#grapic design is my passion
57-dayo · 6 months
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video games
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theevanadams · 1 year
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I love websites like these, so beautiful
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suburbanlegnd · 1 year
lilac & lollipop for the ask game <3
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sanpape · 10 months
graphic design.... Is my passion...graphic. des.ign. is my padnsin graojfic ddejsn. Is nfmy pasifn grapic deifnf. Isoomu pasidn
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the-heart-of-leo · 1 year
AO3 First Lines
Rules: post the first lines of your last 10 fics posted to ao3. if you have less than 10 fics posted, post the first lines of all your fics.
(I dislike tagging people but if you want to do this, go ahead! Also, I might end up using the first paragraph rather than the first lines as I tend to start my writing simple. I’ve also listed warnings pertaining to the fic)
1 - The Improbability of a Long Life -  Stranger Things/The Old Guard crossover
Eddie knew he thought about death more than the average teenager. Not in a goth ‘life is misery and death is the only escape’ kind of way but in the ‘if the party dies, what’s a good plot point to let them come back’ or, if he’s feeling bit evil, ‘how cool of a player death can I come up with’.
2 - The Stars in Their Eyes - The Sequel to ‘For Want of a Home’. The Old Guard, Joe/Nicky, Omegaverse Crusaders Era Fic, Non-graphic/implied rape and non-grapic/implied forced breeding toward the end of the fic
Al-Quds was burning.
Even now, with the sky as bloody red as the bloody sand beneath his feet, he could see the smoke rising up behind what was left of the walls.
Al-Quds was lost.
Yusuf sat on his knees and stared up at the smoke, the dark stain of it cutting into the sky as the city glowed in its fiery death. The air stank with the smell of blood, of smoke, of burning flesh…
3 - What is Lost and What Can Be Found -  The Old Guard/Diabolik fic that I probably should update sooner rather than later... as such, I can’t give any real warnings at the moment
Nicky hated interrogation rooms.
They were always cramped, cold, and incredibly boring, no doubt in the hope that when the security officer finally came around to ask their questions, their suspect would be eager to talk if only to break the silence.
Airport interrogation rooms were somehow worse. Smaller, duller, and made all the worse by the inconvenience.
4 - Before the Fall -  Waves/Wolf/Diabolik Kenzarelli crossover - Majid/Gabriele
Getting stabbed was one of the worse experiences Majid had ever had and that was saying something.
The wad of bandages pressed to his stomach and taped in place were doing a decent enough job of keeping his blood in his body but it did nothing for the pain.
"Your dad's a fucking psycho," he hissed at Gabriele. He pressed a hand over the wound to try and keep the bandage tight against his body, to staunch the blood more. "Who the hell just fucking stabs someone! He didn't even say anything!"
5 - For Want of a Home - The Old Guard, Joe/Nicky omegaverse Crusaders Era fic
The fabric was a deep burgundy, stuffed, quilted, and lined with beaded gold edging with tassels at the corners. It was a work of art and far more expensive than anything Nicolò could ever afford. Still, he gently ran a finger over the stitch work, following the line as it crossed over stitches until they formed a diamond in the fabric.
It was so soft…
It could be used as the floor of a nest or maybe even the ceiling if he found a way to hang it up so that it acted as a tent... but that would be so wasteful, not to feel the soft fabric, not to wrap it around them to keep the safe and warm and...
6 - The Sun and the Rose -  Lawrence of Arabia, Soul mark AU, has a graphic rape scene in later chapters
His soulmark was fairly small, only as big as the length of his thumb, but he always thought it beautiful in its simplicity. Gracefully arching lines wrapping around an empty center that made him think of blooming flowers — roses to be specific. Something beautiful and fragile that Ali never tired of seeing.
It was a shock to see the familiar design, pale on his dark skin, reflected in contrast on the sleeping man’s chest. The dark lines against skin still pale thanks to the unflattering uniform, so different from the pale pink, almost scar-like lines marking his own breast.
Lawrence was a confusing creature. Passionate, kind, and foolish in his determination and will. A creature the desert both loves and loathes…
And the one the desert has decided his soul belongs with.
7 - Of Truth and Blood - Lawrence of Arabia, Mild Ali/Lawrence, Character Injury, Past rape, trauma concerning everything really
The blood was spreading.
Ali was sure of it now.
It was on his side, easily hidden by his bisht, by the table, and now by the dim candlelight as the power had finally gone out. The dried blood on the filthy white thawb did a good job of covering most of it and, he was sure, no one else noticed it but him.
Aurens certainly gave no indication of being injured.
He never did.
8 - Persistence of Memory - Power Rangers: Dino Charge/Shattered Grid, Implied Koda/Phillip, Character Death, Character’s unhealthy coping habits
Once something is broken, it can never be put back together exactly as it was.
That was the warning they had all been given when the multiverse was reinstated and when those who had been lost had found a way to return. Those whose power was stolen were given their second chance as well as something close enough to home to return to. The Solar Rangers, their purpose complete for now, had disbanded and joined their first families where they belonged.
For the most part.
9 - Propriety, Modesty, and the Lack Thereof - Power Rangers: Dino Charge, Koda/Phillip, Short fluff, play fighting turned fade to black times.
Prince Phillip had been taught many things growing up as a royal: proper etiquette, modesty, propriety, manners – whatever you wanted to call it, it was how he was raised. Always be well-dressed in flattering but neutral colors, always been well-groomed, to never raise one's voice, always present one's self as being in control: someone trustworthy and regal.
Princes did not rough-house. They did not allow themselves to be manhandled, carried, dragged, pushed, pinned, or any other thing that would insult the dignity of his station.
Which only made the embarrassed flush of arousal worse.
10 - Flowers Bloom in the Scars Left Behind - Detroit: Become Human, Simarkus, Kinda slowburn romance, a year in the life kind of deal, too many pairings to name, drug addiction, etc
It had been a little over two years since Simon had last celebrated a Christmas. His former owner, Amy, had loved Christmas and Halloween and any other holiday that required decorating the house. As soon as it became socially acceptable (and sometimes not), she would start setting things up.
To be honest, Simon had enjoyed it too.
At Jericho, there was no reason for celebrations, nothing to decorate or to decorate with. The holidays were a melancholy time for them all, bringing with them memories that were a mix of good and bad, depending on their previous lives.
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blubsamo · 3 years
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Thought why not and made a list of my most wanted units
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R yall fucking seeing this am i hallucinating
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yoonkaixmaneo · 4 years
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YOON, KAI — task006 ( @maneohq )
what is your muse’s full name and do they have any nicknames? — full name: yoon kai — alias: neptune
— nickname(s): none
what do they look like? include hair, eyes, skin tone, tattoos, etc. ! — hair: natural brown hair — eyes: natural blues eyes — height: 5′10 (178 cm) — skintone: pale — tattoos: octopus on his right shoulder, debating getting more — piercings: lobes, also debating getting more
do they have any distinguishing features such as scars, unique birthmarks, etc.? — kai has a little mole under his left eye as well as patches of blue scales across his body. they’re mostly concentrated on his elbows and knees, but there are other patches across his body too.
what is your muse’s friends and family like? who do they usually surround themselves with? — kai hasn’t seen his birth parents since he was 13 and he believes they’re dead at this point. his adoptive mother passed away when he was 16 and his adoptive father kicked him out when he was 17. he was on the street for a week before venor came for him and he considers venor his family now. at school, he only has a handful of friends.
who would you consider the closest person to your muse? — yeonjun is definitely the closest person to kai right now, but siwon is a close second.
where was your character born and what was their living situation growing up there? — kai was born in the ocean on the coast of jeju. he loved being a mermaid and grew up happily there until he was 13.
what is your muse’s biggest fear and does anyone know? if so, who, and if not, why not? — his biggest fear is being trapped in small spaces. no one knows, it’s not something he shares with anyone.
has your muse ever fallen in love before? if so, with who? did it end well? — as of right now, he’s been in love once. it did not end well.
what would you find in your muse’s refrigerator right now? — lots of water, lots of vegetables, and 2 day old vegan stir-fry.
what does your muse usually wear? you can describe, link pictures, etc. ! — layers because he’s always cold, weeb shirts, and different themed scrubs.
what is your muse’s strongest memory that they carry around? — his strongest memory is his least favorite memory: when his parents were taken from him.
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worstdoctorsyndrome · 4 years
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Thanks so much for everything friends and entities, you've been absolutely wonderful, and I hope you're having as much fun as I am!! If anyone's interested, I'll be hosting a little movie night on Kosmi next Friday (Feburary 7th.) A survey will be posted shortly so you can give your two cents on what you'd like to watch, and what time would work best =^>
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room-on-broom · 3 years
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Some Worst witch valentines. Grapics design is my passion
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boywizard-moved · 4 years
Oh fuck look what I found on Twitter
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grapic design is my passion
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dpomalescreative · 2 years
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I LooVe my Passions more than I LooVe anything else (outside of family) I made the mistake of chasing after so many jobs (thinking they were dreams come true) with the wrong mindset of: I need to get paid! It was all about getting the money.  This job had better pay me what I deserve.  I need to get this money!!!  Did I get anything out of it with that mindset..No!  Did I limit myself drastically...Yes!  Am I still employed by any of these positions...No. Did they LooVe me back by offering me longevity and appreciation...No But now I am different and things are different.  As of 2001 my life changed drastically. I was catapulted into fighting for my life. Soon It became a fight for what was left of me and who I was?!  I had to make a choice whether to LooVe me or lose me.  I had to dig deep to find what was left of me. And what I realized was I was unhappy in the corporate world. To invigorate me and to  push me harder was the fact that my injuries sustained did not allow me to function as needed within the standards and codes of corporate america. In short, my head injury (that I incurred) changed my course in life and business. What I came to realize was that I was chasing the wrong things. Chasing money is no longer my ambition or focus. What I found was a return to the things I was most passionate about!  I LooVed photography! I LooVed to work with colors (hence the grapic design)! I Looved my deep connection to music (hence my infatuation with my drums)!  But deeper than that I found my calling..and my LooVe for being of service to others and helping those in need. I started my business to bring attention to my skillsets and abilities. I would become that which I never found or received as I was learning the ropes and coming into business. My message; that I am of service to others creatively.  As a business we help others develop and/or identify themselves via branding or creating their logo and presence. We help others to help themselves. We provide needed support regardless of the problem or issue at hand. #business101 #business #marketing #dpomalescreative #serviceexcellence #servicebasedbusiness #servicewithasmile #servicebasedbusiness (at DPomales Creative Services) https://www.instagram.com/p/CcWDmAJvtI4/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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iri-soaring · 2 years
SW: grapic design is my passion
XD oh dear can you imagine the whole gang of cassettes messing around and “helping”
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lovenwar13 · 7 years
It's just my major.
I hate the way people look at me when I tell them I'm studying electrical engineering. One of four things happen. 1) OMG YOU ARE SO SMART. 2) well. Aren't you smart. 3) I'm also studying engineering.. 4) you don't look like an engineer? IDK WHY THESE CAN BE THE ONLY RESPONSE TO MY MAJOR! 1)- I guess? My major is hard, I struggle with a lot of my classes. What I want to do with my life just happens to require a lot of hard school work. A lot of times I don't feel smart. I'm not some "untouchable" just because I'm taking engineering classes. 2)- again, I guess? But is that a bad thing? I usually get this from people not in a math or science field. IDC THAT YOURE A DANCE MAJOR OR IN GRAPIC DESIGN. Like just do you, im not judging you, please don't judge me? I really don't think I'm better than you for my major. 3)- oh good god. If you're saying this because you want to study together... great! If you're going to constantly compare us together please just leave. I don't want to compare test grades. I don't want to know how much you make at your internship. I don't want to hear how both Tesla and Edison rose from the grave to fight over you to be their apprentice. I'm not looking for more competition, why can't we just help each other grow. 4)- just go the fuck away. You're probably sexist and I don't have time for your negativity in my life, I have enough of my own. An "engineer" is not a look. It is not just a man. It is not just nerds. I can wear a floral dress and go on and on about how I sewed it myself and have a homemade loaf of bread in the oven and I'm still an engineer. I can tell you how much voltage is coming from that outlet and how many watts is used to bake that bread. I can tell you not only how a sewing machine works but WHY. So yes the fuck I do look like an engineer. An engineer looks like me. I just want to tell someone and they go, "wow, that's great! Do you love it? Does it make you happy? I'm happy you've found something you're so passionate about." And then we could move on with our lives and maybe become friends instead of people putting me into some weird category where I'm seen as some sort of threat?
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dpomalescreative · 2 years
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What adventures does a person experience in a career like yours? It's amazing to think of the things I have done in my career.  My career as a Freelancer has been nothing less of amazing.  Some of the places I've seen and things I've done will always be a part of my highlights reel.  I guess the trick has been wearing a number of different hats.  (1) Photography (2) Graphic Design  and (3) Branding have brought some very interesting memories or adventures to mind. Photography has always been a passion.  And I have chased it for the better of 20 plus years.  During that time I have travel the whole state of FL..and parts of Alabama, Ohio, Illinois, Mass. & Georgia.  The many niches of photography I have studied have allowed me to switch types of projects or clients I take on such as:  sports action, corporate events, headshots, ceremonial/wedding, tradeshow and live concert.  Because of said niches I have worked the red carpets of MTV..shared the stage with some of the largest celebrity musicians and covered some of the most exciting events.  I've photographed thousands of events over the years and it has allowed me to visit some of the nicest cities in and around the U.S. As with Photography, my Grapics have also taken shape all around the world for a variety of clients.  It has allowed me to not only work from home, but allowed me to travel all over Florida, with various clients who have a need for on site support.  Designing much like Photography is a passion..or a second passion to be honest.  I have been fulfilling design projects for the better of 18 years now.  Being a 3rd party has allowed me many opportunities as opposed to just having having job.  And Lastly, Branding is yet another passion that rounds up the top 3.  As a Branding Specialist, I have shared the floor/stage with some of the most successful corporate companies.  Here we are free to express ourselves as the professionals that we are.  We are well spoken, well versed and well rehearsed.  As a Branding Specialist... (continue reading on LinkediN) #business #marketing #socialmedia #branding #creative #business101 #marketing101 #branding101 #bloggingforbusiness #blogginglife (at DPomales Creative Services) https://www.instagram.com/p/CYmbeV8rmU3/?utm_medium=tumblr
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