#figure skating translations
shomagravity · 9 months
"First Appearance" || Uno Shoma as a guest in Honda Siblings' YouTube Channel, 01.09.2023
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7jqG1zesxc
T/N: It's pretty long, so you can find it below. Please be aware that there are quite possibly a lot of mistakes as I had trouble hearing them for the most part, and some parts I was not able to hear at all. I apologize for any mistakes / confusion. I have striked out the parts where I'm not 100% certain what was being said.
T/N 2: Marin and Miyu tend to talk about themselves in 3rd person, it's something you can do in Japanese so I kept the same style but it might be confusing if you're not familiar with it.
T/N 3: As it was nearing 4 am by the time I was done, I skipped the final after Miyu's OPOI plug. But I think at that time it's obvious what they're doing. :D
Miyu: So then, Marin-san, today… Marin: Yes. Miyu: After our brother, we have a guest after a long time. Marin: That's right! Miyu: Yes, welcome! Marin: Shoma!
Miyu: Wow! Amazing! Miyu wants to be in the frame too! Marin: Miyu, you can sit here! Shoma: That's right.
Miyu: Marin you sit there. Marin: Okay.
Shoma: Hello. Marin: Introduce yourself! Miyu: No no…Do you need to?? Shoma: Which way? Miyu: Which way??? Marin: What do you mean? Shoma: Skating? Miyu: Oh like your Uno-Tube? Shoma: Like as a skater or as Marin's… Miyu: MARIN'S????
Shoma: Skating then.
Shoma: Hello. I'm Uno Shoma who does skating a little. Marin: Just a little, right? […?…] Shoma: Just a little.
Shoma: You know, my character… It's completely different in front of the camera usually. Marin: What kind of character are you behind the camera? Shoma: I can't speak in front of the cameras. Not at all. Marin: Ah right. Miyu: Huh…Then will you get upset if Miyu is behind the camera? Marin, to Miyu: You should probably stop doing that. Shoma: I get nervous!
Miyu: I collected some questions so I want to ask them the questions. Miyu: "Miyu-chan, do you approve of Shoma-kun?" Miyu: If I didn't approve of him, I wouldn't be filming videos like this, would I, seriously! Huh? Marin: Huh? Shoma: Huh? Miyu: Huh?
Marin: Shomakun often says 'Miyuchan is dark'. Miyu: Ehh Marin: He says things like 'I wonder if she'll dislike it if I speak to her.' Miyu: No no, can I say something? I was happy when though Marin, Shomakun said that he wants to be closer friends with Miyu. When I thought of that, Shomakun kept greeting me every time we meet. Lately, lately I didn't hear from Marin that he talked about Miyu. So I thought maybe he doesn't like me. Marin: So I have to say everything he tells me about Miyu! Miyu: Yeah I want you to report everything to me. Marin: Got it.
Miyu: When I see Shomakun, I get like this, even though in the beginning, in the past, I'd just nod and bow. But lately we're like, "Oh! It's been a while!" Shoma: I can't cut into your conversation, if the two of you are together. Marin: Oh that's right. Also if I go to change costume, she'd definitely come after me. Miyu: But lately--! In the past, I'd just leave without saying anything. But now if Marin leaves, I say "I'll go and help her". Shoma: Yeah. Marin: I've only changed into this sweatshirt from a t-shirt.
Miyu: It's like… […?…] But I don't know how casual I can talk to him. Miyu: If it's Shoma-san, it's the athlete Uno Shoma, and he's greatly my senior. So I'd have to use polite form of speech. But he's my older brother. Marin: What's that Miyu: It's like that, so, I should be like, Shoooma! Marin: You want to call him that? Miyu: It's like, those kind of nice sibling relationship.
Miyu: Like, for an example, when we're all going somewhere, I'm like Shomakuuun, but once we meet at the rink, it's like (bows)…I think that's cool. Marin: That's true. Although normally we're like this, I also think he's an amazing person. Shoma, to Marin: But I don't want you to think of me as an amazing person.
Shoma: I also don't like the polite speech between senpai and kohai. Marin: Ah I see. This part of him is the secret to going to the top, isn't it? Miyu: It's the secret. Marin: Marin's humility is on the ground. It's ground level. Shoma: Your own? Marin: My own evaluation. Shoma: It's because I always end up assuming the worst, so before the competition I'd be like, 'what if this happens', 'what will I do if this happens'. But lately, unlike before, this past year I lost that awful desperation so…I haven't very… No, I don't wanna talk about skating much. Marin: Why? Just let me talk one thing about skating. I watch Shomakun at competitions a lot but… I don't want it to happen and I'm not looking for it but, when you get injured, or when you get sick, or when something hurts, like when you're not in a good shape--- Your performances during those times when you are completely focused are seriously incredible.
Shoma: I get it but… I also think result wise, It's true that it's like that but, for an example, I end up worrying what to do 'if I get injured and just can't do it naturally in the next competition'. I constantly think about that and end up being like this.
Marin: He became like this (points high off the ground). Shoma: No, no, like this. (points lower) Marin: He was like this (low), and now became like this (high). Shoma: Normally (points lower)
Miyu: So then for an example, if you're giving a present to Marin on her birthday, like 'I prepared this', though I don't know, are you also like 'what should I do! If Marin oversleeps today, what should I do tonight?' Do you think negatively like that? Shoma: Ah.. But, if you're surprising someone, it becomes a situation where you have to make the other person happy. And I worry that it'll pressure her. Miyu: Wait, huh???? (You're worried about) the other person? Shoma: So I think about doing something that's harmless. Miyu: Wow that's amazing.
Marin: Miyu is happy with anything so he- Miyu: Yeah yeah I'm happy with just receiving things! Marin: And with Sara, it's always like 'Do you have this already?' Miyu: That's right, that's right! Shoma: I think she's just saying it because she's considerate but she's like, 'Thanks!' Marin: That's also a nice thing about Sara. Shoma: True. That's really nice of her.
Miyu: Please answer this without thinking of it as weird. What do you like about each other? You can answer with anything. Marin: Start with Marin. Miyu: Start with Miyu. Marin: Miyu?? We're including Miyu too?
Shoma: You want me to start? Are you sure? Miyu: No I was just, it's just how you go 'No me! No me! Me! Me!' Marin: No one's doing that. Shoma: We're not doing that. Miyu: Well then, what do you like about Marin? Shoma: There's nothing I can say like 'This is what I like about her'. Because I like everything. Because it's everything about her. It's not about something specific, it isn't one specific thing. For an example, this will be the exact same conversation as before but, for an example if I say "I like Marin's legs." Like how you say you like legs. If I did that, for the other person, there'll be some kind of pressure where they'd have to have those legs. That's what I think. Miyu: Oh oh so if it's like 'I like Marin who wears this outfit' and she'd have to keep wearing that. Shoma: Yeah! It's like outfits or personality, too. Like for me, when I think about it, when I was a kid I was told things like 'This is the good thing about you', I ended up thinking that I'd have to be that way. I don't want to pressure her in that way and also I like everything about her so the answer becomes 'everything' too.
Miyu: I think the YouTube title this time around should be 'Textbook Boyfriend'. It's amazing. So that's how it is. I see.
Marin: Me? Do I have to say 'everything' now?? Shoma: That's why I asked if you wanted me to go first. Marin: Everything? It's not everything! Miyu: I want to hear the reason! Marin: His farts stink! Shoma: I get told a lot. Marin: Can I say that? Shoma: It's totally fine. Marin: Please don't tease him about that ok, everyone? Miyu: If it smelled naturally like roses you'd be like I want to smell it. But I can't say that to Shoma-san. Marin: You wanted to tell him 'I want to smell it' if it smelled like roses?
Miyu: Let's move on. This is a question for Shoma-san. Can you win against the love Marin's siblings have for her? Marin: Oh! Can I say what I like about him? Miyu: Of course! Marin: That reminded me. With Miyu and Sara, he cherishes everyone as much as me. Marin: Well, not that much but it's true.
Shoma: But if I made a comment about it here… For me, that's something that's normal, that it's a given. If I say that, I wonder if it'll come off as if Mabo is making me do it. Marin: In the worst case scenario? Shoma: In the worst case scenario. Marin: 'Will she get flamed for it?' Shoma: Right, right! In the worst case scenario. Marin: Worst case scenario.
Miyu: You know how he calls Marin, Mabo? And Sara is Sabo.. Marin: Sarabo Miyu: Sarabo! Why is it Miyuchan for Miyuchan? Although I'm happy that it's special. Marin: Mibo Miyu: I don't wanna be called Mibo Shoma: I'm still shy. After like two months, together with Marin…After One Piece is over… Miyu: No no, you can't be like 'two months later', everything is over before even a month ends.
Miyu: My dream is to- […?…] I want to expose the cute sides of Marin, and talk to Shomakun about 'something like this happened'. Marin: You're so heavy! Marin: These two are amazing. They'll definitely talk like this, they'll avoid looking at each other. Shoma: I'm being careful! I'm trying to look at her! Miyu: Our eyes meet at the screen of the camera. Marin: Your personalities are really the same.
Miyu: What's a place you two go to often - you don't have to say the place. Shoma&Marin: Ready, set, go--- STARBUCKS Marin: Right? Shoma: Right
Miyu: 'Do they know that the fans call the two of them Shomarin'? Miyu: I called the two of you Shomarin for a really long time. Marin: You did! Miyu: So fans also call you Shomarin. Shoma: I don't really know how we're called or anything. Marin: I do know but, Shoma: Oh, so you do know. Marin: But Miyu was calling us that since a really long time ago. Miyu: Do you have anything else that you want to be called? Marin: Is there? A pair name? Shoma: A pair name? Marin: (Nudges his shoulder to encourage him to answer) Shoma: (Reluctant) I'm not funny or anything.
[ I don't understand this part at all but Shoma says something about being the same as Miyuchan.]
Marin: You two are really alike. How to put it, like your personalities, it's really similar. Miyu: We also both like Marin. Marin, to Miyu: I wonder about that. Is that so? Miyu: I'm happy.
Miyu: What's something you both have in common the most? Shoma: By common point do you mean what we see in ourselves or what others tell about us---See this is how I'll get. Miyu: That's the image we usually have of Shomakun. Marin: […?…] Shoma: Right!
Miyu: Can we look forward to a scene with Vivichan and Luffy? Shoma: At first we're really in different […?…] but in the past […?…] Marin: Right, it's because we're doing something we never did before. Rather than skating as if it's a performance, it was embarrassing to do it at first, right? Shoma: Yeah because none of us did that before. Marin: Saying lines and getting yelled at and such. But Miyu has been doing it a lot. Shoma: It's because my personality is the most different from this character called Luffy. I think everyone worried most about me. Right now I'm not embarrassed at all.
Miyu: As Vivi and Luffy, the two of you were amazing unrelated to who Shomakun and Marin are. I thought that. Marin: Thank you.
Shoma: I feel really sad that these One Piece rehearsals are coming to an end. Miyu: I'm sad. Shoma: Of all my skating past, this has been a top level fun for me. So… Marin: It's ending within a month, right? Let's do our best.
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Grand Prix Final 2023 | Shoma Uno and coach Stéphane Lambiel at the end of Shoma's short program performance
From Shoma's post SP interview [x]: --You also did a fist pump, which is rare. Uno: Stephane gave me a fist pump, so I responded. Stephane was also very depressed after the NHK Trophy. I think he was sad because he saw my daily practice and I performed in the best way possible, but it ended up looking as if it wasn't that way. However, I was really happy that Stephane felt like that, and I am approaching this competition with the hope that I can respond to him with the same kind of performance again from now on. [...] -- Regarding the fist pump, you said it was because coach Lambiel did it, but wasn't it because of your own joy? Uno: It was more like a "whew" feeling than a fist pump. Like, "Well, you did a good job." But I thought it would be nicer for viewers to see a fistpump as an expression of joy. Maybe it will make it easier to write a headline (smiles). I didn't mean to do that, but when it comes to the results, skaters should just be happy. There's no benefit in being too hard on yourself. It would make viewers happier if I smiled even if my performance was bad, or if I was honestly happy if my performance was good, but I don't do that (smiles). [I did it] because I was thinking about how Stephane would feel.
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myjunkisyuzuruhanyu · 2 months
Yuzu excludes return to competition
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Translation by @ axelsandwich (Twt)
And that is totally fine. Why should he come back? He has more freedom in performance than ever! His successes as a pro skater speak for themselves. Also come on with his multiple injuries and age he deserves to step far away from competition. His strong "NONE" is funny though.
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yuzurujenn · 1 month
[2024.05.01] GQ Japan x Yuzuru Hanyu - JUNE ISSUE
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Yuzuru Hanyu’s Challenge
After winning two consecutive Olympic gold medals, Yuzuru Hanyu, who turned professional in 2022, is taking on a new form of expression: an ice show that the produced entirely on his own. The extraordinary figure skater danced in front of the cameras, dressed in items designed by Gucci’s new creative director, Sabato de Sarno.
Photographs by Taro Mizutani Styled by Tetsuro Nagase Hair styled by TAKU VOW-VOW FOR CUTTERS Makeup by COCO SEKIKAWA OFFICE Words by Kosuke Kawakami
The unique path that Yuzuru Hanyu walks After entering the studio and exchanging a few words with photographer Taro Mizutani, Yuzuru Hanyu operated his smartphone as if convinced of something. A gentle piano piece played from the speakers. It was ‘aqua’, a piece composed for his daughter by Ryuichi Sakamoto, who passed away last year. Moving his body flexibly, as if surrendering to the music, the studio had transformed into a beautiful, dignified and tense space that no one could step into.
“When I saw the lighting directly above me, I thought it looked like the sun, like light from heaven. Mr. Mizutani also said, ‘I want you to look up. I want you to look up and think about something’. I thought it feels like a prayer, so I chose ‘aqua’ because it fits the image".
As a figure skater, he was won all sorts of accolades, including two consecutive Olympic titles, two World Championships, and four consecutive Grand Prix Final titles. He has also received the People’s Honor Award. In 2022, he became a professional skater in order to ‘pursue the ideal of Yuzuru Hanyu’. Since then, he has held numerous self-produced ice shows and solo performances at Tokyo Dome, Saitama Super Arena, and other venues.
“Even though I turned professional, I don’t think my fundamentals have changed. The world I’ve always wanted to express, the artistic nature of figure skating and the athletic aspect of it has not changed. During competitions, there are always rules and there are times when I had to perform in a certain way. But in the world of shows, I have to satisfy the audience in 360-degree, I have to use my brain to create the videos that will be played at the venue and I have to think about the words that I want to convey. I am expanding and deepening my thoughts to areas that I have not considered before.”
Just as a musician plays music and an artist uses a paintbrush, Hanyu uses his body to express himself.
“What’s fun about it is that when everyone watches it, I get to see a lot of different opinions, people think about it in different ways and each person interprets it in their own way. What I'm doing, I believe that what I am creating is a ‘path’. The values, background, past, future, and so on become the path, and along the way, one may notice something or feel something. I want the audience to see it and share it. I’m really happy when people say that they enjoyed the journey and are glad that they walked the path. That makes me happy and that’s why I feel like I can continue on this path”.
When asked if he thinks it’s more fun now that he can express and create freely than in the competitive days when he was bound by rules and forced to compete, Hanyu thought for a while and then denied it.
“I don’t think it’s good enough just to feel fun. Ever since my competitive days, I’ve always believed that competitions aren’t about having fun, and I’ve never wavered from that philosophy of mine. There are some people who say you can only perform well if you enjoy it, and I understand why people think that’s the right answer. But for me, if I have fun, I feel like I’m not being serious enough. There is a certain kind of performance that comes out because of the tension, and that is what allows me to train hard every day. Even in the creative field, when it comes to creating something, it is not good just to have fun. Of course, it’s possible because there’s also fun in it, and I’m able to create because someone sees it and enjoys it, which brings me joy and happiness. But if I continue to only feel fun, I may end up with just empty words and a false worldview with no depth.
Hanyu says that he feels he lacks ‘vocabulary’ as an artist.
“Vocabulary is also necessary for physical expression. If I want to show a scene just by moving my hands a little, I need to know the techniques to do so. I have to learn how to move my hands in such a way that it looks beautiful, and engrave it in my body. Let my nerves learn it, let my brain study it, and eventually I will be able to do it. It’s not like I can dance like a professional dancer or ballerina, but I’ve been figure skating for more than 20 years. Because of this, I have the potential to create new expressions by learning their techniques. I believe that if I study hard and able to do it on the ice, I will become a unique presence”.
There is no goal, no rivals to compete with. Yet, without hesitation, he continues on his own path.
“Being on the ice is like my ‘native language’ (laughs), so if I move away from it, I am no longer Yuzuru Hanyu. The knowledge, experience and soul I’ve cultivated since I was four years old are there, a place where I can express myself from the bottom of my heart. Of course, I’ll probably start to decline as I age, but if I continue to use the language of figure skating for another 30 years, there may be a form of expression that can only be created at that particular time and age. I believe there is such a possibility, and I think I must continue to strive for that possibility”.
Yuzuru Hanyu, as the one and only Yuzuru Hanyu, continues to move forward focusing on expression on the ice.
GQ Japan - June 2024 issue, released on 2024.05.01
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More: 1 https://twitter.com/GQJAPAN/status/1782938296944857402 2 https://twitter.com/GQJAPAN/status/1785448080340337135 3 https://twitter.com/GQJAPAN/status/1783692480782704746
Full article published online on 8th May 2024: https://www.gqjapan.jp/article/20240508-yuzuru-hanyu-cover-story
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sandreeen · 30 days
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Marin Honda on getting scouted for inline skating || Pokapoka 2024.03.11
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loenas · 5 months
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Eteri tutberidze you are not real💀💀
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japaneseadventures · 29 days
Marin Honda in Pokapoka 2024.03.11
Marin appeared in this live broadcast to promote the Worlds Figure Skating broadcast which she's a field reporter for.
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Some highlights from this broadcast:
Marin talks about the things she wants to try after retirement such as going to the beach, acting, eating as much as she wants.
Talks about the time she once got scouted for inline skating during her first time trying it out in a public rink.
She admires Mao and Shoma for being so strong mentally.
A lot of anecdotes related to skating and her family.
More details about it and other anecdotes under the read more:
The best snack Marin has ever eaten is Baskin Robbins ice cream. When her family wants to eat ice cream, they do have some in celebration of someone, even for just golf lessons. (The ice cream would be all gone though by the time their dad even comes home lol) She provided a photo of the ice cream (cake) that she and her family bought for her dad:
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Text on the cake: "Papa, Great job in your golf lesson!"
She has many things she wants to try after retiring.
When she was still competing, she usually skated everyday. She only takes a break from skating for about 1-2 days. Even during family trips she usually brought her skating stuff, and they usually look for a rink nearby.
Marin avoided getting sunburnt/tanned during her skating career since it would be obvious when she's wearing costumes. Now she wants to try getting really tanned, so she'd love to go to (somewhere hot like) Okinawa since she's never gone before.
From the moment she started university, Marin was set on retiring once she graduated. (Though she was willing to quit if she really started to hate skating.) However, when she actually did feel like quitting, she realized she can't imagine herself living a life without skating. So she made it a goal to at least continue until her brother graduated and retired from skating.
Q: So there really was a time when it got so difficult that you wanted to quit? A: Yes, I quit and took a 4-day break from skating for the first time ever. But even then, by the 5th day, I just ended up skating training again. I felt like I needed to keep going. Even now, I still love skating and make it my goal to do a performance that the audience would enjoy. During that time off, I realized I liked myself best while skating.
Back when they were kids, Marin had been her sister Miyu's acting partner when Miyu practiced her lines. Thanks to this, she also wants to try her hand at acting.
When she was still competing, Marin avoided eating until she was full. After she announced her retirement, she wanted to Abura Soba (Soupless Ramen Noodles), eat something she felt she'd feel too guilty to eat before then. Since she loves mayonnaise so much that she'd drink it (lol), she added a generous amount of it too. But then she felt guilty eating just that, so she had double the usual amount of onions to the mix lol.
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She's had a lot of instances where she'd wonder why people would pick that moment in particular to take photos of. People always posts photos of the weirdest moments. She says many cameramen are old men, so she has an idea of which weird moments they'd most likely take photos of. Such as during jumps and spins, when your face is screwed up due to centrifugal force. Even mucus from a runny nose flies out. She's disappointed when those get chosen but still thankful to them for being interested enough to always take photos lol.
Sometimes while she's skating in a competition, she's tempted to wave at friendly officials and judges who she's attended competitions with since she was little.
When she's not doing well, she can only focus on the competition. However, when she's doing well, she'd end up thinking about how that one person in the audience looks like they're about to go to the restroom soon.
She does jumps in her dreams sometimes, or falling during a jump, and when she wakes up, her legs are crossed like she does when jumping. Says she's heard of many skaters sleeping with their legs crossed. That position is relaxing for them.
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Very few kids started skating since they were 2 like she did so she's always felt small since she started skating, as most of the skaters in the rink were taller than Marin.
She's never had much free time hanging out with friends and stuff when she was young, compared to now when she has retired. Back then, skating practice already took too much time. It was also a long commute to and from the rink. She was also taking a lot of other lessons at the time, like ice hockey, swimming, gymnastics, piano, tennis, until she finally decided on skating during 2nd grade.
She suspects that her other siblings also chose to stick with skating because they're a big family. All of them want people to pay attention to them.
When she tried inline skating for the first time at Round1 (An amusement store chain in Japan) a guy tried to scout her for the sport, telling her she's very good. When she told him it was her first time roller skating, he told her she had talent.
Sawabe: You clearly looked like you skated before. Ijuuin: You should've left him hanging for a while, before going, "I've medalled in ice skating though." Sawabe: You never told who you were? Marin: No ?: They were probably wondering who you were the whole time. ?: You should've said, "Don't underestimate me!"
Fighting amongst siblings was somewhat intense. It doesn't happen much now, but Marin and her big brother used to fight on petty things often, while her younger sisters fought amongst each other. When the latter fights, she gets stuck in the middle because both of them fight to get Marin on their side.
Marin and Taichi even went physical against each other at times. They'd even compete in the rink, or chase each other down. It only ends when one of them gets bored of it lol.
Comments from her sisters:
They love how she prioritizes and dotes over them over herself.
Miyu doesn't understand why Marin feels more comfortable when her room is messy. (ex. she likes has 2-3 plastic bottles she hasn't finished drinking in her room) Meanwhile, Miyu likes things neat so she offers to clean up her room. When asked if she keeps drinking from those bottles, she shakes her head and said Miyu gets rid of it for her. Tsurube: Leaving around bottles like that is what you'd imagine how a talented hacker's room would be.
Marin says if things are too orderly, she clams up.
Sara says Marin uses ziplocks as a pencil case.
Marin shares that it's not even just for her writing stuff, but she also uses ziplocks for makeup stuff. She prefers ziplocks since you don't have to think about cleaning it. If it gets dirty, you can just replace it. Also, it's clear so you can see everything inside.
She admits she's pretty weak mentally. In the past, even the littlest happenings completely influence her performances and even her private life. Thanks to all that she's experienced, however, her mentality has gotten stronger now.
Back then, when things don't go well during performances or even practices, she'd feel depressed the whole day. (Though on the other hand, she'd be ecstatic the whole day when practice goes well.)
She feels that pulling yourself together after failing your first jump is harder to do than a flawless performance. This has always been a problem she's had since she was little.
Mentions that in the figure skating community, she thinks that Mao Asada has a strong mentality. It was amazing how she did a perfect performance in the free program even after screwing up in the short during the Sochi Olympics. It really inspired her and made her believe that if she continued training, she might be able to be like her too.
Says Mao is way too out of league for Marin to contact and consult herself. However, Mao often gets in touch with her, often telling her that she loves Marin's skating. Marin describes Mao as a woman who has great skating technique, and a beautiful personality.
Among the currently competing skaters, she believes Shoma Uno is the one who is great at pulling himself together fast. You rarely even see him be nervous in competitions lately. He must have a lot of confidence to not be nervous while performing, so she finds that amazing. Says Shoma told her himself that he doesn't feel nervous at all.
Marin watches Japanese comedians rather than listening to music. It's relaxing for her.
Marin doesn't really wear skirts in her off time. Prefers all black and sleek clothing, in contrast to all the cute skirts she wears during skating
Her dad made her costumes when she was little
Her younger sisters get their hand-me-down clothes and toys, so those two are happy they get to wear nice new clothing when they're working in showbiz
Marin actually wanted a little brother, and made Sara wear their brother's old hand me downs. She also called Sara Ara-kun. Marin's very apologetic about it now though lol
She's bad at any sports with balls. For example, she tried tennis once or twice and quickly realized how little sense she had for it so she quit right away. Says it might be because she assumes her legs have longer reach than what her body actually has, probably because she's so used to wearing skating boots.
Actions she doesn't like from men, selected from the choices the show gave her:
She loves it when they tell her she's funny/interesting, so if something weird happens, she doesn't want them to ignore it lol. For example, she'd hate it if they don't react when she moves weird, or makes jokes.
Doesn't like it when guys keep making sports references and terms in casual conversation.
Doesn't like it when guys wear shoes that are very pointed and curved upwards. Doesn't seem like something just anyone could wear. Must be a very conscious prideful guy. (Lots of JP comedians apparently wear that though lol)
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raininyourblackeyes · 6 months
I've just seen Mai's sp and OH MY GOD.
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appleelevengreen · 4 months
3 of my fav coach stéph moments bc I forgot how much in love w this man I am:
1. firstly fav moment par excellence stéph wearing a striped zebra mask as a callback to that one time he dropped acid and put on the four seasons cd.
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2. stéph che pare che ha visto l'apparizione della madonna ma in realtà ha visto deniss.
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3. tripping over nothing (in overexcitement I suspect), like his smol son.
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+ bonus: these pics
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bc I'm living for how fiercely protective stéph looks over smol shoma
credits: @vesperatio, @leahthedreamer, @psychic-waffles, @alwayshappyhoursomewhere
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figure-frenzy · 11 months
Here's Yuzu talking about his upcoming GIFT picture story book, which is illustrated by CLAMP! 😺🥰💙✨
Speaking that it is yet another new way of telling his stories to people, he wishes that you will enjoy it when the book comes out ✨💙✨
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shomagravity · 8 months
06.10.2023 || Carnival On Ice interview with Shoma Uno
Q. Everyone's looking forward to your free program. What kind of impression do you want to give everyone with this program? A. For the past several years, I always worked hard by having jumps as my main focus in competitions, for my free programs. However this year, aside from jumps, I'm adding a lot of my feelings into it, and using a lot of physical strength to express it. That's why, although there are still many parts of it that I can't do well, with the enthusiasm to create something good and show in competitions and in front of everyone, I practice with a higher motivation every day. Although it doesn't feel complete yet, I want to show it the way it is to everyone, and I hope to show that 'it'll get even better from now on'.
Q. We're looking forward to it! What's your goal this season? A. If everyone has expectations, of course I want to get the results that are expected of me. But my goal first and foremost is to turn this free program into a shape I want to do -- one that's not just of jumps but give my 100% into expressing it, with all my might, to make it a performance which will move me emotionally.
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Kiss & Cry vol.50 Shoma Uno x Stéphane Lambiel Special Cross Interview An "I love you" to figure skating
Shoma Uno is facing the 2023-2024 season with the goal of "pursuing expression". What does "expression" really mean to him, and what does he have in mind beyond that? We spoke to Uno and his coach Stéphane Lambiel.
[T/N: italics denote narration, regular text direct quotes. Please do not repost the translation elsewhere.]
What the two of them think about 'expression'. Shoma Uno won consecutive World Championships. In the 2023-2024 season, which is themed around the pursuit of expressiveness, he performs the short program from the movie 'Everything Everywhere All at Once'" choreographed by his coach Stéphane Lambiel, and the free program "Timelapse" choreographed by Kenji Miyamoto. How does Uno feel about his improvement in expressive ability now that he is more than halfway through the season? And as a coach, how does Lambiel see him? We talked to them on the day after the NHK Trophy FS.
To Coach Lambiel, what made you decide to use this song in the short program?
Stéphane: The program is a combination of three pieces from the movie soundtrack. The song I used at the beginning was originally in my big playlist, but what made me decide to use it for the program was when I was on a plane and watched the movie. I enjoyed the music from the film, enjoyed the movement, thought 'this is interesting,' and felt inspired. I originally had an idea that 'it would be interesting if Shoma moved like this', by mixing music with a bit of spirit to match the smoothness of his skating. When I started choreographing, he moved just as I had envisioned. That's how the program was created.
Shoma: Stéphane's choreography is difficult every year, but I have the impression that this season's choreography is easy for my body to get used to. Even without practicing it that much, my body got used to it from the beginning.
Stéphane: He projects the world I imagined into reality.
Shoma: The free is more difficult than the short. The music is unique and difficult. Up until now, in the second half of the program there was a part where the music got more exciting, but since this is not the case here, I have to practice much more to make up for it.
In the interview after the short, you said that you admired Coach Lambiel as an expressive performer. What specific aspects would you like to incorporate?
Shoma: I don't have the skills to incorporate Stéphane's performance, so it would be impossible for me to do so. As a coach, Stéphane gives me advice, saying, 'You should do this more,' and 'I want you to move with this kind of image.' I want to take in his words and do my best to embody them within what I can do.
Stéphane: There is no doubt that Shoma is a skater who naturally excels at expression. I think of 'expression' in this way; it may be something you are born with, or it may be something you cultivate. Either way, it's some kind of 'language'. Whether it's through words, music, or movement, I believe that it's about having a desire to convey something to the other person, conveying one's inner feelings, it's a communication between the person giving the message and the person receiving it. Shoma has that, and more importantly, he has the strength to move forward with determination in whatever he decides to do.
Speaking about expression, coach Lambiel touched upon the NHK Trophy.
Stéphane: There's one thing that remained in my heart from this NHK Trophy. The moment Shoma finished his performance, he first looked at me. I felt he conveyed a feeling of wanting to ask, 'How was my performance?' At that moment, from the bottom of my heart, I felt honored to have a student like this. I also felt that he treats figure skating with honesty, purity, and love. Inside me, there is no doubt that he's a hero.
[T/N: in-text narration of the NHK performances] Coach Lambiel's eyes were filled with tears as he reminisced about the NHK Trophy, as if deep, uncontrollable emotions were coming forth. At the NHK Trophy, Uno showed stunning performances that drew the audience in both the short and free skates. He captivated the audience with the emotion in his expression, creating a world of stillness or tranquillity. A standing ovation was inevitable. This showed the improvement of his expressive power, which he had been striving for this season. In the free skate, however, since all four of his quadruple jumps were marked with a "Q",  indicating a 90 degree underrotation, he finished in second place overall. The judgment of underrotation, which was clearly unusual compared to the way jumps were judged in previous competitions, put a damper on that good performance. Coach Lambiel must have felt that Uno's performance was excellent, as shown by the long hug he gave him after the free skate, and he could not hold back his emotions at the judging.
This is what Uno said about it.
Shoma: It had been a short time since Cup of China, but I was able to show the results of my practice, and I thought Stéphane must have been happy, so I was myself very happy when I finished my performance. Now, seeing how depressed Stéphane got [at the score] makes me feel glad he is my coach. However, no matter how good a performance is, if it doesn't get a good score, it will be seen as a bad performance. That saddens me too, and it also hurts to see Stéphane being sad. I don't like to put on a facade when I'm talking in public, but I think that saying exactly what you think isn't always a good thing, and it can also make you enemies. But I've been living my life this way, and the people around me, first of all those here like Stéphane, Demi-san, and my manager, understand my efforts and what I really value, and I'm really happy that there are people who can be happy with me. Figure skating competitions are scored by people, so I don't think there's anyone at fault. Right now I just feel so lucky to have been blessed with the people around me.
The All Japan Championship 2023 will begin on December 20th.
Shoma: "I believe that my performance at the NHK Trophy was wonderful, so I want to continue to do this kind of performance in the future. Otherwise, wouldn't this performance be wasted? People only pay attention to my statements and my scores, and don't realize that it was a good performance. I think it would be a waste for it to end like that, so I hope to perform as well as I did this time at the Japanese Nationals."
Stéphane: He is a person who can realize what he sets his mind to. He will decide for himself which direction he wants to take in life, and I don't doubt that he can succeed. That's an unshakeable conviction for me."
That was a praise grounded in unconditional love.
[T/N: yes they really ended the article like that]
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myjunkisyuzuruhanyu · 20 days
Shoma's press con on his retirement 14/05/2024
Japanese transcript (not sure if it's full though) of Shoma's 1 hour retirement press con. I put a machine translation with Google lense on each paragraph. Beware that it's not a word for word translation but only for getting the gist of Shoma's words!
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livedoor news
[Shoma Uno's retirement press conference] The most vivid memory I have is ``the sight of coach Stéphane Lambiel when he won his first world championship.''
Q.When was the moment when you decided to end your career with this season?
It was about two years ago that I started thinking about retiring.
However, since then, I have had a hard time imagining myself retiring, so of course I have been working hard on skating with all my might, but I have had many experiences since then, and I am now where I am now.
It's already time to decide on a clear time.
However, regarding when I told my coach, right after the All Japan Championships ended, I told Coach Stefan that I was thinking of retiring as an active athlete at the next tournament.
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Q. What did you gain or feel because you experienced the big stage?
I've never been someone who was good at standing up in front of people and talking like this, or performing on a big stage.
Once you experience something on a big stage, you become less nervous about everything than you were then.
I've had a lot of experiences on big stages, but even if it's not a big stage at all, there are parts of my life that make me nervous.
My biggest thought is that when I look back on it, I think it was a precious experience, a precious treasure that I only get to have now.
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Q. No matter how many times I think about it, I think it's a good memory.
I think seeing Stefan's joy after winning his first World Championship is a very memorable and vivid memory for me as well.
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[Shoma Uno's retirement press conference] "I'm looking forward to figure skating as he continues to reach a high level."
Q. You have been able to express yourself even among players with large physiques.
I have never felt at a disadvantage in figure skating because of my short height.
I'm really glad I chose figure skating.
First of all, with my height of 157 cm, there are not many other sports where I can excel, so I am truly blessed to have started figure skating.
I don't think I ever had such negative feelings.
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Q. Do you have a message for your juniors who are competing against rising players such as [Ilia] Malinin?
I skated an old program at an ice show the other day, so I had the opportunity to watch videos of old competitions.
When I looked at my own videos, I realized that I had really evolved in terms of expression compared to before.
I'm looking forward to the future of figure skating, which will continue to rise to a higher and higher level, and all the juniors in Japan are really good kids. First of all, we get along very well. Of course I want everyone to have a good result, but I also hope that at least one athlete who has the most fun and embodies the kind of skating that they are aiming for can emerge.
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Q. What do you think about when you are skating?
When I was little, I had a very introverted personality and couldn't speak in front of people.
I don't think my parents thought I would be able to stand on the ice alone and perform in front of so many people.
On the other hand, because I'm the only one there, people can really see the world I create and the way I express myself.
Even here, I'm very grateful to have a place where everyone listens to what I say sincerely and reports on it, and I think that's why it's a place where it's easy to express my true colors. Because I think so.
I don't think I'm the type of person who can communicate much, so I think the competition and environment suited me very well.
Also, when it comes to skating, which I would like to do in the future, I want to give it my all.
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I also want to be able to create a program that I find enjoyable every day, and show it to everyone in a way that brings out my own emotions.I don't feel like I have to do this first, but I want to. I'm excited about the possibility of creating some great programs in the future that emerge from this feeling.
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Q.What is the driving force behind skating?
To be honest, I don't know.
I've loved games since I was very young, so at first I just wanted to play games and work hard at skating.
However, as I continued skating every day, I gradually became attracted to the appeal of skating and the idea that I could compete at the top of the world. I think it's really important to have a place to devote all your time to, including your hobbies.
No matter how depressed you are, being able to put your all into something is extremely valuable.
Although it may be tiring at times.
However, I believe that the time I spent facing this wholeheartedly will be an asset for me in the future, and I think that this experience will be something I can continue to utilize in my life. Masu.
Feimeicheng did a translation on her Instagram Account so you can check for translation discrepancies.
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yuzurujenn · 19 days
[2024.05.15] Ice Jewels vol. 19 - 56 Q&A with Yuzuru Hanyu
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Q: Do you still remember the first time you stepped on the ice? What was it like to take those first steps? A: I don’t remember. I have basically no memory of it.
Q: When you started skating, did you have any fear of falling and did you remember the pain? A: Although I don’t remember feeling pain from falling down, I do remember the fear of the teacher (laughs).
Q: Why do you want to learn figure skating? A: Because my sister started learning, I wanted to follow her. I felt like I wanted to do the same thing as her.
Q: When you could do all kinds of jumps, what was your best jump? A: I don’t remember much. Although it feels like the double jump is closer, 1A is what I’m better at.
Q: How old were you when you succeeded 2A? A: I think I was 9 years old.
Q: What are your memories of your first competition? A: I can’t remember much. Anyway, it was like what I saw in the videos, I was focused in my own world.
Q: What are your memories of your first international competition? A: I was the youngest, but I completely refused to admit defeat and ended up winning the tournament.
Q: Were you nervous about competing as a child? A: I was nervous to a certain extent. I still wanted to give a good performance because I didn't want to be scolded. But other than that, I had a strong feeling of excitement to be able to get people to look at me.
Q: When you were a child, was there anyone in your life that you wanted to be praised by? A: Teacher, right? I think so. And then there’s also family.
Q: When was the first time you chose your own song? Why did you choose it? A: "Ultraman!". I just simply liked it (laughs). I often come home from school humming (Ultraman song) by myself.
Q: After turning professional, what are the criteria for selecting songs? Intuition? A: For example, I will consider whether there is an image that comes to mind when I listen to it, whether it is necessary for my skating, and whether what I want to perform exists there. But there are also times when I decide to skate to this piece of music based on my intuition.
Q: Is there any difference in the difficulty level of skating between vocal and instrumental music? A: It doesn't matter which one, there is no change in the music. So there is no difference. I will consider whether the nature of the music is suitable for figure skating.
Q: When you were a kid, what did you find most painful about continuing to skate? (getting up early, not having time to play, cold, etc.) A: I used to think that I wanted to play, but the most painful thing was that the teacher was really scary. Also, it’s painful when I tried hard but didn’t get results.
Q: Now that you have turned professional, what is the most difficult part of your daily practice and management of physical condition? A: Adjusting the amount of practice and training intensity. It’s not like practice for free skating or anything like that, now I have to practice a lot of programs. If I want to master all of them, I will be overworked, and although I can recover my body in time, it is very difficult to achieve the goal of being more efficient and having a manageable amount of training.
Q: Other than illness and injury, what's the longest consecutive days of rest you've had so far? A: I think the longest is 4 consecutive days off. (Except when there was an earthquake and when there was too much work.)
Q: Looking back on your career as a competitor, which performance was the most satisfying? A: 2020’s 4CC short program and Jnats free skate.
Q: For Hanyu-san, what is the biggest attraction of figure skating? A: I think the range of performance through the integration with the music that can only be done on the ice, and the feeling of tension and heightened emotions that can only be achieved precisely because of reaching the limits of physical strength and technique.
Q: Is the tension different between the competition and the ice show? A: No change. Maybe it's better to say that the ice show is more intense. It's because I have to skate without 6 mins practice, and feeling the tension of not being able to create the perfect feeling as on land, and having the responsibility to deliver it.
Q: What do you like about being a professional figure skater and what do you find difficult? A: I feel happy to continue the challenge of including what I want to express with my technique, and to create it together with people who are serious about creating. To fully create something, it is necessary to perform accordingly. And I think it is very difficult because I have to exceed everyone's expectations every time.
Q: What is the thing you cherish most about being a professional skater? (attitude, words, actions, etc.) A: Teamwork, I guess. I can’t do it alone, and it’s only because of everyone that I can accomplish it, and I cherish that very much. I'm going to do my best to make everyone feel happy to work with Hanyu.
Q: What has changed the most since you became a professional skater? (Things you have experienced) What else have you started doing? (performing, including privately) A: As expected, I have started to devote myself to (physical fitness) training. I think it has changed a lot recently. I can also truly feel that I still have great potential.
Q: What is the end goal of being a professional skater? A: There is no goal or end point. I just want to give the best performance every time. How long and whether the ice story will continue, I don't know. I just kept thinking about putting my soul into performing every time.
Q: After the second Notte Stellata, tell me your thoughts about Sendai again. A I skated with the idea that I can feel more hopeful than last year and be able to give hope. Even after 13 years, there are still people with painful thoughts. I think it would be nice to get closer to those people.
Q: Is there a sport you want to try? A: Ski jumping. Archery.
Q: Do you prefer the sea? Or the mountain? A: I like mountains. Although I don’t want to encounter bugs (get bitten), I love to enjoy the scenery and feel a sense of accomplishment from climbing a difficult mountain.
Q: What is your favourite event in the sports day? A: Tamaire. I love throwing balls.
Q: You don’t want to lose even in sports day? A: Should I say that I refuse to admit defeat? I’ve never done anything that I didn’t give it my all. But I have a deep memory of being very motivated and wanting to take first place in the jumping event.
Q: What's your favourite thing lately? A: Exploring music that I like with cheap headphones (between 1,000 and 5,000 yen), which I bought by chance, is something that has been making me happy recently.
Q: Regarding the games you often play recently. (such as a favourite place) A: パワフルプロ野球 栄冠ナイン クロスロード Powerful Pro Baseball Eikan Nine Crossroad (note: a baseball-related mobile game) Because it takes a lot of time, I can’t play it often. Also, I bought the reinstalled version of Persona 3 portable and wanted to play it asap. I also want to go into the ancient cave in Lufia II (laughs).
Q: What made you start playing games? A: There may be influences from my sister, cousins, and grandparents. Before I knew it, I started enjoying games.
Q: What do you do on your days off? Do you watch dramas or movies? A: Get plenty of rest, stretching and training. But I also watch live game commentary and cooking videos on Nico Nico Douga.
Q: Which one do you dislike more, cold or hot? A: It must be hot. Because I sweat a lot. If it's cold, just wear more clothes and you'll be able to get through it. But if possible, it is better to have a suitable temperature. . . If it's too cold, your movements will be sluggish.
Q: Do you sing in the shower? A: Although I want to sing, I won’t as it disturbs others (laughs)
Q: Compared with electronics (high technology, tablet computers, etc.), do you still think that things like ancient analog integrated circuits are better (Note: questions about old-fashioned lifestyle) A: Like notes, I still use paper and pen when writing stories.
Q: Do you have any hobbies or habits that you think, "This is an occupational disease"? A: I started doing imagery training suddenly. Even if I watch any video, I will suddenly get into the mood to dance and do choreography.
Q: How would you compare yourself to an animal? A: Cat? But there are people said I’m like a dog.
Q: Do you find any person that you think is cool? (Even if there is no specific person, regardless of gender, you just think that person is so cool) A: People who can conscientiously do what they decide. Do it completely seriously. Someone who can become serious for someone.
Q: What is your favourite bento dish? A: Fried chicken (karaage). I like it even if it's frozen.
Q: What is your favourite dish in school meals? A: Milk, Reito Mikan (frozen orange), gyoza. ** Reito Mikan- Mikans are a winter fruit, so most Japanese historically would peel and eat them sitting around a kotatsu. However, to get them to last until the summer, they would be frozen and stored to be enjoyed later half-frozen, like the world's easiest sorbet.
Q: How about eating fried potato and beef patties? Dip or soy sauce? A: Dip!
Q: When eating tamagoyaki, do you put a lot of sugar in it, or do you make an egg roll without sugar? A: It’s more delicious if you add more sugar.
Q: Favourite ice cream flavour. A: Vanilla, mint chocolate, chocolate chip cookie, strawberry.
Q: What do you dip into your favourite gyoza? (What is the golden ratio between soy sauce and vinegar?) A: Ponzu sauce. Instead of vinegar and soy sauce, it’s ponzu sauce and chili oil.
Q: What do you want to eat for the last supper? A: Delicious zunda mochi. And gyoza (laughs).
Q: How do you overcome temptation when restricting your diet? A: Willpower. Because it’s more painful to feel guilty. Another thing is to use things that are good for the body. "If you use this, it will still be okay (diet). I can endure it by relying on this."
Q: How many hours of sleep do you usually need? How many hours would you ideally like? A: The ideal is more than 8 hours. But because there are many times when I can’t fall asleep, so the actual hour varies. There are times I couldn't sleep for 4 hours, but I could sleep for about 10 hours the next day. However, before the official competition (or ice performance), I will try my best to get as close to 8 hours of sleep as possible.
Q: Are you the type of person who can fall asleep easily anywhere? A: I’m the type who can’t sleep anywhere or anytime. Although I try very hard to do various things, but when I can’t sleep, I really can't sleep at all.
Q: Do you listen to music when you study or do some work that requires concentration? Or would it be better to be in a silent environment? A: It depends on what I am doing. It would be difficult without music when creating. For example, when learning, I want to listen to music until I get into the mood, but there are times when I want to stop halfway. But basically, I often work while playing music videos in order to concentrate.
Q: What is your mantra? Yoisho? (laughs) A: よいしょ(Yoisho). よし(Yoshi)。よっしゃ(Yossha)。えっと(etto)。だから(dakara). I feel like I’ve been using them more frequently these days.
Q: Is there anything you would like to learn, master, or try as a hobby? A: I want to learn bioethics again. Still a bit uncomfortable with reading, I can't do it no matter what. So I want to learn. There is also the desire to try specialized programming languages. I learned a little bit about Python when I was doing my graduation thesis, so I still want to learn it properly.
Q: If you are not a figure skater, what kind of job would you like to have? A: Anything is fine. Whether I am engaged in sports or choose a path of study, I will probably go all out. Even if I am not adaptable to it, I think I will want to work hard to reach the top to some extent.
Q: What advice would you give to someone who wants to learn figure skating as an adult? A: Because everyone is different, it will be difficult, but once you have the speed, skating will be more stable. And there is only the accumulation of time! But even if you’re not skating, if you do some imagery training in advance, it’s better than nothing, I think it will be overwhelmingly smooth in terms of efficiency. When I was a child, I relied on my feelings, but as I grew up, knowledge becomes more dominant than my feelings. But because this is human nature, use knowledge to become stronger!
Q: Please give some advice on how to enjoy an ice show. A: As long as that person enjoys it, I think that's okay. But I also want the surrounding people to enjoy it, so if they observe the unspoken rules, everyone will be happy, and then it will be easier for me to skate and I will be happy too, I think we can create a positive cycle like this.
Q: At the finale of the ice show, can you clearly see the faces of the fans and the banners? A: I can see it! It all depends on the lighting, but at the end of the RE_PRAY tour, they were shining lights on the audience, so it looked really beautiful. Thank you!
Q: Please say a few words to the fans. A: I will work hard every day to make everyone feel that no matter what happens or what state they are in, it is great to come and see my ice performance. I will practice hard every day and I will work hard for my performance. I hope everyone will be happy and healthy!
Q: Now that you are 29 years old, what would you say to your 9-year-old self? A: Although twenty years have passed, I’m doing better than you (おまえよりうまいよ). But it’s thanks to you that I’m here now. I will work harder.
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Source: https://weibo.com/ttarticle/p/show?id=2309405034343457489072 Info: https://www.kazi.co.jp/icejewels/backnumber/vol19/vo19.html
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sandreeen · 1 month
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Marin Honda & Hirutarou || Pokapoka 2024.03.11
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sarakiz · 1 year
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sarakiz's favorite new(ish) juniors (3/?)
Nella Pelkonen (FIN) - "Lo Vas a Olvidar" by Billie Eilish & ROSALÍA
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