#gay mergirl gamergirl
drowsy-siren 8 months
First one knocked out of the Commander game has to bark on command the rest of the night...
Arf~ 馃挏
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queenie435 7 months
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drowsy-siren 8 months
MtG is a roguelite
Each game is a new run
Your card draws are the RNG drops/pickups for that run
Opponents and enemy creatures are the battles along the way
Buying/winning new cards/packs is your progression outside of your runs
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drowsy-siren 8 months
Grixis night with the girlies, cuz we love to RUB
@cyberpunkcatgirl, @goqmir, @devilcat3d
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drowsy-siren 8 months
Some people use their hands to clap the Somatic component of Thunderclap...
But me? I take three steps forward, and the clap of my asscheeks shakes trees a hundred feet away, kicks up 20 foot tall waves, and knocks creatures to the ground
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drowsy-siren 8 months
Hey I'm a yugioh player I've never played a game of magic the gathering in my life. Can you explain this to me real quick
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Hi! I know nothing about Yugioh besides being able to recite the Pot of Greed meme馃榿
This is a green creature with 9 power and 5 toughness, and it costs {5}{G}{G} to cast (5 of any color or colorless mana, in addition to 2 green mana). If you have this much mana available to you while you're searching your deck for any reason, and this card is in your library, you can spend that mana to play this card from your library (as opposed to being played from hand, from exile, from your Graveyard, etc)
Trample means that when this creature attacks and is blocked, it deals any damage in excess of the blocking creatures toughness to the Wurm's original target
I feel that this is like a solid, lower-middle tier card for green Commander decks. If you're ramping well but are struggling to draw gas, you can play this from library to both shrink your library a little (improving your likelihood to draw gas by whatever small fraction), and giving you a bit of power on the board
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drowsy-siren 6 months
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Guess who was undefeated in mtg rock-paper-scissors tonight~~
only went 1-0, but like who's counting.,.
@goqmir @devilcat3d
Also wrenny is such a cutie curious kitty asking sooo many questions about the world
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drowsy-siren 8 months
Don't let petrification propaganda fool you!!
Hugs are the strongest form of crowd control! 馃槫馃槫
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drowsy-siren 8 months
I love deck building games so I just wanted to ask which one(s) are your favorite?
I really want to get into one but I feel like there鈥檚 always an entry barrier that I have a hard time getting around. Any advice?
Thanks 鉂わ笍
Excellent question. and I'm gonna be VERBOSE in my response, best of luck dear readers:
So I'll start with TCGs / PVP deckbuilders: I've played MTG / MTG:A, Legends of Runeterra, Hearthstone, Marvel Snap, and Gwent. Of these, I've enjoyed Hearthstone, Marvel Snap, and MTG the most. I stopped playing Hearthstone because it is owned by Activision-Blizzard, but if that is okay with you, I would recommend it. I feel it is fairly simple to understand mechanically, and the largest barrier is having cards to play with (which is best fixed by doing your daily missions, if you dont have ~$70 or whatever it is now to get a ton of packs) Marvel Snap I LOVED as soon as I started playing. It's an absolute blast and a few months ago, I would have said that it was a nearly-perfect PVP deckbuilder. And to me, it's one of the best because for a while, the exact deck you were running wasn't all that important. Your "winnings" were moreso dictated by your ability to read the game and know when to double down on your wins or back out, rather than being reflective of the actual outcome of deck-vs-deck. My issue with the game recently is that I disagree with the devs decisions to make card-collection growth extremely slow later in the game (I could do a separate post about it, cuz it would be verbose, so I'll leave it at that for now). BUT, this largely does not impact newer players. In fact, I think it is easier for newer players to get cards that they like and want. I feel that Snap is a fairly easy game to learn quickly, and the skill development comes from learning when to snap (the doubling-down mechanic) and predicting what your opponent might do. I feel that you can enjoy the game as a F2P player, but if you want to be highly competitive, you'll likely want to buy the monthly battlepass for the card that comes with it.
MTG is a social game to me, and I think (unless you are intending to be competitive / go to FNM or tournaments) it should be treated as such. And what I mean by that is I believe you should find people of similar mindset to you, in terms of what level of play you want to experience at your table and how strict of rules you want to adhere to. I tend to only play Commander/EDH or variations on it (planechase), but I do enjoy one-off draft games. And I play with people who likewise enjoy these formats and are generally lax with how they play. There are a LOT of magic cards, so being an "efficient" deckbuilder in MTG is extremely inaccessible to new players, imo, simply due to the sheer volume of cards to consider. BUT, when you play with more relaxed/casual players who are there for fun, good company, and silly times, it can be very easy to get into because there are resources like Pre-Con decks or EDHREC to simplify the deck-building process and get you playing sooner/more easily. If you are looking to become more competitive at MTG, I recommend playing MTG:Arena because it's an easy way to get a bunch of games under your belt and get a feel for what kinds of cards and decks are strong at the moment.
Non-PVP Deckbuilders:
So, if you like deckbuilders but aren't as big on TCGs for money reasons or the companies that make them are shitty, there are a bunch of other deckbuilders that I absolutely love and recommend to everyone (advice about getting into them will be at the end cuz it's kind of the same for all of them):
So first and foremost, Slay the Spire. An absolute blast, deckbuilding roguelike/roguelite that was absolutely addicting to play. I cannot recommend this game enough. Across the Obelisk. Like Slay the Spire, it's a deckbuilding RPG. BUT. It's multiplayer (up to 4). It is soooooo much fun, with really interesting narrative paths. Progression looks like unlocking new characters and unlocking/upgrading things that make your runs easier. And difficulty ramps up pretty quickly without making you feel discouraged. Cannot recommend this enough Wildfrost. Another deckbuilding roguelike. It's very fun, but very different than Slay the Spire because a lot of the gameplay focuses on interactions with ally and enemy positioning, in different lanes of combat.
Beneath Oresa. HOLY FUCK is it cool and fun. It only fully released within the past few weeks, I played a couple months ago and am so curious what's been added. It is another deck-building roguelike, but it's 2.5D ish in that you do combat in zones (near and far). And (extra cool) your character is physically moving around a space when you fight and bounce between these zones. The artwork is stunning and I cant wait to see what they did with the narrative because the atmosphere is incredible.
I probably have a couple others, but they didn't come to mind as I was writing this, so I'm leaving them out for now. One key recommendation about the non-TCG deckbuilders, particularly the roguelike ones, is to keep your deck size small. It's easy to see a cool card and want access to it, but the more cards in your deck, the less consistent your hands are. When you get the option to remove cards from your deck, use them
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drowsy-siren 8 months
what is the cutest mtg card!
You are!!!!
But uhm
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Biiiiig kitties
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drowsy-siren 8 months
hiiiii siren you play commander right? sorry if youve answered this before but what edh decks do you have? :3c
Hi!! I do! My favorite deck is a spell slingy deck with Jeleva as the commander
But I have a few others. The Call for Backup precon from MotM. And I also have a spider tribal deck with Shelob as commander, and an Etali ramp deck :3
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drowsy-siren 8 months
hey you are cute and i read your pinned post and you are so cool too! What sort of ttrpgsdo you loke/play? I have mostly played pathfinder 1e and D&D 5e, but have really been into and wanting to play more pathfinder 2e and Thirsty Sword Lesbians. Oh, and Golden Sky stories is fantastic! What about you?
I have the most experience running and playing in 5e games, BUT
I much prefer PbtA systems. I love TSL, I love Demigods PbtA, I love City of Mist. And I'm about to get to try Masks which I am suuuuper excited for
I have played one longer campaign in pf2e, and enjoyed it. But I don't feel that it is the system for me. This sentiment might not hold much water, but to me, pf2e and dnd5e are roughly the same (in terms of key strengths and flaws), but with pf2e it's harder to find other people who know the system and want to play with it. So I'll keep my distance for now
In general I keep my eyes peeled for smaller, easy to pick up systems that I can run a 1 - 5 session campaign in, cuz I love trying new things and those smaller systems are usually better geared toward certain genres
This got a bit rambly and you could honestly get me to keep rambling about my ttrpg takes but. Ty for asking; you're wonderful!! 馃挏馃挏馃挏馃挏
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drowsy-siren 8 months
Can I get an Arf?
Also what commander did you play?
I was playing Jeleva! My favorite deck
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drowsy-siren 8 months
Saw the ask about your preferred ttrpgs - have you ever played Torchbearer 2e? It's a really well done dark fantasy imo :)
I have not! Haven't heard of it tbh (as I write this sentence)
After googling it and reading the overview, introduction, and WIP character sheet:
I like the vibes. It seems like it's designed well for really gritty, dark fantasy with harsh conditions and tough battles. I think it's super interesting how the character sheet is designed with slots; I think this lends itself well toward players who like to micromanage their builds and creates gameplay vibes similar to like soulslike-roguelites where all the little details matter in being able to just scrape by a tough fight
It seems unfriendly to beginners, but a good system to sit down with players you know decently well and who all have ttrpg experience and say "alright, who's up for a challenge." And then keep them super engaged with trying to stay alive, manage their build well, and make smart choices.
A good system for people who are more focused on utilizing game mechanics than on story narrative
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drowsy-siren 10 months
Im a gay mergirl gamergirl 馃き
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