whitepolaris · 9 hours
So you're going to ruin people's lives over not being hired? Hope all these places that didn't hire you ban you from ever stepping foot in there again!
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ziracona · 2 years
Thank you 💙 I am now at peace
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fuck-customers · 2 years
Big fuck you to the 11 top who tipped me 11 dollars with a bill that was 179 bucks.
Why the fuck isn't automatic gratuity a thing?
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cripplepunk · 4 years
First ad posted in over 8 months bc of covid, got a dick pic within 15 minutes
Why are men
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mikey-beans · 4 years
Today I yelled at an old man like you would yell at a racoon to get out of your trash cans
I was at work, he was in the drive through trying to exchange soup and have us get other groceries... In a pharmacy drive through...
Now, we've been grabbing otc items for people so they don't have to come inside, what with everything going on; if there's no one behind them, we'll grab grocery items too. But today we were short staffed, and the line of cars was a mile long. My coworker told him "ok, we can get you things, but can you come back in 15 so we have time to do that, and help the people behind you (people who were... actually picking up prescriptions...)
He refused, and started telling her off for even having the audacity. Said he wasn't going to move until we got him his damn soup.
Guy's been a thorn in the side ever since the pandemic started, pulling shit like this, making actual patients wait while he demands we get his grocery items for him, is impatient, constantly rings the drive through bell if it takes us even a second to get his shit, is never grateful, etc. He's even had people honk/flip him off in drive through before bc he makes all these demands and ends up being there forever.
(I should also point out, my store does curbside delivery, and also has an option where if you call ahead, you can place a grocery order which will be brought up to the drive through by one of the front of store clerks ahead of time, so, guy has other options, he just refuses to use them)
So today, lost my temper and threatened to call the fire dept if he didnt leave (I would never involve them in something so petty, but he didnt know that). He kept doing that boomer "I come here all the time, spend thousands of dollars, etc" thing that they think means you owe them, and, very unprofessionally, I kept yelling, "I dont care, you need to leave." He called me very nasty; I agreed that I was. He said he was going to call my supervisor, to which I replied, "Please do! Now leave!"
Finally, he left.
I dont really feel proud of what I did. I keep waffling between "that was too mean" and "he deserved it". Guy's a repeat offender, but he's also like 80 years old...
Idk. Just kinda needed to write down what happened. I know I didnt handle it well, but I'm tired of people treating us like crap even though we're risking our safety and the safety of our loved ones every day we come to work. I guess I'll just wait and see if anything comes of this.
Retail is hell, retail pharmacy is hell.
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work-stories-stuff · 4 years
When i was at savers, some guy about 50/55 came to my till -
Me: hiya
Him: hiya
Me (scans one box entrolax, comes up on till you can only buy two) : you can only buy two of these
Him (gets rude): why?? That’s stupid!!
Me: that’s what it’s come up on the till
Him (RUDE again): so what’s stopping me walking out and back in and getting more??!
Me (continued scanning as i didn't have an answer)
Him (RUDE again): so what’s stopping me walking out and back in and getting more??!
Me (still have no answer to that question so just carry on scanning items)
Him (RUDE again): what not talking to me now then??!!
Supervisor (next to me says my name so I look up)
Me (annoyed by his rudeness snaps back): well I don’t know do I?!?!
Supervisor: don’t talk to people like that please
Him: If she was a bloke she’d be over them tills already
Colleague: I’m sorry about this
Him (to me) : you want to look for another job, you’re not cut out for this one are you?!??!
Colleague: I’m really sorry about this
Me (gives receipt)
Him (RUDE again): I’m not going to say thankyou!!
He was rude as fuck yet I was the one who got written up for being rude to him when i snapped back because i was sick of it, no matter he even threatened to pull me over the till then 🤔 but my colleague apologised to him.....for what? Him being rude!
If he had of gone out and back in to get more it would of been me serving him and i would of refused as i would of already served him with some once. Think it was store policy only 2 boxes to be purchased 🤷‍♀️
5 years on and still salty about this
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lovelyplot · 4 years
There's a woman that comes in my store bare minimum once a week.
Does this bitch stink! I can track her when she's in my store she smells so damn bad. She's a couponer who will spend like 60$on gain products and not keep a drop for herself before she hocks it on facebook.
She legit smells like she pisses herself to stay warm.
Then she wants to come in like 10 mins til close and take her fuckin time. This bitch brought full sheets of coupons in and expected me to let her cut them out in front of a long line of people. Comes in with a full fuckin binder of coupons but won't have her shit organized when she gets to the register
Iv had her in my store half an hour after closing cause she didnt like how her coupons rang up
I can only imagine how bad her house must smell.
I shouldnt be able to smell you like a blood hound the second you step in my store
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53rdcenturyhero · 4 years
Toilet roll purchase tales #01
My uncle tried to do that this morning. He managed to get first in the supermarket and he got one pack of toilet roll. Then while he was looking around for other stuff, an old lady approached his trolley and got the toilet roll pack and run away.😂😂
Toilet roll purchase tales #02
Also my dad tried going to the Tesco near our house, and their was a huge queue of cars waiting to get in the parking, so he parked on the double yellow line because he thought he would be quick and also it was Sunday so there wouldn't be anyone checking, but unfortunately he got a 55 pound penalty ticket.
We [UK]are not even in lockdown. Britain reaches peak feral and phones the police when chicken fails to get to KFC. Selfish nasty twits stockpiling when they dont need to. VOTE THEM OUT.
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thecuddlyfork · 5 years
Not the first time I’ve had something like this happen to me.
I work at a popular shoe store that also sells some clothing. This story takes place shortly after boxing day, on a surprisingly busy morning shift.  I had opened the store about 3 hours prior and I don’t have cover/another co-worker for another 45mins. No problem I’m a part of management and I have a lot of experience in retail. I have a few customers trying on shoes when a woman comes in with a loose t-shirt, no tags. Now, we don’t sell that shirt at our store. But we do have that brand. She comes up with a sour looking smile and asks to do a refund. No problem, I assume she has something in her purse to refund. He plops the shirt down and smiles. I look at it and shake my head, “Do you have the receipt or the tags? Our policy for refunds is that I need a proof of purchase.”  She shakes her head and says it was a gift from a family member and that the people at a different store said that it came from ours. She just wants the money. I tell her that I have worked in this store for 2 years and that the shirt she wants to return is not from our store. She flips out. She is screaming that she doesn’t care if it is from my store, that I will give her $90 because that is the nice thing to do. My other customers look over because she is screaming bloody murder at me. I again, explain calmly that I cannot do that, and now she will have to leave because she is causing a scene or I will call security. SHE GRABBED MY ARM AND PULLED ME CLOSE, SPITTING ON ME AS SHE EXPLAINED THAT IF I DON’T REFUND HER SHE’D HAVE ME FIRED. I pushed her as hard as I could off, grab my store phone and call security. At this point, another customer followed her out of the store as she had just physically assaulted me. Long story short security caught up with her later and took my statement as she had done this in 2 other stores earlier and they caught her in another doing the same thing.  Retail is wild, my friends. 
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whitepolaris · 10 hours
Then don't have fucking kids please! *Eye roll*
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sharkangelic · 5 years
A real life cashier I met: What are you waiting for? You think I’m going to bag your items for you? You’re so entitled and lazy. Bag them yourself. A fuck-customers submission: I hate it when customers try to bag their stuff themselves! I’m paid to do this! You’re holding up the line! Me, ridden with social anxiety and eager to please:
Tumblr media
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fuck-customers · 5 years
Kinda sweet one.
Hey its your trans autistic/ADHD cook here. So I've recently come out to a few team members as trans, and it's gone better than expected. Like, WAY better. They respect my pronouns even. Well they also know I am autistic and ADHD. One team member in particular, I'll call him J, is a snarky smartass who is tired of everyone's bullshit, and likes the same music I do. He also reminds me about my medicine, and to keep my sugar in check. See why I like him? He's my work big brother.
Well, another reason popped up today. I was helping clean, and some grease got stuck to my hands. For all people that don't like sticky things? Imagine that with the feeling of bugs crawling over you, and your brain screaming with alarms blaring in your ears. That's the sensory HELL i went through. J knew something was wrong, quickly ran over to the sink, and started spraying the hot soap water on my hands so I could get the horrible sticky grease off. He knew I was in sensory hell, helped me, and made me laugh afterwards.
This kitchen might have been hell for me at first, but I have grown to love my coworkers lately
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gn-bee · 7 years
Okay. Don't snap at your server when they're clearly talking to another table. Don't call them over when they're taking someone else's order. They WILL get to you in just a minute. Be patient. And you know what? Don't ever fucking snap at your server in general. It's rude as hell.
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fishnets-fingers · 3 years
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bboppinmoxis · 5 years
Oh, and to that fresh prince lookin wannabe, how about you hop behind this bar and take an order over the headset while making a latte and a iced caramel macchiato with coconut milk and an extra shot and see how fast your drinks come out.
P. Freakin S. If you hate this coffee shop so much WHY DO YOU COME BACK TO HAUNT US!?!?!?!?!
P.S.S. and as for the dancing you saw and complained to me about? That was me shimmying while taking orders to be a little more chipper because happy baristas can usually make happy customers.
Except for you apparently. You have no joy and do not understand the art of shimmying.... shame...
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work-stories-stuff · 4 years
Do you have toilets here?
This was last year as mothercare closed forever in January 2020
I had finished my shift at MOTHERCARE so i went next door to B&M. I had my coat on but open so you could see my mothercare uniform top and logo, headphones round my neck and my bag on my back. As i went up one aisle and turned the corner some guy came up to me and asked "do you have toilets here?" .....i looked at him and said "i don't know, i don't work here" then walked off.
I was just like - what just happened? Why would you go up to a complete stranger and ask that when that person isn't even wearing the store uniform
Mothercare uniform - striped navy blue top with the mothercare logo on it and navy trousers
B&M uniform - ORANGE AND BLUE t-shirt and navy trousers
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