#funny how sanji is the cook… and smells like sake… meaning despite everything zoro can always find his way to sanji- GUNSHOT. crowd boos
120percents · 1 year
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sanji about zoro, episode 982
thinking about how when zoro wakes up in chapter 1052, the first thing he thinks about is indeed…
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so he has his sake (while sanji watches him with a suspiciously fond look)
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and then, in the face of wondering why he’s clean (and thus making him remember the time he’s been gone), he thinks about his conversation with sanji
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and only then does he grab his swords to go reunite with sanji and proclaim the totally normal thought that He Came Back From Hell For Him
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so in line with zoro’s rule of threes:
3 ‘s’s… sake, swords and sanji
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eirist · 4 years
A Taste of Summer II
One-shot #: 4
Disclaimer: One Piece (and its characters) belongs to Eiichiro Oda-sensei.
Reminder: I have no beta-reader. Any grammatical and spelling errors are solely mine.
Warning: OOC possible. One shot.
Rating: T
Note: I did say I planned to finish the prompts from the ZoNami Week 2020 at zonamievents in Tumblr. This is Day 4: Lemons and Oranges. It took a long time since it’s been hectic in work these past months, I can only manage drabbles. I have a lot of work-in-progress stories waiting for me to finish them. Anyway, enjoy my better late than never one-shot.
Summary: The moment he stepped inside it, the fruits’ fragrances wafted towards him, surrounding him. Sweet. Citrusy.
The island was idyllic… quiet even. It feels like they were the only ones who are currently there.
Which turns out to be the case.
According to Robin—and the documents she unearthed from the enormous library of the island’s dazzling villa—it was once owned by a rich couple.
It was their own private paradise but they abandoned the place for a reason most could guess… they realized how susceptible they are—living on an island which was smack right into the path of sailing pirates.
What a waste. He wasn’t a fan of summer islands but Zoro had to admit, even he was awestruck with how divine the place is.
It was utterly exquisite and amazing.
The previous owners were fools to let such a gem go. It was the perfect getaway island. 
And all of his crewmates think so too. As they are spending another day docked there—exploring, relaxing and just taking everything in.
Heaven knows how the Straw Hats need a break from all that fighting.
Zoro left the others dilly-dallying in the villa’s patio overlooking the great view of the sea and the stone port with the Thousand Sunny docked beside it, bobbing idly above the blue water.
He strode towards a random direction despite protests from Usopp and the stupid cook that he will definitely get lost.
Damn them! He does not get lost. How many times do they have to go over this?!
Nami had done an ocular from the crow’s nest right after they had anchored. The island wasn’t that big, you can actually circle it in a day and a half.
How will he get lost in that? Idiots!
He grumpily trudged forward, following the graveled path that was leading away from the villa. He can hear Luffy's shouts of glee as Sanji announced a barbecue soiree some time later. 
Zoro shook his head. As much as the dumb cook hates to admit it, he'd been spoiling everyone rotten in this vacation of sorts... 
Not that he’s complaining. There is food. There is sake. He wasn't an ungrateful bastard after all.
The balmy breeze from the ocean swept across him, bringing in the salty smell of the sea. That, coupled with the warm temperature and the soothing rhythm of the waves crashing on the shore was enough to make him dozy.
Yawning widely, he decided to just look for a good place to nap instead of exploring the area like he initially meant to do. 
He'll do it later. Or tomorrow... as it seems like everyone was still willing to stay for one more day. 
The path he was following veered towards the left. He hesitated for a moment, his body unconsciously steering towards the opposite direction—one without a paved trail and bordered with thick foliage no one can pass through. 
He grunted and contemplated whether or not he would cut and make his own way... but he didn't want anyone nagging him about how not to destroy everything in front you.
Especially one loud-mouthed, orange-haired navigator. 
He doubts if he'd be able to take on her yapping from the way he was reacting to her as of late.
Running a hand through his hair exasperatedly, he sighed and did a double take. He didn’t realize that he was now near the villa’s wide back patio.
There were stone steps leading down to a garden below filled with trees and plants blooming with different summer fruits and flowers. A paved walkway snaked across the expanse of the area leading to a tunnel-shaped trellis with lemon and orange trees growing on them, providing shade to anyone who would dare walk into it. The branches were intertwined above, the fruits hanging like dozens of prized crystals on a chandelier—their alternating colors of orange and yellow among the green leaves were pleasing to look at.
Zoro grinned and made his way towards it. Would you look at that? He found a perfect place to nap.
The moment he stepped inside it, the fruits’ fragrances wafted towards him, surrounding him. 
Sweet. Citrusy.
Just like Nami.
He made a tch-ing sound. He was thinking about her. Again. 
Seems like he's been doing it a lot recently. A lot.
He couldn't understand it at first. It was all so foreign to him.
It had taken Zoro sometime before he figured out what was really happening. And it took an even longer period before he finally acknowledged it. 
When they finally faced each other after their two years separation... everything just came crashing down on him. 
She had greeted him with the warmest smile on her face as they ran into each other—both intending to take a break from the celebration party held at Fish-Man Island.  
In that moment... he just got lost in her. 
And Zoro didn't know if it was the same with her. Or if that is even possible with her. 
But he can clearly see now that it is. 
And that threw him off because he was honestly not expecting it. 
He scratched the back of his head in frustration. All this thinking is really making his head ache. Especially after the recent events where they both seem to find themselves in that specific moment before a kiss happens. 
Should it? 
Fate seems to be pointing to the fact that it should, given how the two of them always end up in the same situation every time they are near each other. 
He wasn't a firm believer of signs and such, but given the circumstances… it seems like it was really inevitable. 
And it's not like he didn't want to kiss her. He absolutely wants to. Even more now after the whole water gun spectacle and how their lips were so close… almost grazing each other’s right after they had resurfaced from the ocean with their eyes locked on each other’s.
They were interrupted by the idiot cook yelling threats and throwing one of the water guns at his head. 
Nami had moved away from him almost immediately. And the look she gave him had his curiosity piqued. 
It was the same one he saw on her face while they were hiding behind the makeshift shelter in the midst of the water gun battle—a cross between understanding and acceptance.
The slight thud of a fruit dropping near him broke his thoughts. He stared at the orange globe as it rolled a few centimeters away, surprised that it didn't explode from the height of the fall. 
He picked it up, toying with it for a moment, enjoying the firmness of it in his hand. He ran his thumb across its smooth surface. His lips quirked up. He always secretly enjoyed the fact that her hair was the same shade as this orange and her beloved mikans. 
Damn it to hell he's turning to that aho cook now.
He casually threw the fruit up in the air and caught it. He decided to throw those thoughts aside as well for now and enjoy this little snack before settling down for a nap. 
He proceeded to peel it and then did a double take again. 
He didn't notice it before, but the citrus tunnel was leading to another area. 
Zoro moved towards the end of it to check. His eyebrows rose and he marveled at the wide orchard of lemon and orange trees before him. It was smartly hidden from the view that you cannot see it from the villa, giving it a kind of a secret place ambiance.
A smile appeared on his face again as he took in the perfectly lined trees before him. There was an odd feeling of satisfaction at their alignment, at the interchanging colors of their fruits, their stark contrast against the swaying green leaves.
He dropped the orange he was holding.  
Damn he should have known the chances of running into her are high.
Really, really high.
He turned towards the direction of her voice. Nami was standing between the rows of orange and lemon trees, with one hand on her hips as she regarded him. 
“Are you my back-up?”
Zoro paused for a moment and cocked an eyebrow at her when he couldn't figure out what she meant by that. “Your what?”
Nami blew at her bangs in exaggerated exasperation. “I mean, are you here to help me?” She asked again, nudging one basket filled with fruits with her feet.
Zoro's eye hovered at the containers near her legs.
She's fruit-picking? Voluntarily??? 
But Nami had them for that. She can easily order every—and any—one of them to do it for her. 
Especially him or that stupid love cook.
Pigs must be flying somewhere on this island.
"What is that?" He definitely and dumbly had to ask that.
"Uh fruits?" Nami raised an eyebrow at him. "Specifically lemons and oranges... shall I introduce you to them? Feels like you still haven't made acquaintances of each other."
"Very funny witch," he growled. "And no I'm not your back-up."
A frown marred her features. "Then why are you here? Usopp didn't send you? I specifically ask him to send someone to help me!"
Zoro gave her an unamused look. "Like he can order me around."
"Hmm true but…" She tapped a finger to her cheek, pondering. Then she waved her hand dismissively. "Well since you are here, I guess I'll have to make use of you somehow."
"No thanks. I need to nap now."
She gaped at him. "Seriously Zoro? Are you a kid? How many naps do you need per day?!"
He just shrugged. Sure, they may be on the verge of acting on the attraction that they had for each other and kiss somehow in the near future...
But damn if he will obey her just like that. 
He wasn't ero-cook after all. 
"Tell you what, I'll just go and tell your stupid cook to help you out."
"But you’re already here..." Nami pointed out, her tone turning a bit whiny. "Besides you will just get lost and never make it to Sanji-kun or back to me!"
“Just help me out Zoro.”
“Because I can’t carry them by myself!”
“Just drag them or something. I’m not your pack-mule.”
“What’s the use of those stupid arms you tone every day? For display only?!” Nami hissed at him.
Zoro threw her a smirk, fighting the urge to flex just to irritate her more. “Yes.”
"It's your damn fault for trying to do this by yourself," the green-haired man grunted. Honestly, why didn't she ask him or anyone else in their crew to accompany her?
But him… especially. 
Damn that dumbass cook is contagious!
Maybe she needed to be alone with her thoughts as well just like you. A tiny, eety, beety voice that sounded a lot like Chopper reminded him. 
Nami stared at him surprised. "You mean, I should've asked you to come with me earlier?"
That snapped him into attention as his ears turned red. "That's not what I meant!"
"But you said I should've asked you," she repeated.
“I didn’t say anything like that!”
The navigator pouted. “Well I’m pretty sure you were insinuating that.”
"Anyway, you were napping. Thought it'd be better not to wake you up."
There was never a time in their lives that she was this considerate of him. Regardless of how deep he was sleeping, Nami will most definitely wake him up just to order him to do something. 
Her mischievous smile had his guard up. 
Cheeky witch!
“I’m heading back,” he grumbled. “I’ll go tell your idiot prince that you need help.”
He ignored her screech and turned away from her.
The less time he spends with her... the better. It lowers the chance of them finally kissing until it blows over and they completely forgot it even have a chance to occur.
Because honestly, he doesn't know what to do after it. Or what will happen after it. 
That is something he still doesn't know the answer as of yet. 
“Why you…” Nami seethed as he started walking away. He was really grating every single nerve in her body with his no-nonsense attitude, even after everything that happened these past weeks.  
She grabbed a lemon from the basket and threw it at him. Hard. Channeling all the bottled up frustrations in her on that action.
"Take that you idiot!”
It hit him on the back, putting a stop to his stride.
Nami seized another fruit and threw it again… this time hitting the stupid, lazy man on his head.
Zoro growled lowly when he saw the yellow fruits bounced down the ground after hitting him.
“Nami!” He shouted, pivoting sharply towards her…
…and promptly got hit on the side of his face, this time with an overripe orange.
The fruit splattered on contact, its juices dripping down his face and neck.
His jaw clenched as his eyes settled on a cheekily smiling Nami who had another fruit in her hand, throwing it up on the air and catching it.
And he knows, damn he knows this is her payback for ignoring her request and for his stunt a few days ago…
…and for hesitating to kiss her and acknowledging what was between them... all rolled into one.
She moved swiftly and threw the orange in her hand again.
This time he effortlessly caught it, before a sneer appeared on his face.
He crushed the fruit in his grip and threw it back at her.
Nami yelped as she tried to get away in time, but the fruit remains still caught her and splattered on her chest and face. In a split second, he had another fruit in his grasp, crushing and throwing it at her again.
She squealed when she saw him broke into a run, heading towards her looking like he was going to tackle her down the ground.
She immediately turned, but not before throwing two random fruits at him and ran, dodging the trees that lined the orchard as fast as her feet will take her. She randomly changed directions, running towards the left then switching to the right…
Knowing Zoro’s ability to get lost in a straight line, she’d be able to throw him off the chase.
Her lungs were burning, her breaths coming out in gasps. Her hair whipped wildly behind her as the ribbon she had tied on loosened and was blown away by the wind.
She should feel threatened, afraid somehow. She doesn’t know what Zoro has in store for her once he caught her.
But she was laughing.
She circled a random tree, trying to catch her breath. Carefully she peered back at the direction where she came from. The swordsman was nowhere to be seen.
It was all so crazy. Crazy yet fun. She ran a hand through her now tousled locks. The ribbon she had on earlier must’ve fallen away when she dashed along the orchard.
Oh she will make him pay for this of course. This is his fault anyway. He was the one who started chasing her.
The smell of the fruits filled her nose. She pouted a bit at the stickiness of the juices clinging in her skin and sundress. Yet, the scents brought comfort to her and she let herself relax for a moment. Zoro was probably on the other side of the orchard, given how he always ends up on the opposite of where he’s supposed to go.
Trust him to really get lost in a straight line.
It was silent now, except for her heavy breaths and the sound of the sea. The wind started to pick up from the ocean, blowing lightly along the expanse of the citrus orchard. Citrusy scent filled the air, reminding her of that it is summer.
The breeze tousled her long, orange curls and she closed her eyes as it blew stronger.
Almost immediately it stopped. At the same time a shadow loomed over her, blocking the sun and the wind as well.
“Found ya.”
Her eyes flew open in surprise. Zoro was now in front of her, grinning roguishly. She honestly thought she lost him in the maze of orange and lemon trees with all the twist and turns that she made.
On instinct, she automatically moved to ran away again. But Zoro caged her in his arms preventing her escape.
“Oh no you don’t.”
She squealed in protest when his hands—still sticky from the fruits—held her by the arms.
Nami tilted her head and laughed. There were remnants of the lemons and oranges she threw at him earlier sticking on his face and shirt.
Still chortling, she reached out to wipe them off his face. He did the same for her, plucking some bits and pieces from her hair.
They were standing so close to each other now—a sticky mess with their breaths heaving and intermingling with each other’s.
Her hands found themselves resting flat on his chest while his had slid down to both of her elbows.
They were looking at each other, painfully aware that they are in that instant before a kiss again, waiting on who is brave enough to make the first move.
It was Nami who broke the moment first.
“Ok. Ok. I give up!” She snickered and grinned at the sheer childishness of what they had just done.
They were supposedly ruthless pirates, weren’t they?
“I’m charging you for all these Zoro.”
Zoro chuckled and released her. “How about I lug your baskets back as you want then we’ll just call it quits.”
“Damn woman!”
“Oh no, no,” Nami shook her head as she forced herself to she step away from him. “You ruined a sundress, cost me a hair ribbon and I’m not even touching the fact that you threw fruits at me and chased me all throughout this orchard.”
“Oi! You were the one who did the throwing first!” The green-haired man retorted.
“Dame.” She poked a finger to his chest.
“Fine!” He said grouchily. But to her astonishment, he smiled at her. “Let’s head back.”
Nami nodded. “Yeah. I need a bath. I’ve been here for hours. Plus I feel sticky. No thanks to you.”
Zoro just threw her a smirk.
She followed him along the rows of citrus trees. It seems like now is still not the right time for them. There was still that hesitation… an uncertainty that lingers on the air between them, mostly from Zoro’s part.
And Nami had decided that she wouldn’t make the first move. She would wait for him. Because when he does… that means he is finally ready to deal with what’s between them and everything that comes with it.
For now she’ll just bask in these little, special moments with him.
The wind blew around them again, the citrus’ scents drifting up in the air once more. She was quite amazed that he was able to make his way back to where they had left the baskets of lemons and oranges.
Zoro was about to grab one, then he stopped.
Nami stared at him with a curious gaze. “Is there a problem?”
He looked back at her. With a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips, he shook his head. He had this expression on his face that clearly indicates he just realized something.
Taking a step closer to her, he watched her warm brown eyes widened in a mixture of surprise and excitement. 
The swords will dull if you do the opposite of what you really feel. 
Of course. He really is an idiot.
He bent down, finally claiming her lips with his. His arms went around her to pull her close so he could savor the feeling, the moment, the reality that he finally came to terms with what he really needed to do and what he wanted to do. 
She sighed softly and he felt the smile tugged at the corners of her lips as her own arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer to her and deepening their kiss. 
The essences of the fruits had found their way to her lips at their antics earlier. He savored the taste on her—the sweetness of the oranges, the tanginess of the lemons...
It was summer on her lips. 
And he was now addicted to it. 
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genogenocrazycatman · 7 years
Devils and Demons - Roronoa Zoro x OC
Disclaimer: I don't own One Piece. All copyrights and trademarks go to their respective owners.
“You know, in order to be on watch, you have to actually be awake,” I teased, entering the crow’s nest. It was roughly eleven o’clock. The moon was up, blurred by the clouds. It wasn’t too cold, but the wind was blowing strong.
 Zoro cracked his eye open to look at me. “Why are you up?”
 I rolled my eyes, plopping down next to him. “Well someone should be on watch, and clearly you’re not.”
“I’m awake. I’m just resting my eyes.”
 I scoffed, and pulled out the bottle of sake I’d brought up with me, taking a sip before thumping Zoro in the chest with it.
 He unfolded one of his arms out from behind his head to take the bottle.
 I let out a tired sigh, leaning against the swordsman.
 “Why are you wet?” he grumbled, taking a swig from the bottle.
 “I forced Luffy to take a bath,” I explained.
 I swear despite everything that we had faced, getting Luffy to take a bath was still the most challenging thing I had ever done. He fought with me on every front. It was stupid, because he was just gonna get dirty again. He didn’t like the water, because it made him feel weak. He didn’t like the soap, because it tasted bad, and nothing that smells good should ever taste bad. I had to drag him into the bathroom, continuously detaching his stretched limbs from where they gripped onto doorways and any furniture he could get a hold of.
 Zoro snorted. “I take it it went well.”
 “He’s clean,” I said.
 Because of the water and the wind, a chill set in, but Zoro was warm beside me.
 “You should go to bed,” Zoro said. He wasn’t being cold. He wasn’t trying to get rid of me. There was legitimate concern under his gruff tone.
 “I’ll go in a bit,” I assured him.
 He muttered something about me being stubborn, bringing his other arm down around my shoulders.
 I grinned at his actions, looking up at him. He had a faint blush on his cheeks and wouldn’t look at me, staring out at the ocean, and he lifted the bottle to his lips once more.
 I chuckled, which only mad him blush more.
 “What’s so funny?”
 “Nothing. Nothing,” I said, attempting to placate him.
 I rested my head on his shoulder, feeling him tense up underneath me. I bit my lip to keep from laughing outright. I glanced up at him, smirking, before leaning up and pressing a kiss to his jaw.
 Zoro completely froze.
 I couldn’t help but laugh this time.
 “Damn devil,” he muttered.
 “You make it so easy.”
 He turned his head to glare at me. My playful gaze faltered under the severity of his. It cracked though, something else shining through. I couldn’t place it though. He sighed, seeming resign himself to something. He broke eye contact and looked away. He was thinking too hard. I could see it in the set of his jaw and the way his brows furrowed.
 Something was up, but I knew Zoro wouldn’t tell me, at least not right away. Trying to get any of these boys to admit that something was wrong, that they were sad or scared or whatever was like pulling teeth.
 He looked at me again.
 “I hate, when you boys get all broody, when you’re trying to be “stoic” or whatever. Just tell me what’s wrong, so that we can fix it. Emotional constipation isn’t healthy, and you boys irritate the hell out of me, when you try it,” I bitched. “Well except for Sanji. Sanji’s a damn open book.”
 The vein in Zoro’s forehead popped.
 “Well I’m sorry that I’m not the damn ero-cook then,” he snapped. “Is that what you want me to do? Act like a love sick moron?” He brought his hands together with a sarcastically dopey grin on his face. “Oh my beautiful angel darling,” he spat. “Oh how I long to have you as my beloved.”
 Normally, picking at Zoro was a sure fire way to get Zoro to talk. He’d get all fired up and blurt out whatever was bothering him. This time he was just ripping on Sanji.
 I shook my head. “I don’t want you to be like Sanji. I want you to tell me what’s on your mind. Whatever it is, you’re thinking too hard. Just spit it out.”
 He didn’t say anything, seeming to be set on doing the exact opposite of what I asked.
 ‘And I’m the stubborn one.’
 “I know you’re not a fan of using your words that you’d rather slice through your problems, but-“
 I was cut off by Zoro’s lips on mine. I tensed at first, caught off guard by his sudden action. Before I could respond, he pulled away, crossing his arms over his chest and glaring out at the ocean, his face bright red.
 Everything fell into place. Zoro had played into my game perfectly. His tone and terminology were digs at Sanji, but the meaning behind his words were legit. He had actually told me what it was that was on his mind.
 I beamed at him. “Beloved, huh?” I teased.
 “Shut up.”
 I laughed taking his chin in my hand and making him look at me. “I’ll happily be your beloved,” I said, pecking him on the lips, before he could argue or tell me to shut up.
 He looked me in the eye, looking for any sign of insincerity. He slung his arm around me once more, pulling me into his side. “Damn devil.”
 “Damn demon,” I shot back, resting my head on his shoulder.
Liked this? If so, you can check out my other stories here.
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genogenocrazycatman · 5 years
Devils and Demons - Roronoa Zoro x OC
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Devils and Demons [Archive of Our Own, FanFiction.Net]
Characters: Original Female Character, Roronoa Zoro
Damn devil.
Damn demon.
“You know, in order to be on watch, you have to actually be awake,” I teased, entering the crow’s nest. It was roughly eleven o’clock.  The moon was up, blurred by the clouds. It wasn’t too cold, but the wind was blowing strong.
Zoro cracked his eye open to look at me. “Why are you up?”
I rolled my eyes, plopping down next to him. “Well someone should be on watch, and clearly you’re not.”
“I’m awake. I’m just resting my eyes.”
I scoffed, and pulled out the bottle of sake I’d brought up with me, taking a sip before thumping Zoro in the chest with it.
He unfolded one of his arms out from behind his head to take the bottle.
I let out a tired sigh, leaning against the swordsman.
“Why are you wet?” he grumbled, taking a swig from the bottle.
“I forced Luffy to take a bath,” I explained.
I swear despite everything that we had faced, getting Luffy to take a bath was still the most challenging thing I had ever done. He fought with me on every front. It was stupid, because he was just gonna get dirty again. He didn’t like the water, because it made him feel weak. He didn’t like the soap, because it tasted bad, and nothing that smells good should ever taste bad. I had to drag him into the bathroom, continuously detaching his stretched limbs from where they gripped onto doorways and any furniture he could get a hold of.
Zoro snorted. “I take it it went well.”
“He’s clean,” I said.
Because of the water and the wind, a chill set in, but Zoro was warm beside me.
“You should go to bed,” Zoro said. He wasn’t being cold. He wasn’t trying to get rid of me. There was legitimate concern under his gruff tone.
“I’ll go in a bit,” I assured him.
He muttered something about me being stubborn, bringing his other arm down around my shoulders.
I grinned at his actions, looking up at him. He had a faint blush on his cheeks and wouldn’t look at me, staring out at the ocean, and he lifted the bottle to his lips once more.
I chuckled, which only mad him blush more.
“What’s so funny?”
“Nothing. Nothing,” I said, attempting to placate him.
I rested my head on his shoulder, feeling him tense up underneath me. I bit my lip to keep from laughing outright. I glanced up at him, smirking, before leaning up and pressing a kiss to his jaw.
Zoro completely froze.
I couldn’t help but laugh this time.
“Damn devil,” he muttered.
“You make it so easy.”
He turned his head to glare at me. My playful gaze faltered under the severity of his. It cracked though, something else shining through. I couldn’t place it though. He sighed, seeming resign himself to something. He broke eye contact and looked away. He was thinking too hard. I could see it in the set of his jaw and the way his brows furrowed.
Something was up, but I knew Zoro wouldn’t tell me, at least not right away. Trying to get any of these boys to admit that something was wrong, that they were sad or scared or whatever was like pulling teeth.
He looked at me again.
“I hate, when you boys get all broody, when you’re trying to be “stoic” or whatever. Just tell me what’s wrong, so that we can fix it. Emotional constipation isn’t healthy, and you boys irritate the hell out of me, when you try it,” I bitched. “Well except for Sanji. Sanji’s a damn open book.”
The vein in Zoro’s forehead popped.
“Well I’m sorry that I’m not the damn ero-cook then,” he snapped. “Is that what you want me to do? Act like a love sick moron?” He brought his hands together with a sarcastically dopey grin on his face. “Oh my beautiful angel darling,” he spat. “Oh how I long to have you as my beloved.”
Normally, picking at Zoro was a sure fire way to get Zoro to talk. He’d get all fired up and blurt out whatever was bothering him. This time he was just ripping on Sanji.
I shook my head. “I don’t want you to be like Sanji. I want you to tell me what’s on your mind. Whatever it is, you’re thinking too hard. Just spit it out.”
He didn’t say anything, seeming to be set on doing the exact opposite of what I asked.
‘And I’m the stubborn one.’
“I know you’re not a fan of using your words that you’d rather slice through your problems, but-“
I was cut off by Zoro’s lips on mine. I tensed at first, caught off guard by his sudden action. Before I could respond, he pulled away, crossing his arms over his chest and glaring out at the ocean, his face bright red.
Everything fell into place. Zoro had played into my game perfectly. His tone and terminology were digs at Sanji, but the meaning behind his words were legit. He had actually told me what it was that was on his mind.
I beamed at him. “Beloved, huh?” I teased.
“Shut up.”
I laughed taking his chin in my hand and making him look at me. “I’ll happily be your beloved,” I said, pecking him on the lips, before he could argue or tell me to shut up.
He looked me in the eye, looking for any sign of insincerity. He slung his arm around me once more, pulling me into his side. “Damn devil.”
“Damn demon,” I shot back, resting my head on his shoulder.
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