#frankenfaandom fic
frankenfaandom · 2 years
I WANNA REQUEST MORE IF UR WILLING! Could you do like, prom Mary Goore x gender neutral reader?
Prom Mary Goore? Fuck yes.
Mary Goore x gn!reader
Sorry this took so long, I wrote most of it during the hurricane and then forgot to finish it until this morning. Also, as most of my mary fics go, yall aren't exactly together-together? More of implied and not confirmed. Anyways, hope you enjoy!
Desc: mary/reader are seniors in HS, both 18/19.
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You and Mary were total opposites. You showed up to class, did the minimum work to get an alright grade--you liked school dances, as stupid as it was.
But Mary? No, Mary was at school perhaps once a week if he could get away with it. Eventually, he couldn't get away, and he got expelled. So, there goes your lunch buddy. Hello, bathroom sandwich.
You hadn't exactly been dating at the time. But April came around, and it was prom season. It was all over Instagram, prom-posals and dress shopping on stories. Adds popped up relentlessly on David's Bridal and Windsor. It was a brutal season for you cause, A) you had no one to go with, and B) the only one you wanted to go with had zero interest in school dances. Mary Goore.
One day he'd picked you up after school and you did homework at his house, every two minutes you'd sigh dramatically and wait for him to ask "shut the fuck up or tell me what's wrong."
And that he did!
"Dude, if you don't-"
"I'm sad!" He scans your face for sarcasm, but none is found, just pouty lips and puppy dog eyes.
"...Should I even ask why?" He retorts, slouching back in his recliner. The thing was old, and there were too many springs and things popping out of it. It wasnt a suprise when you found out he'd stolen it from the side of the road in the middle of a thunderstorm.
"Yes. You should. And then you can help me on not being sad." You say matter-of-factly, biting the clicker on your pen. You eye him, waiting.
"Okay. Fine. Why are you sad?" You pounce quickly, forgetting your homework as you sit down on the armrest of his seat.
"Have you ever heard of this little thing.. it's very lowkey, kind of underground..."
"I am not going to a school dance with you." He glares up at you, but your pouty face makes his expression soften.
"Pleaaasseeeeeeee..." You wrap your arms around his head, pulling him into your chest. "I want to experience it. I only get one prom, and everyone says it's awesome--so, obviously it's gonna be a shit show." Mary grimaces at your words. "And you know how much I love to invite you to shit shows." You grin.
"Oh yeah, like your AP art show--OW-" He winces as you slap his arm, hard.
"Fuck off with that. This is all I ask. I'll never ask for anything ever again. Ever!"
"Doll, we both know that's a big fat fuckin lie." He rolls his eyes, but brings his arms up to half-ass hug you. "But fine. You owe me... like, wear something skimpy underneath."
"Dirty dirty, Mary Goore." You giggle, kissing the top of his head messily. "Thankyou thank you thank you!" You know he's joking about the skimpybunderwear, but you're already mentally going through which panties to wear. Will you even wear a bra? Probably unnecessary-
Mary brings you out of your excited thoughts with a pinch to your thigh. "You're thinking too hard. You'll get wrinkles." He rubs the crinkle between your eyebrows, stifling a laugh.
"Hey, don't make fun of me. Those are hereditary." You grin.
A couple weeks pass, and, yeah. Yeah, prom's tonight.
"I feel fucking stupid." And he looks fucking stupid with that sexy devil's lock and the suit you'd picked out. You try not to laugh, giving him what you think to be a reassuing smile.
"You look fine. Weird, cause, duh. But I think you look handsome as fuck." You walk closer, fixing his.. absolutely terribly knotted tie. You'd be surprised at how many knots he tied before realizing it was all wrong. Like, 5 too many.
"You're talking out of your ass." He snorts, scowling toward the mirror. "Seriously though, this feels ridiculous. Feels like I'm trying to be someone I'm not, you know? I thought we were done with that." He gets serious for a moment, and you frown.
"...Then let's fuck it up." It was a cheap suit from some Catholic thrift shop down the street named "Holy Trinity" or something, so, Mary was more than pleased to tear the thing up. You can see it in his eyes.
"You mean it?" He grins, almost like a kid who was promised another bowl of icecream. You nod, of course you mean it.
"Fuck it up, Mare. Here, let me help you." You grab the sleeve, ripping it clean off. A gasp leaves your mouth, accompanied by a wide smile. Damn, didn't expect that to work so well.
Mary grins, making a little excited sound before grabbing the other sleeve and attempting to take it clean off like you did--failing miserably. He doesn't let it defeat him though, and he tries a second time, succeeding.
"I got an idea." You run to his room. You basically live at his house, so you know every nook and cranny in his closet. Finding what you wanted, you bring it back out to him excitedly.
"We can mix and match. Put those sexy skinny Jean's back on and I think we can make this work." Another hour of getting dressed, and you're both wearing completely different outfits.
Mary walked out of the house with a deep red button up, a black tie with Jason's mask on it, those sexy skinny jeans and some nice loafers. On top, he added his special sleeveless jacket. Yeah, that didn't add to it much, but he insisted, and he was hot regardless of being fashionable or not.
Soon you arrived, parked, and walked inside... a little late, but no matter. It was.. fucking lame, that's what it was. There were friend groups dancing together, girls grinding on guys and vice versa. It felt like middle school all over again, you grimaced ten minutes in when the two of you sat at a table stuffing your faces.
"The food isn't even that good." You whisper yell over the terrible taste in music. The DJ will play justin bieber every once in a while, like, 2012 JB which is acceptable. But by the time he plays Havana thrice? You're pulling Mary out the back door to the karaoke room.
Some girl is singing her heart out on stage while her friends are basically whispering into the microphones, but blonde chick in the middle's having the time of her life. You wait, watch until it's too cringy to bare, and then Mary pulls you back inside.
You feel terrible for dragging Mary with you... and spending like 50 bucks on his ticket. He looks almost miserable, awkwardly standing around because he absolutely doesnt belong. But neither do you, so, you tug at your sleeves before going up to apologize.
But Mary stops you, grabbing your hands. "Hey, the music's lame, the food's kinda shit. But let's dance. You're only 18 and a senior once. You said it yourself," He's shouting over the music, grinning ear to ear. "let's just say fuck it and fuck it!"
You couldn't have said it better yourself. "Fuck it!" You race him to the dance floor, grabbing him and flinging each other around. You hit quite a few fellow dancers as you jam, but nothing quite matters like Mary's smile. He's enjoying himself at a place he swore he'd never be, surrounded by people and teachers he swore he'd never see again.
The hours flew by faster than you thought, and soon you were among the last crowd of Prom-goers. The DJ relays a message on the intercom, letting everyone know that the last dance will start shortly and then everyone needs to go home. Happily, Mary takes your hand as half the people leave the dance floor to go find their respective dance partners.
He bows as the music stops momentarily. "Will you do me the honor and have this dance with me, doll?"
"Oh, but of course." You do a little curtsey before he kisses the back of your hand. "You flatter me, Mr. Goore.."
He drags you closer, wrapping his arms around your torso. "You look wonderful tonight. Like everynight." He compliments into your ear as you wrap your arms around his neck. You could feel your face turn a million shades of red.
"So do you, Mare. Silly, but quite adorable." You say, quietly as the music. Was this happening? Slow dancing with Mary at prom, this was real? It feels like a dream you'd wake up from in the morning and immediately laugh at how absurd it was.
But it isn't a dream.
"Thanks for forcing me out." He says after a long moment of swaying, heartbeat impossibly fast. "This place is lame, but you made it so much better." Your cheeks flush again at how close he is to your face, his lips in your ear and his cheek pressed to yours softly.
You pull away, heart beating. Mary looks down at you curiously, wondering what you're doing--and that's when you kiss him.
He kind of stiffens, before his arms tighten around your waist and he pulls you closer. It's a soft kiss, softer for one Mary Goore. He pulls away shortly, opening his eyes again.
"Did you-?"
"I did-"
"Well-" You both say in unison, before you both burst out in a fit of giggles and laughter.
"I.. meant it." You say quickly, hoping to get the first word in. "I like you. I like your lips, your smile. Your eyes. I like your "fuck it" attitude. Your voice, oh my~" You dramatically swoon in his arms.
Mary pinches your back, stopping you with a flustered grin. "Okay, okay, I get it, I get it."
"I like you, Mary Goore. Can I kiss you again?" Mary unmistakably turns pink again, pupils visibly widened.
"I would like that." He nods, but he's the one connecting your lips again. The kiss is sweet, longer than the last, but still somehow... chaste and gentle.
"I like your lips, too." Mary starts, bringing a hand to your cheek. "I like your smile. I like the way you laugh at the stupid things I say. I love that you brought me here--" He caresses your cheek. "--I love... everything about you. Now, can we get out of here?"
"I thought you'd never ask."
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goorehound · 2 years
Request from @frankenfaandom : Can I request a mary goore x reader fic where he's a vampire? Blood everywhere, him kind of going a lil insane for the reader, yk yk (smut wins bonus points)
A gift for my pal here. Not beta-read bc I didn’t want to spoil it for ya by asking you to beta it for me, but hopefully no massive errors! I did get carried away so it’s a little long. Oopsies.
Vampire Mary x GN AFAB reader, feeding, and smut. Enjoy!
Mary had been good with you. More gentle than you’d expected for someone that isn’t quite human and is entirely bloodthirsty. He’d never lost his cool, the only flash of fangs you’d seen was when he giggled to himself over some stupid joke. A good half of which you just didn’t get, and sometimes you joked that he was going senile in his ‘old age’ when he erupted into laughter over something that simply wasn’t funny.
He’d never fed in front of you for - well for pretty obvious reasons. Even when he came slipping through your window, face flushed from a fresh meal he’d still washed himself off. You couldn’t find a hint of anything abnormal, except that coppery taste in your shared kisses.
So when he downright asked for a taste, as he’d so delicately put it, you were thrown off kilter.
“Huh?” You rolled over on to your stomach where you lounged on the bed to get a better look at him so you were no longer seeing him upside down, propping your head up in your hands instead of dangling it over the edge of the mattress.
“You know.” He raised his head from where he was sprawled on the floor, eyeing your throat. His lips curved into a teasing and playful smile, offering a glimpse of canines that were just riding the edge of unnaturally sharp. “A little taste.”
The calm tone of his voice was betrayed by the way the whites of his eyes were beginning to be edged with a murky, dark bloody colour. Your head tilted with curiously furrowed brows, a crease forming between them.
“Why?” You asked evenly. And your lack of fear seemed to be what urged him to crawl up on to the bed to join you, rolling you to return to your back as he slipped chilled fingers beneath your shirt, large hand mapping over your waist.
“You smell so fucking good.” His voice had taken on a sort of growling that made your head spin, and you exhaled sharply when he was nosing along your jaw.
“Mare, wait.” You insisted, even though he had made no move to go any further than he had.
“Mmhmm, I’m waiting.” He stilled, giving your waist a reassuring squeeze and pulling back to meet your eyes. That murky colour had almost overtaken his eyes at this point and drove a thrill through you.
“Just, uh-“ You had to swallow to force your throat and vocal cords to work with you. “Just a taste?”
“Only if you want.” Mary assured you in a croon. “I wouldn’t hurt you, baby, cross my heart.” His hand released your waist to do just that over his chest.
And you did kind of want. Of course you had full faith in him, and you let your instincts be quelled by that burning want.
“Yeah.” You nodded in a bit of a daze, unable to break his gaze. That had him lighting up with barely contained delight, dropping down for a kiss that carried a hint of fangs, more or less manhandling you up to lay against the pillows and drawing a huff of laughter from you at his obvious eagerness.
“Yeah?” He parroted back when your fingers burrowed themselves deep in his hair, scraping over his scalp and drawing a pleased rumbling hum from him. Encouraging him to settle more comfortably on top of you, your legs tangling until one of his thighs was cushioned comfortably between yours. As soon as your head was bouncing in another nod, his lips were all over your jaw. Dipping down to kiss beneath your ear as you hummed and carded your fingers through the hair at the base of his skull.
A soft sigh escaped you when he stopped at your jugular, feeling him inhale deeply more than you heard it. He let out a short noise and didn’t move for a few moments, long enough that you were just opening your mouth to ask if he was alright when he shifted himself lower. A searing kiss placed at the base of your throat, and your hum of approval was cut off by a prick of fangs.
They buried deep but didn’t linger like you expected, leaving you reeling when he pulled away to start licking up the trails of blood that spilled free. And the noise the taste drew out of him? Inhuman, and it pooled and coiled molten in your gut, fingers twisting hard in his hair.
He dived back in to mouth at the puncture marks, and you could feel Mary’s tongue squirming against you to bask in the flavour. Then he was sucking harder and harder, and you gasped when he swallowed hard with a resounding groan.
“Mary.” You whispered, your call for attention falling on deaf ears as he plunged his teeth into your neck again. A bit higher this time, and his fangs stayed rooted in deeply. It was different. It did not feel the same as him nicking the skin to get a taste, and it tingled like pins and needles. Like the skin had gone numb, and all you could feel was a deep pressure.
“Mare.” You tried again, turning your head towards him and shuddering when he growled out in dismay. Not keen to interrupt him just yet you let your head loll back against the pillows, feeling Mary’s tense form push down onto you as he tried to close any gaps, feeling your warmth seep into his skin.
It felt warm where his mouth was connected to you, hot and wet. The cold air was a shock when Mary finally broke off, pulling back to look down at you. The deep red had taken over entirely, so much so that the entirety of his eyes were almost black. Pale skin stained red around his lips, those sharp canines elongated into something dangerous.
Lifting a hand, the bad of his thumb ran over the marks he’d left. Slick. More blood than you’d thought.
“Don’t make me stop.” The guitarist bent his neck to push your chin up with his nose, forcing your head back, exposing more skin. “Taste so fucking good, baby, don’t make me stop.”
When his hips pushed down hungrily against you, you could only nod dumbly. Feeling lightheaded, the heat that had been stirring in you only increasing tenfold. “Yeah, yeah, please, Mare. Don’t stop.”
And Mary did not disappoint, burrowing back into your throat. Teeth sinking directly into your jugular and his thigh nestled firmly between your legs, the sensation feeling brand new. Your skin felt like it was buzzing, alive, with a mind of its own. Your fingers were sloppy in his hair and pawing down his back, pulling his shirt high enough to get up against his skin.
He was sucking hard, clamping his jaw down harder, making your back arch off the bed with the force of it. Your body was reacting as if there was pain, but you couldn’t feel it. That instinct to shove him off and get away was tickling at the back of your neck, but you couldn’t understand it, couldn’t comprehend leaving when it felt this good.
Mary seemed to agree, grunting and groaning. Pulling off to lick at your throat and push your shirt up to fondle your chest, dragging sharp teeth along the column of your neck when you bucked up against him.
When you caught a glimpse of him, he looked like he was bordering on wanting to eat you alive. In response, you pulled him into a metallic kiss. Mary’s hips ground down against you, his thigh rubbing in a way that had you keening and yanking at his hair, digging nails into the expanse of his back.
Your tongue flicked against his teeth, only aware it had been sliced open when more blood started to pool into the kiss. Moaning obscenely at the way Mary doubled down into the kiss, fingers dancing clumsily over your nipple before feeling down your body frantically. Fingers tugging and pulling until he could get his hand down your pants.
“Oh,” You gasped out, breaking the kiss to pant when his fingers roamed over you. Rocking down against them when he traced along your seam. “Shit.”
“Fuck, did that get you wet baby?” Mary babbled almost incoherently as he was peppering sloppy kisses over whatever skin he could reach. Dotting a few over your lips and groaning when your tongues brushed and he was gifted another few drops of fresh blood.
Worming his hand around until he grew frustrated, he was quickly shifting down to yank off any fabric obstructing him from reaching you, pushing your bare thighs apart as soon as he was able and your shirt higher so he could take a good look at you.
Quickly warming fingers ran along your entrance, his mouth opening as a noise got caught around his throat when you clenched around nothing. You blinked, and he was back in your space, no longer looming over you. His fingers were circling expertly and drawing a shocked moan from you as he started to leave a trail of kisses downwards, wet and smearing leftover blood, the scrape of teeth down your stomach raising goosebumps over your skin.
“Mary,” You pet over his shoulder, over the back of his neck, through his locks. Hips arching towards his lips. The man who looked up at you at that was almost unrecognizable at this point, and you were mesmerized when he shifted lower. Two fingers buried themselves into you at the same time that two fangs sunk deep into your thigh, Mary’s gaze was half-lidded and lustful as he peered up at you. His body shifting like a coiled spring when you moaned out loud, rocking against him and gripping firmly at his hair.
His eyes finally shut as he fed from your leg, fingers curling and prodding in ways that had you gasping and pleading for him. Supernatural being or not, he was not immune to your begging, pulling off your thigh to lick at where his fingers were shifting inside you. Tracing upwards until he was flicking and twirling his tongue, teasing and coaxing your orgasm closer.
“Mary, Mare, I’m gonna- oh fuck, Mare.” Your eyes closed, mouth falling open on silent pleas until you were trembling and falling over the edge. Mary’s mouth and fingers following the buck of your hips until you were twitching and keening, and he was crawling back up and taking off his jeans with one hand.
“Let me fuck you, got me so fucking hard. Driving me insane. Let me fuck you, baby, gonna take good care of you.” Mary raved on, kicking his boxers to the floor as he settled his hips between your legs. You couldn’t think beyond the way he rocked his cock between your legs, rubbing against your oversensitive clit and forcing a mewl from your throat. He gave a twitch of interest at that, and his composure seemed to crack. “Please, let me fuck you, please baby.”
Unable to find the words, you hooked your legs up around him, reaching between your bodies to take his cock and line it up.
It was an easy slide with you already relaxed from one orgasm, and whatever the fuck the blood loss had done to your brain to make it impossible to do anything but give breathy moans. Louder when he slid home, matching the volume of Mary’s responding groan.
The way he started to grind into you was animalistic, and you responded in kind - clawing the length of his back as he tried to bury himself impossibly deeper, his face in the crook of your neck. Worrying at your flesh with the blunt of his teeth and moaning.
Then he started fucking into you with passion, clearly spurred on by your gasps of shock and subsequent screams of pleasure. Every time his cock hit perfectly aimed inside of you, your mind blanked, unintelligible words flowing from your lips.
You hadn’t even noticed him latch on to your neck. Not until he was biting down hard enough that it stung, your brain woozy and thoughts unable to string together, knocked off kilter by a rush of endorphins, and completely caught by surprise when you came again. Clenching and spasming around his cock as he ground in desperately, using your body to work him through his own orgasm, another unfamiliar noise coming from him that you could only describe as a snarl.
And then things went hazy and slowly, calmly, everything went dark.
You woke some time later, feeling cleaner than you expected. But almost hungover. Shifting followed by a disgruntled and tired noise that you belatedly realized came from yourself.
There was a soft shushing as your hand clumsily came up to scratch at your neck, which was itchy. A whine when your fingers were blocked by a - a bandage?
“Settle, baby, you’re alright.” Mary’s voice drew you further into consciousness and you happily pressed more firmly where you were laying against his chest. “There you go. Relax, I’ve got ya, you’re alright.”
After heaving a sigh, you gave his bare chest a squeeze. He settled the blankets more tightly around you again.
“Must’ve passed out.” You mumbled, feeling a bit raspy and frowning about it.
“Think I got carried away.” Cool fingers brushed through your hair, and you sighed out your pleasure. “I checked you out, you’re okay. Promise. Just a bit too much at once.”
This made sense. Loosing blood and finishing twice would probably knock someone on their ass, and you couldn’t really complain - you didn’t feel that terrible, and the pleasure of all of it far outweighed whatever discomfort you felt now.
With a moment of silence, you tried to cram together your jumbled thoughts. And after coming to a consensus that made sense in your mind, turning and sinking your teeth hard into the skin of Mary’s chest.
He paused.
“Had to make sure I wasn’t a vampire.” You said reasonably.
Another beat of silence from him. “So you bit another vampire?” He asked, and you heard amusement lacing his tone. Casting your glance upward it was confirmed by the smirk twisting at his lips.
“Duh.” You responded flatly, and he nodded seriously.
“Good thinking on that one. Glad we know now.” Mary planted a kiss on your forehead. “Still feeling loopy, huh?” He asked with another one of those infuriating smirks.
“Mind your own business.” You grumbled and came to nuzzle into his neck with a heavy sigh, feeling lazily over his chest and ribs, basking in the smoothness of him. Must’ve been a while that you’d slept curled around him, because your body heat had seeped into his bones. It was nice.
“You really liked that.” You pointed out, smiling pleased and giving a lazy kiss to the nearest patch of skin.
“Baby, that was the highlight of the fucking century.” Mary purred back to you and began to trace mindless little patterns over your back, sending tingles down your spine.
“Mmm.” Lost in thought, you hummed. “Seemed pretty horny for feeding.” He tensed beneath your body as you began to shake with laughter, trying to compose yourself enough to finish your thought. “Kind like a-“ Paused to giggle. “Like a food fetish, huh?”
“Jesus Christ.” Mary said. “Shut the fuck up. I like you better when you’re sleeping, close your eyes.” You snorted against him.
“Food play.” Was giggled out after a second, and he wrapped you up tightly in his arms as if smothering you with enough affection would silence you.
“My little feederism vampire.” You cackled out.
“I despise you. Did you know that?” Mary lied through his teeth, clear by the way he was burrowing his face in your hair to hide his own smile. “You’re a loathesome creature.” He told you.
“Mmm, I love you too.” You mumbled, laughter dying down as the lull of sleep called to you. Cushioned on his chest and feeling safer than you would anywhere else, even after his little display earlier. Had you not worried about actually dying of blood loss by repeating that too quickly, you would’ve recommended you do it again sometime soon.
“Bastard.” Mary replied as he rubbed his cheek against your head and began to play his fingers through your hair. He waited until you went lax, sprawling kisses over your hairline. “I love you.”
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shesinshambles · 1 year
tagged by: @dewymorningstar
currently reading: Lapvona by Otessa Moshfegh and I have Woolgathering by Patti Smith lined up next! No fics at the moment (if you have any please send me suggestions!)
Favourite colour: Purples, I really like lavender and most shades of green! Especially sage and and forest greens.
Last song: Halah by Mazzy Star
Last Movie: Howl's Moving Castle
Sweet/Spicy/savory: I have a really big sweet tooth! Especially for pastries and pie! My favourite dessert though is cheesecake
Currently working on: The next chapter to my fic Selfish Creatures! It's a slow burn friends to lovers fic between Papa III and my oc Cordelia, the ministry's art conservator and spirit wrangler of sorts.
Tagging: @r3ptil3 @frankenfaandom @nameless-ghouligan @synestheticbisexual And anyone else who'd like to do this!
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frankenfaandom · 2 years
> Requests will have a ☆ by them
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Mary Goore
Prom Night [SFW] ☆
"Virgin" [NSFW] [fem!reader]
"Stay on the Phone" [SFW, fluff with a smidge of angst]
"Gentle Loving" [slight NSFW]
Taking Care of a Sick/Hurt Mary [SFW] ☆
Long haired-Mary ficlets [ONE], [TWO], [THREE]☆
Ghost BC
HCs on the ghouls feelings toward you cuddling copia plush [SFW] [Ghouls x reader]
"Bad Ghoul" [NSFW] [sub Dew x dom Rain x sub fem!Reader]
"A Little Comfort" [SFW, hurt/comfort] [Papa IV x reader]
Wip game [mainly Mary & rain]
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goorehound · 2 years
Hello!! Been stalking through your works (hehe), saw your "dating Mary hcs" post, and this caught my attention:
"Banter is one of his favourite things about being with you. Random and especially bizarre insults thrown back and forth makes it all feel easy. Granted sometimes he can be a Grade A Dick and get himself benched on the couch for the night, but that’s rare, and almost all of his bickering is playful and downright adoring."
Now I need a scenario in which he does indeed get banished to the couch one night and tries to make it up to the reader in the morning, pretty please! -🎂
This took me so long but I promise I was so excited to get this one out. The “fight” part dragged out much longer than I expected but the flow took me where it took me, ya dig?
This was fun to write, thank you for the request shawty.
And thanks to @frankenfaandom for brainstorming with me and practically giving me this fic on a plate when I blanked on how to start it off.
Mary’s Fuck Up
Mary x GN!Reader - 1,317 words
Crawling up to plant your hands on either side of Mary’s face, squishing the cheeks together as you straddled his lap and pulled him close. Your expression didn’t waver, relaxed but serious, not even when he made a confused and disgruntled squawk of disapproval.
“You smell awful.” You told him evenly, finally cracking out in a grin as you planted a wet and smacking kiss on his forehead, ignoring his hands flapping around trying to get you off him. “Get the fuck out of my bed and go shower.”
“Jesus Christ, I thought I actually did something.” He clamped a hand over his chest when you eased back to look down at him. “You’re gonna fucking kill me. You’re going to give me a heart attack. I almost just died.” He prattled on.
“I’m dead serious,” You laughed and slid off of him to sprawl out in the empty spot opposite him. “You smell like you just climbed out of a dumpster and bathed in piss.”
“What do you mean?” He asked indignantly. “I do not. I smell like I always smell,” The metalhead grumbled as he turned to smell at his shirt. “You like how I smell.”
“I like how you look.” You patted his chest lovingly. “I tolerate how you smell.” This was paired with a cackle at his fully offended look, him rolling over to settle between your legs did nothing to quell the burst of laughter.
“Yeah, well, maybe I like how you smell and tolerate how you look.” Mary threw back petulantly and ridiculously, and you bit back your laughter into bubbling giggles instead.
“You fuck me for how I smell, Mare? That’s kinda weird.”
“Maybe I do.”
“You called me beautiful an hour ago.”
“Well. I’m a liar. I lied.” Mary settled down more heavily on top of you.
“Maybe I’m ugly, but at least I don’t smell like a porta-potty.” You lazily draped your arms over his shoulders in return.
“Maybe I smell bad, but at least I don’t have a crooked nose.” His hand came up to pinch at your nose, and he must’ve missed how the mirth dropped from your eyes as simultaneously as your heart fell to your stomach. Which was almost just as hurtful as the comment. It wasn’t like he had room to talk, he’d busted his nose a few times and it wasn’t fucking straight either - but he knew that your nose drove you crazy. He knew that you’d fretted over it. He couldn’t not know that was a pretty big blow to your self esteem.
“Get the fuck off, Mary.” You grumbled, content to shove him in the direction of the shower so you could forget the stupid comment. He wiggled your nose lightly, then his brows furrowed in concentration, and his hand dropped.
“The fuck are you getting all bitchy for?” Mary asked as he leaned up a bit higher, and fuck he could be such a dick. Who says that?
“Mary. Get off of me.” At least he complied quickly that time and pulled back to fall on his ass on the mattress in front of you. You didn’t feel like you needed to explain why that just wasn’t cool. You’d been willing to drop the nose comment and let him know later to not make that sort of joke, but being made to feel like your reaction was disproportionate?
Like you were out of line for getting irritated?
“The fuck just happened?” Mary glanced around as if some apparition might come forth and explain to him where he’d crossed the line.
No such thing happened, obviously, and you instead got up to start changing to get ready to sleep. “Can you just go shower?” You threw over your shoulder. “We’ll talk after.”
“You’re fuckin’ moody tonight.” He threw back as he pulled himself off the bed to head to the shower, and he didn’t deign your responding: “Fuck you.” with any sort of acknowledgement.
You stewed for a while, shutting the lights off and pulling the blankets up to your ears. There was a lot of tossing and turning, replaying the events and getting yourself worked up all over again. By the time Mary was coming back in, freshly washed and hair damp, you were not nearly in the mood for him sliding into the covers behind you and tugging at your waist.
“I don’t want you in here right now.” There was a pause. A deep breath.
Lips brushed over your temple and he squeezed your waist before rolling out of the bed and fumbling around in your closet for the spare blanket. “M’kay, baby.” He agreed quietly, and then he was out.
As you should have expected - sleeping without him was awful. It sucked. The first fifteen minutes were nice, the space from the cause of your irritation out of sight had you feeling a bit more relaxed and able to collect your thoughts. But stirring a few times and reaching for him to come up empty handed? Yeah. That was a bummer.
By morning you were over it. Prepared to talk it over but not holding any of the previous nights bitterness, you were out of bed and shuffling into the lounge room as soon as you were awake enough to function.
The couch was empty, but there was a blanket and pillow still messily taking up residence - so Mary couldn’t be too far. He wasn’t exactly a morning person and it seemed way too early for him to be out the door. Which would be fine. It was fine. If he also needed some space, that was cool, you didn’t mind.
You edged your way towards the kitchen, embarrassed by the rush of relief when you smelled fresh coffee and let your nose guide you.
Mary was stressing about something on the counter, there was a fresh pot of coffee, and he seemed completely unaware of your presence. You watched him hunched over something and stirring it, curiosity piqued. Mary Goore was the furthest thing from a chef that you’d ever seen in your life, and you were suddenly worried about wether or not you’d actually replaced the fire extinguisher.
“Mare?” Rough with sleep, your voice barely carried through the kitchen. Apparently it was more than enough to catch his attention, as he spun around with a bowl and whisk in hand. The expression of guilt on his face was more surprising, looking like a dog who’d been caught mid shit on the carpet.
“Whatcha doin?” You asked after an extended silence where he offered not a word.
“Making pancakes?” Mary looked miserably at the bowl he was stirring. “Hopefully. Uh, I thought I’d - you know, breakfast in bed type dig. Didn’t think it would take this long.” The bowl was left forgotten on the countertop as he wiped his hands off on his boxers and worried at his lip.
“I fucked up?” He offered, and you closed the distance to press your face into his neck. Predictably, his arms came up to cradle you as his cheek rubbed itself against your hair.
“I fucked up.” Mary said this more steadily this time. “I also fucked up the pancakes.” You laughed at that and pinched at his bare waist gently.
“I’ll run and grab us breakfast and you can get back in bed?” His neck craned back enough to look down at you, ten fingers sliding high enough to cup the back of your head. The eye contact was a bit more intense than you’d anticipated.
“I’m sorry. You can tell me exactly where I pissed you off when I get some food into you.” The man’s voice was soft, his eyes bouncing around to take in your face. Large hands stretching to brush his thumb over your cheek only moments before you turned to kiss his palm.
“That sounds good, Mare.”
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goorehound · 1 year
I was tagged by @callofdooty (thank u friend)
“You know the drill: create a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP file folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it.”
Alright. My WIPs are a mess and are not usually titled (because I am a creature. a beast, if you will.) So I’ll do my best:
1. uc m fic - ghost soap mw2
2. Snowed in??? In a cabin??
3. grief
4. raccoon
5. Ghost Mary
6. Mary vs summer
i have no idea who to tag uhhh @frankenfaandom and anyone else who sees this.
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