qupritsuvwix · 6 months
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bobmueller · 3 months
The Journey to Justice: Celebrating 153 Exonerations Last Year
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ilynpilled · 8 months
will always be super annoyed with the implication that art delving into an evil person’s conscience or internal conflict is bad because it is being overly sympathetic towards them. that is not exoneration. the whole point is that regardless of their humanity (that, yes, evil people ultimately have in real life) they continue to make the choices that render them irredeemable. it doesn’t turn into less of a condemnation. depicting complexity ≠ manipulating the audience into forgiveness. i keep seeing the accusation of the latter being thrown at media that is very clearly only doing the former
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essektheylyss · 6 months
did someone actually hate on your fave? or did they neutrally attribute a trait to them that you've unnecessarily negatively moralized and you hurt own feelings about it? or, perhaps, did you project too hard and now interpret even mild critique or simple acknowledgement of interesting character flaws as an ad hominem attack on yourself?
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exosciences · 8 months
my favorite thing about loyalty missions in mass effect 2, aside from how absurd of a concept they are already, is that none of them are made equally
like on the one hand you have missions like mordin’s, which require you to make the extremely difficult decision of whether or not to keep the research results that could potentially cure the genophage, which will have MASSIVE implications for the inevitable clash between the krogan and turians/salarians in the near future
and on the other hand you’ve got people like jacob who show up and go “my dad sucks” and then you find his dad go “wow your dad SUCKS lol put this man UNDER the jail” and now jacob will survive the swarm of alien bees 20 hours from now
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nandorsrelentless · 2 months
there seems to be far too many fans who can't seem to wrap their head around the fact that no relationship in the Vampire Chronicles is healthy. every relationship includes an element of abuse/power imbalance by normal standards. literally every single one.
they are all monsters who are no longer constrained by societal rules. so I don't think it's too crazy to expect them to do mosntorus things. the genre is Gothic HORROR. the show really prioritizes the HORROR element more so than other adaptaions, which i love.
i don't need louis to be a liar to enjoy lestat. if louis lied or misremebered things about the fight in episode 5, i literally do not care because it's never gonna make me hate louis. the baseline of what constitutes "evil" or "bad" is so different in iwtv because of the fact that they are NOT HUMAN. Claudia is literally a serial killer and she's still mother to me. ykwim?
the nature of vampirism is they have to kill to survive. so it would be really cool if people could accept louis, armand, and claudia as complex characters who are fundamentally not good people (because they aren't people!) without being racist about it. THEY ARE ALL KILLERS
im more interested in this exploration of the complexities of memory and seeing how the show integrates the other books into this story in a way that hasn't been done before than I am in discoursing about whether louis is a liar or not. who gives a shit???? grow up and realize that there are no good guys here and that's OKAY
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sillydegu · 4 months
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Miss Daisy, I do believe your pillow used to be part of the hammock
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He sees Itachi and what he asks is if the Uchiha were planning a coup. Not if Konoha committed genocide, not if they made child Itachi kill his own family, not if the Uchiha were truly oppressed. Interesting.
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comic-sans-chan · 9 months
obsessed with julian asking "what did they do to you? is it some kind of punishment device?" in the wire because my god if this man didn’t go from "this is garak my super cool spy pal who i go on secret missions with and sometimes fuck teehee but also yeah his planet’s kinda fucked up and he’s got some weird ideas but we’re working on it" to "this is garak he's my precious little angel babyman who has been horribly traumatized and brainwashed by his government but it's okay because i'm a doctor and i will fuck and suck the fascism out of him if it’s the last thing i do" in just two years. shit's wild
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jiangwanyinscatmom · 1 year
I’m not sure what is so hard to get about “You can feel bad and sad for Jiang Cheng but it doesn’t make his abuse of Wei Wuxian through life an excuse or okay”. His issues are very much reasonable and his trauma exists. But it is not the excuse to say that Wei Wuxian should have been more understanding when Jiang Cheng was the one to make it a resistance for Wei Wuxian to offer more. Jiang Cheng was the one to escalate violence and harsh words long before Wei Wuxian put his own defenses up.
He was the one to met out violence in his frustrations against Wei Wuxian for the perceived wrongs made. Wei Wuxian did not need to do anything the moment Jiang Cheng decided Wei Wuxian needed to “support” him one way and one way only. That is not how healing works against an abuser and victim. And Jiang Cheng was never a victim of Wei Wuxian’s. Jiang Cheng as the abuser does not get a valid claim as to how Wei Wuxian needs to respond for him, even if Jiang Cheng chose him once.
One action over countless INACTION does not wipe his mistakes against Wei Wuxian clean. Wei Wuxian does not have to apologize for anything other than having coddled and his own ways of protecting him that enabled Jiang Cheng to grow up in the worst ways. At this point I feel the ones who say the relate to him, don't want to reflect on their own abusive thoughts that are indeed negative and want to be told "it's okay", when it clearly never was, to be relieved of their own guilt.
Because moving on is too hard for them and they don't get a reward for being told they fucked up and were in the wrong more so. Realization does not reward you when you are the abuser.
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odinsblog · 1 year
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I am sO happy for him.
Yusef Salaam was proved innocent by DNA evidence, but not before he served almost seven years for a crime he did not commit.
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bonebabbles · 3 months
I remember when I was reading DOTC when I was around 10, and ever since Misty died I had been waiting for the moment where Birch and Alder learned about her murder, how everyone in their lives has kept it a secret. And then it just didn't happen.
I also remember obsessively re-reading the part where Quiet Rain blows up at Clear Sky.
Birch and Alder are two characters that are just so...
I WANT to say they were forgotten about, but that word doesn't feel right for how they're constantly showing up on the screen. Clear Sky occasionally feels guilty about how he murdered their mother, but for the vast majority of the time, that's described in passive voice. So you're not reminded of just HOW cruel he was, and still very much is.
It's like they're not allowed to be characters.
Like, how does Alder feel about Clear Sky, who seemed to be acting as an adoptive father until he beat her as a child? How did Birch respond later, when Clear Sky was so busy thrashing his sister that he was threatened by a dog? How do they feel about the man who took their mother away from them?
They keep getting cited as "Good Examples Of Non-Campborn Cats," dodging around the fact they were stolen and raised by Petal. Like a lot of the other "adoptions" in the series, she quietly stops mattering to them. But even this fact... like, they're being OTHERED when they were functionally raised SkyClan.
How do they feel about THAT? That their earliest memory is SkyClan, and yet, they'll never be considered truly, fully "clanborn."
Their whole life taken from them, by Clear Sky's cruelty, their formative years spent in his violent shadow, and the narrative is just not interested in that.
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cinamun · 1 year
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Is he dead? | Next
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rogue205 · 1 month
I'm going to be that person but am I seriously the only one who thinks that Quynh is not going to just suddenly forgive and forget ~500 years of torture by constant drowning, built-up rage and the resultant insanity/instability all because Andy cries and says she's sorry?
Because I don't think she would. However I see a LOT of that in the fandom.
I refuse to believe that Andy is going to die in the sequel so her and Quynh will eventually reconcile their relationship but it's just not going to happen in X number of minutes.
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vulcanautus · 9 months
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like a man possessed
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swan2swan · 3 months
There's still not enough talk in Avatar circles about how Mai was absolutely hauled off for interrogation after the Day of Black Sun, what with the whole "Zuko was spending all his time with you and he knew the Avatar was alive and attacked the Firelord" thing.
"Oh, by the way, your father also failed to secure the city he was appointed governor of, so this was not a banner couple of days for your family."
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