#give bowser a bit of emotional distance by not having him have raised them
useless19 · 3 months
Early on when writing Days, I had a thought towards Luigi bringing up the idea that being a child soldier probably wasn't doing Junior's development any favours. However, when I tried to figure out how it would come up, I realised that Luigi was a child soldier (at least some elements of Partners In Time exist in Days, along with various Yoshi games) and never really stopped being a hero, so he probably wouldn't think it was all that unusual. And Bowser doesn't act hugely different compared to when he was a kid, so he's not going to see a problem either.
And that's kinda interesting. If I wanted to delve into this idea I'd have to step away from how I normally write SMB stuff (ie all games have simultaneously happened and not happened, so I can pick the bits I want for my fic soup and still have the general history without worrying about exact time frames - which, let's be honest, is still way more continuity than Nintendo has ever given the games).
Movie'verse would be an obvious way forward, since Mario and Luigi are coming to the whole hero business as adults with younger cousins and they could reasonably be expected to raise objections to kids being on the battlefield (movie!Peach was implied to be training from a young age as part of becoming princess, so she's not going to see it as wrong). However, the idea of movie!Bowser having a kid doesn't fit with the desperate loneliness that was pretty integral to his character.
I'm sure there's a way to do it though! I just need to figure out what it is and how it'd fit into a larger story.
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formalmess · 5 years
For Your Entertainment ~ Chapter Eight
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Summary: Luigi, Peasley, and Peach travel to Sarasaland. 
Warnings: Gore, Character Death, Murder
“Thank you, again, for everything, Princess."
Peasley's tone was quiet, having lost most of his usual cheerfulness due to what had transpired over the last few days. He still managed to maintain a generally charming politeness when addressing the royal before him, facing Peach with a smile.
He had one hand on Luigi's back to comfort his worries, which hadn't ceased since they’d left Pi'illo Island.
"It's no problem at all. Anything to help my friends." Peach smiled, glancing around the lush pink interior cabin of her private jet.
Thus far, the flight had been going smoothly. There were a few jolts and bumps throughout the journey, but nothing too bombastic. The skies were clear, the bright sun peeking through the windows lining the plane’s interior. Polterpup was sleeping in a sunny spot on the open seat beside Peach, leaning up against her bag.
A toad attendant approached the three passengers, asking the trio if they wanted anything to drink, to which the three declined.
"I hate to keep making you run around like this." Peasley glanced down.
"Why, it's no trouble at all, Peasley." Peach's sweet tone remained quiet. "I don't care if we have to move you around a hundred times, so long as you two are safe. I want to help my friends, in any way I can.”
Peasley nodded, sighing as he leaned his elbows against the armrest at his side.
Luigi, who was lying against the window at his side, exhaled shakily.
He wanted to speak. He had yet to inform Peach of what had happened, and why exactly they had to move locations again. How could he just tell her that Bowser, once her almost-weekly kidnapper, was dead? He wasn’t a fearsome king anymore. He was just bits and pieces now. Just a small portion of Dimentio’s show.
Luigi shivered, curling his arms tighter around his knees, burying his face in his kneecaps.
Peasley continued to comfortingly rub at Luigi's back, sighing.
"I just hope… h-he'll give up soon. I can only imagine this might get... oh, I don't know... tiring, after awhile."
Peach had no response.
She remembered just how persistent Dimentio had been during her travels throughout Flipside and the many dimensions connected to it. He wasn't one to give up easily. When he wanted something, he would stop at nothing to get it. If he wanted a fight, he'd get one. If he wanted someone to fight for him, he'd make them.
He did things by force. And that thought terrified her.
"So..." Peasley twiddled with his thumbs anxiously upon realizing Peach had no response. "Where exactly are we headed?"
"...Do you think it's safe to talk about?"
Peasley's gaze met Luigi's, who had perked up and turned to the two blonde royals, staring through misted eyes. He nodded, shifting slightly to appear more at attention.
Peach hesitantly reached over and pulled out a letter from her bag. She unfolded it, smoothing it out and handing it over to Luigi.
"Maybe you should read this first. She wanted me to give it to you.”
“She?” Peasley raised an eyebrow.
Luigi took the letter, his heart skipping a beat as he scanned the paper and realized who had sent it, printed in semi-neat handwriting at the bottom. He could've recognized that signature anywhere.
Peach nodded.
"Daisy? As in, Princess Daisy?” Peasley shifted, moving to glance at the letter in Luigi’s hands. “We're going to Sarasaland?"
Peach nodded again, running her hands over her dress.
"Daisy and I have been in close correspondence. We’ve kept everything very secretive, just in case anything… w-went wrong.” She paused. “B-But, Daisy told me she was more than willing to let you two stay there for a few days."
"I haven't seen Princess Daisy in quite awhile... I do hope she's doing alright." Peasley leaned back.
"Well, we'll find that out soon, won't we?" Peach’s expression brightened. "Oh! I forgot to mention, but I'll be staying with you two for a few days in Sarasaland as well. I was thinking that, if perhaps the pair of you weren't the only ones in our host's company, then..."
Peach trailed off.
"Dimentio... he… he’ll know we aren’t alone… he..." Peasley paused. He didn't want to speak for Luigi, cutting himself off. "Yes. That seems logical..."
Luigi sighed, nodding.
"But Princess, if you're staying with us, then who will watch over your kingdom?"
"I left Toadsworth to handle things for awhile. He's perfectly capable. I mean... he taught me everything I know, so there’s not a doubt in my mind he’ll be able to handle it."
”I’d hate to keep you from your kingdom… but, if you say so.”
"It’s alright. A vacation is necessary every now and again.” Peach changed the subject quickly, not wanting to focus on responsibility. “H-How's the Queen? Have you received any word from her?"
"Mother? Oh, she's alright. She sent me a letter a couple of nights ago… nothing much more than good wishes and messages to stay safe.” Peasley’s expression softened before he snapped his head back up to attention, turning up to face Peach once more. “And what of Mario? Is there any news on his end?"
"Still nothing.” Peach paused. “...I just hope he's okay."
Silence surrounded the passengers.
"How long until we arrive?" Peasley inquired softly after the awkward quiet grew too much for him to bear.
"About... an hour, or so? Judging by the time it's taken so far."
Luigi kept his gaze low, not daring to look up as the conversation continued. He was afraid he’d start crying again if he met eyes with the others, and he was already exhausted as it was from the emotional fatigue.
He jolted suddenly, shifting as Peasley wrapped an arm around him.
“Luigi…? It’s gonna be okay. I promise.”
Luigi forced a smile.
But, no matter what he tried, the same thought kept invading into his mind, shattering any composure he was desperately trying to hold to.
It wasn’t going to be okay.
Yet, still, he smiled. He would force a smile for everyone, no matter how long it took.
He moved his legs and turned his back to his companions, glancing out the window once more as the plane continued onward toward their destination.
                                          - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Upon their arrival, the three exited the plane hesitantly, carrying their luggage as they went. A few Toads helped their princess with her things, despite her gentle protests and assurance that they didn’t have to.
Sarasaland was MUCH hotter than Pi’illo Island, which only left the three overdressed visitors extremely sweaty as they made it out onto the runway. The sun blazed down upon the desert region below, the Birabuto Kingdom practically a blur in the distance as they scanned the steaming horizon. The asphalt below them was sizzling.
Luigi didn't have time to react before he was promptly swept off his feet, dropping his bags to the ground. He had the air squeezed out of him as he was lifted up into the air by a smiling figure.
“It’s so good to see you, Weegie!” Princess Daisy was laughing as she set the frazzled brunette down. She dusted him off, chuckling. “Sorry ‘bout that. It’s just been way too long.”
“I-It’s only been a few days, though…” Luigi mumbled, smiling.
“I know, I know! But, that doesn’t matter. It’s always great to see you!”
Princess Daisy looked as chipper as ever, her freckled face smiling. She wore athletic wear, tanned arms placed proudly on her hips.
”What took you guys so long? I’ve been waiting out here like, all day. Peach didn’t tell me much, ‘cause we were supposed to be keeping things on the down-low, so I was told.”
”Had to check on a few last-minute things.” Peasley explained.
”Well, took you forever... but, hey, that’s no big deal! So, listen, I know you guys just got here, and you’re probably super tired and will probably say no to this, buuuut-!” Daisy grinned. “I was thinkin’ we could play some two-on-two tennis! I’ve been wanting to play a doubles match again, and I mean… We have four players right here!”
Peasley, despite his fatigue, grinned and perked up. He set his bags down, pulling his hair up. “Challenge accepted.”
“Awesome!” Daisy’s eyes lit up. “I call dibs on having Luigi as my partner!”
Peasley scoffed, standing at Peach’s side. “You’re on.”
Daisy smiled, reaching down and heaving Luigi’s heavy suitcase up over her shoulder with little effort. She turned to him, smiling.
“C’mon! We’re losing daylight, people!”
The group quickly gathered up their things, Daisy carrying most of Luigi’s stuff at this point. Luigi, meanwhile, held onto Polterpup, walking close to Daisy. They chatted the entire way up to the castle.
Before heading off to the tennis courts, the four made their way through the savanna region outside of Birabuto Kingdom and eventually into the main square, stopping at the castle to drop off their things. They left Polterpup under the care of one of the servants.
Hastily changing into their athletic clothing, the four began their trek toward Muda Kingdom, the district that held most of the resources for sporting activities. They spent most of the day playing tennis and chattering, going to and from the cities of the Muda region.
The streets of the Muda Kingdom were lined with cobblestone, mountains along the landscape in the distance. Small baroque-style buildings lined the streets, flowers growing in nearly every inch of the small town, hanging out of windows or in shop displays.
Daisy gave brief tours of the areas they encountered, but nothing as detailed as the historical lessons Dreambert had given about Pi’illo Island. She was a lot more excitable, easily distracted by the smallest things.
The shops in town were relatively busy, various citizens rushing at the chance to assist their beloved ruler and her guests. The group shopped for hours, trying on clothes and purchasing souvenirs, trying to explore every inch of the tropical Muda region’s cities.
And, despite nobody talking about it, all of them were trying their best to get Luigi back into the swing of things. They tried to shift his focus from everything that had happened by any means.
And yet, no matter what they tried, it still looked like his mind wasn't in the best place. He looked so tired.
As the sun set in the distance, casting a warm overlay over the small town, the group of four strode toward the beach to end off their busy day.
Walking along the beach just outside a nearby seaside resort, the group approached the ocean tide along the sand, wanting nothing more than to cool off after having to endure the blazing temperatures of Sarasaland all day. They shivered momentarily as the water brushed against their feet, before running into the moving tides. The sun continued to set in the distance, casting bright rays along the shifting waves.
Luigi hung back.
Upon the others voicing their concern, he waved a hand and told them to go on without him. He said he’d come join them in a bit, a statement in which he knew he was lying to himself.
Luigi's gaze remained set forward, unmoving. He sighed as he sat down on the sand beneath him, trying to wipe at his eyes as he felt tears begin to build up.
Seeing his friends so happy, without a care in the world as they splashed water at each other and laughed… It made his chest ache. He felt like everything he touched, everything he encountered, everything he so much as gazed at, was cursed to suffer a painful end.
More than anything right now, he just wanted to be alone. Maybe, if he was alone, then Dimentio would finally just come and end his game already. It’d be better than having to watch his friends suffer. Anything would be better than that.
He exhaled, feeling tears slip down his cheeks.
"Hey, Weeg?"
Luigi jumped, glancing up as he hastily wiped at his eyes.
Daisy was staring at him, having just emerged from the water, walking across the beachside. She brushed a hand through her soaked hair, sitting down on her knees beside Luigi.
"You okay?”
”Y-Yeah, I’m fine…” Luigi felt his head start to sting, vision going hazy. He felt numb, fingers digging into the sand beneath him. “I just…”
He flinched as Daisy hugged him. He was numb for a moment, before he fell limp in her arms.
”Look, Weeg, Peach told me everything.” Daisy whispered. “I had no idea someone would be capable of that. I… I didn’t know… I thought you were just acting weird, but, I…”
She stood, reaching out a hand to help Luigi up.
”I just want to help you out, in any way I can.” Daisy said, grabbing Luigi’s hand and pulling him up to his feet. “You’re like, one of my best friends. You don’t deserve this kinda stuff happening to you.”
Luigi nodded shakily, glancing up to meet Peach and Peasley’s gaze as they too emerged from the water. They approached hesitantly, keeping their distance to leave Luigi some personal space.
”Man, what I wouldn’t give to kick that sorry jester sicko right in the face…” Daisy mumbled, gritting her teeth as her trembling hands tightened into fists.
Luigi forced out a chuckle. It was hollow and sad in nature, but still audible.
”Luigi?” Peasley’s voice sounded, concerned. “Are you feeling okay? You're starting to look rather sickly again.”
”Should we go back?” Daisy squinted at the small sliver of sunlight left over the horizon. “It’s gettin’ dark anyway.”
Luigi hugged his sides, nodding. “P-Please.”
With one arm draped around Luigi’s trembling form, Peasley led him off the beachside. The four walked in silence along the emptied streets on their way back to the Birabuto Kingdom. They walked across cooled sand, darkness shrouding over them.
When they ultimately arrived at the Birabuto castle, torches lit along the outside exterior, Daisy shoved open the doors with little hesitation. She made her presence known immediately, yelling out, only to be met with an eerie silence.
Not a guard or servant was in sight. Every hesitant footstep echoed throughout the main hall as the group entered.
”Guys! Yo! Hey, is anyone here?” She called, spinning around as she examined the halls further. She raised a hand to her chin, walking up to Peach. “Weird. There’s always at least a few guards stationed out here, usually…”
Peasley stepped forward to help the Sarasan Princess investigate, stopping when he heard Luigi cough gently. He turned his back, approaching his husband and holding his hands.
”Luigi? Are you alright?” Peasley questioned worriedly. “What’s wrong?”
Luigi nodded, skin pale and clammy, sweat dripping down his cheeks. “I’m okay… I just want to go to sleep. I’ll be okay... I-”
Luigi stopped. His pale skin turned white as his blue eyes widened in terror. Luigi stood paralyzed, horrified at the sight just behind his husband.
"Luigi? Are you alright?" Peasley turned his head to investigate the area behind him.
He squinted, scanning the area.
And that’s when he froze, feeling his chest drop out as he noticed a darkened figure standing not very far from them. They were concealed under a cover of shadow produced by a towering column at the furthest end of the main hall, but their features were still visible.
They were smiling.
A blur of purple and yellow was all that remained as the figure retreated and bolted away down another one of the castle’s hallways.
"How did he...?" 
Peasley's fleeting confusion faded, now replaced with pure malice. His hands shook, body trembling. Hatred consumed his chest and heart, mind clouded with the same thought of chasing and striking down the retreating figure.
The fuming prince jumped to attention, his enraged expression unchanging as he dashed down the castle hall and out of sight.
"Peasley!" Peach called, now attentive as she and Daisy perked up from their conversation, examining the commotion.
Luigi watched Peasley run off, scrambling to follow after his husband. Daisy and Peach dashed ahead of him. The three turned a corner, calling out for Peasley and keeping an eye out for anything else suspicious lurking in the shadows.
"P-Peasley!" Luigi called, trembling as he tried to steady his uncontrollable shaking. He felt tears welling in his eyes, his heart pounding.
They froze and jumped upon hearing a loud crash and thud from around the nearest corner. Following the sound without hesitation, they were met with a single dark room, the doors having been flung open.
Luigi entered without thinking, continuing to call out for his husband. "Peasley!"
Luigi gasped, eyes adjusting to the darkness as he realized Peasley was lying against the wall on the other side of the compact room. He was holding an arm over his chest, wincing slightly as Luigi approached.
”What happened?!” Luigi questioned feverishly, reaching out a shaky hand to try and assess Peasley’s injuries.
”I… I don’t k-know…” Peasley murmured, trying to focus his vision. “He… h-he… he disappeared. I don’t know how, I don't remember what happened, I don’t know… I just remember hitting the wall…”
”Peasley!” Peach cried, running up to her friend’s side. “Are you okay?”
”I’m just a little dizzy, that’s all…”
”What was that for?!” Daisy questioned, also entering the room, exasperated as she searched for her breath. She bent over, calloused hands on her knees. “You scared us all half to death!”
”I saw…”
The four flinched at the sudden sound of the doors they had just entered from slamming shut.
Daisy turned, grabbing the handles of the door and pushing and pulling against them, to which the doors refused to budge.
”Great.” She exhaled, releasing an annoyed sigh. “Guys, I think-”
”Ah, so my hapless audience finally arrives! You certainly don’t wear tardiness well…”
Freezing up, the four turned their gaze up to a screen display upon the wall, having turned on upon the doors shutting. Whirring to life, the screen blinked, revealing hazy static for a moment.
Peasley stood up, scooting back as he tried to examine the grainy video, squinting.
The static soon faded, now replaced with a clearer image.
And, greeting them upon the screen, was Dimentio. His masked face was turned upward, forming a wickedly sadistic grin. It seemed even more twisted than before.
"Good evening, one and all!” His voice rang out, much clearer in comparison to the condition of the previous tapes. His tone was the same though, as jubilant as ever. “Tonight's show was rather unprecedented, but I believe I've concocted quite the spectacle for you all to feast your eyes upon!"
”Who... Who is that?” Daisy murmured, stepping back.
”That’s…” Peach inhaled, gulping nervously. “That’s w-who I told you about.”
”That’s Dimentio?” Daisy questioned, butchering her pronunciation of the mad jester’s name. “He… doesn’t seem all that bad.”
Almost in response, Dimentio’s voice got louder, making showy motions with his hands as he faced the camera with a smile.
"Tonight, my dearest assistant and I will be putting on a show to reveal both of our skills and strengths! It will be quite the sight to behold, unveiling these skills never before seen by the public eye!" Dimentio's eyes lit up in anticipation, his grand smile only widening in excitement.
A low groan sounded from behind Dimentio, the sound crackling slightly through the jumbled audio. Dimentio turned, moving out of the way as someone shifted further back in the camera’s view.
”Where… Where am I?” The unidentifiable figure questioned, their inquiry almost lost in the garbled audio. They sounded exhausted.
”Careful, now!” Dimentio commanded from outside the view of the screen. “My teleportation skills are still rather rusty, so do forgive me if you feel a little light-headed.”
The figure stood, back straight, blinking and turning to finally stare directly at the camera.
Luigi’s voice was practically a whisper. He didn’t want to believe it. This couldn’t be real.
”Ahahaha… I don’t believe you heard my introduction, so allow me to repeat myself!” Dimentio exclaimed, emerging from the shadows at the edges of the screen’s display, grabbing Dreambert up off the floor by his shoulders. He forced the panicking prince up to his feet, gesturing forward.
“Tonight, we will be putting on a show unlike any other! It will be a chance for me to show off a few tricks up my sleeve…" Dimentio pressed a finger onto Dreambert's cheek. "And for YOU to show off your skills of endurance!"
”Are you… D-Dimentio?” Dreambert sounded appalled, trying to move, only to realize his wrists were tied tightly behind his back.
”Ah, so you know me! Finally! It’s sooo nice to meet someone who can actually recognize my talents and prowess!” Dimentio gasped out. “My reputation DOES precede me, after all!”
Dimentio dropped Dreambert to the floor, walking forward. His movements were much more fluid than how he had once appeared in the first tape, practically gliding across the floor as he moved.
”But, enough introductions! Our show must begin!”
Dimentio held out a hand, faint sparks emerging from his fingertips, his black gloves reflecting the light.
”Our first trick will involve aim.” He laughed as a minuscule ball of concentrated energy appeared in his palm, almost resembling a star. “You can try and dodge this, if you’d like.”
Dreambert’s breathing became hurried, panicking and glancing around to try and locate any signs of an exit.
Dimentio only laughed, releasing the blast of energy from his palm, sending it hurtling toward the Pi’illo prince. Dreambert just barely swerved out of the way, crouching down. He winced as he realized the tips of his pillow hood were singed, the blast hitting the wall.
”Not bad!” Dimentio announced, pleased. “Just how long can you keep it up, is the question…”
He produced yet another star-like projectile in his hand, waving a finger before he flung it forward toward Dreambert.
Dreambert ducked, rolling out of the way as Dimentio continued to cackle in delight. He produced projectile after projectile, refusing to stop. He fired each of them upon the prince, who continued scrambling around to try and avoid the blasts of energy.
Dimentio knew his victim would tire of running eventually, his smile refusing to cease as he watched him run from corner to corner of the room. He didn’t mind waiting, so long as his assistant's efforts weren’t short-lived.
Why, making an effort was the least they could do!
Without warning, Dimentio raised both hands, the star-like glimmering ball of energy pulsing and sparking in his grasp. He threw it down, slamming it directly into Dreambert’s chest. Dreambert hit the wall with a crack, falling to the floor. He groaned.
”Aha! I knew you wouldn’t be able to dodge forever!” Dimentio snapped his fingers, teleporting to Dreambert’s side, a ripple appearing in the static screen.
He placed a hand under Dreambert’s chin, his cracked smile unmoving. Dreambert struggled to escape the bonds around his wrists, but to no avail.
Dreambert fought back tears, his chest aching as he felt warm blood seeping into his clothes. The burning sensation was still present from the initial hit. One of his bones felt broken, numbness overtaking his body.
”Feeling tired? We can take a quick intermission, if you’d like.” Dimentio grinned, standing up as he let Dreambert fall back to the floor. “I did want to show you something…”
Dimentio fiddled with something offscreen, snapping his fingers.
”You should feel honored, dreamy one. This isn’t all that bad, really...” Dimentio coyly spoke. “At least you weren’t blown to bits like my last show… Ah, you should’ve seen it! I’d love to show you, but we don’t have time for that. But, I can show you this!”
Dimentio crouched down beside the writhing Dreambert once more, holding out a jar full of yellow scaly skin and flesh, blood dripping down the sides of the jar.
”This was what was left of my last assistant.” He explained calmly to a horrified Dreambert, his masked expression still a smile. “Luckily, what I have in store for our program tonight won’t be nearly as brutal! I suppose I felt bad for you, in a way… you would have never been in this position, had you not been… ah, shall we say, in the wrong place at the wrong time?”
Dimentio’s smile dropped.
”But… Bowser… he was the reason my plans were thwarted…” He growled, standing as he threw the jar down to the floor, the contents spilling out as it smashed open.
”Bowser…?” Peach whispered, holding her hands up to cover her face, horrified.
Dreambert’s face turned up instinctively at the overwhelming stench of blood and rotting flesh, gagging.
”But, no matter! I do believe this intermission has gone on long enough, don’t you agree?”
Dreambert’s eyes widened, terrified.
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”N-No! Wait, please, we can talk about this!” Dreambert attempted, large tears slipping down his cheeks. “I swear, I-I can give you anything you want!”
Dimentio chuckled, lowering his face. His soft giggling soon heightened, grabbing Dreambert by his cape and forcing him up to his feet to stare into his trembling gaze. Dimentio's mismatched eyes were maddened.
“Ahahaha… AHAHAHAHAHAHA!” He raised his voice, his tone dangerous and shaky as his eyes narrowed. “YOU can’t even begin to FATHOM what I WANT!”
He slammed Dreambert’s limp and bleeding form up against the wall, laughing still as he snapped his fingers, another star-like burst of energy in his hands.
”What I want? I want to see those who wronged me BURN.”
Dimentio lifted his hand, forcing his blazing palm down onto Dreambert’s cheek, burning skin and melting off his flesh. Dreambert howled in pain, trying to kick at Dimentio to weaken his hold, but nothing happened.
“I want to see them suffer. I want to see the light of hope fade from their eyes.”
Dimentio dropped Dreambert to the floor, the pi’illo prince coughing and hiccuping on his sobs as his tears refused to cease.
”So, you’ve given up, already?”
Dreambert glanced up, trembling.
”What would your people think of you now, Prince Dreambert? Don’t you want to be a good role model to your citizens?” Dimentio’s face cracked back into a deranged smile. “What will they think when they see you like this?”
Dreambert tried to move, but fell back to the floor, crying out in pain. “No… don’t…”
”They’ll think you’re pathetic.”
Dimentio snaked his hands around Dreambert’s neck, squeezing down hard on his throat as his smile only widened. Dreambert sputtered and choked, gasping for breath and mercy. He wanted to try and pry Dimentio’s hands away, but his restricted wrists didn’t help to aid him.
His gaze went glossy, his eyes losing focus as he felt saliva trickling down his face, tears continuing to drag down his face.
He was going to die.
What he wasn’t expecting to happen next, was for Dimentio to abruptly release and drop him.
Dreambert glanced up through misty eyes as he hit the ground, hoping to the stars above that there had been a change of heart somewhere deep within the psychotic jester.
Dimentio turned on his heel away from Dreambert, waltzing over to the camera and reaching beyond it, grabbing something in his hands. He glanced down at the small object held in his fingers, a glint of metal reflecting on the camera.
”It’s time for our little show to come to a close.”
Dimentio grabbed Dreambert from behind, holding his head up. He forced him to turn and look toward the camera.
“Please…” Dreambert whined out, practically inaudible to his captor. He fidgeted, numb. “Stop…”
Dimentio raised his arm, revealing the object held in his fingers. It was a needle, filled with a dark purple liquid.
Dimentio ignored Dreambert’s soft protests, puncturing the prince's neck with a soft hum, positioning the tip of the needle on the flesh before squeezing down on it. He pushed, still humming, until the barrel of the syringe was empty.
He laughed before tossing the needle aside.
“There!” Dimentio smiled, grabbing Dreambert’s cheeks and forcing him to stare into his eyes. “Our show is complete. Do you care to take a bow, Prince Dreambert?”
“I-I just…” Dreambert whimpered, gulping down saliva as his voice nearly gave out. “I just want to go home…”
“Unfortunately, that can’t be arranged. But, I’ll tell you what...” Dimentio dropped Dreambert to the floor roughly once more, looming over him as he stood up. “That poison will start to kick in in about… let’s say, give or take, five minutes or so. So, until then, I’ll leave you completely alone! You can do whatever you’d like in your final moments. Doesn’t that sound so nice, princey?”
Dreambert released a choked sob.
“That’s what I thought. I’m just so generous, aren’t I?”
Dimentio turned to face his unseen audience, smiling.
”Thank you for tuning in, ladies and gentlemen! It has been a pleasure performing for you all once again! And please, do enjoy the finale provided by my assistant, Dreambert! It’s one to die for, I’m sure! Ahahaha! Ciao!”
Dimentio cackled maliciously before teleporting out of the vicinity, his laughter still echoing in the small, dim space even after he was gone.
And for the next five minutes, the group of horrified individuals watching were forced to witness Dreambert as he sobbed, screaming for aid. He repeatedly tried to move, but his exhaustion, wounds, and the poisonous fluid coursing through his veins only left him immobilized as he continued to screech and beg for help.
He prayed, whispering under his breath, but he knew it was no use.
He knew his attempts were hopeless, eventually falling to the ground and going silent. His face was colored a horrid purple.
”I’m… sorry… e-everyone…”
The audio cut out, the video feed turning to static as Prince Dreambert released his final breath.
The screen went black.
The doors behind the group unlocked with a click, re-opening with an achingly slow creak.
Laughter rang in their ears.
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