glensys · 1 year
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Definition: Wherein one’s gender identity is connected to the concept of or identity as a void, along with glitches and errors. For example, one’s gender may feel like a tangible glitch floating through the void.
Etymology: Glitch, meaning some sort of technological error, and Void, meaning a deep abyss.
Flag: There are two official versions of the flag, each having a version with the symbol and a version without the symbol.
The complex flag, from top to bottom, includes a black stripe, a dark grey stripe, a light grey stripe, a desaturated blue stripe, a light grey stripe, a dark grey stripe, and a black stripe.
The simple flag, from top to bottom, includes a black stripe, a dark grey stripe, a light grey stripe, and a desaturated blue stripe.
The symbol is a white circle with four broken pieces of a circle surrounding it. The entire symbol is overlayed with a glitch effect, which casts a teal highlight and purple shade on the symbol.
Coined By: Scribe of our system, as seen here.
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silverstringmedia · 1 year
Glitchhikers Anniversary Celebration: Interview with Lucas J.W. Johnson & Audrey Storey
As we celebrate its first anniversary, we can't help but look back at the incredible journey we've been on, and how much we've accomplished together. Below, our Studio Director Lucas J.W. Johnson and Technical Director Audrey Storey sat down with Double Jump to reflect on the journey so far.
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Happy One Year Anniversary for Glitchhikers! Since Glitchhikers is a game all about journeys, how have you found the journey since launch?
Lucas: The journey since launch has been quite a wonderful trek. We’ve had some amazing press and Steam reviews that clearly get what we were going for with Glitchhikers, which is always so gratifying and validating. We’re always overjoyed when new people find the game, and find something in the game that speaks to them, and unlike a lot of projects, there hasn’t been a huge dropoff in people discovering the game from sale to sale—Glitchhikers isn’t a flash in the pan; it has some staying power. And we’ve seen a lot of love for our amazing soundtrack, including the incredible experience of having the UBC Orchestra arrange and perform a medley of tracks from it.
Audrey: Launching a game is always such an emotional rollercoaster. You’re always worried about whether you did enough to make the game really shine. Did we optimise everything enough? Is it easy to navigate the menu? Are there any weird bugs we didn’t catch? Usually that anxiety disappears for me once I start seeing some Let’s Plays or Twitch streams. It's always funny to see how the things you worry about as a game developer just don’t line up at all with how players think. When you’ve spent over a year working on a thing, it's easy to forget how easy it is for players to get lost in the mystery of the experience. But then you get to see that excitement mirrored back to you in the eyes of the first wave of players and it's just an amazing feeling. I’ve definitely felt that about Glitchhikers so far.
What is it about a ‘journey’ that you think provokes thought?
Audrey: Being on a journey lets you detach yourself from the realities of the world in a way that you normally can’t. The mind can wander freely. I think we all have the capacity for deep introspection and connection, but we don’t all have the space. Journeys provide that space.
Lucas: It can sort of be this enforced time with your own thoughts—if you’re driving a long distance on a highway, especially alone, all you have to do is let your mind wander. Or sitting on a train staring out the window. Even when you go for a walk, even when you’re listening to music, your mind is just wandering. Add to that it being late at night, when the world is so different and you’re probably tired, and the places your mind goes are always a little strange. You’re not engrossed in the day to day; you become untethered, and can contemplate the bigger questions.
What was your goal with encouraging introspection in players? Was it to encourage people to sit with uncomfortable thoughts? Or perhaps to explore a different avenue of thought?
Lucas: Glitchhikers was never about trying to give the player a really particular, specific experience, but rather to create a space to help them have the experience they are ready to have. Maybe a player just needs a break from the day to day, or maybe they’re hurting and need the space to heal or explore difficult ideas. If we help a player gain a better understanding or acceptance of their place in the universe, obviously that’s a massive success; but if we just provoke them saying, “Huh, I never thought of it that way” or “Oh I had no idea” or even “Yeah, this hiker gets it” then that’s also a success.
Why did you choose the particular locations and modes of transport for the game?
Audrey: When we worked on the original game, there was never a question of what we were doing. Glitchhikers was about a road trip. For me, it was specifically about the road trip from Calgary, Alberta to Vancouver, BC, which I had driven many times before. Over the years I think we came to realize that although the road trip is a fairly common experience, it isn’t quite as universal as we wanted it to be. When it came time to make The Spaces Between, we thought long and hard about what kinds of journeys would help broaden the Glitchhikers experience. We talked a lot about what would just be the “most” universal travel experience but eventually came to decide that there wasn’t any one single option that would fit everyone. Instead, we opted to focus on a couple more journeys that, while not perfectly universal, captured a pretty large amount of what people think about when they travel.
Were any of the hikers based on real people?
Lucas: As a writer, there’s always a little bit of myself in all the characters I write, especially in Glitchhikers when we’re often exploring personal but universal ideas as a gateway into conversation. And none of the hikers were directly based off of specific people; that said, a few had some pretty strong inspirations. The hiker that’s a wheelchair user took a lot of inspiration from a friend and consultant on the project from whom I’ve learned a lot, for instance. And when we were writing and designing the hiker with all the screens in front of him, I was like, “Oh no, he’s me”—which then led to an idea that a few of us might have “glitchsonas”, as it were. He’s me; the travelling witch with the familiars is Claris’s glitchsona (Claris Cyarron is our Creative Director) and was largely written by her; the bird from another dimension is Audrey’s glitchsona, with a lot of their conversations coming from discussing ideas with her. (Come find us on Twitter or Discord and tell us what your glitchsona would be like!)
What’s your favourite piece of feedback you’ve received to date about the game?
Lucas: Hard to say just one thing. We love watching livestreams and seeing all the conversations the game provokes in the chat. One player who said a character reminded them to take their meds. I’m humbled that there’s an occasional review saying the game saved their life in some way. But I also love the reviews that are just something along the lines of “wtf, 10/10”.
What journey do you have planned next?
Audrey: If and when we are able to make it back to the Glitchhikers universe, I really want to do a hotel mode. Just endlessly wandering uncanny hallways with interesting hikers and bizarre spaces behind random doors!
Lucas: In the meantime, we’ve been working hard in the last year on a handful of new game ideas and prototypes. We’re always keeping the sensibilities that we refined in Glitchhikers—accessibility, personal and real storytelling, a little weird and a little queer—but we’re trying to take those to somewhat more “mainstream” game ideas. We love our alt/art game history and what we did with Glitchhikers, but we love strategy games and action games and roleplaying games too! We’ll just have to see what comes next 😁
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lynx3000art · 10 months
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attack on hollowallo
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Hollowheads live on the outskirts of Stick City, as seen in Fancy Pants Adventures. 
Vic regularly floated about following Chosen, before the fight - it was only thanks to their help that Dark didn’t end up too hurt to even wake up
Following the events outlined in [Dream / Nightmare], they mostly tried to relax & rebuild.
After Vic ensured everything was fine, they started following the color gang out of concern for their safety - not fully trusting their creator, given their & Cho’s experiences.
The Colorgang live in ALANSPC, where they primarily interact within Minecraft...
The Crowns had gone their separate ways after the fight, only for Purple to keep having strange dreams sometime after yellow noticed Kings old staff was buggy.
Purple & King originally started hanging out to help, only for King to take the initiative on trying to reform by building he & Purple a tower and making them new crowns - attempting to reconcile with them, his issues, and even the piglins in the nether.
The guy is nothing if not determinable.
Red, affected twicefold by being possessed by Herobrine, began noticing Vic first in reflections, before ending up talking to them
Armed with the knowledge that spectator mode could trap people, King started trying to look for Gold - this time with friends who could keep him from obsessing to the point of going overboard
Eventually they managed to figure out the connection between the staves & Purple’s dreams, allowing Vic to pull Gold out of the glitchvoid - but even Vic’s considerable power couldn’t get them out of spectator
Gold’s curiosity results in their arrival in Terraria, where the effects of the shimmer revive Vic & allow them to swap at-will, though Gold is still to glitchy to escape
Yellow, already obsessing over Terraria’s secrets, points out that the higher level gears might be able to be harnessed like blocks are with the staff
They agree to progress through in hopes of using the combined powers to help free Gold - or, at the very least, make sure Gold has fun seeing them fight bosses 
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glitchkoi · 3 years
I changed my mobile layout (and icon) for the first time in years and I wanna change my url too but I’ll wait a lil
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silverstringmedia · 2 years
Glitchhikers Music Roundup
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Glitchhikers: The Spaces Between is many things; a liminal space simulator, a tool for introspection, a modern meditation ritual, an experiment in freeform narrative. Another way to look at it is as an interactive music video for 4 linked concept albums; The Highway, The Railway, The Path, and The Terminal.
However you slice it, the Glitchhikers Experience simply wouldn’t be the same without its music. We’ve had a lot of different announcements in the year leading up to our release, from official music videos, to live concerts, to interviews and streams with our composers, and you can check them out on our blog:
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Purple Ref!
Names: Prince, Purple, Plum, Acai
Pronouns: They/Them
Class: Warlock
Element: Loyalty. In spite of their inferiority complex induced power-seeking, they remained extremely loyal to King until he betrayed them.
First began attempting to reform King out of a sense of kinship from both having lost their families, before being genuinely touched by the thought King put into their shared tower.
Used to the End, loving the look of stars and void. Time in the nether has made them more welcoming of heat, though.
Their experience in the staffs glitchvoid allowed them to bridge the gap in dreams, meaning they can be contacted by anything - or anyone - lost to it.
Their horns & tail finally began coming in due to this, which was distressing before they realized they looked similar to Orchids.
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