flowhore · 2 years
Can I get some Eddie friends to lovers smut?!
Reader dresses up as Eddie for Halloween and he actually gets turned on by it.
𝔖𝔱𝔦𝔩𝔩 𝔬𝔣 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔫𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱
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𝑝𝑎𝑖𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔 ˚ Eddie Munson x (f)Reader
𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑚𝑖𝑠𝑒 ˚ There's a Halloween party, and you are dressing as your best bud, Eddie. Good luck. ♡
𝑤𝑎𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔 ˚ eighteen+ content, minors dni, alcohol use, friends to lovers, handcuffs, dry humping, male masturbation, thigh riding, contains sex, overstimulation.
𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑑 𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡 ˚ 7.4k
𝑠𝑜𝑛𝑔 𝑖𝑛𝑠𝑝𝑜 ˚ Still of the night - Whitesnake 87'
𝑒𝑡𝑐 ˚ This request sent me in a spiral...a deep brain rot. I KNOW Eddie had to love Halloween, cmon he loves playing pretend every day. Thank you for the inspiration !! ♡
𝑝𝑠 ˚ Send me requests! Love hearing from yall ♡.
⫘𝐼 𝑑𝑜𝑛’𝑡 𝑔𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑒𝑛𝑡/𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑚𝑖𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑡𝑜 𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑠𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑜𝑟 𝑟𝑒𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑡 𝑚𝑦 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑘. 𝐼𝑓 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑙𝑖𝑘𝑒 𝑤ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑠𝑒𝑒 𝑝𝑙𝑠 𝑙𝑖𝑘𝑒/𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡 & 𝑟𝑒𝑏𝑙𝑜𝑔 𝑥𝑜𝑥𝑜.⫘
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Your costume was almost ready for the Halloween party. You needed to find a couple more pins to finish off the jacket. The only thing is, Eddie is the only one that would have everything you need for the finishing touches.
Realizing you have to go to Eddies, you rush and pack your things up in your locker. You gotta find Eddie before he leaves. Running down the hallway to get to his locker there was no sight of him.
You see Mike and Dustin talking to each other,
You shout at them from down the hall franticly.
Dustin puts his hands to his mouth to yell back at you.
You shoot him a thumbs up as you run out the school doors to the parking lot. Scanning the lot looking for Eddies van. You see it already pulling out, You start running toward it waving your arms like a crazy person.
You scream. You see the break lights spark up as the van comes to an abrupt stop.
You finally make it to the driver-side window that's already down, out of breath, you hold on to the van, your head down and hold a finger up, motioning Eddie to hold on a minute.
Finally catching your breath you raise your head and shoot Eddie a smile, hand on hip, and raise your brow at him.
"what do you need now?" Eddie says rolling his eyes, knowing you only act like this when you need something from him.
You drop the act and hold your hands in prayer,
"I need to come over, I'm almost done with my costume, and I think that yo-"
"just get in"
Eddie cuts you off of your plead, A big smile grows on your face at him but he's looking away shaking his head at you.
You run around the car, swing the passenger door open and throw your bag in the back and plop next to Eddie.
You both sit for the short ride over to Eddies listening to his tapes at full blast in the car, jamming out like you always did when you were together.
Finally arriving at Eddie's, your mind starts to race, trying to remember exactly what you need. But also you can't take anything too obvious or he'll know what you are up to.
While you are deep in thought Eddie opens the van door for you, you step out and open the back and grab both your bags. Eddie then takes them from you, like you couldn't carry them yourself. You roll your eyes at his need to be a gentleman all the time.
Holding the door for you, you step into Eddies place. The smell of cigarettes and coffee still left out from the morning lingering in the air. You inhale and exhale deeply,
"Ah I love this place, so cozy."
Eddie scoffs at you.
He thinks you don't mean it but you do. Whenever you need a place to go Eddie's door is always open, late night campaigning, movie nights, even studying. Even though Eddie makes it difficult to study since he hates the idea of homework, you still would pick this place over yours any day.
You slip off your jacket and toss it on the chair in the corner where Eddie placed your bags.
"You hungry?"
Eddie asks you snapping you out of your thoughts.
"maybe what are we making?"
You walk over to the kitchen and join him in looking through the cupboards for something to make.
Searching, there wasn't much. A lot of canned soups and veggies, mac and cheese boxes, and spaghetti pasta. You think to yourself spaghetti sounds good, grabbing it.
You close the cupboard to see Eddie looking at two bottles of sauce, contemplating which one. Sometimes its like you two can read each other minds, or maybe you both are just craving some spaghetti.
You bend down to grab a pot from under the sink and go to fill it with water while Eddie is now searching the labels for one to shout 'pick me' at him. You bring the pot to the stove and turn on the burner.
"Eddie just pick one. please it's just sauce."
"but y/n what if I pick the wrong one and I ruin dinner"
you sigh and walk over to help him out.
Looking to see they are both the same sauces, you exhale heavily and look up at Eddie who is dying trying to hold in his laugh beaming at you.
You can't help but smile at his stupid attempts at pranks, you grab the sauce and walk away from him rolling your eyes.
"OH cmon I got you."
"yeah okay ed, sure"
You say to him sarcastically. He has no clue you're going to play the ultimate prank for the Halloween party. You smile to yourself just thinking about it.
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You place a bowl of Spaghetti in front of Eddie sprawled out on the couch.
Holding your bowl you plop next to him. He's got a scary movie playing on the TV, the intense music blaring every time the killer is near.
Eddie yells just noticing the food in front of him. Shovelling spaghetti in his face like a starving caveman you cant help but laugh at him.
You say as you giggle.
He says with a mouth full of pasta at you.
Now you are done with your pasta you look over to see Eddie knocked out beside you. You go and grab him a blanket and cover him up. The trailer is so quiet and peaceful while the beast is asleep.
Turning off the lights, you realize this is your moment to get what you need for your costume without him realizing it.
You creep over to his room, backwards, watching sleeping Eddie on the couch just in case he's faking it.
Making it to the room you search for his pins on the dresser. You grab whatever you see and put them in your pocket, feeling like a robber.
You also notice hand cuffs sticking out of one of the drawers, intriguing you, you grab them. What the hell is Eddie doing with these, you remember that he wears a handcuff belt so you take that too for the costume. You have everything you need for tomorrow now.
You walk back to the living room to shove your new items into your school bag quietly, the only thing is metal isn't quiet. You hear Eddie mumble awake from the noise, You quickly zip your bag and walk over to him.
He smiles looking at you, stretching from his nap,
"hey spaghetti master"
"hey sleepyhead"
His sleepy voice always made your heart sing a little, the rasp in it just sounded so good, that it never failed to heat your cheeks up. You kneel down and sit in front of him since his body is taking up the whole couch.
"when your ready, I gotta go home soon ya know"
"damn it already?!"
He yells dramatically at you making you chuckle.
"yes I need to finish up my costume for tomorrow"
"Just finish it here."
He whines at you. He always gets whiny when you want to go home, and always wants you to stay the night.
You never do, even though this place is your comfort it always seemed weird to you to sleep over, naps yeah but staying the night, just the two of you, never.
"cmon you big baby"
You tease at him, grabbing his keys from the table, and jingling them to get him up.
He groans and drags his body up, grabbing the keys from you.
"lets go princess"
He says to you as he rolls his eyes grabbing your bag.
Pulling up to your house you reach behind the seat and grab your bag.
"Thanks for the drive grumpy"
Eddie cracks a smirk looking out at the road.
"I'm not grumpy, I just wish you'd stay over for once. I don't bite you know."
He looks at you, a small pout painting on his face.
Making your lips curl into a smile, sometimes he was just adorable to you.
"Okay maybe tomorrow, since you'll probably be drinking anyways, I don't want you driving."
His face lights up at you.
You yell as you open the door to leave.
He rolls the window down, waiting for your goodbye, you walk up a bit to your door,
"Thank you good sir"
You bow to him and blow a kiss.
He grabs the floating kiss and shoves it in his mouth to eat it.
You gasp and run inside, hearing him giggling from the car.
Eddie pulls off, now it's time to work on the costume.
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The final bell ringing in your ears like daggers. Finally, it was time to go home and get ready for the party. You rush out of class down to where eddies locker is to see him surrounded by his club members.
“Please no one will even know we're not seniors, just tell us where is it!” One of his little minions pleaded to him.
“I'm sorry little ones, I can't just give you the info, I’m not even sure I'm invited”
You chime in,
“You're invited and you’re going”
His face lights up seeing you walk over to him even though your face is giving attitude.
“Of course, I would be going even if I wasn’t invited, it's HALLOWEEN!”
He yells theatrically as his hoard of members disperses upset he won’t let them come.
“is your costume all ready?”
He asks you as he shoves all his things away in his locker.
“as It’ll ever be, get excited”
“oh I am”
He says with a smirk.
You both head out to his van and he drops you off at home.
“Remember no driving.”
You give him a stern look.
“yes I know it's only like a ten-minute walk from mine anyways, it's longer for you”
He pauses for a second,
“Eddie I’ll survive don’t worry”
“Make sure, if you change your mind I don’t have to drink.”
“shhhhh” you yell at him, climbing out of the van and closing the door.
You rest your arms on the open window and smile at him,
“see you tonight”
He blushes at you, always looking adorable before we part.
“see you”
Blowing him a baby kiss and he catches it and stores it in the glove box.
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You look in the mirror, making sure everything looks right. You got your tight jeans on with the rips in the knees, dangling the handcuffs you found on the side of the jeans, but covered by the shirt. You tore up a hellfire shirt, it's Halloween, gotta make it sexy somehow. It’s got the perfect rip, just enough to see your cleavage.
You have one of your old leather jackets on and you ripped the sleeves off an old jean jacket you had. Adding the pins you stole from Eddie on it. You also add some of his rings with your own. You curled and teased your hair to get that signature Eddie Munson look.
Even did a smokey eye with a red lip, if Eddie was a woman he would definitely be stunting a red lip. You finished off the look in white heels, the only white shoes you had and you weren’t about to steal Eddie's shoes.
You step back in front of the mirror, You actually looked pretty good as Eddie. The freak looks good on you. Excited to finally show Eddie you look at the time, shit, you're late already.
You turn off all your lights, spray some perfume and run out the door.
The fall air smelt so warm but gave your body temperature the opposite, even with the two jackets, the little rips in your shirt was freezing you.
The burn in your heels started to kill, even though you were almost there, you kick yourself for not just wearing your converse. With all the breaks you were taking you knew you were going to be late as hell.
The only thing keeping you from turning back and changing shoes was the fact that you knew Eddie was waiting on you, probably worried, ready to go get the van at any moment.
Finally making it to the party, you wait outside a minute. Leaning on a tree, check on both your aching feet, letting them rest a moment before you try to walk inside and have everyone look at you fumbling.
“No way, you’re dressed as the FREAK ?!”
You hear a voice beside you, one of the basketball players dressed as a zombie arriving and noticing you.
You shoot him the finger with a nasty look.
He says smiling as he walks to the party almost tripping watching you.
Now regretting coming to the party altogether, Eddie really is the only reason you are still here.
Your feet finally start to relax into your heels now that you’re not running a marathon anymore. You check that your hair is still puffy and fix your shirt, ready to go in.
The loud echos of music surrounded the abandoned store your peers decided to host the party at. All lit up with pumpkins and toilet paper, and some of your classmates were already drunk in the front throwing up. Ah, high school parties. You take a deep breath as you open the front door.
Two girls dressed as angel and devil fly by you as you open the door giggling, almost making you fall over. You walk into the party, The music is blaring you can’t even hear any conversations around you. Overwhelmed by how many people there are and the noise, you try to navigate to the kitchen to find a drink, hopefully, to calm your anxiety from just being here.
You hear the same frat boy screaming at you, seeing he has a drink in his hand you go over to him.
“I need one of those to deal with you”
Catching him off guard his face falls and he goes to get you one fumbling through the people.
As you wait for your drink you look around for Eddie, you don’t wanna miss him seeing you. You worked hard as a robber just for his reaction.
A drink waves in your line of vision. Frat boy is back.
“thanks” you grab the cup and cheers him.
“WOOOOOOOO” he screams right in your ear after he downs the whole drink.
You’ve had your fill of frat boys for the night after that. You start to drink, the taste was repulsive, it made the hairs on your back stand up, feeling the burn down your throat.
You keep sipping on your drink as your ears become used to the volume of the music, still searching around for Eddie. Passing by couples making out and people shot gunning beers around you.
Seems you are walking circles around the party over and over now. Maybe Eddie ditched you, you think for a moment you don’t blame him, this place was a lot.
Your drink now dwindling almost empty you walk over to the kitchen and grab another drink. You look down at your feet to see a couple making out on the floor, you roll your eyes and sink down to their level and set into the realization that your friend stood you up.
They look at you weirdly and end up leaving. Like you’re the weird one here. You down your second drink soaking in the sadness of being stood up. You stand up and sit up on the counter, at least to watch everyone else having fun with their friends, instead of the dirty floor. Grabbing a piece of candy from the bowl, you decide to make the best of it, you are already here.
You see all the cliques still sticking together even at a party, it’s like lunch but everyone is babbling idiots even more.
You see your frat lap boy has found you again.
Letting out a deep sigh,
“yes zombie boy?”
“you know you look very hot, VERY hot.”
His words slur and eyes cant even stay open at his own will.
“yes thank you, have you seen Eddie?”
You decide to make use of this idiot, and see if he can help you.
He screams at you making your ears ring.
“Do you know any other eddies?!”
You snap back at him in annoyance.
“It’s sitting in a tree..” you try to correct him but he’s already storming into the crowd of peers still singing the lyrics wrong.
Grabbing your third drink you head into the backyard, Sitting on the steps looking out at the dark forest, the chilly air biting at your skin but not as harsh anymore. At least you know the alcohol is working.
“Have you seen y/n?”
“ew freak”
You hear in the far distance. It has to be Eddie.
You see a cloaked figure going up to clumps of people asking your name.
Excited you try to hide so you can scare him.
You listen closely to the foot steps in the wet grass. Closer and closer they get, until you hear a hand grab the stairs handle.
“BOO” you jump out from the corner right in Eddies face.
Making him jump back almost falling over.
“Y/N !”
You giggle watching him get angry at your prank, waiting for him to look up and see you.
You walk down to where he is and he’s looking at you head to toe. Eyes soaking in the whole costume, raising a brow and the stolen rings and pins.
“no way…”
“y/n you did not dress as ME !!?”
You beamed at him blushing and hiding your face.
So giddy from his reaction, and those drinks.
You do a twirl, “do you love ?”
He watches you biting his lip, tilting his head watching you,
“I love indeed”
You slap his arm,
“Eddie you perv I'm literally you”
Still watching you like your everything,
“you wear me a whole lot better than me”
He says in a low voice making your cheeks burn. He’s never looked at you like that before.
You clear your throat trying to whip out your thoughts, he was just being nice.
“Well look at you !”
You beam at him trying to snap him out of the trance he’s in watching you.
“Vampire Eddie”
You say now actually looking at him, he looks hot. Not in the adorable way he usually does. The teeth and blood dripping down his chin with the stupid cape suited him. You liked what you saw, maybe you had one too many drinks but you were soaking him up.
“I'm here to suck your blood ah ah ah”
Eddie now trying to snap you out of your trance looking at him. He's scratching the back of his neck, He only does that when he’s nervous. You both awkwardly chuckle, the tension between you is so weird. Something foreign, forbidden even.
“ THE FREAKS !!!! “
Oh no not him again. You both look over to the zombie boy making an undead walk over to us with 3 shots in his hand. Once he was close, you both grabbed a shot from him, making him smile.
He orders us, seems he’s on gathering duty.
You and Eddie shrug at each other and walk inside to join everyone else with shots in their hands waiting.
Zombie boy shouts at everyone and the room went quiet as everyone took their shots followed by gross noises of people reacting to the sting of the shot. Your throat burned and your face cringed looking at Eddie, he was perfectly fine, this man took the shot like water.
“Another?” he asks you in your ear softly.
“uh yeah sure.” You smile at him, trying to completely ignore how his whisper made your thighs clench.
Eddie pours you both shots and you sit up on the counter in front of him, his eyes are like arrows, piercing your body, everywhere he looks. You inhale deeply and shake your head at the thoughts racing in your head. Why was he looking at me so differently than early before...
“cheers freak”
He smirks at you,
“cheers vampire princess”
You tease back at him.
You clink glasses and down the shot.
You hear a chant starting behind you, and turn to see everyone watching the two of you cheering you on for another shot.
Eddie shoots you a shrug, “gotta give the people what they want”
Another shot in hand you both raise it for the classmates chanting freaks at you two. Downing another shot, you hear everyone cheer, then go right back to their other party activities.
You're still wincing from that shot, eyes closed and lips pursed.
You feel eddies hand on your chin, “such a baby” he teases you.
“shut up I don’t drink like you Munson”
“ou not Munson she's mad!”
He says chuckling at your sudden grumpiness.
You needed Eddie to keep his hands to himself, your body was starting to crave him. He's one of your best friends, everything about this felt wrong. But the way he’s looking at you, it isn’t the same as before. Maybe you just never noticed until now. Did Eddie like you? His hand was rubbing your knee as you study his every move now, trying to solve the mystery in your head.
He shoots you a smile,
“Let's dance?”
You raise a brow at him, he’s never asked you to dance before, even at school dances.
But your body was starting to feel the alcohol and you really did want to dance.
You put your hand in his and he drags you into the crowd of the peers you both scoff at every day.
Dancing with Eddie was extra fun because he didn’t care what people thought of him, he was dancing like he was in his room alone and you loved it. Inspired you to just let loose and enjoy the music with him, feeling confident you both just danced together, giggling every now and then. The surrounding people just melting away, it was just you and Eddie, beaming at each other, enjoying each other like you always do but, damn he felt so free in the best ways possible.
After dancing for a while, You both plopped on the gross dusty couch in the living room in between two couples sucking faces. You are both heavy breathing from all the dancing, you look at each other and smile. Eddie grabs your hand, “That was fun” lifting it up weakly as you both are limp bodies. You nod to his comment.
It really was fun letting loose with Eddie. You leave your hand in his, loving the feeling and not caring about that weird tension from earlier, this was your best friend, who cares if you thought he was hot, he is. Nothing wrong with that.
The speakers start to blare Thriller, Eddie looks at you enticingly ready for round two of dancing, you roll your eyes and resurrect your body with him and jump back into the crowd.
As the party starts to die down, you and Eddie decide it's time to go. Walking out into the crispy fresh autumn air, finally out of the cramped overheated party. Your skin can finally breathe out here, that old chill now feeling like a blessing over your burning skin, you close your eyes in comfort as Eddies got his arm wrapped around your shoulder guiding you the way to his place.
Once you are done soaking in the sweet cool air you open your eyes and look up at your beautiful vampire. Blushing at how he looks good even from the angle you are at, cramped into his arm on his chest. You wrap your left arm around his waist squeezing him. He chuckles at your touch, you leave your arm wrapped around him. You sigh and let out something you should’ve kept in your head,
“You’re pretty as a vampire ed.”
His silence makes you look up and he's grinning so wide looking straight ahead then down at you,
“you really think so?”
His vampire teeth poking out from his grin, looking so enticing to you,
“mm yes very”
You say as you watch his lips. He licks them pulling in his bottom lip a little, your hypnotized by them.
He looks up to keep guiding you, if it wasn’t for his guidance you'd both be sleeping at the party right now.
Finally, you look up to see Eddies van, and his uncles parked together.
“Wayne’s home?”
“mm, he’s excited to see our costumes before he goes to work”
A ping of embarrassment strikes you. You’re the slutty version of his nephew. Eddie looking at you concerned now because you’ve stopped walking.
“Eddie I’m dressed-“
“stop you look amazing, he’s going to love it.”
He tries to ease your anxiety.
You hold your breath as Eddie holds the door open and you see Wayne sitting watching TV, immediately shutting it off when he sees you, eyes beaming at the two of you.
“You two look great! Stay right there.”
He franticly runs over to the dresser in between the hall, grabbing his polaroid camera.
“Now smile big”
You and Eddie give Wayne some huge smiles and goofy poses. Him just taking our photos makes him so happy he's beaming at us.
“I almost thought I was gonna miss your costumes, I’m running late already.”
“y/n you do Eddie better than HIM !”
“Get outta here stop boosting her ego” Eddie protest at Wayne making all of us smile
“See ya kids in the morning”
He says as he runs out the door franticly, he really waited up for us just to see the costumes.
Once Wayne’s car pulls out, Eddie grabs your hand, twirling you around.
“I’m really loving this costume.”
He starts playing with the pins on your jacket, his brow furrows,
“How did yo-“
“I’m a robber” you confess abruptly.
Making him chuckle at you,
“you’d make a horrible criminal ya know?”
You look at him and shoot him a tongue in response.
“When can I have these back?”
His eyes are pouring into yours as you notice he’s caressing the collar of your jean jacket, slowly. His whole body changing, intense, you were a deer in headlights, stunned at him.
“whenever you want?”
You crack a weak smile at him and squeeze out of his touch. Trying to collect yourself, maybe he’s just drunk. Gotta get him in bed tucked in and hell pass out like he always does.
You walk over to the kitchen to grab a glass of some water for him, you fill up a cup and turn and yelp, he was standing beside you.
Your yelp made him laugh,
“scared ?”
“pft never drink your water”
You hold out the glass to him and he downs it like a shot.
Rolling your eyes, “not like a shot Eddie”
“but I want to suck your blood instead”
He says grabbing your waist and pulling you close to him. You pressed onto his chest, your hand on him to keep your balance.
You smile at his roleplaying,
“you want a stinky metal heads blood?”
Poking fun at him, you'd hope it would offend him.
But he's looking at your lips,
“sorry say that again?”
He's mesmerized? By you? Your lips? You can't fathom it, no way.
You say as you push him off lightly and he flys into the wall dramatically,
He says playfully at you with a grin painting on him. You look at him against the wall, head tilted to the side, fangs poking out of his grin, man he was a sight to soak in right now. His eyes look you up and down. Your nerves spike and send shivers through your body the way he watches you.
You walk over and grab his hand guiding him to his room, planting him on his bed, and sitting up on the edge. He watches your every move, lost in a daze.
You start to untie his silly vampire cape, trying to get the huge knot out that he did earlier. As you struggle, he grabs your hand and squeezes, making it fall. He undoes the knot himself, not even looking down at it, just at you, your body.
He shrugs the cape off himself.
You go to put one of his tapes on but you hear him get up from the bed as you place the tape in. You press play and the music plays just loud enough so you can’t hear where he is now. You turn expecting him to be behind you but he isn’t.
You see him walking back into the room with the glass you gave him before now with more water, “drink” he says to you placing it on the dresser. You drink a little, noticing it’s ice cold, Eddie added some ice for you, just the way you like it.
The small gesture makes you smile, he knows you. He plops back down on the bed and you walk back over to him with your water and place it on the bedside table.
“did you want your stuff back now?” you ask as you stand between his legs.
Looking up at you his eyes lit up,
“Yes lady Munson, I do.”
The nickname makes you twist your mouth into a grin, you cant try to hide that you liked it.
He tugs on your jacket, motioning you to come down to his level. You plant your knees on the floor and lean back into your heels. He's now looking down at you sitting on the floor beneath him, the tiniest curve of his lip watching you for a moment. He starts to take off the pins on your jacket, moving his eyes to meet yours every now and then while you relax and hum to the music. He gathered them all in his hand and dropped them on the side table.
He watched you as he slipped off the jean vest from you, letting it fall to your feet. Something so simple sent a chill up your back.
You try your best to break the tension, your scared of your own feelings right now. Your heart is bursting just looking at him, in this new way. You always thought he was attractive but, you knew he would never see you that way, ever. Him looking at you like this was what you only imagined in your dreams. Feeling dazed watching it happen you are confused if it’s even real or if your imagining things that aren’t there.
He grabs your hand, slowly pulling off each ring. One by one, collecting them in a pile between his legs. Once done with the first hand he places it on his knee to stay. He starts on the next one, you watch his fingers wrap around yours, so soft, pulling the rings off so slow you feel every inch of your fingers being touched by his.
Placing all the rings on the table he tries to move but you grab his hand, stopping him. Looking back down at you, you don’t dare look up. You had no clue why you were doing it back to him but your nerves were shot, you take his right hand and start to pull his rings off. Collecting your own pile now, he chuckles when you go too slow on the last one. You drop his hand and go to the other. The hand you dropped is now caressing your shoulder, pulling at your leather jacket, lightly. You still don’t dare to look up at him, you finish the rings and place them with yours.
Back between his legs, his hand lightly grabs your cheek, bringing your face to look at him, still resisting, you look around the room.
“going shy on me y/n ?”
You say in a low voice, not meaning to but it came out that way.
He tugs on your jacket, you give in shrugging it off to join the vest on the floor.
“I like what you did here”
Making you look at his fingers pointing at your rips in the hellfire shirt.
“your not mad, I disgraced the shirt?” you look up at him questioning
“you look too good to be upset.”
His words confirm he’s been feeling the same as you have, even sobered up a bit makes you believe him even more. It wasn’t just you. Your body heats up, cheeks burning as you realize.
He tugs at the rip right on your chest and peaks in, his face flushes, and you swat his hand.
He's chuckling “I’m sorry I couldn’t help myself,” he says as his hands are in the air.
You roll your eyes at him being a perv, but you couldn’t help that it enticed you, you did dress for him, why shouldn’t he see you, all of you. You blush at your own thoughts.
With Eddie still watching you, you bravely tear the rip a little more, making a small tiny sound, he watches your fingers pull the fabric, inhaling sharply, he knew you were inviting him.
His eyes flashed up to yours in wonder, wondering if you were sure.
You move your hands from the shirt, place your hand slowly and softly on your lips, pressing it in, lifting it to blow him a kiss like you always do, but this one meant something completely different.
His eyes widened at your gesture, and his hand flew up mid-air catching it, bringing his fingers to his mouth and biting his fingers lightly.
You absent-mindedly pull your lip in and bite it, you craved him. You wondered what it would be like to be kissed by Eddie, to have his lips on you.
You decide to get off your knees and stand above him again, he leans back into the bed more, inviting you into his lap, an invitation you accept.
He spreads his legs so you’re sitting right between them, you look at each other like your words are failing you both in this moment, just eyes telling each other everything they want to say, You blushed at the non-verbal affection, you both knew each other well enough to know, even if we never looked at each other like this before, you could just feel it. The yearning for each other, like it’s been suppressed for years, both never realizing the others feelings.
And with one last look in his eyes, his eyes get heavy and so do yours, moving in slowly, you feel his heart beating in your palm as it rests on his chest. You feel his breath on your aching lips, and he crushes his lips into yours, both breathing each other in as your lips combine, holding it, you both let go and look at each other again.
He brings his hand to hold your face, rubbing your cheek with his thumb, you press your lips into him, missing them already. He pulls you off and switches positions with you instantly in one move, you are now under him.
Hovering over you he watches you squirm at your new position, He plants you another kiss, and you can feel his fake vampire teeth poking into your lip, the pain sending waves through you.
You go to touch his hair and he lets you, you always played with his hair when you would relax on the couch, but when you do it in his sleep, he moans, and you wondered if-
He lets out a small exhale as you wrap your fingers in the back of his hair, yeah, he likes it. You blush at his pleasure, the noises he makes always made your thighs clench.
He sits up, looking at you in your costume, scanning your body beneath him, he stops at your waist, his face puzzled, and then wide-eyed in shock.
“Is that my, uh..”
“your handcuffs?”
“um yeah where did you get tho-“
“Why do you have them ?”
You snap back really wanting to know the answer,
Your question seems to have sparked something in him, now he's grinning like the devil himself at you.
He un-clamps the handcuffs from your waists and twirls them in his hand looking at you,
“ you sure you want to know lady Munson?”
Your eyes grow wide in excitement, you really did want to know but you couldn’t utter the words.
He leans down kissing you as he runs the cold metal across your chest making you yelp into his mouth, the cold steel shocking your hot burning skin.
He’s grinning down at you,
He tosses the cuffs on the bed showing you mercy, he starts to kiss your neck lightly as he works his way to your exposed chest from the rip, planting kisses on the half-clothed skin. He runs his tongue along the same spot he ran the cuffs, his tongue so warm you let out a tiny muffled moan. He looks up at you immediately,
“Keep doing that I’ll never stop,” he says to you almost with a whimper.
He backs up from your chest and grabs a handful of your shirt in each hand, he rips it, harshly, exposing your skin to him, he kisses all the new skin, ripping the shirt completely off of you, watching your body as you rub your thighs together, trying to get friction any way you can.
You could feel the strong intense burning inside of you, the want for him. He plants kisses down your stomach until he's at your jeans, undoing them and pulling them off of you, exposing your panties in front of him. He pulls on the side of them from your hip, giving you the tiniest bit of friction, and making you inhale. “I like these too,” he says as he lets it go and it smacks on your skin.
Your brows furrow, your want for him is making you hot and heavy, weak even. He grabs your ankle and pushes it up, the same as the other. He presses his hard budge onto your wet panties, the pressure alone makes your chest spring up, he takes advantage of that kissing your chest, leaving you marks along your skin, as he keeps rubbing himself on you, both moaning from the pleasure, his moans fueling your fire.
You take what you learned from Eddie and switch positions, he's now beneath you, you start to undress him, pulling his shirt up, kissing down his chest, to his little patch of hair, his happy trail, you press kisses watching his head fall back from watching you. You undo his belt, then his jeans, slipping them off of him. His cock was freed from the jeans and tented in his boxers.
Not leaving much to the imagination... you feel your mouth water just looking at him. He sits up to kiss you and grabs you, by the waist with one hand, the other pressing the cold cuff down your stomach making you moan into him, eyes full of lust. He lays you down and your hands wander to his hair his hand stopping you, the cold cuff clamping on your wrist, you look at him, his eyes dark and full like fire, and he cuffs your other hand, swinging the cuff chain behind the bed frame pole, looking at you squirm he smiles, the vampire teeth still poking out, you didn’t mind the cuffs, you loved the pain it gave when you tried to touch him, oddly enough the pain felt good mixed with the sweet pleasures he was giving you.
He watched you trying to satisfy yourself with your own thighs again, smirking at the idea that you think it will work. He slides his thigh between your legs right against you and your clits pleasure makes you moan, you start to grind on his thigh as he watched you, please yourself on him, his eyes piercing into you as your wrist starts to burn, wanting to touch him so badly. “Eddie” you moan his name,
“fuck don’t do that,” he says closing his eyes at your words, reaching for himself, he wraps his hand around his own cock and starts to stroke himself. Watching him please himself made your eyes wander, it was exciting to see like you were watching something you weren’t supposed to.
He watched you as you kept moaning through the grinding as he slowly teased himself, you can't help but stare at his hands around his cock and feel jealousy pour through you.
“Ed..let me..please” you watch his eyes look at you, drinking the vision of you in. He leans in and kisses you, removing the cuffs from you, and kissing your wrists.
Your hands go straight for his cock, using both hands you twist lightly and squeeze up and down his shaft, making sweet moans pour off his lips, you slip out from under him and lay him on his pillow. You bring your lips to his, still jerking him, letting his moans melt into your kisses, “fuck y/n I need you”
His want for you, makes you waste no time, you climb on top of him, teasing his tip around your entrance, your wetness soaking his head, he struggles to find a condom with his free hand while you tease him and toy with him. He finally finds one and lifts you up, sitting himself up. He slips the condom on and you lock eyes with him.
You guide him to your entrance and you press your lips into his. You slowly sit on his throbbing cock, both your mouths open in hard moans, moaning into each other as he stretches you out, your walls consuming him, the pain slowly turning to pleasure as you ride him slowly, seeing him turn into a mess beneath you, kissing and sucking your exposed skin as you push and pull him into you. 
He breathes into your skin as you sit down hard, taking as much of him as you can, making a muffled moan crawl out of you from the painful bliss, The feeling of his cock filling you up drove you wild, and your hands crept over to his hair, he grabbed your wrist,
“Baby, are you trying to kill me?”
You grin at his words, planting kisses all over his sweaty forehead.
He pulls you off of him lightly and presses you into the bed, your ass up in the air exposed to him, you feel his thumb searching your slit, until you let out a moan, finding your clit, he starts running circles, your arousal surely pooling around him now, you feel him bring his hand around your thigh, to keep circling your clit, you feel his cock at your entrance again,
“ready lady Munson?”
“yy-yes e-d” is all you can murmur as his fingers are rubbing your clit, and you feel the pressure building in you.
He pushes himself inside you, deep, the new position giving him access to fill you with him even more, You cry out at his cock filling you, bruising your walls, with the sweet circles around your clit, you were in heaven, the noises coming from both of you was pure bliss. You two were in your own world, lost in each other, pure pleasure.
You felt your burning growing more and more until it became unbearable, you try to mumble to him that you are close,
“I know baby, I can feel you, all of you.”
“cum for me y/n”
“cum all over me”
He coaches you, pleading for you,
It's all you need to send you over the edge, spiralling in bliss as you close your eyes, pure electric pleasure pumping through you, all over Eddie and his moans as you come undone matching yours, you fall apart together,
Waiting a moment as you two throb inside each other still, panting, reeling off of your orgasms,
you both come to the realization.
You just fucked your best friend.
“fuck it was perfect”
You hear Eddie whisper against your back, still inside you, like he read your mind,
“it was”
You agree blushing.
Eddie slides out of you making you yelp small at the emptiness.
He grabs a towel from his drawer, helping you clean up, you return the favour for him, eyes still burning in lust for each other, even after.
You both get in the bed, still naked and sigh relaxing into each other, you start to play with his chest hair, twirling it between your fingers, looking up at him, smiling.. thinking of all the things you two have yet to do together..
“again lady Munson?”
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𝑢𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑙 𝑛𝑒𝑥𝑡 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒 𝑑𝑎ℎ𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠..
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str4ngergirlw0rld · 6 months
as a reader whos been on this app for a year i was always too shy to speak up and compliment writers not realizing how it affected them but NOW i feel its nice to appreciate all my lovely writers on this app , even if i feel its repetitive because i never know if they needed to hear that their writing is AMAZING. if you needed this ; your writing is my textbook definition of perfect & PLEASE never doubt yourself.
also i feel like it would be nice to put a face to all these messages their getting , whether it be their inboxes or their dms but i’m TOOOO nervous so my PFP will suffice for now.
truly. 💗❤️‍🔥💒
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@ali-r3n @andvys @ambrossart @abibliophobiaa @boomhauer @blueywrites @battymunson @bimbobaggins69 @cacoetheswriting @call-me-eds @chrissymjstan @doomsdaybby @eiightysixbaby @forays-into-fiction @flowhore @florestmoon @ghost-proofbaby @ghosttownwherenoonegoes @harrywavycurly @hellfire--cult @havecourage-darling @hellfirecvnt @i-me-mine @icallhimjoey @inklore @loeyparker @lovebugism @lithium80sblog @lonelysatellites @masterofmunson @myobmaya @neonghostlights @once-upon-an-imagine @onegirlmanytales @oneforthemunny @pinkrelish @punk-in-docs @queenimmadolla @purplehazed-h @sebuckyverse @spiderrrling @the-unforgivenn @two-red-lungs @tiannasfanfic @uselesssomebody @upsidedownwithsteve @usedtobecooler @word-wytch @trashmouth-richie @reidsbtch
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Tag 10 People to Get To Know Them Better
I was tagged by the lovely @hellfirehaley Thank you so much my dear<3
Relationship status: Taken. Been with the bf for 3 years now.
favourite colour: any shade of green.
favourite food: Fettuccine Alfredo with shrimp.
song stuck in your head: Holy Diver by Dio.
last thing you googled: Cirque du Soleil. (they are coming to my town and I’m buying tickets for my mom and I)
time: 11:32am
dream trip: I would love to go and spend a week in Scotland sightseeing and meeting long distance friends.
last book you read: The Last Wish.
last book you enjoyed reading: The Last Wish, if you enjoy The Witcher TV show you’ll definitely enjoy the books.
last book you hated reading: can’t say I’ve had one I hated but IT was so long so I guess I’ll say that one.
favourite thing to cook/bake: not much of a cook as my boyfriend is a chef so I never need to. However I do enjoy making taco pasta and no bake cookies.
favourite craft to do in your free time: I enjoy doing makeup and also resin crafts.
most niche dislike: giving advice to people who ask for it then end up not taking the advice.
opinion on circus(es): If the circus is in town it wouldn’t be my first choice but I would go. No animals though cause they don’t deserve the poor treatment.
do you have a sense of direction: depends on where I’m at, if it’s a place I’m familiar with than absolutely I can find my way around. Any other time gps is my friend.
Taglist (NO PRESSURE AT ALL. If you’ve done it, please ignore the tag) : @sunflowerharrington @quickiesgirl @munsonshandcuffs @shlutnutt @muertawrites @munsonlover @eddiemunching @flowhore @raincoffeeandfandoms @stranger-nightmare
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craving-banana · 7 years
Ang hirap pala pag wala ka pang trabaho, hindi ka makapag-shopping ng cactus at bagong flowhores huhuhuhuhuhu kupit kaya muna ako sa allowance? Hmmmm
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flowhore · 2 years
𝔏𝔢𝔱'𝔰 𝔤𝔢𝔱 𝔦𝔱 𝔲𝔭
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𝔭𝔞𝔯𝔱 𝔱𝔴𝔬
𝑝𝑎𝑖𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔 ˚ Eddie Munson x (f)reader
𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑚𝑖𝑠𝑒 ˚ you and your bestie (Joan) decide to have a sleepover at the trailer park, giving you the chance to finally meet the loud-mouthed metalhead from school.
𝑤𝑎𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔 ˚ eighteen+ content, minors dni, drug use, praise kink if u squint, hair play, a pinch of dom Eddie, dry humping, fingering, f receiving oral.
𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑑 𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡 ˚ 8.8k
𝑠𝑜𝑛𝑔 𝑖𝑛𝑠𝑝𝑜 ˚ Let's get it up - ACDC 81'
𝑒𝑡𝑐 ˚ I plan on making a part 2 maybe even a 3 depending on if y’all like it. Sorry, this is so long but the brain rot for Eddie Munson is alive and well dahlings, Enjoy ♡.
⫘𝐼 𝑑𝑜𝑛’𝑡 𝑔𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑒𝑛𝑡/𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑚𝑖𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑡𝑜 𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑠𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑜𝑟 𝑟𝑒𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑡 𝑚𝑦 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑘. 𝐼𝑓 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑙𝑖𝑘𝑒 𝑤ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑠𝑒𝑒 𝑝𝑙𝑠 𝑙𝑖𝑘𝑒/𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡 & 𝑟𝑒𝑏𝑙𝑜𝑔 𝑥𝑜𝑥𝑜.⫘
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New to Hawkins, Your mom decided to pack up and move you and your little brother for a fresh start. Not being the impressionable new toy at school after a couple of weeks, all the cliques picked up that you weren’t joining them, and you never really fit into any social clubs anyways. You just went to school and wanted to be alone, not fake being happy with people you didn’t like. This didn’t help in the friends’ department but at least you had Joan.
She was the first person that helped you on your first day scrambling to find your homeroom. You two have been attached at the hip ever since. Everyone else at school seems very stuck up and into the social hierarchy of high school. Joan didn’t give a shit just as much as you, maybe that’s why you both got along so easily.
Joan invited you for a sleepover this Friday night at her trailer. You were excited to get to know her more, the two of you never really hung out after school before. So you obviously take her up on her offer, packing your sleepover essentials in your school bag for Friday.
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The final bell rings, stinging your ears, releasing you from Ms.O'Donnell's class. The torture of hearing her go on and on about the essay due this Monday and god forbid you hear her yell "Munson!" again at that loud metal head that sits in the far right corner of the class.
You gather up your things from your desk and look up to see Ms.O'Donnell walking furiously up to "Munson" behind you. Feeling bad for him you turn and shoot him a sincere smile. You've been on O'Donnell's bad side before. Your first week trying to juggle all your classes coming in weeks late, and she wasn't one to care for any excuses.
He looks back at you for a second but his view gets blocked by Ms.O'Donnell finally making her way to him. You shove your books into your already stuffed bag and get outta there fast before that rage is turned on you too.
At your locker, putting your books away, you hear a slam into the locker next to you.
"Augh- I hate high school."
You look over to see Joan's eyes closed frustrated at the day she had.
"don't we all,"
You nudge her to try and cheer her up with a smile.
She returns a small smile back at you
"At least we get the whole night to make up for today"
you nod agreeing, excited to finally get out of the house for once.
Joan and you hop in her car, You stop at the gas station for Slurpees and head to her place.
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You had never been to the trailer park before, Once you finally arrived the smell of cigarettes and weed-filled your lungs, Intriguing you, wondering if Joan was into weed or anything so you could try something.
The stress from school and the move had you ready to try anything to take the edge off. You both finished up your Slurpees outside listening to the radio blasting from her neighbour’s porch, soaking in the start of the sunset.
Her trailer was small but just enough for her and her mom who was working a night shift tonight. The place was filled with the cutest décor, yellows, oranges and browns cascaded everywhere. She plants you in front of the TV with the task of finding something to watch while she cooks up some mac n cheese for dinner. After watching some TV and eating Joan asks if you wanted to go for a smoke with her.
"I never smoked before.."
You sound more nervous than you mean to but still hoping she will offer you to try.
"c’mon it's okay if you don't want to smoke just come anyway, I wanted to tell you about the shit that happened today at school."
You didn't even realize how long you two were mindlessly watching Tv together, The sun was already down. The trailer park was pitch dark except for everyone's small porch lights and the occasional string lights around some. The lack of streetlights made the night sky illuminate above you. She brings you over to the bench placed closer to the entrance of the trailer park, a little bit of a walk away from her trailer.
"This is my favourite spot, sometimes you can hear heavy metal playing at night, I’ve also carved 70% of the things into this table."
It seemed like just an ordinary park table but the closer you looked you can see the history carved into the wood. You both sat on top of the table, Joan places a cigarette in her mouth, you were a little disappointed it wasn't weed but what can you do. She illuminated her face with the lighter in the darkness and lit her smoke. Inhaling and exhaling with a deep sigh, Like the cigarette eased her troubles.
You sit back listening to Joan rant about her day giving her the occasional nod and "mm" so she knows you're listening and there for her.
You get distracted by bright headlights illuminating the area, a loud van charging into the park and coming to an even louder halt at the trailer in front of you. This didn't faze Joan at all, like she was used to it, she just kept going on talking.
A shadow with big fluffy hair climbs out of the van and runs inside. You wondered how normal loud noises were out here for everyone since no one else really cared or noticed, in your neighbourhood someone would’ve called the cops just for the noise alone.
You turn to look up at the stars mesmerized by how bright they were out here. Protruding out of the deep darkness of the night sky. You can’t remember the last time you looked up and saw so many stars, you’re usually in your room, never really going out at night. Even when you did the stars never looked this good.
The faint scent of weed starts to creep around you both making you snap out of your star-gazing trance. Looking over at Joan you hope she’s noticed it too. Nope, busy carving into the table with her pocket knife.
Smelling around like a wild dog you get her attention making her giggle.
"I don't got any if that's what you’re looking for, I thought you didn’t smoke anyways y/n"
Joan says to you curiously shooting you a puzzled look.
"I don't but I wanted to try maybe the next sleepover we can?"
Joan smiles at you like she never expected this side of you but nods in agreement.
Sitting up to look around and you see that fluffy-haired shadow sitting on their porch swing smoking. The fuzzy hair was illuminated by the faint porch light and the pull of the joint in their mouth.
The culprit of the smell.
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An idea pops into your head. You nudge Joan and flash your eyes to the figure while smirking so she can understand what you're thinking.
She smiles back and winks at you, inhaling deeply like she’s about to dive into water,
Joan shouts at the figure making their head snap in our direction immediately.
His hand shot up to his forehead looking our way like it would help him see us any better out here in the pitch dark. He gets up from his seat and jumps off his porch running over to us like a madman, making you both giggle. Stopping right in front of you both his feet kicked dirt from stopping so abruptly, he cleared his throat with a little cough
"uh - Hello ladies, you called? "
His voice was like velvet and the smirk painted on his lips caught your attention.
Analyzing his features you realize it's the "Munson" from your class. Still wearing that hellfire shirt from earlier today.
"hey, I know you-" you start
"-Ms.O'Donnell's !" he cuts you off
He scratched his cheek looking at you, now analyzing your features too.
"Yeah, uh thanks for that beautiful smile today"
He sounds a little nervous but changes that by flashing you a wink.
Your cheeks start to heat up as you shoot him another smile.
Joan clears her throat loudly to snap you two out of your trance.
"uh we wondered if you had any weed to spare, It’s a special occasion…I'm taking her virginity tonight."
Joan explains to Eddie with a smirk knowing exactly how that sounded. His eyes widen and his face dropped a little looking at both of you a couple of times until he finally spoke again. Scratching his head he says,
"i-i- uh yeah I think I have some uh hold on.."
He bows to you both dramatically “m’ladies” then he franticly runs back into his trailer like his life depended on it.
You turn your head to look at Joan and she’s raising her brow at you.
"what was that hmm?"
she’s beaming at you hoping for any juicy details on you and Eddie.
Rolling your eyes at her, knowing all she wants to do is gossip.
"I just saw him getting shit from O'Donnell today and gave him a smile, I don't even know the guy c’mon"
"hm okaaaay" smiling at you like she doesn't believe a word you say.
“well he’s the leader of that hellfire club at school, but I’m sure you know that already.” She teases at you.
“didn’t know he was the ‘leader’ but yeah they play like board games right?”
“Some say they do sacrifices and bring back the dead.” She says in a haunting voice holding her hands out like a zombie as you both giggle.
she lets out a small exhale once you both stop giggling,
“Eddies a sweetheart though, we both grew up together but we don’t hang much at school, I bought some weed off of him here and there, always a gentleman.”
You were excited to get to know more about this loud gentleman of a drug dealer.
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Eddie seems to take his time so you both lean back into the table together to get comfier as you start to tell her about your day after she asked.
You both get distracted mid-conversation by the stomping of Eddies feet as he jumps off his porch again, ignoring the steps completely. Running over to us again, out of breath, he presents a mighty joint to us with a sinister smile.
Joan and you scoot over giving him a spot between the two of you on the table. He plops down between you. The three of you lay down on the table heads looking up at the night sky again.
Your senses are filled with the smell of cologne, sweet cinnamon. You thought to yourself, did he really go put on cologne just to smoke weed with us? Even though the cologne was strong it couldn’t mask the cigarette smell on him. You also notice his hair looked a little less messy as he lay down next to you. His skin looked so soft under the glow of the moon, almost making you grow a desire to touch it. You look away as you sense his head turning to look at you so you didn’t get caught staring.
Eddie breaks the silent peace,
"so, what are we uh looking at here,"
Eddie says confused looking at the same star-plastered sky as us.
"the stars."
You respond a little too snappy at him, giving him a raised brow.
Causing him to turn and look at you, the corner of his lip curling up.
"my bad sweetheart."
Holding his hands up like he was being arrested.
Making you giggle and shake your head, returning your gaze up. The way he said sweetheart made your belly fill with butterflies, stunting you. You’ve never understood the term butterflies in your tummy until now.
Eddies body springs up, folding his legs together and sitting up between us. He waves the joint in circles around your face and starts his monologue, in an old-time accent, his very dramatic hands start waving about,
"Here thee lays the sacrificial virgin of the night, as the whispering stars gaze upon us on this monumental evening, the deflowering of this lost lamb will commence this very hour, A burning of flowers to seal the deal..."
You both burst out giggling at his on-the-spot theatrics. Springing up to join him sitting. You also wanted to join in on the fun too,
"I thee taketh this token bestowed upon me, with gratitude and honour, thank you, masters."
You exclaim trying to mimic eddies voice as you grab the sacred joint held out to you in Eddie’s palms with his head bowed down.
You all laugh together and once it dies down you can feel Joan's eyes piercing you with her suspicions of you and Eddie. You don’t blame her, she’s never seen you this goofy and blushing a mess before. You choose to ignore her daggering eyes as the nerves of smoking for the first time start to set in.
Your stomach sinks, and now that the time has come every bad thing you’ve ever heard about ‘weed’ and ‘bad trips’ racks your brain. You look up to see they’ve definitely both noticed your mood change.
"It’s honestly not that scary y/n, it'll feel weird at first but a good weird trust me."
Joan tries easing your anxiety, her words making you relax a bit.
"y/n, hm she has a name.."
Eddie sounds like his curiosity was fulfilled finally, mystery solved in his mind. As he rubs his chin. Your name sounded so pretty on his tongue. You shake your head, trying to wash out your thoughts of Eddie that just kept getting more intense.
"Listen, it's just like ripping off a bandage, I can start it for you if you want. Show you how? Hm?"
Eddie offers to try and take the pressure off of you.
"No !" Joan protests at Eddie with a wave of her hand and a stern look.
"It’s her special night it’s goodluck to start it off with the virgin!"
You wave to both of them to calm down, indicating to them that you’re ready, enough fussing.
Eddie scoots back immediately so the three of you are sitting in a triangle, legs crossed, knees touching each other. A perfect weed triangle held together by budging knees. You put the joint to your lips and look at Eddie holding the lighter.
The stench of weed instantly takes over your senses as you watch Eddie examine you, making sure you're ready. He pulls in close to you, right next to your ear. You feel his breath on your cheek, tickling your skin. Your skin instantly starts burning at how close he is to you.
"you just pull, inhale, hold it as long as you can, then exhale, it’s easy don’t worry sweetheart"
He whispers in your ear sending shivers down your spine, feeling like your stomach will surely burst from the butterflies now. You both lock eyes as he pulls away, his eyes so warm and inviting, making you feel safe. You can feel how warm your body is like you have a full-body blush. The effect he had on you by just whispering caught you off guard.
"ready?" he says in a low voice, slightly raising a brow at you.
You nod at him holding the joint to your lips again, still not breaking eye contact.
He flicks the lighter on illuminating his face, you can see the spots of hazel in his eyes, the texture of his fluffy hair, and how full his lips are. Your thoughts trail off and he’s pulling the lighter closer to you. Lighting the joint, you try to remember his steps...
"Good, good, hold it" he coaches you.
You feel the smoke start to burn in your chest. Like a ball of fire growing bigger every second.
"okay exhale!" Joan chimes in loudly
You slowly exhale trying not to do it too fast but you start coughing for your life as the smoke clears your throat of all its moisture. You are coughing for your life. Eddie places his hand on your back rubbing it to help you out. The initial contact was missed due to your hacking. But the back rub is helping, you think, or maybe it just feels really good and is distracting you from the pain of breathing right now. Eddie and Joan are dying laughing and Joan is clapping at you. Making the most noise, your surprised no one has come out to complain yet.
"CONGRATULATIONS YOU ARE NO LONGER PURE Y/N!!" Joan shouting at you like we are the only people in the world right now. Trying to give her your best smile as you are still trying to catch your breath. Finally, you stop coughing, still feeling the hard sting in your chest.
Passing the lit joint to Eddie, he grabs it with his left hand that’s free, the other still rubbing circles into your back. You can feel his touch getting more and more intense on your body as you settle into your high, body senses being heightened, and his big hand rubbing you felt so good.
You watch him smoke like a pro, making you feel like a chump for coughing your life out. But the sight of him smoking made something in you awaken, watching his lips crush into the joint and then blow smoke out had you hypnotized. He was mesmerizing to you. He then passes it to Joan, she grabbed it with a bow of her head as a thank you to him. Making him crack a smile at her.
Joan took her hit but coughed a little, you wanted to get back at her for laughing at you and say ‘HA YOU COUGHED TOO’ but Eddie’s hand stopped rubbing you, distracting you from your thought completely. Immediately missing contact with him.
He put both his hands on the table leaning back into them as he relaxed, let out a sigh and looked up at the stars again but with his new elevated state. His rings and hair are highlighted by the soft glow of the night sky, eyes glossy, cheeks flush.
Joan nudged your knee snapping you out of staring at Eddie, "here round 2" she smiles at you passing the joint back to you. She too joins in the star gazing with Eddie as you start your next hit.
This time you exhale before your chest starts to burn and you don’t hack a lung thankfully.
"there you go, good girl" Eddie hums toward you.
Feeling startled, you didn't realize he's been watching you. You look over to Joan, She’s making a face, eyes wide like she noticed the way he said that too.
You try passing the joint to Eddie but he’s staring up into the stars again. Maybe the weed is making you a little too confident, you stretch over and place it on his lips for him. He grabs your elbow to hold your hand in place as he pulls from the joint looking at you. The intensity in his eyes makes you feel weak. His face is beautifully lit by the joint as he inhales, Eyes pouring into yours.
Finally, he releases your arm from his grasp and you guide the joint over to Joan. But notice she's got her hand on her head watching the two of you interact. You feel your cheek heat up and realize the two of you have been very touchy, well mainly Eddie. But you just changed that with the new confidence gained from the joint.
She shakes her head and smiles, grabbing the joint from you, eyeing you down like a hawk. Now you’ll try your best to resist looking at Eddie, for the sake of Joan and making her any more uncomfortable.
You start playing with your fingers instead. Maybe mumbling around your fingers will help your eyes from looking to your left again. Oddly enough it’s working, you start spinning circles around your fingers, making your own optical illusion for your high state of mind to fixate on. Mesmerized, until you get a nudge from your right. Joan handed you the deviled lettuce yet again like you needed to be any more intoxicated than you already are.
"well… how is it virgin?" Joan asks excitement painted on her face, beaming at you.
"i-its very intense"
You try to explain but your tongue feels like jello making words coming out sound weird. You feel how heavy your eyes are getting too, feeling like sandbags. You are not even sure if it’s Eddie or the weed making your body flutter with butterflies and making your skin burn from blushing. You really can't make out the difference, maybe it's both.
Eddie chuckles to himself "makes you feel like Jello hm ?"
Like he read your mind completely, making you second guess if you spoke your thoughts out loud just now. Nodding in agreement to answer him because words aren’t working for you at the moment.
"it always makes me wanna listen to music and just be. Ya know?"
Joan expresses herself to both of you, letting her inner thoughts out.
"mm m-music." you mumble out trying to join in conversation with her.
Making them both chuckle at you trying to speak again, seems that speaking is getting harder each time. You go in for your third puff making it very small, you know you won’t be able to handle any more after this.
"scared of the flower now?"
Eddie raises a brow at you grinning as he watches you.
Smiling back at him "no.."
You say sarcastically looking away as you pass the joint to him again. His smile makes you more nervous, scared he’ll notice that just looking at him is affecting you in all aspects, physically and mentally right now. And you told yourself to not make Joan uncomfortable anymore.
You noticed the joint is almost finished, you pray Eddie and Joan finish it before it comes back to you again.
Eddie exhales his puff very painfully slow, making your eyes wander over to him, big mistake. He looks so beautiful, smoke pouring out of his lips, you can’t help but admire him as he nudges Joan and passes the joint to her, you watch his hands.
The rings glisten in the light reminding you of when they were rubbing your back, making you feel so good. The memory of him touching you consumed your mind, you started to feel that burn over your body again, like your whole body was blushing. Just watching him had you like this, like you were under a spell, maybe it’s just the weed…it can’t be, look at him, he’s the culprit…
"The sacred virgin joint is finished, Congratulations little lamb," Eddie says with a clap snapping you out of your daydream. You look over and he flashes you a little wink making a smile smear across your face.
You rest your hands to your sides to hold you up on the table like Eddie and Joan are and lean back trying to relax into your high and mimic them, looking up above you.
Looking at the stars you try to find patterns and constellations, feeling consumed by the overwhelming amount of stars. Eddie’s fingertips touch your left hand as he shifts his position, so lightly, that you chose not to react to it hoping he will get closer.
The smallest touch sends tiny sparks up your arm, you can feel yourself getting goosebumps. He inches closer a little bit and you start to play with each other fingertips, it felt good. Not looking at each other you flirt with your fingers. It sends more tickles up your arm like electricity, more intense as time goes on. Still not looking at him, you look to check on Joan and you see her falling asleep in an upright position making you laugh out loud.
Your laugh startled her awake. Feeling bad for how loud you were laughing you put your hand to your mouth to muffle yourself, breaking the finger flirt with Eddie. She tried to gather any consciousness she had after being awoken.
"Guys I'm fucking exhausted" she confesses to you both with sleepy hooded eyes
"y/n, you know where my trailer is right ?"
"you don’t want me to come?" you ask her, concerned about why she’s trying to leave without you.
"no no don’t worry, weed always does this to me, enjoy the stars come back when you get sleepy too, I’ll leave the door unlocked for you."
you nod at her, shooting her a little pout as she gets up to leave.
Suddenly you realize that means you will be alone with Eddie, making you very nervous. 
"well walk you there c’mon Eddie" you slap his leg lightly.
He gets pulled away from whatever trance he was in, and smirks looking at your hand and then at you. He looks up to see Joan up from the table,
"no ! Joan you leaving the party !?"
"Eddie, I’m legit a zombie right now, I need my bed."
He smiles at her and nods like he understands that feeling all too well.
He jumps off the table and stands in front of you holding his hand out for you to grab. You let him help you off the table, blushing from the small amount of contact with each other’s hands. The three of you start your journey to Joan’s trailer, you and Joan holding each other by your waists as you walk, Eddie waltzing around the two of you like a goof making you guys giggle.
“How come you two have never hung out with me at school? Am I too cool?”
Eddie teases you two.
“C’mon Eddie you know that place makes me want to hurl plus you have your little posse around you all the time.”
Joan seems a little taken aback by eddies question.
“The little posse is Hellfire club. You guys should join Hellfire, the game today was insane. You guys might be surprised how fun it is”
“Trouble finding members ?”
Joan teases Eddie back.
You watch them interact together like siblings, you can tell they’ve known each other long and talking seems so natural, the banter back and forth.
Eddie's voice raised stomping over to you, waking you from your inner thoughts.
“i- um I’m not sure how to even play.”
“well, I’m a wonderful teacher, anytime your free let me know.”
Eddie winks at you making you look away to smile. The thought of seeing Eddie alone makes your stomach twist, he makes you so nervous but you love the feeling.
Finally making it to the trailer Joan goes to hug Eddie goodbye, he pats her back and she whispers something to him that you can’t hear, you see lips crack a smile and he chuckles "anytime Joany" he flashes finger guns at her and she rolls her eyes. She comes to hug you, now whispering in your ear just like she did with Eddie.
"Good luck, I’ll keep the door unlocked for you… if you need it, love ya"
Sealing it off with a kiss on your already blushing cheek. She ran up her steps stopping at her door and blowing kisses at you two as you walked back to the table, shooting her kisses right back.
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Once we were finally out of Joan’s line of sight and alone Eddie cleared his throat.
"so ah, how you liking O'Donnell?"
"you wanna talk about school ?..really?"
he scoffs at you, pressing his hand to his chest as you wounded him. His feet made a halting noise in the gravel. His dramatics made you feel bad.
“I’ve noticed she doesn’t care for any excuses” you nudge him playfully.
“Yeah, she’s definitely got it out for me.”
You guys make it to the table and you climb up to sit on the top, while he decides to stand in front of you.
"well, it’s been a very hard class for me, with so many distractions. She can’t really blame me" waving his hands around making crazy eyes at you.
"oh really?" you question playfully
"You actually seem to be the biggest distraction in that class, I thought your name was Munson the way I hear it every day."
His face beams at you, and a shit-eating grin smears across his face.
"You think about me every day? wow."
You roll your eyes at him. “please” you say low, almost a whisper.
His face softens as he steps closer to you, his body standing between your dangling legs. He pulls out a cigarette pack from his pocket, grabs a pen stuck into the side, placing it in his mouth as he puts the cigarette pack back in his pocket.
He locks eyes with you then down at your hand. He holds his palm for you to put your hand in, you flash him a questioning brow and place your hand in his. He raises his knee and places your hand on it, using his leg as a table, He starts to scribble some numbers on your hand.
The pen scrapping on your skin hard, the pen is almost out of ink. “sorry.” He whispers as he looks at your wincing face from the sharp scratches. He finishes and sticks the pen back in his pocket, he looks at his work and bends down, raising your hand to his lips, and looks up at you.
You’re watching his every move. He winks and presses his lips onto your knuckles. His lips felt so soft and gentle, sending waves throughout your body, you wanted those lips on yours. You wanted him all over you.
"so you won’t forget me"
You peek over to look at your hand, he wrote his number on you with a big smiley face and what seemed to be a heart, making you smile.
"I don’t think it’s possible to forget you Eddie."
You say to him in a shy low voice with a soft smile. You look up to him, Your eyes are melting into each other.
He pulls in closer to you, you feel his breath on your lips, you swear you can feel your heart beating out of your chest, you both close your eyes, soaking in this moment, breathing in each other. You feel his lips crush into yours passionately as he grabs the back of your neck, stroking your cheek with his thumb and pulls you in even more. So intense the kiss was making you weaker with every second, both of your lips begging for more. You let out a soft muffled moan as he starts to push his tongue into your mouth deepening the kiss even more twirling tongues together, feeling each other.
Every move he made was making you weaker and you were burning. You were on fire for him, your heart pacing like it ran a marathon. You needed his touch, you didn't want the kiss to end, Eddie pulls his lips away painfully slow, looking at you, searching every inch of your face as his other hand comes to hold your face too. Your face held in his palms as he just looked at you so endearing.
He whispers as he watches you in awe under the moonlight.
You feel flustered at his words trying to hide your face now, all of a sudden feeling vulnerable.
He grabs your chin with his left hand and rubs his thumb so lightly on your swollen bottom lip, watching your lips like they were heaven, plants a painfully slow hard kiss on your lips and pulls away. Leaving your body begging for more, craving him in every way.
He twirls and starts to rub his arms like he’s all of a sudden cold in front of you.
"it’s uh, getting kind of chilly out here... you want to come inside ?"
You can tell he’s nervous about how you’ll react, scratching his cheek.
He looks at you and holds his hand out for yours to join, wiggling his fingers. You place your hand in his and he pulls you off the table hard and twirls you around. Makes you giggle and beam at how goofy and playful he is.
He takes your hand and places it on his cheek, his skin is as soft as you thought it would be, and he drops his head into your touch, closing his eyes like he’s in bliss. You bring your other hand up to rest on his shoulder, his hair brushing your skin so lightly. He places his hands around your waist and pulls you closer. Your face rests on his chest, his head using your head as a pillow. You both hold your embrace, swaying together for what feels like forever, in the best way it could. You feel a soft press of his lips on your forehead as you both decide it’s time to go inside. He guides you holding onto your shoulder, rubbing it to warm you up.
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Eddie holds the door open, extending his arm out for you to walk in, you look around scanning the place. The smell of cigarettes and beer is almost overpowering, cans scattered over the counter, couch looking sunken in with blankets thrown all over it, looking enticingly comfy.
"Sorry for the mess, I-I wasn’t expecting any guests,"
he says nervously as he franticly tries to clean up.
"no-no it’s okay don’t worry," you reassure him, as you wander around, taking everything in.
You sit down on a stool close to where Eddie was across the kitchen, waiting for him to finish. The state of this trailer was the least of your worries, your body was still on fire just looking at him franticly cleaning random beer cans and throwing dishes in the sink.
He really had you under his spell. Thinking about his lips on yours again makes your heart leap, missing them already, even though he's only a few steps away. You've sat in the same class as him for almost a month now and you never even said hi to each other, now you kick yourself for not doing it sooner. This whole time.. he was right there.
You feel his hand pet your hair softly, as he steps in front of you.
"you okay?"
you look up at him into his worried eyes,
"We sat in the same room every day.."
He blushed at what you were trying to say to him,
"I would've come up to you but I wasn't sure if you hated me or not."
He shoots a smile and throws his hands in an 'oh well' manner
“Why would you think I hated you?”
Even the thought of you hating Eddie makes you cringe, he’s funny and sweet, maybe a little loud but he makes up for it with that beautiful smile of his.
He doesn’t respond, looking behind you, seemingly lost in thought of why he would suggest you hated him. You pout at him, giving him your best puppy dog eyes to get any response from him.
It snaps his attention back to you. Your face seemed to have an effect on him, he looked at your lip and ran his thumb across it and pulled in for what seemed to be a kiss but he bites your bottom lip that's sticking out. His teeth sank into your flushed lip stinging. You yelp not expecting it and it makes him laugh.
He pulls away, tugging his jacket off and tossing it on the couch. Getting comfy in his palace. With the jacket now off you can see some of his tattoos, piquing your interest, you wonder if there’s more under his shirt too.
"you uh like music?"
He asks as he walks towards the hallway assuming you will follow.
"um yeah doesn't everyone?" you respond as jump off your stool and follow his voice.
He walks into a room at the end of the hall, you scan the room, as Eddie is looking through tapes trying to find one for the two of you. It’s got to be his bedroom, band posters everywhere, cigarette buds, magazines, amps, and you look up to see a beautiful guitar sitting on his dresser against a mirror. Mesmerized you walk up to it. You always wanted to learn to play but it never happened, you still appreciated a beautiful guitar if you saw one regardless if you could play.
"wow she’s beautiful"
You say in awe touching the strings on his black and red guitar, making a small hum on the strings. You hear Eddies found a tape as music fills the room, still low enough to hear each other. You recognize the album, it was one of your favourites. A thought crossed your mind wondering if Eddie could read minds, the Jello feeling and now this. Felt like he knew you, but you didn’t know much about him, but you wanted to.
You feel Eddie's arms wrap around your waist pulling you back into him. His body is warm against your back, His big hands holding your waist send signals throughout your body. You feel his breath on your ear "yeah, you are" he kisses the top of your ear. Sending chills through you, closing your eyes in bliss.
Opening them to watch Eddie in the mirror on you. He pulls your hair to the side exposing your neck to him, his other hand rubbing your hip, he places soft delicate kisses up your neck. The sight of him on you drives you wild as you watch him shower you in kisses. Feeling his lips press into your skin makes your lips grow jealous, biting your lip trying to satisfy your growing hunger for him.
You whip yourself around so you’re facing him, blushing after you look up and see his shocked face in reaction to you pulling away from his neck kisses. His hands go right back to your hips as they belong there.
His brow flies up at you,
“don’t like my kisses baby?”
Him calling you baby stops all train of thought in your brain, it sounded so good to hear him call you that, you wanted to be his. He watches you as you process how amazing it would be to be his completely.
He pushes you back into the dresser, You feel the dresser digging into your back, keeping his eyes on you he lifts you up onto the dresser from your thighs so your sitting. You spread your legs so he can fit between you. He’s pressed right up to the dresser with you. You bring your hands up to rest on his neck, feeling the soaring heat off of his skin. His hands move from your hips and creep under your shirt, stopping at your waist, his warm hands resting on your skin, you can feel small licks of cold coming from his rings.
He’s watching your every move, drinking you in with his stare. You look up to him, you wanted to feel his hair between your fingers. You start to play with the beautiful fluffy hair resting in your hands. he looks at you with hunger in his eyes, his brows furrow a bit as you play with his hair more, wrapping your fingers into his hair, massaging him, he’s loving it. His eyes close in bliss as you keep playing, becoming puddy in your hands.
His head starts falling back a bit giving you full access to his neck, you can’t control your urge anymore. Watching his neck exposed made you yearn for him. You pull into him and start kissing his chin down to his neck he lets out soft exhales as you shower him in kisses just as he did to you. Your lips devour him, his breathing getting heavier making you burn to please him more. His hands dig into your soft skin as he tries to control himself.
Starting to use your tongue, making swirls on his neck with each kiss, you start playing with his hair more as you work your way up to his ear. Lightly take his earlobe between your teeth and press into his skin. He struggles to hold his moan, something in him switches instantly. He grabs your face pulling you off of him, looking at each other you can see his eyes are darker full of want and desire.
"you’re driving me insane y/n."
He breathes and he pushes a hard kiss into you, His tongue pushing into your mouth consuming you as you hold him in closer around his neck.
His hands move from your waist to your back and starts rubbing circles, just like he did outside and your head falls back in pure bliss, Stopping the intense kiss you both were in.
"I knew you liked that a little too much out there"
he says with a huge smile plastered on his face
"shhhh" you whisper at him grabbing his shirt and pulling his lips back into yours again, this time pushing your tongue into him, searching his mouth, feeling his moans vibrate through you.
You wrap your legs around him, craving any friction between your legs, you were aching to be touched. You push yourself forward so you can feel him, You feel his hard bulge pressing against your throbbing clit, begging to be touched just as much as he is. Desire burning through both of you.
He starts moving his hips into you, pressing himself onto where you need it most. The sensation is almost too much to bear as you whine and moan into his mouth as you both are still lost in each other’s mouths.
You try to move one of your arms off of his neck hoping he's too distracted by your kissing and start to head for his jeans to release his throbbing cock from its tight confinement. You feel his arm grab your wrist hard.
"not yet baby."
He coos, locking eyes with you, he moves your hand to his mouth where he kisses every knuckle and licks the tip of your thumb sending delicious signals to your clit. Making you think about his tongue on you.
You watch him with your mouth open just a little, giving him the idea to bring his hand to you, you hold his hand and return the favour kissing every knuckle, licking the tip of his thumb, but not stopping there, you open your mouth for him and he slides his thumb in and you close your mouth on it and suck.
The taste of his thumb washes over your tongue, his eyes burning into you as he watches, he goes to kiss your forehead and rest his head on your shoulder in defeat.
"fuck," he breathes against your skin.
Feeling how bad he wanted you sends you into a frenzy, you needed to please him, you needed his moans to fill your ears. You release his thumb from your mouth. Turning to his face on your shoulder, kissing his ear,
You beg a whisper in his ear as you tug at his belt.
A smirk stretches across his face as he turns to you.
"wait like the good girl you are" he whispers on your lips.
You pout again at him, this feels like torture you can feel how wet you are and he hasn’t even touched you there.
He nips at your bottom lip sticking out and starts kissing your chin working his way down your neck, sucking and pulling, definitely leaving his mark on you for tomorrow, you moan at the painful pleasure he’s giving you.
He tries to pull your shirt off of you to gain access to more, you help him out by taking it off, but cover yourself with your hands.
"you too." you protest at him with a smirk.
He sighs and obliges pulling his hellfire shirt off by grabbing the back of it and tossing it on the ground next to yours. You are mesmerized by his exposed body, so many places to kiss still, you fixate on his tattoos, moving your hands from yourself to touch him.
You softly press your hands onto his chest over his tattoo looking up at him in wonder, wanting to know about every mark on him. Moving your hands to his arms, you trace his tattoos with your fingers, slowly. Feeling the slightly raised skin on each mark. You wanted to press your lips into every inch of him. He grabs your hand softly bringing it to his mouth, planting little kisses inside your palm. You fixate on his lips as he puts your hand back down to rest beside you.
He backs up, admiring you, looking at your new exposed flesh now biting his lip in desire. He comes back after making you feel shy again, he grabs your hips pulling you closer to the edge of the dresser.
He starts exploring your chest, trailing kisses and his tongue along your burning skin. Letting out little moans like kissing you is pleasuring him, he wraps his arms around your back, snapping your bra off, you let it fall into the pile. he steps back again, soaking the vision of you in and you gush at the daggers his eyes are placing on you.
"so fucking beautiful my god."
His words travel through you adding fuel to the burning fire inside of you.
He grabs your face and kisses you hard, moving his hands down to your bottom. He lifts you off the dresser, still kissing you as he places you down on his bed, kicking off some books that were on the end. His bed was very soft, and you both sunk into it.
He looks at you after pulling away from your deep kiss, holding himself up by his elbow, his eyes intensely analyzing your face, you shoot him a warm smile. Making his face light up.
“hey, that smile is what got us into this mess.”
He says to you as he leans in to kiss your nose.
You stick your tongue at him playfully, he seems enticed by it and climbs on top of you.
His hands grab your wrists, planting a kiss on each. Then holds them above your head wrapped between his hand, and pressed into the bed.
You look at him as you can see the hunger in his eyes again, he presses a hard kiss into your lips, moving his way back to your chest, kissing your neck as you feel his free hand grab a hold of your aching breast, teasing and playing with your hardnipples between his fingertips.
His rings sent waves of chills every time they bushed against your sensitive nipples. Soon enough his warm lips were on them sucking and pulling, flicking his tongue around them making your hips buck from the pleasure, leaving his marks along your skin. You couldn’t help the moans that escaped from you even a little, you were all his right now.
He keeps moving down as he kisses you, lower, and lower, and he finally releases your wrists to give himself access to more of you. He’s at your jeans looking up at you to grant him access.
"Eddie please" you whisper at him, taking over his role and teasing your nipples yourself.
That’s all he needed, he starts undoing your jeans slipping them off of you. You watch as he soaks in every inch of you with his eyes. He goes back between your legs and starts kissing, exploring and worshiping your body all over.
Feeling him all over you is all you’ve wanted all night, his touch, his hunger for you, the pressure between your thighs is unbearable now. You can feel how soaked you are, embarrassed by it honestly but all Eddie has done is tease you.
He rests his head on your thigh as he lets his hands explore your legs, massaging your inner thighs, inching closer to where you need him, still teasing, he’s torturing you.
“Please baby” you whine, needing him so bad you don’t care how you sound.
“I know sweetheart.” he brushes over your lips making you hold your breath.
He pulls your panties to the side, he lets his fingertips explore you, up and down your slit, slowly dipping in between into the pool of wet.
"baby your so wet for me" you can tell he’s smiling wide, proud of his work. He slips your panties off of you.
He finds your clit and starts to circle between his fingers slowly making you yelp from the pleasure. Finally, he’s where you need him. His fingers speed up erratically, making your moans even louder as you feel the pressure between your thighs even heavier now.
Your eyes shoot down when you can feel his breath right on your skin and feel his big hair brushing on your thighs, he’s looking up at you watching him, he takes you into his mouth. Your eyes fall back in bliss and your back arches, he grabs your hips to keep you in place, where he wants you.
He swirls his tongue around your clit as you curse in pleasure. Overstimulated you grab a hold of his long fluffy hair in your hand, he moves his tongue down to lap up your arousal, sticking his tongue into your entrance, circling, teasing you.
He moves back up to your clit and you start to grind yourself into his mouth, so close to your release. You feel his hand move from your hip, his finger teasing circles around your entrance, slipping his finger in you. Sending shockwaves through your body. You can feel your walls throbbing around his finger as he fucks you, adding another finger, stretching you, and making your eyes roll back.
Between his beautiful tongue on your clit, his fingers fucking you deeper and deeper, his moans vibrating your skin, feeling the cold steel of his rings at your entrance. Your muscles tense up, devouring every feeling he’s giving you, your legs start to shake, overwhelmed by all your senses, you see stars and your vision is blurred.
“F-fuck Eddie” you moan as you come undone to his touch and cum all over his fingers. He moans as you release all your pleasure onto him. You close your eyes hard still throbbing from your release.
 You feel Eddie’s body on top of you. He’s on your lips, pushing his tongue into you, you can taste yourself on him. Making you smile, you open your eyes and hold his face in your palm, he looks at you,
“I like the way you moan my name baby” making your face heat up realizing you came moaning his name. He kisses your flushed cheeks chuckling at you being embarrassed.
“Hold on-“ he says to you as he runs out of the room.
Only a moment passes and he’s back with a towel for you, “here baby” you use the towel as he rumbles through his drawers.
“perfect” you hear him whisper to himself.
You look over to him holding up an extra hellfire shirt and smiling so big at you. He comes over to you and helps you slip into it. He looks you up and down “absolutely perfect” he beams at you kissing your forehead.
Suddenly feeling the aftermath of his work you are exhausted. Looking up at him with sleepy eyes, you fall into his chest making him chuckle, “okay baby let’s get you back to Joan…unless you wanted to stay here?”
“mm” is the only response you can give him as he just chuckles at your exhausted self.
He lifts you off the bed from your hip, opening the blanket up and placing you back down, covering you up, he leans down planting a soft long kiss on your lips, then turns off his lamp and turns the music down for you, quiet enough to fade asleep to.
You hear him walk out into the kitchen opening the fridge.
You open your heavy eyes to look around, the moonlight poking through his window illuminating his stack of magazines on the floor beside you. You see a naked woman on the cover and blush at the thought of Eddie using it to please himself.
Reminding you that you never got to taste him… It’s all you could think of, the hunger to please him restarts in you. You look over to the open bedroom door, the light from the kitchen pouring in.. enticing you…
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𝑢𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑙 𝑛𝑒𝑥𝑡 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒 𝑑𝑎ℎ𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠..
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flowhore · 2 years
︶˚꒷꒦ 𝔐𝔞𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔩𝔦𝔰𝔱 ꒦꒷˚︶
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☆ ⫘ 𝔰𝔪𝔲𝔱
♡ 𝐸𝑑𝑑𝑖𝑒 𝑀𝑢𝑛𝑠𝑜𝑛 ♡
⫘ 𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑠 ⫘
˚ 𝔏𝔢𝔱'𝔰 𝔤𝔢𝔱 𝔦𝔱 𝔲𝔭 (𝟖.𝟖𝒌)☆
✧ (𝔣)𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔡𝔢𝔯 ⫘ 𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒃𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒆 (𝑱𝒐𝒂𝒏) 𝒅𝒆𝒄𝒊𝒅𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒉𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝒂 𝒔𝒍𝒆𝒆𝒑𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝒂𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒊𝒍𝒆𝒓 𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒌, 𝒈𝒊𝒗𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒚 𝒎𝒆𝒆𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒍𝒐𝒖𝒅-𝒎𝒐𝒖𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒅 𝒎𝒆𝒕𝒂𝒍𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒅 𝒇𝒓𝒐𝒎 𝒔𝒄𝒉𝒐𝒐𝒍. ✧
˚ 𝔏𝔦𝔱𝔱𝔩𝔢 𝔏𝔬𝔳𝔢𝔯 (𝟗.𝟔𝒌)☆
✧ (𝔣)𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔡𝔢𝔯 ⫘ 𝑨𝒇𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒏𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝑬𝒅𝒅𝒊𝒆, 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒃𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒆 𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒔 𝒕𝒐 𝒔𝒆𝒆 𝒂 𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒘…𝒈𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝒘𝒉𝒐 𝒊𝒔 𝒑𝒍𝒂𝒚𝒊𝒏𝒈. ✧
˚ 𝔗𝔬𝔲𝔠𝔥 𝔗𝔬𝔬 𝔐𝔲𝔠𝔥 (𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒔𝒐𝒐𝒏)
⫘ 𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝑠ℎ𝑜𝑡𝑠 ⫘
˚ 𝔖𝔱𝔦𝔩𝔩 𝔬𝔣 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔫𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱 (𝟕.𝟒𝒌)☆
✧ 𝐇𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐧 ⫘ 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬 ✧ 𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆'𝒔 𝒂 𝑯𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒐𝒘𝒆𝒆𝒏 𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒚, 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒅𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒂𝒔 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒃𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝒃𝒖𝒅, 𝑬𝒅𝒅𝒊𝒆. 𝑮𝒐𝒐𝒅 𝒍𝒖𝒄𝒌. ✧
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edsforehead · 2 years
Fics/rec lists for me to read later
Realistically I will never be able to read all of these but I NEED a place to organize everything
EDDIE MASTERLISTS/RECS FOR ME TO READ LATER Munsonsquinn Athena writes Jobean12 Rainylana Onewrongsideofheaven ddejavvu tatakaetime07 loveronlineee steviebears flowhore peterthepark Thecamerson's Recs parkerslatte Kissitbttr peanutbutter-y-jams - July rec list Bodily exit Hoosurdaddy(dark eddie) Killerlookz Tsunamibaddie Littlestdarkage Brighteyedbushybrowed Muertawrites orpheusredux‘s rec list Hawkins losers Omenhel Starry trizz Munsonsquinn Depravity-n-savagery Delilahsroses Spiderrrling Xcatnapsx Onethewrongsideofheaven Im-657-mv Forever rogue Edddimun Eddiesashtray Eddiebaghetti Cowboy-kylo Eagerbby Sunflower steve munson munchies Smut blog recs Denim mixtapes Lizzie’s first wife Now give us a kiss Ellesgreenway Hellfire hoe Storiesbyrhi rec list Stories by rhi Lady munson Luveline drabbles Luveline The wild wolves around you * pxrxcxa * queenimmadolla Lady Munson Imaginestuffs This is hellfire Notrattus Pretty boy eddie munson - vampire list Munsonsbun Sunflowergirl522 Cupid clarities rec list Munsons trashcan Roaniom rec list Roaniom master list Cacoetheswriting Letters to the fire Wrote classically jobean12blog Ghosttownwherenoonegoes Thereagles rec list *The freak of hawkins high *Andvys Stranger nightmare Final girl eddie munson Domestic eddie Skyfall8600 Seidenbros This is hellfire chaseadrian Runningmunson
FICS FOR ME TO READ LATER Series: Summer in hawkins Series: How the fire grows Series : Livewire Series: Impulse Series: The other woman Series: Matters of taste (reader + steddie) Series: eddie munson x richgirl!reader Series: the more you give vampire!eddie munson & catholic!reader The lost lamb ? Three men and a baby A good storm virgin!eddie x experienced!metal!reader Innocent act Gentle with me Eddie sneaks into your room Whose the freak now Taking eddie’s virginity Eddie smut I meant everything I said A little loss of innocence Best friend moaning Eddie’s name Under the influence Lust for life My mechanic Text reply smut Fair play Take control Open drawers Collateral damage Something about cherries (Part 2 | Part 3) Make it up to you (part 2) I fucking hate you Exploring Don’t hang up Forbidden fruit | Part 2 Virgin eddie A little help Reader x eddie x wayne (fluff) Perv!Eddie x naive reader Eddie loves eating it from the back It’s enough to make a girl blush Secret Like you hate me Eddie x reader (smut) Just one date (Perv!Eddie) Study buddy Eddie x reader (smut) Over thinking (Eddie losing virginity) Mechanic eddie (smut) Eddie smut (Squirting) Trust and stargazing Moving to a new place and you can see into your neighbors window Rainy daze Reader love sucking Eddie’s cock Love aint no stranger Daddy kink I’ll always be here for you Feel the fear Under the influence Request: Eddie caught touching himself Orgasm denial Do you wanna touch me Angel of the first degree(Eddie x chubby!reader) Request: reader doesn’t get wet Eddie the bloody handed Rescuing you Unexpected visit Eddie being a sub Mosh pit Let me Eating you out while holding your hand My pretty girl Sex, drugs, and rock Nice bracelet Say it again. Say my name. Shy!innocent!readerxBestfriend!Eddie Heavens on fire An Order Hold me closer Reader has a praise kink Eye Contact Take it slow Finally Studying Bestfriend!reader x eddie Inexperienced!Reader x eddie Let me know you how beautiful you are Love language essay Dear diary Body worship Change your ways And so it was Perv!Eddie x reader and his hellfire shirt Jealous much? How awfully kind of you Drunk eddie Go slowly Do you wanna touch me? Sick sounds Eddie meets reader parents (angst) Eddie finds out reader has a daddy kink Eddie bj Volare Pre-Halloween ritual Mean!Eddie Piles of polaroids Needy!gf x eddie Out of control Eddie the pleaser munson Morning newspapers and fresh coffee Dad!Eddie x pregnant reader Dungeon master Paying Eddie for weed Say cheese(perv!Eddie) Eddie starts noticing his best friend bestfriend!eddie being completely oblivious Overstimulated sub!eddie Obey your master smut Birthday sex He just wants his dad We shouldn’t be doing this Sensitive I need your love before I fall Creampie Eddie smut Making deals Ruin me Part 2 Eddie benig a messy kisser I waited all day Confessions in the rain A little help(artist reader) Overwhelmed Give me my nose The freaks secret admirer Friendsgiving ‘86 Shibari Pretty Eddie trying to ask reader out Matchmaker The knight and the maiden Kate Dance macabre Munson/myers Trapped heat inside a small tin box Talk to me, Teddy Necking Loving you in the morning Overheard(smut) Piss kink Stepbro!Eddie x attention whore sister older!eddie x fem! reader Baby, slow it down Feritas older!mechanic! eddie x fem! reader Eddie Munson x fem!reader Morning backwood Your beauty never ever scared me Eddie pretending to know you Maybe birthdays aren’t so bad Breeding with Eddie Munson Free now Can I kiss you? Touchstarved!Eddie You bet on me? Possessive Best Friend!Eddie Heart flayer protective stepbrother!Eddie Yandere eddie Oh you’re y/n’s boyfriend? Baby, kiss me quick Part 2 Not for the perfect girl Thunderclouds Kissing his bruises and scars Teenage dirtbag(Cheerleader!Reader, no smut) Under my skin None of your business Eddie encourages reader to make noise Lovesick!Eddie Wrap me up in all your Eddie catches you sexting Coffee cups and unconditional love
NON EDDIE REC LISTS TO READ LATER (Billy series)My favorite poison Fujiihime JQ Prince Paul Toxic!Billy Dark!Toxic!billy Toxic!mean!Billy Baby trapping billy
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