voice joined in. “Oh Sehun and Y/N! You are both a disgrace for Slytherin. Yes, you too Oh, I know everything about jinxing Kim Taehyung. Minus FIFTEEN points! Each of you! Now LEAVE!” He yelled at you before turning around and quickly walking away, letting Professor Flitwick deal with Taehyung and his bloody nose alone.
Sehun grasped your wrist, pulling you with him as he walked away. When you were both far enough, he spoke again. “You are my biological sister, but you are quite literally freaking insane.” He said. “But I must give you that one, that punch was something.”
You looked at your brother, meeting his eyes and, as soon as you did so the two of you broke down in an uncontrollable laughter.
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“That’s crazy. I feel like-” Baekhyun looked deep in thought, his eyes wavering on something in the distance. “I feel like this is kind of my fault.”
You squeezed his hand, a reassuring gesture. “No, it isn’t. It’s-” You looked up. “the Gemini constellation.”
You started to walk a little slower, so that you could take a more proper look. It became dark really fast that time, just when you and Baekhyun decided to go and take a walk, alone, without Sehun, your cousins, or most importantly without Taehyung spoiling the atmosphere like he used to do every time when he showed up these days.
You ended up on the quiet, empty Quidditch field, the place where your heart started to flutter for the shy Gryffindor boy for the first time.
You felt like ever since that moment when you got together crazy things kept on happening to the two of you, turning out in a total mess which at the end of the day neither of you seemed to have or at least try to have under control.
But then again, for some reason you didn’t care.
Baekhyun was all you cared about, and at the same time as you realised it, you felt like you just discovered a completely new side to you as well.
You were still a little amazed by the fact that you managed to move on so quickly but, maybe it was all written in the stars?
You felt a little pull backwards, realising that Baekhyun stopped still holding onto your hand.
“Those two stars in Gemini are shining the brightest.” He said. “They kind of remind me of those little sparkles in your eyes when you genuinely laugh.”
You smiled uncontrollably.
He was talking about you being his diamond, but it looked like he didn’t even see what a diamond he already was himself, especially now when the cold starlight was falling down on him, illuminating his fair skin and dancing on his black hair, making him look as if he was glowing in an angel light.
“You know-” He started again. “That diamond can also mean a star? As in, the diamonds, the stars-” He scratched the back of his neck, looking suddenly a little nervous.
“Mhm” You muttered, reaching out your hand to brush off those few dark locks that fell on his eyes.
“So-” Baekhyun’s cheeks were now giving in to the dark blush that started creeping up on them. “There’s something I never told you. I like to sing sometimes. And-” He bit his lower lip. “I wrote a song for you.” He didn’t say it, he whispered it, but loud enough for you to hear it well.
“Sing it for me.”
You expected him to start right away, but instead he took your other hand and gently pulled you with him, only to let it go and place his own hand on your waist, slowly spinning around with you in his arms.
“You really do shine like a real diamond, you know” He adoringly smiled at you, gently caressing your cheek with his thumb before he started to sing.
If you thought that Baekhyun’s normal voice was like honey, then you could say you were quite literally blown away by how velvety his singing voice was.
There were only the two of you on the deserted Quidditch field, slowly dancing to the only music which was Baekhyun’s voice.
In that moment, you couldn’t help it but let out a giggle, being so grateful for making that potion explode in your class back in the day and getting a detention for that.
It was all worth it.
You got a stupid detention, but you also ended up getting the sweetest boy you could wish for in one go.
“I love it.” You told him when he finished the song.
“You do?”
You didn’t answer, instead you threw your arms around his neck and pulled him in, now only milimetres away from his face.
“Wh-” The dark blush on his cheeks was now beaming. “What are you doing...?”
You gave him a cheeky smile, enjoying his embarassment. “That what you are apparently too shy to ask for.”
A second later, you were kissing him so passionately, catching him completely off guard, causing to lose the balance and fall back on the grass, being pulled down together with him.
You landed on top of him, having the perfect view on his surprised expression. “Is this what they meant by saying that you were impulsive-” He quietly asked, eyes locked with yours.
You started laughing, bringing your hand up to gently run your fingers through his hair before you kissed him once again. “I don’t know, people talk a lot.”
There it was, that lovely smile that you loved to see on him so much.
You didn’t know how much time has passed while you didn’t even bother to stand up from the ground, just laying there with him laughing and kissing as if his lips were the only source of oxygen for you, with just the blue dark sky above you to see this moment.
After a while, Baekhyun spoke up again in a soft tone. “Y/N... Do you know what I love more than blue?” He asked you.
“You.” He answered. “I love you more.”
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A/N: i am posting this from my grave yall, i am dead and super anxious about this, leave me your opinions ;__; feel free to reblog as always if you liked it >,<
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navellera · 5 years
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hogwarts! au: basically you and sehun are the top students in your year, causing a rivalry that’s lasted since first year, but what happens when you actually work together? very fluffy, a teenie bit of angst if you squint
wordcount: 6k
note: i had to rewrite the ending to this about three times and i still dislike it, but hey ho, what can you do? enjoy!
A breeze wafted by you, the top pages of the large book you were hunched over fluttered slightly, causing your gaze to move from the words in front of you to the person who had caused the draught that had subtly disturbed you. Your eyes narrowed as they landed on the stoic perpetrator who had seated himself on the bench opposite you.
As if he felt your gaze on him, he looked up from the feigned interest that he’d had in the book he held in front of him, Flesh-eating Trees of the World. His lips curled into a smirk as he raised his eyebrows at you, as if questioning you on why you’d interrupted him, instead of it being the other way around.
“Oh Sehun.” You muttered under your breath watching the Slytherin’s smirk grow as brought his quill to his chin, his eyes still on you as a form of challenge. “Our essay for Professor Longbottom isn’t due for another four days, don’t you have a defence against the dark arts exam in two to study for?”
Oh Sehun cocked his head at your words. “I think you and I both know that I’m sailing through that exam. Besides, what if we need a Snargaluff pod in the exam, you might need to know how to get one. Not all defence is about spells.”
You frowned at his words, peering down at your own book that was marked with plenty of page markers. If there was one thing you disliked about Oh Sehun, and there was a lot, it was that he always tried to one up you in every test, every piece of homework. He seemed to look at you like a competition, ever since you’d been the first one to transform a mouse into a matchbox in your first transfiguration lesson. Since then, he made it his one goal to beat you in every class you had together and as a result the two of you were the top two students in the year: a muggle-born Ravenclaw and a pureblood Slytherin who never seemed to study, ever.
“Our exam is going to be on nonverbal charms, I doubt you’ll need a plant to help you with that,” you retorted, making a point to look back at your book in interest.
A hand came in front of your vision and the book you were reading was suddenly dragged across the table, a bubble of irritation erupting in your chest as you looked up at the Slytherin. He had pushed the previous book to the side, waving his wand and muttering and you watched in disbelief as it travelled behind the bookshelf. You then shot your attention back on him.
“Hey, I’ve borrowed that for this exam,” You hissed, reaching to grab the book. Only, Sehun had seem this coming and moved the book far from your reach.
“As I was kind enough to lend you my copy of History of Magic, I think you should let me borrow this.” Sehun said it with such conviction you were tempted by his words.
However: “No. You lent me a copy of History of Magic, which I already own and haven’t used since second year. That’s not the same.”
Sehun tilted his head at your words, his brown eyes narrowing in on you as his lips twitched slightly, betraying his amusement on his impassive face. He placed the book back down on the table and before you realised what he was doing, he was next to you on the bench. His hands grabbed the book and flicked it open to the non-verbal spells page before he turned to face you.
“Well, I guess we’re study buddies then,” He stated triumphantly.
Inwardly groaning, you realised you’d have to let him do whatever it was he wanted to do, you were after all, in the library, meaning Madam Pince would zone in on you with her vulture like senses the moment you made a scene.
It was silent for about two minutes before you were distracted yet again by the boy next to you. Looking at him, you saw him fiddling with his deep green and silver tie, not even paying attention to the book that he so desperately wanted to share with you. Frowning, you slammed the book shut and grabbed your quills and parchment.
“If you’re not going to study, I’ll be going, and taking this with me.” You grabbed the book, mildly irritated at the Slytherin who had not only succeeded in distracting you from studying, but also in annoying you to the max that even if he wasn’t next to you, you’d still be too wound up to study.
Sehun’s eyes widened just a fraction and he stood up to match your stance.
“No- I was just thinking. Why are you reading about non-verbal spells when we should be practicing? Physically.”
You froze and stared at him. Annoyingly, he did have a point but he also knew nothing about your own learning methods, which consisted of reading everything there was to know about the subject before delving into spells. Coming from a muggle family, you had experienced the consequences of trying out a spell without finding out its meaning back in your first year. There had been an explosion that only alumni Seamus Finnigan could compete with.
So, you weren’t about to have some pure-blood Slytherin, one who was as annoying as he was handsome, tell you how to study. Though, he did have a point about practicing, after all, the non-verbal spells were going to be spells you’d already studied anyway.
“I just wanted to read around the subject,” You muttered, you didn’t know much about Oh Sehun on a personal level but you did feel slightly judged by him. “I don’t want it to go wrong.”
Oh Sehun bent down so he was level with you and his dark eyes bore into your own.
“I think Read-a-lot the Ravenclaw needs to put her knowledge to the test,” He stated. “We can practice together.”
Narrowing your eyes, you held your things tighter against your chest.
“What are you going to get out of it?” You asked him. “Oh Sehun doesn’t do things for people without a price. Especially not me.”
Sehun smiled, the smile not quite reaching his eyes. “It’s simple. Let me read your essay for Professor Longbottom – and I know you’ve already done it, I saw you reading Flesh-eating Trees of the World at breakfast, that’s why I picked it out.”
“Read my essay? Why? So you can copy it?”
“That’s exactly why.” Sehun winked. “Herbology is the only subject you’ve consistently been top of the class. And it’s time for that to change.”
“You could just ask me to help you.” You stated, turning around to leave the library before Madam Pince caught the two of you and took points away for disturbing the study space. “Or are you too prideful for that?”
You knew Sehun was following behind you, his longer legs catching up to your pace easily and soon you were walking down the corridor side-by-side.
“I’m not too prideful,” He stated, the usual mocking tone absent from his words as you walked. “Anyway, where do you wanna practice? I’d suggest by the Great Lake because I don’t think the courtyard is the best place to be practicing aguamenti.”
“That might be a bit too far away from the castle, what if you accidentally drown me?” You shot back.
Sehun scoffed at your words. “Please, if anyone is drowning anyone, it will be you. I was the one with 100% on the last DADA test.”
You narrowed your eyes at his words and turned to face him. “I would have done better if you hadn’t distracted me in the last second.”
Sehun simply smiled. “It’s not my fault my good looks caught your attention.”
While you were tempted to huff and hit him in retaliation, you didn’t. He was somewhat right. Your last DADA exam had been a duel, and much to your delight you’d been paired with Oh Sehun. You’d both been at a stalemate until the last spell. You’d been watching Sehun’s hand and eyes as keenly as you could, so you could perform a counter curse or a defensive spell in time. However, Sehun had annoyingly winked at you before he performed the spell. He’d winked.
It was a guilty secret that you found the annoying Slytherin attractive, not that you were alone in that matter. He had plenty of admirers. When he’d winked at you, your heart had betrayed you and fluttered in your chest, causing you to stutter out your counter curse and you’d ended up flat on your back.
You vowed to beat him in this next test, if it was the last thing you did.
 “What about here?” Sehun’s voice cut into your thoughts and you turned to face him, your eyes quickly drifting from his face to the surrounding area. It was well out of the way of the corridors and large enough to provide space for by passers.
“It will do,” You replied with a shrug, tempted to just sit down and open your text book again.
Before you could do anything though, Sehun had already tugged your books out of your arms and flicked them over to a bench. His eyes narrowed in on you and he smiled as a way of saying let’s begin.
You allowed Sehun to go first, not to be polite, it was so you could watch his hand movements. If you were being honest, Sehun was slightly better at wand work than you, probably due to the fact he’d grown up around wizards, you’d been thrown into this and had to learn most of what you knew from books rather than seeing it in the flesh. That didn’t stop you trying though.
Watching as Sehun flicked his wand gracefully, you twisted your hands in your skirt. His eyebrows furrowed and his teeth bit into his bottom lip in concentration. He was handsome, but you wouldn’t let him know you thought that.
Sehun then clicked his tongue in annoyance and you noticed that the only water that had left the end of his wand was a couple of drops rather than the spirt he had been aiming for. His eyes flickered to yours and he shrugged.
This time, you tried, tracing a horizontal ‘s’ in the air as you mentally forced aguamenti into your mind. Your wand pushed back into your hand and your eyes widened as you watched water spout out of the end of it. You grinned in achievement and you moved to look at Sehun.
“I did it- oh.” Without realising, you’d drenched Sehun in your excitement.
His eyes were dark as he glared at you, water dripping from his hair as it stuck to his forehead. Gulping, you lowered your wand, the water slowing to a couple of drops. You chewed on your bottom lip, trying to contain the giggles that were threatening to escape as you took in the sight of Oh Sehun soaking wet.
“I’m sorry I-”  A bubble of laughter interrupted your apology. Sehun’s glare only intensified and you hastily waved your wand a little and muttered the incantation to cause hot air to fly out of your wand, drying him off almost instantaneously.
“How are you so clumsy?” Though his real question seemed to be focussed on the fact you’d managed to achieve what he’d been trying to do.
So, you took a page from his book and cocked your head to the side with a smug smile on your face.
“I think the real question here is how I managed to perform that non-verbally.” You quipped and Sehun frowned.
“You did everything I did, how did it work for you?” He queried, moving to stand where you’d just been standing.
Watching him flick his wand and furrow his neat eyebrows at the complete lack of liquid that was coming out of his wand, you felt somewhat guilty. However, it was watching him that made you realise what he’d been doing wrong.
“I knew reading around spells would be helpful,” You stated as soon as you realised.
Oh Sehun looked at you curiously, his hand stilling as you raised your own wand, being careful not to say or think, the spell you were about to demonstrate for Sehun. “You’re doing the wrong wand movement.”
Sehun’s eyes followed your hand as you showed him the horizontal ‘s’ you’d done before. His own hand mimicked your movement, just to imbed the action into his mind. The entire time in his practicing he’d just been making a vertical ‘s’, the reason behind his failure becoming crystal clear as  he once more tried the spell, this time a gush of water spurting out of his wand.
As much as it pained him to admit, you had been right in reading around spells. He just didn’t want to tell you that, it would give you leverage over him, something that he did not want. So instead he just looked at you and smiled triumphantly, genuinely thankful that you’d begrudgingly come along to practice with him.
“See, reading does get you something,” Your words caused Sehun to let out a chuckle. “Maybe instead of reading my essay, I can help you with yours?”
Sehun thought about your words for a moment before letting out a defeated sigh. “Fine.”
  By the time you arrived back to the common room, you were shattered, Sehun had made you go over practically every spell in the book, making sure he got it right. Not that you thought you had much authority over that, he was technically, on average, higher than you in DADA. However, he seemed rather insistent on his practicing. Which also made you rethink your opinion of him, perhaps he did care a lot more about his studies than he let on. Then again, maybe he just wanted to one up you, as usual.
“What’s got you so worn out?” A voice called, and you turned to see Do Kyungsoo sitting on one of the armchairs, his navy and silver tie wrapped around his hand. “You look exhausted.”
You flopped down next to him, tugging on your cloak and pulling out a box of glacial snowflakes and offered one you your friend, who happily reached into the box. “I was just practicing for the test we have in DADA.”
Kyungsoo looked at you, his dark eyebrows furrowed as he examined your face. “I’ve never seen you look this tired after studying.”
“I was practicing with Oh Sehun.”
Kyungsoo’s eyes widened slightly and he leaned forward on his chair before hissing his response under his breath. “You willingly spent time with that Slytherin, your so called ‘arch-nemesis’?”
You grumbled and pushed him back into his seat. “Shut up. It’s just for class. I’m helping him with his herbology essay after the exam.”
If you thought that Kyungsoo was shocked before, you should have seen him then. Your friend’s mouth opened slightly, as if he was going to say something, and then it closed again. Speechless.
“It’s just help Kyungsoo.” You muttered. “I wasn’t this shocked when you went to the library with Byun and Jongdae.”
It had been no secret that Kyungsoo couldn’t stand the mischievous pair, the Slytherin and the Gryffindor getting on his nerves without fail. You were sure that Kyungsoo learnt common hexes and jinxes with the intention on using them on those two.
Surprisingly enough, however, just a week earlier you’d been walking out of the library to watch Kyungsoo walk in with the both of them. You hadn’t yet spoken to him out it, now seemed like an appropriate time to bring it up.
Kyungsoo’s eyes narrowed at your response and he huffed. If he wasn’t going to fess up then you weren’t going to allow him to make a fuss of you spending time with Oh Sehun. Besides, after this essay was done, you were making a vow to avoid him as much as possible.
One little practice with Oh Sehun wouldn’t make you like the guy. At least, your pride wouldn’t forgive you if you became friends with the boy you’d been repeatedly competing against for the highest grade. What if your grades depleted because you stopped trying to beat Sehun?
You couldn’t let that happen.
“I was just wondering if the two of you had finally come clean about the feelings you have for each other.”
Kyungsoo’s blunt words pierced through you like a knife and you blanched.
“Everyone knows you and Sehun like each other.” He said with a subtle shrug, oblivious to the surprise that was bubbling around inside you. “I thought you might have admitted it to each other.”
“Kyungsoo, I do not like Oh Sehun.”
He did not look convinced.
“Look, I don’t know where you’ve got this information from,” You rubbed your forehead in exasperation. “But I don’t like him, we’re not even friends. Why would I have a crush on a guy who I can’t even tolerate being around for longer than five minutes?”
“You’ve been with him all afternoon-”
“That’s not the point, Soo!” You reached over and hit his arm, his lips quirking upwards showing you that he was simply teasing. “I don’t like him.”
“Whatever you say.”
  You walked out of the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom with a wide grin on your face, Kyungsoo walked impassively next to you, ignoring your tight grip on his arm as you tried to contain your excitement. You’d got your highest mark in a DADA test yet, while usually your mark was high, your professor looked impressed today, which made you feel lighter than air, as if you’d eaten a whole packet of Fizzing Whizzbees.
Kyungsoo on the other hand was trying to fix his cloak that you’d managed to skew out of place while grabbing his arm. He wasn’t paying any attention to you or your words, knowing you’d most likely be repeating the same “I did it” over and over again because you’d finally got full marks in that class. Not that he wasn’t happy for you, he was, he’d just heard your exclamations for the previous five minutes already.
“Hey, Read-a-lot,” A familiar voice cut through your daze and you let go of your best friend, restraining yourself from turning to face the owner of the voice. “How’d you do?”
You noticed the speaker come around to your side and you gave in, your eyes falling on the smug face of Oh Sehun as he tucked his wand into his cloak.
“100%.” Was your reply and you began to walk again, tempted to run to catch up to Kyungsoo who had carried on walking without you.
“Hey!” Sehun’s hand gripped your arm gently and you were forced to look at him again. “Don’t I deserve a thank you for helping you practice?”
Rolling your eyes you tugged your arm out of his grip.
“I doubt you had anything to do with it, after all, I showed you the correct motion for aguamenti.”
Sehun narrowed his eyes before putting on his dazzling smile, and you struggled to ignore how handsome he looked as he grinned at you.
“I still think I helped, without me, you would have been in the library all night, with no practice.”
“Fine, I guess you helped a little.” You muttered. “Thank you. Is that better?”
Sehun’s smug smile softened at the edges, his eyes looking at you earnestly. This subtle change in his expression caused your stomach to (inconveniently) do a little flip. But, as fast as it appeared, Sehun’s sincerity left.
“So, eye for an eye?” He rose his perfectly sculpted eyebrows. “Can I cash in on that herbology help?”
You couldn’t help but notice with apprehension that Kyungsoo had completely abandoned you with the Slytherin boy and reminded yourself to scold him when you got back to the common room. However, you also knew that there was a sense of duty to help Sehun with his essay; after all, it can’t have been a miraculous coincidence that your highest DADA grade had been after the best in the year had practiced with you.
So, you sigh and nod. “When do you want to do it? It’s due in a couple of days so-”
“Now.” Sehun stated, surprising you with his firmness, usually he was so flippant it was hard to tell if you were coming or going.
And with that, the pair of you were off, Sehun leading you towards the library, which was becoming a common meeting point for you both. You weren’t sure if you liked that. Although, something deep inside of you was somewhat thankful that this ‘knowledge exchange’ was postponing the feud between you and Sehun, it was much less tiring.
When arriving at the library, Sehun once again, instead of taking the seat opposite you, sat down beside you on the bench. Though this time, there was a decline in the annoyance that his actions caused you, and you pushed the book you’d used for your own essay further towards him, opening it on the key pages.
You showed him passages that you used, talked him through analysing evidence, giving him pointers whenever his sentences were too colloquial. It wasn’t long however, before Sehun was gradually taking everything in. Quite easily. You noticed this and grabbed another book, one that may come in useful for the next History of Magic essay.
“Do you ever stop studying?” Sehun asked, causing you to pause your page flipping and look at him.
Your eyes left the pages of the book, meeting his deep brown ones. You narrowed your eyes.
“I do have a life.” You snapped, unintentionally harshly. “But I need to study a lot, I don’t have the advantage of growing up with magic around me.”
“I- I didn’t mean it like that.”
For once, you felt bad that you’d been harsh with him. You knew that he hadn’t been trying to wind you up, but studying and grades were important to you. You also knew that it was unfair to mention the background privilege, but when Sehun seemed so at ease with everything.
“Sorry, it’s a touchy subject.” This was most likely the first time you had apologised to Oh Sehun, without the push of a professor. “I didn’t mean to snap at you.”
Sehun shifted.
“No, I’m sorry – it came out wrong.” He replied. “I only asked because I always see you reading. Even at breakfast. Even in the Hospital Wing after Kim Jongdae set half your bench on fire in Charms.”
Your eyes widened. How did he remember that? That was back in third year, and it had been the reason you had to spend the first two days of the Christmas holidays in Madame Pomfrey’s care. You didn’t thank the Gryffindor for that.
“I like it too,” You admitted.
“You like studying?” Sehun seemed to be in disbelief.
You rolled your eyes and softly glared at him. “Some subjects are interesting, Oh Sehun, especially when you’ve been alive for eleven years without knowing anything about the existence of dragons.”
Sehun smirked. “Touché, Read-a-lot, touché.”
“More to the point, do you often watch me read? Or is it a rare past-time?”
Sehun clearly didn’t expect your quip and he paused for a second, blinking in response. However, it wasn’t long before he snapped out of his daze and his lips curled at the edges gently. His eyes were warm as he smiled at you.
“It’s just funny to watch your face scrunch up when you’re concentrating.” He stated without any shame.
Your own eyes widened at his words and you reverted your gaze back to the book you were reading before returning it to the boy sitting next to you. You saw him shift in the corner of your eye, a sigh leaving his mouth, before his pen hit his parchment again and he began writing.
As the two of you worked quietly side by side, you realised that perhaps you were wrong about Oh Sehun. Perhaps he did care about his studies as much as you did. You felt somewhat guilty that you bore a grudge towards him, especially when he did genuinely seem to want to improve. However, you also knew not to take his sincerity seriously, he’d once tricked you into believing that you’d been assigned to tutor him in Charms until you realised he was just copying all of your work.
It felt odd to be sitting next to the Slytherin without arguing though. It felt, dare you say it, nice.
  “I think I’m finished.” Sehun announced after a couple of hours. He’d been showing you certain paragraphs, inquiring after your advice, which you did give him, and he followed it keenly. “I’ve just made the last changes to my conclusion.”
You looked up at him, your head hurting a little from staring at the pages of the book in front of you for too long. He was looking at you earnestly, his brown eyes soft, devoid of their usual mocking glint. He seemed pleased with himself and you couldn’t help but give him a soft smile.
“You should rest,” You told him. “You’ve been working all afternoon and evening.”
Sehun’s eyes widened ever so slightly and he shook his head.
“I think you’re the one who needs a break. Have you even eaten yet?” He asked, you shook your head. “The Great Hall will shut soon, you should go and grab some food.”
Chewing on your bottom lip nervously, you tugged the book on the desk a little further towards you. “I need to finish this last chapter.”
You felt the book being pulled out of your grasp and you looked at Sehun in disbelief, ready to hiss an insult at him, but the look on his face stopped you in your tracks. He was looking at you with a concern in his eyes that you’d only ever seen from your mother when she told you that your dog had not come back from the vet with them.
“Sehun, I need to finish that chapter.”
He shook his head.
“What you need, is a break,” He stated, cutting your complaints off. “The essay you’re working on isn’t due for another five days. Relax, please, you’re working yourself too hard.”
His words left a new resonance in you, for once, you didn’t want to smack him in the face. He was right, your head was throbbing from the work you’d been focussed on, you didn’t need to be working this hard. This non-stop.
“Fine.” You gave in, and Sehun’s smile was blinding. It wasn’t smug or mocking, it was content.
The two of you got up, packing your stuff away together, a weird feeling in your chest occurred as you walked out of the library next to Oh Sehun. He then stopped once he reached the corner of the corridor, you stopping with him. You watched him turn to face you, his gaze travelling to the floor with a shyness you’d never seen in Oh Sehun before.
“Thank you,” He said, quietly, but you heard it. He looked up at you. “I really appreciated your help, herbology essays aren’t my forte.”
You gave him a kind smile. “Everything is your forte Sehun.”
Sehun’s gaze did not leave your face as you spoke. It was intense, and you realised he’d never looked at you for that long without his lips curling up into a sly smirk.
“I mean it, thank you.” The sincerity in his voice was impossible to disregard and you felt heat flood to your cheeks in a blush.
“You’re welcome,” You thought that the ground was better to look at than his face as you answered him.
“I’ll see you around?”
“Of course,” You replied. “I can’t get away from you, even if I tried.”
Oh Sehun just smiled, and the two of you parted.
  The sound of the crisp white snow crunching under your feet was relaxing as you walked with Kyungsoo through the winding streets of Hogsmeade. Hopefully there would be a free table in the Three Broomsticks, but it was a busy period, so your hopes weren’t considerably high.
Your mind too, was in a labyrinth at the moment. Ever since your encounter with Sehun and helping him with his essay, your dislike towards him seemed to be dwindling, like a tealight that was flickering in a breeze, it was struggling to stay alight. It was difficult to feel any animosity for the boy, especially when he seemed so happy with his essay grade. You were beginning to tolerate him.
“Are you even listening to me?” Kyungsoo’s voice cut through your thoughts and you snapped your head to look at him. “Obviously not.”
You gave him a sheepish smile. “Sorry, Soo, I was distracted, what were you saying?”
“It’s not that important, I was just asking if you wanted to go to the Chudley Cannons and Puddlemere United match over the Christmas holidays with me, Park Chanyeol bailed out last minute to visit his cousin.”
“Of course, do I ever turn down an opportunity to see Dean Thomas in the flesh?”
Kyungsoo chuckled. “Anyway, moving on, what are you thinking about that distracted you from the great Dean Thomas?”
You felt your heat plummet as you knew you’d have to explain to your best friend. You didn’t want to. You felt like admitting it out loud would make it real, and you didn’t, for the sake of your pride, want to admit that you liked Oh Sehun.
“Nothing, the last essay we did for Professor Longbottom.”
Kyungsoo narrowed his eyes and you knew you hadn’t succeeded in lying to him. “What’s really the matter?”
Sighing, you let your thoughts tumble out of your mouth. You explained that you were confused about your feelings towards Oh Sehun. That you didn’t understand why the usual animosity you held for him was declining, and why you had been so willing and complicit in helping him with his herbology. The usual you would have declined, it was the one subject you were clearly better than him at.
Kyungsoo listened to your problems with a curious look on his face, knowledge flickering around in his soft eyes. He then smiled when you stopped talking and you knew that what he was about to say was not going to be what you wanted to hear.
“So what you’re telling me is that you like Oh Sehun?”
“No-” Kyungsoo raised his eyebrows and you dropped your shoulders. “Yes. I think so.”
“I told you so!”
“But I don’t know what to do about it.” You complained. “I want to just ignore it, no good will come from it, it’s probably completely one-sided.”
Kyungsoo clicked his tongue in disappointment.
“I told you, it’s obvious you both like each other.”
“Soo, up until a few weeks ago, I- we hated each other, he probably still hates me.”
“There’s a fine line between love and hate.”
“Kyungsoo! Be serious. I don’t know what to do.” You kicked up some snow, the white flakes narrowly missing one of the Slytherin quidditch team’s beaters. “Help.”
“I think you should tell him.”
You looked at your friend in surprise. What? Tell him? Tell Oh Sehun, your arch nemesis for six whole years that you suddenly liked him? Kyungsoo was basically just giving you a death wish.
“What’s the worst that can happen? You like him, he says no. Great, you can get on with your life. If you don’t tell him you’ll probably regret it. You’ll see him at graduation with his new girlfriend and regret not telling him that you think you like him.”
When he said it like that, he had a point.
“Fine.” You stated. “Next time I see him, I’ll march up to him and tell him.”
“Promise.” You nodded.
Unfortunately for you, the next time you saw Oh Sehun was when you opened the door to the Three Broomsticks. Kyungsoo left you to go and order your drinks from the bar, and you went to find a free table in the bustling pub.
Brushing your hair out of your face, your eyes scanned the busy room, ignoring the spoons swirling in hot chocolate by themselves, falling on a familiar head of hair by the bar. Oh Sehun. Remembering your promise to Kyungsoo, you began walking over, however, you stopped in your tracks as soon as he turned around.
Your heart plummeted as you watched Sehun walk to a table, his arm around the shoulder of one of the girls from Slytherin’s quidditch team. She was pressed up against him extremely closely and you immediately felt stupid for even entertaining the idea that Sehun would like you back. Of course he wouldn’t. This was Oh Sehun, he could get any girl he wanted, even you, it would seem.
Without thinking for another second, you turned to rush out of the door, crashing into someone carrying three pints of butterbeer, all three of which clattered to the ground due to your clumsy movements.
“I’m sorry- I’m sorry.” Hastily you tried to get yourself out of the way.
“Read-a-lot?” You heard Oh Sehun call your name.
You gave him a desperate look before you dashed out of the pub, vowing to make it up to Kyungsoo once you got back to the common room later. While rushing out, you heard a commotion and realised to your dread that the annoying Slytherin boy was following you. Which only made you run faster, turning blindly into an alley beside Zonko’s.
Halting due to the dead end, you let out a breathy pant, hearing the footsteps behind you come to a stop.
“Hey, why are you running away?”
Your wide eyes looked up at him, betrayal evident within them. He simply looked confused.
“It’s nothing, Oh Sehun,” He flinched at your use of his full name, something you hadn’t done in the past few weeks. “You should get back to Angela.”
It was then that a flash of realisation appeared in Sehun’s eyes and he shook his head frantically.
“What you saw in there – if you saw it-”
“You with your arm around yet another girl, I saw it. It doesn’t bother me.”
“I wasn’t- look, Angela hurt her leg in Quidditch practice, Byun and I have been helping her around Hogsmeade so she could find a Christmas gift for her girlfriend.”
You felt awful. Guilty. And stupid.
Glancing down at your feet, you mumbled: “I’m sorry, I thought it was something else.”
Sehun’s fingers grazed your chin and he forced you to look up at him, an amused smile was drifting onto his lips as he stared down at you endearingly.
“I guess now would be a good time to tell you that I’ve had a crush on you since you turned that mouse into a match box, wouldn’t it?” He let out an attractive chuckle.
Your eyes widened.
“Since first year?”
“Yeah,” He scratched the back of his neck in embarrassment, smiling at you. “Why else do you think I tried so hard to be top of the class. I’ve been trying to get your attention… except it made you hate me.”
“I like you, my little nerd.”
“Nerd?” You guffawed. “You’re just as bad as I am!”
Sehun frowned playfully.
“I am not.” He denied. “I’m a Slytherin, I can’t be a nerd.”
“That literally makes no sense, Sehun.” But you couldn’t help but laugh at him, your eyes shining as you looked up at him.
“Come on, let’s get inside, it’s chilly.” Sehun wrapped his arm around your shoulder, pulling you into him.
The two of you walked back into the pub together, feeling strangely relieved that there was no flame of hatred between you anymore. Only a mutual warmth that would only bloom and grow.
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amandoaexo · 5 years
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Exo members as Hogwarts Students
Sehun - The mysterious guy that does amazing in Herbology and Potions and only helps the other classmates if they promise they’ll return the favor when needed.
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exodusmc · 1 year
Insider 08
Genre: Power au, war au, rebel au
Words: 2022
Paring: Light manipulator Baekhyun  x  Reader
Side character/s: Exo, Bts
Warning!: Hinting forced birth, mention of death
a/n: I’m sorry for being gone again but I’m currently working on a royal Jimin fic, which is around 10 k already and I’m looking for ideas to write the next part in my hogwarts series. I was supposed to post a little earlier but then the news about Moonbin came out. I’m seending my condolences and wish everyone the best. Please now that there will awalys be someone who loves you and that you are enought!
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Gif is not mine 
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About two four months had passed, months filled with training. Minseok and Jongdae worked with you almost every day, giving you everything they had. It was hard but one on one was nothing. You didn't see Namjoon or Seokjin around much, only Jungkook and Hoseok. They were skilled in combat, their smiles bright. 
Jungkook was better in close contact, brown hair pulled back as dark eyes turned sinister, while Hoseok usually worked with long-range weaponry. He had locks close to red on his head, a gaze sharp like an eagle. The two of them built a team, just like Minseok and Jongdae, something you learned from the many late nights. 
The rebels were one team but they valued never being alone, which led to a system of two people making sure the other was safe. It was their way of keeping the majority alive. But apparently wasn't it something healers had, as long as they didn't go out in combat. Jongdae told you almost everything, how their lives had been built and what rules there were. They thought of you as one of them, a part of their mindset...Maybe you had accepted them, never smiling but you spoke more, retoring sarcastic words which made Jongdae howl with laughter and occasionally huff in annoyance. 
You felt at home with the two special men, their ever different stands on life which seemed to keep them close to one another. Even Jungkook and Hoseok made you a little less of a feather floating in the wind. But there was still one thing you couldn't talk about and that was your parents, the mere thought of them made the walls too close. Maybe there was some sort of repressed memory, something your child brain thought was too scary.
“Y/n?”your eyes snapped from staring at the wall, finding the leader smiling down at you. Namjoon stood tall above your sittig form, no one else around.”Is everything okay?”
You snuck away to be alone for just a second, finding a small room where you sat. Sure, you did like the others but going from not working with many people and being a lieutenant weren't easy, the constant work with keeping their feelings in mind and trying to understand somethings they did.
“Yes, sir.”
“You don't have to call me sir.”Namjoon sighed, sitting down by your side. He had a new scar by his mouth, small enough to be invisible for untrained eyes.” I have some questions I would like to ask you, they would probably be great help in what we are about to start..”
His words were ominous, surely hinting to a war you weren't sure anyone was ready for. Every since you arrived at the rebels, you didn't know anything that in the republic but it didn't mean you were clueless. They wanted the rebels gone and over time had you started to understand people a little more, making the higher ups far from human. 
“It’s about the republic and what you know..”you weren't surprised, eyes staying on your fingers. There was invisible blood on them, blood you tried to scrub away but it was still there.”Tell me anything you feel comfortable with..”
“They tried searching for you in the sky when I last heard about strategies but I don't think they will do it for a long time…”your gaze rose to the wall, a fan swishing over your head. Everyone was so young and yet they had to lead a revolution for rights you didn't think about before. Suddenly did you remember the book you wrote, hoped that it was destroyed when the hospital exploded.
“They have already stopped…”Namjoon, you learned, was only 20, so much responsibility laying on his shoulders at the tender age. It didn't make sense to you but if no one stepped up, would nothing change..”A base was bombed, most of the people in it died..I think around 80 made it..”
You didn't like the feelings in your body, cold and nauseous, hot and clawing. They were dead and you could have been the one killing them. 
“Junmyeon has been asking about you and how you’re doing..”Namjoon saw the color start draining from your face so he changed the subject.”I’ve told him that you’re doing really well and seems to like Jongdae and Minseok..But maybe you can call him so he calms down a little?”
“Okay..but I-I want to tell you something…”your head felt like mush, heart picking up its pace. Stress never faced you in battle, it didn't matter if Minseok tried to impale you with ice, you didn't care, but the second you started to think about everything, were you shaking. Guilt, you guessed you felt guilt.”..They have hidden buildings where they birth children for the armies..”
Namjoon stared at you, his orbs darkening to a thunder night sky. No one knew about it and you had only seen a sip bit of a video, the dying  body which would never survive the birth. You weren't supposed to care so you didn't, brain forcing the images to burn.  
“I don't know where but I know where they keep the videos..”he stood up, towering with broad shoulders. Namjoon was beyond rage at your confession. 
“Come with me, we need to speak with Junmyeon..”
Baekhyun ate quietly, thoughts turning in his head. You weren't back and Yixing was always busy, even after he returned..The light bender had no clue what he was doing, only that the doctor ran around and smiled anytime he saw Baekhyun. They didn't share a room anymore..well maybe they did but Yixing never slept there so Baekhyun wasn't sure what to believe. 
At least, he wasn't alone. Chanyeol and Sehun were always there. Goofed around and laughed, even when they were training. The two of them were close and made Baekhyun smile with little effort. It was weird how fast things could change, only short of half a year had passed and he felt like he belonged somewhere. 
Everytime Baekhyun looked in the mirror could he see muscles on his arms and a fuller face due to the fact that he got to eat. His skin wasn’t dull and it had a slightly darker tone to it now, made him more alive to the eyes of bystanders. He was appealing to look at, Chanyeol would often tease him because of the multiple females and males sending him long gazes, but he couldn't find one he actually felt something for. It was something he couldn't tell anyone, since it was a lie. He couldn't find anyone here but he would often think about someone somewhere else. 
Baekhyun coughs slightly, breaking his gaze from the table just for it to get stuck on the chair before him. You circled his mind whenever he got a moment for himself. He wasn't sure what feeling you brought him but he knew that no one else occupied his brain as much as you did. Your eyes were empty but you cried and now when he felt safe in himself, was he remembering the shimmer in them, the depths of a well with high walls built on lies. People never knew anything more about you than that you were a lieutenant, that it was your choice to kill for them, but Baekhyun knew more, just like Yixing and probably Junmyeon. You were just human like everyone else. Human with a buried heart, guarded by thorns and locked behind mirror orbs.
“Sup Baek!”Chanyeol broke him from his trans, the clatter of tupperware brought him back to the canteen. 
Sehun sat to his right while a boy named Kyungsoo sat to Chanyeol’s life. Kyungsoo had come and gone over the course of three months, his eyes dark but easily flammable. Baekhyun still felt the ache from training the first time with Kyungsoo who was completely ruthless, seeding stone after stone right at his face. 
It had been extremely tiring for Baekhyun since he had to use copious amounts of energy to destroy the blocks but in the end did he manage...it was not like passing out and had to be pushed aside by Sehun’s wind or anything. Kyungsoo was a little nicer the times after but still didn't stop until everyone in the room was panting. 
“Still not gonna give Soha a chance?”Baekhyun cringed at the name, remembering the teleporting girl and how she turned up while he just finished showering. 
“Please..can we forget that?”Chanyeol snickered before shrugging his shoulders. 
Everyone started eating, the rustle around them fading into a slight buzz, but Baekhyun suddenly saw Junmyeon making his way over them, his stepps fast. 
Sehun noticed the slight confusion in his friend's face, fork stopping just for his mouth. 
“Kyungsoo can you come with me?”four pairs of eyes rested on the eldest torne face. Junmyeon had aged due to his position and his past, everything the still young man had seen.”It’s urgent…”
“Is something wrong?” Chanyeol was ready to leave and fight in a second, arms tense as he almost stood up from the chair.
Baekhyun learned over time that the power one possessed was growing from your personality in some way, but he didn't tell anyone this, even as Chanyeol with fire in his heart held his head high, or when Sehun moved through space quietly, observing everything with a fleeting touch. 
“I need to talk with Kyungsoo and it’s important but right now it is not dangerous..”with that,  both of them walked away. 
Watching them, hair moving with every step, Baekhyun had a feeling that he would be seeing the one he thought about sooner than later. 
Soft sounds of beeping and turning paper floated in Yixing’s head, fingers gracing over every file he had as the room was peaceful. He spent most of his time by his bed, flipping through the documents he mangade to steal. Your parents were among them but the words were nothing of help, only small bits of useless information since the republic didn't know who they were. 
Sighing, Yixing pressed his fingers against his drumming temples, the slowly rising headache making him irritated. After the explosion and his injury had the headaches been more regular, creeping up his spine to hammer at his skull. But it’s whatever, he’s fine even when feeling in his right leg starts to fade. 
Suddenly there was a small sound of sheets moving and his dark gaze found honey eyes on a honey boy who had paled slightly. 
“How come we get to use the tunnels now?”your question made Minseok send you a side glance, his packing movements stopping for a millisecond. 
You had changed, maybe not as much as Baekhyun according to what Junmyeon said, but there was something hiding in your gaze. There was a fire in your movements, another force he couldn't feel in the beginning. 
Minseok never knew you parents but it was your mother who found him and…, she found all of them and saved them. You had her lips when they weren't pulled into a deep frown, he wondered if you knew..that you still had a connection to them even though you really had no clue who they were. 
“Because they trust you more now?”Jongdae grinned, his hand coming to rustle your hair even if he wasn't that much taller than you.”You’re on our side now so I’ll let you in on all our secret tunnels..”
Jongdae laughed, leaning closer to your ear so Minseok could hear what he was about to say.
“Even the ones they don't know about..”his smirk was playful, eyes shimmering like they always did.”Hanhee won't tell..”
Minseok turned to stare at them both, the sheepish look on Jongdae and your indifferent face. He sighed, having slept too bad to scold Jongdae.
“Come on, they will be here soon..”
So after four months would you return to the place you woke up in, you would meet them all again...and everything would begin.
Tags: @shesdreaminginoverdose
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kamino-ink · 6 years
Dysania | Byun Baekhyun
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✧ dysania - (n.) the state of finding it hard to get out of bed in the morning
✧ Genre: Hogwarts!au, fluff, a speck of angst if you squint hard enough
✧ Summary: Byun Baekhyun was, by far, the loudest man boy you had ever met. A true Gryffindor at his core, Baekhyun is determined to make sure you aren’t late to breakfast every morning. Rather, a nosy but caring Gryffindor worries for his hungry housemate who is always missing the most important meal of the day.
✧ Word Count: 2.2k
A seeping, warm glow of sunlight managed to filter into the room of the tall tower, covering the floor with stripes of excellent gold and orange streaks. Silence had long consumed the dormitories of Gryffindor tower, as most of its students had since woken up and left to the common room or the Great Hall for breakfast. Of course there was the occasional straggler, struggling to drag themselves out of their rather comfortable beds and shrug on their long robes; but one particular Gryffindor fifth year student had yet to wake at all.
 Another hour passed and all but one lone student had left the tower, her lips parted with quiet snores left unheard to the empty dorm. It wasn’t until something sharp had pecked her nose that she finally woke up, feeling (and looking) quite disheveled. Her eyelids struggled to remain open as she sat up in her bed, the cotton sheets curled around her bare legs. By now the sunlight had become just a bit brighter, now beaming into the mostly empty room as the tired girl let out a mighty groan similar to that of the roar of her house’s symbol.
 “Morning, Una.” She grumbled to the tiny elf owl, watching as her feathered friend hopped off of her bed and onto a makeshift perch merely inches away.
 She glanced over to her shabby bedside table, a puff of air blowing out from between her dry lips when her sleepy gaze landed on the rickety clock, which had been kindly gifted to her by Oh Sehun; a snarky third year Slytherin she had befriended a few months ago. It was his way of attempting to help her get a sense of time, though it had clearly failed; again.
 “Another day without breakfast, I suppose.”
“Miss Y/N, this is the... fifteenth time you have just barely made it to my class on time,” Snape droned on with a flat tone, a slew of soft snickers ringing in the girl’s ears as she quickly made her way to an open seat, “make sure it does not happen again.”
 “Yes, professor.” She said with a sigh, though there was little to no remorse in her voice. Once the greasy haired man had turned his back to the class, she slumped down into her chair with discontent. Her stomach rumbled a bit too loudly for her liking, her cheeks burning a deep red when a few Slytherins smirked in self-amusement-
 “Here, eat this so I don’t have to listen to your stomach growling every ten seconds.” An amused voice murmured beside her ear, causing her to jump in surprise. Whipping her head to the right, she just noticed who her unsuspecting seatmate happened to be, his pretty pink lips curled upright into a sort of smile, border-lining a smirk. “Do you not eat breakfast like any normal person, princess? You know, at some point you’re going to have to start waking up and eating so that I can stop being your personal caregiver.”
 Byun Baekhyun, a fellow fifth year Gryffindor who was one half of the next generation of Hogwart’s pranksters. He was known to dye his hair every once in a while, and for now he was sporting a deep chestnut brown that came down in gentle waves, perfectly parted in the middle. He was friends with a majority of the school, including the likes of Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter himself - which made for some interesting gossip on his behalf.
 “Did you hear that Malfoy and Potter nearly got into a hexing match last week? Malfoy says that he was sabotaged by Potter in Potions, even told me himself. Honestly, they should just make out and get it over with.”
 Eyes narrowed in annoyance at his small smirk, she snatched the green apple from the spot he had placed it on the desk, almost immediately sinking her teeth into the fruit. Fuck that's good, she thought to herself, part of her pride not wanting to admit to her housemate that she was thankful for the small but filling snack - but she quickly eventually gave into his stupid grin, sending him a tiny smile of her own.
 “Thank you, Baekhyun.” She thanked him quietly, almost inaudibly, before she turned her attention back to the front of the classroom where Snape was starting the lesson of the day. Fortunately for her, Baekhyun heard her soft words and took them in stride, though he couldn't help but think to himself that her smile was enough thanks in his eyes.
 Another day, another late start - at least, that was what Amber thought when she noticed Y/N Y/L/N still sound asleep in her bed, the blankets pulled up to her chin as her body barely showed that she was still breathing. Time and time again Amber and the other girls in the dorm they occupied had tried to wake the girl on their own, but each time they failed miserably. In fact, most of the Gryffindor girls had tried to wake her up at some point in the year, even the talented Hermione Granger - to no avail.
 “Baekhyun, there is no way you’re going to make it!” A booming voice echoed in the tower, catching Amber’s attention for a moment while her eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
 “Watch me, Chanyeol!”
 The sound of quick footsteps baffled the short haired girl, only furthering her confusion and growing concern. Was Byun fucking Baekhyun trying to get into the girl’s dormitory?
 By now, a shrieking sound would be blasting in the tower, a consequence of any person of the opposite gender trying to sneak their way into the girl’s part of the tower - yet there was no shriek, nor did Amber hear any sort of indication that the fifth year had slid down onto the floor of the common room.
 “Morning Amber!” No fucking way. “I’m just here to wake up dear Y/N, no need to worry.” The bright brunette hummed happily, although his thin body shrunk into itself a little bit under the tomboy’s wary glare that shifted between himself and the still snoring girl buried beneath her sheets and blankets. “I swear that's it, I’m not gonna like... prank you or anything.” He insisted. When Amber finally sighed and looked away with a roll of her eyes, he mentally cheered for himself and sauntered over to the only bed with an occupant in it.
 His curious gaze swept over her body as he took a moment to crouch down next to her bedside, lips pursed in deep thought. He couldn’t quite put his finger on it, but he could’ve sworn that he saw a bead of sweat rolling down her forehead. For a moment he debated on whether he should wake her up warmly, lovingly, as his mother used to do with him whenever he slept in purely out of bad habit.
 But that, of course, was thrown out the door.
 “W-what the fuck!?” The startled Gryffindor groaned loudly when a sudden heavy force had toppled onto her sleeping body, a creak resounding from the springy mattress as the impact of extra weight woke the girl up immediately. Snapping her eyelids open, she glared horribly at the beaming head of chestnut hair and blaring white teeth. “Byun Baekhyun, you are a dead man-” She began to hiss in fury, sitting upright and readying her arm to swing at him.
 “Woah, calm down sleeping beauty!” Blurted the slightly terrified man, who was silently taking note to never, ever, wake her up so harshly again unless he had a death wish. “I uh - I brought you a present!”
 Now that peaked her curiosity.
 Seeing that he had the grumpy girl’s attention, he hurriedly reached over to her bedside table and grabbed something that smelled absolutely divine, holding it out to her a bit nervously. “Um, its a chocolate chip m-muffin, there was blueberry but I erm, didn't k-know which own you liked better-” Baekhyun, the confident, goofy fifth year Gryffindor, stuttered like a nervous kid asking a girl to prom. Before he could finish his broken sentence, however, the warm muffin had been graciously taken from the palm of his hand. Nibbling on the delicious bread, the girl was fully alert and awake, her lips twitching into another painstakingly thankful grin.
 “Thanks, Baek.”
 Baek? That’s a new one... Baekhyun thought to himself, his heart thumping madly in his chest as she uttered the nickname and continued to nibble on her muffin, I like it.
 Three weeks of the same cycle had flown by. Each morning, Byun Baekhyun would somehow find his way to the top of the staircase for the girl’s dormitories and in the room belonging to Y/N, another fifth year Gryffindor he had found himself calling a dear friend - and likewise, of course. Chanyeol and Jongdae, two of his closest friends in the same year, constantly teased him about it.
 “Let me get this straight; you bring Y/N, the girl who is literally known for almost always being late to classes, a chocolate chip muffin every morning so she can wake up earlier and get to breakfast in time?” The shorter Hufflepuff clarified, an eyebrow quirked in slight befuddlement as his gaze shifted between an amused Chanyeol and a blushing Baekhyun.
 “For the last time, yes, that is exactly what I do. Why in the world is it such a big deal?” Baekhyun hissed in agitation and embarrassment, his long fingers nervously going to readjust his tie as the trio approached the Herbology greenhouse, careful not to accidently run into a group of giggling third years standing in the middle of the path. “She is my friend, just like you guys are.”
 Chanyeol and Jongdae both rolled their eyes at their friend, making eye contact with one another and laughing silently at how fucking whipped the brunette was with his housemate. “Uh huh. Then why don’t we get fresh muffins every morning?”
 “Why don’t we get bear hugs when we pass you walking to class?”
 “How come we don't get annoyingly cute giggles whenever we talk?” The mischievous pair protested diligently, only to realize that their comrade had already walked a full three steps ahead and had his lanky arms wrapped around an all too familiar Gryffindor, a giggle bursting from his smiling lips. When the pair had finished catching up for a mere few seconds, the blushing girl made her way past the bemused pair of boys, holding up a hand in greeting.
 “Hey guys!”
 “Hey, Y/N!” They said in unison, watching as Baekhyun’s puppy-eyes followed her all the way back into the castle.
 “Dude, you are so whipped.”
 “Shut it, Dae!”
 Now, the lonesome girl found herself perched on the sill of one of the windows belonging to the Astronomy tower, her watchful gaze looking at the quiet grounds of Hogwarts. She was in such deep thought, gazing upon the grounds, that she didn’t notice the sound of approaching footsteps climbing up the staircase of the stone tower. In fact, she only became aware of the new presence when they made themselves known - by whispering into her ear.
 “Now what on earth are you doing all the way up here so late, princess?” Her shoulders shuddered in surprise at the sudden intrusion, the soothing but familiar whisper falling onto her now beating heart.
 She peeked over to the side, suddenly thankful that the darkness of the night hid her red cheeks when she spotted Baekhyun’s curious yet alluring gaze. No longer dressed in his normally wrinkled uniform, the boy was dawning a simple pair of gray sweatpants and a fluffy, pale blue sweater decorated with a single dreamy cloud in the middle. He was also sporting a pair of rather large glasses, which only had the girl’s heart beating even faster than before. Curse Byun Baekhyun for being so goddamn adorable.
 “I - I couldn’t sleep, Baek,” she managed to utter through parted lips, her attention fully on the taller Gryffindor as he cocked his head to the side in curiosity, “Harry knows t-that I don’t get much sleep, so he lets me stay up here for a while.” She explains, smiling fondly as she recalls the conversation she had with the boy-who-lived a couple of months ago, when he first became a prefect. The messy-haired boy had been completely understanding, explaining (but not going into detail) that he too often had sleepless nights where his brain was muddled with, well, everything. Slipping back into the present, she found herself wondering why Baekhyun’s eyebrows were knitted together in concern and some other foreign emotion she couldn’t quite figure out,
 “Oh... but, why don’t you get much sleep?” The curious boy asks her, stuffing his chilly hands into his pockets. His concern only flourished as she winced at the question, and he noticed how she only curled up into a ball even more so than before.
 “I - I don’t really know why, but earlier this year I started to have reoccurring nightmares,” she speaks up after a moment of silence between them, not daring to look up at Baekhyun as she talked in a hushed tone, “I asked Kyungsoo to make a potion to force me to sleep, but then the nightmares only got scarier whenever I took it. No matter what I do, they’re still there. I come up here to try and relax before bed, but I tend to end up sleeping in because of how late I go to bed.” She finishes quickly, eyes squeezed shut to avoid Baekhyun’s strong, piercing brown gaze. “Obviously I end up missing breakfast most of the time, s-so... when you started waking me up and bringing me down to eat, I guess something clicked in my brain because I’ve actually started to sleep a bit better-”
 Without warning, warm lips press against her own, forcing her to stop her rambling. Her hands come up to hold the face of the boy who is kissing her, her breath hitching in her throat. All too soon he pulls away, but not too far, as he gently presses their foreheads together, his soft breath fanning against her parted lips.
 “If it means that you can sleep better and actually eat every morning, I will gladly do this every day for as long as I live, Y/N.”
 “That’s a bit dramatic, Baek.”
 “What? Breakfast is the most important meal of the day-”
 “Oh - just hush and kiss me again, before Harry catches you up here with me.”
✧ A/N: the ending is a bit rushed [??] sorry kIDs, anywho I hope you all enjoyed this fluffy fluffy flUFFY Hogwarts au!!
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kurisuo · 6 years
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EXO at Hogwarts Couples Aesthetic Chankai Ravenclaw Chanyeol x Slytherin Kai
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ministryofkpopaus · 7 years
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EXO Hogwarts AU | By @jeanchevaljean and @confessionsofashyfangirl
Gryffindor - Byun Baekhyun, Park Chanyeol, Kim Jongin Hufflepuff - Kim Junmyeon, Zhang Yixing, Lu Han Slytherin - Wu Yifan, Huang Zitao, Oh Sehun Ravenclaw - Kim Jongdae, Do Kyungsoo, Kim Minseok 
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coffee-and-kpop · 7 years
🍑 What is each EXO, BTS, Got7 member favourite Hogwarts! subject? Thank you~ - Sarang
Xiumin - Care for Magical CreaturesLuhan - ApparitionSuho - Muggle StudiesKris - CharmsChanyeol - AstronomyBaekhyun - History of MagicChen - DivinationLay - HerbologyD.O - TransfigurationTao - AlchemyKai - PotionsSehun - Flying
Jin - ArithmancyYoongi - AstronomyHoseok - Care for Magical CreaturesNamjoon - Study of Ancient RunesJimin - FlyingTaehyung - CharmsJungkook - Potions
Mark - Defense Against the Dark ArtsJackson - ApparitionJinyoung - History of MagicJB - AstronomyYoungjae - Care for Magical CreaturesBamBam - PotionsYugyeom - Transfiguration
- Admin PeachJin 🍑
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