#godfather espresso
rogerthompson1 · 2 years
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Pubble is a licensed mobile delivery service supplying the highest quality red wine all across different locations of Australia. We also sell gift packs of buy red wine online to help you make your visit or special occasion complete. This includes packaging and handling each bottle of red wine with utmost care and making sure it reaches fresh to our customers who buy red wine online from Pubble.
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pubble1 · 2 years
Buy Your Favourite Red Wine Online
Buy Red Wine online from Pubble, Australia's one-stop online shop for a wide selection of red wines at wholesale prices. Whether you're a wine enthusiast or casual drinker, you can choose from our premium range or store brands that satisfy your needs when it comes to red wine.#1 Wholesale Red Wines Bundle (Chardonnay and Merlot) for $21
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queen-rainy-love · 2 months
Part five and the last part of the Pure Lily family tree (I hope). We're finally touching the families that some children have started.
Let's start with these two families.
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Clotted Cream is dating Wildberry, the adopted father of Strawberry, Wild Strawberry, and Strawberry Crepe. (Clotted Cream will be the stepfather to those three soon.) Red Velvet is the partner to Pastry (who will marry soon) and is the adopted father to Capsaicin and Pond Dino while being the jam-related father to Strawberry Cream. Wildberry did try to adopt Strawberry Cream before learning that he was Red Velvet's son. This photo was taken before they agreed for Wildberry to be his Godfather (or the Cookie equivalent of a Godfather.) (Also, this was made way before the release of Strawberry Shortcake Cookie...so imagine they're there, just hiding behind Pastry.)
4/2/24: *Here's the updated picture of the RedPastry household, roommates and children.
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Previous statement still stands. Strawberry Shortcake Cookie is here now! And the two (unofficial children) roommates! Brute and Space Doughnut!
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Madeleine is the husband to Espresso and the adopted father to Snow Sugar. Snow Sugar is the grandchild of Cotton (and the training ward of Frost Queen).
And that's pretty much-
Oh wait.
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Yeah...I fell into the hole that Royal Margarine and Pitaya Dragon are together (big thanks to @nightmyst14-blog again) and Snapdragon is their child.
And that's it!
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abbatoirablaze · 3 months
Mini Interviews, F1 Drivers
Word Count:  1.5k
Warnings:  None
*Just some of the most precious team interviews where I could see how it would be if the drivers had to take their child/children with them because why not. 
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Carlos Sainz and Lando Norris, Ice Cream, Mclaren
Carlos chuckled as he watched his godchild propping himself up on his elbows and partially army crawling as much as he could across the small distance on the table where the cup of espresso and ice cream was waiting. 
Lando was smiling, trying to talk to the social media coordinator while keeping his hands firmly on his carbon copy’s waist to stop him from being entirely on the table. 
And little Landon Norris, briefly glimpsing back at his father, making sure that his full attention wasn’t on him, before dipping his finger into the cooled beverage and popping it into his mouth.
“EWW DADDY!” the three-year-old squealed, wriggling around until he was far away from the caffeinated cup as possible and back into his father’s lap, “that’s icky.”
“What’s wrong bud?” he asked, his full attention now on his son, knowing that if Landon had any issues at all he’d have no problem telling his mummy when he got home that ‘daddy wasn’t keeping an eye on him,’ like he’d promised, “what happened?”
“That goes on the ice cream!” Carlos said with a smile as his godchild looked between the coffee and treat, silently questioning it, “it makes it taste better, Landon.”
The man assisting with the video walked beside Lando’s table and lifted the cup, pouring the beverage over the sweet treat while the small child’s face scrunched up, then switched to a look of horror.  He was quick to turn in his father’s arms, clinging to them, “daddy make him stop.  He’s ruining the ice cream!”
This time the elder Norris frowned, “no, no no, no no!  Oh, you ruined my ice cream!”
Carlos was chuckling beside him, while the child’s eyes went wide once more, “UNCLE CARLOS HE’S GONNA RUIN YOUR ICE CREAM TOO!”
“No thank you sir, I’ll do it!” Carlos said simply, stopping the man from pouring the espresso over his gelato, “thank you sir!”
Landon leaned over his father’s arm and towards his godfather, “Uncle Carlos…I try?”
Carlos softened, instantly reaching out for the child, and Lando frowned, “it’s not fair that you get to try it without the coffee!”
“Come, Landon!” Carlos smiled as the little boy giggled and went into his arms.  He settled down in his lap, and Carlos sipped on the coffee before readying the spoon so that Landon could have some of the ice cream, “keep clean, yes?  Your mother would not be happy if your father brought you back covered in food.”
“Thank you Uncle Carlos!” Landon smiled as he looked up at his godfather. 
“Good boy!” he praised, before readying the second spoonful for himself, all the while Lando was pouting at the coffee drenched ice cream in his bowl.
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Danny Ric and Max Verstappen, Holiday Message, Redbull
“Let’s start by cheersing to 2017!” Danny Ric grinned, holding up his glass of sparkling lemonade.
Max giggled, correcting his best friend, “18!”
“I don’t know,” he laughed, “I’ve got two kids that are two years old.  I don’t sleep let alone remember what year it is!”
Max burst out laughing as he went to take a sip from the drink, the fizzy beverage spilling over the top of the table.  Daniel laughed as well and the people behind the camera had to look away to stop their own laughter so that they could get through the video.
“DADDY YOUR GIFT FOR MAXIE!” the elder of the twins yelled, running up with a box that was nearly as big as she was.
“MAXIES GIFT!” her twin echoed, pulling her sister towards their favorite ‘uncle’ so that they could give him the gift Daniel picked out.
“To max,” Max read, as he took the gift wrapped in pink paper from the twins, “you are my rock.  Love.  Much love.  Daniel!”
Daniel nodded as he tried to stifle his laughter.  He looked behind the camera to see his wife giggling as well and he picked up one of the twins who came to sit with him, so that he could hide his own growing smirk. 
“You’re my rock!” he repeated between giggles, “Keep reading.  The next part is from the twins!”
“WE DID!” his other daughter grinned, pulling on the hem of Max’s shirt, “just for you MAXIE!”
“XO XO.  Heart heart heart.  There’s a lot of hearts here!”
“Because we love you!” she giggled, smiling the trademark Ric family smile at him. 
Daniel smiled back, picking her up so that she could sit on his lap, “aww, I love you too.  Are you guys going to help me and your dad unwrap our gifts?”
Both girls smiled even more, nodding along. 
“So, you got me a gift too?” Daniel asked. 
Max rolled his eyes at his best friend, and while one arm was looped around Daniel’s daughter, the other reached down to grab the gift that he’d stashed by his chair for his teammate.  Daniel smiled as he read off the little note, and both drivers went to town unwrapping the boxes, with the help of the twins.
“Good job Emma!” Max praised the twin in his lap.
“Thank you for helping us, Lynn!” Daniel told the twin on his lap as he kissed her temple, “you girls are a big help for me and your uncle Maxie!”
“Alright girls, come over here so daddy and Maxie can try on their gifts!”
“Go see your mum!” Daniel agreed as he and Max stood, and they showed the girls back to Daniel’s wife. 
The drivers disappeared momentarily to put on the Christmas themed suits, before coming back and restarting the cameras.  The twins watched eagerly as their father and his teammate did a small interview, asking one another about their favorite memories as children during the holidays, and telling the jokes that were inside little presents, until they started to break down into another fit of giggles; Daniel waving his girls back into the frame, and giving them the fake food to throw at Max.
“Hey that’s not fair!” Max giggled as he threw some of the fake food at Daniel, “three on one.  Disqualifications.  Penalties.  The ankle biters can’t both gang up on me with you!”
“Get him girls!” the honey badger smiled. 
The twins squealed, both attacking Max with hugs and praise.  Max leaned forward and dabbed, “dab with me, Emma…Lynn…dab with me!”
The girls giggled and wriggled around, not quite getting how to do it. 
Daniel cupped his hands around his mouth, “Ki Ki Ki-“
“AY AY-“
It quickly devolved into a mass of giggles and the boys yelling.  The girls started picking up more of the fake food from the floor so they could throw it at Max and Daniel. 
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Pierre Gasly and Yuki Tsunoda, Language Exchange, Alpha Tauri
Both men giggled as they looked at the paper, Pierre more so.  His head cocked to the side, “merde…”
“Mama, papa said a bad word!” three-year-old Jaques cooed, looking off screen to his mother from his father’s lap. 
“How do dogs bark in French?  What?” Yuki asked, looking to the cameras, where a few people were giggling.  He looked down to his one-year-old, who was half asleep in his arms.
“How is it in Japanese?”
“I don’t know,” Yuki laughed, “regular noises.”
“What noise do they make?”
“Wang wa wa!”
“Good job, Hiro!” Yuki praised the sleepy baby.
Pierre and his son couldn’t stop laughing, “wang wa wa?  What noise is that?”
“What, is normal!” Yuki said quickly, adding his own little bit of laughter in as he cradled his son against himself, “wang, wa wa.  Why.  How do they do it in French?”
Pierre burst out laughing, slapping his leg. 
Jaques’ eyes went wide, and he slipped off his father’s lap, running to his mother.
“Oh, Jaques…I didn’t mean to scare you buddy,” he apologized as he wiped the tears of laughter from his eyes.  He turned his attention back to Yuki, “where-did you ever hear a dog do this noise?”
“Yeah?” Yuki said quickly “Why so c-what does a dog make?  What noise with you?”
“Woof!” Jaques answered as his father calmed down.
“Yes! He said quickly, pointing to his son, “Woof woof woof!”
“Oof?” Yuki asked, confusion crossing his features.  He shook his head, “that oof oof is someone punching an old man in the stomach.  He goes oof!”
“How you say in Japanese, I want to know!” Pierre giggled, encouraging the noise from Yuki once more.
“Wang wa, wa.” He repeated.  Pierre continued to laugh, “What?”
“What dog is that?”
“A normal one!”
“Doggy wang wa, wa!” Hiro repeated, snuggling into his father’s chest. Yuki smiled down proudly at his son while Pierre continued to giggle.
“No, doggy go woof woof!” Jaques said, coming to the rescue once more as he rejoined his father’s side.
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soloorganaas · 1 year
Ten lines, ten people
rules: share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. if you have written less than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway.
ty for the tags @maraudersaffair and @spindrifters 💗
“Give him to me, I’m his godfather,” Sirius implored.
right back where we started from // wolfstar, E // PoA AU
Rain splattered lightly against the window as the coffee machine whirred, the welcome sound of espresso pouring into foam milk music to Sirius’s sleep-deprived ears.
me’usharim // wolfstar, E // muggle AU proposal
Sirius went to Godric’s Hollow first.
help me hold onto you // wolfstar, M // PoA AU
Hermione only went to the Quidditch pitch because she was concerned. Really - Ginny had been missing from the Common Room at all hours recently, and she knew she wasn't with Dean as he was there right in front of her being glared at by Ron.
rivalry // cho x ginny, E // pwp
“Oh no!” Marlene exclaimed in horror, her rich, arch voice dragging out the syllables.
sunkissed // dorlene, T // vacation fluff
“Yeah well, it’s bullshit,” Sirius declared angrily
champagne problems // wolfstar, T // multi-era fluff
It was late in the evening when Remus returned from the owlery.
night lights // wolfstar, E // hogwarts-era fluff
The world was falling to pieces around them and all they had to cling to was each other.
shifting // prongsfoot, E // get together angst/smut
“And look, there’s the cat again,” Sirius said to Harry, fatigue bleeding through his attempts at enthusiasm.
my hand was the one you reached for // wolfstar, T // post-war hurt/comfort/fluff
He wanted to call it carelessness, but that would imply he wasn’t conscious of what he was doing; that there wasn’t a part of his mind that saw the risk and willingly, brazenly took it because the rush was a drug he could never get enough o
the madness within // wolfstar, E // The Prank angst with a happy ending
tagging @squintclover @heartofspells @serethereal @fruity-individual @fonkeloog @blitheringmcgonagall @maybebabyplease @achilleslikespeas @nikialexx @arakhnee
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bclletragedie · 3 months
LOCATION: godfather house of blues. FOR: open! ( 0/5 )
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𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐈𝐂𝐀'𝐒 𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄 𝐇𝐀𝐒 𝐁𝐄𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐄 synonymous with that of the godfather in the years she has sung there -- so much so, one might think she lived within the walls. it is where she comes alive, ignited by the praise and adoration she receives. it is what keeps her coming back, taking paychecks from lux with an extended hand and flexed palm. twas another such night of revelry as she entered the main floor -- her set completed for the evening. while some may have said that mixing work with play never brought piece to anyone, veronica believed herself to be the exception to the rule. what could be more pleasant than being able to kick her feet up with an espresso martini dangling between her fingertips, only to benefit financially.
" how good of you to come. " veronica begins, speaking to the person next to her with her usual air of confidence. a finger is held up to catch the bartender's attention, who does nothing more than nod. he knows how she likes it. " here for the show or the liquor? it's quite alright if it's the latter. "
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melis-writes · 2 years
hi lol I was wondering if we could get some sweet sibling moments between Victoria and Lorenzo. Or maybe some Lorenzo bonding with Victoria and Michael’s kids. It’s been all angst with Lorenzo till now I thought some cute moments would be nice 🥹🥹🥹
Also I love all of ur fics smmm. I found your account right after watching the godfather for the first time ever and i was like jackpot 😭😭❤️❤️ You’re an amazing storyteller and I open Tumblr 90% of the time to check your account 💕💕💕💕
Hello, sweet anon!! 🥰😍 I love this cute, sibling bond prompt! We’re almost a little too used to expecting Lorenzo to be a hardass as its practically in his character, but for sure in the near future when I write up a oneshot just about Victoria and her family, we’ll see the full extent of his personality and grow to love him–just maybe? 😅 Hehe. On the other hand, thank you sooooo much! Made my whole day! 🥺❤ I appreciate that so much, thank you for reading my works and interacting with me!!
“I don’t know about you but I’m not exactly ever getting much of a ‘taste of home’ at any Italian place in Nevada.” Lorenzo hands the keys to his Lancia B24S to his bodyguard as you both walk side-by-side with one another towards a nearby café.
“The Italian community is just as big, believe me.” You chuckle, “though New York, New York…” You gaze upward at the streets of Long Island with a smile. “It’s good to be back home for a while.”
“Let your heart wander a little.” Lorenzo wraps a hand over your shoulder, gesturing to the café just a few feet away from him. “Where do you think we all go when we’re craving pistachio cannoli and you aren’t around?”
“What? Alina doesn’t make it for you?” You grin at your brother playfully before the two of you take your seats across from each other on the café’s patio.
“She hates pistachios.” Lorenzo murmurs, holding back his laughter. “Espresso? Sure. Anything with berries? You got it. But she’s a picky eater, a little ironic for a pastry chef.”
“How is she doing?” You ask, pretending not to notice the middle-aged gentlemen behind the cashier of the café, staring out the window to the both of you with bulging eyes of surprise.
“She’s good.” Lorenzo smiles back at you, leaning back in his seat. “She’s a multi-tasker like you. I just wish you could see her more often—”
“Lorenzo e Vittoria Ferrari?” A gruff voice speaks out as you and Lorenzo suddenly notice the same man inside the café now right next to your table, clutching two menus to his chest in shock. “Non posso credere ai miei occhi.” (I can't believe my eyes.)
“Non puoi crederci?” (You can’t?) Lorenzo gives the man a polite smile, taking out his pack of cigarettes and a lighter from his suit pocket. “Sono stato un cliente del tuo caffè prima.” (I've been a patron of your cafe before.)
“Sì, sì, certo.” (Yes, yes, of course.) The man nods frantically as if he’s offended the both of you. “Sono il proprietario di questo umile caffè. I miei figli lavorano qui e mi hanno detto che la famiglia Ferrari è venuta qui prima. Perdonatemi, signore e signora. Non ci credevo perché...” (My sons work here and they told me that the Ferrari family has come here before. Forgive me, sir and madam. I did not believe them because...) The man pauses for a moment before clearing his throat, “mi sono chiesto cosa ci farebbe la stimata famiglia Ferrari nel mio piccolo caffè?” (I asked myself what would the esteemed Ferrari family be doing at my little cafe?)
“Alla mia famiglia piace molto il tuo caffè.” (My family likes your cafe very much.) You speak up. “Tu e i tuoi figli avete molto di cui essere orgogliosi.” (You and your sons have a lot to be proud of.)
“Oh! Elogi da Victoria Corleone! Grazie signora, grazie. Per favore, non permettetemi di interrompere la vostra conversazione. Ecco i nostri menù. Saremo pronti a servirvi non appena vorrete ordinare del cibo. Per favore, goditi qualsiasi cosa gratuitamente.” (High praise from Victoria Corleone. Thank you madam, thank you. Please, don't let me interrupt your conversation. Here are our menus. We will be ready to serve you as soon as you wish to order some food.Please, enjoy anything free of charge.) Before either you or Lorenzo can protest, the man’s already left the menus in front of you before scurrying back off into the shop.
“Poor man isn’t used to gangsters dining at his café?” You joke, shaking your head as Lorenzo gestures to offer you a cigarette.
Lorenzo stifles back his laughter, putting a cigarette in the corner of his mouth. “Perhaps you and I are more recognizable than our brothers.”
“I’m grateful, really.” You chuckle, smoothening out your dress. “Now if only Michael were here...”
“Uh-huh.” Lorenzo lights up his cigarette in the palm of his hand, keeping his eyes on you. “You just flew in about four hours ago and still missing that husband of yours, huh?”
“Oh, please.” You feel your cheeks sting with blush as you pick up the menu. “You wouldn’t stop gushing about Alina when you first married her.”
“True, true.” Lorenzo nods, setting his lighter down. “But that was when I first married her. The difference is, you gush like a teenager in love and it’s been seven years.”
You playfully stick your tongue out at Lorenzo, eyeing the menu. “Why don’t you order something instead of teasing me so much, big brother?”
“I already know what I’m gonna get.” Lorenzo takes a long drag from his cigarette. “I’m just trying not to make eye contact with the owner otherwise he’s going to break his leg trying to run out here to get our order.”
“Fair enough.” You laugh softly, mentally noting your order. “I think I’ll have a tiramisu and a cappuccino.”
“And I think he heard you.” Lorenzo points to the café as the owner stares back at you, nodding and rushing to prepare your order. “And uh—I’ll have a pistachio cannoli and an espresso, big boss.”
“Sì! Al momento!” (Yes! Right away!) is all you and Lorenzo can hear from inside the café, confirming your orders.
“This guy.” Lorenzo shakes his head, continuing to smoke his cigarette.
“Hoping you, Leonardo, Matteo and Alessio haven’t taken advantage of his kindness.” You raise your brows at Lorenzo.
“And why are you looking at me like that for?” Lorenzo notices your stare.
“Because I have a feeling they may like the word ‘free’.” You point out.
“Oh.” Lorenzo bursts out laughing. “At this day and age? Father would drag them back here to pay tenfold over if that was the case—offered to be on the house or not. No, I’m pretty sure they pay. I do.”
“Good.” A smile forms back over your lips. “So Mr. Lorenzo Ferrari has manners after all.”
“Have you seen my wife, Victoria?” Lorenzo rests his cigarette between his fingers. “Don’t think she’d like me all too much if I wasn’t.”
“You two are cute, you know. Whether you admit it or not.” You tease, pretending this time not to act as surprised when the owner of the café returns a moment, later carrying a large serving tray.
Lorenzo gives the café owner his signature, polite smile as the hot coffee and Italian desserts are served. “Grazie.” (Thank you.)
“Prego. Divertiti e per favore fatemi sapere se voi due avete bisogno di qualcos'altro.” (You're welcome. Enjoy, and please let me know if you two need anything else.) The café owner humbly says, nodding at the both of you before returning inside the café.
“I thought we were done with the teasing.” You can almost swear to yourself you’ve seen your brother blush just now. “On the other hand, you are the definition of a risk paying off, you know that? That Corleone and you.”
“Oh no…” You giggle quietly, pressing the side of your fork into your tiramisu. “Maybe I’m just one lucky girl.”
“Pfft, maybe.” Lorenzo shrugs, raising his coffee up to his lips. “Depending on how many girls you ask that fawn over Corleone on a daily basis. Other than that, you’re a match made in heaven.”
“I would have never thought—“
“Don’t start.” Lorenzo rolls his eyes.
“You would say that!” You squeal, munching down on your tiramisu. “Getting squishy there, tough guy.”
“I’d say it’s still tough to want your sister to be happy.” A grin breaks out over Lorenzo’s face as he sips his espresso. “Still, it was a risk, wasn’t it? Because there’d always be a possibility it wouldn’t work out.”
“I’m not the pessimistic type, but,” you swallow down your tiramisu. “Is it bad I honestly wouldn’t be surprised?”
“What do you mean?” Lorenzo continues sipping his scalding coffee. “As in if you and Corleone broke off the engagement or divorced much earlier on?”
“Both, I guess.” You shrug your shoulders, blowing gently over your steaming cappuccino. “You know how it was for me in university. I didn’t really ‘date’.”
“Wasn’t your thing when your head was in those books.” Lorenzo gestures by poking his own temple. “I’d have thought you and that Romano would have gotten together at some point.”
“Ah, everyone said that.” You chuckle quietly, taking a cautious sip of your coffee. “I had too many strings attached to my life then. Commitment… Mm, it wasn’t really on my mind. It was too soon, you know?”
“Funny enough,” Lorenzo quietly clears his throat. “That changed as soon as you laid eyes on Corleone. I saw that myself, now I can believe it.”
“I can’t help it.” You blush almost instantly, picturing Michael in your head. “I’m not shying away from admitting just how in love with him I am.”
“Does he make you happy?” Lorenzo gives you a small smile.
“He does. He really does.” You nod back happily. “Not just me, but our children too. Honestly, all I want is for you two to finally get along too.”
“Ah, I wouldn’t say we don’t exactly…” Lorenzo stops himself, pursing his lips. “Well, let me stop myself before I lie. For you, Victoria. I’ll look past our differences for you, because if he makes you as happy as you say he does, who am I to question that or get in the way of it? And besides. You have a little baby to take care of again, I expect the two of you to be glued from hip to hip again. That’s how it was like with me when Alina gave birth to our sons.”
“I’d appreciate that, Lorenzo.” You beam back at him. “I really would. I’m not just saying this to you either, but also to Michael. We’re family, after all.”
“We are.” Lorenzo nods. “But excuse me if I’m a little stunned my baby sister grew up so fast and is already on top of the world. Now that,” he bites into his flaky cannoli, pointing at you with his cigarette. “Is something Victoria Ferrari accomplished—with or without a man. And I’m proud of you either way—I mean that. I’ve learned just as much from you in these past years as you ever have with me, and—”
“Uncle Lorenzo, Uncle Lorenzo!!” Familiar squeals from afar interrupt your conversation at hand.
“Oh!” Your eyes light up as you look towards the entrance of the café to spot the twins accompanied by Al Neri behind them, rushing to greet you both. “When did you two decide to arrive almost two hours early?!”
“We surprised mama!” Verona giggles playfully as she and Niccolo practically come to jump in Lorenzo’s arms.
“Oh, careful there.” Lorenzo’s quick to set down his coffee and cigarette to rise from his seat and kneel down to embrace the twins. “Gotcha! Couldn’t possibly surprise me.”
“Thank you, Al.” You beam back at Neri, giving him a wave as he nods in acknowledgement. “Looks like they missed their uncle, alright.”
“Uncle Lorenzo!” Niccolo hugs Lorenzo tightly just as Verona runs into your arms.
“We surprised you, we surprised you!” She chants happily. “We came to see Uncle Lorenzo toooooo!”
“Swear everytime I see you two, you’re even more grown than before.” Lorenzo chuckles to himself. “And the last time was two weeks ago. Has anyone ever told you how much you resemble your father?”
“Maybe.” Niccolo clasps his hands behind his back. “I love daddy.”
“I love your daddy too,” you say through laughter, pulling Verona up onto your lap.
“Do you love daddy?” Niccolo curiously asks Lorenzo, noticing even at eight years old that his uncle’s always been a bit of a brooder near Michael.
“I, uh—” Lorenzo shrugs, “I guess I do. Why not? I love your mother too. I think she’s pretty great.”
“Uncle Lorenzo is great!” Verona happily points over to her uncle, causing both you and Lorenzo to exchange overjoyed glances with one another.
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akumanoken · 2 years
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Ayato would like to take this time to honor Angelo Moriondo, the godfather of the espresso machine who was born on this day in Turin, Italy.  He will savor his espresso with a bit more reverence than ususal today
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brookston · 1 year
Holidays 3.15
Birkebeinerrennet (Norway)
Bolsonaro Day (Brazil)
Brutus Day
Buzzard Day (Hinckley, Ohio)
Camp Fire Day
Constitution Day (Belarus)
Denzel Crocker Day
Digital Learning Day
Dumbstruck Day
1848 Revolution Day (Hungary)
Escalator Day
Et tu, Brute? Day
Everything You Think Is Wrong Day
International Blackadder Status Day
International Boss's Day Off
International Day Against Police Brutality (UN)
International Day of Action Against Canadian Seal Slaughter
International Day to Combat Islamophobia
International Eat a Tasty Animal for PETA Day (a.k.a. EATAPETA Day)
International Hypatia Day
International Redefining Wealth Day
International Stiff Person Syndrome Awareness Day
I've Got An Offer You Can't Refuse Day
J.J. Roberts’ Day (Liberia)
Kiss Donald Recognition Day (UK)
Las Fallas (Spain)
Lifeboat Day
Maine Statehood Day (#23; 1820)
Michael Scott’s Birthday (The Office)
National Ag Day (a.k.a. Agriculture Day)
National Brutus Day
National Cancer Critical Nurse Specialist Day (UK)
National Kansas Day
National Penis Day (Japan)
National Shoe the World Day
National VO (Voice Over) Day
Open Minded Husband's Day
Planting Ceremony of the Kikuyu (Kenya)
Prey Day
Rude Awakenings Day
Swallowing Awareness Day
315 Day
True Confessions Day
Turkey Buzzards Day
Voice Over Day
World Consumer Rights Day
World Contact Day
World Day of Action Against Seal Hunting
World Delirium Day
World Essential Workers Day
World MAP Day
World Speech Day
Youth Day (Palau)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Espresso Martini Day
National Drink Maple Syrup Straight from the Bottle Day
National Egg Cream Day
National Peanut Lovers' Day
National Pears Helene Day
Pears Helene Day
3rd Wednesday in March
Kick Butts Day [3rd Wednesday]
National Carry Out Day (a.k.a. Carry Out Wednesday) [3rd Wednesday]
National Dietician’s Day (Canada) [3rd Wednesday]
National SBDC Day [3rd Wednesday]
Small Business Development Day [3rd Wednesday]
Independence Days
New Orchard (Declared; 2022) [unrecognized]
Veronia (Declared; 2018) [unrecognized]
Woodshire (a.k.a. Duchy of Woodshire; Declared; 2021) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Aardvark Appreciation Day (Pastafarian)
Abraham, Hermit of Mesopotamia, and his niece, Mary (Christian; Saints)
Bacchanalia (Ancient Rome)
Cicero (Positivist; Saint)
Clement Mary Hofbauer (Christian; Saint)
Ed Wood Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Feast of Anna Perenna (Ancient Rome)
Hilaria a.k.a. Cybele’s day; Pagan)
Hōnen Matsuri (Prosperous Year; Japan)
Ides of March (Ancient Rome)
Leatherwing Bat (Muppetism)
Leocritia of Cordova (Christian; Saint)
Longinus (Christian; Saint)
Louise de Marillac (Christian; Saint)
Marduk's Festival (Ancient Mesopotamia)
Mi-Carême (Mid-Lent; Guadeloupe, Saint Barthelemy, Saint Martin)
Rhea (Greek Goddess of the Earth)
Season of Discord begins (Discordian)
Zachary (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Ides of March (Caesar assassinated; Ancient Rome)
Sensho (先勝 Japan) [Good luck in the morning, bad luck in the afternoon.]
Tycho Brahe Unlucky Day (Scandinavia) [14 of 37]
Destroyer, by KISS (Album; 1976)
Eight is Enough (TV Series; 1977)
Forbidden Planet (Film; 1956)
From Up on Poppy Hill (Animated Studio Ghibli Film; 2013)
The Godfather (Film; 1972)
The God of Small Things, by Arundhati Roy (Novel; 1997)
Gold Diggers of 1935 (Film; 1935)
Ice Age (Animated Film; 2002)
Jack-Jack Attack (Pixar Cartoon; 1940)
The Incredible Burt Wonderstone (Film; 2013)
Love, Death & Robots (Animated Anthology TV Series; 2019)
My Fair Lady (Broadway Musical; 1956)
My Little Chickadee (Film; 1940)
Nancy Drew and the Hidden Staircase (Film; 2019)
Pictures At An Exhibition, by Emerson, Lake & Palmer (Concert Film; 1973)
The Riveter (Disney Cartoon; 1940)
Robot Carnival (Animated Film; 1991)
Sh-Boom, recorded by The Chords (Song; 1954)
She Stoops to Conquer, by Oliver Goldsmith (Play; 1773)
Spring Breakers (Film; 2013)
Three’s Company (TV Series; 1977)
To Pimp a Butterfly, by Kendrick Lamar (Album; 2015)
Wonder Park (Animated Film; 2019)
Y tu Mamá También (Film; 2002)
Today’s Name Days
Clemens, Klemens, Luise, Maria (Austria)
Veljko, Vjekoslav, Zaharija (Croatia)
Ida (Czech Republic)
Zacharias (Denmark)
Valev, Valvik, Valvo (Estonia)
Risto (Finland)
Louise (France)
Siemens, Louise (Germany)
Agapios (Greece)
Kristóf (Hungary)
Luisa, Mauro (Italy)
Amalda, Amilda, Longins, Ulrika (Latvia)
Klemensas, Lionginas, Tautas, Tautgintė (Lithuania)
Chris, Christel, Christer (Norway)
Gościmir, Heloiza, Klemens, Krzysztof, Longinus, Ludwika (Poland)
Agapie (Romania)
Svetlana (Slovakia)
César, Luisa, Madrona, Raimundo (Spain)
Christel, Kristoffer (Sweden)
Eloise, Lois, Louella, Louisa, Louise, Luella, Luisa, Lulu (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 74 of 2023; 291 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 3 of week 11 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Nuin (Ash) [Day 25 of 28]
Chinese: Month 2 (Yi-Mao), Day 24 (Ren-Shen)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 22 Adar 5783
Islamic: 22 Sha’ban 1444
J Cal: 13 Ver; Sixday [13 of 30]
Julian: 2 March 2023
Moon: 42%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 18 Aristotle (3rd Month) [Cicero]
Runic Half Month: Beore (Birch Tree) [Day 5 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 85 of 90)
Zodiac: Pisces (Day 24 of 29)
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brookstonalmanac · 1 year
Holidays 3.15
Birkebeinerrennet (Norway)
Bolsonaro Day (Brazil)
Brutus Day
Buzzard Day (Hinckley, Ohio)
Camp Fire Day
Constitution Day (Belarus)
Denzel Crocker Day
Digital Learning Day
Dumbstruck Day
1848 Revolution Day (Hungary)
Escalator Day
Et tu, Brute? Day
Everything You Think Is Wrong Day
International Blackadder Status Day
International Boss's Day Off
International Day Against Police Brutality (UN)
International Day of Action Against Canadian Seal Slaughter
International Day to Combat Islamophobia
International Eat a Tasty Animal for PETA Day (a.k.a. EATAPETA Day)
International Hypatia Day
International Redefining Wealth Day
International Stiff Person Syndrome Awareness Day
I've Got An Offer You Can't Refuse Day
J.J. Roberts’ Day (Liberia)
Kiss Donald Recognition Day (UK)
Las Fallas (Spain)
Lifeboat Day
Maine Statehood Day (#23; 1820)
Michael Scott’s Birthday (The Office)
National Ag Day (a.k.a. Agriculture Day)
National Brutus Day
National Cancer Critical Nurse Specialist Day (UK)
National Kansas Day
National Penis Day (Japan)
National Shoe the World Day
National VO (Voice Over) Day
Open Minded Husband's Day
Planting Ceremony of the Kikuyu (Kenya)
Prey Day
Rude Awakenings Day
Swallowing Awareness Day
315 Day
True Confessions Day
Turkey Buzzards Day
Voice Over Day
World Consumer Rights Day
World Contact Day
World Day of Action Against Seal Hunting
World Delirium Day
World Essential Workers Day
World MAP Day
World Speech Day
Youth Day (Palau)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Espresso Martini Day
National Drink Maple Syrup Straight from the Bottle Day
National Egg Cream Day
National Peanut Lovers' Day
National Pears Helene Day
Pears Helene Day
3rd Wednesday in March
Kick Butts Day [3rd Wednesday]
National Carry Out Day (a.k.a. Carry Out Wednesday) [3rd Wednesday]
National Dietician’s Day (Canada) [3rd Wednesday]
National SBDC Day [3rd Wednesday]
Small Business Development Day [3rd Wednesday]
Independence Days
New Orchard (Declared; 2022) [unrecognized]
Veronia (Declared; 2018) [unrecognized]
Woodshire (a.k.a. Duchy of Woodshire; Declared; 2021) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Aardvark Appreciation Day (Pastafarian)
Abraham, Hermit of Mesopotamia, and his niece, Mary (Christian; Saints)
Bacchanalia (Ancient Rome)
Cicero (Positivist; Saint)
Clement Mary Hofbauer (Christian; Saint)
Ed Wood Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Feast of Anna Perenna (Ancient Rome)
Hilaria a.k.a. Cybele’s day; Pagan)
Hōnen Matsuri (Prosperous Year; Japan)
Ides of March (Ancient Rome)
Leatherwing Bat (Muppetism)
Leocritia of Cordova (Christian; Saint)
Longinus (Christian; Saint)
Louise de Marillac (Christian; Saint)
Marduk's Festival (Ancient Mesopotamia)
Mi-Carême (Mid-Lent; Guadeloupe, Saint Barthelemy, Saint Martin)
Rhea (Greek Goddess of the Earth)
Season of Discord begins (Discordian)
Zachary (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Ides of March (Caesar assassinated; Ancient Rome)
Sensho (先勝 Japan) [Good luck in the morning, bad luck in the afternoon.]
Tycho Brahe Unlucky Day (Scandinavia) [14 of 37]
Destroyer, by KISS (Album; 1976)
Eight is Enough (TV Series; 1977)
Forbidden Planet (Film; 1956)
From Up on Poppy Hill (Animated Studio Ghibli Film; 2013)
The Godfather (Film; 1972)
The God of Small Things, by Arundhati Roy (Novel; 1997)
Gold Diggers of 1935 (Film; 1935)
Ice Age (Animated Film; 2002)
Jack-Jack Attack (Pixar Cartoon; 1940)
The Incredible Burt Wonderstone (Film; 2013)
Love, Death & Robots (Animated Anthology TV Series; 2019)
My Fair Lady (Broadway Musical; 1956)
My Little Chickadee (Film; 1940)
Nancy Drew and the Hidden Staircase (Film; 2019)
Pictures At An Exhibition, by Emerson, Lake & Palmer (Concert Film; 1973)
The Riveter (Disney Cartoon; 1940)
Robot Carnival (Animated Film; 1991)
Sh-Boom, recorded by The Chords (Song; 1954)
She Stoops to Conquer, by Oliver Goldsmith (Play; 1773)
Spring Breakers (Film; 2013)
Three’s Company (TV Series; 1977)
To Pimp a Butterfly, by Kendrick Lamar (Album; 2015)
Wonder Park (Animated Film; 2019)
Y tu Mamá También (Film; 2002)
Today’s Name Days
Clemens, Klemens, Luise, Maria (Austria)
Veljko, Vjekoslav, Zaharija (Croatia)
Ida (Czech Republic)
Zacharias (Denmark)
Valev, Valvik, Valvo (Estonia)
Risto (Finland)
Louise (France)
Siemens, Louise (Germany)
Agapios (Greece)
Kristóf (Hungary)
Luisa, Mauro (Italy)
Amalda, Amilda, Longins, Ulrika (Latvia)
Klemensas, Lionginas, Tautas, Tautgintė (Lithuania)
Chris, Christel, Christer (Norway)
Gościmir, Heloiza, Klemens, Krzysztof, Longinus, Ludwika (Poland)
Agapie (Romania)
Svetlana (Slovakia)
César, Luisa, Madrona, Raimundo (Spain)
Christel, Kristoffer (Sweden)
Eloise, Lois, Louella, Louisa, Louise, Luella, Luisa, Lulu (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 74 of 2023; 291 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 3 of week 11 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Nuin (Ash) [Day 25 of 28]
Chinese: Month 2 (Yi-Mao), Day 24 (Ren-Shen)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 22 Adar 5783
Islamic: 22 Sha’ban 1444
J Cal: 13 Ver; Sixday [13 of 30]
Julian: 2 March 2023
Moon: 42%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 18 Aristotle (3rd Month) [Cicero]
Runic Half Month: Beore (Birch Tree) [Day 5 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 85 of 90)
Zodiac: Pisces (Day 24 of 29)
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iKegger Godfather Ingredients: 450ml Scotch 450ml Amaretto 100ml Water Ice Equipment: 2L iKegger Mini Keg with CO2 Tap System CO2 Bulbs Glasses to serve 1 Chill all ingredients and mini keg before making the batch cocktail. 2 Combine all ingredients in quantities listed above multiplied to fill your mini keg. 3 Gently shake to mix ingredients. 4 Attach spear with tap and CO2 Gas. 6 Set psi to 1 or 2 to pour, and not carbonate. 7 Enjoy with company. Kegging Cocktails Basics When making kegs of cocktails you will need a gas to push the liquid out through the tap. Different gases and taps have different effects. We use CO2 at 10 psi for cocktails with carbonated components eg soda water or prosecco, to maintain the carbonation. For flat cocktails like a negroni we use CO2 at a very low pressure (1-2psi) to push the liquid without adding carbonation or foam For shaken non carbonated cocktails like an espresso martini we use nitrogen (N2 or N2O) to push the liquid at high pressure through a stout tap (one with small holes the liquid is forced through) to replicate the froth you get from shaking. Ensure all ingredients are chilled before putting into the keg or allow sufficient time for them to afterwards before serving. All recipes make approx 1 litre, multiply for larger kegs / jugs. Water is to replace melted ice in shaken and stirred cocktails OPEN 7 DAYS! The Essential Utensil Albury - ‘Where the Cook becomes the MasterChef’ 🔪 428 Swift Street - Albury Delivery Available Australia Wide! 🚚 www.essentialutensil.com.au Same Day Dispatch! Free Freight on any online purchase over $150.00! (Conditions and Exclusions Apply) If you require your order to be delivered, please call us on 0260218455 to discuss / order. (Delivery Charges Apply) #essentialutensilalbury #eualbury #cooking #thisistheborder #chefsupplies #Hospitalitysupplies #cakedecorating #food #cateringsupplies #albury #wodonga #alburywodonga #commercialequipment #knives #cutlery #coffeecups #foodie #hospitality #tafe #cocktails #kitchenware #glassware #homewares #cafe #alburycbd #thegodfather  #keggingcocktails #ikegger (at The Essential Utensil Albury) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cof4qLcSPFg/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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rogerthompson1 · 2 years
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pubble1 · 2 years
Purchase The Best Mountain Goat Lager Online In Australia
Are you looking to purchase mountain goat lager online? We offer a wide range of mountain goat lager options in the highest quality conditions. We have a variety of beer, cider, mixers and packaging choices to suit various events and celebrations. We have many years of experience, knowledge and understanding of unique drinks such as mountain goat lager to discover the finest craft beers from the region of Australia and offer the best directly to clients. We provide beer subscription options for people to love to chill with the best quality chilled beer. Do not hesitate to contact us if you want to know more about our beer products.
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saipparn · 2 years
Google Doodle pays tribute to inventor of espresso machine, Angelo Moriondo
Google is celebrating the 171st birthday of the godfather of espresso machines, Angelo Moriondo, on June 6 with a special Google Doodle, inviting all coffee lovers to sip in tribute to the inventor.
Created by Olivia When, the doodle is painted in coffee colour and features a GIF of the espresso machine.
While coffee was extremely popular in Italy, people spent a lot of time waiting for the coffee to brew. Moriondo came to the rescue of the customers and figured that making multiple cups of coffee at once would allow him to serve more customers at a faster pace, giving him an edge over his competitors, Google said in a blogpost.
Moriondo patented the first known espresso machine. “The machine consisted of a large boiler that pushed heated water through a bed of coffee grounds, with a second boiler producing steam that would flash the bed of coffee and complete the brew,” it said.
Moriondo presented his espresso machine at the General Expo of Turin in 1884, where it was awarded the bronze medal. He received a patent titled, “New steam machinery for the economic and instantaneous confection of coffee beverage, method”.
Born to a family of entrepreneurs in Italy in 1851, Moriondo never stopped brewing new ideas or projects. His grandfather founded a liquor production company that was passed down to his son (Angelo’s father), who himself would later build the popular chocolate company, “Moriondo and Gariglio” alongside his brother and cousin.
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thenewsfactsnow · 2 years
Google Honors the Godfather of Expresso Machine Angelo Moriondo with a Creative Doodle
Google Honors the Godfather of Expresso Machine Angelo Moriondo with a Creative Doodle #GoogleDoodle #AngeloMoriondo #ExpressoMachine #CoffeeMachineCreator
Google celebrated the 171st birth anniversary of Angelo Moriondo, 171st Birth Anniversary with a creative Google Doodle. Moriondo who is widely considered as the inventor of espresso machines, and the first person to patent the machine. The doodle, Created by Olivia When is painted in coffee colour and features a GIF of the espresso machine. Angelo Moriondo was born on June 6, 1851 in Turin,…
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"Today, coffee lovers sip in tribute to the godfather of espresso machines,"
  Happy 171st birthday, Angelo Moriondo.
#happybirthday #swiftnlift #coffee #coffeemachine  #coffelovers #godfather #invention
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