#fuck it lets put an L in there somewhere
druidonity2 · 21 days
hey you wanna hear another fanfic idea (based on an old doodle) i'll probably never write ok here it goes-
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(What if, in her dying breath, Onyxia split Anduin into two, and nothing Varian tries is putting his son back together.)
Varian was able to fuse back together, but to his surprise, he found two boys where one once was. In her final moment, to further soe chaos and seek revenge, Onyxia channelged her power into the boy. And despite their attempts, they cannot get the boys back to one. (They try and use shalamayne, but really they can’t fully recreate Varian’s rejoining, for it would threaten the boys’ health and saftey. They spend the next year trying to locate any magic users who could help, but unwilling to risk their lives, there isnt much they can do. They must be raised as twins.)
Ann and Dulin are identical as young kids, and seem very happy with eachother, and it almost seems like they are better off now that Anduin isn’t really an only child. But then, as they enter their teens, a distinction between the two forms, and it slowly becomes clear that they are halves of a single soul. And their flaws are ever stronger for it. That they arn’t balanced. 
(-Little moments as the boys grow up, playing together, learning together, etc.
-Varian hoping at least one picks up the sword, but so far both boys are awful. He struggles, but is reminded they are the same person, of course if one cant do something the other cant either. 
-they both shared an interest in light, and learned fast bouncing practice off eachother. Both learn under Velen.)
Ann and Dulin are priests, but Ann is more rebellious and runs away more, and is more open to voicing his opinion, even at the wrong times. Dulin is much more clinging to rules and professionalism, and is quiet and more hiding of his voice, preferring to listen. They bicker more, disagree, and it slowly reminds Varian of his struggle as he and Lo’gosh could not come to agreements despite being one person. And he fears that as they age, Ann and Dulin will further be torn apart.
It does happen, when Ann and Dulin get into an argument, and Dulin uses shadow. 
MoP is Ann and Dulion getting shipwrecked. Despite his interests in Pandaria Dulin wants to go home as soon as the Alliance finds them, but Ann refuses too, and so Dulin follows along. Ann is the one to confront Garrosh, and Dulin is the one to get him help.
After the Bell scene.
Ann nearly died, and while Dulin didn’t get hurt, it seems he’s fallen ill too. He’s fine, up until he faints infront of everyone. Confused, someone reminds Varian, “They are not complete people. They are halves of a single individual, and that brings with it consequences. They were never meant to grow up apart, their souls are joined and that greatly effects their mind and bodies. I suspect if Ann had died, Dulin would’ve passed away soon after. If you lose one, you lose them both.” 
“When you were two, one half was a spineless noble easily charmed by wealth and beauty. The other half was an angry warrior, hot headed and unwilling to listen to opposition. Apart, you were two deeply flawed people who could not agree on anything, and you came close to killing yourself, until one made a sacrifice for the other. It was only because you shared a son did you come to terms with one another.” “I believe having the boys raised together is partly the reason they still get along, but they are very different from one another, and their lives would be better if they were joined again.”
Wrathion believes he knows how to rejoin the twins, and Dulin seeks that help, even behind Ann’s back. (It does not work).
(war crimes scene where Anduin holds his AU self as he dies, only in this fic it is Ann and Dulin watching an au version of Anduin die, seeing what they would look and act like if they were one person, as they should be. This event deeply effects them, acting as a constant reminder that their fractured existance is wrong)
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-Because of their bickering, it's decided one will take the throne and the other remains prince. Dulin takes the throne, which is actually one of the only things the two agree on, for Ann dislikes the restrictions the title of King would place upon him. Ann still does work for Dulin, represents him in meetings he cant go too, etc, especially durring war, but still runs off sometimes.
-Dulin is taken by Sylvanas to the Shadowlands, and it is Ann who demands to go to find his twin. He felt the moment Dulin crossed into the veil, He feels the moment his twin is corrupted, and feels his soul aching. If Dulin dies so will Ann, and Ann can feel his brother's soul weaken by the day.
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-JAILER RAID SCENE but Ann runs into the black smoke, Sylvanas cannot stop him in time- Ann embraces his brother, and a rush of energy envelopes the area. Sylvanas believes it to be the bomb, but as the smoke clears and they live, a single man is left in the middle-
Ann and Dulin fused back together.
the end.
Anduin, newly rejoined into one person, disappears for several years in order to 'find himself', soul searching or whatever. Now that he is one person, who is he really? Who does he want to be? How does he cope with his past truamas was one person, when half of him experienced things differently?
Epilogue explores how Anduin honestly still feels like two people in one body, that being fully one in heart and mind may be truely impossible, but as time passes, years go by, it seems that healing truely may be possible.
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belovedvenom · 4 months
unlike most people, you don’t put up with most of rafes shit. if he gets rough, you get rough right back. you don’t hesitate to pinch his ear or wrap a hand around his throat whenever he starts acting like that.
especially s1!rafe
it was supposed to be a chill day, just the two of you —maybe even go somewhere nice to eat and enjoy each other’s company so you got all dressed up, something casual but cute but then he caught a glimpse of the pogues and that peace went out the window. all he thought about was fucking with them — mainly pope and jj
“rafe!” you hissed between gritted teeth.
continuing to walk in there difection, he doesn’t even look at you as he says, “what? i just want to say hi my little sister and her friends.” but you know him. you know how he gets plus the chuckle at the end of his words didn’t help either.
“sup!- OW!!” you pinched rafes ear and dragged him away from the group, not letting go no matter how much he cursed and clawed at your arm. “shit! owowow!! alright alright! fuck is your problem” he hissed.
“i did not get all dressed up just for you to start terrorising jj and pope. its an us day, remember. leave them alone. can you do that? huh? forget they exist for just one day..” you shook him, wanting to knock some sense in to place.
“o-okay okay fuck that fucking hurts!” he whined. “l-let go!”
you released his ear with a snap causing him to hiss, rubbing his ear harshly while you scowled.
“okay so…. what? you’re on first name bases with— theyre just pogues and you’re…..gonna defend them? some filthy pogues? you don’t need to worry about them, alright. i’m gonna do things the way i-“ he didn’t get to finish whatever speech he had planned before your hand was wrapped on his throat. he talks too much. with a tight grip, you continue to glower at him. a silent staring contest between you two lasts for a while.
you feel him swallow against your hand before huffing. rolling his eyes as he moves his head left and right, looking towards their direction before his eyes meet yours.
with another huff, he slowly starts nodding his head, lips pursed. letting out a chuckle, he grabs the hand on his throat and you let him remove it. “okay” he mutters. you grin, pressing a kiss to his cheek “such a man-child” you sigh lovingly before pressing another kiss to his red and irritated ear.
he hums, tongue in cheek —reaching back to grab a handful of your ass. “always got to get your way huh? don’t get used it to baby cause it’s not going to keep happening.”
it is.
—plus sarah most definitely saw her older brother get dragged off by his ear like a scolded child and teases him about it later.
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luveline · 10 months
I read the Derek and Spencer fainting bit and now I want to complete it with Hotch :)))
If that’s alright of course…
thank you for your request ♡ fem!reader
Aaron knows you harbour more affection for him than anyone else on the team, which is a true compliment to him, as you adore Spencer. He can never tell if you're friendly or loving, if you want some or all or nothing, the line between you blurred. 
When Morgan and Garcia first began their flirtatious friendship, Aaron thought they were seeing each other on the sly for a whole fortnight. He's a profiler, but he doesn't know everything. 
He does, however, know that something is wrong with you today. Hand held up over your eyes, you squint out over the crime scene with a wrinkled nose. The lakeside smells as bad as it looks with gore blackening the surrounding grass. He's been telling you for months to get some shades. You've been ignoring his advice. 
Your disapproval of the smell is normal. Your unsure footing is not. You take his forearm when he offers it and step across the muddy bank to the body without audible complaint, though you give him a 'this fucking sucks' narrowing of the eyes when he gives you the time. 
"Agent Hotchner," a deputy greets, "Agent L/N. We found the second body here. Bystanders pulled the first out thinking she was still alive, but that was unfortunately not the case." 
You shift unprofessionally close to Aaron. He doesn't really care. The sheriff barely looks at you both, his attention on the corpse hidden between overgrown cattails. 
Aaron hates to admit that he gives you more of his attention than is helpful. You seem odd. Call it intuition, call it plain old profiling, Aaron reads the next minute of events in the smallest twitch of your finger.
You put your hand on his back and he doesn't think, he just grabs you. The sheriff deputy startles as you fold over Aaron's arm like a marionette with strings sliced, exhaling hard as your body does its best to hit the grass beneath your feet. 
"Agent L/N!" The deputy yelps. 
"I got her," Aaron says, easing you down to the ground. He keeps a hand behind your head to lay you down flat, the other quick to leap from your side to your cheek. You'll likely have bruises in the shape of his hands at your waist. "Y/N?" 
He rubs his thumb under your eye. Quick, he leans down with an ear to your lips and relaxes at the sound of your shallow breathing. He pulls away, resting a hand atop your chest. 
"Can you hear me?" he asks, conscious of and ignoring the copious pairs of eyes watching over you. 
You don't respond. Aaron goes into emergency mode, flagging down a cop who races for a paramedic, hands at your throat unbuttoning the first button on your blouse, the second in an overabundance of caution. 
"Y/N, if you can hear me, I need you to open your eyes. Can you do that?" His tone wavers somewhere between demanding and desperate. "Come on. Come on." 
Fainting is one thing. Fainting with no signs of dehydration and little sun exposure is another, especially considering you hadn't moved from one position to another. You've passed out with no obvious cause. Any number of things could be wrong. 
He doesn't slap you —it works in the movies and not often elsewhere. In fact, Aaron finds himself at the opposite end of the spectrum. Patient outwardly and insanely panicked on the inside, he holds your face in his hand and waits for someone to tell him you're alright. 
Your breath catches, your head lolling into his palm. He straightens it, weary of your airways. "Y/N? Tell me you can hear me." 
The whirlwind of your fall and the eternity of your recovery has him holding his breath. 
"I can hear you," you mumble, again attempting to turn your head. He lets you this time. He's so relieved, he'd let you do anything. 
He fights the urge to shout, Where's the medic? instead following your face, tilting his head to the side. "Open your eyes, honey," he murmurs, for your ears alone. 
Your lashes twitch against his pinky index finger. You frown as though you're in pain and finally rouse to attention. 
"What hurts?" he asks, brows furrowed.
"Nothing hurts…" Your frown worsens. "You look really unhappy." 
"I'm not ecstatic about this," he says. He gives in, shouting, "Where's the medic?"
"Oh, no, please," you say, trying to sit up, "that is so embarrassing."
Aaron pushes you flat to the grass beneath you. "Stop, you need to stay flat. You passed out. This is the solution–" He puts his hand flat over your chest as you put in some effort. "Hey, this is what you need to do. Listen to me, agent." 
"What happened to honey?" you ask quietly. 
"That's when you were doing what I wanted." 
You close your eyes in a faux strop. "I guess I'll have to do what you want more often, sir." 
"That's enough." He sounds fond. Why does he sound so fond? 
The deputy clears his throat. "Paramedics are here." 
You groan. Aaron hides a smile. Through everything, his hand has stayed on your cheek. He doesn't pull it away until he absolutely has to, and even then, he holds some part of you. Your elbow, your wrist. He has the sense to be sheepish about it when the paramedic ushers him back, but even then, he's thinking about when he'll get to touch you next; he needs the assurance that you're okay. 
He gets it a half hour later when you're sipping on a gatorade in the back of an SUV. 
"Do I still get paid for today?" you ask, smiling playfully. "Or is this a write off?" 
He wants to joke about it with you, but there's work to be done. He sends you back to the hotel with a frankly unprofessional hug and a demand to take it easy. He's sure you'll be back stepping on his heels by late afternoon. 
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sinfullyrosey · 11 months
General!Lilia Vanrouge X GN!Reader
Warnings: Doggy Style, Rough Sex, Creampie, Dom!Lilia
Mild spoilers for the recent chapter because I am very limited on exactly what is happening. I just saw General Lilia and read some of his translated dialog and my brain responded as such.
Fairly short like Lilia
Just imagine General Lilia pulling you aside and away from Sebek and Silver in order to “interrogate” you. He takes you somewhere private and secluded, while Baul serves as a distraction for your Diasomnia companions.
The old fae can’t quite put his finger on it, but you and that other human bring out certain feelings in him. Feelings of deeply rooted affection and the instinctual need to protect. This only makes you all the more suspicious in his eyes as he feels hotter and more primal around you in particular.
He doesn’t know that Silver is to be his adopted son, and you, his future partner. Right now, you both are just suspicious strangers.
You make him feel weak, like he can be open and relaxed around you. He feels like he can let his guard down, despite you being a human and a stranger. It’s as if all his ingrained training just melts away when he’s near you.
And he doesn’t like it.
So, you find yourself pinned down by him, one of his hands holding your arms behind your back, the other around your throat, keeping your upper body pressed into the ground. Your uniform pants are pulled down, ass up, and his hard cock pressing against your tight entrance.
He asks you again who you and your friends are and what you want. And again, you tell him you’re not the enemy and are only here temporarily. And once again, Lilia couldn’t help but to believe your words are true.
You squirm in his hold, unintentionally rubbing your bare ass against his length and making yourself squeak at the familiar sensation against your awaiting hole. The movement makes his dick twitch and him grunt.
You felt so hot and bothered, wanting him to just shove his dick in you like he’s done so before. Despite the current situation at hand and despite your friends being not too far away, you were desperate and this younger, more serious version of Lilia was sending sparks of pleasure straight to your core.
“L-lilia…” you whimper.
At your needy call, the fae general found his instincts take over and finally slide his whole cock all the way in, stretching out your hole in order to accommodate his full size.
“O-oh! Oohhh~” You moaned, his tip grazing along your spongey sweet spot, making you see stars.
God, he filled you up so nicely.
Lilia didn’t waste anymore time, being just as horny as you, and began a brutal pace. He pounded into you, tight and unprepared, yet not unwelcomed. His thrusts were rough and precise, making you moan and beg incoherently.
Lilia had never been this harsh with his lovemaking before, preferring to be sweet and playful with you. Not like you were complaining about this nice change of pace.
With every sharp thrust of his hips, he brought you closer to your release. His dick reaching so deep into you, you couldn’t help but get lost in the euphoria, eyes rolling back and mouth agape as you drooled out praise and pleas.
Lilia just couldn’t get enough of you acting so adorably needy for him, watching you unravel so eagerly before him. Maybe not all humans were so bad, at least, not you anyway. 
And with one final, harsh thrust, the general releases inside of you while you squeezed around him from your own orgasm. Your vision going white as he fills you up with his creamy cum.
Once he was empty, he slid his now soft member out of you, watching as your hole winked at him, leaking some stray cum. Your face was flush and body disheveled underneath him. Truly a wonderful sight after he conquered your weak human body.
Lilia never cared much for taking any spoils from war, but if you were included in it, then he’ll gladly take you home if it meant getting to fuck you into submission like this again.
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livurlifesworld · 3 months
what are they thinking about you + when will you align in each other’s lives and meet? +18
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PILE 1: this person can have a brown skin tone or be of a different cultural descent than you. I don’t know why I heard the greys anatomy meme “pick me, choose me, love me” one of you may be feeling this way towards eachother hinting at some disclosed feelings not yet being shown. Some type of explosive passionate feeling of wanting to let everything out. They want to prove to you they want you. Make love to you, touch you, make you feel the way they’ve been feeling. Holding back. Letting it all out is what I’m hearing. Such a playful energy. Someone may be ticklish. I see being out in a field and having a picnic or a significant moment together. Sharing a moment alone is significant for you two. You need time to let everything out to eachother and listen and cry and feel everything out is truly what I’m getting. Time of alignment between you both may be 3 years from now. I see this because someone or you both may meet when someone moves somewhere. You’re completely enthralled in peace with eachother when you meet. Laughter and love are so significant between y’all it’s like a dream is what I’m seeing. You both are gonna build such a beautiful story together, you act goofy with one another someone may like to dance for real and let loose.
significance: the moon, traveling, and time.
Songs that resonated:
she wants to move - by n.e.r.d and back on 74 by Jungle
the tension is deep between y’all. When I mean THICK I mean absolutely THICK tension. There’s something significant with lips here and wanting to be able to touch them and feeling fingers against your face. Gazing into your eyes and a lot of physical touch. Could be their best way of showing their love to you. They want you to know they respect you, everything about but they sincerely and severely want you. To cradle you in their arms and to hold l you near and dear to their chest. Caress you and to make you feel seen. One of you may have a hard time speaking up and making your feelings feel heard but they can hear you from a mile away. If you need them they’re there. So so so reliable I’m telling you all. This person may have a more dominant or strong appearance to them. I see their face being more built, masculine, and structured in a sense. They’re beautiful even though they may not see themselves this way. They truly want and love you. May have longer hair that fits their face. It’s fluffy. Alignment may be 2 months or years. Between this time you may be ready to meet and align with each other’s lives. A lot of yearning between this pile, somebody’s gonna break it soon 👀
Significance: purple could be lightening of them room y’all are in (reference album cover of song, that type of purple), age gap, true love
Song that resonated: too deep - by dvsn
This person has a boisterous laugh and they like to talk. When I mean talk I mean big talk. They seem like a big steppa like come off as a player for real. They may have been at some point but they seriously don’t give a fuck about that once they meet you. You look so fucking good but outside of that you’re making conversation with this person. You sincerely actually speak to them like a human being is what I’m getting. You’re not there for their money or looks. They know how to dress, they have luxuries and live what may appear like a good life but they’re lost. They need you. They need someone to help guide them away from ego, humble them even. They know it too but they’re drawn to what people around them influence them in. A follower even. They’re gonna get out of that as soon as you two have a conversation. This is a spontaneous meeting and conversation. Feels like you two may bump paths or have seen eachother before from somewhere but you can’t put your finger on it. Deja vu for real. You both have a deep and sincere attraction to eachother. You’re very magnetic especially your eyes they draw people in. This person really wants you to forgive them for their mistakes. They feel like a fuck up a lot of the time because they don’t know what they’re doing. They need guidance and self love. Support is big between you both. You may be friends and then become something more. May know eachother from work even. Meeting at a social event or club. Feels like somewhere that may be exciting but you both are so caught up in eachother you eventually leave and don’t care. Be patient with them if you choose to pursue them but hold them accountable. The number 5 is significant here I’m not sure if spirit doesn’t want me to let you know exactly when but 5 months, 5th day, or years. A person is associated with the number 5 though could be family member, sport related, birthday.
Significance: loyalty, support, patience, settle down, marriage, empire. If you’ve heard the phrase recently: “play me like a violin” that may be significant for you.
songs that resonate: girls around the world by Lloyd and confessions pt II by usher
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pickingupmymercedes · 3 months
Lewis Hamilton - NSFW Alphabet
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a/n: It's a NSFW Alphabet, you guys know the drill. Haven't really seen these around for a while, and that photo with the body hair got me in a mood.
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Clingy. He needs to feel your touch somewhere and needs to have his hands on you. He particularly likes when you run your fingers through his hair, soothing any bad thought away. He may put on a tough façade for the world but when he lowers his walls, he loves the reassurance of your skin on his.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He takes great pride in his arms and shoulders, they’re not the biggest because of f1, but they do a great part of his job. Also, they hold you and everyone he loves close.
On you he loves your collarbones, it’s the first place he goes in any given circumstance. It’s where he feels your perfume when you’re fresh out of the shower, your smell when he’s holding you close while thrusting up at your most intimate place, where he buries his face when he needs to hide from the world and where he leaves his mark for the same world to see.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically…)
Before being officially and seriously a couple, he would finish in the condom, the moment you were his though, marking you was a thought that drove him wild. Since that first time going raw there was no turning back, he needed to feel and fill you every time since.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
You and him sneaked out, while still being “only friends”, during an end of year party in Brackley. You had had a bit too much to drink and so had him, you stumbled out to the third floor for a breather, after being surrounded by his perfume all night long, and he followed you like a lost puppy, too scared that if he let you out of his sight you’d run and never come back. It was messy and led to radio silence from both of you for weeks, but the sexual tension only grew after that. 
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
He sure as hell knows what he’s doing. He likes when you’re curious about his experience too, and is always up to let you experience and try new things as a couple.
F = Favorite Position (This goes without saying.)
Cowgirl, he likes to pretend to be the one in charge but in the privacy of the bed he you’re the boss, plus he gets to watch you and the pleasure he gives you. He’ll flip you if you get too fucked out to ride him all the way, but you’re usually on top.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
Depends on the mood. In the morning it’s usually lighthearted, lazy and sloppy, giggles thrown in the air left and right. Nights tend to be a bit more serious, locked stares, purposeful movements and overall, nastier. 
H = Hair (How well-groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Extremely well taken care of. Not all bare though, you both like a bit of something there, but groomed and tidy for sure. 
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
He’s a thoughtful guy, and you can’t help but imagine even with the hock ups he was probably like that too.
But something changes for him when you two finally commit. From that moment, his favorite part wasn’t the sex but how close you felt to him, how vulnerable you let yourself be around him, how in those moments your world and his are nothing but each other.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
He’ll take matter into his own hands (literally) if needed, but he’ll much rather wait for you.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Praise was one you found out pretty early on, but the main one was breeding, and God did it drive you two into the most unexpected situations.  
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
Ideally somewhere you can both take your time, before, during and after. But he’s an adrenaline junkie, and adventurous locations would spark something and things would happen in a rooftop, driver’s room, secluded parking lot, desert beach.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Honestly, not much was needed to get him uncomfortable in his pants, a look you gave him from behind his computer and he was done with whatever work he had to get done. But what truly drove him wild was seeing you smirk at him as you did the most mundane of chores knowing he would get riddle up.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Cause pain if it’s not closely interlinked with pleasure.
Withholding your orgasm so you when you cum it’s a star-seeing, numbing-body one is a big yes. But using you so he gets his release after a frustrating situation but not getting you there in the end is a huge No for him. 
He cares too much about your wellbeing to get his needs met if it does nothing for you. 
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
His thing is going down on you, and he certainly has the skill to match his preferences, but you can’t resist his bulge and how the weight feels wrapped around your hands. He wasn’t too keen on having someone give him head just for the fun of it, but eventually you got him there, even if he won’t admit you can have him quite literally wrapped around your fingers.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Slow and deep is his thing, each thrust sends a message and it’s intoxicating how easily he claims your body.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Doesn’t care too much for them in a daily basis, and would much rather take your time, but racing weekends are busy and sometimes things have to be taken care of in less than 10 minutes, in a dark corridor somewhere.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
He’s down to try anything you suggest and eventually suggests a few things latter in the relationship as well, when he feels you’re comfortable about his past experiences.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
He can go for as long as you want him to go and a bit more. His pace also helps him last longer, and although the same probably can’t be said for you, he likes to take it as a challenge to see how many times, for how long and with how much effort he can get you to cum.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
He doesn’t mind new friends, but they’re not frequent and he prides himself that your best times were only using his fingers, tongue and dick.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He loves it, but you’re impatient so it usually doesn’t last too long, just enough to get you riddled and panting.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Lewis could never be loud, but jesus is he vocal. The dirty talking in your ears is through the roof. But your favorite are his grunts, he gets so tunnel focused with his thrusts his mouth always falls open and he lets out the most guttural ones, them alone kept you panting.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
It was risky, so incredibly risky and stupid from both of you to be in that badly lit corridor, hands all over each other, breathless and rushed kisses all over your skins.
The season had started on a bad foot and for the past 2 races everyone had been working the extra night hours trying to get something out of the car. Lewis had just gotten out of a debrief while you were using his side of the garage as a backdrop for a meeting. He walked right in front of your laptop and stared at you for a while before walking out into the pitlane, taking a second lingering look, left eyebrow raised, tongue slightly brushing the corner of his lips.
You were looking for him as soon as you could get away with the excuse of poor internet, going about the pitlane and taking a moment to actually appreciate the warm Australian weather.
As you looked and tried to find something in the darkness you felt strong arms wrapping you from behind, and kisses in your shoulders that left you highly aware you were in public.
“Someone could see us Lew” you whispered, turning in his embrace to lace your fingers behind his neck. “You look so damn hot when you boss those guys around” he muttered into your collarbone, after unbuttoning the first couple buttons on your blouse, leaving kisses all over your chest.
“Let’s just find somewhere better hidden then” you offered, hands already under his shirt, feeling the heat and firmness of his muscles. “Already did” he said while easily picking a giggling version of you up and kissing your lips to shush you.
The dark alley-type corridor was but a dead space in between fia’s garage and where the safety cars were, no lights there and the only speck of glow coming from two garages away. He sat you down somewhere soft, never once leaving your neck while one hand groped your bra covered breasts and the other held you close by your waist.
Through the fabric in his briefs, you felt his bulge in your tummy when he positioned his body in between your spread legs. A low and husky “we can’t make a sound babe” in your ear before he bucked your hips upwards and pushed your pants down just beneath your knees, pooling his own underwear at his feet with his jeans.
You took his already rock-hard length in hand and used your thumb to get the precum from his tip to the rest of the sensitive head. His grunts filling the now muffed air and you couldn’t help but sneer a “shush there, big guy” while smirking at his pleasure-contorted face. You gave it a few pumps, trying your everything not to give in and show him who’s boss, you had no time to prolong any foreplay, your own desire well visible in your soaked cunt.
He pulled you in for a sloppy kiss, biting on your lower lip, trying to distract you with the sharp pain in your month from the stretch his member was giving your core while he slowly thrusted into you, picking up speed as your walls adjusted to his girth, the sound of skin on skin joining the sounds you both tried to keep low.
The scene was truly obscene if anyone found you two. Your hair wild in a makeshift bun he had mustered, seated in a wobbly stack of tires as his hips thrusted forward and you held onto him by his biceps and his butt. He tried muffling his grunts in the soft skin of your exposed collarbone and the faster his movements got the more certain you were he was leaving a mark there.
You knew he was close when his thrusts got deeper, lowly growling “cum for me” in his ears and instantly feeling his hand in between your bodies until his fingers circled your clit. It only took a few seconds for the already present knot in your lower stomach to snap with the added stimulation, and the aftershocks in your inner walls squeezed his own orgasm, his last thrusts making sure his seed was deep inside you.
You embraced his neck and lied your head on his shoulders to catch your breath and stop the world from spinning, his hands caressing your tights and waist. You only moved when you felt him soften inside you, his features contorting at the sensitiveness of his member as he pulled out, his hands always finding your body, even while you both dressed back up.
As you both sneaked around the garages back to hospitality you heard two Williams crew members loudly talking to each other.
“Can you believe those new Fia interns? They can’t keep their hands off of each other, but getting it on in the garage is a new level of stupid, I’m pretty sure we weren’t the only ones to hear them”.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
We have all seen it through his pants that he is big. The first time you held it in your hand (and mouth) you questioned how on earth it would fit, but the moment you felt his girth in you it was game over for anyone else.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
High. He keep things civil when other people are around, but the moment you’re alone it gets hot and heavy pretty quick. He’s intense in all matters of life, and with you it wouldn’t be any different.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
It’s the one thing that for sure knocks him out, even when the stress is sky rocketing. As soon as you’re both comfortably tangled in each other and he feels you relax he’s out. He had a no sex on run night’s policy, but agreed it made no sense with how well he slept after with you in his arms.
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nor-4 · 7 months
Nsfw Alphabet ft. Mike Schmidt
Bad writing
A = Aftercare
He got everything ready cause this boy don't know how strong he is especially if he fucks his frustration out so he gets every thing ready. He will definitely make you coffee or just get you some water is if you ask, then hug you until you guys fall asleep.
B = Body part
Although he loves every part of your body he has this favoritism for your thighs, like it's multipurpose he can hold it while fucking you on missionary andd can be a pillow when you guys go to picnic!
What he loves for him is his arms like something about it looks attractive for him, probably because you love to hold it and compliment it.
C = Cum
You can't tell me he don't cum a lot. Before bursting his seed he always ask where do you want it. If he's too lazy he'll just cum in your stomach. It's on his system to ask if it's hot or how does his seed feels.
D = Dirty secrets
To my previous headcannon, he wants to fuck the attitude out of you. Like it makes him feel cocky knowing he takes control. He wants to invite you to his work and fuck you in the table he doesn't know why but something about risking it turns him on.
E = Experience
Actually you both lost your virginity to each other. He isn't experienced but he knows everything about sex. He knows how to make you cum easily by just his fingers, this man doesn't joke when it comes to knowledge on sex. He can make your girl cum than your playboy ass
F = Favorite position
He lovesss missionary, he loves to see your face while fucking you. He loves kisses so.. Andd he loves back shot, he wants matching back tattoos with you it turns him on. Something about caressing your back makes him insane.
G = Goofy
Not really he's serious when it comes to making out. But sometimes he cracks a small joke when the mood get so tense up, he love it when he see you chuckle. Come on this man needs happiness in his life let him be.
H = Hair
Not that much hairy but he trims it when he thinks it needs a little bit of cutting. For you well he doesn't care about hair okay, it's natural if you want to keep it okay if your comfortable with it. He loves em bushes bae dw.
I = Intimacy
He loves to grip your hips or waist when he fuck you in missionary. This man fucks like there's no tomorrow he hugs your waist, he loves putting hickeys on you especially your breast. He is sooo good at praising like he coos in your ears on how he much loves you.
J = Jack off
Doesn't really have a time to do it. If he does he just imagines things with you. Just the thought of you turns him on. He does it too when you're not in the mood to do intimate things cause you know he doesn't wanna push you.
K = Kink
He's into edging he love to see you cry just because your orgasm is declined. He also loves size difference he can't believe the strength he has, he can fuck you in the wall nd he is still be surprised.
L = Location
Mostly on his bedroom because abby could be roaming around somewhere, well sometimes if abby's at school he loves to fuck you in the kitchen. He loves to eat you out at the kitchen it hits something for him.
M = Motivation
You. Everything bout you turns him on, especially when you motherly cares for abby. It's awaking something in him. He can be too distracted on his work and still think about fucking you. It's like a daily routine for him when he's bored.
N = No
Something that might hurt you, like he likes rough sex but not that rough like your about to scream from getting hurt. He don't like bdsm something about it turns him off plus he remembers all his trauma yk.
O = Oral
He is more on giving, but he loves to recieve like you giving him head. He still loves it when he is the one giving you head, something about you makes him addicted. Like he wants to drown from your pussy.
P = Pace
He's more on slow and gentle. If he's frustrated he fucks rough. His pace is up to the atmosphere, you have two boyfriend. One who make love to you touching caressing your body and praising you and one is fucking you like an animal. Sometimes he fucks you rough when he wants to sleep tightly.
Q = Quickie
Mehhh he doesn't really like quickie. He wants long sensual make out not like fucking you as if it's the end of the world. Plus it makes him want more.
R = Risk
If you just want it. But seeing someone watching him fuck you turns him on, it's like his adrenaline rush is rising. He just want to take the risk when he feels cocky.
S = Stamina
Can only go to 2 to 3 rounds because he's a beat up minimum wage worker who works 24/7 so he doesn't really have that much energy. But like i said when he's frustrated he can probably go for 5 rounds. If you can handle it.
T = Toys
I dont think he's really up to toys but a vibrator is enough. Since he loves edging he will probably have a vibrator especially those vibrator thay you put in your panty that can be controlled by phone. He will love those.
U = Unfair
He loves it when you beg for him. He can leave you without continuing your orgasm just for you to beg him. Sometimes when he is bored he tends to talk about how you are a mess for him.
V = Volume
He is whiny if you are the one who takes control. He is a bit vocal like he moans, but he often talk about how good you are for him.
W = Wild Card
He wants you to sit on his face. What if you crush him? He will be the happiest man alive. He wants you to dominate him especially when he is a whining mess, he just want to see you being a bossy then be a mess once you ride his dick.
X = X-ray
This man has a fat dick for aroundd 5'8 inches. Pretty pink mushroom tip. He's gifted i wanna rail him.
Z = Zzz
He's not a fast asleep he loves to spend the time with you. He only sleeps when you are already comfortable and clean. If he's tired he will fall asleep fast but he will do something for you tomorrow but tonight hug him to sleep.
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mellowsaturns · 1 year
you’re my purpose
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summary: you and joel get into a fight after he refuses to let you come with him to find his brother
warnings: angst with a happy ending, fluff, protective!joel, argument, hurt/comfort, allusion to an age gap, slight mentions of grief and loss, bad communication skills, confessions 
wc: 1.2k
Like many days before, you’re making your way over to Joel’s unprompted.
He gets grumpy when you do that because you live on the other side of the QZ and he doesn’t like you making the journey over.
But like always, you don’t listen to him.
It’s not your fault he gave you a spare key or the fact that his place is significantly better than yours.
When you enter, you do the secret whistle to let him know it was you before locking the door from behind.
Silence greets you—then the noise of rushed shuffling. “Joel?” you say softly, and seconds later he comes out of the bedroom and stuffs a shirt into his bag that’s laying on the kitchen table.
“Are you going somewhere?” you ask in confusion.
He looks up at you with guilty eyes then clears his throat. “I’m leaving.”
You start to panic just slightly. “What do you mean you're leaving?”
“I need to go find Tommy.”
You sigh. “I’m sure he’s fine, Joel. You know how he is.”
He looks down and lets out a breath. “No… It’s… Something’s wrong. It’s been a week and no signal.”
You see the nervous look in his eyes and your heart aches for him. But leaving the QZ? That was a suicide mission—and if you remember correctly, Tommy was heading to fucking Wyoming. That was days from here.
If he wanted to put himself in danger then so be it, but you would be right behind him. You would go wherever he would. “Let me come with you, then.”
Looking away, he crosses his arms as if he already expected you to say that. “You know you can’t,” he remarks.
“Joel,” you say his name slowly. “I want to come with you.”
“No,” he gruffs, “You can’t come with me. That’s final.”
“Why? You know I’m perfectly capable of—” you start to argue, but he’s not even listening to you, now opting to dig through his bag instead.
You huff and stalk towards him, yanking the bag out of his hand and throwing it to the other side of the table. “You’re not even listening to me.”
His jaw ticks. “You’re not fucking going. I’m not going to say it again.”
“I don’t understand you. I know how to fucking defend myself so I don’t see why—”
“Because you’re going to slow me down. Don’t you see? You’re just going to be extra baggage!” he shouts.
The words come out of his mouth and into the world, unable to be taken back.
You shut your lips and your tongue goes dry.
Baggage. You were baggage to Joel. You had always thought you were a companion of sorts, a friend, a partner, perhaps even something more (not that Joel would ever admit it). But you were just extra baggage. A burden.
Has he always seen you this way? Suddenly, the walls were closing in on you.  
Rubbing at his mouth, he sighs. “That’s not wh—”
You raise your hand to stop him. “No, I understand. You don’t need to explain anymore,” you say with a shaky breath.
Turning around, you blink a few tears away. However, before you could walk away he grabs your wrist and spins you back around.
He says your name with that low honeyed voice of his. “That’s not what I meant, and you know it. You’re not a burden.”
You know Joel was never the best at verbally expressing his feelings—acts of service were more his forte, but you can’t keep doing this anymore.
It’s your turn to get angry now. “Then what do you mean? I’m not a psychic, I can't try and read your damn mind everytime!”
His jaw is tense—he’s nervous, you conclude. You give him a minute but silence still surrounds the two of you. “Were you just going to leave without saying goodbye?” you ask, voice defeated. “God—” you pause, wiping away a stray tear, “Was I suppose to come here one day and find out then? How can you expect me to live without knowing what happened to you or when you were going to return?”
Letting out a small sniffle, you choke out, “Do I mean that little to you?”
“You know that’s not true,” he says, short and direct.
“Then why won’t you let me come with you?” you grit out.
“Because if you get hurt, I will never forgive myself!” He brings your hands together and holds them with shaky hands, a rare moment of vulnerability. “I can’t… I can’t go through that again. I can’t lose you too,” he confesses, voice trembling.
When you look into his eyes, he’s looking at you as if you meant the entire world to him. But doesn’t he see that in your eyes too?
“But… but what if I lose you?” you whisper. “Have you ever thought about that?”
“It’s different,” he replies. “It’s not the same.”
“What do you mean it’s not the same. If I lost yo—”
“You have a whole life ahead of you. If something happened to me, you can still bounce back from it. But if… if I lost you—” he chokes out, “I don’t think… I wouldn’t have a purpose anymore.”
Joel was always a stoic man. He never let his emotions dictate his actions and most importantly, he never let his emotions show because that was weakness. But this, his confession to you, his greatest worry is finally out.
He laid his heart out on the floor—and it was yours.
It’s a wonder Joel even has the ability to feel anymore. But he does—and you’re the reason for it. You’re consuming his heart. You who just showed up and kept appearing again and again, bringing a little normalcy and humanity back into his life. Asking him about his days, making him feel like a human again. He spent years bordering up his heart and shutting people out, but it turns out, there was a spot he missed—one where you managed to creep in and lit a hearth and made home.
So he couldn’t help but feel overprotective of you, because you’re one of the only few things left that’s worth something to him.
“Don’t you see? I can’t lose you.”
You let out a whimper, knowing too well what he was implying. “Joel,” you say, bringing your hand to cup his face. “Please don’t say that,” you plead. “Nothing’s going to happen to you and nothing’s going to happen to me, okay?”
It doesn’t matter if he never says those three little words to you because he just did, in his own way.
You pull him into your arms and he leans against you. “I understand you’re trying to protect me, but I wish you would’ve at least talked to me about it.”
“I know, and I’m sorry,” he mutters against you. “I was scared and just wanted you to be safe.”
You hum, rubbing circles against his back. “I know. But you do know your aim is shit, right? You should be more concern about that.”
He chuckles at that and you feel the vibrations of his chest against your own, bringing a small smile to your face too.
“And you do know that I’m not going to listen to you, right? I’m coming.”
“I know,” he says.
You pull away and gently stroke his cheek before pressing a small chaste kiss where your thumb was just seconds ago.
“Wherever you go, I go.”
Because there would be no one else. Joel was your only reason you kept on fighting too.
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sneepseverus · 3 months
can i recommend a snapesmut fic? i just want to see him at the yule ball finding a fem reader in a carriage and decides to help her out if yk what i mean? and they make it a regular thing but not in just a carriage in like his class and that behind a paintin in the forest idk im not sure, i would prefer if the reader was a student cause i like taboo stuff but if your not comfy can you make her his assistant? ty it would mean alot
I made the reader his assistant here! As I reread the request, I realized I also made a slight modification; I made Y/N take the lead once they were in the carriage (hope that's okay! It just felt more natural with what I had in mind 🙏)
Riding, p in v, oral (F and M receiving), fingering
Word count: ~2.3k
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"Enjoying ourselves, are we?" you asked teasingly, knowing fully well the answer was no. There was nothing more Severus loved than attending school events after working hours and having to act as a chaperone for developing adolescents with raging hormones. 
"Obviously," he replied, letting out a huff. 
His sarcasm never failed to make you smile. Most people found him intimidating, scary even, and you'd be lying if you said you never felt that way. However, after working with him and getting to know him these past few months, your feelings quickly became warmer, hotter even. You had sometimes spent time outside work, but it was nothing more than a quick cup of tea. 
But tonight you decided it would be different. "Now's my chance!" you thought. You put in more thought into your outfit than you usually would have for an event like this, hoping that seeing you in a different context would make him see you more than his assistant, as a person (an attractive one, at that.) You practiced many times in your head how to ask him to dance; you didn't want to come across as too imposing, but you also wanted to let him know you were interested in having something more than a professional relationship. 
However, any semblance of confidence swiftly left your body. While he did acknowledge you when you made your way next to him, his expressions suggested he didn't particularly care that you were all dolled up for this event. He was more focused on the drink in his hand and the students dancing in the center. 
Unsurprisingly, you could only focus on one thing. It was a rare sight to see him without his cloak; it almost felt a little too intimate. Fuck, all you wanted to do was rip apart all those buttons and see what was hiding underneath. And those fingers; why were they grasping a glass and not your waist? You were hoping mistletoe would appear so you'd have an excuse to kiss him and…have his mouth do other things to you.
"No, now is not the time to be thinking such things!" you thought to yourself. Unfortunately, it wasn't as simple to stop as you would have liked; you could already feel the sensitivity rising in your core. 
"Excuse me!" you babbled before dashing off somewhere secluded so you could clear your mind.
You found an empty carriage outside and entered. Despite the frigid weather, it was the closest private place you could have at the moment. You took deep breaths, trying to erase all the explicit imagery forming in your head so you could carry on with the night. 
All of a sudden, you heard a bang from outside, and the door quickly opened. "Y/L/N? What are you doing here?"
Shit. "Oh! Severus, I…" you began, clearing your throat, "I needed some fresh air, is all. I'll be back inside in a moment."
"Are you certain? You looked quite flustered before scurrying off."
"Yes," you replied. "I'm all right."
"Oh, I see. My apologies. You weren't…expecting anyone were you?" he followed up, embarrassed. "If so, then I'll leave you be." Despite the darkness of the night, you noticed his fists tightening around his wand.
"Expecting anyone? Please, if it were someone, it'd be you," you blurted out, not realizing what you just insinuated until after the fact.
"Oh? And why is that?" he asked curiously, raising his eyebrows.
You could feel your cheeks become hotter. "I just mean—Oh, for Merlin's sake, the truth is…I could hardly keep my eyes off you tonight. I so desperately wanted to ask you to dance, but I got scared and ran off. That’s why I’m here. There you have it," you confessed. 
You expected him to leave awkwardly, but instead, he entered the carriage before sitting across from you and closing the door. "Well, since we are being honest here, I must confess that I couldn't keep my eyes off of you."
"Yes. Seeing as I supervise you, I didn't want to make you uncomfortable, so I tried my best to look away. But I must say, you look rather beautiful tonight. I mean, not that you don't normally do, but tonight especially, with your dress and jewelry and hair and…" he rambled. "But anyway, that’s expected; what isn’t is how you could feel similarly about me."
"Are you serious?!" you exclaimed. "How could I not? You're so captivating, the way you speak and carry yourself. How can they have us work together daily and not think I'd eventually become attracted to you? I'm surprised someone as intelligent as you can't see just how sexy you are."
"Sex…y?” he repeated. "Are you really certain you’re feeling okay? I think your lack of proper outerwear has somehow halted your ability to think correctly."
"Shut up! It’s true!” you maintained. "Your voice, your mind, your hands, all of you is so sexy."
"Well, since 'professionalism' clearly no longer exists in this space…I can easily say the same about you."
You weren’t sure if you were imagining his last sentence, but there was no time to think. "Fuck, just kiss me already," you ordered.
In just a second, your arms were wrapped tightly around each other as your lips crashed. Your fingers found their way into his hair, while his were exploring your back, slowly sliding down until they reached your hips.
Inside the limited space, you settled on his lap, pressing your core against his. His eyes lowered from your face to your cleavage placed right in front of him. As you felt his hardness developing underneath his pants, you began slowly grinding against it, eliciting involuntary moans from him. "Just tell me if you want to stop at any point," you breathed, but his expressions and hands gripping your lower back were clear indications of his willingness to continue.
You could feel your wetness building, and your need to feel him inside you was only getting stronger. "I want to ride you," you blurted out. You slid off him to pull down your soaked underwear, dangling it in front of him before throwing it to the side.
He paused, taking his time to process what was happening right before him. But not too long after, his fingers slid down to his waistband, slowly unbuckling his belt. He was embarrassed but couldn't leave you being the only one pantless.
As you lifted your dress up, his own bottoms came off, revealing his aching cock. "Fuck," he let out at the sight of you sliding yourself down on him with such ease.
With him holding you to keep you balanced, you began to bounce slowly up and down, letting out a moan each time. You gripped his shoulders, staring lustfully into his eyes before he dropped his head back.
"You fill me up so well," you uttered. With whatever remaining energy you had, you placed messy kisses all over his face. "Just like I've been dreaming this whole time.” 
Although he wasn't able to let out a single word, the soft moans leaving his parting lips were enough to tell you how he felt.
You couldn't keep it together any longer. As your bounces sped up, your orgasm took over while his hot cum simultaneously spilled deeply inside you. "Severus! Ah!" you screamed. When you were certain your body could not produce any more pulses, you slid off him, trying to regain your energy.
You helped each other get your bottoms back on, but there was no way you could re-enter the room. Even if you played it cool, nobody would be able to ignore the messy hair and lipstick marks all over his cheeks.
You exited the cramped carriage, gathering your composure.
"I didn't realize we were on a first-name basis," he finally said, smirking.
"We just fucked in a carriage; I sure hope we would be."
"You're right...Y/N."
As you made your way back to the castle, trying to find an entrance where no one else would be, you linked your arms around his. "I hope we can make this more of a regular occurrence.”
He didn’t say anything, but he didn’t have to. The next few weeks were even more exciting and scandalous than the night of the ball.
Nobody questioned you when you told your colleagues and superiors you had work to do with Severus in his office. Instead of marking papers, you were busy being bent over next to his desk while his cock filled you up, balls slapping against your skin with each pump. He had one hand gripping your hip while the other was cupping your beautiful ass. You made it clear you’d only let him fuck you if he overcame his fear of being too loud. Though his office was secluded from the rest of the castle, the thought of someone hearing him moan and groan from behind the thick walls made you come even harder. 
You thought he wouldn’t be able to keep up with your horniness, but you were soon proven wrong. One day after class ended, when Severus was certain all the students were gone, he locked the door and looked toward you cunningly. "If you’d let me, I’d like to taste that sweet pussy of yours," he confessed. 
Without hesitation, you sat on a clean table, spreading your legs widely for him to enjoy. 
His hands gripped your thighs before his fingers trailed up until they almost reached your center again, intentionally avoiding your sensitive bud. 
"Please, just eat me already," you begged.
"Shhh. Patience, my dear."
Once he was content with the number of moans escaping your mouth, he slid your panties down and placed his fingers on your mound, spreading your lips so he could get a good look at your clit. He pressed his nose against it and inhaled deeply, savoring your natural scent.
Finally, he let the tip of his tongue press against you. He closed his eyes and let it slide up and down through your slit. Once he realized how wet you were, he slipped a finger inside you and let his tongue concentrate on your clit. 
You took off your top and bra before falling back against the table and fondling your boobs. Somehow he maintained a perfect rhythm, giving equal attention to your G-spot and clit.
Knowing how much you loved the sound of his voice, he intentionally let out a series of vibrating moans against you.
"Fuck, Severus, I'm about to come!" you yelled.
You thought he’d take this as a sign to continue his pace, but he pulled away instead. "That’s 'Sir,' I'm about to come."
"Sir, please let me come! Please, I need it!"
Satisfied, he continued working toward your orgasm. He was practically devouring you with the way his tongue was lapping your whole pussy. With each moan from you, he sped up his pace, not leaving until he was certain you were completely finished. 
As you tried to catch your breath, he helped you sit back up, smirking at you. Seeing how wiped out you were, he was not expecting the next few words from you.
"Now, it’s your turn!"
You hopped off and held his hand, leading him to the nearest open seat. You spread his legs apart before palming his erection trapped behind the confines of his trousers. Your fingers gripped his waistband, and you proceeded to unbuckle his belt. 
He raised his eyebrows as he let you pull his bottoms off. When his leaking cock sprang out, you beamed with joy and licked your lips at the sight.
He let out a low groan as soon as your fingers wrapped around his cock and dragged up and down the entire length. You let out a puff of hot air on his tip, teasing him just like he did earlier with you.
"Shit," he whispered, clearly willing and ready. 
With your free hand now cupping his balls, you let your tongue swirl over his tip and lick up and down his shaft, exploring every inch of his thickness. 
"Mmmh," you let out, pulling away for a second to compliment how he tasted.
He placed his fingers on the back of your head to balance himself and lead you to the right spots. He couldn’t help but buck his hips up toward you, forcing you to go down deeper.
Of course, he couldn’t last for as long as you did. Thick ropes of cum shot into your mouth as he let out a booming "FUCK!" His body was shaking uncontrollably until his climax finally came to a pause. 
With sweat starting to drip down his head, he kept his eyes closed, too tired to stand back up. You wiped your mouth and helped get his lower half covered once again.
When his brain started to clear again, he slowly got out of his seat and regained control of himself. "I believe it’s time for lunch," he stated nonchalantly.
But as you made your way to the Great Hall, you pulled him aside and trapped him against the wall before placing your lips on his. You didn’t care if anyone saw; if anything, you wanted a professor to catch you in the act. "Mmmh, Severus," you let out between kisses. 
He was too flustered to know where to place his hands, but they eventually settled on your lower back. 
When you finally pulled away, he stared at you, shocked. "My goodness, Y/N. I thought I could keep up with your energy, but I’m starting to have second thoughts."
"Trust me, there will be more where that came from. You'll build your stamina up in no time. I'll see you tonight…sir," you replied before winking at him, leaving what would occur later that day to his imagination.
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hearts4golbach · 5 months
The Sink. (Johnnie Guilbert x Fem!Reader.)
warning: smut.
request from @lifeisrealdeath !
I walked up to the party in the sluttiest dress I own and my boyfriend, johnnie, by my side. the air around me was heavy with the stench of weed and alcohol.
johnnie scrunched his nose, "oh, God. are you ready?"
"always." I smirked. "are you ready?" I giggled.
"obviously. this shit just seems intense." he replied, wrapping his arm around my waist.
the party wasn't as crazy inside as it seemed outside. it was the perfect amount of people, not too crowded. But, there was tons of alcohol.
"I don't think I'm drinking today." I told him, grabbing a coke out of the fridge.
"yeah, me neither." he shrugged.
"are jake and Tara still coming?"
he pulled out his phone and opened a text from Jake. "he said they're going to be a little late."
we went to sit on the couch while we waited for them. Tara and Jake always livened up a party. me and johnnie were more introverted compared to them.
johnnie had his hand on my thigh, rubbing it gently as we looked around the room.
on the other side of the couch, a couple was sucking face.
I rolled my eyes and turned to johnnie. "get a room, God damn." I whispered in his ear.
he giggled. "I feel like you've said that at least twice at every party we've gone to."
I rolled my eyes for the millionth time. "I wouldn't be surprised." I laughed and began to talk about something else. "traffic was actually fucking crazy earlier, when I was trying to meet you at the house."
"tell me about it." he said, slowly moving his hand up my thigh. he gently squeezed my inner thigh.
"i- uh-" I cleared my throat, trying to hide the fact that I was clearly turned on. "some old lady flipped me off, that shit was funny as fuck."
he moved his hand further up, fingers grazing over my clothed heat, making me flinch. "johnnie." I whispered.
"what?" he whispered back.
I widened my eyes at him. "there are like 50 people in the room."
he leaned in and kissed my neck. "then let's go somewhere else."
"bathroom break?" I smirked.
he immediately got up, grabbing my hand and dragging me up the stairs.  I shut the door behind us and locked it, turning to johnnie.
"I love it when you wear this dress,"  his fingers dug into my hips.
I pulled him in, wrapping my arms around the back of his neck. he smashed his lips against mine desperately. I smiled into the kiss, running my hands through his rough hair. his tongue swiped my bottom lip, asking for entrance. I opened my mouth slightly, poking my tongue out to meet his. his hands moved down to my ass, squeezing it gently. I let out a small moan. he pulled away, lightly kissing from my neck down to my exposed cleavage. he sucked and bit, pulling me closer. he left a couple of dark hickeys scattered across my neck and chest.
"Jake isn't going to shut up about this." I gestured down to my chest.
"let him talk." johnnie responded. I laughed and nodded, signaling for him to keep going. "hop up on the counter."
I widened my eyes. "oh? that's a little freaky." I teased. a darker blush spread across his face. I did as he said, sitting on the edge of the counter.
he kissed me softly one last time before getting on his knees in front of me. his hands gripped my calfs as he kissed my thighs. he made his way up my thighs agonizingly slow, leaving more very noticeable hickeys. he pulled up my dress, making it gather around my waist. he looked up at me and let his eyes trail over my whole body.
johnnie spread my legs further, allowing him better access. he slowly licked my clothed pussy, making me shudder. "johnnie, please-" I whispered, running my fingers through his hair.
he pulled my underwear down and took them off completely, putting them in his pocket. "you're so wet already." johnnie said softly, teasing my entrance with his tongue.
I moaned quietly, running my fingers through his hair. he moved his hands up to my hips, gripping them tightly as his tongue circled my clit. I bit down on my bottom lip hard, trying not to attract attention to the bathroom. he looked up at me through his eyelashes. he licked in between my folds, making a chill run down my spine.
"fuck, johnnie." I whimpered quietly.
he thrusted his tongue inside of me. my jaw dropped and I let out a low moan.
"you taste so good." he commented. "do you want more?"
I nodded quickly. "please-" he quickened his pace, hitting all of my sensitive spots. "you're driving me crazy."
he moved his hand, using his thumb to rub my clit. I arched my back, pushing him deeper inside of me. he sped up his pace, going faster. he pulled his tongue out and began to suck on my clit, sending me over the edge.
"I can feel you're so close." johnnie looked up at me with a seductive smile on his face.
"don't stop." I replied, gripping his hair as he dove back inside of me. his hands moved to my ass, pulling me closer to him. one hand stayed in his hair while the other gripped onto the ledge of the sink for stability.
his thumb went to my clit again as he sped up, going as fast as he could possibly go. I felt my stomach twist and turn before knotting. "johnnie, I'm going to cum." I said breathlessly.
he nodded, sending more sensations all over my body. he rubbed my clit faster, sending me over the edge. I released all over his tongue, my body wanting to go limp. he helped me rife out my high, slowing down his movements.
he stood up, leaning in to kiss me more. without pulling away, he pulled my underwear out from his pocket and helped me put them on. I made sure to leave my own couple hickeys on his neck before we exited the bathroom.
we found Jake and Tara in the kitchen taking shots.
Jake snorted, looking between the two of us. "did you two have fun?"
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jksprincess10 · 1 year
I love your account so much💕
I had a joel request if you like it! Him and reader just talking about their day on the couch and it starts fluffy with a lot of kisses and then turns into slow and sweet sex 🥺
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Evening softness
A/N: Thank you for your request ! Was really fun and sweet to write.
CW: Teacher!reader, contractor pre outbreak!joel, reader treats very much Joel as a big himbo, mentions of eating (cookies), couch sex, oral sex (f), a bit of nose fucking, language, praises on both sides, riding, not 100% slow but still sweet
It was quiet, lazy friday evening at the Miller’s house. Since Sarah did all her homework this week, her dad let her sleepover at a friend’s house. You and Joel were left to recover from your week on the living room’s brown leather couch.
“So, did your coworker finally leave his wife?” You asked as you took a bite of your cookie.
“Nope. She has him by the balls.”
“Jesus.” You said with a laugh.
“But I told him if I heard him complainin’ at all, I’d leave him in dryin’ cement.”
“You’d never do that, Joel Miller.” You put a cookie against his lips, and he bit into it, almost taking your finger with it.
“How did Timmy behave today?”
You laid your legs on his thighs, and he took advantage of it; calloused hands caressing the naked skin there. You sighed as you thought about your students.
“He fucking threw a paper airplane today. 7th grade, can you imagine? Called his mom.”
Joel laughed sincerely. “You’re a good teacher, baby. I’d murder one of those lil’ shits.”
“Doing my best.” You said as you let your hand caress his bicep, getting clearly distracted. “And you’re a good… construction man.”
“Contractor, baby.”
“Yes. So strong. ” You squeezed his bicep. “So much… construction.”
He disposed of the box of cookies, leaving it on the table in front of the sofa. His big hands pulled on your legs to bring you closer. You yelped in surprise, but you let him manoeuvre you how he wanted. You laid your hands on his shoulders for support as you straddled his thighs to feel him even closer.
“Tell me about your job, baby.” You whispered as you hid your face in the crook of his neck.
“Well, we’re buildin’ a house for this family… We finished the foundation…” He stopped, getting distracted by the open-mouthed kisses you were leaving on his throat.
“Hmhm.” You said to show that you were listening.
“We have to build the…” He sighed deeply as your tongue traced a line on his skin. “What are you doin’ baby?
“I’m listening.” You responded, clearly lying.
Joel laid his hands on the soft fabric of your pajama shorts, where he could feel the curve of your ass. “Well, you sure as hell make it hard for me to talk.” He imprisoned your chin between his fingers and lifted your face to redirect your kisses. You smiled innocently at him and leaned down to press your lips on his, in a slow, lazy and familiar dance.
As you grew impatient, you sneaked your tongue between his lips. He took all you gave him, hands digging into the soft flesh of your ass. Your hands slipped under his old, holey grey shirt that you wanted him to throw away, and you felt the softness of his slight tummy. You brought your hands up slowly, feeling the muscles in his upper chest and you broke the kiss as you took off his shirt.
“Hmmm, so handsome.” You whispered mostly to yourself. He chuckled softly and took off your pajama shirt, hands palming your naked breasts without waiting. His fingers played with your nipples until they got hard and he lifted you up a little so he could get to them. He flicked his tongue on the erected buds, and you sighed at the pleasant sensation.
Joel put his hands around your waist and laid you down gently on the leather, the fabric making a crinkling noise under your movements. His knees settled between your thighs, opened to accommodate him. He slid off the remaining of the fabric covering your core, and abandoned the clothing somewhere in the living room.
“So pretty, baby…” He said, mostly to himself.
He maneuvered your right leg over the back of the couch, while you threw your left over his shoulder. He leaned down, stomach on the fabric of the couch, and his blissed expression disappeared between your thighs. The curved of his nose traced your mound, and it was enough for you to squirm under him, eager for more.
“Impatient?” The word tickled your wetness, breath hitting right over your clitoris. So close, yet so far from where you wanted him.
“Please, Joel…”
“Askin’ so nicely like a good girl…” His nose trailed down once more, settling right where you needed him to be.
You cursed under your breath. He chuckled softly, amused by your reaction, before his tongue found your tight hole. He kept nuzzling at your clit, while the tip of his tongue licked inside of you. You grabbed at his dark curls, keeping him there. The tip of his nose traced circles on your sensitive spot, while he fucked you with his tongue.
“F-Fuck…” You whispered in appreciation.
His tongue licked up your slit, stopping at the top, where he flicked your tongue over your little ball of nerves. He applied more pressure, circling and licking until you moaned his name, coming undone under him. Your boyfriend took this as an opportunity to insert a finger in your heat, your walls stretching easily around the familiar thickness.
“More…” You said as your feet pressed against his back.
Another finger sneaked inside, he curled them upwards as his mouth was still busy sucking on your heat, until another orgasm hit you, leaving you gushing around his fingers. He left you for a moment to take off the remaining of his clothes, and he used your wetness to lubricate his stiff member, stroking it a few times while he looked at you, still open for him, with dark eyes.
You straightened up and sat on his lap. “Must be tired from working so hard today baby… let me take care of everything else.” You whispered near his ear, making him shiver and bite his lip. You pressed long kisses against his scratchy jaw, while you aligned yourself with his cock. You impaled yourself slowly on him, stretching out with each inch filling you up.
When you were completely sitting on his lap, you stayed in place for a few seconds, leaning down to kiss him softly. He whispered sweet words against your lips, making him choke on his words when you started moving at a slow, steady rhythm. He laid his head back on the couch, eyes shut tight to concentrate on the pleasurable feeling of your walls choking his dick.
You accelerated gradually, listening to Joel’s sighs for guidance, until you got to the perfect rhythm. You pulled on his face to make him look at you.
“Look at me while I’m fucking myself on your dick, baby.” He opened his lids, revealing eyes darkened from lust.
“Fuck, you’re gorgeous.” He exhaled.
You slowed down, and he let out an almost pained moan. He grabbed your hips, and he thrusted up, hitting deep. You moaned, and he took it as a sign to take over, hitting fast and deep again and again. Your head lolled back in pleasure, mouth opened, you lost the rest of your composure, wetness covering him and making lewd sounds while he kept fucking to his completion.
“I’m gonna – Fuck baby…”
You felt him filling you up as you went limp on him, grabbing his shoulders to keep him close.
“Can every work day finish like this, please?” He asked, and you laughed.
“Yes. I love you, baby.”
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eyeballpussy · 1 year
Office hours - Miguel O’Hara x Fem! Reader
Cw: mean! Miguel, fang kink, overstimulation, rough sex, slight CNC, degradation, public sex sorta, reader is fucked over a desk?, office sex
(Thank you so much for all the love of the last one,
I didn’t think anyone would see it,
Again, please request things!
Not proof read )
You were finishing up paper work for your boss for the new deal he’d made with another company when you got a call.
“Miss. L/n? Mr. O’Hara is requesting you to his office. He says it is urgent. Please come down here.” The voice said. You paper clipped the papers together and walked up to his office.
“I was going to visit him anyway to give these to him but what does he want with me?” You thought. Just as the elevator doors opened, you could hear Mr. O’Hara yelling at someone and then sent them out of the room.
You walked past them on your way and they whispered “good luck” to you in a shaky voice. You approached the door and knocked. “Who is it?” Your boss said in a raspy voice.
“It’s y/n, sir. You asked for me?” You only heard footsteps coming towards the door when it suddenly flew open. There stood you boss, looming over you with his built figure.
“Get in” he told you, you stepped in. You watched him as he sat down In his chair looking stressed. “Are you doing alright, sir?” You asked in a sweet tone, not wanting to upset him further.
He looked even more stressed after you talked to him. You walked over to him but he turned his chair around before you could see him fully. “Mr. O’Hara what is wrong?” You walked to right in front of him.
You saw him, sitting in his chair with the biggest bulge you’ve ever seen. “O-oh” you let out. “I’ll get going, sir” you tried walking away but he grabbed your wrist and pulled you back to his lap, sitting you down on it.
His bulge was sitting right up against your pussy. You let out a whine and he rocked your hips back and forth. “Y/n, let me fuck you, I need to” he moaned into your ear.
“Fuck” you breathed out. “Yes” you told him. In an instant, he had shoved everything off of his desk and had slammed you onto it. You looked back him and he was squatting down to your pussy.
His pulled your panties clean off and threw them somewhere in the room. He licked a stripe up your cunt and stood up. Leavening you with need.
You heard him unbuckle his belt and pull his pants down. He slapped the tip of his cock against your hole. “Beg for it” he demanded.
“Wha-” you tried to say before he slammed his hand down on your ass. You let out a choked moan. “I said, beg for it” he told you again. Landing another hit onto your ass.
“Please, sir” you let out. “Oh baby, your gonna have to do better than that” he said, leaning down to your ear. “Please, sir. I can’t take it anymore. I want you, I need you” you moaned out.
Without saying anything, he slammed his dick into you and started moving. The stretch was almost unbearable. He was moving at a rough pace while watching you squirm.
“Ya like that? Is that good enough for you, slut?” He asked. His voices never cracked besides him being buried in your cunt. You gave a nod. You could feel him so deep Inside of you.
He was fucking you dumb on his cock. The only thing you could think of was his dick, hitting your cervix with every thrust. He hit your ass again. “Answer me bitch!” He yelled. “Y-yes!” You almost screamed.
He kept fucking into you until there was a knock at the door. “What do you want?” You yelled out. He stopped fucking you and put his hand over your mouth.
“Mr. O’Hara I needed to drop off the papers!” The person said back. Miguel had started to slowly thrust into you. “Give them to my secretary!” He said, anger in his voice.
You could feel your orgasm building fast. Miguel started to thrust quicker. You let out a muffed moan. “Is everything alright in there, sir?” The person sounded worried.
“Everything is fine now get out!” He yelled. “Are you sure? Miss. Y/n isn’t at her desk and-“ “GET OUT” he told him once again. The person left and Miguel started going faster than before.
You orgasm was building up so quick. “Miguel! Fuck!” You screamed. “Shit” he breathed out, “ do that again” he whispered. “Miguel..” you whimpered out.
You were so close to your orgasm it hurt. You brought a hand down to rub your clit and he slapped it away, replacing it with his own.
Your orgasm crashed down like a wave. You tightened down on Miguel and he stopped for a moment before he sat back down on his chair and slammed you down onto his cock once more.
He had both hands on your boobs as he ripped open your dress shirt and bra. He hands moved to fondle your boobs as he was still fucking up into you.
Your brain was turning into much at the overstimulation. One of Miguel’s hands had stopped squeezing your chest and was brought down to run your Clit again.
“Your so tight around me, love” he told you. His voice was almost sending you over the edge. It was so smooth and seductive.
You felt his cock twitch inside of you, signaling that he was close. “Fuck, baby” he moaned. You leaned into him and he rested his head into your neck.
He took his hand away from you chest and pulled your shirt collar off you your neck. You could feel his and your orgasm approaching. This one feeling better than the last.
He sunk his fangs into your shoulder and that sent you over the edge. You squeezed him tightly and you felt him cum inside of you. “Jesus Christ, y/n” he breathed out.
“Your buying me a new uniform, I swear to god” you told him. “Yeah yeah whatever” he brought you to the bathroom in his office and got you cleaned up.
“You should get angry more often” you told him.
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delfiore · 9 months
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pairing: ona batlle x fem!reader
synopsis: your start at barcelona is rockier than expected. luckily, you have ona there to support you through it.
word count: 4.3k
a/n: we're almost at the end guys final stretch!! this series is ending at part 5
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“I forgot how fucking dreadful press days are.”
You had just returned home from an entire day of cameras shoved in your face and smiling until your cheeks hurt. It didn’t help that you were nervous as hell at a new club and country. To say your battery was spent was an understatement.
“Well then don’t get used to it, 'cause I’d be happy not to do any of the work that got you here,” Toni answered on the video call.
“Fuck off,” you laughed. “I wanna stay here for a while. So, no need to worry.”
“Good. You deserve it, Y/N. You’ll do great.”
“Thank you for all that you do, Tones. I don’t thank you enough for putting up with me and my bullshit.”
“You can thank me by becoming top scorer this season?”
You grinned, “We’ll see.”
There was a different expectation of being a Barcelona player. You were presumed to integrate yourself into a team of champions and help prolong the club’s success.
These were high expectations, and with them came intensive physical and technical training. You had to adapt to a new style of play, new players with different sets of skills, not to mention having to settle into a whole new footballing culture. But you were where you are because you never backed down from a challenge, and this one was no exception.
It certainly helped that there were people you have played with at the club—Lucy, Keira, and, of course, Ona.
You felt her eyes on you as you finished a sprint on the training ground, slightly self-conscious as you were already sloppy and perspiring just from the warmup.
“Need some water, Y/L/N? You’re not already sweating, are you?” Lucy teased as she jogged past with a ball at her feet.
You pointed at the glaring sun. “Just gotta get used to the weather.”
“Well, ya better get used to it fast ‘cause I’m not gonna wait for you to catch up,” the English defender said before nutmegging you with a cackle.
“Oh, you’re fucking on!”
The laughter caught Ona’s attention. She looked over and saw you and Lucy fighting the ball off each other, your giggles rolling like a child’s yet your movements were fluid and expertly as if you were on the pitch. She couldn’t help but smile as her eyes followed your form, energized and youthful, your skin glistening under the sun.
The ball rolled to her, and she stopped it when the sole of her feet, before passing it back to you. Your giggles died down as you took the ball in your hands and tossed it over to Lucy.
“Hey,” you said with a lingering beam.
“Hi,” she returned your smile.
She lingered, watching the smile never leave your face as you jogged—practically bounced—over to Coach. You were much happier here, it was apparent. How could you not, when there is sunshine all year round in Barcelona? She could only hope she wasn’t the one to rain on your parade.
During a physical training drill involving two people, you were paired with her. Something about similar height and body weight, but she could only think about the way you were panting from the heat, and how you chugged your water like a parched man in the middle of the desert.
“Ready?” She smirked, handing the elastic band to you.
You huffed with a grin and put the band around your waist. “Don’t hold back.”
“Not planning on it.”
Somewhere along the session, Ona had forgotten all about her worries. Something had changed in you, or maybe she had never known the real you at all; the playful and charismatic part of you that you weren’t using to charm her, but it was just the way you were with people. It made her rue not cherishing you as you were before, and letting you slip through her fingers.
You were sprawled out on the grass like a starfish, heaving from the strenuous session. Several of your teammates were also on the ground, some sitting, some lying down as you were, so you didn’t feel too bad about being absolutely destroyed.
“You getting up anytime soon, partner?” A figure blocked the beaming rays of the sun, a short relief from the heat.
“Keep gloating,” you groaned and stood up, pulling your shirt up to wipe the sweat from your face. You knew your plan was working when you spotted her looking at your abdomen, your skin glowing and contoured in the light.
Hardly hiding your smirk, you grabbed a bottle of water, feeling a strange tightness in your thigh just as the session was brought to an end.
“Everyone, gather around,” Mapi waved her hands. “We’re hosting a little party to celebrate a new season at ours. Saturday night, 7 o’clock, BYOB, and a potluck vibe. Whatever you can bring, okay?”
“As long as there won’t be another fire like last time, we’re all good,” said Rolfö with a smirk.
“That was one time, okay? And it wasn’t even that bad,” Mapi protested.
“It almost burned your pretty little face off,” Pina teased.
“Hey, you alright?” You heard Ona whisper next to you. She must have noticed the way you were grimacing and grabbing at the back of your leg.
“Yeah, I’m fine. It’s just feeling a little tight right here.” It was the spot in which your hamstring was injured a couple of years ago.
“Okay, let’s go to the physio,” Ona offered you her arm.
“Oh, it’s okay. I can find my way there.”
Ona hesitated. She suddenly realized how this must have looked for her; either an overly concerned and attentive teammate or an appropriately concerned and attentive lover.
“Do you . . . not want me to come with you?” She asked, her voice quiet and almost inaudible over Mapi frantically defending herself.
“Well, I . . . I don’t want to bother you.”
“It won’t be a bother,” she was astonished to know you thought you could ever bother her. “Promise.”
You nodded and walked with her to the physio quarters. All the while, Ona was walking a step behind you just in case you needed her assistance. When you arrived, a couple of the physios greeted you heartily in Catalan, and Ona was quick to jump in and translate when you looked at her for help.
“We’ve got a feeling this might happen, given her history with that hamstring injury. Tell her to lie down, I’ll have a look.”
You grimaced as the physio felt your thigh, digging his fingers into your flesh, your soft groans stirring a hidden part in Ona. There was a time when she was the one to dig her digits into your thighs. She knew you liked it when did because you would always make your pleasure known.
“He said you’ll be okay, Y/N. Just have to remember to stretch thoroughly before and after physical exercise.”
You sighed and pouted, as you rested your chin on your folded arms.
“What’s wrong?”
“I don’t know. I just came to a new club, I don’t want this to slow me down,” you blew air out of your mouth. “I just don’t wanna let anyone down.”
“You won’t, Y/N,” Ona took a stool and sat in front of you. “I know any club would be happy to have you at 70%, much less at your full capacity.”
You smiled and shook your head. “Is this your attempt at making me feel better after everything?”
Ona stuttered, gawking at your comment. Your grin never faltered, and you tilted your head, taunting her.
“I guess I deserved that,” she chuckled quietly, feeling warmth creep up her cheeks.
“I’m just kidding, Ona. I wanna get past it, really,” your eyes softened. “It was causing unnecessary stress and . . . I don’t wanna feel like that anymore.”
“Y/N, I’m sorry—”
“No, please. Don’t apologize anymore. I know you’re sorry.”
“Okay, sorry,” she cringed as soon as it came out. “Okay.”
“I want us to start over. As friends.” You said, extending a hand towards her, dangling it in front of her face. “After all, I feel like we should at least be friendly if we’re playing on the same team now, right?”
She wanted nothing more than to scream in your face and tell her how much she wanted you, how much she wanted to wake up in the morning and find you in the bed next to her, to make you coffee and hold you and kiss you and tell everyone on the team about it because she would be so proud to be yours, to tell you that there hasn’t been a day since she left Manchester that she didn’t wish she could go back and tell you how she really felt.
Instead, she nodded and took your hand. “Yeah, okay.”
It wasn’t just her decision anymore, it never was. And yet, she decided anyway and had to live with it.
As the season rolled on, you found yourself slipping sometimes. You would think about Ona and the time you spent together, but you also cherished what you had now. You were teammates, but you were also friends. You supported and helped each other during training and matches, just as good teammates should. Maybe it was easier that way, but you yearned to be close to her again.
Keira insisted that the best thing you could do was to go on dates and go on dates you did. You went on so many dates in the span of a month that all the faces seemed to have blurred together. A couple of them became one-night stands, but none turned out to be anything meaningful, not when you only had one person in the back of your mind, hard as you tried not to act on them.
They reminded you of Leena, how shitty you handled the situation by basically fleeing the country. You had called her a few times, and left a few messages, wanting to talk and apologize, but none of them were answered. You tried her Instagram, but she had blocked you on there too. You didn’t blame her, and maybe reaching out now was only giving you the closure you needed to move on, but you wanted to do it because you believed Leena deserved an apology for everything she’s done for you.
So you texted Gio, letting him know what happened. He wasn’t pleased when you told him, not exactly liking that you had disrespected his friend, but agreed to pass a message along.
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“Hello, Coach. Tough loss today. What do you think was the main factor in Barça’s defeat today?” “Well, it’s never fun to go through a loss, and we all have a lot of work to do. I can’t comment as to why we’ve lost—I’d have to watch it back—but we simply were not the better team today.” “What do you think of Y/N Y/L/N’s performance? There were several chances that she’s missed today, and she hasn’t made an impression at the club quite yet. Have you had any reassessments about this signing at all?” “To evaluate a player’s performance this early is simply unfair. Some players hit the ground running right away, but some don’t. It doesn’t mean they are doomed. Y/N has shown time and time again that she is a world-class player, and I have full faith that she will become an integral part of our squad.”
Barcelona hadn’t won in five games. It was starting to worry the board. You knew it was a team sport, and that if you lost, it meant multiple people were doing something wrong. But you started all five of those games, and you missed a lot of chances and passes. It made you think it was your fault somehow.
You turned off the press conference you were watching of Jonatan’s. Even though he didn’t show it, you knew he was stressed, trying to find a fault in the system. You wished you knew the answer, but you didn’t, because you were trying your best and it still didn’t seem to be good enough.
“Alright, girls.” Alexia clapped her hands together as she stood in the middle of the dressing room. “We lost. Big deal. Feel the sting, and let it pass over you. If you don’t, we might as well just give up on the title now. We can’t do that. We’re champions. The reason why we are is that we are strong enough to get back up, time and time again. That’s what makes us champions.”
Your eyes darted toward Ona sitting across the dressing room with her head in her hands. There were two goals out of the four the team conceded that came from the right flank, where Ona was covering. The moment those goals hit the net, you had the urge to yell, but seeing the way her shoulders sagged as she dejectedly looked away absolved you of any anger you felt.
You remembered the nights you spent consoling her over losses that could have gone either way. She blamed herself for every defeat she had suffered, finding every fault that she had contributed to, and today was no different.
“Hey,” you knelt in front of her.
She looked up at you, and you knew she had been crying from how red her face was.
You offered her a sad smile. “Look around you. There’s something worse than being sad, and that’s being alone and sad. You’re not alone.”
Placing a firm hand on her knee, you rubbed her skin softly. She laughed quietly, and you remembered how it was to kiss her. It was so long ago, but the traces of it still haunted you before you closed your eyes at night. It wouldn’t be good for either of you now. Plus, everyone was here.
“Did you just quote Ted Lasso at me?”
“Yeah, but he ain’t wrong.”
Looking around the room at the sullen faces of your teammates, you couldn’t help but feel grateful that they were all here, united by the same emotions. But you still couldn’t shake that gnawing feeling in your stomach that you might have been the problem. The moment you came to the club, Barcelona went on its worst streak in years? Was it the inevitability of a club’s success running its course, or that you had come in and fucked it all up? You knew the answer, of course, and you hated the anxiety that followed.
But you were Y/N Y/L/N, and you never backed down from a challenge, and it wouldn’t be fun if there were none.
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It felt like everything you were doing, it was all wrong. Jonatan had sent you in to utilize your dribbling, but you felt like every time you tried, the opposition would mercilessly cut you off. You felt helpless, seeing the way your teammates attempted to hide how annoyed they were you had lost possession again, this time from a quick pass to the flank from Aitana. You were subbed off halfway through the second half to make way for Salma, who managed to salvage a point with an equalizer later in the game.
You sat on the bench, watching your teammates fight on, feeling dejected and trying not to cry before you could get to the dressing room. Patri, who had also been subbed off, put her arm on your shoulder and rubbed it soothingly.
Whilst you were coming off, you heard boos coming from the stands, from Barça fans, calling you names, telling you to go back where you came from. You bit your lip, and kept your head down, so people wouldn’t see your tears and make fun of them too.
You excused yourself at the final whistle to find a bathroom you could hide in. Why was it so hard for you to receive those passes? You had never had trouble with passing before.
Looking in the mirror, you saw a face looking back with pity. But it wasn’t you, not really. It was the insecure child you were years ago, the one whose ambitions were driven by fear of abandonment. Her eyes were brimming with tears, her bottom lip jutting out and quivering, her chest rose and fell like she awaited the world to close in on her and swallow her whole.
Your breathing picked up, and you started pacing back and forth, breathing heavily out of your mouth. Your hands shook as you mumbled to yourself to get your shit together. The breaths you drew grew faster and shallower until you sunk to your knees on the cold tiles and wept. You didn’t know how long you were there. It could have been minutes, or hours until two arms wrapped around you tightly.
You looked up, panicked, but it was just Ona. Still, you stood up and walked away from her attempting to hide your tear-stained face, but she insisted, pulling you into her.
“It’s okay, Y/N.” She said, over and over. “Look at me.”
So you looked. You were so tired of fighting, you just wanted to go home. Her eyes darted back and forth between yours, hard at first trying to get you to stop being stubborn, but then they softened, seeing you fall apart like this.
“This feels oddly familiar, doesn’t it?” She said.
You sniffled, and let out a tearful laugh before launching yourself into her arms. She stood there holding you while you cried until you were too tired to continue.
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Winter could have come and gone in Barcelona and you would have never noticed. Still, the Catalans were big on Christmas, at least the ones you knew were. Everyone had been talking about their holiday plans, much of it involved big dinners surrounded by family and/or drinking until you passed out, but you thought about the vacation you would be taking somewhere warm. Mexico perhaps, the Maldives, or back to good ol’ Ibiza.
So when Ona invited you to come back to Vilassar de Mar to spend Christmas with her and her family, you had an important decision to make. You knew how it looked, but things were far from how they appeared between you. After that game away, you had found it easier to confide in Ona about things; little things, big things, it didn’t matter, Ona was always there to listen. In return, you lent her your ears and maybe a shoulder to lean on. You had almost become something like friends.
Ona’s childhood home was no grand castle, but it was warm and loving. Her parents and brother greeted you like you were family right from the moment you stepped through the door, taking your suitcase and jacket from you. Her father, claiming to be a big fan of yours, asked for your autograph and you could only happily indulge him.
“Please, our home is yours,” her mother said, leading you inside.
“Told you they could be a lot,” Ona murmured with a grin.
“What do you mean? I’m being treated like royalty! I’m not complaining,” you smirked and she rolled her eyes.
Her mother led you and Ona to her childhood bedroom, a small room littered with posters and trophies sitting on a shelf at the foot of her bed.
Just then, her mother gasped quietly as if remembering something, and spoke to Ona in Spanish. She stuttered for a few seconds, then turned to you. “My mom’s saying you could take this room and I’ll sleep in Joan’s. He’ll take the couch if that’s—”
“Oh, no, no, please. I feel bad enough that you guys are hosting me, I can’t just kick your brother out of his room.” You shook your head quickly. “I could sleep here if that’s okay.”
Ona nodded gingerly and relayed the message to her mother, who was fully understanding and left you both to unpack.
The door clicked shut, and you looked over to Ona, who had lifted the corner of her mouth looking back at you.
Aitana came to visit on the 23rd, claiming it was always a treat to hang at the Batlles because she always leaves well-fed. You could attest to that, as the dinners they served you were mouth-watering, and you found yourself thinking about the next one the moment you opened your eyes in the morning.
You had helped Ona’s mom with juicing some lemonade to bring out to everyone relaxing in the backyard or—in Ona and Aitana’s case—passing a football around. Quickly setting the lemonade down on the table—much to Mrs. Batlle’s dismay—you sprinted towards the girls and took the ball from Ona’s feet.
She stuck her tongue out at you and walked towards the table, taking a glass of lemonade for herself.
“Would it be so hard to admit to what you’re both denying yourself?”
You chuckled quietly at Aitana’s words. “It feels more like deprivation than denial.”
“Ona loves you, Y/N.” She said, watching Ona on the other side of the yard conversing with her brother.
“Did she tell you that?”
“I’ve known the girl ever since we were 15,” she shrugged. “And yes, she cried to me last year about you.”
You chuckled. “Well, the feeling is definitely mutual.”
“But . . . ?”
You glanced at her and sent a wordless smile, plopping your sunglasses back on before joining the Batlles for their daily lemonade. Aitana watched you to the table, picking up on Ona quickly handing you a glass, and brushing hair out of your eyes as you drank. Idiots, she thought, the both of them.
Looking back, there was not a single moment during your time in Vilassar de Mar that you weren’t holding your breath every time you were in the same room as Ona. It made you seek out her mom, and hang with her more than you did with Ona. You were also able to pick up some more Spanish, as it was the only way you could effectively communicate with her. You didn’t want to toot your own horn, but her mom did call you an aprendiz rápida, a fast learner.
“Your parents have outdone themselves once again,” you said, leaning against the window. “I wish I grew up with the stuff you guys eat here. Christmas would be so much more fun.”
“Did you like the caga tío too?” Ona grinned and took a seat on the edge of the bed.
“Best thing ever. It poops nougat!” You said excitedly and shook your head.
As your laughter died down, you could hear slurred singing and laughing outside the window somewhere down the street.
“I can’t remember the last time I was this happy,” you said, a ghost of a smile remaining on your lips.
Ona looked out the window, smiling too. “It’s why I always go home whenever I feel down. If I can’t go home, I’ll bring my family to me.” She was sitting next to you now, her arms folded and propped on her thighs. “You’re always welcome to visit. I’m sure they love you more than they love me now.”
“Well, I’d be surprised if they could resist my charm,” you grinned and pushed her shoulder. “I envy you, Ona. Your family’s fantastic.”
“You’ve never told me about your family before,” she said.
“Because there’s nothing to tell,” you shrugged. “Mom and Dad never really cared about me anyway. The only good thing they did for me was sign me up for football and let me leave home to go to my youth club.
They used to go to my games because they were obligated to. The moment I turned 18, they never felt the need. Sometimes I just want to win a game, then look into the stands and see them wearing my shirt, cheering me on, be proud of me.”
“I’m sorry, Y/N,” Ona offered, bumping her knee against your own.
“Don’t be. If they’re not, you shouldn’t be,” you smiled sadly.
Your gaze shifted to her face, seeing the way she studied you, just like that day in the tunnel. Ona was an observer, and it was apparent whenever she was. It was why she was so good at the game; she absorbed like a sponge and repeated what she learned like it was nothing.
Her eyes darted back and forth between your own, and you smiled, watching her nuzzle into her arm, yet leaning in ever so gently.
"What are you doing?"
“Is this wise?” You raised an eyebrow at her, grinning.
“No,” her voice came out as barely a whisper, “but I know it’s not wrong.”
She was right. It shouldn’t be wrong to feel the way you did. From the beginning, it’s always been her.
You were depriving yourself of the one missing piece in your life, but you were afraid of getting hurt again. But you wanted to be loved so badly, and you didn’t want anyone else.
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skxllz · 6 months
〘✶ ˗ʺ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬❣▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ‶˗ ✶〙
𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 lip gallagher 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞...
meeting his family as soon as he realizes he's taken a liking to you. he wants to keep you around —maybe for more than a few months— so ian is the first person he tells; inquiring you as someone who isn't “ cheap like all the other chicks he's been with ”. you carried yourself to be worthy of someone who deserved you - you weren't a whore, like karen, who just fucked a guy to feel good about yourself.
having fiona treat you like her own sibling once she comes to see lip likes you more than he lets on. she'll ask if you're alright if it seems like something is bothering you; even going as far as to sit beside you on the couch, offering a comforting hand to your shoulder while questioning if you'd like to talk. she'll offer you a drink whenever they have parties, tending to keep an eye you to make sure you're safe and okay. she'll even ask if you can run to the store for her or watch liam because she trusts you that much.
helping out debbie and carl with school (s1-3) / helping debbie with franny, and being carl's go-to when fiona isn't around to talk to. debbie instantly takes a liking to you once she meets you, seeing you as someone who's more kind than the girl's lip usually brings around; also looking up to you because she thinks you're really pretty and could help her out boyfriend/girlfriend wise. carl doesn't necessarily warm up to you at first, but later on he sees you as a “ total babe ” and tries to hit on you when he can. in reality though, he likes having you around because you remind him of an older sister.
play fights on the way to school, the L or patsy's. you're usually playful around him and his siblings, and are the one to insinuate the wrestling. it starts with gentle shoving, before it escalates to you jumping on lip's back; steering him left and right. in the end though, he always puts you in a headlock.
not really displaying pda, but lip has his moments where he gets jealous or just feels like smothering you. his hands would guide to either your hips or the back of your head — he'd drag you closer to him, preferably chest to chest, then kiss you as if oxygen just didn't exist. passion, hunger and heat poured into one; coaxing him to feast until your lips are left red and swollen.
also, if lip does choose to display affection to you in public other than that, it's wrapping an arm around your waist. he'd snake it around you, hand hooking into the pocket of your jacket/jeans/shorts and possessively keep you close. he'd make sure everyone got the idea that you were his. (didn't happen in his past relationships but I feel like when he really takes to someone he doesn't want to lose them, ya know?)
random make-out sessions around the house. of course, he'd prefer his family not to be around since it could get handsy - but if they were, he'd just drag you to one of the rooms. kisses, bite marks and hickey's would all be displayed.
wearing his work shirt when he's at home. he often eyes you up like you're a full course meal cause of it - even said once, “ take it off. now. ” just because he had to leave somewhere soon, and if you didn't he would've stayed behind and bent you over then and there. you didn't listen, absolutely not, and got fucked brutally for it.
doing little things for him when he's upset. cleaning up his mess, making meals or snacks for him, doing his laundry - you even left a little note for him once. it was short and sweet, just assuring him you'd be there for him always. it ended up with you two cuddling on the couch, his face tucked deeply into your neck.
scolding anyone that comes near him with alcohol. you know he can take care of himself, but being a recovering addict could be difficult and you'd want to help out as much as you could.
talking with him after his arguments with fiona. sometimes his sister was in the wrong, but sometimes lip could also be a bit harsh. you'd listen to his side of things and then input your thoughts, even if he disagreed with them. sometimes, it'd lead to a tiny argument, but you always calmed him down someway somehow and the two would make up.
late night walks under the L to help him cool off or get fresh air. you'll often talk about past memories or just things that would upset you two. it'd begin with anger, maybe sadness, but it'd always end with you two laughing and appreciating each other's presence.
I literally have so much more I could add into here but I'm lazy as fuck so have this.
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eimids · 7 months
I can cheer you up
Katie McCabe x reader
Reader doesn't get invited when all her friends are going out and she's sad about it. Katie wants to cheer her up.
Warnings: smut, squirting
"Come here" Katie said to me. She noticed I was little down since I wasn't invited to hang out with my friends who I usually hang out with. It's always been like this. My friends hang out and 'accidentally' they always forget to invite me with them. Right now they are at a bar together but I was never invited. It hurts to know I'm just a second option.
I walked to my bed where Katie was laying with her arms open. I practically fell to her arms.
"What's wrong Baby?" Katie asked. I buried my head to her neck and didn't answer. Life is hard. I don't have many actual friends. I have a big friend group but they don't actually care about me. After college we have drifted apart. They talk shit about me behind my back and they don't really accept me being bi. I have made a lot new friends through Katie but it's not the same
Luckily Katie's presence makes me feel so much better. She takes care of me. She listens to me and actually cares about what I say and think.
I feel Katie's fingers making lazy patterns on my back as she holds me tight. She then moves her hand to my hair and massage's slowly my head. Then she finally rolls to her side so she is looking at me.
"Sweetie what's wrong?" She asks again.
"Ugh. I hate my friends. Once again they didn't invite me with them. Now I get to see all what they're doing through Snapchat." I said half annoyed half sad.
"Y/n why are you even friends with them. They are toxic and you should just drop them. You deserve so much better. Baby you deserve the fucking world. You are the most caring, honest, sweetest and loving girl I know and that's why I love you. You need to know your worth and not let others treat you this way. I don't wanna see you like this Sweet" Katie said.  Every word she said was said with honesty.
'God I love this girl'
"Thank you Macca. You always make me feel better. And I love you so much" I said and put my head on her chest so I could listen her heart beat.
"l think there is a way to make you feel even better" She said in a different tone. More flirty. I knew where she was going because her hand was wondering towards my pants.
"Oh is there? What is it?" I asked in the same tone and smirked.
"Maybe I'll show you if you are up for it?" Katie said asking for consent.
"Mhmm. Show me" I moaned when Katie sucked my neck slightly.
She covered my neck in kisses and little red marks that wouldn't stay for long. Then she rolled over so she was on top of me and she started to take my shirt off. She started leaving sloppy kisses to my chest. She then took my bra off and tossed it to somewhere in my room.
"God you are beautiful" She said and it made my heart rate speed. Every time she complimented me it game me butterflies.
"I wanna see you Katie" I said and started to take her shirt off. Her boobs are so fucking perfect.
"S...Shit" I whined when she started to suck my nipple slightly. She twirled her tongue around the bud.
After focusing on my boobs for a while she continued kissing me down my stomach. Her hands on my sides. She looked at me asking for consent to take my pants off. She would never do anything I'm not comfortable with. I nodded and she slid my pants and underwear off.
She was wearing only loose shorts so when she put her face down and ass up I got a perfect view off her ass. She started teasingly sucking and kissing my thighs. She did it for a while until I couldn't stand the throbbing between my legs.
"Please Katie. Please I need more" I pleaded. I needed to feel her lips on my clit.
"Anything for you Sweet" She said and started flicking her tongue on my clit. Bringing me immediate pleasure.
"Yes...Katie, Fuck" I moaned at her actions.
She uses her mouth so sensually. It quite literally could take you to heaven. How she flicks and swirls her tongue around my clit makes my eyes roll to the back of my head.
"Keep going Katie"
And she did. So sensually lapping my juices and circling my clit with her tongue. It brought tears to my eyes, I was feeling pure extasy.
l was already close. She sucked slightly my clit and then let it go with a pop. Instead she ran her tongue through my folds and trusted it inside me. I moaned in pleasure.
"Do you know how pretty you look. I'm actually kinda glad that your friends didn't invite you because now I get to do this to you" She said and suddenly stuck two of her fingers inside me. She started also sucking my clit again.
I threw my head back in pleasure and moaned loudly. Really hoping our neighbors won't complain. My walls clenched around her fingers and she knew that i was close. But suddenly she stopped her actions.
'What the hell'
"Before you complain about anything, you wanted to feel better, right?" Katie asked. I was really confused but nodded.
"Well after some edging your orgasm will feel even better. I promise" She said and kissed me passionately.
'Fuck she knows what she's doing'
She licked my bottom lip and I opened my mouth to her. Our tongues explored each others mouths. Suddenly I felt fingers at my clit again. I moaned in Katie's mouth.
She used her palm to stimulate my clit as she trusted three fingers inside me. I kept moaning to her mouth.
"Oh god...Katie please. I'm close" I said quickly between kisses.
She pulled away from my mouth and I was about to whine but then she sucked my clit. Her fingers where going an insane pace. I was on the edge of falling apart.
"God I won't be able to look this room the same. I'll be only thinking how sweet you taste and how pretty you look when I eat you out like this. And I definitely won't forget the sound that will leave your mouth in couple seconds" Katie said and then went back to assaulting my clit.
"Come for me baby. Fall apart. But don't be quiet, I wanna hear everything. I wanna hear how good I make you feel" Katie said and curled her fingers to my sweet spot.
And I came. Hard.
My legs shook around Katie's head as my mouth let animalistic sounds. I screamed Katie's name and my breathing was so rapid that my body probably thought that I was having a panic attack.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck" I yelled as I felt another wave of pleasure going through me. I felt liquid coming out of me. Katie was still thrusting her fingers in and out of me. The pleasure was something I have never felt before.
"Fuck Katie... More" I said. I surprised even myself for wanting more. My body was shaking from my last orgasm. Or orgasms. I'm pretty sure I came twice.
"Are you sure?" Katie asked and furrowed her eyebrows.
"YES" I yelled already coming. Katie didn't even have to do anything. She just guided me through my third orgasm of the night.
"Good baby, just like that"
After a while she slipped her fingers out of me and cleaned them with her mouth.
"Fuck baby. That was hot" Katie said as gave a kiss to my clit.
My breathing was now under control and I tried to roll me and Katie around but she stopped me.
"No sweet. This was about you. I wanted to make you feel better" Katie said and kissed me softly. I was actually thankful because I didn't know if I had any energy to do anything.
"Thank you Katie" I said sleepily.
"Of course. But now the important question. Are you feeling any better?" She asked and chuckled. She was now laying next to me.
"Definitely" I said and curled against her body.
my blog was due for some Katie smut
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thechaoticplayer · 5 months
Luca smut omg- bratty reader and brat tamer luca 🛐 jsbsjdbjshs i can't stop thinking about it
author's note: JEJEHDIEDHEI 😩😩😩 BRAT TAMER LUCA... TY ANON BC IM A BRAT MYSELF AND OMLLLLLL YES JUST. YES. Also mad shorter than expected but what can I sayyyy
Summary: Brat Tamer Luca has to put your bratty ass into place for all the shit you've been doing to him <3
Contains: FILTHY FILTHY DIRTY SMUT. LUCA KANESHIRO X READER. eatablished relationship, degrading, Luca bullying you and being extremely rough but that's ok bc hes such a daddy, my phone being on 19% and forcing it to work like Luca is with u fr
Mdni or not idgaf
Being the mafia boss's boyfriend came with a shit ton of perks: no one could say anything to you (you can't do this or you're not allowed to do that), you could do basically whatever the hell you want without repercussions, and Luca Kaneshiro spoiled you to death. It wouldn't have come as a surprise if you turned into a brat because of it.
And here you are, whining because your boyfriend has to go meet with some guy he's working with. He's not as important as you are!
"Babe, I have to go, it's important for the mafia," Luca murmurs softly into your hair as you cling to him tightly. Your arms wrapped around his waist and face buried in his chest, you showed no signs of letting go. He sighs. "I'll try my best to make it quick, alright? Just-"
"No!" Your muffled voice replies, before glancing up at him with big eyes. "I want you. To stay."
"Don't 'babe' me. I guess your mafia is more important than me." You release him and step back, abruptly turning your back towards him, crossing your arms. "Whatever. Bye."
Luca stares at your back for a second, absolutely torn for a second. "What? no, of course you're important-"
"I'm second and always be second, huh?" You saunter to the bed you two share and throw yourself onto it. You rest your hand on your forehead, closing your eyes. "It's fine. Go ahead. I'll just find someone else to play with."
He goes silent. You don't open your eyes.
A beat's worth of silence. "Got nothing to say now, huh?" You scoff, a smirk playing on your lips. "I suppose you've gotten so-"
You yelp as you feel rough hands latch themselves onto your thighs and yank you downwards, and your eyes fly open. Luca leans over you with a dark look in his eyes, brows furrowed in silent anger.
"You suppose ive gotten... what?" The plush of your ass is tightly against his crotch, his gloved hands digging into your skin.
"...soft." His eyes smolder, a fire in his gaze as he leans closer to your face.
"Soft?" He echoes, a sultry chuckle sending a shiver upon your spine. "No no no, I think you got it all wrong, sweetheart..."
The mafia boss hooks your legs over his shoulders, his bigger and wider form trapping you underneath him as he grinds against your wet panties, the skirt your wearing riding up to your hips. You stifle a moan, biting your lip hard.
"You've always liked it when I'm a bit rough with you, hmm?"
"Tch! Don't you have somewhere to be?" You reply haughtily, trying hard for a whimper to not slip past your lips as he grinds slowly.
"It can wait, no? Besides..." Luca's breath tickles your ear. "Theres a certain someone, who needs to be taken care of."
"Yeah. Your friend."
"What a fucking-" Out of nowhere, Luca flips you onto your stomach, leaving you squawking as he spread your legs open, ass in the air. "Brat."
"W-wait a minute!" You stammer as you turn your head to see him rip off his pants and unleashing his cock from its confines, big and hard. The glint in his eyes suggest you were probably not going to be able to walk for a good couple of weeks. "L-Luca, wait!"
"No," he growls, pushing your panties aside and sinking his still gloved fingers into you. A whimper tears itself from your throat as he plunges the digit in and out of your crying hole. "Brats need to be taught a fucking lesson. look at how wet you are. Filthy slut."
"I wouldn't have been- mmph! A b-brat if you didn't leave me all the- ah... t-time!" You blabber, your legs already shaking a bit from how rough and quickly he was fingering you.
"Leave you?" Luca repeats, incredulous. "God, I made you into a fucking brat! Spoiling you all the time, giving you everything you could have ever wanted..."
He slips his finger out, lining up his cock with your entrance. Your mouth almost waters at the sight and he laughs at your lustful expression. "Is this what you want? then I'll gladly give to you, and you won't even dare forget this..."
The mafia boss shoves his girth into, splitting you open. You cry out, hands gripping the sheets as Luca doesn't even allow you to adjust to his size. You were fucked by him plenty of times before, but your hole could never get quite used to his thickness. Luca drills his cock into you, the fat tip kissing your g-spot deliciously so.
The bed squeaks and groans underneath you both, loud moans spilling from your mouth. You turn your face into the pillows, only to be yanked back up. You gasp as Luca forces you to arch, the angle causing you to see stars.
"L-Luca- a-ah! Fuck fuck fuckfuck-" You moan and whimper and whine as Luca's dick pummels itself into you, your walls clenching around him.
"This is what you want, huh?" Luca breaths raggedly into your ear, one hand fondling with your tit. How sensitive you've become, moaning from pure pleasure. "Want me to fuck you dumb?"
"Y-y-you asshole-!"
A sharp snap of his hips force you to choke on another keening moan. "What was that, darling? couldn't catch that."
Only moans answer and he chortles. Luca can feel you getting close, but why stop there? Why not make you wish you never provoked him in the first place? How dare you say that you'll go find someone else to play with in his absence! He tsks as you squirm underneath him. No no, he'll make you beg for him to stop, and even after that he won't obey.
You cum hard around his cock but the mafia boss still bullies himself into you as you twitch. tears rolls down your face as you attempt to scramble away, but Luca pulls you all the way back so now you're riding his cock, back arched against him. You babble sentences don't even make sense as your brain was fucked to mush.
"What's wrong? can't speak anymore?" Luca coos, thrusting himself deeper and deeper. His voice deep and husky, your fluids staining his shirt but he could really care less. "Fucked you so good- what a cock drunk whore."
You whine, skin slapping against skin as you ride his dick, legs shaking and stickiness against your thighs. Luca bites your neck, leaving a trail of bite marks against your dainty skin. He licks from your shoulder to your neck, suckling. Luca can feel the vibrations through your throat as you make such pretty noises for him. Was it possible that he seemed to get even harder and even larger inside of you?
His hips slot up to meet yours and you cum once more, drool dripping down your lips. Luca groans as he feels your walls clench and your hot cum envelopes his dick. He fucks you through your second orgasm until he releases a guttural grunt and shoots his loads deep into your tummy.
"I'm not done," he pants, pulling out of you and throwing you back down on your back. "So far from done."
"L-Luca..." you whimper quietly, body heaving and near close to exhaustion.
He cups a hand to your cheek. "You did this to yourself, pretty girl..."
Luca's mouth hovers over your tit, blowing on it and watching the nipple grow hard. Another chuckle as he pops the tit into his mouth, sucking hard. Your hand finds itself in his blond hair, soft and airy whines in the air. He releases the tit and goes to the other, teeth grazing it.
He kisses down your tummy, opening your legs in the process. The mafia boss lowers to your aching pussy, somehow getting wet all over again. Luca licks a stripe up your abused cunt and a shaky sigh comes out your mouth.
"Horny bitch." Bringing you closer to his mouth, his tongue circles your clit as his hot breaths fan in between your thighs. "Came twice already, and it still isnt enough..."
His entire mouth is on you now, slurping and teasing and sucking. You tug his hair hard, making the mafia boss growl lowly into your pussy. The vibrations add to the upcoming orgasm, your moans filling the room and you were sure everyone within the house could hear. Neither of you gave a damn as he continued his assault on your weeping cunt.
You cum against his face and he laps up every single drop, kissing and biting your thighs while doing so. Your chest rises rapidly up and down, and Luca observes your fucked out expression. Your eyelids are heavy, and you're just about ready to pass out.
Until... "Oh no, you aren't getting any breaks." Luca yanks you back up and turns himself in one smooth motion so now you're kneeling before him, his yet again hard cock in front of your eyes. "Suck, whore."
You eagerly take the cock in your hands, the slick from both parties still covered all over it.
There is definitely more where that's coming from.
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