#firefox myth
mymiraclebox · 1 year
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Taivvas' bio is now up!
Taivvas, the Tulikettu kwami of Aether. Taivvas is not bound to any Miracle Box, having sought her own path after the Order of the Guardians took over. She loves stargazing and clear nights.
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I use firefox on both my phone and my laptop, but I'm bracing for something REALLY BAD to happen. Nothing good ever lasts anymore, everything eventuslly makes a turn for the worse, especially when it's been hyped up as The Good Alternative™. Amazon or google or facebook is gonna buy it and start selling user data to corporations and cops.
I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop; it's coming sooner or later, I can feel it in my bones.
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cryptidapprentice · 1 year
whatre some good email alternatives to gmail 🧍🏽‍♀️ ive tried researching but its a bit out my depth and i dont rly trust half those ranked lists bc theyll list paid services under a list of "free" services and its like. No. so
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its-your-mind · 5 months
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ORV as textposts 36/???
[Photo ID - ten images from the ORV manhwa with text pasted upon them.
The first image shows Kim Dokja with his white cloak flying behind him. The text post is by Tumblr user gayarsonist and reads, "hey sorry i'm late i wandered into a liminal space". The reblog reads, "what do you mean i've been missing for 10 years"
The second image shows the back of Kim Dokja as he watches Yoo Joonghyuk walk up the stairs in front of him. The text post is by Twitter user nicola @/bbynic33 and reads, "'I could fix him" good for you. I joined him in his insanity"
The third image shows Han Sooyoung looking at the Dokkaebi Shop interface to the viewer's left and Kim Dokja looking away from her on the viewer's right. Two blue texts are pasted to the top of the image with the tail pointing toward Kim Dokja. The first one reads, "dumnass 😊.” The second text reads, "dumbass 😊😊😊😊😊😊.” Two gray texts are pasted to the bottom of the image with the tail pointed toward Han Sooyoung. The first text reads, "Lmao nace typo." The second one reads, "Fuck."
The fourth image shows the backs of Kim Dokja and Yoo Joonghyuk. A text timestamped Today at 10:11 am is next to Kim Dokja's head with the tail pointing toward him. It reads, "Guess what I'm about to get." Another text is pasted below it with the tail pointing toward Yoo Joonghyuk's head. It reads, "on my nerves."
The fifth image shows Bihyung the dokkaebi floating before Kim Dokja with lightning around him. A comment by user .shinobu is pasted upon him. It reads, "your little joke was quite amusing, i must admit. who knew a vile creature like you would be able to get a laugh out of me. well done."
The sixth image shows Kim Dokja with his eyes closed and his left hand held in front of him in prayer. Lee Hyungsung, Lee Gilyoung, Yoo Sangah, and Jung Heewon are looking at him in disbelief. The text post is by Tumblr user heavensghost and placed next to Kim Dokja's head. It reads, "talking about your feelings is SO important I won't do it but u guys definitely should". A Star Stream notification is at the bottom of the image in all caps. It reads, "[A few constellations are impressed by your shamelessness.]"
The seventh image shows Nirvana on the viewer's right with their arms outstretched. They are looking toward Yoo Joonghyuk, who is on the viewer's left and facing Nirvana with a sword. Kim Dokja is behind Yoo Joonghyuk and also looking toward Nirvana. A Tumblr ask is pasted above Nirvana and reads, "i think i'm in love with you, have a nice day" The response by Tumblr user 13fingers is pasted over Yoo Joonghyuk and reads, "You are nothing to me. I won't"
The eighth image shows a less realistic version of Kim Dokja rolling his eyes and a displeased look on his face. Text is pasted above him that reads, "(through gritted teeth) Great."
The ninth image shows Kim Dokja smiling toward the viewer with his eye closed and his arms crossed. The textpost is by Tumblr user firefox-official and reads, "that character is problematic" i am sick and twisted. next"
The last image shows Kim Dokja in the foreground with Yoo Joonghyuk behind him. The tail of the original speech bubble is pointed toward Kim Dokja, and the bubble reads, "Let's go." The text post is pasted between Kim Dokja and Yoo Joonghyuk. It's by Tumblr user aridante and reads, "get in loser we're living past the end of our myth". /End ID]
Image ID by @incorrect-web-novels who is an icon and a gem
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imthepunchlord · 17 days
You know, thinking about that post you made theorizing that the rabbit might have been meant to have illusion powers has me theorizing about what powers the fox could have had outside of illusions. Some ideas that came to me (outside of hypnosis through music) were powers like shape-shifting, invisibility, power stealing, and (just to contrast with Volpina further) the power to see past trickery and illusions, so like some kind of detective vision (so things like seeing fingerprints and footprints, seeing smells as colors, has “Highlighter vision” and is able to identify an important item or location (but not being 100% sure what that importance is), and other perceptiveness buffs or maybe like the detective vision in the Batman Arkham games)
Other possibilities to add are: absolute evasion (plays off Cadmean Fox), fire manipulation (firefox), chaos manipulation, power of prophecy/divinity, having incredibly high charisma that your words are easily believed and influential, power of intellect/outfoxing enemies, limb/tail manifestation, astral projection, dream walking and influencing, and the a power of possession.
All of these can work off Fox and it myths and idioms.
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nex-is-sleeping · 1 year
Hey again, I hope you are doing well anon. Can I get headcanons of Tails befriending a firefox that has the ability to create the northern lights when their tail is on fire? If you need more context, you can look up the myth of the firefox and the northern lights. Since Tails is inspired by a kitsune, I think it would be cool if he met another fox based on another myth. Thank you!
Tails and The FireFox
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Just a heads up ! For all tail x readers from now on will be platonic. Bc he's yk. 8. Also, I don't have many for this because I couldn't think of more, I'm sorry !! But feel free to request more !!
•He would think it's really cool !!!
•Sometimes, as a gift, you would cast his favorite colored lights, purple !!
•He would study the connection between your tail and the northern lights
•Tails loved how you could make the lights flow to your command
•He just thinks you're really awesome !!!
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ofthenoseclan · 1 year
Who is your favorite Touhou character and why? :0
sorry for taking so long to respond to this, i had to charge an infodump spirit bomb. also my original draft got deleted when firefox crashed on me halfway through typing
for a long time i considered renko and merry my favourite characters in touhou as a unit (and they are still definitely second place) but over time another character has grown on me enough that she overtook them in my mind, and that was toyosatomimi no miko!
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her backstory is a bit confusing for those unfamiliar with a very specific period of japanese history, so this is going to be a lot to explain, but ill try my best to recap it:
umayado no ouji, or better known today as shoutoku taishi, was a political figure in japan during the asuka period. he was regarded as one of the primary founders of buddhism within japan, which granted him sainthood status after his death. in recent years, the legitimacy of some texts chronicling his accomplishments has been doubted by scholars, making him somewhat of a semi-legendary historical figure nowadays.
in touhou, his biography is reframed a bit: shoutoku taishi was a renowned regent from a very young age, capable of listening to the concerns of many individuals at once and easily posing solutions to issues of the countrys people. he was incredibly caring for his nation, and so feared for the deaths of his subjects—and by extension, himself, as he believed he was the only one capable of leading his people away from strife. because of this, he sought for a way to live forever.
he was then taught the ideals of taoism by seiga kaku, an immortal taoist hermit, or "xian", who moved to the country from china. he wished to follow in her footsteps to ascend to immortality, but the process would take time away from his position as regent. shoutoku taishi needed to be sure that japans public would not be led to unfair death by an improper ruler while he was focused on pursuing taoism, so seiga recommended he first spread buddhism to the public, since its creed discouraged violent acts and power imbalance.
as time went on, shoutoku taishi noticed his health was dwindling faster than expected. the ascetic training needed to become a xian was something that took a great part of ones life, and he feared he would pass on before reaching immortality. so, he devised a new plan: he would become a shijie, a xian who achieves an unjust form of immortality by swapping their body with an item of great value to them. the object takes residence in their coffin, replacing their corpse, and the consequence of death they have gained by living in the first place gets passed onto it. the practice is said to fool deities who would otherwise come searching for them to take to the afterlife, sacrificing the item in their place. in this case, shoutoku taishi chose his shichiseiken, or seven star sword, as the object to swap places with.
to go through this process, one has to cut ties with their identity and all people close to them in their life in order to prevent deities from tracking them down, so after the former regent performed this ritual, he slept under the earth to lay low. while he laid dormant, his legitimacy as a historical figure began to be doubted by many, so his resting place was teleported into gensoukyou, the setting of touhou, where myths and legends that have had popular belief in them fade away get brought in order to survive.
the saint finally resurfaced in 2011 during the events of touhou shinreibyou ~ ten desires., the 13th mainline title in the series, taking a new form and name to avoid detection and subsequent judgment from deities of death. she is now known as toyosatomimi no miko, shijie xian and crown prince of taoist thought, who aims to convert gensoukyou to taoist beliefs using her renowned charisma and leadership skills.
my absolute favourite aspect of miko is not her backstory, but rather her personality. she is obscenely self-centered, truly believing 100% that she is the only one fit to lead gensoukyou, but nevertheless acts completely composed and dignified to maintain her image. she knows gaining power by force wont lead anyone to worship her, so she attempts to gain political favour grassroots-style, just like she did in her prime. she once showed up to a contest where people compete for the most visually appealing danmaku, and upon appearance said something along the lines of, "i truly hate to steal the victory so easily, but i appreciate the opening act before my arrival." no one could call her out for being insulting, however—because, reluctantly, everyone agreed her danmaku unfortunately was in fact better than the competition. this sense of flair extends to her design as well; she's got a huge focus on royal purples and golds, and her danmaku patterns have motifs of blinding holy light, befitting her high-and-mighty attitude of herself and her ideals.
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she has an ongoing rivalry with byakuren hijiri, the figurehead of gensoukyous buddhist group, who serves as her foil in many ways. despite publically endorsing buddhism, miko disagreed with its principles internally; now that her act is through, she sees it and its spokespeople as no more than an obstacle on her way to the top, and byakuren is no exception. because of the tension between the two, a lot of people ship them together. i dont, personally, but i dont dislike the ship either, its fun.
miko also has a major appearance in my favourite spinoff literature, touhou gumonkuju ~ symposium of post-mysticism., which transcribes an in-universe symposium between three different religious powers in gensoukyou: kanako yasaka representing shintoism, byakuren representing buddhism, and miko representing taoism. the three of them have a dialogue over how best to lead gensoukyou's people politically and spiritually. this book is wonderful to read if youre someone like me who enjoys touhou for its political satire, because it gives so much focus to the ideologies of these three characters and sets up a lot of dry satire and political text between these three characters with extremely varying mindsets. it gives these cast members a lot of time to shine, while setting up the finale of the ongoing arc within the games that introduced all three of them.
im a huge fan of mikos aesthetic in general. she has a really fun outlook and attitude, and whenever she is on screen she becomes the center of attention without fail. she demands attention, she is confident, self-assured, and an enormous prick, and i love her for it all. she is also, if only by technicality, canonically transgender, which is a big point in her favour for me. toyosatomimi no miko has grown on me for good reason; she epitomizes everything i love about touhous cast, plot, and worldbuilding. shes my ride-or-die favourite and likely will remain as such forever!
ps: here, check out a spell card of hers
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sarafinamk · 1 year
A Firefox Rival/Counterpart for Tails (Idea)
(Spoiler alert for those who haven't read Sonic IDW below)
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In the IDW comics, Tails got his own version of Shadow named Kitsunami (Kit) the Fennec. Spoiler alert, he was kidnapped, brainwashed, and turned into a cyborg by Dr. Starline.
That said, I would love to see Tails unwillingly follow in Sonic's footsteps in terms of getting his own version of Triple S, but with different foxes. We already got a good start with Kit being Tails's Shadow, but what about someone to be Tails's Silver? Since Tails is a red fox and Kit is a fennec fox, all they need to complete the trio is an arctic fox to be their Silver.
If Sega ever decides to incorporate an arctic fox, I think instead of giving them ice powers or making them another kitsune like Tails or Kit, they should have abilities based off another popular myth - the Firefox.
According to Finnish mythology, a Firefox's fiery tail is responsible for the creation of the Northern Lights. Many cultures also associate the Northern Lights with the sprits of the dead.
Silver has psychic powers via psychokinesis. What if the arctic fox's psychic abilities manifested itself via mediumship/channeling (ability to community with the dead)? They would be able to channel spirits through their fiery tail perhaps.
Sonic and Shadow are incredibly fast. Silver isn't as fast as them, but makes up for it with his skills and techniques. The same thing could apply to the arctic fox. Tails and Kit have very high IQs and are skilled in technology and mechanics. The arctic fox may not have high intellect or be a skilled mechanic. However, they make up for it with a high EQ (which seems crucial if you're working with spirits) and a lot of knowledge of the supernatural (Technology vs Magic kind of thing).
Thank y'all for coming to my TED Talk. Have a good day/night wherever you are.
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teratocrat · 1 year
firefox tabs i have open:
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one of my mutuals' blog archive4
my own blog archive
five posts ive reblogged
google image search for 'aardwolf'
a tumblr devoted to j.c. leyendecker
a post from 2017 on my old blog about a stand i made (my friend wanted fanstands to try drawing)
five e621 tabs
an ultima iv-v-vi screenshot lp
"morrowind: an oral history" from polygon
online minesweeper site
online solitaire site
wikipedia page for "Aeon"
wikipedia page for "Young's Literal Translation"
wikipedia page for "Chicxulub crater"
wikipedia page for "Axis mundi"
wikipedia page for "Mount Rainier"
sword interval
scryfall search "type:dragon"
scrayfall "Ambitious Dragonborn"
mychart login
google spreadsheet i made to keep track of silly names i made up in case i wanted to name characters in anything
menu for a local teriyaki restaurant
anime streaming site tabs for Moribito: Guardian of the Spirit, Spirited Away, and Princess Mononoke
cohost notes
Just King Things episode on The Waste Lands
Just King Things episode on The Tommyknockers
wiktionary page for "audient"
wikipedia page for "Banana"
wikipedia page for "Robert W. Service
wikipedia page for "Li (unit)"
wikipedia page for "Invertebrate iridescent virus 31"
GameFAQs walkthrough and map for Dragon Warrior for the NES
twitter notes
metropolitan museum of art page on some Qing dynasty agate pomegranates
wikipedia page for "William Howard Taft"
wikipedia page for "Wig"
wikipedia page for "Egyptian cuisine"
google doc where i was trying to transcribe every JKT five-sentence summary
Kill Six Billion Demons KSBD 2-27
Kill Six Billion Demons Breaker of Infinities 4-181
The New Whirling School: An annotated analysis of Sermon 01
youtube subscriptions
youtube Deadmau5 - Ghosts n Stuff
youtube Ranged Touch's 2021 Dark Souls 2 charity livestream part 1
youtube Ranged Touch's 2020 Morrowind charity livestream part 1
youtube Northernlion playing Slice and Dice
youtube Vangelis - Blade Runner Blues
youtube Lady Gaga - Just Dance
youtube Northernlion playing Enter the Gungeon
youtube The Killers - Human
youtube Kanye West - Flashing Lights
manga site for Berserk and Blame!
nine tabs of the Terraria wiki
wikipedia page for "Etruscan civilization"
google search for "forestall"
wikipedia page for "Ran (film)
scryfall search "type:goblin color>=b"
wikipedia page for "Gisella Perl"
wikipedia page for "Overtone singing"
wikipedia page for "Muezzin"
About Us page for Gay City: Seattle's LGBTQ Center
an entirely unused new tab
"An Unknown Kid on Halloween"
uquiz results for "what's your job after the apocalypse"
wikipedia page for "Barnacle goose myth"
wikipedia page for "Vegetable Lamb of Tartary"
rom site
what happens next
youtube William Wegman - Alphabet Soup
events page for a seattle comics & games shop
youtube Ode to Physical Pain
google search for "hyperobject"
prisoncensorship's review of Fallouts 1 & 2
picture i took of the inside of that same comics & games shop
wikipedia page for "Infliximab"
chart showing the evolutionary tree of polearms over time
another mutual's reblogged post
two tabs of the menu of a local pastrami shop
pdf of the third edition monster manual
wikipedia page for "Forgotten Realms"
picture i took of my own backyard covered in snow
scryfall search "set:clb t:dragon is:firstprint"
scryfall search "set"afr t:dragon"
three tabs of file directory for some tabletop pdfs
wikipedia page for "First Blood"
youtube King Missile - Open
someone's website about cat colorations and fur patterns
image a friend sent me of the chapter list of the novel she's writing
Gita Jackson's article comparing Dwarf Fortress and Rimworld
download page for the roguelike "Infra Arcana"
youtube Richard Dawson - Ogre
youtube Every Enemy in Dark Souls RATED - 1 - Undead Asylum
an Exalted 2e homebrew Hegra charmset
a friend's twitter
bilibili video for known Genshin Impact character Xiao
google doc of the rules for a discord server im in
i know i have way too many tabs open please dont yell at me
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canadafakemon · 1 year
Space Fox fakemon based on firefox myths around the aurora, ghost fire I'm thinking
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knixolatebar · 1 year
This is a poll, for Firefox users on desktop to know that I didn't post nothing. Thanks.
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fairychamber · 1 year
Northern Lights Around The World
Northern Lights Around The World
Northern Lights have always fascinated people. This lecture goes deeper into this natural phenomenon. Stories about the northern lights can be found in Native American cultures, all over Europe from Scotland to Sweden and from the myths of the Sami from Lapland. Never whistle when you see northern lights and what do you think about the firefox myth that I grew up with? Enjoy! Start your own Etsy…
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captainnemo702 · 2 years
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Common Myths about Private Browsing
Private Browsing is a useful feature of Firefox, but only if you understand the protection it offers. It helps you obscure your online activity from other people who use Firefox on your computer, but does not make you invisible online.
Myth 1: Private Browsing makes you anonymous on the Internet
Reality: Private Browsing does not mask your identity or activity online. Websites and internet service providers can still gather information about your visit, even if you are not signed in. If you use your device at work, your company may be able to monitor the websites you visit. If you surf the Web at home, your cable company (or their partners) may have access to your browsing information. Only a Virtual Private Network (VPN) can mask your location and encrypt your online activity, keeping your identity and data safe from prying eyes. If you need to stay anonymous online, try Mozilla VPN.
Myth 2: Private Browsing removes all traces of your browsing activity from your computer
Reality: Private Browsing works by letting you browse without saving passwords, cookies and browsing history in a Private Window. If you download a file from a website, it will remain on your computer, but it will not appear in the download manager in Firefox. If you bookmark a website while in a Private Window, it will remain in your bookmark list.
Myth 3: Private Browsing doesn’t display any browsing history
Reality: Private Browsing will, by default, display visited sites and bookmarks as you type in the address bar. Firefox saves these pages during normal browsing. If you don’t want to see these suggestions, you can deselect them in your Firefox Settings Privacy & Security panel under Address Bar.
privacy preferences 65
Myth 4: Private Browsing will protect you from keystroke loggers and spyware
Reality: Private Browsing does not protect you from malware installed on your computer. If you suspect you have malware, take steps to remove it to prevent it from happening again.
To learn more about how Firefox protects your privacy, see Enhanced Tracking Protection in Firefox for desktop and SmartBlock for Enhanced Tracking Protection.
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imthepunchlord · 3 months
What's the elements you think that is best fitting for the other OG 7?
This can depend on where they wind up and what other Miraculous are they with. And will ultimately depend on what I do elementally. But in general doing a mixture of classical and Wu Xing...
Fox is one of the tricky ones as there's a couple of elements it can match with.
Wood can work off being vibrant, supportive, bold, and expressive, but also cunning, ambitious, and underhanded (like roots spreading out)
Fire also stands out as Fox does have ties to Fire in various myths (the eastern foxes and Finnish Firefox), and that can also play off charisma and brilliance, knowing how to work a crowd.
Metal also stands out as a Fox plays by their rules, can be ambitious, and confident. And there can be a disconnect between themselves and others, as they prioritize their goal, which can play into the Fox is often more selfish.
Bee I would vote Wood as bees are heavily tied to plants, as this element can be sociable and supportive, but also tenacious and ambitious, seeking to thrive.
Turtle would be Earth or Water. Both elements are tied to wisdom and knowledge, survival and adaptability. Both are also known to move at their own pace. Turtle matches Earth in being very grounded and steadfast, but matches with Water in being withdrawn and introspective. Typically, it's more tied to Water in various myths but it can be flexible between the two. There is the World Turtle which is tied to Earth itself.
And Peafowl has a similar struggle to Fox where it could match with various elements, essentially, points could be made for all.
Air is an easy match by default of being a bird. It can also play off Peafowls being sociable animals and visionaries as this is a very idealistic element. It can also play off this element is very colorful.
Wood has a lot of the same appeals to Air for Peafowl, only it's more grounded and stable in contrast. This can also work off Simurgh, a Persian mythical bird that is tied to peacocks (often having the head of a dog or wolf, though I have also seen portrayals of just a straight up peacock) and the Tree of Life. Wood can also work off the Peafowl being bolder and a little more aggressive than Air, but not to the intensity of Fire.
Fire works off Peafowl's vibrancy, boldness, charisma, and colors. It's attention grabbing, and can work off ties to the Phoenix. Fire though may be more intense/aggressive than Peafowl should be, but that can depend on each person's view of the Miraculous and how it should be. Fire can also work off leadership as peafowls are tied to leaders.
Earth works off Peafowls regarded as the earthly phoenix, being typically seen as a grounded bird, and often it's a steadfast and harmonious element. It can also be seen as a source of provision and protection.
Metal can work off the vanity and pride of Peafowl, their preference to do things their way. Metal can also connect to the themes of truth and clarity.
Water works best off their coloring (as water is often blue), and you have Peafowl tied to healing, rejuvenation, and spirituality. Water is often associated with healing and cycles, and has ties to the soul. Water is also introspective and seeks to learn, playing off the truth aspect.
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fmp2pb · 3 months
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Foxes are not too common in most mythologies, with most mythological foxes being Asian myths, mostly originating from China and spreading to Japan, a few examples of nine tailed foxes are the Huli jing (chinese), Kitsune (Japanese), Hồ ly tinh (Vietnamese), Kumiho (Korean), most of these are either tricksters, harmful or good and the mythology is mostly the same but with different names and variations in the creatures, there are also a few gods and goddesses that are connected to them and most Asian fox mythology is just nine tailed foxes. In Finnish mythology there is the firefox which is described as a black fox during the day but fire during night, and that when brushed a certain way it glitters a strange light, according to folklore it hides away in the forest and is rarely seen, in Lapland the story is that the Firefox causes the northern lights with its tail which flings sparks when it touches low hanging branches or bushes while the fox is running, hence the northern lights being called fox fires, there isn't much information on the actual behavior of the fox itself though. There is also the mythological fox from Ava Guaraní and Chané called the Aguara (also called Aguara-tunpa), the Aguara is a trickster, though it's also considered a cultural hero. A few examples of it's behavior is stealing algarroba seeds from the Viscacha, along with capturing Vulture and demanding rubber as a ransom, and creates rubber for humans. He is popular in a few myths with his rival Tatu-tunpa, a mythical armadillo, which is killed by Aguara in the end, Aguara was said to trick humans and has beautiful women have his children. Foxes are often associated with trickery and deception mainly as they have an ability to outwit others and are often told to be shape-shifters which contribute to this. In many stories, foxes are portrayed as cunning tricksters who use their intelligence and slyness to achieve their goals, but are also believed to be messengers of the Gods, giving messages to the humans and navigate the spirit worlds.
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themaresnest-dumblr · 6 months
Viktor Belenko
They're all dropping off this week!
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On the 6th September 1976, Lieutenant Viktor Belenko of the Russian Air Force, said 'Screw you Commie bastards!' and defected.
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In lieu of his last month's paycheck, he decided to fly off with his trusty Mig 25 Foxbat (see above).
The fact it was the most secret and most feared jet fighter of the time - and he was about to cause the sweet succulent granny of international incidents - as far as he was concerned wasn't going to be an issue. For him, at any rate. He hated Soviet Russia, was estranged from his wife, and his son was an asshole, so he'd nothing to lose.
What made the Foxbat so feared was its speed - Mach 3. Only the Lockheed Blackbird spy plane flew that fast - which was the point of the Foxbat's existence, although ironically there has never been a single example of a Foxbat and a Blackbird going toe to toe.
However, once an example had landed, a lot of the myths about the jet were exploded, and a few new ones thrown in. It turned out to have more in common with the British English Electric Lightning than anything more sophisticated, right down to its fully turning horizontal tail fins.
It was literally a Tonka Toy jet - big, heavy, crude, but very durable, right down to being able to be fitted with old fashioned valves rather than silicone chips, meaning it could survive the EMP pulse from a nuclear weapon.
Even its missiles - the Acrid - were a lightning fast blunt instrument that could fly far and fast to blow any other plane no matter how large out of the sky.
The point of the Foxbat was it could take off and climb at very short notice, very high, and very quickly, to intercept just about anything. One even managed to shoot down a communications satellite in low orbit.
Most embarrassing of all, the Foxbat's weapons and radar onboard computer - one of the first jets to have on - was an IBM make. To this day, there has never been a satisfactory explanation as to how Soviet Russia had such sophisticated American equipment in their military jets, but the conspiracy theorists had a field day.
It also spelt disaster for Egypt, Syria and Libya, who'd bought the jets at great expense hoping to have an edge over Israel, only to discover from the revelations from Belenko that the Foxbat wasn't much good at low level due to its weight - the Israeli Air Force's preferred combat tactic.
It also turned out their pilots couldn't handle the jet very well either - in fact only one foreign purchaser ever achieved happy results with the Foxbat, and that was India, who bought it to keep the Chinese, Pakistanis and - ironically - Russians out of their airspace.
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Belenko's defection - quite aside from quenching Cold War and Middle East tensions once the Soviet's 'wonder weapon' was demystified - also inspired Craig Thomas' book (and later Clint Eastwood film) Firefox - although it would be a long time before any thought control aircraft system was to appear, even so at a very crude level.
A real Mig 31 was to appear however a few years later, the Foxhound, really the Mark II version of the Foxbat, flying also at Mach 3, and being the first jet to have 'Look Down, Shoot Down' - meaning it could shoot down or fire at targets beyond its onboard range due to the curve of the earth.
As for Belenko, he went on to work in the aircraft industry and attending flight enthusiasts meetings - unlike so many defectors, he did not find himself assassinated by "Mother Russia".
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