#lmao the fact i only made 28 posts
haethyre · 22 days
X-Men 97 Thoughts
My personal opinions
Okay. So I grew up with X-men The Animated Series. It was one of my fave shows. It always came on late at night on Toon Disney (at times i shouldnt have been awake LMAO) so it has a special place in my heart. I was very surprised that of all things they decided to "continue" it. So, when I heard about it, I did a full rewatch (even that ungodly last season where quality took a nosedive OOF) Anywhoo! Started and finished 97. Those who know me best know at heart I am a big OG fan of my fandoms and am trepidacious of reboots/even continuation reboots, bc lets be honest most of them are all about stomping on the source material, SO I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed Xmen 97.
You could really see how much they tried to capture the feel of the old show and the characters. The voice replacements were surprisingly well done. (i mean, Wolverine is a little off, but i'll give the guy a break its been like...28 yrs XD ) The animation looks amazing. Even if i'm taking some points off for the hair hfgjhdf haha
Now the storyline.... The elephant in the room. We all know the one. I have been a Romy fan since I was a kid and yes, when I was a young girl in Borders, I did come across the comic that showed the RoguexMagneto storyline. I hated it then and I hate it now. Its just...weird. (Again, my opinions. If you like it, power to you. Enjoy, but its not for me and this post isn't for you) but its even weirder in the show, and ill tell you why. As a Marvel comic reader, I'm well acquainted with the fact that everyone gets with everyone. That is just a trope of Marvel comics. All ships of imaginable and unimaginable proportions happen. BUT I think when doing this, they really should have thought it through a bit more in context of the show's universe alone . Bc I'll be real, if you're coming in from TAS, this kinda hits you out of nowhere. She had no form of connection with Magneto in the past show. Like....they had a makeshift funeral for him and she didn't even care. She was just worried about Gambit being stuck in space. So, their "secret" just seems so random and out of place. I do like that it was used for her to understand fully her feelings for Gambit, but man was it frustrating to see him just killed off when he was one of the best characters.(even if it was really well done and the animation, again, was amazing)
There's talk of him coming back as "Death" which is a storyline I'm not familiar with but I also heard talk of the original showrunner idealizing a timeline where Rogue and Magneto have kids....so... IDK It all just left me a bit frustrated and disheartened bc Romy was like one of my earliest ships before i knew ships were a thing. To see what happened to it made me sad, even if it could be part of a long game to get them to their HEA. (and thats always an if bc we don't know, even if the original guy isn't in charge anymore)
Other things that bugged me a little but not too much. Gonna bring up Morph. I love Morph. They were always a fave and they went through so much to finally be back on the team again. I really don't understand why they changed their character design tho? I read it was to make Morph look more like the character changeling from the comics but this is again something that doesnt make sense coming out of TAS bc Morph always had that other appearance throughout the entire show. I mean...it could have at least been explained... Also, as far as the feelings for Wolverine, i kinda found it funny XD bc in TAS, it always seemed like it was the other way around jkhfgjkdfh Wolverine was so attached to Morph and wouldn't let 'em go. That being said, I kinda wish they didn't go this route if its only meant to be unrequited and sad. AGAIN. I know. Marvel is all about unrequited drama jfhdkjfdh but hasn't Morph been through enough??? That being said, I love the ship even though I know its doomed. Wolverine is the worst person to be down bad for tho. Mans falls in love at the drop of a hat fhghdfjhsd
Other than these couple things, I really loved the show. Some people said "why are they shoving so much story into such a short amount of time" XD The storyteller in me would like to agree but i will be honest, there is nothing more like Xmen TAS than smooshed storylines jkdfhfkjds with random one-off eps in between. XD So, I was fine with it.
I liked the conclusion with Scott and Jean, as messy as it was. The family fun time was a pleasure to watch.
Xavier and Magneto. They really highlighted their messy, but still devoted relationship from the original series, so that was nice to see. I was glad to see him back in the red suit LMAO bc the one he was wearing all season was weird for me.
I loved Jubilee's journey, and it was cool that they brought Alyson Court back for that one episode.
I was very pleased overall that they didn't tone things down and since censors are different these days, they could show more stuff they couldn't in the 90s. So, I am looking forward to more seasons (and pleeeeease for the love of god give Romy back to me i am begging)
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crownleys · 7 months
If you're still doing the ask game: 7, 28 and 41 for Kira?
Also if you don't mind (because I miss them!): 50, 55 and 57 for Ren?
For Kira:
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7. What would you (mun) yell in the middle of a crowd to find them? What would their best friend and/or romantic partner yell?
@delucadarling's suggestion: "If a bitch is over 5'6" she's undateable" which would def make her head turn around, lmao. I wasn't able to think of anything clever or funny but it probably would just be her name/nickname, especially from a romantic partner.
28. What do they tell people they want? What do they actually want?
She tells people she just wants to protect and take care of others/the people of Wayhaven. She actually wants someone who wants to take care of her.
41. What phrases, pronunciations, or mannerisms did they pick up from someone / somewhere else?
I figure with coming from a small town in Massachusetts there's def lil idiosyncrasies that exist in her vocabulary. Mannerism-wise she absolutely picked up wearing her hair in braids from her mother. They also purse their lips in the same way (but don't tell Kira that!).
Ren! And thank you for asking about them, looking back through all my art made me realize how I miss them too!
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50. What belief / moral / personality trait do they stand by that you (mun) personally don’t agree with?
Hm.... probably self-sacrifice, to some extent. Self-sacrifice to the point of self-destruction. But a lot more of that is to do with their situation than anything. And sort of delves into the difference between self-sacrifice and dedication.
55. What’s something they’re expected to enjoy based on their hobbies / profession that they actually dislike / hate
HM. This one's tricky. Pre-apocalypse they were a professional pianist and a marathon runner... and post they are a runner full time, and still keep up their music for the fun of it. Thinking about it... I think I'd have to say vinyl records! They like the aesthetics of it but they find the fact they only have a limited amount of listening time annoying, so they prefer CDs more.
57. What’s a simple daily activity / motion that they mess up often?
They're awful at putting their keys in the same place every time, so every morning is a scavenger hunt.
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roses-in-the-shade · 2 years
What DO the public masses and the government think and do about Ingo now? Please tell me they are told the truth the sheer hilarity would be incredible. Would Ingo be considered his brother's age or three years old.
...Would Ingo have any problems interacting with people, considering he never really interacted with anyone outside of Emmet in his formative years and he lived on a mountain for the first 3 years of his life? That can't have been good for his development. Even when he did talk to people he just needed to act like Emmet and now he needs to be his own person (yay! But that seems like it would seem terrifying at first.).
OOH how do the depot agents react? They already interacted with Ingo, though they had no idea.
This is probably one of my favorite asks so far, because it gave me so much to think about. Which is also why it's taken me a bit longer to answer. I am trying to answer asks on a first come, first serve basis. To the best of my ability! Thank you for the ask!
Anyway, this post is VERRRRRY long, absolutely monstrous by my criteria, so under the read more it goes. You have been warned. I apparently can not shut up, lol.
So, the government. It doesn't take long for everyone to realize that Ingo, legally, does not exist. Without any identifications, there's a lot that you can't do that is important for thriving in modern society. So, yeah, they need to tell Unova's governing body the whole truth so that they can get Ingo on the fast track to the living life.
And unfortunately, the first destination on that journey is the hospital. Because Ingo spent the first three years of his new life in Sinnoh, a few centuries in the past. Man's health is either Not Good, or it's about to be. Which creates a lot of confusion for the health department, because. Well. Because. The explanation that this random haggard man needs all of his vaccines because he lived in the past for three years and didn't even have a corporeal body before that is a lot to take in, you know? And then there's the fact that the only existing documentation for this Mr. Ingo is a death certificate dated back to 28 years ago(?!?!?!).
The first solution they come up with to solve this conundrum is to do a DNA test and compare to other living family for proof of relation, and to just. Make sure they're not being made a clown.
Fun fact. When Arceus created Ingo's new body, he basically copy pasted Emmet's DNA, attached it to Ingo's soul with cosmic super glue, and called it a day. They're already twins, it's fine. :)
Yeah, they weren't ready for it when the results for Ingo's and Emmet's DNA results came out as a definitively exact match. Actually, they don't know what they were expecting.
During the few weeks that Ingo spends hospitalized for both acclimating and quarantine purposes, the identifications services go into a flurry of action to create documents for this new human adult person that spawned into existence from Arceus knows where. (See what I did there.)
Fun times. The government workers will literally never forget this for their entire lives. They will remember it as the most bizarre event they've ever experienced, bar none.
As for his official age now, since Ingo's body is physically 28, same as his brother, and he is mentally the same age, they just kinda shrug and say, yeah, sure, he's 28 years old. Never mind the fact that he's only been alive for three. Actually, don't think too hard on it. Don't.
Now, the depot agents. lmao
The day Emmet brings in Ingo for retraining and to "reinstate" him is a day of absolute chaos.
Emmet's first instinct, when he's formally introducing his brother to their employees during a meeting, is to gaslight them all into thinking Ingo had been their other boss the entire time three years ago. (When going into technicalities, it's hard to say if that's true or not. Which is the best part.)
"I am Emmet. I am getting down to business. Today, we will welcoming back Ingo to our work force. He went missing three years ago. He is back now. We will be resuming standard operating procedures with Ingo as the Subway Boss on the singles line again. Any questions?"
(Ingo, not having been forewarned of Emmet's plans, blinks and stares at his brother for a few moments, before mentally sighing and face-palming. He quickly decides to let Emmet get away with this, however. He's not immune to following along Emmet's whims, and he's not disinterested to see how this falls out.)
"How rude! I am offended for Ingo. You forgot about him! Unforgivable. Yup! This is verrrry sad. Terrrrrible. Ingo is my twin brother. I was in grief over his absence for three years. I am disappointed you did not notice."
"I didn't forget, Boss Emmet! I've never set a foot out of Gear Station my entire life, so of course I remember Boss Ingo! We loved working with Boss Ingo, I don't know how anyone could forget a kind and jovial man like him!"
(Depot Agent Jackie is most definitely in on it.)
All of the depot agents are reeling at this new reality that they have to force their brains to get used to. Some would keep swearing up and down that there was never a Boss Ingo, but then Emmet would wave around the proof of employment (that he typed up literally an hour before the meeting) and they'd just be reduced to a state of mental sputtering and questioning reality. Many are a flustered mess whenever they end up interacting with Ingo himself.
Emmet and Ingo let the depot agents stew in this prank for just the one day, at least until Ingo finally convinces Emmet to hold another meeting the next day to tell the agents the full truth and allow the poor guys some peace of mind. (Ingo does scold Emmet a little for being so mean-spirited with this particular joke, though it doesn't last too long when Emmet points out that Ingo didn't stop him.)
Funny enough, the truth ended up being even more of a bombshell than the prank had been. Who woulda thought.
From then on, the twins and the depot agents do their best to stay professional and help ease Ingo back into the work routine as something like a Deputy Subway Boss, and they're pretty successful! It doesn't take too long to get Ingo fully instated as an official Subway Boss, Ingo being as enthusiastic and dedicated to the job as he is, and, over time, the agents slowly realize that they did miss him without ever knowing it. Three years ago, they really did notice his disappearance, ironically enough. Ingo's "personality" was suddenly gone, Emmet was never the same, and the work environment changed. It's weird, but in the end, they all end up thinking, "I'm glad he's back."
The day of Ingo's official promotion, the depot agents throw him a party and make sure to tell him this:
"Welcome back. We missed you."
The public's reaction to Ingo is a mixed bag, predictably.
The day of Ingo's reintroduction to Gear Station, the official Battle Subway PokeTwitter account announces: "Attention all passengers! Starting today, a new Deputy Subway Boss will be conducting us to our destination on the Singles Line! Deputy Boss Ingo looks forward to future travels with challengers. Will you go on to victory or defeat? All aboard!" (Attached is a picture of Ingo in the signature point and call pose, right hand pointing forward and left hand out to the side pointing down.)
Most responses to the announcement are basically either, "isn't that just Emmet?", or "I had no idea Emmet has a twin brother!". There's a lot of chipper "Welcome!" and "All aboard!" comments and some competitive "Can't wait to see what he's made of!" remarks, so the reception is generally a mix of confusion and enthusiasm.
And then it all came crashing down when one person says, "Isn't this the same guy who ran the singles line years ago, tho? Did he come back?"
One person unintentionally does what Emmet did to the depot agents to an entire social media community. Thus restarts the conspiracy theories again, much to Ingo's and Emmet's exasperation. If they weren't already practically celebrities by this point, then they definitely are now.
Emmet ends up using his personal account to address questions and clear it up as much as he can, while skirting around the full truth as much as possible, sometimes even outright dodging certain inquiries altogether. Ultimately, he and Ingo had decided it was best to keep it private knowledge that only certain people would know. Emmet's best efforts certainly couldn't stop rumors from sprouting all together, but it did help to placate the internet riots and calm them down. It only took about a week before the twins were no longer all PokeTwitter could talk about.
Now, interestingly enough, Ingo himself isn't doing too bad, socially. Sure, he did live on a mountain for a few years, but he also visited Jubilife Village often! He assisted at the training grounds, helped teach the villagers to befriend and battle with pokemon, often did any needed shopping there. He made sure to check in with the Pearl Clan regularly, it'd be rude to essentially go AWOL on them when they took him in and bestowed him a position as important as warden of their Lady Sneasler.
Point being, Ingo got past most of his social struggles during his displacement in Hisui. Learning how to human when in an entirely unfamiliar setting and without his memories was a huge challenge for Ingo, but he gradually settled into the new experience. Which is why going to modern day Nimbasa is such a huge culture shock. There's so many more people, ranging from incredibly kind to brutish in behavior, sometimes critical, sometimes indifferent. Despite this, Ingo has been able to be himself without question, without backlash, without fear, and it's a marvel.
The people that Emmet and Ingo had surrounded themselves with never failed to make Ingo feel encouraged and supported, including Emmet himself. Especially Emmet. Ingo has no idea what he would do without Emmet. He loves and appreciates his brother immensely. With all the assistance Ingo has, he may be nervous about meeting his new future, but he's determined to do it. Stubbornly optimistic, even. No matter what set backs or adversities Ingo may face, he has the greatest safety net holding him up.
(If Emmet ever finds anyone antagonizing Ingo, he will most definitely give them a traumatic beat down in a pokemon battle, and terrify the living daylight out of them by promising them eternal despair if he ever sees them near Ingo ever again.
Basically, Ingo: sunshine, Emmet: sunshine protector.
I am right, and I should say it. Luckily for everyone, it doesn't happen often. Nobody in their right mind would want to be mean to Ingo.)
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looseinthecatroom · 8 months
Back at it with delightful background bits in Fionna and Cake.
Link to first post (Not posting them remotely in episode order I'm afraid.)
Cheers - Episode 10
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1./2./3. Everyone runs past a hamburger joint... only to faceplant in front of the exact same hamburger joint a few steps later. (Also "Evergreen Flowers", lol.) The repeating backgrounds happen a few times in Fionna world (In Episode one, they keep passing the same background taco place while Fionna is giving her tour), but this one is probably the most obvious.
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4. "LEARN TO KICK: Plate, Him, Her, Bug"
5. And later on in the ep when Cake does in fact learn to kick that bug. (Also: "CALL DAN" lmao)
6. Breezy spotted! (I can't for the life of me figure out who the other two characters in this scene are and it bothers the hell out of me.)
7. "Tooth Sale" (This whole section is just a treasure.)
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8. So we've got Queenie obviously, Lord Monochromicorn in the back, Fern, DJ Flame and Breezy almost off screen, and alsoooo...
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9./10. lol
11. Another crowd shot. Now with Turtle Prince in the top right. And I am once again burdened by the fact that I have no idea who a few of these people are. ;_; Is the person with the spot around their eye Tromo? Dr Gross? Who's the person in the top left whose hair looks like ears? Glasses and mustache? Purple hair, nose ring and head phones person who keeps showing up with Breezy?? Damned if I know.
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12. "Lump"
Time for a rapid fire collection of worlds Simon steps on on his way back to Ooo:
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13./14./15. Lich, Vampire, Tiny Bears (Rip tiny bear world apple cart.)
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16./17./18. Baby world, Melted Winter King World, some sort of horrible factory world
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19./20./21. Farmworld, different art style world (Is it a real show?/otherwise extant art style? Shout out if you recognize it.), Jake world
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22./23. Fire world and finally; Ooo
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24./25. This is the exact same crosswalk as Episode 1. (Also? I've been suspicious of flowers sticking through windows since noticing the "Help Me" plant in Episode 5, but sadly, they didn't end up being as much of a reoccurring theme as I'd hoped.)
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26. Saw another post pointing this out first but including it anyway: Scarab fucks over those poor lil' homeless hamsters. Smh.
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27./28. There's still some leftover wackiness in the architecture and store fronts
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29. Love that some of the new houses look like they're built in farmworld style.
30./31. As I mentioned in another post; seems like the world is no longer (or at least less) glitchy after being made canon. (Forgive the formatting on that last one. The Image limit on posts is 30. >.>)
RIGHT. So. That was episode 10, but it's only the second background details post I've drafted so far. Probably going to post these two, and get around to diving into the earlier episodes slowly/when I've got the time.
YEESH. This series is just a delight. Every dang shot of it is done with care, and it's just wonderful to go through. <3
Episode 1 | Episode 2 | Episode 3 | Episode 4 | Episode 5
Episode 6 | Episode 7 | Episode 8 | Episode 9 | Episode 10
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daisychainsandbowties · 11 months
Prepare yourself. 18, 20, 28, 29
18. What's one of your favorite lines you've written in a fic?
this really is very hard because i'm allergic to rereading my own fics but i did automatically reach for star wars au chapter 2 because it's the thing i'm most proud of. i picked a few paragraphs because i'm a horrible cheater
"She beat her fist down into the corner of the Third Sister’s jaw and the woman made a small, surprised noise, turning her face down and away. It was a bewildering response – an acceptance.
Later Beatrice would understand that it was instinct. It was out of habit that the Third Sister took the blow. She was used to it. She was often struck.
The Third Sister looked at Beatrice. At her violence and her fear, and she said, "It’s okay. I can take it."
Then, with irresistible strength, the Third Sister snatched Beatrice’s wrist out of the air – and fuck her she was careful (so careful) not to touch the blistered skin where sweat and motion and time had eaten away at the joint.
She trapped the arm entire back against the metal frame and held it there, pressing her forehead into Beatrice’s heaving chest until Beatrice collapsed against her.
They stayed like that forever.
Or hours. Or minutes. Time elapsed and slowly, gradually, the Third Sister relinquished her grip on the arm, let it fall down by Beatrice’s side – and it did, like a dead weight – turning instead to regard the elbow and the brace. The ruin of it.
Looking at her mouth, Beatrice expected to find anger there, or pity or disgust, but the Third Sister wore an expression that could not be described as anything but gentle.
She had one forearm wrapped loosely around Beatrice’s waist. Once the left arm was free it became impossible for Beatrice to hold herself upright. She subsided down until her chin rested against the Third Sister’s shoulder.
It was easier to shut her eyes while the Sith – this strange, gentle Sith – inspected her right arm.
After a moment she said, "I can take it out of the brace, but I think it will hurt." She paused and then evidently chose not to add, I think it will hurt forever.
Beatrice said nothing.
And the Third Sister said nothing as she loosened the brace and took Beatrice’s arm carefully in her palm, guiding it down and pressing it in, firmly, against Beatrice’s chest.
And Beatrice did not describe what that felt like, even to herself, but later she understood what it meant to have her limb passed back to her. A wordless gesture meaning here, this belongs to you."
20. What's your favourite title for a fic you've written?
stop these questions are so difficult 😭 i think probably luminous beings, because it's a near perfect reflection of the story itself, and also because it is a star wars quote that goes "luminous beings, we are; not this crude matter." i know it's in yoda's gaeilge-ass syntax but i love it
28. Have you ever tagged a fic: "Dead Dove: Do Not Eat"?
yep. my fic 'until light outweighs us' has that tag because it deals very seriously and graphically with illness, and i know for sure i've been in a place where i would have been unable to read stuff like that (i am in fact lmao so bad at updating that fic because i have recurring periods of not being able to WRITE about that stuff). but that's the only one. i probably would do it more if i'd ever gotten an 'omg i can't believe this was in here even though you tagged it'-style comment
29. share a bit from a fic you’ll never post
oooh okay how about a chunk of the assassin’s creed au i’m being so strong about not working on
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hms-no-fun · 1 year
apologies if you’ve written this somewhere before, but in a couple of these #sarahposts you refer to a retcon you made in gf1, what was the change?
oh yeah! i don't think i've really extensively documented this anywhere, so i might as well do so here. let's start with the boring shit and cover the history, then i'll give you the full breakdown of what changed.
so when i wrote gf1, i had no sense that i would ever want to go beyond the realm of this one fic. but i DID have this idea of "the ultimate ultimate self," an entity that contains all selves which is never mentioned in homestuck. funny that THAT’S my first big canon divergence, rooted so deep in the philosophical. obviously the big existential kick of gf1 is this idea that retcon is somehow eroding john's connection to that ultimate ultimate self, or at least to his ultimate self generally. the extent to which this is TRUE remains to be seen, john/june is never an objective arbiter of their own subjective existence, but it is an important idea for the series nevertheless.
the other key ingredient is that for a long time i planned on doing my own audio drama adaptation of godfeels (as i mentioned at the end of this video). obviously i never got around to doing this myself and eventually abdicated responsibility to the far more capable hands of the podfeels team, but i did get as far as adapting godfeels 1 for a podfic (which is what they used for podfeels 1). so i took that opportunity to modify a few things to bring gf1 more in line with how the series’ cosmology had evolved.
RIGHT SO, what are the differences? well, they're almost if not entirely exclusive to the narration. and right from the start, we have a big addition:
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[left is my original draft, right is the published version]
when i wrote gf1 i put ZERO thought into how long after homestuck proper it took place. remember that i wrote and released this before the epilogues came out, so it was only later that i adopted the timeline and framework of the epilogues. if anything i wrote gf1 thinking they were closer to *my* age at the time, meaning like 27-28, which might have caused me problems down the line. but this addition is also important because (as i rant about in this recent post) i think it's easier to swallow questionably in-character dialogue when you know that this is six years and change after homestuck. i still don't think the overall timeline gets emphasized enough throughout... honestly ALL of godfeels before chapter 8 lmao. looking back i was shockingly negligent in this respect.
what else?
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lol ok sure
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this was a pretty substantial addition owing to the fact that back then i really wasn't interested in writing anyone but the betas, and even then i mostly just wanted to write about june and jade. obviously that changed, so i wanted to do a better job of setting up dirk's murky relationship with june. ditto with june and terezi's murky romantic tensions.
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this is The Big One. i’m not even sure i could tell you the precise significance of every change here, beyond the obvious one. would you believe that this was before i thought of X as a distinct character? but i still had the sense that the antagonism of the third person narration here was rooted perspectivally, and it’s my opinion that john at the pits of his worst depression is closest to X, the part of himself that judges his every action against the assumed perfection of all his friends. after june comes out and takes charge of her identity and Things Happen, i see X as reflexively turning their judgment outwards (though still with a core of self-resentment), which is how we eventually get the circus egotistica.
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big changes here obv
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some simplification of text here plus some additions. is the narration here describing jade’s voice breaking through john’s dissociation, or is it something more cosmic? either could be true...
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minor alterations here, plus a probably too-cute stinger banging the drum that This Is An Ongoing Series Now Actually
and as far as i can tell, that’s it! very minor changes for the most part, but it’s the little details that get you every time :)
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oliviasturniolo21 · 5 months
thank you for accepting me as 🎀 anon you're in for a lot of drama and gossip about the people i hate (you don't even know them but eh 🤞😝)
there was this one girl in my school she was like the biggest pick me bitch istg i would physically hurt her if i could and that's a lot considering im usually a calm person 😭😭 so she turned 18 a few days ago but she was talking to this rich guy for almost two years now!!!! crazy if you have only one situationship which lasts 2+ years this guy stays in another city, a city which is like 8 hrs of train away his dad is apparently a politician and owns a club so this guy is always i mean always in the club let's call the girl vee and the guy ray so vees older sister stays in the same city as the guy and through the sister vee and ray got to know each other. ray is 27, turning 28 this year and keep in mind that vee has been talking to him since last two years HE WAS 26 AND TRYING TO GET IN A 16 YR OLDS PANTS?????? TOTALLY CRAZY IF YOU ASK ME BUT MY OPINION REALLY DOESN'T MATTER HERE 👎👎 and ray posts really uncomfortable and scandalous pictures with new girls every two days on instagram 😟😟😟 (mom i'm scared) idk how and why vee is still talking w him it's clear that he doesn't give a fuck about vee he's been seeing others but this girl omg she has made ray her entire personality i mean you're seeing the crazy photos he posts everyday he's not having those girls over to play chess yk what's happening yet she always goes around talking about how ray and her are the couple goals (gurl😹😹😹)
fun fact her parents have almost disowned her elder sister which is so not common in my culture so i lowkey wanna know what shit the elder sister pulled 😭🙏
anyways, how was your dayyyy
🎀 (so coquette omg)
I’m so sorry i took a nap and just saw this now lmao😭 BUT OMGGG, WOW. (i love the drama so y’all gotta keep updating me 🫶)
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sungbeam · 1 year
here to flood your inbox with the questions✨
3, 4, 9, 15, 18, 19, 21, 23, (IM SO SORRY FOR STEALING SO MANY NUMBERS BUT THESE QUESTIONS ARE SO GOOD), 28, 29, and 34
signing off with love
- ash
ash jie !!!! tysm for ur ask ^_^ and omg ty for the influx of numbers hehe <3
fanfic writer asks
3. What's been your most popular fic this year?
oh it was definitely my beomgyu drabble mine !! it was the fic that got me a ton of my followers and it's my first post to reach 1k and 2k+ notes which was super exciting :')
4. What piece of writing are you most proud of?
find my answer to #4 here!
9. What's a scene you wrote this year that you're particularly proud of?
hmm kind of a hard question cuz sometimes i think i'm a genius and other times i think a scene just doesn't work 😭😭 but ,,, i'll say i remember being super satisfied w lost at sea the pilot episode/chapter for my *cough* unfinished riptide!mark lee series ha,, haha
15. Are there are other writers or artists who have inspired you?
OH MY GOD SO MANY (´Д⊂ヽ i'm just gonna name drop :') @ethereal-engene ofc, @loveliestfelix @korijime @jaehunnyy @leejungchans @goldenhypen @/maijunejuly @petrichor-han @tranquilpetrichor @justalildumpling @polarisjisung @stayarmytinyzenmoa-l probs many more as well ksfbkenf but thank u all for being such amazing people who light up my dms and dashboard and make me want to keep writing and dreaming :')
18. Do you have a fic that you wish received more attention?
lmao a few tbh so i'll recommend a few 😁
— cruel summer (kim seungmin)
— the cage (yoon jeonghan)
— in all your endeavors, forever (kim hongjoong)
— 11:22am (jung sungchan)
19. What was your favorite comment, or piece of feedback this year?
definitely has to be ash jie's full review of in all your endeavors forever like having a whole post dedicated to a very through review of MY OWN fic just,,, omg it just made my day fr like woah mind-blown yk? so thank u sm jie :'( 💖
but in general, any feedback or comment just makes me so warm and fuzzy and excited !! once, someone told me they came back from the dead to remind people that i was one of the best writers here and tbh i could cry 😭😭😭 ??
21. Not a question, but a challenge! Say something nice about your writing!
*panics* UHM!! i,,, like that i've been improving in the description department? idk bro (´Д⊂ヽ like i'm trying to be more patient with my descriptions and i def have some work to do w solving my white room syndrome, but i think i'm getting better w touchy feely emotional things lol
23. What fic did you enjoy writing the most?
i actually really enjoyed writing the fics with crack/humor in them a lot! i write a lot of angst and i do enjoy writing that too, but i also love writing banter sm
will specifically mention this jungwon fic and this nct dream fic tho
28. What is your favorite story or chapter title you came up with this year?
OOH !!! uhhhhh i really like "cruel mercy" (wip), "bird hunt" (wip), and "dear chan, have you ever been in love before?"
29. What was the funniest comment or piece of feedback that you received?
AHAHHAHA when i posted the one beomgyu drabble for my october mini series, almost all the reblogs were talking abt how tf were those cheesy pickup lines attractive 💀🤡 tbh only beomgyu could make corny ass pick up lines attractive but yuh ✨ also whenever em rbs my stuff, she's so funny sjfnejfbj like i once posted a fic at 2am and she rb'd w smth like wait y aren't u asleep beam (ignoring the fact that she was also not asleep 💀)
34. What's the weirdest thing you researched for a fic?
LMAOO i don't think i remember half the things i google while in the moment tbh 🤣 but i vividly remember going down the rabbit hole of cheerleader positions and stunts for this one wip bc idk what any of that cheer stuff is called (´Д⊂ヽ and i think soon i'm gonna need to spiral down the dance rabbit hole too @_@ like figuring out waltzes and tangos and what that one dance intak did for isac :')
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birlwrites · 1 year
heyyy pls can you elaborate on the sacred 28 being established/codified at the onset of the eugenics period? (you mentioned it yesterday and now i'm v curious abt it lmao)
(got another ask about this - anon i saw it, here you go!)
SO. this hit me in the middle of a lecture and i was not in a situation to pull out my laptop and start duckduckgoing, and i also have basically never checked my memory against hp canon ever, so this is all courtesy of birl's brain, BUT. i think there's a connection here worth exploring
from what i remember, the list of The Sacred Twenty-Eight was created by some dude named cantankerous nott, who excluded the potters from the list due to some quibble, and it was RECENT. like, 1920s recent. i don't remember the exact year so i'm calling it 1928 because why not. before this point, pureblood high society was a little more permeable - people with a new shitload of money (thanks industrial revolution) were able to sort of muscle their way in due to aforementioned shitloads of money, and there was less of a clear distinction between The Old Families and The New But Respectable Families. like, there was a *distinction,* but it was similar to the current distinction between the anciente families and the noble families in the sacred 28 - we're different, some of us are Better™, but we're both the Good Sort™.
so, 1928. hold that number in your head, because making a list of Twenty-Eight Sacred Families Who Are Super Important And Amazing did not spring out of cantankerous nott's head fully formed. like, that shit had to be researched and decided by someone. who was good enough to be on the list? and why was cantankerous nott in charge, anyway?
here is my argument: by the time that the list was made, the only real surprise was that the potters weren't on it.
the eugenics movement began in the late 19th century - the term was coined in 1883 by sir francis galton, a british guy. this is fact this isn't from my brain. i mean it is but i looked it up first. by the time the 20th century hit, eugenics were an established Thing in britain (not just in britain, but we're keeping a narrow focus here)
what eugenics cares a LOT about is 'breeding.' encouraging the Right Sort of people with certain Desirable Qualities to have a bunch of kids, and discouraging the Wrong Sort of people with Undesirable Qualities from doing so. that's obviously incredibly morally questionable and gets into really quite a lot of human rights abuses, which is not the point of this post so i'm going to move on. but the point is - if the Right Sort of people procreate, and the Wrong Sort don't, then eventually the Wrong Sort will all die off and society will be only composed of the Right Sort and everything will be better
now, this doesn't *perfectly* fit in with the blood purity mindset IN BRITAIN - blood purists know that muggleborns will just keep appearing (barring some very shady experimentation to figure out how to Stop them from appearing, see ttdl chapter 51 near the end, but even that's more about taking away their magic and less about preventing muggleborns from ever *being* born)
but! brief diversion into continental europe and grindelwald here - what's the way to stop muggleborns from ever being born again? kill all the muggles. okay diversion done. WAIT NO I'M NOT DONE ACTUALLY ONE MORE THOUGHT - voldemort plays into that rhetoric by having the death eaters kidnap and murder muggles, but he doesn't state it as his all-out goal because a) it's not, and b) that's a great way to unite *multiple* countries who are all working to bring you down. after grindelwald, voldemort looks... well, not great, but only moderately genocidal, so he's britain's problem as far as the rest of the world is concerned, unless things get worse/change
okay NOW the diversion is done. BACK TO EUGENICS. i said in this post that some muggle culture things do creep into magical britain relatively quickly - philosophy does, and so as a result, i think the eugenics mindset does too. big focus on purity, saving your society from degradation, that's going to appeal to a lot of the more insular families
so! eugenics, the term, coined 1883. the sacred 28 codified 1928. that gives us 45 years in the middle for eugenics to seep into magical britain, take root in the upper classes, convince them their culture will Backslide and become Depraved unless they Do Something, and there's nobody actually whipping them into a frenzy here (seeing as grindelwald is, again, focused on the continent, and also his rise is around the same time as that codification in the first place) so really what happens is that this mindset becomes normalized. they're not being *violent* about it, they're being perfectly civilized, and therefore there is no problem
but the thing about encouraging the Right Sort to reproduce is that you have to know who they are! and so i think the increased social mobility of the industrial revolution starts to decline again here. a handful of families got into the wizengamot via money, but now the old families are growing concerned. they can't just be letting *any* ruffian with money into the wizengamot or their high society events, after all. they have Manners and they have Class and being one of them is about *more* than just having a wizengamot seat - it's about who they are.
high society begins to re-stratify, starting around the turn of the century. if you managed to nab a wizengamot seat recently, you can stay, but you'd better brush up on your deportment because you are on THIN ICE. and things get more exclusive - people start weeding out Certain Others from their guest lists, and so on. if you can still wrangle an invite to the rosiers' summer solstice ball, you're *respectable,* but that's the biggest event of the season - everything else has smaller, more curated guest lists. (well, the rosiers' guest list is definitely curated, but like, it's BIG.)
so the group that *becomes* the Sacred Twenty-Eight (And Also The Potters) have already become cliquey before that list is actually created. cantankerous nott has some grudging, baseline respect for the weasleys, for their tenacity in not dying out if nothing else, and they do have proof of their existence centuries ago because that was when everyone else started to hate them and it's very well-documented, so fine, cantankerous nott adds them to the list to be the designated losers so the rest of the group doesn't start turning on each other looking for targets.
and thus, the list of the sacred 28 is really a delineation of what everyone already kind of knows - it's just that it wasn't spelled out so explicitly before. but that group probably wouldn't have been as tight-knit as it is if not for the eugenics movement
(i also figure that the eugenics movement drove people to reduce their pools of marriage options, constraining the eligible people by quite a bit - earlier in the 19th century, they were somewhat more chill about marrying people who weren't aristocratic, as long as they could adapt well and fit into the aristocracy. i say 'somewhat' because, like, there was still definitely an element of judgment involved, it just was less extreme. so eugenics also contributed to the rise of inbreeding in the magical aristocracy)
as for why cantankerous nott was in charge, it was probably his idea, and many of the other aristocratic families Loved the idea of having this very distinct line creating an Us and a Them, and so they let him go ahead with it, with checking in about what exactly he was thinking and how many families he would include and what the criteria were anyway and--
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thompsborn · 7 months
Which cast do you picture in the Homeward Bound universe? Id assumed it was tom holland’s peter because harley doesn’t exist in the other spidermen’s movies but I also know you’re a Garfield-Spidey fan and that Harry Osborn and Gwen haven’t been MCU’d—just out of curiosity!!
okay hi this is the first of my current EIGHT unanswered hb asks omg. i'm !!!!! actually shaking with excitement about the fact that i'm about to get to ramble SO MUCH about hb holy shit. okay. okay.
so, obviously harley is based off ty simpkins, but i kind of?? like i mean, yes ty literally plays harley lmao, but also i picture him SLIGHTLY differently in my head. like how he looks in endgame i feel is a different vibe than how ty looks irl. i don't know if that makes any sense at all but i can't explain it, it's just like. he looks like ty but to the left. that's harley in my head. i cannot describe it any other way.
hb peter is 100% tom's peter because homeward bound is 100% canon compliant up to no way home (except for some headcanons such as peter having an uncle ben but uncle ben dying when peter was still really little in order to not fuck with the spidey home trilogy being peter's origin story - there are some other headcanons too that i can't remember off the top of my head, but i tried to make all of them align with mcu as much as possible as to not fuck with canon)
for harry and gwen it's not a spoiler for the most part except for one thing is kinda spoilery but not really? it reveals something about one of their characters that has not been established in the fic yet so just to be safe i'm gonna tag this w the spoiler tag and put it under the cut
okay so i'll start with harry
so there's a lot of variations with harry - sometimes he has brown hair, sometimes reddish hair, usually blue eyes, though i love the idea of him having green eyes because. i mean. duh.
i didn't really think of fan casts for him specifically in hb, i haven't really gone in depth with his appearance in any of the chapters, but @alwaysonlineau made the actor from love, simon, nick robinson, the icon for harry's account and now i kind of can't picture anyone else lmao. nick has hazel eyes which can look greenish at times so i'm here for it. also i loved his acting in jurassic world and in love, simon so i think he could pull off harry pretty damn well.
here's the picture of nick robinson that @alwaysonlineau used that i REALLY love because it definitely has harry energy to me:
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also i love that nick was in jurassic world with ty lmao. the ages are off obviously, nick is 28 and literally played ty's older brother in that movie, but for the sake of a fan cast i think nick when he was early 20's looks very Harry Osborn to me. at least he feels very fitting for fanon harry.
if someone were to actually play harry in the mcu i don't know if he'd feel super fitting, i've seen people mention harrison osterfield for mcu harry which i could see. i also looked through a list of harry fan casts and david mazouz looks harry like to me a bit. charlie heaton was also listed which idk if he could pull harry off but looks-wise i could kind of see. asher angel. i know timothee chalamet's name has been tossed around a bunch and i mean i think he could do it but he doesn't look like harry to me lmao. they'd have to make his appearance work for it.
maybe charlie rowe, who i also saw listed as a fan cast. asa butterfield was on that list as well and i could see the mcu going that route too. but in homeward bound, i pretty much just envision nick.
as for gwen stacy!
so, i thought this before @alwaysonlineau came back, and i know i'm not the only one because i've seen quite a few posts on here and other sites saying the same thing, especially after across the spider-verse came out and gwen had the trans flag and coloring and such, but i really think that hunter schafer would be an INCREDIBLE gwen.
it hasn't been mentioned in the fic yet (mostly because i didn't think of this until i was already like halfway through the fic and then i didn't officially decide on it until across the spider-verse came out) but gwen is trans in homeward bound. it's gonna be made explicitly clear as soon as i can figure out a fitting reason for why it wouldn't have been mentioned so far - it feels as though, since the fic is peter's pov and he's never mentioned it, it should be that gwen hasn't told him so he doesn't know, which means finding out is going to have to be a thing. not like a huge thing but it's going to have to become a scene of some kind that establishes the fact that she's trans and then also addresses why she didn't tell him/any of them.
i haven't decided on how yet - it might be a super casual thing where she just never thought to mention it because it's just a part of who she is and she doesn't feel the need to tell people because she doesn't think it really matters (and also hunter schafer has stated that she passes as a cis woman i remember seeing an interview after euphoria season one where she was talking about it and how like yeah it's great to have trans inclusion and representation in euphoria but also she knows that she's white and passing and that's probably a big part of why she got the role, which basically i'm mentioning because if hunter were to play gwen then gwen would also be able to pass very easily as a cis woman as well). i might make it a bigger thing, like maybe she experienced something (some kind of transphobia) in the past that made her very wary about telling people and then by the time she wanted to tell them it had been a long time so she didn't know how, etc. etc. etc.
i'm queer but like i'm a cis lesbian not trans or nonbinary or anything, i do have multiple trans friends and i've seen a lot of posts and art and such about different lives and experiences trans people have had but i'm still cis, so if anyone who isn't cis has any input on what they'd like to see, please let me know. i don't want to approach the topic with a lack of sensitivity and i want to have trans rep in hb but if people want it to be a casual thing then that's what i'll do, if people want there to be more to her backstory then i'll do that instead.
but yeah, basically i can REALLY picture hunter as gwen, like some of her acting in euphoria i feel has some potential gwen energy to it (specific scenes, some displays of emotion that i could see gwen having, etc) but also this picture of hunter feels VERY gwen to me:
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also also, obviously zendaya is rue in euphoria so her and hunter are friends and have great chemistry together and as a gwemj lover that means a lot to me pdfjg
another possibility i could see is emma meyers, aka enid from wednesday. i think she's a great acctress and could encompass gwen's energy pretty well too, but my first pick would be hunter!
long answer short:
in homeward bound, i picture harry to look like nick robinson and i picture gwen to look like hunter schafer.
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alexalblondo · 2 years
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#pretty pretty gifset - 731 posts
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Longest Tag: 95 characters
#man united literally about to kick off: 🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️
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the fact that this is EXACTLY what happened
1,532 notes - Posted July 12, 2022
Seb fans: *crying. dying. about to end it all*
1,758 notes - Posted October 23, 2022
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no thots - just absolutely unhinged energy
1,934 notes - Posted July 28, 2022
I like how everyone in LotR tumblr is being all euphemistic and vague about their aesthetic complaints with Rings of Power speaking about immersion and how the short hair is ruining the experience instead of just saying what they mean
They made Elrond unfuckable and it sucks
3,057 notes - Posted September 3, 2022
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Let's fucking go
6,290 notes - Posted October 30, 2022
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I love Tony and I love Irondad, but I came across a post the other day that criticized Tony for creating basically a WMD in EDITH and giving it to a teenager. They kinda have a point. What’s the best way to respond to that?
If they had seen the movie they'd know it wasn't Tony the one that gave Peter that thing at 16/17, it was Nick Fury (Talos, under Fury's orders, remember he's watching everything from space). Tony wasn't present in FFH, I don't know how anyone could've missed that with the big ass posters honouring his death lmaoooo
Tony probably wanted to give that kind of responsibility and most importantly protection to Peter when he was older, like, you know, a 28/30 year old man. Why? Yall know the answer. Maybe Peter #2 or #3 wouldn't need protection like that because their worlds are much less complicated than MCU spidermans, but MCU Peter does need this (AS IN WHEN HE'S OLDER, for now someone has to take care of him or help him in some sort of way). Did yall see MoM? Did yall see what kind of threats they're facing now? These are not some robots on the street or a vulture flying with electronic wings, these are multiverse monsters/creatures/nexus beings. Do you think friendly neighbourhood spiderman can protect himself alone from them? No. He's a kid, he's gonna need help. Peter can hold him own but it would be realistic for him to take down the same enemies Strange, Wanda, Carol or Thor can? No. So, Tony, the one that has known about bigger threats since the beginning, prepared something for the kid to have as protection in case something happened to him (and it did) and Fury took the liberty of giving such responsibility to that kid (even if it was Talos, it was Fury's responsibility to give that to the kid when he was older or more prepared, he didn't even bother to offer some kind of training for him). But yall know Fury doesn't really care that much about that kid, he needs an asset, he just gets it and that's it. Whatever gets the job done. It's a superhero movie after all.
Now, let me ask yall something, you know some new avengers movie is gonna come out in maybe two years, and they're building up all of these stories about the multiverse and everything else;
Is Peter gonna defeat Kang and co with some sleepwear made out of cheap wool? LMAO be honest yall, it wouldn't be realistic and none of you would buy that. I bet half of you would be ok with Peter getting his tech and suit from Shuri (even more advanced and violent tech) because you'd be scared of getting cancelled if you said something about it. BE REAL here, this kid is now poor, he is always going to need help from an adult (or someone with more resources), ALWAYS, he's a minor and he's a person, all heroes need someone in their corner. Tony took care of Peter and even prepared protection for his future, a future that seems impossible to survive given the level of threat the heroes are going to face. If Thanos decimated half of humanity, what do yall think the next villain is gonna do? That was Tony's line of thinking, always in the future.
And of course, Peter might get help from the F4 and even more people, so the ones complaining that Peter got too much help now can stfu about Tony helping Peter, this kid is always going to need help given his age and the fact that he doesn’t have enough money to build his own stuff, and the world he lives in can't afford him some sort of plot armor to save his ass with only a jumper on.
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endlessly-cursed · 2 years
𝑫𝒖𝒃𝒐𝒊𝒔 𝑸&𝑨
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Canon or Fiction? If your family is completely original: Where did the Family name come from? What was your inspiration and who was the first OC you created for it?
Oh, the Dubois are 100% canon too! Tho I did steal some inspo from this test from Pinterest that I took a silly night at 5 am in my bedroom when I couldn't sleep. The name Dubois came with my 5 am eyesight from this post too. I read "Dubois" instead of Dupuis and when I found out my mistake it was too late lmao.
The first member ofc was my og gal, Isabelle Dubois!!
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Family Ties: What other families are related/connected to this one? Are they Canon families or creator made families? (Tag them!)
The MacMillan family is the first known tie, for Charlotte was a MacMillan by birth
The Malfoys through Elise were also an attempt of Tristan to have more relevance and influence. It all played well... Until his daughter married someone outside the S28.
Her brother married into the French family of Minville, the headmistress' daughter at the time. Adrienne would soon pass on her flaming red hair onto her grandchildren
As for Blanche, she married the wealthy Astor family for love and had three children with him. Her eldest, Robert, married Enya Thorne, one of the wealthiest heiresses in the Wizarding World and had two sons, Dante and Lionel @cursebreakerfarrier
Adrienne's son Ètienne married the beautiful and rich Catalina Rosier, another French family and from the Sacred 28, though she was half-blood, being the illegitimate daughter of King Edward VII. They had three children, and Elodie, the oldest, became a single mother of Sebastian, who expanded his other Dubois branch until the birth of his granddaughter Lucille.
Jude Dubois was a single mother and daughter of Adrienne and Ètienne who had a son with Nigel Ashbourne, duke of Sandringham named Joseph. He had his grandmother's red flaming hair. She later married Caspar Brokenshire and had two daughters with him, Evangeline and Annalisa. Not much is known of the sisters.
Joseph continued the Dubois male line and married Annabeth Abbott and had a son with her, Rhys, who'd marry another Frenchwoman, Léah Dubois, red-headed as well and had four children: Guinivere, Jacob, Isabelle and Òphelie. Gwen carried on the Dubois tradition of being single mothers and got pregnant during a mission with her partner Malcolm Anderson and ran away to quietly give birth to their son Simon, who too has the flaming red hair.
Not much is known of Jacob, he is indeed a mystery, but many say he adopted children.
Isabelle married Penny Haywood and had two children, Yvonne and Silas.
Ophélie never married nor had children
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Foundations: What year and which OC was the founder of the family line? If the family goes back hundreds of years and you don’t know the first member, tell us about the oldest OC in the family you have created.
Though the Dubois trace back to the reign of Louis XIV and one of his mistresses, the records of the family were destroyed by the French rebels in 1793 in retaliation and only during Napoleonic times in 1805 there was a Dubois who survived the mess, Leopold's father, Charles. Not much is known, only that Leopold was his son.
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Fun Facts: Do you have any misc lore you have that you haven’t had a chance to post about? Talk about anything you like!
The Dubois were initially black haired and with brown eyes, but Charlotte's blonde hair and blue eyes passed down on her genes
The first red-headed Dubois is named Ravenna. It is not known much of her other than she was the mother of Tristan, but many speculate she could've been either a Prewett or a Weasley, more likely a Prewett.
The Dubois have a chateau that has been rebuilt three times, twice by fire and one in a fire by the rebels in 1793 when found out that some were related to Louis XIV and could claim the throne from the executed Louis XVI
Lucille is the youngest Dubois recorded, only 5 months younger than Yvonne.
The chateau was a cause of dispute between the Dubois siblings in 1994 and thus the cousin rivarly begun. It has not been solved yet
Adrienne Minville, wife of Ètienne, is considered the most important Dubois, for from her both branches descend from thanks to her children and their prominent marriages.
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Tagging @kathrynalicemc since the Lineage Challenge was created by her
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mppmaraudergirl · 2 years
15, 28, 38 💕
cer when I reblogged this there were only like 5 questions I thought I could answer in any coherent way and you've found 3 of them lmao
15. If you could choose one of your fics to be filmed, which would you choose?
Definitely The Wedding Ring! I have so many of these places and scenes that still live so clearly in my head. The Manor, James' college apartment, the black t-shirt!, the dancing practice, James spinning Lily back into him in the garden(!!), the mini golf venue, James leaning against his car (idek guys but it's a THING)! I would love to see it all play out on screen in front of me.
28. Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much.
Obviously I have more than three favorites, but:
You! Obviously. You have such an easy flowing quality to your writing. I always love your James and your dialogue always has a sharp quality to it. You own your angst, you weave in humor, and you've written some romantic declarations that I still think about.
@chdarling! Gosh it's impossible to not get sucked into her writing. Even the snippets, the throw-away/joking scenes she's posted over the years. CH just has a way with words, has superb canon characterization, and builds a story that completely immerses you (which is exactly what you want).
@the-dream-team! Dylan lets her imagination go where it wants and I'm happy to join in on the ride. You empathize with the characters! You genuinely laugh at the antics. And as much as Dylan talks about being angst-free she's written some absolute gut-wrenchers (beautiful ones at that!).
38. Talk about a review that made your day.
There are honestly so many. Receiving reviews at all make my day. But I will point out this one from @nought-shall-go-ill that impacted me so much that I not only read it to my husband but I still think about it. I won't copy the whole thing, it's from The Road Back to You chapter 10:
Gosh! I feel I’ve spent most of this answer basically slagging off the characters, but I truly just mean to compliment your writing, because the fact that these characters can frustrate me so much yet I still love them and still root for them and invest so much of my thoughts unpicking them and their motivations speaks a lot for the nuance you put into your writing. It’s real and it’s human and I think it’s a fantastic depiction/exploration of cowardice — and how it can make the main characters more relatable, more loveable, not less so.
Seriously. What more could a writer want to hear honestly 🥺
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yellobb · 2 years
Yellobb’s Year In Review
I definitely stole the idea to make this shortened and not as ugly, so thank you Em and Raen for that 😆
I posted 1,900 times in 2022
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#baz pitch - 245 posts
#toh - 213 posts
#snowbaz - 205 posts
#the owl house - 203 posts
#m rambles - 103 posts
#toh spoilers - 94 posts
#hunter toh - 73 posts
#current events - 72 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#i didn’t make either simon or baz a vscode user in my fic because you only find vscode after you’ve healed internally and they haven’t lmao
My Top Posts in 2022:
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My Simon Snow birthday art, where I screwed up and gave the last Simon a random age instead of looking up how old he really is
118 notes - Posted June 22, 2022
That post about how 40k words is classified as a novel got me thinking: how many people in the Simon Snow fandom have written not only a novel, but a longer novel than the source material?
Please note that, while I could probably get the data for what authors have written more than one/all of the books composite, this is mainly focused on the lengths of individual works. I used the Carry On fandom tag on AO3 for searching, since the Simon Snow and related fandoms tag has one fic that would place, and it’s a Fangirl fic, not a Simon Snow fic and AO3 is where most of the fics seem to be posted anyway.
This post is too long and I tagged too many people, so shortening it for y’all
180 notes - Posted November 22, 2022
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Based on this reel I saw the other day that immediately screamed Simon and Baz
(Click for quality)
209 notes - Posted June 3, 2022
Thinking about how viscerally affected I was watching Kate in Don’t Look Up. How she is the only one who shows the very human reaction of being furious that people are making light of this thing that will be everyone’s doom at the beginning, but is essentially written off as being too emotional and “crazy”. How throughout the entire film this brilliant astronomer who LITERALLY DISCOVERED THE FUCKING COMET is discredited and ostracized for being just a tiny bit upset about everything and made out to be an idiot that no one should listen to. How she chooses to grit her teeth and bare it, but it blows up in her face because she still isn’t acknowledged. How she continues to try with all her might to save everyone until there’s no other way, but she still fails because there’s just too many forces working against her. How even when she doesn’t give a shit anymore because she’s just so tired of being pushed down she still cares so much, she just has to come to terms with the fact that she tried, and maybe that wasn’t enough, but that’s all she could do.
431 notes - Posted January 7, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Eldest AFAB sibling, queer, neurodivergent, former gifted kid, perfectionist culture is curling up in a ball and sobbing at all three of the Madrigal siblings’ solos
436 notes - Posted January 28, 2022
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feydfuckernation · 2 years
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#whereas the waiter was literally just an accident n the crime had more to do with the fact that kendall fled the scene (in a state of shock)
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55 notes - Posted July 28, 2022
after seeing ash’s response to this post i want to talk for a second about the subject of elvis and impersonation vs portrayal.
elvis impersonators have been around almost as long as elvis himself, with the first impersonator being a man by the name of carl “cheesie” nelson from texarkana who, in 1954 who performed his own renditions of “that’s alright, mama” and “blue moon of kentucky,” and even got to perform onstage alongside elvis that same year. since then, elvis impersonators have been a staple of american pop culture—with a notable presence in las vegas specifically—but it’s not exclusive to america. simply put, ash is right; elvis is one of, if not THE most impersonated pop culture icon in american—and rock n’ roll—history.
there are a few notable portrayals of elvis onscreen: elvis (1979) directed by john carpenter (often touted as the best portrayal of elvis), elvis and nixon (2016), more of a comedy film above all else but still one of the more notable portrayals of elvis in recent years, bubba ho-tep (2002) starring bruce campbell as elvis, the elvis miniseries from 2005 starring jonathan rhys meyers (who bears an uncanny resemblance to elvis) and of course the most recent film starring austin butler, just to name a few. this is not a comprehensive list by any means, but are (to me) the most notable attempts at bringing elvis to the small and silver screen respectively. i can’t speak to every portrayal of elvis ever that exists in media (and i haven’t seen elvis and nixon in a very long time) but i can speak to austin butler, kurt russell and jonathan rhys meyer’s portrayals in particular when it comes to just the performance aspect of elvis, which is where immitation vs portrayal really comes into play for me.
by all accounts and purposes, jonathan rhys meyers was practically tailor made to play elvis presley
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i mean honestly.
unfortunately i made the mistake of watching the miniseries after i had already seen austin butler’s performance and it was. not good lmao. i think for the time it was quite good, but it very much comes across as someone trying to imitate elvis versus actually inhabiting him as a person and making him come alive (also as an aside i know we tend to clown on tom hanks for his portrayal of the colonel because of how he sounds but at least he’s not boring lmao. if randy quaid’s version is more accurate then this is really gonna bite me in the ass but my god no one can ever accuse tom hanks of being boring in elvis 2022), particularly when he’s dancing. there was such a fluidity to the way elvis moved and it comes off very disjointed by comparison.
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56 notes - Posted August 4, 2022
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this is my one (1) contribution to the iwtv fandom
70 notes - Posted November 8, 2022
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101 notes - Posted August 10, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
tom sturridge could do edward cullen and robert pattinson could do morpheus 
168 notes - Posted August 7, 2022
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