#fe kurthnaga
asphodelis · 5 months
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2024 is the year of the dragon 💥💥💥
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kyuhudraws · 3 months
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Nasir for @aptericia and Kurthnaga for Anon o/
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heta-magisch · 6 months
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silvergarnet12 · 2 years
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Some late night doodles.
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screaming--axolotl · 8 months
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My units saying odd things in the castle lobby
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dornishsphinx · 1 year
Almedha disappears from Goldoa upon hearing the news that Soren is leaving the continent for good. Ena, dissuading the new king from going after her a third time, follows her to the Crimean shore. (An exploration of Ena’s relationships with Rajaion and the Goldoan royal family before and through the games.)
Happy (Late) @nagamas, @yzderia! I hope you enjoy, and thanks for giving me a perfect excuse to splurge some of my feelings on the dragon fam onto a Word doc haha
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dominicsorel · 2 years
FE10 Extended Script: Herons and Dragons
Found it VERY interesting only in the extended script they gave us examples of what’s discussed below because...hmmmmm...this kinda sounds like pretty juicy bits of lore, right?
Radiant Dawn P3C14E - Extended
Ike: “Have you heard anything from Prince Kurthnaga yet?”
Ena: “Yes, I just received a message…”
Ike: “Don’t tell me…No luck, right?”
Ena: “It is far worse than that. Prince Kurthnaga has decided to fight for Daein.” (Lehran has now successfully tricked each Dragon royal sibling into sticking around Daein- consciously or not)
Ike: “What?! Why? He was supposed to stop them from fighting! And now he wants to fight us instead?! Oh great, what are the dragons of Goldoa thinking?!”
Ena: “These turn of events…are not what my country wish for. It is Prince Kurth’s own wish to fight. King Dheginsea knows nothing of this visit…And of course, Prince Kurth has a good reason to side with Daein, but…I’m afraid I cannot tell you why.”
Ike: “Wonderful….”
Ena: “I will try to reason with Prince Kurth again. For a prince of the dragon tribe to stand on a battlefield…It is unacceptable. I must talk him out of it.” (Uh oh x2)
Ike: “…Wait, are you talking to him with that stone?”
Ena: “Yes. We dragons have the power to sense the presence of our own kind. In particular, if we share blood ties with someone…or care for them very much, we can know their condition…as well as understand their thoughts, even across extreme distances.”
Ike: “When Nasir felt your presence at Crimea…and when Reyson could sense Leanne’s presence, it was because of this ability?”
Ena: “That’s right. The heron clan…possess that same ability. With the sending stone, we can increase the natural strength of this ability, so that no matter how far apart we are, we can communicate using telepathy.”
Ike: “That’s one impressive stone.” (Right? Grab some before leaving.)
Kurthnaga: “My body feels like it’s on fire…I can hardly breathe! So, this is what war feels like…No, please, don’t come near me…I don’t want to hurt anyone!”
Ike: “Prince Kurthnaga!”
Kurthnaga: “It’s so hot… I’m burning up! My body, it’s on fire!”
Ike: “Can you hear me? I guess not. Kurth, what’s happening to you?”
Kurthnaga: “I don’t want to fight…I…I don’t want to take any more lives…”
Kurthnaga: “Don’t come near me! I can barely…I don’t want to do this! Get away!” (All this is distinctly Kurthnaga trying to CONTROL himself, if you ask me. I think if Herons are of Order then Dragons are of Chaos. That would explain...so much...lmao)
Ah, the pieces are coming together. Kurthnaga on the battlefield in this chapter is a COMPLETE mess...the energies of battle prove to be too much for him. He secludes himself in a tent afterwards but still isn’t able to knock himself out of it until Ike gets him to open up rather than repress...cough...cough cough...
Now check out this conversation between Micaiah and Soren which takes place in the exact chapter before the explanation about similarities in Herons and Dragons. And it’s easily missable if you don’t save a Purge Tome to attack Soren from afar.
Soren: “That last battle, in the valley. Was that your strategy?”
Micaiah: “...”
Soren: “That was impressive. You killed thousands of beorc soldiers with your little ambush. Well done.” (ADF:KFLADSKFL:ASDFKDS)
Micaiah: “I...”
Soren: “The Maiden of Dawn...What are you? One of the Branded, that's for sure. But there is something else about you...Power. Yes, I can feel it in you. You possess great power.”
Micaiah: “Yes, and you would know. There's something very different about you, too. Your energy feels so...ancient. You and I seem to have so much in common.”
Soren: “That doesn't matter in the slightest. The only thing that does matter is that you are a dangerous adversary. You are also in Ike's path, so it falls to me to remove you. It's almost a shame. Farewell, Maiden of Dawn.”
Micaiah: “So, you fight for someone, as well. So very much alike...But I will defeat you. I will protect the ones I love!
Very curious what similarities- as well as differences as one is more closer to Order and the other Chaos- between the two tribes might mean for Soren, personally. We know what powers Micaiah has and we know what powers the Heron clan has. The issue would be figuring out how this translates over to the Dragon tribe. We’ve seen Soren sense things other people can’t but...it makes you wonder what sense(s) he’s using, y’know? We know he has incredible spatial awareness to the point he literally starts doing recon by himself because he knows the job will be done best by him and no one else. But what else is possible with what we’re given? IDK have fun with this information.
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aurantia-ignis · 5 months
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MY VERY BIG DRAGONS PROJECT. @vellatra asked for an AU in which everything worked out better for the Goldoans and they live a happy life, so I jumped at the chance to draw some of my favourite characters. I realised that the Goldoans clothing are very loosely inspired by manchurian clothes, with a mix of the POR/RD Euro-fantasy style, and a lot of capes. And as it turns out, Soren's magewear already looks very similar to that ;D (KITA SENRI DID YOU PLAN THIS. I'M READY TO BELIEVE THAT YOU DID) so I just added gold trimming and a more obvious side collar. Ena and Rajaion's baby's clothes are inspired by manchu baby photos. I kept parts of Almedha's original design, but gave her the cape that all Goldoan royals have, and eliminated the veil that gave her the whole WEEPING WIDOW look. Architecture based loosely on the meeting ground we see in POR, because we don't get to see anything of Goldoa otherwise. WHICH IS A CRYING SHAME I TELL YOU................!!
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gloamvonhrym · 1 day
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when it’s a modern au so you get to save your wretched sister and her son from her terrible boyfriend
I had too much fun with this one
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we need more gay little dragon boys. I mean gay twinks, like young adult gay dragon boys. we need more characters like kurthnaga
it's like he's been created in a lab to be the gayest little shit ever I can't get over him he's the perfect shy gay twinkle toes twig in the whole franchise (exaggeration)
he's such a perfect twink they had to shaft him by removing story presence and supports in radiant dawn because they couldn't handle his gay it's obvious guys
(wait does m!alear fit into the gay shy dragon twink label)
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azurecritarchive · 8 months
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halloween icons 。 (1/2) self indulgent!
— interact ++ credit to use!
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krismatic · 8 months
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Shared Bounty | FEH Halloween Icons #3
Part 1 • 2 • 3
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fefuckability · 5 months
ROUND 1: Sometimes the dragons come in twink variety vs Not Stefan, but sure does look a lot like him huh
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Feel free to rb/comment with your reasoning!
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5seraphim · 1 year
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kurthnaga icons
requested by @transtrophybf
credit to use!
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silvergarnet12 · 11 months
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Dragons in suits.
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thethiefinwhite · 1 year
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Day Four, Prompt: Imitation
Kurthnaga's attempting to be prim and proper like his big sister!
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