#fix suspension
autism-alley · 5 months
hi originally posted this at the end of a long thread of back and forth, here’s the og post if you want full context but i feel like this needs to be its own post especially bc i keep seeing this argument being made—the argument that the kids (in this case it was annabeth) SHOULD just know the monsters are monsters and who they are and how to defeat them before ever encountering them, that it’s a problem if they don’t.
the problem is not if 12 year olds should recognize a trap when they see one, even if they’re smart 12 year olds, and if that’s realistic. that is entirely beside the point.
the problem is rick riordan wrote a book series whose formula is bringing myths to the modern age and he’s not sticking true to that in the show—percy jackson and the olympians’ Shtick is taking these classic, ancient threats and giving them a new face. these traps work because these kids are not walking into a cave marked with Get Out and getting ambushed by monsters—the monsters are disguised as harmless mortal human beings, in harmless mortal human being places (for the most part) and i think we—and more importantly, the show—are all forgetting the mist, the magic involved here. it’s not just that medusa is a “creepy lady with her eyes covered” it’s that there is ancient magic at work here, magic that, like the systems of abuse pjo exists to criticize, has been evolving and continuing its malevolence for millennia. it’s formulaic, that’s the point. it’s the same trap you’ve learned about all your childhood, the same trap a thousand children before you learned all their childhoods, and still, it works. you fall into the trap. because that’s how generational abuse works. it’s a trap. it isn’t enough to learn monsters exist, what they look like from a second hand story that originated thousands of years ago. if you want to escape alive, you have to adapt as quickly as they do, recognize their face, and ultimately, beyond any individual trap, the game itself has to change. real, generational change.
so. the problem is rick riordan wrote a series with a formula for action that perfectly captures the overarching, systemic conflicts he was commentating on, and then threw that formula out in the show because it was “unrealistic”. i don’t give a damn about realism when it works to the detriment of the story. this is a story about generational abuse, yes, but it’s told through ‘a tale as old as time’ and that’s why it works so fucking well. and when it comes to basic storytelling, if your characters know the threat before they even walk in and you do practically nothing to then make up for the stakes you have removed, that’s a flaw. now you’ve lost the entertainment value for your audience, on top of also lessening your themes.
something else that is so. honestly soul-crushing as a writer and a creative, is that to me this is reflective of the way we are now afraid to tell earnest stories. stories where we care not for listening to the people who want to pick apart fictional, mythical, fantasy stories for not being “realistic” instead of aligning with our target audience who acknowledges reality is not what makes a story. think of your favorite movie, show, book, comic, what have you—has the reason for your favoritism ever been because it is the most reasonable, the most grounded, the most practical out of any you’ve seen? or is it because of the emotion? the way it speaks to you, to your life and the person you are? the journey it takes you on? is the percy jackson and the olympians book series so good because it’s inherently realistic?
the secret to storytelling is, very simply, focus on your story. everything else is secondary. if it’s written well, it doesn’t matter to me that the characters walk into a trap that, to the audience, is obviously a trap. because i can understand how the characters don’t know it, and how the story falls apart if the narrative just tells the characters it’s a trap from the jump. that’s what dramatic irony is—first used in greek tragedies! this is literally a tale as old as time in every sense except for the end—where it’s happy. and it’s not earned if we don’t first see, over and over, the status quo as a tragic trap.
it’s not about if annabeth (or the other kids) is “smart enough” to not walk into a trap, or about if she’s just too prideful to not walk into what she knows is a trap (or any reason that could apply to the other characters), it’s that annabeth, at the end of the day, is a character. she is a storytelling tool for the messages of the narrative. that doesn’t make her any lesser. in fact ignoring it reduces her, because it reduces what she represents. it’s about how rick riordan, or whoever else at disney, has fumbled the storytelling bag so ridiculously hard that they can’t take the simple, effective formula outlined from start to finish (by good ol 2009 rick himself) and adapt it to the screen without answering the most unimportant, derailing, anti-story questions.
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sweet-potato-42 · 3 months
the qsmp needs a break where everyone involved can sit down and agree on some stuff
Deal with the higher up admins who were treating others poorly and clearly not working towards a good experience for ccs instead just more attention
establish good rules and regulations for the admins
communicate with all the ccs involved and ask what they think could be an improvement
They NEED to sit down with the ccs and the admins and rewrite the entire lore and a plan. Its fine if they retcon some stuff or ignore stuff. But its been clear for months they dont have much of a plan. They do however have a lot to work with and it could be so interesting
Its clear most people involved really care about the server and its goal so Im sure htey would be willing to cooperate and fix the issues
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gremlingirlsmell · 2 days
"i dislike the terms tme and tma" why do you dislike terms that are useful for transfems discussing their systematic opression? do you dislike the terms cis, hetero, white, too? you need to understand that tme & tma are not created to make "new binaries" or whatever, theyre for discussing our real material opression. realize how close you are to saying that transmisogyny isnt "real" or that it "affects everyone". do you also think reverse racism exists, or that homophobia or misogyny targets cis hetero men instead of benefitting them? or do you believe in intersectionality until it's about trans women and transfems, then the intersection of misogyny and transphobia basically becomes meaningless? you "dislike" when transmisogyny is brought up, just as existing?
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frnkiebby · 3 months
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Needed some more coverall frnk~🎃
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gremlins-hotel · 6 months
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try-set-me-on-fire · 11 months
Important to me that you know nurse Eddie drives a 2007 Honda Civic
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the-cookie-of-doom · 3 months
Converting to Catholicism for kink purposes
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oldfashionedmorphine · 7 months
if yall knew what i went through to get this story done damn 😭
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2bposting · 9 months
Whoever blew up an entire section of the highway in Central North Quadrant 14, your mom’s a ho.
Don’t bother trying to find me there, either. I am miles away by now. L bozo anyways
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lanshappycorner · 8 months
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about to watch hbo chernobyl. i wish they had made more of an effort to keep the ending from being spoiled.
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slow-button-off · 2 years
This is getting absolutely ridiculous!
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quietwingsinthesky · 1 year
the thing about mass effect 3 is that if they’d just ended it with Shepard and Anderson sitting side by side and then it choosing your ending for you based on how many war assets you had, people wouldn’t have been half as pissed as they were
#like sure some still would have been mad but I think people would have been mad no matter the ending#simply because no ending could ever match up to the one people write in their heads#but like fundamentally. the problem with me3’s ending is that you Have your big emotional climax with Anderson#you beat the illusive man. Anderson dies. and then you have to Keep Going after that#(like. as much as I do kind of love the way Shepard gives fucking Everything in that moment and is beaten all to shit and yet Still Gets Up.#in execution it leaves a little to be desired.)#so like you’re fresh off the high of the illusive man/Anderson confrontation and they hit you with boom random starchild. exposition dump.#like the fact that there are those three (technically four) endings to me3? not really that big of a deal. should they be more nuanced? yes.#but come on. EA. it was never happening.#so like. without adding anything to the endings themselves. if you took away that final choice. if you emphasized them being Results.#I think that would fix a lot of things.#(also personal note but I’d reorder them by war assets needed. with control requiring the least. synthesis in the middle.#destroy needing the most. with destroy + Shepard living requiring All You Can Get.#just to drive home like. this was the goal. you are here to destroy the reapers. if you can’t get enough power to do so?#you will become like the illusive man. like saren. you will wield a power you do not understand and leave the ending in suspense of whether#Shepard is really the one in control. but with destroy? that’s it. you fucking did it. you won. take a nap Shepard. you won.)#(and okay I said no adding anything but final final note? if you get the Most War Asssets? edi & the geth should live.#like. okay listen. renegade playthrough should be able to get the war assets needed for Destroy + Shepard living easy.#but paragon should be harder. should take work. you can get there but you’ll struggle to remain true to your code. right?#but it is also only paragon that should be able to get those extra bits of war assets that allow for the Geth + EDI living ending.#because a renegade Shepard wouldn’t share that goal. they are ruthless. they win and they got the job done and the cost was worth it.#paragon is no man left behind. idk I’m rambling. I just wanted edi & the geth to live. I think it spits in the face of the whole point#of the geth & quarian part of me3 that the geth don’t survive destroy. like. god maybe give Shepard an option to go ‘hey legion implanting#every geth with reaper tech seems sketchy? you sure about that?’ like we could have at least had that lmao. idk. idk.#I guess that’s what synthesis is. going for? kind of? but then it misses the mark by nullifying the conflict of organica and synthetics that#makes their chosen cooperation so meaningful to begin with.)#okay nooow I’m done I swear. sorry. I’m tired.#mass effect
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rainbowtitania · 1 year
The Scarlet Lotus
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In the years following the Sunshot Campaign, the mysterious, masked cultivator who’d defeated Wen Ruohan took on many identities: the Yiling Patriarch, leader of the Wen rebels, enemy of the Jin Sect, practitioner of wicked tricks. His true name was shrouded in mystery. He always wore a mask. He carried no sword; wore no clan colors or insignia. Clouds of resentful energy clung to him as he walked.
But there was one thing that absolutely everyone agreed on: the Yiling Patriarch could not possibly be from the Jiang Sect.
Or: a Scarlet Pimpernel/Untamed crossover featuring Wei Wuxian in disguise, Lan Wangji determined to bring the nefarious Yiling Patriarch to justice, and the hijinks that ensue when you accidentally marry your greatest enemy/love of your life.
Read it here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45946444/chapters/115648279
Updates every Wednesday! There will be 12 chapters total.
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klug · 2 years
twitter suspending a private account i’ve had for like 7-8 years because i told my friend “do nawt...commit suicioyde” is comedic but I’m literally frustrated at how they handle account-making on that site i’m considering quitting using it altogether now, even for a private account
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