#gaz loves her. she does. she cant just Lie to her
verm1c1de · 10 months
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they’re all insane to me
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call of duty tumblr hear me out rn. i'm kind of busy writing other things rn but if i wasn't i would write this.
okay okay so its like a 19th century au or smth and the reader is betrothed to simon. but like. simon is in love with johnny his gardener/groundskeepers son (inspired by timblr user valiants au!! check it out fucks so hard btw) so the reader (who's guardian NOT father is john price) is just. struggling. a lot.
but. her childhood best friend kyle is also captain price's protégé and coincidentally served alongside simon. and then simon hosts a ball at some point (Read: the reader hosts a ball at some point bc hes not keeping up with the social scene lol) and guess who shows up
mhm. now, the reader has been suppressing her feelings and also shes married/betrothed to simon now, and cant admit them to him, but hes also really really in love he just got home from the war too late. oh no.
so he stays longer to "catch up with simon" (such a lie. also kyle knows that simon and johnny are a thign somehow and also respects it bc hes just that girl) BUT he is really staying for the reader. gasp. (also also reader probably walked in on simon and johnny in some mildly compromising situation and also knows but struggles with it bc thats supposed to be her husband, right?)
maybe some other unmarried woman gets invited/stays at the riley manor for a while and makes pretty eyes at kyle, and the reader does not fuck with that but oh well. shes married. shes not in love with her childhood best friend. like at all.
and then they cross paths in the library or something and she goes
"I can't. i'm married, kyle. I need to be a good wife, i need to try to make him love me."
and kyle goes. "You cannot. it's not your fault and you know it."
and hten they make out or smth but its all a massive problem BUT they somehow end up together. okay idea end but the gasp i gusped at that when it entered my brain. delicious.
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ghostcrows · 6 years
dib for the hc meme?
oof ok i’ll try
Headcanon A: realistic
dib grows up to become a space vagabond instead of getting a Real Job because earth capitalism is hell so him and zim just kinda fuck around in space forever. yes this is realistic don’t @ me. he’s still into the paranormal though but as a job it is not appreciated on earth
he grows up to be very disillusioned with planet earth. meanwhile zim comes to appreciate it a bit more. so they kind of end up on the same page in a way? oh yeah they become friends for sure. they make a pact to not destroy each other and recognize their similarities and are like yo fuckin uhhh solidarity
gir gets out a lot and chills with dib and/or gaz. at first they were lik what...are u doing here but he became a good friend good dog good bot
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
one time dib and zim get into a fight inside a hot topic and they start pelting gir merch at each other. dont ask why gir merch exists in the iz universe
dib’s first crush was basically shadow the hedgehog and gaz uses this as blackmail. but her first crush was rouge so is she one to talk, really? again dont ask why sonic exists in this universe
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends
dib is fully convinced his family doesnt love him or want him around because of the way theyve interacted in the past. he feels like. completely and utterly isolated in a world thats out to get him but he keeps trying to prove himself anyways
zim absolutely knows his mission is a lie but denies it so hard his brain explodes because he insists he can prove the tallests wrong about him
dib and zim both yearn for approval from a world that’s never going to give it to them and they’re both gonna be miserable until they realize they don’t have to prove anything to anyone. until they realize that the friend they were looking for in the world was there all along in the form of their worst enemy. ya feel?
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own.
DIB NONBINARY TRANS and so is gaz they are nb sib solidarity
dib likes to wear dresses and makeup a lot not all the time but he jus feels good in them and people dont take well to it but fuck em he does what he wants
also this could almost be realistic but whatever. dib isnt fully human and neither is gaz. idk what exactly membrane is, irken meekrobian whatever, but he’s not human. thats why both dib and gaz can do things that humans cant generally do and why they seem to be smarter than most humans in the show
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