#goodbye Technoblade
cherryri · 2 years
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and the player was the universe
and the player was love
kick god's ass techno, we'll miss you.
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cupinho · 2 years
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"A little pig walked the golden paths of paradise, he carried a sword and an ax 3 times his size, a backpack full of potatoes and a king costume. He approached God, and God, knowing who he was, paralyzed with dread." Still hard to believe that such a kind and good man is no longer with us. I woke up today and noticed that it wasn't a bad dream. It was real, more real than anything.
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mistyriousness · 2 years
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He’s not gone. Technoblade Never Dies.
Go fight God for us, my King.
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blindecho6 · 2 years
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Techno was my go to youtuber when I had a bad day. He always made my day better. He will be missed.
Rest in Peace Techno.
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elias-the-corvid · 2 years
I got very sick after I heard the news, I've been in bed for the past few days and I finally got the courage to watch Wilbur's stream. As I was listening to all their stories, I felt the need to actually do a quality drawing of Techno, so here it is:
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[image ID: Technoblade, an elf-like being with light skin and pink hair in a long braid; wearing a white shirt, dark pants, a red cape, a pig mask that covers half his face, a gold crown and an emerald earring, is standing in between tall grass. It is close to night and part of the sky is tinted with red, some stars can be seen. There's a text bubble that reads "Heh. Bye nerds, gotta fight God real quick!" And text at the bottom right corner of the drawing that reads "In loving memory of Technoblade aka Alex"]
I spent a long time trying to draw his pig face, because I remembered he liked the pig fan art over the elf one but I just couldn't get it right. I wanted to make this perfect for him and I got so frustrated but then I realized... He would've loved anything we made. Just the fact that we're thinking of him would've been enough for him. So I let go and ended up with a pretty good drawing, one that I'm quite proud of tbh. It's not perfect, but I think he would've appreciated the effort :)
During the stream I had... A lot of thoughts. Most of them I have forgotten, but one I do remember is how lucky I am to have been present during this hero's life. I will tell my friend's children about him and I will make sure he is remembered well past my own death. It kind of reminded me of Hamilton, with the whole "who lives, who dies, who tells your story"? So I hope someone will make an animatic with this. If I ever remember what else I thought, I may add to this post. I tend to think about death a lot anyway.
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aikoanko29 · 2 years
No Monkie kid Fanart today folks, a moment to tribute and say goodbye to the Blood god. Rest in peace, Technoblade
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mistystep-0 · 2 years
Thank you Technoblade ♡
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Please donate: https://www.stjude.org/donate/donate-to-st-jude.html
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cindernovadoesart · 2 years
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jeireilostt · 2 years
I just wanna say how much Technoblade meant to people. He never deserved this. He wasn’t supposed to leave. But one thing I know for sure is that Cancer is horrible.
They took away an amazing person who loved his fans is much. I loved that dude so much.
I’m still waiting for him to call us nerds. I’m waiting for a stream. I’m waiting.
Technoblade never dies. And he never will. He’s just resting a bit longer than usual.
But that’s just stupid right?
He’s gone. And he won’t be returning anytime soon. We won’t get to meet him. Speak to him. Thank him for everything he’s done for us. And we certainly can’t ever here him calling us nerds. We won’t see any of it.
I genuinely can’t process this. Today so the worst day of them all. He’s changed so many lives. He’s changed so many.
I can’t imagine how his family, friends, or anyone that knew him feel.
Everyone please show Techno respect. Respect his family and privacy. Just because he’s gone doesn’t give you the right to find out more than you need to know.
And message to Technoblade who I hope sees this somewhere.
Thank you. You made my sad and boring days better. You made me laugh. Made me cry. Made me jump around my room in excitement. You made so many people happy. It’s amazing how you don’t know any of them. Yet we loved you and you hopefully loved us. I swear if this is a prank. I will hunt you down you dumb pig. You Amy never know me but I knew you. I knew you as the guy Technoblade who never died. They guy who bested everyone in a block game. A guy who would sell his dog for a Starbucks coupon. I knew a guy who mad jokes knowing that he had a chance to never come back. We love Techno. And I certainly do. Everyone will see your content. Everyone will see how much of a good person you are. I hope that you say everything you wanted to see. I’ll miss you you dumb anarchy pig with a monarch outfit. Keep those farming those potatoes will ya? Can’t have Squidkid beating you. I know you’d hate hit. If not we’ll do it. Blood for the blood god am I right?
Technoblade was legend. He was so young still. Only 23. I can’t imagine how it must’ve felt writing his final words to us. I don’t know how I can ever get over this. Thank you.
May you Rest In Peace Alex. And yes the joke about your name being Dave was funny. We’ll keep ringing that bell for you. I promise. I’ll buy whatever merch I can.
Goodbye Techno, you will be missed…
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confusedriftin · 2 years
TW: rant, long post, Technoblade, slight descent into hysteria?
(here it goes)
Technoblade being gone is so unbelievable for me.
I think I really started to believe "Technoblade never dies" so much that I can't process he's no longer with us.
It sounds like a joke some sick joke.
But I'm waiting for the punchline... he's gonna post it in a month, 2 months, 3, 4, fuck I'd give him a year and he'll post because he's not gone.
He can't be...the world wouldn't be moving if he was...right? He can't be gone. It's a joke. A sick joke, but a joke. It has to be. I'm just going to wait for the punchline, he'll post it soon...he has to. He's not gone. He can't be...
Techno...please don't be gone, please come back, this isn't funny, come back please, you got us haha funny joke please come back now please
He's really gone, isn't he?
*Blood for the Blood God*
*Technoblade never dies*
Thank you, Techno, for all that you've done for us. You meant more to us than I think you knew.
Your followers🗡️
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donotopendeadinside · 2 years
An Ode to The Blade
I wrote this as a way to comfort those, including myself, that were having a hard time coping, my only hope is that i was of some assistance. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Techno sat up, soft green grass matted down from the place he had laid, he didn't know how long he had been there, nor how long it had been this quiet. He couldn't help but think about the voices, his friends and his family, he still wanted to do and say so much, but he knew his time had already come to an end, and yet.
He was content with it.
Everything here was so peaceful, it was nice not having to be in pain anymore, or having to work, he was able to lay down and be at peace, no more working, no more bloodshed. It was all quiet, the birds chirped as the sun beamed down on his skin, warmth, even after death. And yet, something was missing, the silence was growing uncomfortable, he was a ghost, a spirit. Surely, he is able to go to earth and check on people, right?
Techno stood up, dusting himself off, his pink hair shone in the sunlight, taking a deep breath before walking over to the edge of the island he was on, looking down below. Techno spread his wings and jumped, gliding down to the streets below.
As he did, his body became transparent, signifying him being a ghost for the time being. The air was cool as he plummeted to the floor of the earth, he had a mission, and he aimed to complete it by any means necessary, because he was the blade, and he was going to make sure people were safe, no matter the cost.
When he landed, Techno began to walk around the town, and it was only then he could hear the voices once more. They were crying, some of them begging him to come back, some were trying to cheer them up, and a small section of them were quiet.
It hurt Techno, hearing them like that, he had practically raised some of these people, it was only natural for him to want to comfort them, after all, he loved them, he knew they needed him, now more than ever.
He did the only thing he knew how to do.
"NEEEEERDS! What are you all crying for!? Come on don't be like that, I'm always gonna be here for you, guys." Techno said, knowing that they might not be able to hear him, but on the chance they could he was going to try and comfort them.
The voices went silent, before a voice spoke out amongst them, a girl, sounded like a child from the tone of her voice, she sounded so sad. "Techno...?"
Techno paused for a minute, he didn't think they'd actually be able to hear him, his heart wrenched inside of his chest, hearing the voice, they sounded so lost, were they all like this?
Techno smiled to himself, a single tear dropping from his eyes "Yeah, chat. I'm here."
The voices all began to scream, and cry, and all at once from every which direction came shadows, big and tall, short and small, all rushing to the blade, to greet him, to have him in their hold once more and Techno opened his arms to them, the shadows came crashing into him, holding onto him with an iron grip, but it didn't hurt him.
It was comforting.
Techno smiled at them as they all held onto him, and each other, knowing that he had built a strong community, that could face anything thrown at them, even if their leader was no longer there, they had each other, they'd be okay, in the end.
He'd make a safe place for them, and for those he cared for, and when they finally met again, in the end, he would lead them all into the light of glory.
The voices sat at his feet, people walking through the shadows, but they didn't seem to mind, they all looked up at him expectingly, and with a hearty laugh Technoblade yelled.
and the voices cheered in tandem
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azures-isle · 2 years
goodbye techno. thank you for so many good times. You’ve brought so much to my life and the lives of others. I hope you rest easy wherever you may be, and that you continue to be just as great in your next life. 
may you forever be in our hearts
technoblade never dies.
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blindecho6 · 2 years
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Techno causing chaos.
I drew this a while back, but it's still not on tumblr...
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samuels0art · 2 years
it too me quite a while to post this and make it but, goodbye technoblade. you got me through so much in my life and mental health and changed me so much for the better. may you forever rest in peace knowing your legacy will be carried out. so long, king <3
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phynkstavern · 2 years
Good bye techno, I and many others will always love your content and see you as a role model to follow, goodbye
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jadespeedster17 · 2 years
I’m crying. I never thought I’d cry over this. But I’m sobbing.
I hope that he gets where he’s going. May it be the gate with heaven. The halls of warriors. Or the underworld of Hades.
I light a candle Tonight for him.
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