90s-html-lesbians · 1 year
au where beatrice and lilith are the new owners of an almost bankrupt hotel (that was built over where a very controversial orphanage used to be) who are determined to save the hotel from bankruptcy, and ava is one of the ghosts haunting the hotel
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oh i like the concept of ava being around for longer
feel like she definitely deliberately gives conflicting stories of how she ended up as immortal all the time
betcha they probably have like a book to consult on their arguments and how they ended and/or were resolved, but you bet their ass they manage to have the same/similar arguments time and time again just for the heck if it, especially since they’ll tamper w it or put stuff like “and lilith said my opinion on star wars, and media in general is the bestest ever and no one could top it (😏), and that’s the resolution to the great prequels vs sequels debate of the 1900s” “i would die before i ever said that, i’ll kill you for that pun, and i do fucking top.” “Funny, that’s not what you were asking me to do last ni- *unintelligble scribbling turned into line of pen unmistakebly being dragged off of paper*” (they’re both tops w each other and 90% of the time, vv competitive about who gets to top)
there’s probably a bunch of random housing advertisements & like, bank loan advertisements or something, ava collects em as part of the bit but also because wants to make it clear that regardless of her reasons, lilith can leave anytime she chooses to do so, if she wants to, partially because of knowing lilith’s baggage around expectations & shit bc of her family, partially bc of her own issues around feeling like a burden
i feel like lilith’s probably a bit of an animal expert in this au, because at first she just wanted to know shit about bats to make sure she wasn’t like, accidentally flipping off other bats in bat language, and also the best animals to feed from, taking in location & how easy it’d be to hunt em, how much blood they’d yield, etc, but she found stuff really interesting and she branched off from there
picturing beatrice stumbling into ava & lilith’s lives through shenanigans
beatrice either being the cursed prince from beauty and the beast (beatrice turned away the sorceress who cursed her because she didn’t want to risk anything that might make her seem like a lesbian bc of her parents (or she placed “the mission” over the woman) so she doesn’t let the young wonan stay the night, nd the sorceress cursed her and was like “until you find a true love you will stay like this” (while beatrice x ava x lilith is probably a thing, the specific true love that will break the curse is self love), and she meets ava & lila because turns out ava & lilith have been using beatrice’s castle as a vacation place, and partially bc of size of the castle and time (beatrice usually visits friends when ava & lilith go to the castle) they never managed to cross paths or even learn about the other/s’ existence til now, and now they’re spiderman_pointing_meme.jpg
or beatrice being a werewolf, and if she’s a werewolf she ends up in ava & lila’s apartment bc beatrice accidentally stumbled into the wrong apartment and ava saw no harm in letting her stay for a bit and/or ava mistook her for a wolf friend if theirs or something
regardless lilith & beatrice do not get on at first (maybe bc of a long petty feud between vampire & supernaturak wolf & wolf related entities) so just picture grumpy lil hissing bat!lilith when she encounters beatrice initiallly lmao
Mostly, she does it for a laugh, but part of it is because her own memories of the event are spotty either due to sheer temporal distance or possibly repression. But there's something to be said for making the story of her life whatever she wants it to be, and who is left to contradict her? Maybe she tells Lilith somewhere along the way, or maybe she doesn't. And Lilith knows about secrets, so she respects and goes along with whatever version Ava tells.
Probably after the first century or two of living together, they start to notice the patterns in their arguments and write them down, and they will absolutely pull out these enormous, ancient as dirt books and find the exact page they need to gloat about this or that rhetorical victory.
I refer to a set of previous tags on who tops and how. They have a fist fight before sex and the winner tops. Ava can't die and Lilith heals pretty fast. Eventually, this evolves into playing dice or card games (but not Uno, since the Incident of 1998) or even doing household chores when neither are motivated to clean.
If the two of them were stomping about Roman Gaul, then they both know how to ride horses. Lilith definitely rides a horse better than she drives a car, and during the intervening years of being a bitty bat girl, she learns all about the different species of bats and how to talk to them. Sometimes a wild bat makes its way into their house, and Lilith will argue with it about breaking and entering.
Ava does ensure that Lilith always has the space and resources to leave if she really wants to. And maybe Lilith does disappear sometimes, for like a month or two, but she always comes back, and Ava is always waiting with a smile. Ava knows about loneliness and connection perhaps better than anyone on the planet, so she understands when Lilith needs to be alone and exactly how to welcome her back.
I love werewolf!Bea. When Beatrice comes into the ancient gay weirdness that is this relationship? Chaos, at first. Centuries of well-worm routines thrown out the window. Ava welcomes it, but Lilith is much more a creature of habit than she, and it's a difficult adjustment to say the least. Lots of fights. Lilith in bat form hissing and spitting while flapping above wolf!Bea growling and threatening to bite her right out of the air. Ava becomes an animal wrangler in a way she never imagined being.
Personally, I'm a big fan of the Mercy Thompson series and its lore regarding werewolves, because they don't age but time is their enemy because it can slowly drive them crazy. And if Bea is aware of this and then meets these two shockingly old immortals still behaving relatively normally, it might give her hope for her own chances. And Bea would be a helpful blood source for Lilith in emergencies when Lilith isn't able to hunt for whatever reason, since wolves are strong and heal quickly. Their own relationship starts like that and grows from there until Bea is seamlessly integrated into the throuple like she was always there.
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thewildkill · 8 months
I need more fanfiction for the following ships:
Avatrice &
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magscherer · 3 years
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my piece for the special One Year Anniversary Warrior Nun fanzine! (zoom in for details and scribbles ✨ )
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90s-html-lesbians · 1 year
Watching Overly Sarcastic Productions and thinking about immortal roommates tonight... Ava's origins are extremely murky and will remain so, but if we want to imagine something, we might imagine Minoan Crete, which would put the time of her birth at around 1900 BCE or even earlier (an absolutely mind-boggling number of years ago). Ava will never confirm it in so many words, but she'll make references/jokes to bulls and volcanos every now and then that make Bea go 👀👀👀. That's if we want her origins to be semi-based in real history and not something completely out there like the Kaktusverse or something.
whoops, only just now saw this and this, and to answer the latter rq because i feel it might be weird to answer it now but it feels ruder to not, but fav genres are mostly like first person shooters, + street fight esque hames, RTS gamex & platformers
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haven’t and don’t play many games, so fav games would probably be spiderman ps4/2018, minecraft, super smash bros, kotor, & command and conquer generals + earthworm jim 1 & 2. not a fav but diablo 2 is immensely fun
i keep meaning to branch out, i wanna try more of the what’s it’s name, a tier or w(e games like bioshock, skyrim, mass effect, god of war, assassins creed (bc defo agreed on the hot women + the historical setting is defo interestujg), portal
or something
also pls do elaborate on the skydrim modding 👀)
anyway back to the program
Ava: how do you know i was around when the minoan crete was around
also ava: *has a bunch of misc random bull & bull themed paper weights & knick knacks & plushies scattered theoughout the apartment esp on ava’s side of the bedroom*
also ava: beatrice, lilith, you won’t *bull*ieve it- beatrice & lilith: you got arrested again didn’t you?
real ava origin is that she just spontaneously started existing out of nowhere /j
she’s literally older than the universe itself
no but more seriously i feel a bit like: (see below meme) because i don’t know too much about it but am 👀👀👀 regardless
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also what’s the kaktusverse? 👁️
ava & lilith and probably later on bea defo got up to so much crimes because whenever they got caught by local law enforcement *mushroom voice* you cannot kill me in any way that matters
some random bits
keep meaning to mention but 1) lilith was the daughter of a military leader
lilith pre vampirification was like, briefly a military leader, mostly through coercion because the forces she was commanding, b4 she cane into command, were loosing badly, the town (probably lilith’s hometown) was almost destroyed and while they already had vv few competent peoplr let alone leaders among them (tbf they really didn’t have a need for em, but then the town was ambushed), even the few were either injured or dead so when they noticed lilith still being alive, and thanks to knowing about her dad + thx to lilith’s dad, knowing that lilth had showed a good amount of aptitude in fighting and military strategy shit, they coerced her (probably through threatning some friend or family of hers) into helping “just to fight off the invading forces” and so they did
but the forces wanted lilith to help them invade other places to “recoop looses” and what not, so that wasn’t the end of the coercion
lilth ended up faking her death so she could get out of the deal without putting her friend/s and(or family at risk, but it also meant she couldn’t return home to keep them out of danger
And then not long after that, like a year or two later lilith became a vampire
i think ava lilith & beatrice all probably need to skidaddle off by themselves every so often (to varying ampunts and degrees obv), and while ava & lilith are mutually aware of that and did the majority of the communication shit over it a while ago, beatrice isn’t on the same page
So a bit into beatrice formally moving in with ava & lilith, she just kinda gets antsy, in large part because the mental gymnastics of convincing herself people don’t care or don’t care very much, are at an all time high and in all honesty, while it might seem counter intuitive ava & lilith’s near constant prescencex are making it worse
but beatrice can’t manage to make herself say that until one day she ends up turning full tail (literally) and just is like 🏃‍♂️
lilith finds her a bit later at some mcdonalds or some fast food place (thanks to the becoming a werewolf stuff, beatrice has a lot bigger appetitie that she’s still adjusting to which means there’s a good few times where beatrice unwittingly finds herself suddenly feeling weak from not enough food and so ends up just having to go with the closest source of food she can find that won’t take her a bunch of effort to eat pr like poison her or anything ((ava & lilith, but esp lilith because she can relate makes sure to watch out for how much food beattice’s had in a day and do shit like keeping snacks on hand, eyc to try and minimize these incidents))) and just sits with beatrice until she’s ready to talk
beatrice & lilith are probably often the best at talking each other out of whatever dumb mental gymnastics they’re doing now because of how similar they are
also lilith & beatrice are, depending on who you ask surprisingly chaotic, they’ve accidentally gotten involved in a few disasterous shenanigans (which is a lot different from purposely doing so)
lilith started courting beatrice but completely forgot to mention so poor beatrice is vv confusedly flustered to death several times over by lilith
also ava 🤝 lilith 🤝 beatrice: god’s sleepiest soldiers
ava wants to spend time w lilith so she (im)patiently waits until nightime but she also wants to take full use of sunlight so she also is awake during the day, which, esp since ava gets tired a lot quicker than the average person means ava quickly learns to take several naps during the day or else be knocked out cold during the most inconvenient of times
sometimes those naps happen during night so lilith often decides to just nap w ava when that happens, and they never really change that system, so basically they’re vv used to taking naps several times a day, especially with each other so not napping would throw them off their rhythm and also they’re probably so used to the routine that they begin feeling sleepy when they see the other taking a nap, regardless if they woke u literally just an jour or so ago
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avalilitrice is nice, but if avalil is ava x lilith’s ship name, and bealil is beatrice, then avabealil makes more sense imo. though i suppose avatrice is there being the odd one out, but eh. I think the real question, however, is going by the fallenhaloguard ship name, and ava x lilith is fallenhalo, what on earth is beatrice x lilith then?
though i assume the ‘guard’ is a reference to beatrice, and ‘fallen’ is obviously lilith, it can’t be fallenguard, can it? that just sounds silly, makes it sound like beatrice tripped over something(but if that’s deliberate, than by all means, i love a deliberately goofy ship name)
Just had the thought that we could call bealil Knife Stick. I will not explain why. (It should be self-explanatory.)
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thinking of them again 😔 ( mad scientists avabealil (what even is their ship name?) and "bro i'm not a fucking herald" silva )
I'm right there with you, anon. The best ship name I've heard for them is fallenhaloguard, but that's a mouthful in and of itself. I can't get this one smut idea for scp au out of my head. I really don't think it will be included in the story, but I might have to just do it and keep it in my docs. It involves making an, um, Ava sandwich 🥪. As for "stop calling me holy" Ava, she’s going to have some moments in the next few chapters that will make it very difficult for her to continue arguing that she's not the Maker’s Chosen One.
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