#anon ask okay j hannah
okay-j-hannah · 1 year
Who do you think is the most wholesome character You've ever written?
Hello darling,
The most wholesome character I've ever written? Oh boy
If we're thinking about the most cinnamon roll, heart eyes, rosy cheeked, cheesiest grin, warmest hugs, and sweetest 'I love yous' ... my first thought is Samwise Gamgee.
At the end of the day I know I'd marry a Samwise.
Other characters that come to mind are the Eleventh Doctor, Steven Grant, Remus Lupin, and Faramir.
They're all just my sweet, puppy-dog boys that are loyal beyond belief and I know would treat your love with such care 😭
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Lord of the Rings Masterlist
Doctor Who Masterlist
Marauders Era Masterlist
Fav Steven Grant Fic
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selina-meyer · 2 years
okay so here’s the j/h stuff ya’ll have been asking about. disclaimer beforehand because some people are weird about this stuff: if you don’t believe what’s said in the post, you don’t have to interact, you don’t have to interact if you don’t like it, you don’t have to attack me for putting it all in one place because people kept asking about it and people on twitter were being gatekeepy about it. i am quite literally just the messenger. anyway, it’s under a read more and UNTAGGED and does not mention them by full name for a r e a s o n.
with that being said
last week hannah’s bd deleted his facebook profile picture that was a photo of them and changed it to just his little facebook avatar. this is only relevant because people will be like ‘isn’t she with her ex again’. changing the profile picture is one thing, because people in this fandom have proven time and time again to be fucking weird and have a lack of boundaries, but deleting it? that’s a whole different conversation.
so what we know for a fact is that jason got into LA saturday night and Hannah got in late Sunday morning, early afternoon. we also know that they were the only people in the cast aside from juno staying at a specific hotel while everybody else (sarah, brett, jeremy, and all of the boys) stayed at a completely different one. we know this becuse hannah got ready at this hotel last year and her glam squad posted photos of her outside of it as she was getting ready to leave, we know jason was also staying there because people met him as he was leaving and he signed + took pics with them.
anyway, apparently when hannah got to the hotel on sunday, jason was having brunch (im assuming with the guys who were already there) and he left brunch and went back to the hotel, what for? who knows. it’s just funny that he went back there after knowing that she had gotten there.
now, we all watched that weird little moment between them at the emmys when they won comedy series, i don’t know what the fuck that was about, but it obvs had to be a mix of them thinking they were going to lose to abbott elementary and that being awkward as hell vs whatever the hell else was going on there.
obviously we saw the photos of them leaving arm-in-arm after the ceremony, which is just really funny considering the weird moment earlier where it looked like they didn’t know how to interact with one another.
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why he lookin at her like dat?
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so they left, did post show press and then went to the after parties, where apparently they were together all night to the point that they left together around 2am, when everyone else allegedly stayed out until 4-5am sans for juno who might’ve gone back around the same time since she and her bf were staying at the hotel. then on tuesday night someone saw them having dinner alone just the two of them lol
and that’s what ya’ll missed in the ted lasso fandom.
im leaving anon off for the next few days because i don’t want to get interrogated about this considering like i said, im just compiling it all for everyone who asked about it since most this was shared on circles on twitter. lmao k bye
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heytherejulietx · 2 years
jealous - eleventh doctor
↳ requested by anon for the kiss drabble game;
a kiss out of envy or jealousy
↳ content warnings - jealousy, the doctor sulking lol
↳ 834 word count
↳ masterlists
@fabulouspotatosister @magnet-girl @emilydianapotter @alexxavicry @simplymurdock @okay-j-hannah @dieg0brandos-wife @wereallbrokenangels @neev-moony @auth0r @underratedhotties @demigirl-with-problems @impossible-ozzie join my tag list
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He was annoyed, she could tell. Though she couldn’t tell what he was annoyed about, exactly. It had been his idea to go the bar in the first place. He didn’t like alcohol, but in his words “It’s the biggest bar in the universe, Y/N! Plus they put those tiny umbrellas in your drink!“ But not even the tiny red umbrella in his orange juice seemed to cheer him up.
Y/N rolled her eyes as she sipped from her glass of cider. She couldn’t see why he was acting so childish. She hadn’t done anything, she was sure of it. He had been all smiles when they came in, but ever since they had been served he had gone all grumbly and quiet and “I do not look like a sulking toddler, thank you very much.“
“Your friend seems quite bored,” The bartender (who looked quite like a human, aside from the purple skin). He had been chatting to her ever since they got their drinks, and he was really nice. It amazed her sometimes how she spoke to aliens. She had amazing conversations with people from the stars. “If i we’re in your company, I would never be bored.”
She giggled in quiet entertainment, and sipped on the last of her drink. He had been complimenting her since she got there, and even though she was dating The Doctor, it didn’t hurt to enjoy compliments from someone right? “Oh stop it, you’re too kind.” She smiled fondly.
“It’s just the truth, pretty lady, if I were in his place-“
Y/N heard a choking noise beside her, and when she turned to look at The Doctor he forcefully swallowed the last of his juice before he stood. He was glaring, at what she didn’t know, and his hand encircled around the top of her arm as he placed his glass down on the counter a little too loudly.
“Right, better be off, planets to save people to meet, you know how it is,” She had just swallowed the last of her drink before he tugged her out of her seat too. “Thanks for the drinks, see you around.”
Y/N barely had time to wave goodbye at the bartender before she was led out of the bar. It was dark outside, and she could barely see the glow of the TARDIS lights down the street.
“Doctor, what’s wrong?” He had finally let go of her arm, and she frowned as she followed after him. His steps were twice as big as hers, and for once he wasn’t slowing down to match her pace. “You’ve been weird all evening.”
“Have I? My bad.” He didn’t sound sorry at all, and she frowned as she rushed after him.
“Come on, Doctor, won’t you tell me what’s wrong? You’re the one who wanted to come here, I thought-“
She had been watching her feet so she didn’t trip over on the uneven floor as she followed behind him, so she hadn’t seen him turn around. Though she felt as his hands cupped her face and tilted her head to look at him, and she didn’t have time to ask before he had pulled her closer and pressed their lips together.
The Doctor usually got quite flustered around anything particularly intimate, unlike his previous regeneration. Whilst he was clingy in the respect of cuddles and soft kisses, it was rare that he kissed her like that; strong and passionate and almost needy. His hands stayed on her cheeks as they kissed, and they didn’t move when he pulled away enough to look at her.
“What was that?” Her cheeks were flushed red as she stared up at him, and she felt her heart beating wildly in her chest.
“What? I can't kiss you?” The Doctor scoffed, and she playfully smacked his arm.
“No, you can,” She huffed. “It’s just the lat time you kissed me like that was when Jack wouldn’t stop flirting with me and you got…” She trailed off with an entertained smirk as she looked up at him. “Oh my god, you’re jealous.”
The Doctor jutted out his chin in refusal. “Am not. I never get jealous. Jealousy just isn’t… it isn’t.” He huffed, stumped, and she laughed as she shook her head.
“You are! You’re so jealous!” She giggled.
He had moved his hands from her cheeks at that point, and scowled in his adorably annoying way as he ran a hand through his hair. “Alright fine, but you’re the one who was laughing at Mr. I’m-so-charming-look-at-me all night.”
Y/N giggled again, and rolled her eyes as she leaned up to kiss his cheek. “Honey you don’t need to be jealous, he was just being nice. And you were sulking.”
He shot her a look, though didn’t protest. “Fine,” He huffed in defeat. He held her face as he kissed her again, softer than before, and pulled back to look at her. “Let’s go get another drink. Somewhere else.”
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chaosbisexual · 7 years
Hey there nonnie!! idk why, bc tbh i’m p boring, but thank you! i’ve already answered a handful of these so i’ll just do the rest!! thank you!!
1: How tall or short do you wish you were? i mean i’m 5″2 so i wish i was taller,,,, like maybe just 5″6 or so??? just a bit taller???
2: Do you have a favorite clothing style? i LOVE dresses okay i’m that girl,, but i love dresses that come in at the waist bc i’m curvy so i like the waist,, and like high waisted shorts and jeans and skirts w shorter tops??? mm i LOVE. but i’m also comfortable with like big jumpers and stuff too so…
3: Do you like makeup? if so, What’s your daily makeup routine look like? Yes! I love makeup! i’m not very good at it but i find makeup v calming and usually when i’m upset the process of putting youtube or music on and doin my makeup is so theraputic,,, i usually do pencil eyeliner, eyebrows, concealer, mascara and eyeshadow if i have time (not in that order) but i honestly love eyeshadow pallets sm 
4: What three things/people do you think of most each day: things bc i’m boring; tea, blankets and friends. 
7: What is your Greek personality type? [Sanguine, Phlegmatic, Choleric, or Melancholic] : I love personality quizzes and i literally just took this and i’m melancholic?? which i agree w a lot actually (look it up if you want to know more lol)
9: who’s your favorite celebrity? hmm currently dodie clark (she counts ok) emma watson, adelaide kane, or matty healy,,, hmmm,,,,,,
10: who’s your favorite viner? i dont really watch vines but i think thomas sanders and lizzza are hilarious so,,,,
11: favorite youtubers? i kinda answered this before but dodie, lucy moon, jack and dean (anyone in that circle) dan and phil, carrie hope fletcher. 
12: cat or dogs? i dont like this bc i love them both but when it comes to mutual love,,,, dogs (but my cat has LOVED me recently idk whats happening)
14: If you had to change your name, what would you change it to? i honestly don’t know,,, i LOVE the name lyra but i feel like i’d want to name my child that,,, but idk i also like laurel, lily, estelle,,,,
16: Would you rather be nocturnal or diurnal [opposite of nocturnal]? i feel most productive at night, and i love night, but i feel like people diurnal is more the norm and when i’d actually be able to get stuff done,, so that
17: Any phobias or fears? bein alone, being unproductive, unhappiness,, i don;t think i have any phobias but i am quite an anxious bean
18: Favorite movie? hmmmm 10 things i hate about you, any hp film, the narnia films,,, r+j,,,, there’s so m a n y 
19: Do you get scared easily? short answer: yes,,, long answer: Y Y E E S S 
21: What is a color that calms you? blue, like pale blue, green (bc being outside makes me feel calm) and like mauve bc it reminds me of my mum 
23: Where were you born? melbourne buddy
24: Introvert or extrovert? ambivert,,,, but i think i’m closer to extrovert 
25: Do you believe in horoscopes and zodiacs? YES I’M SUCH A TAURUS
 26: Hugs or kisses? i mean i’ve never kissed anyone so i’d have to say hugs
28: Talk about your crush, if you have one! idk where to begin w this omg,,,,
29: A sound you really love? RAIN. RAIN.  R A I N. and my friends talking, that makes me feel good too. 
30: Can you do the splits? nOPE 
31: Favorite actor and/or actress? emma watson, thomas brodie-sangster, asa butterfield, tatiana maslany, dev patel,,, ugh so many people
33: How are you feeling right now?  i mean ??? neutral??? like i’m not happy but i’m not sad?? fine??? 
34: What color would you like your hair to be right now?  i mean i used to want to be ginger but then i realized i would look crap but tonight at a dinner i was called a ranga (my hair is v light brown) and now i’m conflicted,, but like i kinda want darker hair rn 
35: Something that calms you down? dodie clark, my friends, tea, long walks.
36: Have any disorders? no but i might have anxiety??? 37: What does your URL mean? combo of my fave characters, clara oswald from doctor who and james and lily potter from hp,,, not even sorry 
38: What makes you unfollow a blog? inactive, rude or a person i just don’t want to be associated with anymore (this only happened once when i had a falling out w someone irl)
39: What makes you follow a blog? nice username or aesthetic, or i find you on my dash somehow. i follow a lot of people but it’s nice there’s variety. 
40: Favorite kind of person: one who understands me and listens to me but is also completely at ease w who they are and is willing to be open with me.
41: Name three of your favorite blogs. @alicelongbottom, @hpwritersnet (i’m part of this but we’re great) and @acestephendene ,, ily all sm and your blogs are all AMAZING,
42: What is your MBTI personality type? INFJ!!!! and it fits me really well tbh.
43: What outfit out of all your clothes do you like to wear the most? currently my maxi dress or my jeans :)
44: Post a selfie or two? lol i don’t currently have any up put i have a pic of ME if that counts. everything will be under the tag “my face”
45: Do you like to swim? YES
46: Is swimming or ice skating more fun to you? swimming, i can’t skate for shit lol
47: Something you wish didn’t exist: tr*mp
48: Some thing you wish did exist: MONEY TREES AND TIME MACHINES
49: Piercings you have? just my ears
50: Something you really enjoy doing: reading and writing and walking. sometimes all at once oml 
51: Favorite person to talk to: hmm maybe either my two closest friends or my sister?? 
52: What was your first impression of Tumblr? *actual recreation* “plants, plants, plants, i guess they’re pretty,,,, wAIT IS THAT HARRY POTTER”
53: How many followers do you have? nearly 0.5 k :))))))))))))) (do you guys want me to do something to celebrate?? i’m so excited??)
54: Can you run a mile within ten minutes? probably not omg 
56: What are your birthstones? emerald,, thats the only one i know oops 
58: Someone you look up to: my sister (both literally and metaphorically)
59: A store you love? in australia we have this stationary store called typo,,, and it’s my favourite place on earth. and like any type of bookstore, vintage, or like anything. just books. 
60: Favorite type of shoes? boots,,, heeled boots,,,
61: Where do you live? australia m8
62: What color do you wish the sky was? i wish it always looked like it does when its dusk tbh 
63: Favorite thing about a person: their eyes, their passions, their hopes.
64: Something you love about Tumblr: all the kind people who send me asks and messages :)66: On a scale of 1-10, how attractive would you say you are? ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm,,,,,,, idk maybe a 4 or 5? and on a good day, a 6-6.5? which is kind of ironic when you think about the fact that i idolise my sister,,, who looks like me,,,,
67: What nicknames do you have/have had? lexi, ali, alexy-indre, munchkin, smol bitch, peanut, smol cabbage, and most recently, the good ole “al”
68: Did you have any pretend or imaginary friends? when i was v little, but i think i stole them all from story books so,,,,
69: Have you ever seen a therapist/shrink? i have seen a counselor, and i probably go back actually,,,70: How many languages do you speak fluently? just english,,, but i am trying to learn french.71: Name three people you would like to talk to right now in person. mum, my sister, and hannah (@acestephendene)
72: Do you like BuzzFeed? i mean ??? yes ??? i know they’re problematic and all but yes i like the content,, espec unsolved its my fave. 
73: How many people are you following? i’m such a mess i think last time there was around 3,000??? i should probably maintenance that omg 
74: How many posts/likes/ and or drafts do you have on your blog? 14,168 posts, 31,092 likes, and 2 drafts (again, i’m a mess)
phew that was long!! hope ur not asleep anon, thank you so much xx
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okay-j-hannah · 1 year
Okay so I am literally obsessed with the damien x reader fics, and I absolutely am obsessed with y/n being flirty and making dirty jokes. But for this request what If damien gets fed up and flirts back sending y/n down a flustered spiral with literally everyone watching thank you so much!!! xoxo
Hey there!
If you check my character list or taglist you'll see that I've removed the Smosh fandom.
I've officially stopped writing for Smosh characters for a while now. I'll link some posts I've made about not writing for them anymore here.
I'm sorry about the request! I wish you a great rest of your day 😊
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okay-j-hannah · 1 year
Hii hannah! I'm bout three months late because i had exams going on, well, I still have exams going on but I decided to not procrastinate and just write this.
Thank you so so much for writing my tenth doctor and rory requests. you don't know how much it means that you took time out of your life to write my requests. when I first started watching Doctor who, barely a season in, i stumbled upon your blog and read your dying girl story, i didn't even know anything properly bout doctor's character or other companions but your fic though! it captured doctor's character so well! It was in May I read it and started watching the show and I now always connect that time with doctor who and you and your fics haha. 
 I got so obsessed that I made this dying girl reader universe in my head with headcanons and stuff and started associating songs to the reader and fic ; i know they are like kinda popular cliche songs but snowman by sia and never be the same by camila cabelo really reminds me of the amy and rorys wedding scene with reader and doctor dancing (was it real or I made that up in my head?) and memory of reader practising mind reading thing and seeing memories of Doctor and she's like who's this beautiful person in his memories and doctor is like that's you love <3 moonlight serenade, spring waltz, we'll meet again, moon river, across the universe are some other songs I associate with them,, you didn't even ask for playlist but here I'm sharing it just because lmao 
and then you wrote my ten request and added it dying girl universe, when I tell you actually started screaming from excitement when I saw it! I really wasn't expecting it, i was so so happy! And Idk why but I just feel so honoured that my request was added into the "official" dying girl universe masterlist! and the rory fic too, it was so sweet! you wrote it exactly as what I had in my mind when I sent you request, tysm for that! 
Ngl I always checked your page once in a while when you were on break because I just looked forward to your writing so much and in January, around my birthday, found out you were active again and posted my requests and gotta say, best birthday gift even if it technically wasn't lol. I wonder if you've finished twelve's episodes, you mentioned how it is hard to "let go" of a doctor and I completely agree,  I finishesed twelfth doctors episodes in December and God was it hard to say goodbye to him, I know I can rewatch but it won't be like first time :'( you know, the "i love my current doctor so much" feeling?
I've started thirteen but it doesn't feel the same, especially without murray gold's music and well, moffat and rtd. so glad that rtd is coming back for new seasons though!
Oh and have you read love is a choice fic on tumblr? it's a mostly eleven but also kinda thirteen x reader multiple parts series and tbh, one of the only fic that made me laugh and cry like dying girl series did. if you haven't i hope you check it out, it's a great read!
Kinda unrelated but can I just say ty to that person who sent you ask related to will turner, i recently watched one of the potc movie for the first time because i thought the will turner guy looked cute from the ask and now ive fallen down a rabbit hole lol I finished your will turner fics and now im searching up tumblr for more will turner x reader, it seems he's my new hyperfixation 😭 anyways ty again to that person and you ofc for the fics, and this is not a official request(it could be ig) but I hope you write second part to the merchant/pirate will fic!
And I've sent you two requests this time too, hope you'll like them enough to write it! I know I've said it lot in this single ask but Again thank you so much for everything and it's great to have you back on here and I hope you enjoyed your break, remember to take them again if you need to <333
My darling, my dearest, my love, you're making my heart so so happy!
I love that you took off with the Dying Girl universe because honestly that's what it became for me while I was writing it. It became so big I knew I could write so much about what happens in between the parts, and your request fit perfectly there.
Thank you for the playlist 😂 it does kind of bring the characters more to life when you associate them with things like songs. And you definitely didn't make up the wedding dancing scene, that happened in Part 6: The Lost Shoes!
I totally understand finding yourself fully immersed in a story, even if it is fanfiction. When that happens to me I just write and post it on here 😅 That's happened with the Dying Girl and the episodic series I started for the Eleventh Doctor and the Samwise Gamgee series and this Mandalorian one I'm starting.
My brain is hardwired to come up with these random tangents to canon stories, and they end up becoming these elaborate fanfictions.
I'm so glad you liked your requested fics! I had a lot of fun writing them. The Domestic fic was so fun to get back into the Dying Girl universe. I wouldn't mind writing more about their in between adventures. Happy belated birthday!
I have not finished twelves episodes - I'm still on his last season. Just like I wrote on our last conversation, I'm terrified of how sad I'll feel when he leaves because ten and eleven were real heartbreakers. I agree, I love him, and I'm so excited you requested something for him.
And I'm also so stoked for the new seasons with RTD and the 60th specials with ✨David Tennant✨ I'll have to finish twelve and thirteen before that comes out at the end of this year.
I haven't read "Love is a Choice" but I immediately looked it up and added it to my likes, so perhaps it'll be the fanfics I read when I try to sleep tonight lol
And I'm sorry... you hadn't seen any of the Pirates of the Caribbean!? I've been watching those movies since I was like seven! It's such a great fandom and Jack Sparrow is such a mood and Will Turner is such a dreamboat.
I'm almost honored that my blog prompted you to watch such an excellent franchise. I also hyperfixate on new characters and fandoms I love. I do have one request in my inbox for Will Turner and I've gotten multiple messages to write a part 2 for A Merchant Sailor, so perhaps when I finish this batch of requests I'll add it to the list.
So do expect more Will Turner fics to come 😘
I love that we have this little pen pal relationship where we just write each other letters 😂 It's honestly really good to hear from you, mysterious anon. I'm happy to have you as a reader and fandom friend.
Thank you for reaching out! I definitely love your requests! It'll just take me a while to get to all of them with my busy schedule, but I will write them in due course.
Have a lovely night and a good morning!
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Prologue: The Dying Girl
Part 1: The Sun God
Part 2: The Tonic 
Part 3: The Ending Song
Domestic: The Doctor returns to spend a few ‘human’ days with you {Set during Part 3}
Part 4: The Dream 
Part 5: The Regeneration
Part 6: The Lost Shoes
Epilogue: The Vanishing Act
Finale: All Of Time And Space
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A Merchant Sailor: Pretending to be a merchant, you befriend Will Turner as you keep your pirating a secret, until your brother forces you to reveal the truth
Blacksmith’s Hands: While visiting Tortuga, you find yourself injured and in the capable hands of a shy Will Turner
Lovey Dovey: Jack has never been overjoyed at the thought of you and your boyfriend - especially when you’re kissing on his ship
Sea Salt: On a mission to get you back, more might happen between you two than expected
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okay-j-hannah · 3 months
Did you delete your writing list, darling?
In an effort to revamp myself into another writing phase, I've cleaned out my drafts and writing list - just the things that I haven't found inspiration for.
I'm rewriting my writing list to contain drafts that I know I still have inspiration for. I'm preparing works for a 2k celebration.
Life is busy but I still want to write 😂
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okay-j-hannah · 1 year
I miss you! Even you don't write I like to have you around 🥺🥺🥺
My dear, bless you.
I am such a busy body I haven't found adequate time to sit and write. But you're right, I do love simply interacting with readers.
I am partially at fault, between work and school I've been sucked down the wormhole that is the Pedro Pascal fanbase. My nights have been consumed with The Mandalorian, The Last of Us, Narcos, and just about every movie I can get my hands on that stars the wonderful man.
I've been itching to write more for his characters 😅
Your message warms my heart 💙 and I wish you the sweetest of dreams and sunniest of days.
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okay-j-hannah · 1 year
Hi, Hannah! Do you know the series Jekyll and Hyde of 2015 with Tom Bateman? I love it so much but no one knows it or write about it 🥺 It's like Moon Knight, Doctor Who and Stranger Things all in one 😂 If you wanna take a look I just found it here.
No, I've never heard of it, but I started watching it on Peacock at your suggestion!
I've never seen anything with Tom Bateman but let me just say the man has the floofiest hair I've ever seen. And he does a fantastic job jumping between Jekyll and Hyde.
I am getting such strong Doctor Who vibes 😂 I'm on episode 3 and honestly am enjoying it. I wouldn't mind writing something on it if you had a request!
Thanks for the suggestion! And I wish you a lovely rest of your day 🥰
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okay-j-hannah · 4 months
hi hannah!! i absolutely love the episodic series youve got for eleven! im not sure if its still in progress or on hold or whatever i just wanted to say how absolutely brilliant it is! its so clever and fun to read! the chapters inspired by shows i like are so interesting like seeing your take on them, and the chapters inspired by shows i dont watch are just as fun to read! btw making the doctor hotch actually shocked me like it hit me how serious he took the readers spanish flu death cuz i thought he was a shoe in for reid! absolutely genius!!
hey there!
I'm so glad you're liking the episodic series with the eleventh doctor. That was definitely a random series that was inspired by an episode of Supernatural 😂
As of right now it's on hold. I had plans to end it on episode 6, which has a theme of Grey's Anatomy. But I've sort of disappeared from writing on here, though I do check my activity nearly every day.
You're absolutely right, Eleven would be a Reid character for sure, but with him having an Oncoming Storm moment he for sure turns into a Hotch character.
I'm glad the episodes have been fun to read, they've been just as much fun to write. Thank you for reaching out and chatting with me about it!
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okay-j-hannah · 5 months
helloo, i found your His Only and His One fic on wattpad and quotev a few days ago and absolutely loved it! i was wondering if you'd be open to continuing it any time soon?
Oh girl that takes me back.
I started writing those years and years ago in like junior high 😂 As of right now I have no intention of continuing it, although I do still have my notes on how I would write the next few chapters.
It was an old passion project and now that I'm older, I've sort of moved on from the content. I'll never say never, but currently I'm not going to finish it.
It cracks me up that that story is the only thing I've put on Wattpad and Quotev. I'm a Tumblr user for sure.
Thanks for reaching out and asking! Maybe I'll reread it for old time's sake 💙
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okay-j-hannah · 1 year
I'm excited about the ending of the sam x reader multishot hope you can come up with an amazing ending.
How long did the whole multishot take you to write??
I'm excited too! If I'm honest I've had ideas cooking up forever, but it took the kind help of a requester to bring the story alive.
Writing giant pieces like these always takes me forever but it's because I want to do them justice. If you look at the first part, I posted it almost a year ago in March, so safe to say it's taken me a while, especially with my break.
Each part, if I write a little a day, might take me a week to finish. I have maybe two more parts in the works but I can't promise when they'll be done.
I can promise that one will be ✨angsty✨ and the other 🍬fluffy🍬
Thanks for reaching out! Have a wonderful rest of your day 🥰
Part 1: The Forester
Part 2: The Herbalist
Part 3: The Heroine
Part 4: The Griever
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okay-j-hannah · 1 year
Hi I just wrote down a whole request just to notice you dont write for theon greyjoy, but you said to ask you if there is a character not on the list so here i am 🙈 would you write for him or should i switch it up with a different character? TIA 💜
Hey! Thanks for asking!
I haven't watched all of Game of Thrones so I probably haven't gotten a full scope on the cast of characters. I'd be willing to do some research on Theon and watch the show. 
While being inactive I’ve been watching the series and am almost done with it! It’s really so good. And man, I feel for Theon so hard 😭 his storyline is so messed up it was almost hard to watch. I just want to take care of him now 😂
I wouldn't mind if you sent the request 😊 I'll take a shot at it!
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okay-j-hannah · 1 year
Hi you've been inactive for a week and I was just wondering what you were doing you dont have to answer I was just curious.
Yes, by now I've been inactive for months 😅 The only explanation I have is that I'm incredibly busy and writing on Tumblr is something I only do on the side when I have time. 
Right before going inactive I had been getting a lot of bots or rude askers targeting me with false accusations. It was really discouraging thinking people believed me to be malicious on this platform. 
All I ever wanted to do here was write comforting fanfic. 
That doesn’t mean I’ve completely stopped writing. I’ve written over a dozen fics while inactive - finishing series, completing requests, and writing things simply because I wanted to. I just love to write! 
That being said, I would also like to thank those few blogs that tagged me and interacted with me while I was away. Though I didn’t post, I still checked back in periodically and seeing those heartwarming tags really made my day. 
Check out my Writing List to see what is queued to be posted in the coming weeks. 
Thanks for reaching out, it's okay to be curious. Have a nice day 😊
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okay-j-hannah · 2 years
Hii hannah, I've been reading your work for almost a month now and i just have to say im so glad i found you! ive only joined the doctor who fandom recently and haven't even watched all the seasons yet your fics has made me fallen in love with both ten and eleven! your fics are so damn comforting!! I was typing the ask and realised it was too long so I'm gonna send it in parts if that's alright with you? you wouldn't be able to answer immediately so I'll send it anyways ig lol
Hello my love!
AH! I LOVE Doctor Who. I was also a late comer to the fandom, I only got into it around 2019. It's taken me a long time to get through the entire show because when I watch one Doctor I have a hard time believing the next one will be just as good.
I also go through like an entire grieving period every regeneration. I put off finishing David's seasons for like months because I was so scared of how much I'd cry. That is what's happening with the twelfth doctor right now... I haven't finished his seasons because I'm scared of how sad I'll feel when he leaves.
The jump from ten to eleven was hard for me because I loved David WAY too much. But then I found Matt to be almost more of a comfort Doctor than David 😭
I'm so glad you've found my writing and have found it to be comforting. Of course you can send requests in parts! If you don't mind me answering them over time because I'd rather not spam my feed all in one day 😊
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okay-j-hannah · 1 year
hiii did you watch the new season of stranger things? whats your thoughts about it?:)
Yes, I did watch the new season! I’m a huge horror movie fan and all the spooky themes had me thriving! Overall, I would say it’s a fantastic season, although season 3 might still be my favorite. 
I am going absolutely feral over all the new Steve content. I forgot how much I loved his character - and him still being mama Steve to all the kiddos has me dying. He deserves all the love and support in the world 😭 Not to mention he’s on the lookout for a loving, committed relationship 😍
I was pleasantly surprised by Eddie - I wasn’t sure I’d like him. But after the Chrissy woods scene 🥴 he is the perfect addition. The Nancy, Steve, Robin, and Eddie dynamic is 🔥🔥🔥 I don’t think we will ever recover from his departure. 
I’m also a big fan of the relationship struggles. I was a Nancy and Jonathan supporter in past seasons, but I love how their character development has led them to taking different paths. Of course, it also means that Steve gets the attention 🥰
I kind of struggled with the whole Hopper, Joyce, and Murray storyline. I thought it was incredibly well-acted by David Harbour, but it was hard to see a character I love so much be so different from past seasons. Especially when I was peeing my pants when him and Joyce were going on that date in season 3, but then he had to ✨die✨
But we also got Enzo through that storyline so 🥵
Jonathan being a stoner 👏 Eleven throwing those skates 👏 Lucas caring for Max even after their break up 👏 Suzie being the certified genius 👏 A lake causing Steve to be shirtless 👏 The Hopper and Joyce reunion hug 👏 The twist with Vecna 👏 The Nancy and Robin detective team 👏 Will having more of a storyline outside of the upside-down 👏 The sweet boy from Sweeny Todd being the villain 👏 Caleb, Sadie, and Gaten deserving awards for their performances 👏 
Bottom line - Eddie deserved better. Steve deserves better. Is Max okay?
I am FOR SURE going to be writing some Stranger Things fics now. I am too obsessed with these guys not to. Look out tomorrow for my Stranger Things debut on this blog!
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