okay-j-hannah · 1 day
Part 2: A Lacrosse Boyfriend
Teen Wolf : Multishot
Stiles Stilinski x Reader
Word Count: 11.4k
Warnings: series rewrite, start of season 1 {aka 2011}, slow burn, friends to lovers, eventual pining, eventual NSFW, usual teen wolf levels of violence and gore, heart conditions, health problems, lightheadedness, fainting
Request: This just came from my own head 😊  
Part 1: Her Broken Heart
Part 2: A Lacrosse Boyfriend {You Are Here}
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The summer heat had finally decided to die down to a reasonable temperature. It was the only reason your mother decided a picnic at the park would be nice. It was equal parts safe for you and enough of a distraction that you could pretend you were a normal kid.
At just four years old you were starting to notice how you didn’t live like the children you saw outside your window. You had started to grow bored of your usual antics stuck at home.
You lay on your stomach near the edge of your blanket. Along the blades of green grass you spotted a ladybug climbing towards the sky. You were practicing counting the spots on its back when the beat in your chest became noticeable.
The pressure from laying on your tummy made it easier to feel your heartbeat unevenly.
“Do you want another grape, sweetie?” your mom asked, stretched out and enjoying the shade.
You reached out a smaller, pudgier hand, accepting the grape with a hungry toddler’s mouth. Your eyes looked above the ladybug grass and stared at the playground, complete with twisting slides and a rubber rock wall.
“Mom,” you say in your timid tone. “I want to play.”
“I know, honey,” she says, “But you know how that’s not safe for your heart.”
A pout grew instantly, “I am careful!”
Sensing your coming tantrum, your mother drew your attention away from the other children playing with a lacrosse ball in the nearby field.
“Yes, you are very good at being careful. But remember your heart sometimes has a mind of it’s own. Sometimes being careful isn’t enough. The doctor said not to be too crazy.”
You ball your little fists but hold back the angry words. “I don’t like my heart.”
Your mother cooed, reaching for you, “No, sweetie, you have a wonderful heart. It’s big and warm and full of love for far too many things. It tries its best to take care of you. So we need to try our best to take care of it, okay?”
You snuggle into your mother’s arms, upset feelings turning into tears, “Okay, mommy.” You feel a kiss on your head when the children playing in the field came running past your blanket.
They stopped on the other side of your shaded spot and conversed behind dirt smudged hands. They were both rowdy boys with scabbed knees and grass stained shirts, but they had wide smiles as one approached you.
He had unruly hair and sunburnt cheeks.
“Hello,” he said in a nervous voice, “What’s your name?”
You rub at your eyes, “(Y/N).” You sink further into your mom.
The boy was out of breath and already itching to run again judging by his fidgeting. He said quickly, “Hi my name is Stiles. Do you want to come play with us? We were playing sharks and minnows, but it’s not so fun with only two people.”
You look up at your mother’s chin and ask quietly, “Can I go play?”
Your mother sighs, tickling your sides, “If you don’t run around so much and stay on the playground…”
You were instantly crawling out of her lap, “Okay!”
“And if you start getting out of breath you need to tell me!” your mom continues, “Be careful climbing the ladders and don’t you dare stand on the slide!”
“Bye!” you yell in reply, already jogging away with Stiles to meet with his other friend.
He touched your shoulder, “Do you like chasing bad guys?”
“I’m not supposed to chase,” you say seriously, “But I do like to catch bad guys.”
Stiles nodded his head in deep thought, “Okay. How about we make traps for bad guys under the slides.”
You agree enthusiastically, grateful at your young age for someone who didn’t know about your heart. Grateful that they played with you like any other child.
And you schemed underneath the slides, building traps out of woodchips and leafy twigs. Innocent kids that didn’t know any better. Didn’t know that you wouldn’t remember this first meeting.
“I’ve started TAing.”
Allison gives you a strange look, “What?”
“I’m a teacher’s assistant now,” you lead the way into the school, “I have a free period since I finished a core class during my homeschooling.”
“Who will you TA for?”
You hold back a grimace, “Coach Finstock.”
Allison snorts, “You know I’m pretty sure he doesn’t know what’s going on half the time. He forgets which periods he’s teaching economics and which periods he needs to be in the gym for P.E..”
“All the more reason why he needs a TA to sort things out,” you say, straight-backed. “And it means I can help out at lacrosse games too.”
“What, like a waterboy?”
You bump into Allison’s side, “No… well maybe. Just helping out with supplies and plays and locker room stuff.”
“Locker room stuff,” Allison says with raised eyebrows.
You choke on a laugh, “Don’t start. I reserve the right to ban you from the locker rooms. Especially seeing as that’s become your new make out spot.”
That caught her off guard, ramming right into the person in front of her. With a squeal she drops everything in her arms and put her hands into her hair. It was Scott who turns around after the collision.
“You scared the hell out of me,” Allison laughs, joining you as you help pick up her things.
Scott looks terrifyingly relieved, “You’re okay.”
“Once my heart starts beating again, yeah.” You smile ruefully at that statement. “What?”
“I’m just happy to see you.”
You thought Scott looks more like seeing Allison walking and talking was a miracle. Like he couldn’t believe that she was alive. You hand Allison her pencil case and folders, watching their goodbye with skepticism.
“What was that?” you whisper as Allison walks away to first period.
Scott was still breathing shallow, “She’s okay.”
You snap your fingers in front of his dazed eyes. “Are you okay?”
The speakers suddenly turn on with a crackle of fuzzy interference. “Attention, students, this is your principal. I know you’re all wondering about the incident that occurred last night to one of our buses. While the police work to determine what happened, classes will proceed as scheduled. Thank you.” With another crackle of microphone feedback the principal’s voice was gone.
You return your eyes to Scott and furrow your brow.
He took in your confusion and whispers, “I had a dream last night where Allison and I snuck into the buses behind the school.”
“Oh?” you say, still skeptical but now with a smile on your face.
“And I sort of had… an outburst.” He seems to struggle with finding the right words. “I killed Allison and broke through the back of the bus.”
“Well, shit that sucks Scott,” you fold your arms, “But I don’t think you’re capable of all that.”
He grimaces, “No, when we showed up to school and saw the bus out back – and how it looked just like it did in my dream – I thought maybe I had actually killed Allison somehow.”
You reign in your teasing smiles and bump into his shoulder, “Scott, like I said, I don’t think there’s a mean bone in your body. There’s no way you could kill someone and tear up a bus.” He still slumps as he follows you to first period. “I can understand why that would still be scary regardless.”
It was his turn to bump into your shoulder, but with more force, causing you to trip into a row of lockers. “God! I’m sorry, (Y/N),” he pulls you closer by the hand.
You laugh, ignoring the jump of your heart. “It’s okay, let’s just get to chemistry.”
Stiles was already sitting down, bouncing his leg against the table stool. He looks at Scott as if asking if everything was okay. Scott gave him a reassuring nod as he took a seat at the table in front of him.
You smile at them as you took the remaining empty seat at a back table. You immediately start copying the diagram drawn on the blackboard, taking out your science project notes for inspiration.
You could hear the frantic voices of Scott and Stiles near the front, and a needle of hurt stuck in your chest as you remember the secret that Stiles wasn’t ready to tell you. You had to remind yourself that the friendship was still relatively new.
There was still a secret you hadn’t told them either.
“Mr. Stilinski, if that’s your idea of a hushed whisper you might want to pull the headphones out every once in a while,” Mr. Harris says from the blackboard. “I think you and Mr. McCall would benefit from a little distance, yes?”
Stiles begrudgingly moves his stuff to the back but stops when he spots the empty seat next to you.
“Hey, trouble,” you say quietly.
He sat clumsily, “How was the rest of your weekend?”
“It was fine. Just a lot of reading.” You finish copying the blackboard notes.
Stiles leans on his elbow, “Still reading that werewolf book?”
“You mean Harry Potter,” you snicker, “Yeah I’m on the fourth one now.” Turning your head you could see Stiles staring at you, “What?”
He swallows hard, awkwardly straightening himself, “Nothing just… I like that coconutty-strawberry smell.”
Warmth came up your chest, “That would be my shampoo.”
“Then thank god for personal hygiene.” He grimaces and smacks the back of his head.
You ignore it, pulling your notebook closer. You could still feel his eyes on you as a classmate jumps to the window, “Hey, I think they found something!”
Everyone ran for the wall of windows. You stood quickly from your stool too when a fuzzy feeling flickers on in your head. You grip the table, closing your eyes and frowning.
No one notices as you compose yourself, waiting for the fainting feeling to go away. You wander closer to the group of kids terrified at what they were seeing. A tingling was making its way down your legs – the blood rushing to your toes.
You felt uncomfortably warm when a cool hand touches your shoulder, “(Y/N)?”
Stiles was at your side, unsure of what was happening. “You look ashy. Are you lightheaded again?”
The breath leaving your lungs was shallow and rapid, cotton was building pressure in your ears. “I’m going to faint, Stiles.”
“Mr. Harris!” Stiles yells, “(Y/N) needs to get to the nurses office!”
Not that the student body would know, but every teacher at the school knew of your health problems. They knew it was a possibility that you would require medical care. Mr. Harris, as cynical and distrustful as he was, let you leave promptly despite his feelings.
“You may leave, Miss. Westbrook.”
“Sir, I don’t think she should be walking alone to…”
Mr. Harris was using his phone as he looks out the window, “Get out of my classroom, Stilinski!”
Stiles keeps a hand on your back and another on your arm, watching your face the whole way. His voice was frantic and small as he talks you through it.
“It’s like I can see the blood draining from your face. Does that happen a lot? I mean, I know you get head rushes a lot, but the fainting thing? Do you just have bad blood circulation? Was it something I said? Look I know I’ve mentioned how good you smell twice now and while it is true I acknowledge that it’s a little creepy of me to be sniffing your hair so much. I probably shouldn’t have admitted that. Not gonna lie it’s kinda freaking me out that you’re not saying anything.”
You struggle to breathe, “It’s sort of hard when you don’t give me time to answer.”
The shallowness of your breathy words put a strange feeling in Stiles’ chest, “Do you need me to do something else? Does the nurse… what the hell is that?”
Your watch was suddenly beeping with an alarm. Your heart rate was far too high and had stayed that high for more than thirty seconds. A pain enters your chest, and your walking slows.
Stiles starts panicking, “What does that mean? (Y/N), what’s happening?” He yells down the hallway towards the office, “Hey! We need help over here!”
It was hard to keep your eyes open as you start to slump, “Stiles…” you mumble. And you lost consciousness, falling into Stiles and in return he fell to the ground to catch your body.
He held your back and shoulders, using his free hand to brush the hair from your face. Your skin was still gray-tinged. An office lady and the school nurse came rushing down the hallway. Their heavy footfalls matching the hard beating of your heart.
Stiles was finally at a loss for words, holding you like you had just died. “(Y/N)?! Oh my god, I think she just fainted,” he says to the incoming help, “I hope she just fainted.”
The nurse asks Stiles to help drag you to the sickbed. He complies, frantically asking questions until the nurse ordered him to stop.
“Alice, will you call her mother and I’ll get her doctor on the line,” the nurse says to the office lady. She dials a number and holds it to her ear as she elevates your legs and checks that your airway wasn’t obstructed.
“What did she say to you before she fainted?”
Stiles was still flabbergasted, “She turned gray and said she was lightheaded. She told me she was going to faint.” He ran a hand over his shaved head, “And then her watch started freaking out and she had a pain in her chest.”
“It’s been more than 90 seconds now,” she mumbles to herself, checking your watch monitor to measure your heart rate.
“Wh-What does that mean?” Stiles asks, blinking blearily. “Is she going to be okay?”
The nurse starts talking to a doctor on the phone and Stiles was ushered out by the office lady, forced to watch from a different room. He refuses to leave the office until he sees your eyes open just a few seconds later.
“By the time I checked with the office at lunch she was sent home,” Stiles vents, one hand on the wheel and the other in his short hair. “She hasn’t answered any of my texts or phone calls.”
Scott was stretched thin between worrying about his possible dreamlike wolf attack and the mystery of his newfound friend. In all honesty he was more worried about how worried his best friend was.
“I talked to Allison about it, she doesn’t know anything either.”
“God, I knew there was something wrong,” Stiles bites the inside of his cheek. “That scar she has… whatever I look up says it has something to do with her heart.”
Scott eyes his friend, unsettled by the palpable worry. “She’ll be okay.”
“You don’t know that.”
“We would have heard something if she wasn’t.”
Stiles grips the steering wheel, “We would have heard something if she was.”
They pull up against the fence to the bus drop off, putting the jeep in park. Stiles rubs at his worn face and Scott leans in with an edge to his voice.
“Listen, let’s just get this Derek theory over with and then we can go check on (Y/N). Sound good?”
Stiles grumbles, slipping out of the jeep with his friend.
“Hey, no, just me,” Scott says, “Someone needs to keep watch.”
“How come I’m always the guy keeping watch?”
Scott pulls on his friend’s arm, “Because there’s only two of us and I happen to have wolf-like reflexes and you’re distracted by your sudden love for (Y/N).”
“I am…” Stiles scoffs, caught off guard. “I am not in love with (Y/N).”
“The eight text messages and four phone calls would say otherwise.”
Stiles juts a finger in the air, “Hey, that is totally untrue.” He put his hands on his hips, “I only made three phone calls.”
“Whatever,” Scott whispers, “I’ll just be in and out.”
“Okay, why’s it starting to feel like you’re Batman and I’m Robin? I don’t want to be Robin all the time.”
Scott was bewildered, “Nobody’s Batman and Robin any of the time.”
“Not even some of the time?”
But true his word, Scott was quick upon entering the bus. Stiles surrenders and sits in the jeep ready to drive with the headlights off. He pulls out his phone and scrolls through his messages to you, concern eating away at his stomach.
It was bad enough that he witnessed you fall ill so quickly and dragged you to the nurses office. But now he was realizing, through some personal investigation and the unhelpful words of Scott, that he had a crush on you.
He liked you.
With all the strange supernatural problems infiltrating his life, it was almost an unexpected surprise to have something so human as a little crush. His stomach flips. But what if there was something more supernatural about you?
Your heart rate was elevated when you fainted. Scott’s heart rate is a tell of an oncoming werewolf transformation.
Is that why you wanted to keep it a secret?
Stiles was sick of his investigative brain, slamming his forehead against the steering wheel. Couldn’t he have normal high school problems like fretting over the girl he liked instead of deducing if she was a shape shifter or not?
Flashlight beams could be seen from the school’s entrance. Stiles lifts his head to see them shining in his eyes, “Oh, shit…” he starts laying on the horn.
After dropping Scott off, Stiles sat in his jeep contemplating his next move. Staring at the clock on his dashboard he knew it was far too late for your parents to accept company.
But there was still that garden trellis outside your window.
Making his decision, Stiles drove to the end of your street, hopping out and running for your house. It was easier to climb the garden trellis now that he knew where to put his hands and feet through the vines and ladder.
He creeps over the roof tiles and squats outside your window. The lights were off, and he could just make out the human shape lying in bed… he still couldn’t help himself. He taps on the glass until he saw your figure stir.
Ruffled in white pajamas with little blueberries printed on the fabric, you carefully tip toe to the window to let him in.
“Stiles,” you yawn, the moonlight still bright enough to make your eyes squint. “What are you doing here?”
Stiles made a much more graceful entry, afraid to disturb your parents. “I wanted to check on you. You haven’t been answering my messages.”
You sit on the edge of your bed, clearly exhausted. Stiles remains standing – because he wanted to pace or because he was preparing to catch you should you fall, he didn’t know.
“I’m sorry,” you run your fingers through your bedhead. Stiles thought it was cute. “Between the hospital visit and the bedrest I haven’t even looked at my phone. My mom usually keeps it whenever I have a fainting episode. Gives me time to unplug and unwind.”
“But…” Stiles folds his arms, “But you are okay?”
He didn’t like that it took you longer to respond. “Yes, I’m fine. You know I get lightheaded a lot. Fainting is usually a consequence of that.”
“Your watch went off right before you fell,” he says quietly, his eyes dark and serious. “Like some kind of alarm.”
“Yeah,” you look at your watch that you wear even when sleeping. “It measures my heart rate. Whenever it spikes for too long it warns me that I might faint.”
“That’s why you get lightheaded… your heart?” his eyes linger at the collar of your shirt, hoping to see that scar again.
You fold your arms, protective, “When I get worked up it doesn’t beat enough to get oxygen to my brain. Then I get lightheaded and sometimes faint.”
Stiles nods his head and walks over to your bed, “Can I?”
A soft smile quirks your lips, “You may.”
He sits beside you, the mattress sinking down further. “So when we saw the ambulance and the bus driver all mangled like that…”
“It got my heart rate going,” you say easily. Of course you got lightheaded before even seeing the commotion outside the window. You didn’t feel like getting too deep into your diagnosis. This was a good start.
“It was really scary seeing you get sick like that,” Stiles says honestly, looking down at his hands. “Not knowing what was going on made me feel… like I was helpless to make it stop.”
You turn to him, silhouetted by moonlight. His eyelashes were so long that they were casting shadows onto his cheeks.
“I’m sorry,” you say gently, placing a hand on his forearm. It made him look up at you. “I should’ve been more honest with you.”
“Is this where I can ask you my one personal question of the day?” his eyes were warm as his voice held slight sarcasm.
You lean into him, “I suppose.”
“If you start feeling faint or if you do faint, what can I do to help? Just so I’m prepared if it happens again.”
You blow air between your lips, “Oh, it’ll happen again. That’s my curse.” You hum as you think, oblivious to how Stiles was unconsciously smiling at your thinking face. “I generally avoid things that would get my heart rate up.”
Stiles scoffs, having an epiphany, “Like a lacrosse game or an after party.”
“Or a crowded lunchroom,” you smile. “But if it goes up regardless, I usually try to ground myself. Like thinking about what my five senses notice. And I hold onto whoever I’m closest to. Doing that and taking deep breaths can control my heart rate.”
“I know a thing or two about that,” Stiles mumbles, “That’s a technique to control anxiety.”
You nod, “You’re right.”
“And if you faint again?”
“First step is to call for help and the second step is to make sure I’m stable.”
You turn to him, and he looks so sincere that goosebumps erupt on your skin. He was taking your words so seriously. Without interrupting your council he grabs the blanket off your bed and drapes it over your bare arms.
“Lay me down and elevate my feet. Make sure I’m not choking on anything. And then if I’m out for more than 90 seconds or I start seizing, then turn me on my side.”
“Why 90 seconds?” he asks.
You pull the blanket closer around you, “Because after 90 seconds then there might be some brain damage or something else seriously wrong.”
He turns his body towards you more, your thighs fully touching. “The nurse today said that you were out for over 90 seconds.”
“That’s why they sent me to the hospital,” you nod, “But they didn’t find any serious damage. I just can’t have any more fainting episodes like that.”
Stiles swallows hard, tracing the outline of your side profile with his eyes. Brow. Nose. Lips. Chin. “Why?”
“Because the more I have the weaker my body will become. The more damage I’ll get. We don’t want that to happen.”
He licks his lips and plays with his fingers, “Thank you for telling me.” He thought back to the scar on your chest and realized that some things still didn’t add up. Craning his neck to look at you, he asks, “That’s still not everything, is it?”
Your eyebrows slant and you look scared for the first time that night. “No.”
Stiles found himself closer to you than he intended, urgency laced into his next words, “(Y/N), I want to know everything. I want to be able to help.”
A sad smile crept onto your face, “I can’t.”
“Why not?”
You take a shaky breath, “Because then it’ll become too real. I’m not ready to share that reality yet.” You match his urgency as you express, “This is enough for now.”
Stiles suppresses the instant anger that brought up. He hated not knowing things. “Does anyone else know?”
“The school staff and most parents know,” you say, “Yes, even your dad.”
“My dad!”
You shush him, “It’s a small town and my mom works under him.”
“What about Scott and Allison?”
“Not yet,” you sigh, “But I don’t mind if you tell them now. It was stupid of me to keep it to myself when I could faint at any time around you guys.”
He bites his lip, “When will you be back at school?”
“Maybe Wednesday,” you shrug, “Fainting always puts my family in a tizzy. My parents don’t like me leaving the house until they’re sure I can handle the stress again.”
Stiles was sinking further towards you, your arms now touching along with your thighs. “Is that why you were homeschooled?”
“Yes. I finally decided to not let my problems stop me from living my life to the fullest,” you relish in his warmth beside you, the goosebumps going away. “I decided to go to school, to get a job, to do things my parents and doctors said I shouldn’t do. My heart rate will go up the same way if I get jump scared in my own kitchen. I might as well be out doing something enjoyable.”
Stiles sighs and he was close enough you could feel his breath on your cheek. “I like that.” You smile and cuddle further into your blanket. He felt reluctant to leave, but all the same says, “I should go.”
He stands and walks carefully to your window. “You’re going to miss a wicked history test tomorrow and the ‘hang out’ between Scott and Allison.”
“I thought they were going on a date?” you say, crawling back towards your pillow.
“Nope,” Stiles began to slide out your window, “Lydia and Jackson made it a hang out at the bowling alley.”
“Does Scott even bowl?”
He snorts, “Never.”
“That could only end in hilarity,” you grin, “I’ll text Allison about it tomorrow.”
“Okay,” Stiles mutters, “Goodnight, (Y/N).”
He slips on the roof tiles, “Yep!”
You smile at his goofy face, “Thank you for helping me today. Not everyone would’ve done what you did.”
“I think anyone would be competent enough to cry for help when…”
“No, you coming to check on me. Asking me for details so you can help more in the future. Not judging me for having a problem. No one else has done that for me.”
Stiles nods awkwardly, gripping your windowsill. “I’ll text you tomorrow.”
Wednesday evening you were on a mission to convince your parents that you were well enough to go to school tomorrow.
You stood in the kitchen, soft blue silk pajamas on and fuzzy socks keeping your toes warm. A home speaker was playing songs from your favorite playlist, coercing your body to nod and sway with the beats.
“Are you sure you feel alright enough to be alone?” your mother frets, putting a coat on as your dad grabs the car keys.
You hold up your wrist with the watch, “My heart has been steady all day.”
“Yes, but you don’t know if…”
“Mom!” you cry, “It’s Wednesday. Wednesday is date night. You should enjoy your Wednesday date night. I can make myself dinner and watch a movie before bed.”
Your dad nudges your mother towards the door, “Let her have some freedom,” he teases.
Angela smacks his arm, but keeps moving nonetheless, “You better believe I’m getting my own cheesecake tonight.”
Your father, Tom, gave you a wink, “Let’s treat ourselves tonight, sweetheart.”
And for the next ten minutes you were blissful in making yourself some chicken and rice, green beans on the side. Clad in your softest sleepwear and dancing around to your favorite tunes, it was hard to shift the mood when you receive a frantic phone call.
“Hey, Stiles. Sorry I wasn’t at scho…”
“(Y/N), I need your help,” he says quickly.
You turn away from the stove, “Cutting to the chase, alright. I’m listening.”
Stiles trips over his words, “Y-You work at the hospital right? You have a wealth of doctor knowledge? Like you could tell me a few facts about first aide?”
You lean against the counter, the marble cold under your arms. “Yes… Stiles what’s going on?”
“I might, sort of… maybe have a friend who is… very hurt.”
“Very hurt?”
“He has a wound that just keeps sprouting blood and he’s not looking so hot.”
You hum a ‘uh huh’ as you ponder who this friend might be, “Not looking so hot meaning what?”
“You know, just the general sweating, pale skin, heavy breathing.”
“He must be in a lot of pain then.” You could hear a slam on something metal in the background. Stiles must’ve jumped by how his voice rose an octave.
“Lots – lots of pain. Listen, what might we do to help said wound?”
You go to stir your sizzling chicken, “How does it look?”
“Red and gross and all around a major health code violation,” he felt his chest tighten at your slight laugh. “There’s also these purple veiny things creeping up his arm.”
The smile falls from your face, “That would mean he has blood poisoning. Whatever wound he has is infected and if it reaches his heart then it’ll kill him.”
Someone was rummaging through drawers; you could hear pill bottles flying around.
“That’s good, great,” Stiles curses, “What do we need to stop that from happening?”
“Well, you need to stop the infection with some pretty heavy antibiotics,” you rub at your forehead. “And you need to clean the wound to stop more infection from getting in. And you could put a tourniquet on to help stop the bleeding.”
Some heavy whispering was happening behind Stiles’ hand. Something recognizable was in the other man’s voice.
“Stiles,” you say warningly, “Who are you with?”
“Just some guy,” Stiles replies, moving around, “We’re putting a belt around his arm as a tourniquet now. Thanks for your help, (Y/N).”
A cry of pain was heard through the phone and you hiss, “Are you with Derek Hale?”
“What?! No way… not a chance,” he laughs weakly before growing silent. “Yes, I’m with Derek Hale.”
“What the hell, Stiles – I thought you hated that guy.”
A growl was heard behind him, “Listen, I gotta go. Talk to you later?”
“I’ll be here, making dinner and watching old Disney movies.” You wait for a goodbye, but the line went dead. “That was weird.” And it continues to be that way as you finish making the dinner and grab a soda from the fridge.
You sat on the couch, pulling a fluffy forest green blanket on you. It was quiet and serene as you pull up one of your favorite movies: Atlantis: The Lost Empire.
You weren’t even ten minutes in when there was a knock on your door. Slipping on your thick socks, you skid across the hard wood to the door.
Suspicious, you say, “Stiles… how is Derek?”
“He’ll live,” Stiles says, out of breath and wrapping his jacket tightly around him. “He’s having a chat with Scott right now about the Hale family or something.”
“About the house fire?” you ask, “So now that he’s innocent of killing his sister you’re suddenly buddies with him?”
Stiles had an exaggerated look on his face, “Well, not exactly. He’s still a big scary guy that we got thrown into jail for a day. And now the town thinks he’s some murdering recluse because of the evidence we put against him.”
You couldn’t fight the smile creeping onto your face, “So it was just a favor you helping him tonight?”
“Yeah, it was a hunting accident,” he says casually, as if it were the whole truth. “And he didn’t have any friends to turn to.” He dances on his toes, looking up at the porch light, “While I love chatting out in the cold, do you think your parents would be alright if I hang out here and check on you?”
Leaving the door open, you walk inside, “My parents aren’t here. It’s date night.”
“Right,” he says, closing the door and kicking off his shoes, “How are you feeling?”
You sigh, “I feel fine. My mom is just determined to keep me couped up for the rest of my life.” Without prompting you prepare a dinner dish for Stiles and meet him in the living room, “I’ve only been in school a few weeks, but I miss it.”
Stiles eyes the plate of food with wide honey eyes, “Oh my god, that smells amazing.”
“Come on, I’m watching Atlantis.”
The boy was only too eager to follow you onto the couch. He flops down, staring at his plate hungrily. You share the green blanket, throwing it over his lap. He looks at you with big eyes.
“You said it was cold outside,” you shrug, picking up your plate. Your legs were touching again as the pair of you ate.
Stiles was eating the chicken and rice like his life depended on it, “This is the best food I’ve had in years.”
“You must be in love with it,” you snicker, “Judging by the sounds you’re making.” You laugh as he chokes on his fork.
“No, it’s just…” he scratches the back of his neck, “I don’t eat a lot of homecooked food anymore. My dad and I survive on takeout mostly.”
You push the rice around your plate, “Did your mom cook a lot?”
There was a shift in the air as Stiles continues to eat, but he responds with as normal a voice as he could manage. “Yeah. My dad used to say that… that she would bribe him with a good dinner to get him home from the station sometimes.”
Your voice was warm as you say, “She must’ve been an excellent chef if that got the Sheriff away from his caseload.”
“She used to make this delicious homemade mac and cheese, like fancy mac and cheese…” he made silly hand motions in the air, “Like with the little chopped up green things on top.”
He shrugs, but his eyes grew wide and bright, “And she’d serve it on top of a piece of garlic bread with some Italian sausage on the side.” He makes an overexaggerated chef kiss. “It was a masterpiece.”
“Sounds amazing,” you lean back into the couch, leaving your plate on the side table. “Like a fancy kid’s meal.”
Stiles guffaws, “That’s what it was! When I was little the only thing I would eat was kraft mac and cheese with chicken nuggets. She was determined to make me a better version.”
“I would’ve liked to have met her,” you say softly, fixated on the points where your bodies were touching. “She sounds like an amazing person.”
“She was,” Stiles says just as quietly, playing with his food like he had lost interest in it. “She would’ve thought you were sweet.”
You lean closer, intrigued, “Sweet?”
“That was her descriptor word for all things she liked.” He puts his plate aside too, resting against the couch and your shoulder that was so near. “We got a coupon for the arcade? Sweet! My dad picked her a flower from the woods? That’s sweet of him. I’m forced into a sailor outfit for family pictures? He looks so sweet!”
You take a deep breath, “That is pretty sweet.”
Stiles turns to you, startled to see you so close to him. His throat grew dry and his chest felt tight, all words trickling from his brain and out his ears. He never talked about his mom. Not to Scott, not to his dad, not to his pillow – not to anyone. But talking about her to you was… easy.
You were having the quick realization that Stiles had not just brown eyes, but the most glassy brown eyes you had ever seen. Like if sunlight were to shine through the liquid of a whisky bottle. Or if a sunset caught a glimpse of a glistening honeycomb. Or if a campfire reflected off a drop of amber tree sap.
“So…” Stiles clears his throat, not wishing to pull away but very conscious of how high his voice sounds. “You like Atlantis?”
The movie had been playing the whole time in the background.
“Yes! Have you seen Milo Thatch? I’d marry him in an instant.”
“I didn’t realize you felt so strongly for an animated man.”
You poke your shoulder into him, “Fictional men.”
“And the appeal is?”
“It’s in the name,” you snicker, “They’re fictional.”
Stiles hums a reply, turning his attention back to the tv screen. “I’ll add that to your case file: only attracted to fictional men and therefore can conclude that she’s never had a real boyfriend.”
“Oh, it feels real though.”
Stiles fought a shiver tickling the top of his spine. He instead readjusted his pants, “I think I’m going to need more research on these fictional men you’re so fascinated with.”
“We’d have a lot of ground to cover,” you sigh, “Seeing as I don’t think you’ll read any of the books I give you, we’ll have to have a lot more movies nights like this.”
“I think I’d be okay with that,” Stiles says with a smirk on his face. His hands were above the blanket you share, lying in his lap and fidgeting with the green fuzzies coming from the fabric he was pulling.
You sat on the windowsill in the girls bathroom the next day, reapplying your lipstick and combing your fingers through your hair. Allison was readjusting her hairband in the mirror while Lydia fixes her mascara.
“We’re going to have a movie night,” the redhead says, admiring her eyelashes. “All of us.” She turns with a flair and points to the other two. “It’ll be prime time for a little under the blanket action.”
You make a face while Allison coughs awkwardly, “You want to do a double date?”
“Triple if we can get (Y/N) a boytoy,” Lydia smirks.
“I’m not exactly in the market for boytoys,” you say, crossing your arms.
Lydia leans against the sink, “You will when I tell you half the lacrosse team wants to ask you out since you started helping with Coach.”
A nauseous feeling enters your stomach, “I’m not a huge fan of dating, Lydia.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll handpick the perfect one for you.”
Allison was all skepticism as the bell rang, “There goes the last of English.”
“And now we can go straight to lacrosse practice!” Lydia claps her hands, “Let’s go shopping for (Y/N)’s boyfriend.”
The trio make their way to the field, each at a different level of enthusiasm, as you see Scott and Stiles in their uniforms. The boys were quick to pull you to the side.
“Why did you skip the rest of English?” Scott asks, “Is Allison okay?”
“We got an emergency text from Lydia,” you huff, “Turns out it was just the regular scheming and gossip.”
Stiles raises his eyebrows, “Like…?”
“Like how Lydia is going to find me a lacrosse boyfriend to match her and Allison’s lacrosse boyfriends…”
Scott and Stiles spoke at the same time:
“I’m Allison’s lacrosse boyfriend?”
“You’re getting a lacrosse boyfriend?”
You roll your eyes, “And with all our lacrosse boyfriends we’re going to have a ‘movie night’ to coverup the sexcapade I think Lydia’s planning.”
Scott was blinking really hard, and Stiles seems to have left on a thought tangent based on the slack jawed look on his face.
You snap your fingers, “I need your help with Lydia.”
“No,” Scott mumbles, “She’s scary.”
Stiles was still lingering on his imagination as he says, dreamily, “You don’t want a lacrosse boyfriend?”
Your hands fall on your hips, “I just don’t want Lydia to conduct a speed dating the lacrosse team weekend.”
You close your eyes, “Yes, Coach!?”
Coach Finstock stomps over, clipboard in hand as he struggles to wrap the whistle around his wild haired head. “I need you to register the team for a spring retreat.”
You blink blearily, “A spring retreat, Coach?”
“Yeah, yeah it’s good for bonding and teamwork and… bonding.” He threw his hands up, “We have the funds this year so we’re going out.”
The teenagers share looks as you attempt to get a baseline of knowledge, “What’s our budget? When are the dates? Who do I contact?”
“Everything’s on my desk. Now get to it,” he puts the whistle between his teeth, “The district likes to hear about these things in advance.”
You back away to the locker rooms as you silently plead to Scott and Stiles to handle the Lydia situation. They were frantically whispering back to you, making exaggerated and confused gestures. You could spy Lydia and Allison talking to a lacrosse huddle by the bleachers.
For the next forty-five minutes you handle the paperwork that the principal and district employees emailed Finstock. You create an excel sheet for signups and a budget tracker. You contact a sports summer camp that allows retreats and field trips during the school year. All you need was to pass out permission slips and gather player information.
You were on your way out of the copy room when you spot Lydia on Jackson’s arm, conversing with some players on the sidelines. Scott was playing goalie while Stiles and a few others were doing a play on the field.
“Give me some good news, Westbrook,” Coach grumbles, bending his clipboard to near splintering levels. “Because these dancing monkeys need some incentive to play better than my recently deceased grandmother.”
“I’ve got everything scheduled here,” you say, not even bothering to show all your hard work. The Coach trusts you enough to have it finished. “I just need to get players information.”
“Done. Boys! Get your pansy ballet asses to line up next to Westbrook! Do what she says fellas or you’re going to miss one hell of a weekend retreat.”
A herd of maroon jerseys and shoulder pads stampede towards you on the bleachers. Sweaty, and slightly smelly, boys began to filter past as you write down their names, shirt size, contact information, and give them a permission slip. You could feel Lydia and Allison waiting on the bench behind you.
Lydia’s heel toed boot prods the middle of your back whenever a boy she particularly likes came up.
“Ben Manley,” a blonde-haired, freckled face says. “I like your jacket.”
Seeing as it was a jacket you borrowed from Stiles’ jeep, you smile, “Thanks, Ben Manley. Get this paper signed if you want to come on the retreat.”
He looks a little dejected as he walks past. Another boy comes up, shiny with sweat on his wonderfully dimpled cheeks. His hair was chestnut brown and curly, “Andrew Wickstrom,” he says with a smile, “Thank you for helping Coach. He hasn’t been as manic since you started.”
“I’m glad my hard work is paying off.” You hand him a permission slip as another sharp poke was felt in your back. “Just turn that in within the next week.”
“Thanks, (Y/N). See you in gym.”
Right, gym class that you were a TA in instead of attending. You told the other students that you already got those credits during homeschool, but really you had a doctors note detailing how under no circumstances were you to get your heart rate up.
While others ran laps and did pushups and played volleyball indoors, you graded papers for Finstock from various classes.
Scott and Stiles came next in line. Scott gave a lovestruck wave to the girl sitting behind you while Stiles whispers to you.
“Hanging in there?”
“I think Lydia is making a March Madness chart with eligible lacrosse players,” you hand the boys permission slips. “She’s relentless.”
“You think I’ll make the bracket?” he asks clumsily, his cleats sticking into the grass.
You shrug, a teasing tone to your voice, “She’s very particular about who she adds.”
Stiles hopes he wasn’t hearing sarcasm, or even worse – dislike, in your voice. He was shoved to the side by a much taller boy coming in next.
“Josh Arnett,” he says.
He was broad, darkhaired, light eyed, and currently getting a dirty look from Stiles.
“Hi there,” you say, a little starstruck at the intense eye contact. You immediately recognize him as a narcissistic asshole, one that you’d still gladly kiss and get your heart broken over. He was one that made you think Greek gods still existed. He was one that made dirty look sexy.
And you just said, ‘hi there.’
His smile was killer, “Are you going to be at the retreat?”
You ignore the boot in your back as you fumble over your words, “Probably. Coach has kind of grown dependent on me to function.”
He took a permission slip, “I’ll go if you go,” and he winks. Like full on ‘sent-a-warm-river-of-shivers-down-your-chest-and-to-your-middle’ kind of wink. Your uneven heart patters at the sight of him walking away. Those wide shoulder pads… slim waist… and tight little…
You snap out of it as you realize the boy next to you was doing the exact same thing. Danny Mahealani was gawking as he groans under his breath, “Damn I love being on the lacrosse team.”
You laugh, shoving him away in a playful gesture. Danny was by far one of your favorites on the team. Lydia was right above your shoulder in an instant.
“I think we have our winner.”
“What?” you say a bit breathless, “Mr. Tall, Dark, and Philanderer?”
Allison was choking on laughs as Lydia huffs, “Come on, just a little movie date tonight. You don’t have to see him again if it’s really that bad.”
“You’re just trying to get a hot squad together,” you poke her button nose before you stand. “But you can’t force a healthy relationship on incompatible people.”
“Sure I can,” she scowls, “Jackson and I are still together.”
You share a look with Allison before packing up, “If you two are bringing dates tonight, I might as well bring the one that flirted with me.”
“Oh, please,” Allison crosses her arms, “All of them were being fl…”
“Perfect,” Lydia claps, “I’ll talk with Josh in the locker room.” And she flounces off in her skirts, leaving Allison to walk with Scott.
And Stiles appears at your shoulder, grabbing your leftover papers and the laptop from your hands. “So, has Lydia decided your fate?” He tries not to sound too eager (and/or desperate) to learn about the evenings plans, but he was hovering a bit close as you rub your temples. Your heart rate was a little high since encountering Mr. Philanderer.
“We have a big movie date tonight.”
He holds his breath as he continues, “… slash sexcapade?”
You snort, “I’d rather clean out whatever is festering in Coach’s desk drawers than have a sexcapade this weekend.”
His next breath was deep and tight, “Then who are you watching the movie with?”
“Josh Arnett.” Stiles stuck to the grass while you walk a few steps ahead. “What?”
“You are going to spend the night with Jealous Josh? Judgy Josh? Jockstrap Josh? Forget that last one.”
You giggle, “Yes, I’m going out with Jaw-dropping Josh.” You pull on Stiles’ arm, “It’s just to appease Lydia.”
“I don’t think it’s a good idea.”
“Of course you don’t,” you say, “It’s going to be just a one time thing.”
“But what if he charms you and kisses you and you agree to more dates…” he watches a dreamy look slide onto your face. “Oh my god, you’re thinking about kissing him, aren’t you?”
You open the door to the locker room, full of sounds and smells alike. “It would be a crime not to acknowledge that he’s hot. And I’d have more status by saying I kissed him once.”
“I don’t have a good feeling about it.”
“Because I’m going on a date or because I’m going on a date with him?” You try to keep your tone civil as you’re surrounded by changing lacrosse players.
“Because he’s a douchebag that will probably do something to hurt your feelings and I don’t want that to happen.”
You take all your supplies from him, speckles of anger popping up your spine, “You trying to control who I go out with is a little douchy, don’t you think?”
“I’m not trying to control…” Stiles threw his gloves on the ground, “I’m trying to look out for you.”
“I’m not going to catch feelings for him,” you say indignantly, “I just want to try it Lydia’s way for once. It’s just one date, how bad could it be?” A sudden rush to your head makes you stumble, ramming your shoulder into a line of lockers.
Stiles jumps to your back, hands on your arms as you screw up your eyes. You take a deep breath and force the black spots from your vision. Slowly the voice of Stiles enters your ears.
“I’m fine,” you say, standing straight, “My heart was just beating a little fast.”  
“Because of our argument?”
You turn to the sound of his voice. The previous anger was gone. In its place were fearful honey eyes and an open, honest expression.
“Among other things,” you say, trying to catch your breath. “I’ll see you later.”
Stiles was screwing up his lips, chewing the inside of his cheek, clearly worried as you retreat. “Call me if something happens!”
You wait at your living room window for over an hour. You wait in your comfy blue sweater that’s cute enough for a date and soft enough for cuddling. You wait with styled hair and a little lipstick.
You could feel your parents spying from the kitchen, disappointed that you were being abandoned like this. A pain creeps into your chest that has nothing to do with your heart. It made your stomach twist and your head hurt.
It did not feel good to be stood up.
You text Lydia to give her an update. Her quick reply was that she and Jackson would pick you up and you could pick out the movie together.
You didn’t wave goodbye as you left the house, embarrassed by the turn of events. “I was such an idiot.”
Lydia turns in her seat, “You’re not an idiot, you look gorgeous.”
“I’m an idiot for getting excited about a night out with that jerk,” you play with your fingers. “And I knew from the beginning that he was an asshole, and I still got all ready trying to impress him.”
“No, you got ready because you wanted to feel hot. Remember you were going to one and done him tonight; Josh should be the one feeling disappointed that he isn’t here with you.”
You crack a faint smile, “Where’s Scott and Allison?”
“Oh, Allison’s hanging out with her aunt and so Scott decided to make other plans.”
“Meaning it’s just us three tonight?”
Jackson sighs begrudgingly, “Yep.”
“Then we might as well make it a chick flick night,” Lydia says, cheery despite her boyfriends obvious disdain for the situation. “Let’s watch The Notebook.”
“Absolutely not,” Jackson says, “We are not doing chick flicks just because your friend was dumped.”
Lydia purses her lips, “You’re not making this any easier, Jackson.”
“Yeah, I don’t really feel like crying, Lyds,” you attempt, the video store just down the road.
Jackson starts to ramble about different action and sports movies, “We never choose a movie that I pick. How about Hoosiers? Not only is it the best basketball movie ever, but it is also the best sports movie ever made.”
Lydia was quick with her reply, “No.”
“It’s got Gene Hackman and Dennis Hopper.”
You grimace at Lydia’s same short reply. “We can go in and browse for a little bit.” The night was shaping up to be one of the worst by far.
“I am not watching The Notebook again!” Jackson raises his voice.
“Come on, Jackson,” you say, opening the door. “Let’s just go look around for a second. I’ll help pick a good one.”
You walk to the first aisle inside, both of you on edge for different reasons. Jackson makes no effort to make conversation as you peruse the romantic comedy shelves. “She means well. She’s just trying to cheer me up.”
“Yeah, I’m sorry if I don’t want my date ruined by turning it into a girls night.”
You cross your arms, “I’m sorry.”
Jackson scowls at your drawn expression, “Arnett really is an asshole, by the way. I told Lydia as much.”
“Again, she meant well,” you sigh, “But thanks anyway.” A phone starts ringing in the background and kept echoing through the empty store. “Geesh, you would think someone would pick that up by now.”
“Hello?” Jackson calls out, “Is anybody working here?”
“What’s that?” you ask, pointing at a pair of shoes sticking out from an aisle further down. “Did someone fall off that ladder?” The medical assistant in you was already in action, pulling your phone out as you near the shoes.
You both move slowly, tense as the atmosphere gives an eerie flicker of lights. As you round the aisle of movies, there laying on the ground is the store manager – his throat clawed out.
“Oh my god!” you scream, gawking at the blood soaking the front of his shirt. It was fresh and glistening, splattered up onto his face and glasses.
“Holy shit!” Jackson yells, jumping back and onto the ladder. It moves enough that a broken light fixture falls, ripping the exposed wiring and plunging the entire video store into flickering darkness.
One second it’s dull yellow light, and the next an awful red dark, and then light again. It was making your vision blur with spots. You fall to your knees, sickened by the sudden wet warmth that soaks your pants.
Your heart was racing, beating like a war drum as you fought to control your breathing. Jackson was standing in the middle aisle, clearly shocked into silence. You were fumbling with your phone, attempting to dial any number that came up first.
There was a low, deafening growl that ripples through the store. You eye the claw marks on the store manager and immediately think of something big and terrifying. Jackson did too as he falls to hide behind a shelf.
You could hear the growling towards the back, too near for your liking. You shuffle away from the body, aware that Jackson had just left you to fend for yourself. A row of shelves falls behind you as you make your way to the front, crawling on your hands and knees.
You finally manage to dial a number, the first one you could think of. And the sound of Stiles on the other end brought you a sense of relief. He would do something.
“Stiles…” you whisper, crawling along the front of the store and next to the windows.
“(Y/N), what’s wrong?”
Your breath was shaky and came out in wheezes, “I need help.”
There was a rustling on the other end, “Where are you? (Y/N), you need to breathe.”
A snarling growl came from your left and you dread to turn your head, “Oh god…”
“(Y/N)! Stay awake – tell me where you are!”
But as you turn your gaze to the hot breath and red gaze of the growling creature, you let out a bloodcurdling scream. The giant monster swipes a paw at you, clawing at your shoulder and sending you spinning into the opposite wall. You slam against the brick with a sickening force, a crash of broken glass above you as the creature jumps through.
Shards of glass collect on your body, stinging some of your exposed skin. Warmth was spreading down your left arm as you fought to breathe. Your vision was blurring, and you were falling in and out of consciousness.
Jackson crawls out from under the fallen video shelves and finds you at the front, noticing Lydia screaming in the car. He kneels beside you and pulls out his phone, dialing 911.
Stiles sat in the parking lot of a burger joint, eating dinner with his father in the police car. He was reminiscent of the homecooked meal you made him, fondly thinking of his mother too.
“Did they forget my curly fries?”
He chides his father, “You’re not supposed to eat fries, especially the curly ones.”
The Sheriff smirks, “Well, I’m carrying a lethal weapon. If I want the curly fries, I will have the curly fries.”
Stiles took his bitten straw out of his mouth, “If you think getting rid of contractions in all your sentences makes your argument any more legitimate, you are wrong.”
His dad gave him a bewildered look, “Somethings off with you tonight. Did you take too much Adderall?”
“No,” Stiles grumbles, picking at his hamburger wrapper, “Just… thinking about school.” He watches his dad’s expression egg him on further, “… and lacrosse… and Scott…” He huffs and throws his dinner back in the brown bag. “And girls.”
The Sheriff scoffs, hiding a laugh, “Just the usual then.”
Stiles felt his phone ring and he was surprised to see your name appear. Thinking you’re going to tell him Josh Arnett is the asshat that they all knew him to be, Stiles says confidently into the phone, “Hello.”
There was a terrified whisper in reply, “Stiles…”
He sat straighter, his dad catching a soda before it fell to the floor. “(Y/N), what’s wrong?” You sound like you were on the verge of a panic attack.
“I need help.” Your breathing was erratic, and he knew your heartbeat was probably the same.
“Where are you? (Y/N), you need to breathe.” God forbid you faint in whatever terrifying situation you’re in.
There was a terrible growl behind your shaky words, and you sound so small when you cry, “Oh god…”
It sent a thrill of terror through Stiles, “(Y/N)! Stay awake – tell me where you are!” A million scenarios were flying through his mind. Was there a werewolf there? The alpha? What had happened to your date?
There was a deafening bloodcurdling scream as the phone must’ve fallen from your hand. It took Stiles a second to realize that it was you that screamed. “(Y/N)? (Y/N)!” Your cries flew to the side along with a crash of glass as the snarling beast left.
The line went dead and Stiles fell into a panic, “How do I… where… god, dad we have to find her!”
The Sheriff listens with sincerity as he had watched the entire conversation. “What’s going on?”
“That was my friend, (Y/N) Westbrook. She was supposed be out tonight on a date, but something went wrong. She sounded terrified and then there was a scream and a crash and then… nothing.” His arms were flailing as he sat on the edge of the car seat, “We have to find her!”
“Westbrook?” the Sheriff says, throwing his wrapper to the floor, “You don’t mean…”
“Yes! And I know you know about her heart.”
His dads eyes widen ever-so-slightly, “How do you know about…?”
Stiles slams a hand on the dashboard, half tempted to grab the steering wheel, “We have to go – she’s in serious trouble!”
“Now hang on just a damn minute,” was his reply, “We don’t even know where she is. And before you go flying out the window, let’s think about this with some sense. Do you know where she was supposed to be on her date?”
Stiles whacks his head, as if to jog some memories over the panic, “They were going to watch a movie.” He bounces his leg, pleading with his dad, “Please, dad, she’s going to have another fainting episode.”
The police radio turns on with some crackling feedback. The dispatcher on duty was a man judging by the voice. At least that meant Mrs. Westbrook wasn’t on shift that night.
“Unit One, do you copy?”
Stiles leapt for the radio and the Sheriff slaps his hand away. “Unit One, copy.”
“Got a report of a possible 187.”
Stiles jumps in his chair, shaking the whole car, “A murder!?”
“It’s at the local video store. Some teenagers are involved.”
The Sheriff confirms he’ll be there and felt a twang of guilt as he watches the fear bubble in his son. “Do you have confirmation on how many are hurt?”
“Negative, but the boy on the phone was in a frenzy about an animal attack.”
“Thanks, Johnson.” The Sheriff put the radio up, speeding down the street with sirens blaring. “Let’s not fear the worst, Stiles. They said there was just one possible 187.”
Stiles was biting his lips, drumming his knuckles over his mouth, “I should have stopped her from going out. I knew it was a bad idea.”
The drive was tense and painfully slow despite the speed the Sheriff was emitting. When they reach the video store it was swarming with EMTs and an ambulance. The store window was shattered, and Jackson was yelling at whatever emergency personnel he could. Lydia was huddled in a shock blanket on the curb, and sitting on the edge of the ambulance was you.
“Oh, thank god,” Stiles cries, “Thank you god.” He was falling out of the police car before it even made a complete stop. “(Y/N)!” He ran for the Beacon ambulance.
You were leaning against the side of the car, an EMT bandaging your left arm. You had a few butterfly bandages on your face and a rapidly developing bruise to the side of your head. There were dark circles under your eyes and your skin was ashy again.
“What happened?” he asks, quiet compared to the panic he was in moments ago.
You turn your wet eyes to him, gulping, “Stiles. There… there was a monster.”
“She hit her head pretty hard,” the EMT says, finishing your bandage. “She needs to go home and get some rest.”
Stiles gave the man a nod, gently sitting next to you and giving his full attention. “What kind of monster?”
“It was like a bear or a wolf,” you whisper, exhausted. “I was so scared.” The break in your voice put a hitch in his chest. “Josh bailed on me and then Scott and Allison. And I just wanted to go home.” You turn to him, “I want to go home, Stiles.”
He clenches his jaw, his throat bobbing, “Okay. Okay, we can go home…” He stole a shock blanket from the back and wraps you in it, careful around your left shoulder. “Did you faint at all?”
You stare off, disassociating, “In and out.”
The Sheriff calls your parents as you lean into Stiles. Your head nestles into the crook of his neck and shoulder. He couldn’t put his arm around your shoulders for fear of hurting the new wound. Instead he wraps his hand lower on your waist.
With his other hand he reaches for your fingers, worry still eating away at his stomach. “Where are we on the possibility of fainting right now?”
You groan, “60% chance.”
He gives a painful smile, wrapping his hand in yours. With his fingers he felt for the pulse in your wrist. It was a little high and stuttering unevenly.
“What do you hear?”
You hum, “Sirens. People. You.”
Stiles felt a warmth seeping into his chest, it was loud and suffocating and squeezed at his heart. “What do you smell?”
“Rubbing alcohol. And you.”
He plays with your fingers, tracing them with his thumb, “What do I smell like?” A small huff of air escapes your lips, and he likes to believe it was almost a laugh. “Cause you know exactly how I think you smell.”
You try to clear your throat, “Like sandalwood.”
“I’m not even sure what that is.”
“Like the woods,” you whisper. “Like rain, and trees, and honey.”
“How did you know my favorite pastime was bathing in forest rain and honey?” He imagines the twitch in your cheek against his neck was an attempt at a smile. “What do you feel?”
You fidget in his embrace, “Tired. Pain. Fear…”
“Okay, bad question.”
“Your hand,” you continue, “You’re warm. It’s nice.”
The inflation of his chest was reaching a bursting point, and he laid his face against your hair. Holding you there, he checks your pulse again with his long fingers. It had lowered since his arrival.
Your parents came soon after that, fretful and terrified of your condition. They wanted to take you to the hospital for a full checkup and your grip tightened on Stiles’ hand as his dad took him away.
“Don’t worry,” he whispers in your ear, your parents approaching. “I’ll see you later.”
It was very late into the night when Stiles climbs the garden trellis to your window. He was delighted to see that it was left cracked open. He pushes it open the rest of the way and falls inside, careful not to make too much noise.
You lay in bed with the lamp on, illuminating the room with its peachy color. You were in midnight blue pajamas with little stars printed on them. Your left arm was stiff and heavily bandaged, painkillers adding to your collection of prescription meds on the nightstand.
“Hey,” he whispers, gaining the attention of your wet gaze. You must’ve been crying for a long time judging by the redness of your eyes. “How was the hospital?”
“I’ll be fine.”
He didn’t believe you. He sat on the edge of your bed, itching to grab your hand again but needing a good reason. “When I got your call… it scared me shitless.” A chuckle escapes him, “My dad was ready to clobber me.”
“I’m sorry.”
“No,” Stiles says, “You don’t have to be sorry for anything. You did nothing wrong. This was all just a terrible ordeal.”
You sniff, “I’m tired.”
Stiles nods, “Yeah, I just wanted to check on you before bed. I should let you sleep.”
“I’m not going to sleep.”
His chest tightens like earlier. He aches to touch you again, seeing you so fragile and tense. “(Y/N)…”
“Every time I close my eyes I see that thing clawing at me.” Another tear escapes your eyeline and runs down your cheek, “I’m too scared to sleep.”
“Well…” Stiles picks at a seam in his pants, “How about you call for your mom? I’m sure she’ll…”
“I don’t want to worry them anymore. I’m tired of making them worry so much.”
Stiles chews on his lip, “Hmm, okay. How about I stay? I’ll just sit at your desk and keep watch.”
You watch him with swollen eyes, “You’d do that?”
“Of course,” he shrugs his shoulders, “I’m worried about you too. And I feel better knowing I can keep you calm.” He wasn’t going to tell her that for the last three hours he had been replaying their moment outside the ambulance. The way you leaned into him, and he got to hold your hand and listen to you talk about how nice it was to be next to him.
“I want you to stay,” you say quietly. “But you can’t sit in a desk chair all night.” You pat your uninjured hand on the mattress beside you.
Stiles feels warmth flood his cheeks, “Oh, yeah… well – great.” He sits down and stretches out on top of the covers, “This is a much more comfortable spot to keep watch.”
You pull at your blankets, turning towards him and grounding yourself in his presence. “There’s a squeaky floorboard in the hallway. You’ll hear if my parents are coming.” You place a hand on his forearm, “Thank you for being here.”
His throat bobs at your touch, “Always.” And he lays there well into the night, cursing when your hand falls away in your sleep. He waits for sunrise to leave, occupying himself with watching your breathing patterns and checking your pulse every once in a while. He even brushes the hair from your face and flattens the arm bandages that start to unstick.
He was just memorizing the curve of your nose and the slant of your cheekbone when the sun broke over the horizon.
He sighs, rubbing hard at his face. If this is what having a crush on you was like… it was going to consume him.  
Taglist: @assassinsasha23 @tasty-book-fans @lovelybaka @the-fandom-queen @runs-with-sciss0rs
21 notes · View notes
okay-j-hannah · 5 days
Part 1: Her Broken Heart
Teen Wolf : Multishot
Stiles Stilinski x Reader
Word Count: 10.1k
Warnings: series rewrite, start of season 1 {aka 2011}, slow burn, strangers to friends, friends to lovers, eventual pining, eventual NSFW, usual teen wolf levels of violence and gore, heart conditions, health problems, lightheadedness, fainting
Request: This just came from my own head 😊
A/N: Just a note that the reader will be in the dark for a while, meaning that lots of episodes/scenes will be skipped. Also, the heart conditions/problems the reader has comes solely from extensive research and isn't meant to be completely accurate - I did my best.
Part 1: Her Broken Heart {You Are Here}
Part 2: A Lacrosse Boyfriend
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You walk purposefully to your last class of the day, holding onto the straps of your backpack like your life depended on it. New school. Old town.
It was just so noisy.
The squeak of your sneakers was drowned by the bustle of the dozens of highschoolers weaving through the hallways. Side conversations rose in volume, laughter was piercing, lockers slammed metallically, and the morning bell rang with a sharp noise.
You avoid rubbing shoulders with your peers, but inevitably a lacrosse player rams into your side while chasing a ball. You put a hand protectively to your chest, a glimmer of pain dancing across your ribs.
Breathe, you remind yourself. Just breathe.
Walking into English, you eye the rapidly filling seats. You recognize most faces even if they don’t recognize yours. A few skittish steps forward and you spot the dark silhouette of Scott McCall.
The uneven beating of your heart seems to lessen at someone you could at least talk to amicably. He appears to feel the same as he finds your gaze and smiles crookedly.
“Hey, (Y/N),” he whispers encouragingly. “It’s nice to see you finally at school.”
You smile back, “Thanks, it’s good to be out and about.” You pick the desk beside him, closest to the window. “There’s a lot of people here.”
Scott laughs, “What did you expect?”
“Less than this,” you say, thumbing the syllabus in front of you. “I thought Beacon Hills was a small city.”
You hear a cough directly behind you, fingers drumming against the metal desk surface. You flit your gaze to Scott, but he merely rolls his eyes.
“(Y/N), this is Stiles. Stiles… meet (Y/N).”
You turn in your seat to see a closely shaved head, wrinkled hoodie, and widening brown eyes.
“Uh… hi,” he says.
You swallow hard, “Hello.” Your brow furrows, “You’re Scott’s best friend.”
Stiles nods, playing with his fingers, “Yeah, for years. And you are…?”
“Another friend,” Scott interjects, “Friend of the family.”
You feel warmth as Stiles leans forward in his seat, “A friend that I’ve never heard about?”
That made your stomach clench. Of course you didn’t have many close friends, more acquaintances than anything else, but it still scared you to think you’d be judged on that fact.
“We don’t talk much,” you say quietly, turning back around.
Scott had what you hoped wasn’t a pitying look in his eye when he got distracted by neighbors ruffling through papers; then to a pencil dropping; then to a charm bracelet clanking against a desk. With each new noise his head was whipping about.
You tried to read the first page of your syllabus when a gentle tap on your shoulder startles you. You contained the jump in your heart as you turned towards Stiles.
He spoke with a soft but urgent voice, “Are you new to the town?”
“No,” you answer shortly.
“Then how come I’ve never seen you at school before?”
“I was homeschooled until this year.” The anxious fist in your stomach continues to clench further. “I’ve lived here almost all my life.”
He continues to lean forward as the teacher rose to address the class. “How do you know Scott?”
“Our parents are friends.”
“How come he’s never mentioned you before?”
You give a breathy laugh, “Do you always interrogate newcomers or is this just your usual charm?”
He finally leans back in his seat, “I like a good mystery.”
Your smiling reply makes the corner of Stiles’ mouth quirk upward, just as the teacher declares:
“Stiles, are we really going to end the day with a detention?”
Stiles looks up, frowning, “No, sir – just welcoming a new face.”
“Yes, Miss. Westbrook. I’d suggest surrounding yourself with different company. We don’t want a tainted reputation now, would we?”
Scott put a hand to his mouth, stifling a laugh as Stiles lifted his arms in silent outrage. You are stunned but feel a giggle rise in your chest.
The teacher continues, “As you all know, there indeed was a body found in the woods last night.”
The laughter in your chest dies in a cough as you replay the teachers unfeeling words in your mind.
“And I am sure your eager little minds are coming up with various macabre scenarios as to what happened. But I am here to tell you that the police have a suspect in custody, which means you can give your undivided attention to the syllabus which is on your desk outlining this semester.”
There was a collective groan, but you had already started dating the semesters projects in your academic calendar. The different books you’d be reading were some of your favorite classics: The Scarlet Pimpernel, Jane Eyre, The Count of Monte Cristo, and Sense and Sensibility.
You could already see the outline for your midterm paper on the differences between loving with sense and loving with sensibility.
Then the classroom door opened, and a pretty girl walked in with someone from the office.
“Class, this is our new student Allison Argent.”
You silently thanked the heavens that you weren’t introduced like that to the entire sophomore class. But the introduction intrigued you. Perhaps you could befriend this new student as you were somewhat new yourself.
You met her quickly by her locker after class.
“Hello,” you say in your gentle voice, “I’m (Y/N). I’m new to the school too.”
“Oh, thank god,” Allison says, “Just when I thought I’d never survive the first day.”
You grin, “New kids on the block need to stick together. How are you feeling about the move?”
“I’m used to it,” she says, leaning against the wall of lockers, “What about you?”
“Oh, I’m not new to the city, just the school. I was homeschooled before this. Jumping into the school year in January isn’t preferable, but it’s better than listening to your mom lecture about the Pythagorean theorem while doing the dishes.”
Allison laughs just as another girl walks over to introduce herself and her boyfriend. This new face, Lydia Martin, was clearly a commanding personality. And you quickly quiet yourself as she speaks to Allison.
“So, this weekend, there’s a party.”
“A party?” Allison says, taking a step closer to you.
The boyfriend, Jackson, adds, “Yeah, Friday night. You should come.”
Allison clearly didn’t want to go, judging by how she closed herself off and turned towards you. She fumbles for something to say as you note how the two popular kids never acknowledged your presence.
“Actually, we’ve already made plans for Friday night,” you say quickly, the beating of your heart increasing as Lydia made eye contact with you. “I’m helping her finish setting up her room.”
“Who are you?” Lydia asks, surveying you with her wide eyes.
Allison interjects, “This is (Y/N), she’s new to the school too.”
Lydia seems satisfied in her findings, “Pretty.” She pulls on both of your sleeves, “Let’s go to lacrosse practice.”
You panic, “Oh, no – I actually need to head to the library. The first day came with a lot of homework.” You curse the lines of judgment creasing Lydia’s brow. “I’m sorry, I need to catch up.”
“You need to pick, sweetheart. Beauty or brains. You can’t have both in this school.”
You believe that to be blatantly untrue, but you apologize again as Allison gets dragged off. You sigh, steadying your heartbeats. Your mother will be coming soon to pick you up anyway.
It was another long evening shift at the hospital working in the clinic. You assisted with logging patients in, taking their medical histories, noting their blood pressure, and administering medications.
You were currently disposing of some items in the sharps container when Nurse McCall came around with a dirty gown and gloves.
“(Y/N)!” she says cheerfully, “How are you?”
You smile, washing your hands in the nearby sink, “Tired, but that’s not unusual.”
She gave you a motherly look, eyeing you like the nurse she was. “How’s your breathing? Have you gotten lightheaded tonight?”
“Nope.” That was a lie. “I’ve been doing great. I worked through the line waiting in the clinic. Now I’ve just got to clean up before heading home.”
She raises her eyebrows, impressed. “I wish your work ethic came in a bottle. I’d give a dose to my son.”
“Oh, you should give Scott more credit. He’s working hard on the lacrosse team, I hear.”
“Have you two… has he been…”
You give a soft smile, “He’s been talking to me in class, yes. He’s been very kind to me.”
“Good,” that seems to relieve her. “I know you’re not the closest of friends but starting school in the middle of the year can’t be easy.”
“No,” you say with a sigh, “But I think I’ve made a few friends. Scott and Lydia and Allison…”
“So are you going to the party tomorrow night?”
You give a weak laugh, “I don’t think I’m made for parties, Melissa.”
“I mean,” she laughs too, “Scott is taking Allison to that party – I figured if you’re all friends now then…”
“Oh,” you compose yourself, “No, I’m not going.”
“Shame,” Melissa folds her arms, “I would’ve liked a trusted pair of eyes on my son. I tell you he’s gotten all squirrely since coming back from winter break.”
You shrug your shoulders, “I’ll check up on Allison to make sure she’s alright.”
Melissa leans over and rubs your arm, “You’ve been working like a madman since the summer. We’re all very impressed with you, (Y/N). But you have a habit of doing too much and telling us too little. You have to promise me you’ll be honest about how you’re feeling.”
You brush her off, “How many times have we had this conversation?” You take a step back, “I feel fine. The summer tuned me up. I feel I can do anything now.”
“I like the confidence,” Melissa says warmly, but she still held worry in her eyes. “I’m just looking out for you. I promised your mom.”
You grimace, “Has she been bombarding you much?”
“Nothing I can’t handle.”
The pair of you share a laugh, “I wish she’d stop worrying.”
“We all worry,” Melissa sighs, grabbing a new box of gloves for the nurses station. “That’s what happens when you have people that care about you.”
“Yeah, yeah,” you walk around her, “I gotta go before my dad waits in the urgent care drop off too long.”
“Hey, about that…” Melissa calls after your retreating form. “I was thinking about your carpool situation and maybe you and Scott could drive together. You know – so you don’t have to rely on your parents as much.”
Anything to get more independence from your parents. “I didn’t think Scott had a car.”
“No, he doesn’t. He gets rides from his friend Stiles. Maybe you could join them?” She watches your expression grow anxious, “Or you could ask your new girl friends?”
“Yeah, right,” you snort, “Lydia and Allison live on the other side of town in those big important houses with the four-car garages.”
Melissa shrugs, “Then ask the boys. Stiles is a little… odd. But he’s a good kid.”
“Thanks, Melissa,” you give her a tired smile, “I’ll see you over the weekend.” You pull out your phone as you head to clock out.
Your connected watch reports to you the steady heartbeat you’ve had during the day – just two rapid spikes. Swiping away the health report, you text Allison and wait for her replies as you head towards your father’s car.
“So you’re actually going to the party?”
“What can I say… Scott asked me.”
You smirk, “I saw that coming a million miles away.”
“Sorry about our hangout though, I was going to tell you at school tomorrow.”
“It’s alright. I’ll just get started on the chemistry homework for next week.”
“You don’t want to come with us?”
You scoff, “And be a third wheel? No thank you.”
Your dad continues a conversation about your workday as he drove out of the hospital parking lot. “Any big cases come in?”
“No, nothing particularly stressful. Maybe one guy who was nervous around needles.”
“Good,” your dad says. “I’m proud of you sweetheart. And not a single fainting in five weeks.”
You lean your head against the window, suddenly glum, “Let’s hope it continues.”
Friday comes and you’re on the couch enjoying another read of Harry Potter. You were just getting to the confession scene in the Shrieking Shack when your mother came in with a cup of herbal tea.
“You seem a little quiet today,” she says, nestling into the opposite end of the couch.
“No more than usual,” you say, sipping the honey and herb concoction. “I usually spend Friday nights reading, mom.”
She nods, stirring her tea in thought, “Yes, usually. But in the last few months you’ve been branching out. Going to public school, getting a job at the hospital, making some new friends.”
“And while that’s all terribly exciting, I still enjoy a quiet evening with my books.”
“Of course,” your mother replies, “How have you been feeling?”
“Mom,” you groan, “I feel fine!”
She sat straighter, “You have had two dizzy spells this past week. It’s not a crime to ask how you’re doing.”
You bite the inside of your cheek, “I started school this week, I’m bound to be a little stressed about that, aren’t I? When I started my job at the hospital there were a few dizzy spells in the beginning, remember?”
“Yes, but you don’t tell us about them anymore. I have to pull up your watch readings to find out.”
“What’s the point? I can’t control them all. Sometimes they happen out of the blue.”
“Precisely,” she says louder, “Which is why it’s important to monitor them for your doctor’s appointments.”
You open your book in a huff, “Can we not talk about this anymore? It always puts the house in a mood.”
Your phone buzzes with a text from Allison. Your mother peers over your shoulder to see if it was a notification from your health app.
“Allison is getting a ride home from the party,” you whisper, texting a reply, “I wonder what happened with Scott.”
“Weren’t they on a date?” your mother asks, relaxed now that she knew the cause of your phone lighting up.
You shrug, “I thought so. I’m going to check on her. I’m sure she’ll want to vent.” You get up with your book and find your sneakers. “Could I have a sleepover?”
Your mother battled the rebuttal of keeping you at home – to coddle you with her security. “As long as you have your medication I don’t see why not.”
“I can drop her off on my way to the firehouse,” your father says, adorning his firefighter t-shirt and cargo pants. It would appear he had another overnight shift.
Fifteen minutes later you were outside the Argent residence, Allison waiting by the front door to welcome you with her frustrations.  
The home was tall with big, open rooms full of chandelier light. It was rich with mahogany browns and beamed ceilings. Allison was guiding you up the stairs after a quick introduction to her mother in the living room.
“I just don’t understand why he left me there,” she says with an edge, “I thought he liked me.”
“I think he does like you,” you say as you enter a beautifully decorated bedroom. “We have to remember he is a high school boy.”
Allison quirks a faint smile, “But to leave me at a strangers house… he has to know I’m new to the town. I don’t know anybody well enough to get some help! And I was not about to call my parents for a ride. That would’ve been reputation suicide.”
You clear your throat, recalling every instance your parents have carted you around, refusing to let you drive yourself. “Who gave you a ride anyway?”
“Someone named Derek Hale. He said he was a friend of Scott’s.”
You feel your uneven heartbeats pick up, “Derek Hale? He’s back in town?”
“Do you know him?”
“No, it’s just…” your mind wanders to old police reports your mother talked about and past newspapers on the dinner table. “There was a fire that burned up the Hale House years ago. Most of his family died in that fire. He hasn’t been seen for years.”
Allison crosses her arms, suddenly giving herself a kind of protective hug. “You mean, he isn’t a friend of Scott’s?”
“Not that I know of, but I’m as much of a new friend here as you are.”
“But Scott said you’re a friend of the family.”
“Yes, I do work with his mom at the hospital,” you fight to keep the Hale memories at the forefront of your mind. “But that doesn’t mean that I’ve hanged out with Scott much.”
Allison nods, still gripping her arms as creases of worry etch her face. “Why would Derek lie about being friends with Scott?”
“He didn’t try anything in the car, did he?”
“No!” she says quickly, “He was really kind, even held the door open for me. He just asked about my relationship with Scott.”
You could feel the beats in your chest stutter. They were loud in your ears, “What did you tell him?”
“Just that I met him this week. I got help from him at the veterinary clinic – I accidentally hit a dog – and he asked me to this party.”
You sit on her bed, afraid that your heart rate was increasing more, “Did Derek seem interested in just Scott?”
Allison thought about it for a few seconds before sitting in her desk chair, “Yeah, it was the only thing we talked about.”
“Which would make sense if that was the only thing you guys had in common.” You put a hand to your chest, hoping to steady yourself with some pressure. “But I still don’t think him and Scott have ever been close friends.”
“That’s slightly concerning,” she says with a shaky laugh.
You return it, trying to take a deep breath without making it too noticeable. “Other than the abrupt departure and unfortunate ride home… how are you and Scott?”
A genuine smile returns to Allison’s face, “He’s so sweet. You can just tell how nervous he is and it’s so cute. After being jumped by Lydia and her friends it was nice to meet someone more sincere.”
“Lydia can be a little overbearing,” you agree, checking your watch to see your heart rate drop to a more acceptable number. “And Scott really is a sweetheart. He can be a bit of a worrier, but I find those are the ones who care the most.”
Allison likes the calming reassurance until the sound of her mother’s voice pierced the air.
“Allison! It’s for you.”
The loudness prompts the two girls to their feet. Up on the walkway towards the staircase, the pair of you had a perfect view of the door… and the boy standing out in the cold.
“Stiles?” you say confusedly.
Allison’s mother left the door open as she returned to her spot in the living room. Stiles stood awkwardly under the porch light, “Uh… yeah, hi.”
“What’s going on?” you ask, leading the way down the stairs, “Is everything okay?”
“Is Scott okay?” Allison asks quickly, following you to the doorway.
Stiles rambled, hands on his hips, “Yeah! Yeah, Scott is fine.” His eyes lingered on you as he paused. You had an instant suspicion that he was lying. “He asked that I check up on Allison since he had to run out.”
“Well, I got home all right, no thanks to him,” she replied with a huff. “But he seemed off, like he was sick all of the sudden.”
Stiles took hold of the sudden excuse, “Yes! That’s what happened. Scott just got really sick out of nowhere, like really sick – like find me a bathroom right now kind of sick.”
You wrinkled your nose at his lack of a filter, “But you said he’s fine.”
“I mean, yeah now he’s fine,” Stiles said loudly, as if that would cover up his little slip. “He met with his mom at the hospital and she gave him some… treatment.”
Your pulse was picking up again at his obvious covering up, “You know what… I told Melissa I would stop by the hospital late tonight to get my new schedule. You just reminded me,” you smile easily, putting a hand to Allison’s arm. “Raincheck on that sleepover, I don’t want to keep Melissa up all night, especially if Scott isn’t feeling well.”
“Yeah, of course,” Allison said instantly, “And would you text me if you see Scott there?”
“Sure,” you smile, “Stiles?”
He looked to you with wide eyes, “Hm?”
“Could I get a ride?”
Stiles’ jeep was old and clanky, but in an endearing sort of way. You sat with your back more against the door than the seat, arms wrapped around yourself. Your heart hadn’t stopped beating rapidly. Any faster and you were worried about another attack.
“I’m sorry the heater doesn’t work,” Stiles said with a hint of embarrassment. He smacked the dashboard, “You look cold.”
“It’s alright,” you say quietly. You try to focus on the beats of your heart, willing them to calm down before you started to get lightheaded.
“You know what…” Stiles started to flail his arms around the wheel, trying to remove his suit jacket. He banged his head against the door before straightening out, “Here.”
You look at the outstretched jacket with endearment before quietly taking it, “Thank you.” You were much more graceful putting the jacket on, smiling at how Stiles mistook your concentration on your heart rate for being cold and uncomfortable.
“Now you need to tell me where Scott really is,” you say in your gentle tone.
Stiles suddenly gripped the steering wheel, “What do you mean?”
“I mean, Scott isn’t really at the hospital. And I know something is going on with Derek Hale because he lied to Allison. And I have a funny suspicion that you know more than you were telling us.”
There was a twitch in his fingers as Stiles thought about how much to reveal, “You’re right. Something’s wrong with Scott. I don’t know exactly what, but I think he ran off and got lost in the woods.”
“He didn’t give you any hint as to why he would do that?”
“He’s just been acting weird the last few days,” Stiles continued, driving slowly. “When I saw him leave tonight and Allison get picked up… I went after him. But he ran away.”
You wrap the suit jacket closely around you, giggling at how the wide shoulders stuck out on your own frame. It smelled wonderful.
“This calls for a search party.”
Stiles looked worried and frantic again, perhaps still hiding parts of the truth from you. “You don’t mind wandering the roads by the woods? I could still take you…”
“No, I want to help,” you say against your better judgement. Your heart rate still hadn’t gone down. “Let’s start on the north side closest to where the party was at.”
It was already past midnight by the time you started scouting the woods. You kept your eyes out the window, tightly bound in Stiles’ jacket. Your heart rate remained high, the lack of proper oxygen to your brain was starting to make you feel woozy.
Your mother was not going to be happy when she checked your watch monitor.
“Hey, you alright?” Stiles asked, “You need to sleep?”
You shook your head, wincing at the slow motion feeling it produced. “No, I can stay awake.”
“It’s not a problem, really. I can drop you off at home.”
“That’ll waste time when we could be searching.” You sit up straighter in an attempt to expand your lungs. “I just need to take a breath.”
Stiles kept looking towards you just as much as he was looking in the surrounding forests. “How close are you and Scott?”
“Not very,” you say, “I’ve met him a couple times with his mom. Our parents are closer than we are.”
“And you’ve lived here most of your life and yet I’ve never met you before.”
You smile, trying to anchor yourself in your surroundings. It was another attempt to control your heart rate.
The smell of Stiles’ jacket. The rough road beneath the tires. The stale, cold air of the jeep. The sound of Stiles’ investigative voice.
“I don’t get out much.”
He laughed, “Then why the sudden change?”
“I felt like it.”
“Woman of many words,” he smirked, “You said you knew Derek Hale lied to Allison. What do you know about the guy?”
You sigh, “Just a little about his past with the house fire. My mom was a part of the dispatch call that handled the case.”
“Wait, did you just say a dispatch call?” Stiles jumped in his seat, “As in, your mom is a police officer?”
“No,” you laugh at his quick movements, “She works at the front desk helping transfer calls between civilians and officers. She hasn’t been on the active force in many years.”
Stiles had a comical scrunch on his face as he thought for a few seconds, “Your mom is Angela Westbrook? Front desk Westbrook?”
You nod, a strange furrow in your brow, “And you know her because?”
“Because my dad is the town sheriff!”
“You’re a Stilinski?”
Stiles had a shock of energy zip through him, “Yes, a Stilinski! I can’t believe our parents work together.”
“Your dad has been to my house a few times,” you say, amazed at the connections. “I wonder why he never mentioned me.”
“I guess I knew Mrs. Westbrook had a daughter, I just didn’t realize we were the same age.”
The hours ticked by as the pair of you searched the woods by the road. You both thought you’d seen some flashlights and decided to avoid them. Stiles came up with the idea to search by foot away from the woods for a mile or so.
“Are you sure that’s a good idea?”
“Yeah, I’ve got a spare flashlight in the back,” he unbuckled his seatbelt.
You sit straighter, “I mean, wasn’t there a dead body found out there earlier this week?”
“The police are handling it.” He steps out of the car to grab his flashlight.
You stay where you are, uncomfortable with the idea of standing up when your heart rate was so close to an attack. You were lightheaded enough that the rush of standing would not bode well.
Stiles came around the other side with an exaggerated expression on his face as he opened your car door. “Forgotten how to use the handle?”
“No, I’m just…” you tug on the jacket sleeves. “I’m a little lightheaded to be honest.”
“What do you mean?” his face fell into concern immediately, “Is something wrong?”
You smile shakily, “Not at all,” you lie through your teeth. “Just be prepared to catch me if I fall.”
Stiles seemed to take that with the most seriousness as he backed up and held out a hand, “I got you.”
You struggle to breathe as you clamber out of the vehicle. You hold tightly to Stiles’ outstretched hand and wait for the inevitable feeling of the blood rushing to your legs. Your head felt empty, and stars started to twinkle in front of your eyes.
Stiles held onto your hand and put an arm around your shoulders as you swayed, “Woah, you weren’t kidding. You alright?”
After a few seconds leaning into him, squeezing his fingers with light pressure, your breaths started to come easier. Your head became clearer.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Thanks.” You let go of him, checking your watch to see that your heart rate decreased to an acceptable amount.
Stiles backed away quickly, rubbing his hands awkwardly down his pants. He was hesitant to look at you when he replied, “No problem. Does that happen a lot?”
“Oh, you know…” you start venturing towards the tree line, “People get head rushes when they sit too long all the time.”
“Right,” Stiles said faintly, jogging to catch up to you. He clicked on the flashlight and aimed it towards the trees. It was dark and misty and cold. The pair of you kept hearing rustlings between the tree roots and bumping into each other.
You could have sworn you heard howls and growls, but it must’ve been the wind.
“Can I ask why you weren’t at the party?”
“You can, but the answer is boring.” You cross your arms, the too long sleeves engulfing your hands. “I don’t go to parties.”
“Because they make me lightheaded,” you say with a smile.
Stiles tried to pick that apart, but smiled, nonetheless. “You know the more I try to get to know you, the more confusing you become.”
“I thought you liked a good mystery.”
“I do,” Stiles confirmed, shining his flashlight up through tree branches, “I don’t like not knowing things.”
“Sorry, I’m a pretty tightly sealed book,” you shrug, “I can be very evasive.”
“And I can be very persuasive,” Stiles mocked, using a silly voice.
You bump into him again, sort of on purpose and less because you tumbled on a stray twig. “You already know plenty about me.”
“Let’s check the list, shall we?” he chuckled, “You were homeschooled. Your mom works at the station. You suffer from frequent lightheadedness. You don’t get out of the house much. And you’re already a part of the pretty girls club.”
“Excuse me?” you laugh, “The pretty girls club?”
Stiles kicked at the leaves, “Yeah, you know Lydia, Allison… you.”
“Stiles Stilinski, did you just call me pretty?”
He comically puffed out his chest, “In a roundabout way, yes I did.”
You chortle, “See you know a lot about me already. We’ve only known each other three days.”
“You’ll find I can be very determined, (Y/N),” Stiles sighed, “I’ll figure you out soon enough.”
They continued their way through the woods until they came back to the car. It did not go unnoticed that Stiles went to help you open the door and climb into the tall vehicle.
The morning light was starting to peek over the horizon by the time they got back to the roads. The pair of them were starting to grow more worried by the minute. It wasn’t a friendly search party anymore.
“I hope he’s okay,” you say quietly.
Stiles looked your way before resting his hand against the stick shift between you. “We’ll find him. Or he’ll text me as soon as he gets to a phone.”
You lean towards the dashboard, “I guess we’ll find him first.”
Walking along the side of the road, pants covered in dirt and his shirt missing, was Scott. He looked ruffled.
“What happened to him?” Stiles murmured as he pulled over.
“What happened to his shirt?” you say just as quietly. Stiles shot you a look as you strip yourself of his suit jacket.
Scott came to the door and looked shocked to see you handing over the coat. “(Y/N)?”
“Scott,” you say with a smile, “Get in.”
You scoot over to be in the middle. Stiles immediately yanked his arm away as your thigh got in the way of how he was resting his hand on the stick shift. You rubbed shoulders again as Scott got comfortable.
“Long night?” you ask.
Scott rubs at his eyes, banging his head against the window, “You have no idea.” He suddenly turns to you, pressing into your side, “How is Allison?”
“She’s fine,” you say, “I’m a little more worried about you.”
“You know what actually worries me the most?” he grumbles.
Stiles licks his lips, “If you say Allison, I’m gonna punch you in the head.”
“She probably hates me now,” Scott frowns, turning to you with regretful eyes.
You take pity on him, rubbing his shoulder, “She’s upset with you, but she doesn’t hate you.”
“But you might want to come up with a pretty amazing apology,” Stiles says candidly.
Scott groans, leaning against the headrest. You sit scrunched between them, almost scared to lean into either one. “I hear you were really sick last night. Though I don’t see how that explains your lack of clothing.”
“Night sweats,” Scott mumbles, “When I couldn’t sleep through it at home I decided to take a walk through the woods.”
“That’s a long walk,” you say, “Don’t worry, I’ll put a good word in for you with Allison.”
“Would you?” Scott says, looking at you like you were the answer to all of his prayers. “Could you make sure she knows how sorry I am?”
You pull out your phone to send that update text you promised her. “As long as you apologize in person too, I don’t see why not.”
“You’re an angel, (Y/N), thank you.” He bows his shaggy head to your shoulder before pouting against the headrest again.
“Could you drop me off a few blocks from my house? My parents think I’m sleeping over at Allison’s.”
Stiles nods, “Protective parents?”
“A little,” you smile.
“I’ll add that to the list,” he smirks. “I’ll have to open a full case file on you now.”
“That’ll be a dead end.”
Scott opens his eyes to peer at the pair of you, “Sounds like you two had as long of a night as I have.”
You yawn, “Stilinski here is trying to play high school detective. He’s on a role trying to figure out my criminal past.”
“Criminal you say,” Stiles drums his fingers against the steering wheel. “That’ll mean I need a corkboard and some red thread too.”
“What have you found out so far?” Scott muses, somewhat enjoying the change of subject.
“Not much.” Then Stiles points a finger at his best friend, “But you’ve known her longer than me – fess up. What do you know?”
Scott holds back a smile, “Did you figure out her mom works at your dads station?” After a swift nod he continues, “And that her dad is a firefighter?”
“Really?” Stiles says dramatically, “Any siblings?”
“Only child,” Scott continues, rubbing the tired from his eyes, “And she loves to read. Every time I saw her, she was always reading something.”
Stiles had a look of triumph on his face, as if it were a breakthrough in the case, “What book you reading right now?”
“Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.” You point the directions to your street, “I’m at the end when Lupin turns into a werewolf.”
“A what?” Scott says, shooting forward.
The friendly banter between you and Stiles suddenly shifts into surprise, “A werewolf. Haven’t you seen the movies?”
“Right,” he swallows hard, “It’s been a while.”
Stiles licks his lips again, “It’s ironic because last night was the full moon.”
“Oh, was it?” you hum, “That’s funny.”
You sleep off most of the weekend, having a lecture from your parents about the heart rate spike on Friday. You told them a night of rom coms and silly boy stories with Allison got you excited – that it was all fun and games.
You didn’t tell them you almost fainted because of it.
The next week was more enjoyable than the last. You excelled in your classes and spent your lunch periods reading in the library – you were already halfway through Sense and Sensibility for your midterm report.
Chemistry, History, and English were your favorite, most likely because your new friends were in those classes. Scott had become infatuated with Allison, especially after she had given him a second chance. Lydia was scheming something over her boyfriend being the captain of the lacrosse team. And Stiles was quickly becoming your highlight of each day.
He’d sit beside you during class and ask a personal question. “At least one a day,” he wagered, “I can ask at least one a day and get an answer.”
“As long as I reserve rights to refuse to answer any question.”
“I’m going to add those refusals to your case file.”
You’d roll your eyes, “Whatever you say, Stilinski.”
You were proud of the fact you hadn’t had another heart rate scare since the week before, meaning your body was adapting to the new stressful environment at school. That didn’t stop Stiles from insinuating you were going to have a lightheaded moment whenever you rose from your seat.
You never noticed how he prepared himself to grab you whenever you’d been sitting too long.
Chemistry had come around later in the week, you having arrived early to prepare the days experiment. Goggles adorning your face, you lit the Bunsen burner and tightened a flask of a chemical liquid above it.
Stiles skid over, sliding on his sneakers, “Hey, partner.” He threw his bag down and took the goggles you hand to him. He snaps them onto his face with a sharp, “ow.”
“I’ve started filling out the notes,” you say, observing how the liquid was starting to bubble with heat. “Why are you late?”
“I’m not late, you’re just early.” He sits on the stool beside you, resting his crossed arms on the tabletop. “Where were you at lunch today?”
You put a thermometer in the liquid, waiting for the right temperature, “In the library.”
“Is that where you always eat lunch?”
“You can’t eat food in the library, Stilinski.”
Stiles rubs at his nose fidgetily, “Scott and I were looking for you today.”
You pause, warmth filling your chest as you pour granules into the bubbling vial. “Sorry, I was reading for my book report.”
“(Y/N), book reports aren’t due for weeks.”
“Might as well get it done so we don’t have to worry about it,” you hum, writing down observations about the chemical reaction.
Stiles slumps a little, “Well, we missed you.”
“Scott just wants to gossip about what Allison thinks of him.”
“And what’s my excuse?”
You turn off the burner and remove the vial with tongs, “You’re trying to question me to continue your investigation.”
He sighs out a smile, “You’re right, of course. I haven’t asked you my question of the day yet.”
“I suppose I have no choice but to answer one,” you sigh with a smile on your face. “What do you have for me today?”
He was playing with his fingers when he asks, “Why do you spend lunch in the library rather than in the lunchroom with everyone else?”
You think about your answer carefully as you put away your supplies and let the vial cool down. “I don’t like being around a lot of people.”
“Why?” he presses.
You grab his goggles and snap them against his face, “Because it makes me lightheaded.”
He yelps and sways on his stool, “I’m beginning to think ‘lightheaded’ is code for something else.” He yanks the goggles from his face, and you snort at the deep lines they left around his eyes.
“Hey, there’s a science project that we need partners for,” you say as a way to change the subject. “Do you want to do it together?”
“(Y/N), we don’t have to do that project until the end of the semester.” He smiles at your antics of avoiding his questioning.
You shrug, “I like getting things done.”
He takes a deep breath, “Alright, at least I know I won’t fail the class if you’re helping me with the final project.”
After class the pair of you separate for final period, you heading to a different floor and running into someone at the bottom of the staircase. Someone tall and dark with light eyes.
That someone you recognize as Derek Hale.
You freeze on the last few steps, holding onto your backpack and feeling your heart beat unevenly again.
“You’re Derek.”
His face was cool and solemn, “What do you know about Scott McCall?”
“Why should I tell you?” Your arms erupt in goosebumps.
He steps closer, “Because I’m trying to help him. He needs to get it through his skull that I am not the enemy here. I need your influence in this.”
You hold back a scoff, fear overtaking that, “What business do you have with helping Scott?”
“Do you not know?” his eyes suddenly darken, “I thought you were one of his friends.”
“I am his friend,” you reply, “And I know people are suspicious of you.” A seed of doubt creeps up your spine, “I don’t like that a shady adult is creeping around the halls of a high school looking to make connections with students.”
He growls, actually growls much to your surprise. “I need you to tell Scott that I am here to help. I am innocent in whatever he thinks I’ve done.”
“What does he think you’ve done?” you ask quickly as Derek backs off.
“I can hear your uneven heart,” he says, turning around, “You should calm yourself.”
You put a hand to your chest, mouth agape at his retreating form. How the hell can he hear your heartbeat? A thrum of fear ripples through you as you run for your last class. You check the monitor on your watch until your heart rate was controlled before entering.
You didn’t see any of your friends until the next day. You were reading in the library over lunch again, finishing Sense and Sensibility and planning your report. You keep getting distracted by the whole situation with Derek and Scott.
What had the adult meant by befriending Scott? Why were you approached? What secret does Scott have that you didn’t know about?
You squeal as someone launches themselves over the library couch and sits beside you. Your cushion bounces as your heart leapt.
“Stiles!” you cry, “Don’t startle me like that!”
He nudges your shoulder, “Sorry, we were looking for you.”
Scott came around and sat on the arm of the couch, “It’s lunch.”
“Yes,” you say, “And I’m working on stuff in the library like I do every day.”
“No,” Stiles says, closing your book and stealing your pencil, “You’re going to join us for lunch today.”
You fight to get the pencil back, “I think I’ll just finish my report here.”
“(Y/N), there aren’t that many people in the lunchroom,” Scott says quietly, “And you’ll have us there.”
You stare Stiles down, “Did you tell Scott about my thing with lots of people?”
He shrugs sheepishly, “Come on, let’s go.” He waits as you stand, picking up your backpack for you. Scott led the way, nervous by how he wrung his hands.
“Has Allison talked about me lately?”
You shove his arm, “Scott, I can’t tell you everything we say during girl talk.”
“Girl talk?” Scott says in a panic, “I didn’t know about girl talk.”
“Yes, it’s where we drop all our juiciest secrets,” you snicker, “Including our thoughts on certain cute boys.” Scott points at himself, eyebrows raised, making you laugh. “Yes, Allison has been saying good things about you.”
Stiles matches your stride, “What about me?”
You look at him with a wide smile before leaning into Scott with another laugh.
“What? I’m a cute boy,” Stiles says, flabbergasted. “Aren’t I?”
They walk into the lunchroom that was still full of students. You spot Allison and Lydia sitting at the popular lacrosse table. Stiles, your backpack still on his shoulder, nudges you to one of the front tables.
Sitting down, Scott kept peering over at the back of Allison’s head. “See it’s not so bad in here, (Y/N).”
The patter of your heart would say differently, but you sit next to Stiles, nonetheless, pulling out your book report.
“I did mean to come talk to you guys about something that happened yesterday.” The boys lean in, eager for any strange story. “Derek Hale came to talk to me.”
Stiles slips out of his chair and crashes to the ground; Scott was stunned, “Derek Hale? Where?”
“On my way to my last class yesterday. He was waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs.”
Stiles crawls back onto his chair, winded, “He was inside the school? What did he want?”
You shrug, twiddling your pencil, “He wanted me to convince Scott that he was a friend. He said he was innocent, whatever that means.”
The boys share a look. You start outlining your report, “And I don’t know why but I think I believe him.”
“No, (Y/N), listen…” Stiles pulls on your shoulder so you would face him. “You cannot trust that guy. Whatever you do, do not be alone with him again, got it?”
“I don’t get it, why?”
Stiles licks his lips, urgent in the way he looks at you, “You need to trust me on this. If he tries to talk to you again, call me.”
“I would if I had your number,” you laugh. The boys pull out their phones immediately to exchange numbers. You snort at their seriousness, “If you wanted my number that bad you could’ve just asked instead of coming up with this elaborate Derek Hale story.”
“We’re not making it up,” Scott says, “That guy is dangerous.”
At the end of the week you were busy with your shift at the hospital. You had just finished checking on Jackson Whittemore who had a dislocated shoulder, and you were logging notes into the computer at the nurses station.
You were just updating a patient file when a hand slams onto the counter. You jump, clutching your chest.
“Jesus Christ, Stiles!”
Stiles was shocked at seeing you there, “Do you work here?”
“Yes, and for the love of god please announce your presence like every other normal human being and stop scaring the ever living daylights out of me!” It was a good thing they were in a hospital because your heart was about to give out.
“Sorry, sorry,” he says with wide eyes. He rubs at his face, hiding a smile, “This is how you know Scott’s mom so well.”
“Yeah, add it to my case file,” you wave a hand, fixing your scrub top, “Why are you here?”
His eyes linger at something on your chest, making him stutter, “Um… Scott and I were uh… coming to check up on Jackson.”
“That’s right, you’re all on the lacrosse team. I heard it was Scott that knocked Jackson’s shoulder out of place.”
“That would be correct,” Stiles laughs nervously, scratching at the back of his head. “Is he alright?”
You smirk, nodding towards the end of the hallway, “See for yourself.”
Lydia had come to pick Jackson up, and the pair of them were currently making out in the middle of the hall. You turn away, slightly nauseous, but Stiles keeps observing like he’s never seen a kiss before.
“She’s never been subtle,” you grimace.
His mind seemingly elsewhere, Stiles fumbles for something to occupy himself with as he waits. He picks up a pamphlet on the menstrual cycle.
“Where is Scott?”
Stiles was stuck on a diagram of the uterus, “Hm?”
“Scott,” you say again, staring at the pamphlet cover, “I thought you said you were both looking for Jackson.”
“He went to find his mom first.”
You squint your eyes, “Melissa’s shift ended two hours ago.”
“Could you explain to me the function of the fallopian tubes?”
You snatch the pamphlet away from him, “What are you two hiding?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Stiles says nervously, “Don’t you have other patients to see or something?”
“First Derek Hale is telling me that Scott is keeping a secret and then you’re here covering for Scott while he snoops…”
“Who said anything about snooping?”
You stand from your chair, leaning towards the counter and Stiles, “Listen, I’m glad we’re finally friends. I like you guys. But I won’t be lied to forever. I deserve better than that.”
Stiles feels his chest collapse a little, sinking in on himself. “I could say the same thing about you. You’re always keeping things to yourself and giving vague answers to my questions. What do you have to hide, hm?”
A pang of hurt hit your chest, “Stiles, I’ve never lied to you about anything. If I don’t want to answer a question outright because it’s too personal, I tell you so. I’ve never hid something from you deliberately by lying to you.”
Stiles bit his tongue, folding his arms defensively.
You let the hurt show on your face, “I think you and Scott have been lying to me for a long time. About the party that Scott ran out on. About why you checked up on Allison last week. About your trust issues with Derek Hale. About what you and Scott are doing in the hospital right now…”
The will to argue was gone in Stiles, he just looks defeated as he watches the hurt fill your face. “It’s been for your own protection.”
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” you whisper angrily.
Scott suddenly appears by the counter, out of breath. “Hey…” he saw your face, “Oh, hey what’s up?”
“Find what you were looking for?” you ask sourly before returning to your keyboard.
Scott shares a look with Stiles before muttering, “Yeah, uh… Jackson’s alright.”
“He left a few minutes ago.”
Stiles turns around to see that Lydia and Jackson really had left. He tugs on Scott’s arm and gave an imploring look towards you.
“I promise we’ll explain everything eventually.”
You keep looking at your computer screen, ignoring the words. Stiles flickers his eyes to what he noticed on your chest, just along the edge of your scrubs. Scott knits his brow as he listens to what was unmistakably the uneven pounding of your rising heart rate.
Stiles led the way to the elevators, cursing himself and smashing the downward button.
“What was that about?” Scott whispers.
“(Y/N)’s mad at me,” he rubs at his eyes harshly, “Mad at us. She knows we’re hiding stuff from her.”
“For her own good.”
“Yeah, but she sees it as us lying to her. I don’t blame her for being upset. We’ve been pretty crappy friends keeping her at arm’s length.”
Scott frowns, walking into the elevator, “You forget that keeping her in the dark keeps her safe.”
“Well, not anymore with Derek roping her into it.” He leans against the wall, holding tight to the railing. “Did you notice the scar on her chest?”
“No,” Scott says, “But I did notice her heartbeat. It was all over the place. She must’ve been really upset.”
Stiles takes a deep breath, “Did you find anything in the morgue?”
The next evening you drove with your mother back to the hospital. You were still aching with the argument you had with Stiles. You knew something was going on between him and Scott, but you still didn’t know what.
Your mother sensed your mood and said in a cheery voice, “We made an arrest today about that woods murder.”
“Did you?” you say in a quiet tone.
“Yeah, Derek Hale. He’s been back in town for a couple weeks. I guess there was evidence on his burnt property.”
You close your eyes, thinking back to the warning about Hale. “Good thing you got him.”
“And then I got a strange call on dispatch today from the Sheriff’s son.”
“Stiles?” you say.
She hums, “He’s one strange kid.”
“Does he call dispatch often?”
“He’s not allowed to anymore, but he did call today about a dog sighting.”
You shake your head, “You’re right, he can be real strange.”
“Are you sure you can’t make the big game tonight?” your mother asks. “Everyone is going, even the Sheriff.”
“I can’t. I’m helping on Melissa’s floor since she took it off to see the game.”
“That’s right,” she replies, “Shame. I’m sure your friends would’ve liked to see you in the stands.”
You turn in your seat, staring your mother down, “I thought you’d object to me watching a heart racing game surrounded by loud, rowdy people, standing in the frigid cold air.”
She shrugs, “You’ve been proving yourself capable of handling your heart rate, even when it’s the spur of the moment.”
A sudden warmth creeps up your chest. Your mother was starting to trust you despite the illnesses. It was just enough of a mood shift to prompt you to text Scott and Stiles good luck at the game.
The shift was long and grueling; you were exhausted by the end of it. Another medical assistant drove you home late, no doubt long after the lacrosse game was over. You made a mental note to commend Melissa for handling such a difficult floor of the hospital.
Your mom had been called away because of a case update and your father was on an overnight shift at the firehouse again. You were quick to shower the nights worth of patient grime off your body and throw your scrubs right into the washer.
You were just applying lotion in your pajamas when something hit the glass of your window. Startled, you stood from your bed and waited for it to happen again.
A small pebble flew through the air and pings against your window.
Peering through the glass, you saw a disheveled, sweatshirt-wearing Stiles holding a handful of your garden rocks. He waves at you shyly as you struggle to slide the window open.
“What are you doing?”
Stiles holds up his hands, “Seeing if you were awake.”
“And you couldn’t think to text?” you say incredulously, “Put those rocks back.”
He threw his handful of rocks on your mothers tulips, “My phone died like an hour ago.”
You stood there, leaning on your windowsill, regarding him with a soft expression. He looks tired and scared, eyes looking up and imploring as he stuffs his hands in his pockets.
“Then what’s up?” you ask.
He swallows hard, the cold air making his breath come out in icy clouds. “I wanted to talk… about what you said yesterday.”
“How did you know where I live? You dropped me off at the end of the street, remember?”
“Well, yeah,” he chuckles, “And I just watched you walk to this house.” He scratches the back of his head, “Or maybe I looked up your mom on my dad’s computer and found her employee records.”
You nod your head slowly, “That sounds about right.”
“Can I… Can I come up?”
You bite at your lips, hair still wet from the shower. “Sure.”
It was like letting a dog off a leash. Stiles frantically jumps to the garden trellis growing on the front of your house. He struggles past the vines and up the wooden ladder, ignoring your calls of disapproval. He was huffing and puffing by the time he made it to the roof and next to your window.
“Stiles,” you say in your gentle voice, “My parents aren’t home. You could’ve come through the front door.”
His mouth was dry from panting in the cold night air, “Right, but that wouldn’t have been as impressive.”
You watch his fumbling figure fall from the window and onto your carpeted floor, “Yeah, that was real impressive, Stilinski.”
There was only a side table lamp on, lighting the bedroom in a soft peachy glow. You went to sit cross-legged on your bed, patting the covers in front of you for Stiles to sit.
He fixes his shirt, taking your offer before looking you in the eye. “(Y/N), I wanted to say that I was sorry.”
You look towards your hands, playing with the edge of your comfy pajama shirt. You could smell the fruity scent of your lotion still on your fingers.
“I didn’t realize our covering up was so obvious to you. We just wanted to protect you, but I guess it does seem like we betrayed your trust.” He keeps his eyes on you, waiting for you to look at him again, “When I got your good luck text I thought maybe there was still a chance you weren’t super angry with me.”
“Just a little,” you say quietly, giving him a soft smile.
“I wanted to tell you some things that we’ve been hiding from you,” he holds his hands up, “As a peace offering.”
You shake your head, “How generous of you.”
“The body that was found in the woods… Scott and I found it. Us visiting the hospital? That was Scott and I trying to find evidence on the partial body. Derek Hale? He had been seen on the property where we found the other half of the body. He was also in the woods with the first half. We were suspicious of him, and he was basically stalking us because of it.”
You listen carefully, your heartbeat was loud in your ears. “And when he came to talk to me?”
“That terrified us. We thought he was a murderer, and he was talking to you… alone.”
“You thought? My mom told me he was arrested today for the murder.”
Stiles rubs at his face with a tired hand, “Not anymore. The coroner’s said the cause of death was from an animal attack. And the victim was Laura Hale – Derek’s sister.”
“Must be nice having your dad be the sheriff,” you smile. “So Derek’s innocent like he told me he was.”
“I still don’t trust him. He’s not telling us everything. And since we’ve gotten him thrown in jail, my guess is he’s not very happy with us.”
You nod, your head clearer than it was at the beginning of the week.
“Is that everything you’ve been hiding?”
Stiles licks his lips, a nervous habit you’re realizing. “Do you remember when you said you don’t lie, you’re just honest about not sharing the whole truth?” At your nod he continues, “There is one more thing, but it’s not fully my thing to tell. We want to tell you, but it’s not exactly safe at the moment.”
You take the cryptic words and stew with them for a while. “Apology accepted.”
He let out a deep breath, “Thank goodness. Scott would have never forgiven me if we lost our one connection to the pretty girls club.”
You punch his shoulder and laugh, “The one thing I’m good for… gossip from the girls.”
Stiles rubs his shoulder, “That’s not why we want you around.” He clears his throat at your sudden undivided attention, “What I mean is… you’ve been a good friend, and we like you.”
“You and Scott,” you smile.
“Yeah, me and Scott.”
“Scott and I,” you correct, brushing the wet hair from your face, “How was the game?”
Stiles sat more relaxed on your bed, “It was great, we won. And there weren’t any injuries like Jackson’s.”
“Good,” you smile, “And Scott had a pretty victorious after party, so I’ve heard.”
“Allison texted you?” Stiles questions.
You shrug, “Of course. She said you were watching like a little pervert.”
Stiles chokes on his gasp, “I am not…” 
“You were watching Lydia and Jackson too. There’s a trend I’m noticing,” you tease.
He shoves your crossed knee, relishing in your laugh, “Very funny.” He eyes the neckline of your pajama top, searching for the edge of the scar he noticed yesterday. “Can I ask you my one personal question of the day?”
“Fine,” you sigh, “Ask away.”
“Where did you get that scar?” he nods towards your chest.
You immediately clam up, covering the spot protectively. “I got it over the summer.”
Stiles raises his eyebrows, egging you on, “How?”
“I had a surgery.” You watch the concern begin to etch into Stiles’ face. “I don’t like talking about it.”
He bit the inside of his cheek, blinking rapidly as he tries to compute the information, “But you’re okay now. The surgery helped you be… healthy?”
“For the most part,” you say quietly, “The surgery did help me be healthier.” You could already see the cogs turning in his mind. He was going to head home and research what surgeries would leave scars like that on the side of the chest.
His eyes wander your room for a minute before landing on your nightstand. There were three different sized prescription pill bottles resting there. He returns his gaze to you, but didn’t ask further questions, “So I was thinking… how about I give you rides to school from now on.”
You let out an anxious smile, grateful he didn’t press you about your health problems. “Honestly, that would be great.”
“Good,” he seems pleased with himself, “And in return for gas money, you come to our lacrosse games.”
You outstretch a hand, “Deal.”
Stiles takes your hand to shake and instantly blurts, “You smell really good.”
You laugh, “I did just shower.”
He awkwardly lets go of your hand, standing from the bed, “No, you always smell good.”
“Thanks Stilinski.”
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okay-j-hannah · 1 year
Who do you think is the most wholesome character You've ever written?
Hello darling,
The most wholesome character I've ever written? Oh boy
If we're thinking about the most cinnamon roll, heart eyes, rosy cheeked, cheesiest grin, warmest hugs, and sweetest 'I love yous' ... my first thought is Samwise Gamgee.
At the end of the day I know I'd marry a Samwise.
Other characters that come to mind are the Eleventh Doctor, Steven Grant, Remus Lupin, and Faramir.
They're all just my sweet, puppy-dog boys that are loyal beyond belief and I know would treat your love with such care 😭
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Lord of the Rings Masterlist
Doctor Who Masterlist
Marauders Era Masterlist
Fav Steven Grant Fic
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104 notes · View notes
okay-j-hannah · 3 months
I miss you so much 🥺
Aw 😭 I'm crying
I miss being on here too. Writing has been one of my greatest joys. I've let my busy bee life convince me I don't have time to write anymore.
I've made a goal to try and write a little more just for fun.
I hope you have a wonderful weekend 😘
11 notes · View notes
okay-j-hannah · 1 year
Okay so I am literally obsessed with the damien x reader fics, and I absolutely am obsessed with y/n being flirty and making dirty jokes. But for this request what If damien gets fed up and flirts back sending y/n down a flustered spiral with literally everyone watching thank you so much!!! xoxo
Hey there!
If you check my character list or taglist you'll see that I've removed the Smosh fandom.
I've officially stopped writing for Smosh characters for a while now. I'll link some posts I've made about not writing for them anymore here.
I'm sorry about the request! I wish you a great rest of your day 😊
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54 notes · View notes
okay-j-hannah · 1 year
Hii hannah! I'm bout three months late because i had exams going on, well, I still have exams going on but I decided to not procrastinate and just write this.
Thank you so so much for writing my tenth doctor and rory requests. you don't know how much it means that you took time out of your life to write my requests. when I first started watching Doctor who, barely a season in, i stumbled upon your blog and read your dying girl story, i didn't even know anything properly bout doctor's character or other companions but your fic though! it captured doctor's character so well! It was in May I read it and started watching the show and I now always connect that time with doctor who and you and your fics haha. 
 I got so obsessed that I made this dying girl reader universe in my head with headcanons and stuff and started associating songs to the reader and fic ; i know they are like kinda popular cliche songs but snowman by sia and never be the same by camila cabelo really reminds me of the amy and rorys wedding scene with reader and doctor dancing (was it real or I made that up in my head?) and memory of reader practising mind reading thing and seeing memories of Doctor and she's like who's this beautiful person in his memories and doctor is like that's you love <3 moonlight serenade, spring waltz, we'll meet again, moon river, across the universe are some other songs I associate with them,, you didn't even ask for playlist but here I'm sharing it just because lmao 
and then you wrote my ten request and added it dying girl universe, when I tell you actually started screaming from excitement when I saw it! I really wasn't expecting it, i was so so happy! And Idk why but I just feel so honoured that my request was added into the "official" dying girl universe masterlist! and the rory fic too, it was so sweet! you wrote it exactly as what I had in my mind when I sent you request, tysm for that! 
Ngl I always checked your page once in a while when you were on break because I just looked forward to your writing so much and in January, around my birthday, found out you were active again and posted my requests and gotta say, best birthday gift even if it technically wasn't lol. I wonder if you've finished twelve's episodes, you mentioned how it is hard to "let go" of a doctor and I completely agree,  I finishesed twelfth doctors episodes in December and God was it hard to say goodbye to him, I know I can rewatch but it won't be like first time :'( you know, the "i love my current doctor so much" feeling?
I've started thirteen but it doesn't feel the same, especially without murray gold's music and well, moffat and rtd. so glad that rtd is coming back for new seasons though!
Oh and have you read love is a choice fic on tumblr? it's a mostly eleven but also kinda thirteen x reader multiple parts series and tbh, one of the only fic that made me laugh and cry like dying girl series did. if you haven't i hope you check it out, it's a great read!
Kinda unrelated but can I just say ty to that person who sent you ask related to will turner, i recently watched one of the potc movie for the first time because i thought the will turner guy looked cute from the ask and now ive fallen down a rabbit hole lol I finished your will turner fics and now im searching up tumblr for more will turner x reader, it seems he's my new hyperfixation 😭 anyways ty again to that person and you ofc for the fics, and this is not a official request(it could be ig) but I hope you write second part to the merchant/pirate will fic!
And I've sent you two requests this time too, hope you'll like them enough to write it! I know I've said it lot in this single ask but Again thank you so much for everything and it's great to have you back on here and I hope you enjoyed your break, remember to take them again if you need to <333
My darling, my dearest, my love, you're making my heart so so happy!
I love that you took off with the Dying Girl universe because honestly that's what it became for me while I was writing it. It became so big I knew I could write so much about what happens in between the parts, and your request fit perfectly there.
Thank you for the playlist 😂 it does kind of bring the characters more to life when you associate them with things like songs. And you definitely didn't make up the wedding dancing scene, that happened in Part 6: The Lost Shoes!
I totally understand finding yourself fully immersed in a story, even if it is fanfiction. When that happens to me I just write and post it on here 😅 That's happened with the Dying Girl and the episodic series I started for the Eleventh Doctor and the Samwise Gamgee series and this Mandalorian one I'm starting.
My brain is hardwired to come up with these random tangents to canon stories, and they end up becoming these elaborate fanfictions.
I'm so glad you liked your requested fics! I had a lot of fun writing them. The Domestic fic was so fun to get back into the Dying Girl universe. I wouldn't mind writing more about their in between adventures. Happy belated birthday!
I have not finished twelves episodes - I'm still on his last season. Just like I wrote on our last conversation, I'm terrified of how sad I'll feel when he leaves because ten and eleven were real heartbreakers. I agree, I love him, and I'm so excited you requested something for him.
And I'm also so stoked for the new seasons with RTD and the 60th specials with ✨David Tennant✨ I'll have to finish twelve and thirteen before that comes out at the end of this year.
I haven't read "Love is a Choice" but I immediately looked it up and added it to my likes, so perhaps it'll be the fanfics I read when I try to sleep tonight lol
And I'm sorry... you hadn't seen any of the Pirates of the Caribbean!? I've been watching those movies since I was like seven! It's such a great fandom and Jack Sparrow is such a mood and Will Turner is such a dreamboat.
I'm almost honored that my blog prompted you to watch such an excellent franchise. I also hyperfixate on new characters and fandoms I love. I do have one request in my inbox for Will Turner and I've gotten multiple messages to write a part 2 for A Merchant Sailor, so perhaps when I finish this batch of requests I'll add it to the list.
So do expect more Will Turner fics to come 😘
I love that we have this little pen pal relationship where we just write each other letters 😂 It's honestly really good to hear from you, mysterious anon. I'm happy to have you as a reader and fandom friend.
Thank you for reaching out! I definitely love your requests! It'll just take me a while to get to all of them with my busy schedule, but I will write them in due course.
Have a lovely night and a good morning!
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Prologue: The Dying Girl
Part 1: The Sun God
Part 2: The Tonic 
Part 3: The Ending Song
Domestic: The Doctor returns to spend a few ‘human’ days with you {Set during Part 3}
Part 4: The Dream 
Part 5: The Regeneration
Part 6: The Lost Shoes
Epilogue: The Vanishing Act
Finale: All Of Time And Space
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A Merchant Sailor: Pretending to be a merchant, you befriend Will Turner as you keep your pirating a secret, until your brother forces you to reveal the truth
Blacksmith’s Hands: While visiting Tortuga, you find yourself injured and in the capable hands of a shy Will Turner
Lovey Dovey: Jack has never been overjoyed at the thought of you and your boyfriend - especially when you’re kissing on his ship
Sea Salt: On a mission to get you back, more might happen between you two than expected
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okay-j-hannah · 3 months
Did you delete your writing list, darling?
In an effort to revamp myself into another writing phase, I've cleaned out my drafts and writing list - just the things that I haven't found inspiration for.
I'm rewriting my writing list to contain drafts that I know I still have inspiration for. I'm preparing works for a 2k celebration.
Life is busy but I still want to write 😂
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okay-j-hannah · 9 months
It has happened!
We have officially reached:
Thank you all so much for supporting my writing and helping me build this small community that I am so proud of.
I know I’ve been MIA but I do still periodically come on here and write some stuff in my drafts. I couldn’t tell you when I’ll post again, I just wanted to announce how happy I am this blog is still growing.
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okay-j-hannah · 1 year
I miss you! Even you don't write I like to have you around 🥺🥺🥺
My dear, bless you.
I am such a busy body I haven't found adequate time to sit and write. But you're right, I do love simply interacting with readers.
I am partially at fault, between work and school I've been sucked down the wormhole that is the Pedro Pascal fanbase. My nights have been consumed with The Mandalorian, The Last of Us, Narcos, and just about every movie I can get my hands on that stars the wonderful man.
I've been itching to write more for his characters 😅
Your message warms my heart 💙 and I wish you the sweetest of dreams and sunniest of days.
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okay-j-hannah · 1 year
Hi, Hannah! Do you know the series Jekyll and Hyde of 2015 with Tom Bateman? I love it so much but no one knows it or write about it 🥺 It's like Moon Knight, Doctor Who and Stranger Things all in one 😂 If you wanna take a look I just found it here.
No, I've never heard of it, but I started watching it on Peacock at your suggestion!
I've never seen anything with Tom Bateman but let me just say the man has the floofiest hair I've ever seen. And he does a fantastic job jumping between Jekyll and Hyde.
I am getting such strong Doctor Who vibes 😂 I'm on episode 3 and honestly am enjoying it. I wouldn't mind writing something on it if you had a request!
Thanks for the suggestion! And I wish you a lovely rest of your day 🥰
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okay-j-hannah · 4 months
hi hannah!! i absolutely love the episodic series youve got for eleven! im not sure if its still in progress or on hold or whatever i just wanted to say how absolutely brilliant it is! its so clever and fun to read! the chapters inspired by shows i like are so interesting like seeing your take on them, and the chapters inspired by shows i dont watch are just as fun to read! btw making the doctor hotch actually shocked me like it hit me how serious he took the readers spanish flu death cuz i thought he was a shoe in for reid! absolutely genius!!
hey there!
I'm so glad you're liking the episodic series with the eleventh doctor. That was definitely a random series that was inspired by an episode of Supernatural 😂
As of right now it's on hold. I had plans to end it on episode 6, which has a theme of Grey's Anatomy. But I've sort of disappeared from writing on here, though I do check my activity nearly every day.
You're absolutely right, Eleven would be a Reid character for sure, but with him having an Oncoming Storm moment he for sure turns into a Hotch character.
I'm glad the episodes have been fun to read, they've been just as much fun to write. Thank you for reaching out and chatting with me about it!
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okay-j-hannah · 5 months
💌💖🌷💖 SENDING THIS TO OTHER BLOGGERS YOU THINK ARE WONDERFUL! I think you're precious and I hope you can be very happy, cause this hellsite wouldn't be the same without you! You're so important here! I hope you know you made my everyday much better! Thank you for what you've done! 💌💖🌷💖
And can you please tag me in all fandoms and all characters imagines?
Thank you, dearest 💜 this is so very kind of you to send in. I'm delighted to be a dear part of this hellsite and I wouldn't have it any other way.
I'm not the most consistent writer, but every time I come on here I am surprised by the lovely words of our reading family. I wish you a blessed and wonderful day.
I've added you to the taglist for everything, please let me know if you'd like to change anything else.
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okay-j-hannah · 5 months
helloo, i found your His Only and His One fic on wattpad and quotev a few days ago and absolutely loved it! i was wondering if you'd be open to continuing it any time soon?
Oh girl that takes me back.
I started writing those years and years ago in like junior high 😂 As of right now I have no intention of continuing it, although I do still have my notes on how I would write the next few chapters.
It was an old passion project and now that I'm older, I've sort of moved on from the content. I'll never say never, but currently I'm not going to finish it.
It cracks me up that that story is the only thing I've put on Wattpad and Quotev. I'm a Tumblr user for sure.
Thanks for reaching out and asking! Maybe I'll reread it for old time's sake 💙
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okay-j-hannah · 1 year
Hi!! Can i join your tag list for Harry Potter, Marvel, Criminal Minds, & Stranger Things?
Of course! I just added you to the tag list. I've been having some trouble with tagging some blogs, and if it doesn't work then I'll just direct message the posts I make.
Welcome to the reading family! Have a lovely rest of your day 💙
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okay-j-hannah · 1 year
Hi I just wrote down a whole request just to notice you dont write for theon greyjoy, but you said to ask you if there is a character not on the list so here i am 🙈 would you write for him or should i switch it up with a different character? TIA 💜
Hey! Thanks for asking!
I haven't watched all of Game of Thrones so I probably haven't gotten a full scope on the cast of characters. I'd be willing to do some research on Theon and watch the show. 
While being inactive I’ve been watching the series and am almost done with it! It’s really so good. And man, I feel for Theon so hard 😭 his storyline is so messed up it was almost hard to watch. I just want to take care of him now 😂
I wouldn't mind if you sent the request 😊 I'll take a shot at it!
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okay-j-hannah · 1 year
Hi you've been inactive for a week and I was just wondering what you were doing you dont have to answer I was just curious.
Yes, by now I've been inactive for months 😅 The only explanation I have is that I'm incredibly busy and writing on Tumblr is something I only do on the side when I have time. 
Right before going inactive I had been getting a lot of bots or rude askers targeting me with false accusations. It was really discouraging thinking people believed me to be malicious on this platform. 
All I ever wanted to do here was write comforting fanfic. 
That doesn’t mean I’ve completely stopped writing. I’ve written over a dozen fics while inactive - finishing series, completing requests, and writing things simply because I wanted to. I just love to write! 
That being said, I would also like to thank those few blogs that tagged me and interacted with me while I was away. Though I didn’t post, I still checked back in periodically and seeing those heartwarming tags really made my day. 
Check out my Writing List to see what is queued to be posted in the coming weeks. 
Thanks for reaching out, it's okay to be curious. Have a nice day 😊
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