#god one day we will streamline the tags and I won't have to tag a trillion things
iswateredible · 2 months
Tell me everything. (In relation to your art of aged up Hiccup, Viggo, and Dagur.) Also, oh my god, I’m so excited for that art!
yesssss LETSGO!!
I'm rly excited to share it, cross your fingers for me when I go in w the colors lol!
I always wanted to write/draw more about how I imagine Hiccup would build relationships nd spend quality time with Dagur or Viggo (or both at once?) through things like drawing, documenting and studying dragons... in one of my old drafts Hiccup would be covering up/redoing a tattoo that Dagur had (the list of enemies if I recall correctly - and would change it into something more ornate and dragon related to symbolize him changing sides). I want so bad to just see them going on long travels together with their dragons, stopping on a remote island to camp overnight... falling asleep on the other's shoulder telling stories around the campfire...
I also had another thought that I thought you in particular or other pple in the fandom might be interested in - say at that point in the future Hiccup is the chief of Berk, Viggo is ruling the Berserker tribe and has married Heather (it goes well w the Skrill being bonded to him, ALSO YOU PEOPLE BROKE ME AND I SHIP THEM a little NOW), And Dagur is maybe ruling the Defenders with Mala? (altho to be real I don't really see what rtte writers were thinking, I just don't see them together, but for the sake of this scenario where everyone else has a wife/kids at home...)
And it would be like an annual conference, maintaining a peace treaty or something along those lines... would start off with all three of them meeting on Berk, catching up with one another over Mead in the mess hall... and before you know it they've gone on a several day long trip to visit the Edge, to spend some time reminiscing over the battles all of them fought with one another (and re-live that spark...). One thing leads to another and they're catching up on all the lost time physically. It's been so long, and Hiccup's bonds with the two have if anything deepened over the years, but living so far away from one another... so many different emotions wash over them at the catharsis of being together like this again.
Their wives don't have to know. Or maybe they do? Maybe they always knew.
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emilykinncy · 2 years
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She doesn't talk to him for years and he still asks to be on her podcast. Normam Reedus is literally a simp for Emily Kinney.
lmaoo right?! And let’s not forget this
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9 notes • Posted 2021-01-13 06:05:24 GMT
Well I understand Bethyl and their special relationship, but what is wrong with Emily and Norman? I'm new to the show, so ... are they dating or what my friend told me Emily unfollow him and all of this? Would you please explain to me what happened?
I’m assuming you’re referring to my tags on that video I reblogged? So first of all, regardless of their offscreen relationship it was so nice to get cute/fun normily content while they were on the show together. So that’s one of the reasons I said that.
As far as the history...basically it’s never been confirmed but many of us believe that they briefly dated in 2015. There was actually an article in Us mag in June 2015 about it & they had at least one (unnamed) source, NR technically denied it (more like diverted attention with a joke on twitter) but Emily said nothing & when she’s been asked outright she’s essentially refused to answer. Neither of them have ever said ‘no, that didn’t happen’. So onto the unfollow part. In May 2017 NR posted a pic of D***e on IG (I just don’t like her for multiple reasons so I don’t write her name out lmao if you don’t know who I mean, you can just google NR & it will tell you who his ‘partner’ is) & basically it became clear he was dating her (tho I think there was already news out about it) and later that day or the next day Emily unfollowed him. So...it seems pretty clear the reason why she unfollowed. He would continue to occasionally like Emily’s posts & once commented for her bday & she never acknowledged him lol. But apparently as of last month she’s decided to give their friendship another chance ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
If you want to jump down the normily rabbit hole more you can check out my normily stuff and normily trash tags (you can look at the regular normily tag I have too, but the other two are more ‘streamlined’ to evidence lol) 
10 notes • Posted 2021-01-17 21:20:55 GMT
Thought I’d share my twitter breakdown this morning listening to Emily’s new podcast episode 🙃
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Full Chandler reaction pic, my permanent normily mood:
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15 notes • Posted 2021-01-12 23:30:26 GMT
I’m just gonna say it now: I think most everyone who ships Daryl with an existing character is pretty pissed about the fact that he is going to finally have a canon relationship with a brand spankin new, random character but please for the love of God if the actress who plays her has social media DO NOT SEND HER HATE. And don’t hate on her even if she doesn’t have social media. She got a role and did her job and had nothing to do with the plot & crap writing. 
20 notes • Posted 2021-02-03 07:14:06 GMT
Normily My Caffeine Withdrawal Podcast episode (transcript of certain parts)
EK intro: I first met Norman Reedus working on The Walking Dead of course. Over the course of my four seasons on our show, I got to know Norman better and better and we became good friends. And in a sort of interesting parallel, our characters storylines also became more intertwined within the show. Norman is so special, he seems to have endless amounts of creative energy that I find incredibly inspiring. He also has great taste in music and coffee which makes him a perfect guest for this podcast. Welcome back to My Caffeine Withdrawal, I am so incredibly excited to share this episode with all of you today. Norman has so many fans and I know this to be true because everyday someone in my life or someone on social media asks me ‘hey, how was it working with Norman? What is Norman Reedus like?’ Well, now today you guys are going to get to know Norman in the same way that I know Norman! We talk about how Norman got into acting and when and why he moved to California, as well as what his life was like as an artist first starting out in Los Angeles. We talk about a book he’s been writing! And he tells a lot of great stories! But first, Norman explained his current coffee setup situation and how he’s currently weathering the quarantine from Costa Rica. 
This gets long so putting it behind a cut!
I put a timestamp of where each segment starts at the end of them! 
NR: Hi Emily!
EK: Hi!
NR: I just set this up cause I’ve been listening to your podcast which I really like and I know it’s heavy on the coffee so I brought my coffee setup down the mountain in my backpack on the motorcycle and this is my coffee jam here (I’m not 100% sure of the last 2 words) so, this is what I do. You ready?
EK: Yes!
*NR shows her & describes his coffee process*
EK: What was the thing um, on Instagram, you posted this picture of a hummingbird, that was crazy! What made you post that?
NR: It’s this person that I’ve become friends with, they only try to post positive things…*he explains more about the person & post* (starts at 6:08)
EK: You wanna hear something kind of crazy about the hummingbird thing? I don’t know if you know this about me but I’ve definitely gotten more like spiritual…but like *Emily giggle* this is gonna sound crazy and I don’t even usually talk about this stuff, but I sort of have this sign of when I’m like guided where I’m supposed to go, and my sign has been a hummingbird. And you had text me and I randomly looked at your Instagram and saw—
NR: Wow
EK: —It definitely was like one of those where like ‘go there’, maybe it was just if there is a god or whatever just being like ‘oh nice, connect with your friend, you know, like connect with Norman…’
NR: I actually believe all that. When I texted you I was having breakfast at this place by the beach, the lady that makes the honey, by her place. And I was listening to your podcast with Lennie. And I had already heard Lauren’s and I was listening to Lennie’s, and at the end of it you were like ‘you know what I hope during Covid everyone can reach out to a friend’ and I was like ‘I’m just gonna text her’ so I texted you at that moment. I have the same thing with a bird like my dad, before my dad died he was always talking about cardinals, those red cardinals. So everytime I see a cardinal I think the same thing. And then the night before, Danai called me out of nowhere. I hadn’t spoken to Danai in forever. And she’s like ’what are you doing?’ and I’m like ‘I’m sitting on my patio with all the lights off…’ and there was a meteor shower, it was called like the Gideon meteor shower, this huge meteor shower that happened. And I saw 21 shooting stars before I went to bed. I pay attention to all that shit—
EK: Yeah
NR: 21! And I was like talking to her I’m like ‘there’s 11! There’s 12!’ and it just kept going. I believe all that stuff.
EK: I grew up Catholic so I kind of, like…religion in general felt sort of overwhelming even though prayer and stuff like that came naturally to me and then just over like the last like 5 or 6 years or so I’ve like really embraced it where I’m sort of like ‘yep, I think these things are happening, I have little signs that tell me like where to go…’. I guess I don’t really talk about it with people much but it’s just, like I read about it and stuff. Yeah.
NR: I believe it, I believe all of them. I’m not really religious but I believe all those signs all the time. I see little signs in everything, yeah.
EK: Yeah! (starts at 9:38) 
EK: That sounds like you’ve had a very productive quarantine, or whatever this corona-pocalypse quarantine time.
NR: I’m not good with sitting still, you know what I mean, so I’m always doing something.
EK: Yeah! Yeah. I mean that’s one thing, when I was thinking about—when I was around you more working on the show, was that you were always…like you know sitting down to dinner and then like noticing this saltshaker and this fork should be next to each other in a certain way and then you can take a picture. You know what I mean, like I remember that about you like always making something, I guess. Or looking for the art in it or the picture. Or, you know, which um—
NR: it’s ADD or something I dunno what…
EK: I admired it because I feel like I can be so slow. Like, I love making stuff but I can sort of like piece it together over weeks  and then I finally do—like in my head somehow, like I’m more of like a turtle! You know just like—
NR: Yeah but you make music! I mean, we all wish we could write songs and perform songs. You know, you make music. We all wish we were musicians, you know what I’m saying, so. (starts at 18:18)
EK: I remember you telling me a story of how you got an agent by like going to a party and then someone said ‘do you want to be in a play?’ and then you were the understudy and then the guy just happened to have to call out so then you were in the play, you didn’t have to be the understudy and then an agent—and that’s how it all started with acting, um, *laughs* did I just tell your story for you?!
NR: You’re right. No, no you’re exactly right. That’s exactly what happened. (starts at 26:08)
NR: I actually made an album, a music album
EK: You did?!
NR: Yeah
EK: Oh, that’s—you wrote all the songs and stuff? Or did you—
NR: I didn’t write any of it. And I didn’t really sing it, it’s more of a spoken word thing
EK: Yeah!
NR *tells story about how this came about, which involves an igloo*
EK: Wait, why were you in an igloo in Switzerland?! *laughs*
NR *tells more of the story…it’s long ok I don’t wanna transcribe it sdhfhsfh*
EK: Yeah I wanna hear your album! I mean…
NR: It’s out—
EK: It is?!
NR: It played…it did pretty well in France, it was on the radio and shit
EK: Yeah, will you email it to me or something, so I can…
NR: I will. Yeah yeah.
EK: I also wanted to make sure today to get some of your music picks because I remember back when we were on the show you always gave me the best music, like stuff that I hadn’t heard. I don’t know if if it’s just like because of your friends in New York or like maybe you’re a little bit older than me so you know different bands than I do. But, I remember like Dinosaur Jr., you like introducing me to Dinosaur Jr. Like I didn’t really know Dinosaur Jr. before you
NR: That’s crazy that you don’t know Dinosaur Jr. then (? I really can’t tell for sure that last word he says)
EK: I know! I think I might have pretended that I kind of I knew but like you introduced me for sure and I like totally dove in. But yeah during this quarantine, what have you been listening to?
NR: *lists some bands* Sean Lennon’s band that he made with Les Claypool is really good. He was on Ride with me.
EK: Oh, he was?! I’ve only see—I haven’t seen all the episodes of that, I’ve only seen, um, a few of them (adsdfdjf don’t lie Emily it’s probably actually 0 but we all understand babe) (starts at 35:10)
EK: It was so fun to talk to you today
NR: Yeah I miss you! I miss you, it’s good to see you and hear you.
EK: I miss you too, I’m going to check out that sock method…although I think it’s just pour over it’s just with a special…reusable—
NR: Yeah, a dirty sock
EK: Yeah, but something about it, yeah….*both laugh* Thank you for being on here, it feels so good to like chat with you
NR: Yeah, I miss you it’s good to hear your voice
EK: I miss you too, yeah. *she starts talking about twd & the connection with everyone etc* (starts at 41:36)
NR: *after he mentions everyone from the cast he’s still in touch with* You get these friendships with people and it becomes a big part of your life, your friends on the show, so. I’m glad I’m talking to you
EK: Yeah, I’m glad I’m talking to you too. (starts at 44:03)
From Emily’s end blurb: I hope you guys enjoyed Norman and I’s little catch up call over Zoom, I hope that you learned something new about Norman you didn’t know before. You know, Norman and I really hadn’t connected much over the last couple years (we all know this Emily and we pretty much all know why lol) we’ve just been on sort of different paths (yeah, that’s a way to put it I guess haha) but again and again I’m finding that one of the blessings of this time, being stuck at home, is remembering and reconnecting with people I care about and people that care about me. Maybe you have a friend you used to work with that you haven’t caught up with for a while and now you’ll feel inspired to send them a little text saying hello.
(How do they literally have chemistry on a *podcast* okay bye I’m going to go fly into the sun now)
32 notes • Posted 2021-01-14 07:29:03 GMT
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