#first of all don't be publicly disrespectful if you don't wanna be called out for being publicly disrespectful! crazy concept!
dailyfigures · 3 months
like i said, truly fascinating people on this app!
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beanghostprincess · 1 month
Hey sweetie!! I realized I have been absent from your inbox for quite some time and that simply will not do, I am legally required to annoy people I like, it's the Law.
Therefore, I thus drop even MORE transfem Buggy ideas, silliest, and snippets in the hopes of making you smile and/or laugh bc you deserve nice things I wanna throw them at you ♡♡♡♡♡
• Buggy coming out as trans over the course of a loooooong time, where she had Inklings of it young (Buggy+Toki bonding my beloved), and for a while just went "it is what it is, it's my nose that makes me hate mirrors so much-" and thus reclaiming the nose with the clown aesthetic and commitment to the circus bit. And it's enjoyable, really, the colors and patterns are So Good, and the makeup feels WONDERFUL, and all dolled up, Buggy doesn't want to punch the mirror quite so much.
It's only with Alvida and their Mean Girls Gossip Club being founded that there are some late night, semi-drunk conversations and Buggy says something like "everything sucks but I think things would be better if I were born a girl, ya know-?"
Cue Alvida taking that as a "women have it easy" type of thing (it's not), and so she and Buggy make a bet - dress as a girl, go out for a night, and play the part. They pick a small, no name island, pick an equally small, no name town, and hit the bars there. And Buggy is.... thriving.
It's not all sunshine and daisies, and Buggy sees first hand what women experience, but there's a shift in the movements, in Her Chest, and suddenly things are clicking, she's stepping aside, she's off to the restroom, and she is staring into the mirror there, blue eyes wide and hair loose around her shoulders and she really Looks. Fingertips brush the cool, smooth surface before her, trembling with fear, with anticipation, with joy and grief and anger and love. She barely notices when Al comes up to her side, when a pale hand brushes her shoulder. It's the question which throws her.
"What are you thinking?"
And in the tiny little bar bathroom at Seas-knows-what-time, Buggy has a sudden accidental baptism, and Alvida takes her hands through it all.
Buggy comes home to her ship, her crew, with knowledge, with a new awareness, a new fear, a new joy.
Her crew are nothing if not welcoming, and when she tells them, faux-casual and already edging into defensive aggression, they are simply delighted. They are ecstatic. They don't even question it, just beam and offer hugs and ask if they should still call her Buggy and Captain and Ringmaster, because she is theirs and they are hers they will be as good for her as she is for them, by the Seas as their witness.
And Buggy is happy, is safe, is emotional, is loved.
• coming out publicly is an ordeal, especially with the media storm already occurring elsewhere. She doesn't even think to do it. It's her crew that bristle when someone misunderstood her, the first two times a passable correction, then a point of disrespect. People do not disrespect their captain lightly.
• An article is written about her, and the contents are.... unkind at best. Interestingly enough, another article is never published by that journalist, and there is now no trace of their existence beyond that point. It was not Buggy and her gang who did it, though.
• Crocodile and Mihawk are both bisexual, and they do not initially know of Buggy's gender identity until well into the Guild's existence, after that article full of heresay and guessing. Not many want to correct such powerful men, after all.
When it DOES come out, they don't even really treat Buggy any differently. Just nod, verify name, ask for pronouns, and it's back to business. It's refreshingly normal and bittersweet.
• when they eventually being courting Buggy asks if her gender is.... going to be a problem. Crocodile just sneers. "It'd be hypocritical of me to not date someone transgender. I may pass as cis, but I made myself into the man I am today. Who cares?"
Mihawk just kind of laces his fingers with hers and states that "your body is but a vessel, and I care only for the wielder. The forms of your body matter not to me beyond your own joys in it."
• they also go on to be rather protective of their girlfriend. Business transactions have, and will, be dropped if a group is not respectful of her or has a history of it. Money is money, certainly, but business is a gamble and the deck is stacked against them with such animosity. After all, would you trust someone visibly aggressive with you over an ambivalent stranger when both hold a gun?
• just for shits and giggles, open relationships, and Shanks being fucking FERAL for Buggy and it's an absolute hot mess because he loves his clown wife so much-
• extra funnies, many others ALSO love his clown wife. Including, to his dramatic betrayal and theatric tears, many in his own crew.
• Rayleigh shows up at Karai Bari without warning to give Buggy a piece of his mind - not about her being a woman, no, that's fine, he loves her regardless, but about how she hasn't called him even ONCE just to give him the news that he has a DAUGHTER, she KNOWS he wanted a little girl, Buglet, why have you hurt him so-?
"You never gave me your number???"
"I didn't??"
"Yeah, OH, you senile old fart!!!"
"Hey, missy, no need for that kind of disrespect-"
• Luffy, Zoro, and Ussop bond over "my dad/dad-figure has done it with the clown lady" and Sanji is just laughing at their misery while Jimbei is trying so hard not to make eye contact lest they see his own clown fucking history ((it was one time but he wouldn't be against a repeat-))
I'm eepy so that's all I have now but ily nini ♡♡♡♡
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HELLO SWEETIE HOW I'VE MISSED YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!! 💖💖💖🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻 I am so glad you're back for more ideas and headcanons of our wonderful Buggy 💖💖
Toki and Buggy bonding my beloved but I absolutely adore what you said about Buggy blaming her nose at first instead of like, actually thinking why her image bothers her so much,,, She doesn't want to think further about it so she just guesses it had to be the nose because it's the one thing that's wrong with her,, But then she has the whole "I wish I were a girl because it would be easier" mindset still after claiming the clown aesthetic,,, My girl,,,
And the way she finds out I am,,, Gonna cry,,, The way it starts as a bet and Alvida is genuinely mad at her at first for her commentary about women but then she sees Buggy visibly upset because she's having the realization™ in the middle of a crowd. And I can't stop thinking about how it'd be sweet and comforting and,, You know. It'd feel like a family, something they don't really seem a lot of times because of their catastrophic dynamic. But Buggy would feel seen and loved and she knows Alvida will be there for her through it all no matter what. It's kind of weird to be comforted by a younger woman and I think Buggy would feel a bit ashamed for that?? But Al would tell her that there is no age to support each other, especially in womanhood.
I love how protective her crew is but mostly how little Crocodile and Mihawk care about this 😭 They really said "well if this doesn't affect us I don't care what you are but at least we are going to refer to you properly because we are not monsters, thank you". And also Crocodile is trans so it just makes sense. And what the hell with Mihawk's words??? This man is so romantic when he wants to--
My favorite thing about this is everybody being extremely protective of Buggy. She deserves it. She's a queen. An icon. And everybody is in love with her. And Rayleigh is soooo father and I adore him,, He'd go there solely to see his girl.
And never forget Zoro and Luffy bonding over this, but the funniest part of all is how I am 100% sure that after transitioning Buggy is wayyy hotter and way more confident and Sanji would be head over heels for her like everybody else. So yeah, he laughs all he wants but he wishes he could pull Buggy like that-
And I hope you slept well!!! Mwah mwah mwah!!! Loved to see you here again sweetie 💖💖💖💖💖
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sonictalismans · 29 days
I used to be friends with a semi-noted medical/neuroscience writer/neurodiversity advocate and I had never met anyone so far removed from the veneer she put on social media in my entire life.
- Within the first month of knowing her I watched her have an absolute screaming crying throwing up spamming capsmashing crytyping tantrum in front of multiple other people because I questioned her weird idea that "normies" finding out she has any geeky or artistic hobbies will somehow make her unemployable and I was a little bit sassy in my questioning (i.e. "Do you have any idea how unreasonable you sound? FFS, it's a personal passion, not a felony record.") When she calmed down, she then proceeded to call me "imprudent" for openly having some of my arts (mostly music) posted online with my real name and/or face attached and then REFUSED to explain why this was the case because it was "too substantive", and when I got upset and confused about this whole thing, worrying if I was the one who had it wrong the whole time and it really was as bad as all that, she demanded that I "self-soothe" i.e. stop bothering her
- She generally had this habit of criticizing me in vague ways and then just dropping the subject and refusing to explain
- She blamed me for a serious bullying incident that happened when I was 8 or 9 because I "should have known better than to let non-creative kids know [I was] creative"
- She refused to moderate her server which resulted in me being subjected to all kinds of disrespect from its members. If I was having trouble, I was told to "take it to DMs", but if I sent a DM, it would almost always be ignored until I had my spouse nudge the person to answer me and even that didn't always work
- She once told my spouse I was "too traumatized" for her to befriend despite the fact that she was dating someone whose life was easily twice as brutal as mine and who had practically every available psych diagnosis but was not receiving consistent treatment at the time
I don't have the evidence of her poor behavior because I made a point of scrubbing her disgusting ooze from my computer nor any desire to publicly out her but if you want to avoid dealing with this and you have the risk factors of either being involved with Trigun fandom and/or neurodiversity advocacy, I can privately tell you who you might wanna avoid
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gdsplay · 3 years
I've been a BB fan since I think 2016, and rn I don't know if i can continue or not. Please help me rationalize this, but do you really think they didn't knew/support him? YB is obvious but GD's insta posts were pretty on the nose. There's also Daesung's building situation, and I know this is old but with the news of YG threatening to kill people to protect B.I., even his old accident seems shady to me... I don't know. I feel like they are some scummy men now, this really isn't an attack at you or any other VIPs I just don't get it. I wish to like them again, but with the situation rn I can't. So I wanna know how you view these situations.
I’m here to debunk some of these assumptions;
Starting with support, what support? They’ve been living in silence since military service. They barely even update their own social media. Ot5’s will over analyzes any kind of picture or post to create a deep meaning behind it in honor of Seungri. These fan’s recently just spammed TOPs Instagram over a Picasso bug picture he reposted from a professional artist/photographer. A deep meaning over a bug… you can think like ot5s and always try to interrupt to create a deep meaning, perhaps what if Seunghyun was calling him a bug? See what I mean it’s all in the head.
The five hands? Well I don’t feel anything bad about it. The members aren’t ignorant. Why should we have to forget BigBang and not value the memories? Daesung used a screenshot and blocked all five faces, he won’t just block only seungri’s. They’re not doing to be petty and repost edited photos let alone full face ot5 photos. GD is very sentimental, it’s not that he’s particularly showing a stance but more so keeping the spirit of BigBang in the lest problematic way which a hand picture from Made was a good choice, a more reassuring picture so fans know they’re not going to disband or retire as a group over Seungri with or without him. I’m pretty sure they’re not allowed to speak on any of this burning sun scandal for their own good. Even if it’s against Seungri it will cause chaos from all ends including media. I know it sounds like a good idea but you have to understand the culture over their in handling these situations is nearly similar to how us oversea people address issues. I know ot5 have been disgusting obnoxious about that post, so what? Let them, it can be their last crumb. BigBang are well aware they are now a four member group, they knew it was coming sooner or later just by all of their own quotes regarding it. Why should they announce they obvious? It’s not anyone’s fault that a group of these active fans can’t let go and move on. There’s nothing to explain to them or anyone. The popular attack of ‘contract fans’ thrown, it’s true though, bigbang would not of renewed their contracts as four members if the oath of 5-1=0. The guys would have disbanded or called quits on the band.
As far as that goes the members scolded Seungri for years about his behavior and choice of friend group or the way he treats women like objects. They’ve tried maturing him, even help him to lead him out of the off vibe of friends he befriend. His ‘hyungs’ always wondered where Seungri’s whereabouts are. He would stop hanging out with them, going out for birthdays or celebrations and even being the only member to not physically sit down and meet Taeyang’s girlfriend at the time, someone important who meant the world to Taeyang. He couldn’t even do that for his own brother, everything was business and business only. So they’ve spat that in his face multiple times and wonder why he became distant, wondering where he’s been.
They may of predicted the future but they had no idea about the secret business he was really up too and it’s very ashamed and disappointed to find that out publicly like everyone else. A stab in the back I will say.
BigBang, the hyungs, have always respected women, they’ve never expressed perverted or shady behavior with any of them. Most of GD’s personal friend group is full of women whom he is close with, many feel safe with him and trust him just like the other three. While Seungri on the other hand.. their has been some uncomfortable signs as of body language. He always always been in the running ‘jokes’ or caught too many times with his p0rn watching— more like unhealthy addiction where his personality is pervert-like.
Now don’t take my wording the wrong way I’m not trying to come off snarky at all; The problem is too many of people take what they hear and run with it. Daesungs building? Let’s talk about that, Daesung bought a building back in later 2017 was at? Somewhere around before he enlisted, he seemed to of not studied the building enough more so just a quit purchase. Since around 2005 before BigBang we’re even a thing, making Daesung a minor that building has been running secret sex services their or over a decade. Nobody knew about these acts happening. Daesung didn’t run the building or even work within this building, he was just the owner who at the time recently bought it. What I trust in Daesung is how well he handled the situation compared to Seungri. As soon as the news hit Daesung immediately reached out to the fans and expressed his shock and disappointment about the news accusing him. Right away he apologized making a statement hours after the news to reassure fans. Taking on the mature adult route, he said he will do everything he’s acquired to do to get to the bottom of this accusation. Daesung sadly got thrown under the bus and invoked since he was the owner, now he was doing his mandatory this whole time unaware as well as when he bought this building. He ha:d nothing to do with the tenants, again he onlt owned the building. That would be like an accident happening at your local store, let’s use as an example! Someone dealt with a very disrespectful employee, now is that the owner of the buildings fault or the employee that works there? What would the building owner have anything to do with that encounter, the building owner doesn’t hire the people to work in their building that’s all within management of the building who work their not the owner. Does that make better sense?
Daesung went through about a month of working with the police, Daesung was clear of all charges and he chose to not own the building anymore. At night time the tenants would run illegal activity in secret without anyone’s knowledge, it sure was bad timing but I’m glad he got cleared and quickly. It’s unfortunate he had to be dragged into the mix of that with just buying a building. Perhaps he will be more careful next timeZ. I feel he should of waited and not rush into something right before enlistment since he would be gone. These activities took place for around 14 years beforehand. There is a huge underground prostitution ring within Gangnam no one knows where all the secret hot spots are just the ones who are getting caught.
Unlike Seungri who ignored the news of burning sun first being talked about including himself, not only did he pretend that the news didn’t occur but his reply later in February at one of his solo concerts was ‘I don’t care, I like when people talk about me’ that was his bright and witty choice of phrasing to use regarding a serious scandal about to stir.. I knew then he wasn’t worth my time or support with such a gross and cocky attitude.
These assumptions many have regarding BigBang can be negative judging by what they hear and choose to believe. Which I understand if you don’t follow them you’re not going to know everything or keep up. Just like you I hope to educate and explain further deeper into these issues. This may help or not but I’m glad you came here wanting to know.
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pokefarm-q · 3 years
[sakuya/tessa] sigh. i didn't want to make another post but apparently some people are spewing bullshit about me to make me look like like a bad person. (jsyk, it's not working lmao.) it seems i have to address and clear up some things!
first of all, y'all gotta stop with claiming i've harassed people on pfq. name ONE person i have harassed. i'll wait. if you say FW, you lose. me replying to her incredibly awful journal post to educate her is not harassment. i've never told anyone to go harass pfq users, and i'm definitely not a ring leader of sorts. it's just anti-BLM people and potentially even moderators who think i have some cult behind me, which is weird and obsessive as hell of people to think about me. furthermore, had i ever harassed someone on pfq, mods would DEFINITELY have done something about it. none of my site locks were because of harassment.
second of all, it's a huge shame i'm getting called a bootlicker/kisser towards mods during the mod applications period. that definitely shows how the anon hate either comes from randos who don't know anything or mods trying to do damage control. y'all don't want me to be the 'aggressive, hate-mongering tessa', but the moment i get decently nice to mods and doing small shit like wishing garthic to get well soon, it's suddenly bootlicking :/ and no, it wasn't because i applied for mod applications. even before and after that period i stayed nice to them (and even to anti-BLM people like FW and TaintedDoll i had normal ass convos) because i was actually sorry for the aggressive posts that got me banned for a second time. i felt i was in the wrong (yeah, even against trump supporters of all people!) and that my image of the activism i was trying to spread got too overwhelming and against pfq rules. that's why i started talking to mods more in order to be more careful with myself, hoping that i could be a better pfq user and /also/ make pfq the inclusive place i wanted it to be. but yeah, apparently i have to be 100% hostile towards everyone on pfq i dislike to prove a point to random anons. and i don't know where y'all got that shit that i got mad that i didn't get chosen as a mod cuz.... i didn't get mad? at all??? i didn't throw a tantrum, and i knew my chance to be chosen was a solid 0.1% cuz of my past 'offenses' on pfq.
i also wanna address the issue of people thinking that i do all of this for attention, which is... not the case at all. i knew very well that backlash would come my way by calling pfq out. i didn't (as some users like to call it) 'throw tantrums' on every platform i was on because mods locked me the first and second time for 'general disrespect'. i stayed rather silent and only discussed my locks with mods and some friends. this time, however, it was different — i was banned for what i believe was a very minor opinion about americans, and getting unlocked has become impossible. i'm not calling the mods out for revenge for banning me at all, though: it's actually *because* i'm banned that i could call them out, since they have no other means of silencing me anymore. i have to admit that i was very hesitant on calling them out for months: pfq as a game was a severe hyperfixation for me, i didn't want to lose my account again, i wasn't confident in myself if i could call mods out, i'd lose friends, etc... but you know what? i don't really care anymore. i'm the only one who's doing this publicly. calling out bigoted mods for being bigoted, without cowardly having to hide behind an anon button like most of you do. i'm not afraid to name the bullshit if it's there, even if it means people i considered my friends or allies leave me hanging. and i truly wish y'all would speak up more about the shit mods have been doing to minorities the past few years. maybe *after* doing so, we can discuss whether i've been doing all this stuff genuinely or because i'm looking for attention.
i'm not asking people to defend me. i can defend myself very well. i'm having a good laugh from the mods slandering me by calling me racist, transphobic, a hypocrite, and more. all without anything to back that up. and i'm laughing even harder at the horrible attempts of anons to divert the attention to me being 'aggressive' and 'problematic', while i've made an entire callout thread with real, written proof of mods being problematic and aggressive.
anyways i hope y'all have a nice day gambling on a bootlegged pokemon game and give kolink lots of £££
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themoonispurple7 · 3 years
People are bothered by Jikook because it might just be the real queer McCoy. Homophobia and heteronormativity simmers beneath the surface of nearly every subsection of society. A lot of people who claim to be just fine and dandy with gayness don't realize how much they might, consciously or not, 'other' or tokenize gay people.
It wasn't until I was in a same sex relationship that realized how much internalised bias and stigma I was carrying. You could be 'ok' with something on a surface level, but the fact is we have all been raised in societies that are in some way heteronormative, repressive, and, odds are, institutionally or subtextually racist. We carry around the vestiges of our upbringing.
If you need proof of this, look at how 'triggered' so many so called 'progressive' millenials and gen Zer are to see post featuring two men publically ADORING each other. Queer is ok, you see, in their FANTASIES, in a theoretical sense, maybe in a fanfic sense, but not for their faves in real life. Someone they actually desire or admire above others can't be queer; that would be a 'waste' of some good heterosexual erotic capital.
Just my theory.
This is mostly speculation but, in my opinion, from what I observed, there's probably a LOT of people within the fandom who think Jikook might very likely be an item. And that's precisely why they're cut out of compilations, big accounts and that people are triggered when it comes to them. I think there are multiple reasons for that - mostly LGTBphobia... - but I also feel like some people either don't want to draw too much attention on them or "expose them", or don't wanna be seen as shippers.
Combining these two asks because the other one came right after the first one, and I think they’re both spot on. Nothing more to add on the homophobia topic, anons, I think you’re more than right. Lots of the fans disguise their secret y/n fantasies in shipping.
When I was first joining the fandom, noticing JK&JM, I was very confused. I’ve never shipped real people before (my early shipping days were reserved to Mulder&Scully, Buffy&Spike lol). So I wondered if thinking they could be together was even ok. I’ve seen some people say that there could be something between some of the members, however, they would never publicly ship them because no one is publicly out as a couple, so that would just be disrespectful. I struggled with all of those thoughts for a while, keeping quiet in the fandom and just silently observing.
But, my conclusion is, if they really are a couple, with all the hate headed their way, they need all of the support they can get. 
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