#geez thats a lot of tags sorry LOL
secretsivekept · 2 years
So when I said i was working on something Big Four related.... this was what i was talking about. I'm aware it's super sketchy, I'm gonna revisit it later and make it much cleaner, this is just my very first pass of this animatic. (((i got a toonboom harmony licence for my part time job but it was expiring TONIGHT so I just really rushed to get the ending done before it expired, so if the quality of the boards goes down hill near the end, that's why x___x )))
I've had this action sequence in my head for MONTHS and I finally decided to hell with it and try to get it down in my free time. And I had a lot of fun!! However, if you've never done an action sequence before, I HIGHLY recommend you don't start with a car chase.
My hands. My poor hands.
A few things to understand for this Modern AU:
Jack is a ghost whose life source is tied to a mysterious pendant
They were in the process of transcribing a historical monument that might have a clue as to the history of said pendant
The fearlings are there to both kidnap rapunzel and inspire fear into them, to keep them from looking into the matter further
The fearlings are supposed to look like this:
Tumblr media
Which in my opinion is a much stronger and scarier design than the horses in the ROTG movie, however it has the unwanted side effect in my boards of looking like black sperm.
BUT other than that, I hope you guys like it, god knows how long I spent on this. ;;w;; but man was this fun
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menacingmetal · 4 months
Mass Effect Trilogy Tag
tagging my pookies @nowandthane @xoshepard :3
I am a fan since: I guess since early highschool era so 2013? i had played a bit before then tho
Favourite game of the series?: ahhh i rly like all of them, i guess me2 bc i like the vibe and updates to the game, but i do rly appreciate me1!!
MShep or FShep?: I love both of em but i've played femshep more.
Earthborn, Colonist or Spacer?: Colonist baybee. love that added trauma
Biotics or Tech: biotics are so fun but i play tech more?
Paragon or Renegade: Renegade voice lines can be extremely hilarious and badass, but I cannot be mean to video game characters so paragon ^^;
Favourite Class: i've been playing engineer recently and thats fun, but I do like vanguard and sentinel
Favourite Companion: you know its Legion
Least favourite Companion: Don't really have any bc I love them all, might have to say Jacob just bc of how bioware wrote him, and hes mean to tali, garrus and thane... and the fact he can cheat on you??? But its not fair, its not his fault they made his character like that. He deserved better. :/ (and also Liara SORRY just mainly bc of how much she is shoved into everything)
My squad selection: I have a soft spot of garrus & tali since you can have them in every game! but otherwise I mostly pick whoever would be good on the mission...
Favourite In-game romance: Garrus is what got me into Mass Effect but I dunno, I enjoy a lot of them. Jack and Thane's are very sweet, i'm a bit partial to Miranda bc she's my fav girl. Oh of course how can I forget Samantha, i love hers a lot!! Probably between her and Garrus!
Other pairings I like: Oh geez we will be here forever if i list them. But also I like almost everyone together lol. some top picks are Joker x Edi, Miranda x Jack, Shepard x Wrex, and Shepard x Legion of course lol
Favourite NPC: Kirrahe, Aethyta, Shiala, that smoking salarian lol
Favourite Antagonist: hmm... Bioware really got em right out of the park with Saren and Sovereign
Favourite Mission: I dunno they can be fun but then some parts can be annoying, i was literally gonna say the below answers but they're loyalty specific lol
Favourite Loyalty Mission: Kasumi, Thane and Samara, I love undercover mystery spy stuff. Legion bc well I like to spend more time with them even though the result in that is painful
Favourite DLC: Citadel obviously lol, lair of the shadow broker is also pretty good
Control, Synthesis or Destroy: you're not bioware you can't make me choose. (I do like synthesis personally only bc I wish I were a robot.)
Favourite Weapon: assault rifles, kassa locust and carnifex my beloveds
Favourite Place: wahhh everywhere, I wish I could actually go and live on the Citadel DESPERATELY, Illium is pretty, Ilos is gorgeous and I love the atmosphere
A quote I like: "Show me yours tough guy, I bet mine's bigger" Hot and badass femshep line. Of course anything from Legion, especially "Do these units have a soul" (not does this unit have a soul.)
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leos-pineapple · 6 years
Tagged by my dear @pumpkins-milk Sorry if this is half assed. Im really tired sweetie
1. Are you named after anyone? Yep my grandpa on my dad’s side of the family
2. When is the last time you cried? Maybe a week ago yep
3. Do you have kids?  Im a minor.... I hope not
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot? When Im pissy yeah sometimes
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people? Height probably
6. What’s your eye colour? bluuuuu
7. Scary movies or Happy Endings? happy. endings geez. want me to get anxiety from a movie?
8. Any special talents?  Im really good at singing and I enjoy drawing.
9. Where were you born? The shitty US
10. What are your hobbies? Lol lots of art and watching anime maybe
11. Have you any pets? One stubborn af doggo
12. What sports do you play / have played? Soft ball and soccer when I was wee kid. 
13. How tall are you? I’m 5′8 or 9ishhhh
14. Favourite subject in school? Ew I kinda hate my subjects this year but..... digital photo is nice
15. Dream job? One where I can nap a lot. I dunno. Probably a singer but thats not happening lol
Im gonna fall asleep. Nvm I still have hw
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ositia · 7 years
i was tagged by @apxlllo​ :^) i havent done one of these in a while (SORRY IF I IGNORED UR TAG I STILL LOVE YOU) but im gonna do this one
Name: ellen
Nickname: my irl friends call me len (damn you)
Height: 5′3″ ish i might be a bit smaller
Hogwarts house: i was always hufflepuff but i got sorted into slytherin in the new pottermore so. slytherpuff. a horrifying badger snake hybrid
Go to ssbb character: marth lol
Fictional character I’d date: NOT SURE tbh i would date lyn
Favorite band or artist: i like a LOT of music uhhhh probs gorillaz ive loved them the longest (and still love them as much thank u damon for my life)
When did I make this blog: i think 2013....?
How many blogs do I follow: 748 geez i need to go through those
Do I get asks on a regular basis: ye depends how active i am tho
Aesthetic: i LOOVE soft colours and yellow tones, plants and lowfi photos, my aes tag is /misc if you want to see what it actually is ;^)
Favorite Greeting: dont know if id call it my Favourite but i say ‘hey lads’ a lot
Pets: i have 4 tamagotchis (jk ive never had a pet which is Tragic :^( )
Last song I listened to: panic station by muse
Favorite tv show: UH MASTERCHEF only the uk version tho fhskjfhdsjkf its on right now and i am So Invested pls if anyone else watches it hmu. i love it. everyone who nuts over gbbo but doesnt watch masterchef? Missing out First Fandom: pokemon and loz Hobbies: drawing altho most of my art muscles are being taken up by school stuff rn :( , acting, swimming, reading, making 393875349875 cups of tea a day
Books I am currently reading: im reading a book on oscar wilde and his circle which is SUPER interesting, im poking through the second sex and im trying to finish p&p which i never read for some reason but i STILL havent finished it gngjdgj i swear ive been reading it for months
Worst thing to have graced my taste buds: porridge, risotto if you come NEAR me with risotto i will punch it out of your hands i hate it, prunes/dates/etc, cinnamon jelly beans (that sounds weirdly specific but they are disgusting) and minty stuff... its ok if its just a bit in chocolate and i can handle toothpaste but. i know im weird but i absolutely hate mint it makes me feel Bad
Favorite place: i loved amsterdam soo much when i went there last year and i would love so much to go back, and on a smaller scale and closer to home i love the npg and the natural history museum in oxford! im probably forgetting somewhere but. i also love central london a lot (ik thats really vague but).. it just kind of feels like everything is Happening and its probably a bit of dreamy thinking but hhrngh. theres just So Much Stuff and i get super excited every time i go
UHH ok i tag (fishes hand in bag) @fishkisser @talesofsymphonya @earthdeep @givrali @bonnydfamme @discofingers @chickenpurr @twunkrevali and anyone else who didnt get pulled out of the metaphorical bag that feels like it u absolutely do NOT have to do this but if u want to go for it!!
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kimmypaw12 · 7 years
Should I write this yugioh fanfic????
Lol sorry for the alarming title but thats literally how I feel but ok straight to the point (This is going to start out as a bit of a long explanation so if u wanna cut to the chase to the story I'll have this **** to show where my story summary begins ) I wanna write a yugioh fanfic and I like to write story's that's start out happy then In the middle make it anxiety and sad then end it on a happy note if not, go straight into the anxiety/ depression and have the main character suffer right until the end but this story, they story I'm thinking of writing It makes me wanna cringe but at the same time I wanna shot for it and see how it turns out I wanna know if anyone would actually read it or would wanna read so Plzs let me know But alright I'll stop yapping and explain my story But first just to inform u (this is important) in middle school I wrote a fanfic about yugioh with my own oc involved they oc was a white wolf named akira that was supposedly Yugi's guardian. (Born where then tomb gaurdians were like marik) she was Created to help and support yugi to help him help return the pharaoh home (yeah I know it sounds bad but geez it was my first fanfic and I was in middle school. the years where start creative writing so don't make fun of me Plzs lol) anyway I never finished the story but it's still in my fanfic account XD if u are interesting which I doubt u are But u can just note Me or comment under and I'll send u a link, Lmao ******* But yeah the story I wanna write - (I'm not going to actually add this part in they story well maybe but) yugi has been having dreams of this white dog in his life as if it was an old friend to him, they were good dreams but yugi never knew who the white dog was (That part will be a quick introduction into the story but I'm going to make it like "this is how it could have been or it's a seep of a another dimension crossing into his, just something that happened else were but just not here. Do u follow lol?) Anyway (I'll say it as many times as necessary) One day walking home from school yugi pondering over his dreams he sees these kids acting weird off to the side in an ally to learn there beating up this dog with a rock, basically bashing its head over and over, this small defenseless white puppy! Yugi shouts at them to stop, the run for it and toss the rock off to the side It's cover in blood; yugi rushes over to the pup as it's lying on its side whimpering Yugi immediately noticed It looked like the dog yugi has been dreaming about and he also noticed her wearing a collar. Her tag reads only her name Amira (which cause yugi to wince as he remembers the name from his dreams as well) the color and tag are Covered in blood, blood stains all over the pups body The wounds still bleeding of course as Amira's white fur is consumed In red/pink The dog still breathing Just Barely and she's hardly moving, the small figure loosing lots of blood by the second so Yugi picks up The dog and heads to the vet which happens to lead near home but on the way she dies before yugi could even passes his house (the dog gives yugi a friendly lick before passing away just a btw) . Yugi cries of course as he decides to just go straight home with the dead dog to meet grandpa and yami' worried expressions They bury the dog in the back yard with the name akira carved into a small tomb stone. (I though about this and I feel like it be a way of me putting my first old story to rest lol if that makes sense) And do u wanna know why this came to me!!!! First off I was watching the channel ID all day today and was watching one episode of a series called fear the neighbor, and in this particular episode this old guy was killing this one guy with a gun then when he ran out of bullets! He then bashed his gun into the wounded man the used a cement block instead over and over like geez talk about over kill Surprising the man was alive for a bit before sercoming to death Abd the second reson was becuz in this one anime Scene I found on youtube I watched these kids kill a innocent puppy to death just to bully this one girl (the girl was taking care of the pup after school everyday) Out of anger fear and sadness she kills them with some physic power with out having to touch them I was like holy sh** and wanted to cry over the non existing puppy That's when everything clicked and I though about my tragic story I wanna cry about it but at the sane time i just wanna do it but I want U guys oppinion Plzs give me advise
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burden-in-my-hand · 7 years
Thank you to the lovely @tothepit for tagging me, here I go with my biography lol. I am sorry in advance for the length of this post seeing as I am a leo and we like to talk about ourselves a lot. Any chance we can get actually lol.
How old are you?
Oh geeze.. well I was born in 1981 so you can do the math haha
Current Job/Dream Job?
Currently I am a shift manager at a coffee shop. What my dream job would be I guess would be an artist of any kind. I am currently learning how to play Guitar so I’d love to get to the point where I don’t embarrass myself by saying that lol. I would love to be in an all female rock band and kick some major ass 
What are you talented at?
Welp.. ever since I can remember I have always been artsy in some regard. I wrote a lot, I drew and painted a lot. I sang as loud as I could. I’ve always expressed myself creatively. I love showing the world little glimpses of how I see it. Pain, heartache, joy, grief, transitions all things that can be beautiful when glimpsed through a certain eye.
What is a big goal that you are working towards?
At this point in my life, I have reached a point where I have decided to live for me. To make decisions and choices based on what I deem correct for myself. I plan on having no regrets when its time to punch my card. So basically that alternative path that I chose? Well, that might not be right for everyone but thats ok. It’s right for me. Here’s the deal, I’ll travel the world, I’ll cover my body in tattoos, I’ll go against the grain,  I’ll live a nomadic lifestyle.. and I will not regret any of it.
What is your aesthetic?
I am an eclectic mix of bohemian hippy and gothic chick. Sage, lotus blossom, music that makes my soul thrive, the smell of books, vinyl records, musicians, sunlight on my face, the calming hush of silence in nature, the feeling of bass thriving inside me, the buzz and incitement of a tattoo shop, possibility
Do you collect anything?
Why yes.. yes I do. Post cards, books, book marks, Vinyl Records, scarves
What is a topic your always up to talk about?
Books, Vinyl, Ghost…I mean seriously though I’m down to have any intellectual or nonsensical conversation you wan’t to have lol. 
What’s a Pet Peeve of Yours?
Pretentious People. I mean really.
Good Advice to give?
You can’t please everyone. Learn to live for those moments that you find joy in. You are all you have in this world and if you are not good to yourself and love yourself how can you expect someone else to? You have one life, don’t spend it looking in all the wrong places for happiness. 
Recommend three songs (I am doing five as well)
1. Genesis by Ghost
2. New Orleans by Stevie Nicks
3. Life on Mars by David Bowie
4. Perfect Day by Lou Reed
5. (Don’t Fear) The Reaper by The Blue Oyster Cult
Thanks for the tag love! I know some of these people were already tagged but anyone can do this if you want! @spoonriverrat @the-human-stain-k @xxmetaltilldeathxx @diascordium 
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motherofkittens94 · 7 years
tagged by @i-m-not-your-boy-lannister
Favorite place the book shop probably or my bed lol • Favorite colour:  pink and purple or a light blue / green • Pets: one cat named  Thomas • Last song I listened to: back to black Amy Winehouse • Favorite tv show:  ehh still thats going? probably still game of thrones as it hasnt finished i guess im still invested but im getting into westworld a bit • First fandom: probably narnia but i was into a series of unfortunate a events at lot • Hobbies:   i sometimes going canoeing thats pretty fun • Book that I am currently reading: book about Saladin • Favorite book: ever? idk i quite loved alice in wonderland • Worst thing you’ve ever eaten: oh geez after my first operation the hospital gave me the objectively worst meal ever like was baked beans with mash potato mixed in  a bits of white bread but it was semi warm as at had got heated and gone cold and then reheated in a microwave and then gone semi cold  again and the way to me  and it was  lumpy and there was hair in it and it just look ed gross i didnt wanna touch it but the hospital wouldnt let me go home until i ate  and it was the worst  ive never eaten baked beans since then and in fact they remind me of hospital now -  i sorry that got a bit personal but yeah that was the worst thing ive eaten
tagging @mrs-storm-andrews @lieutenant-bling @ladyflorence1215 if you want to :)
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