#group: sherlock holmes
starlightseraph · 7 months
“he’s my babygirl” *i point to the strangest little guy you’ve ever seen*
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voilaammayi · 5 months
us all, starting yet another one sherlock adaptation and telling ourselves it’s hope and not delusion to expect johnlock to happen maybe this time:
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benrybenrybenry-chr · 11 months
I really hope all the baker Street irregulars grew up to become an unofficial detective force who figure out crimes as a collective. they're just like their dad
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anti-dazai-blog · 9 months
I'm hoping that this person Fyodor mentioned in the last episode that challenged him once is someone who can give Dazai a run for his money and put him into a real situation where he doesn’t have all the answers. At this point, I'm starting to worry that's never going to happen.
I don’t remember if Fyodor mentioned the gender of the person when he made his comment, but if he didn’t then I’m gonna hope it’s Agatha Christie.
We’ve already seen her— in fact in the manga she’s already interacted with Fyodor— and the only strategists we’ve seen so far have been guys. I’d kinda like a woman strategist (so long as she’s treated with the same respect the series gave to Dazai/Fyodor/Ranpo in regards to their strategies.)
Technically Louisa could count as a female strategist, but she never goes up against any other strategist, and the only “strategy” she does is tell Francis not to make stupid decisions and (iirc) telling Steinbeck and Lovecraft that Dazai would try to retrieve Q. Neither of which are strategies. It never even goes into how she reaches her conclusions— it basically chalks it up to “she thinks for a really long time until she knows stuff”.
Anyway. Although I personally have never read any of Christie’s works, she’s my cousin’s favorite author, which essentially makes her my blorbo-in-law. So I gotta root for her getting more content.
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So, did you get jealous over the ask from the support group for dr John Watson’s exes?
There is no reason for jealousy when they are all former girlfriends.
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And I do consider myself a very lucky man.
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I think I am faceblind [never had a diagnosis] and I cannot, for the life of me, tell David Burke and Edward Hardwicke apart. They are the same person, maybe also because I only know them as Watson(s).
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Even if I put them right next to each other like here they look the same to me. :,( (Yes, the hair is a bit different and one has darker eyebrows, but apart from that - they - are - the - same.)
It took me almost the whole episode of The Empty House to realise why I felt so uneasy about Watson. :D If I concentrate now, I can see they have different mannerisms, but over all, it's a lost cause. :(
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thekittyfox2999 · 6 months
Me watching sherlock focused blogs follow me like:
"Ah yes. I have been accepted as one of them."
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holmesoldfellow · 7 months
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"Gaslight Grimoire" series, including the works of many authors, edited by J. R. Campbell and Charles Prepolec
"Gaslight Grimoire: Fantastic Tales of Sherlock Holmes," "Gaslight Grotesque: Nightmare Tales of Sherlock Holmes," "Gaslight Arcanum: Uncanny Tales of Sherlock Holmes," and "Gaslight Gothic: Strange Tales of Sherlock Holmes."
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rollforjackass · 11 months
sitting here thinking about all the character pairs that are closer to being binary star systems than they are simply friends or lovers or partners. holmes & watson, aziraphale & crowley, kirk & spock & mccoy, reese & finch, constantine & chas, hannibal & will. characters who fall together as sure as gravity, for better or for worse.
characters who are missing something in themselves, something necessary for their survival, except for when the other is around. characters whose flaws are black holes that threaten, inexorably, to swallow their words and deeds and intentions until the other comes along whose virtues are nova, who pulls them with a new inevitable orbit toward an existence that is teeming with light.
(characters who are an abyss, whose instincts lead to ruination and whose cravings for fellowship damn all who approach in their turn, yet the other plunges in willingly. characters that try to lure the other into taking their place in a hell of their own making and, upon clasping hands, find that their machinations have shaped labyrinths enough to fit two.)
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the-dreaming-rp · 3 months
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〚 𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝘿𝙍𝙀𝘼𝙈𝙄𝙉𝙂 〛➔ A " The Sandman " Discord Roleplay Server is looking for:
🦋 𝐉𝐨𝐧 🦋
THE DREAMING is an open world, sandbox-style Discord rp server focused primarily on player-led, character-driven stories. We are 21+, literate, and based on the Netflix adaptation with supplementary references from the comics. Older writers (30+) are especially welcome. All character must be 18+. We are looking for players with a passion for long-term storytelling and well-rounded, extensive character arcs.
APPLY HERE: https://discord.gg/UHgVryTaHU
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strangestcase · 1 year
Dangles a pendulum in front of you. Ooooh you want to ask me about my League of Extraordinary Gentlepeople… you want to ask me about the characters and their interactions so fucking bad…
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adumpofdumbstuff · 3 months
think i’ve mastered the new stickers thing
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drjohnhwatson · 6 months
one thing that makes me mad as a hornet is whenever I pick up a detective book especially if it’s in a series and I go to goodreads and see a slew of negative reviews becos inevitably I can tell you the tenor of it without even looking. “SHERLOCK HOLMES RIP-OFF” they all scream.
does your story have a duo solving crimes? SHERLOCK HOLMES RIP-OFF.
does your story have the narrator be the sidekick? SHERLOCK HOLMES RIP-OFF.
is your story’s detective eccentric in some manner of dress or personality? SHERLOCK HOLMES RIP-OFF.
I’ve picked up two detective series recently (the gower street detectives, barker & llewelyn) and we are two for two with people gnashing their teeth over it. Sherlock Holmes isn’t the only detective? Hello?? I guarantee if Agatha Christie was a writer now and published her first Poirot story TODAY, people would be gnashing their teeth and growling about how it’s just a flimsy SHERLOCK HOLMES RIP-OFF.
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aceredshirt13 · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Sherlock Holmes in the 22nd Century (Cartoon)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences 
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply 
Relationships: Sherlock Holmes/John Watson (Sherlock Holmes in the 22nd Century), Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, John Watson & Beth Lestrade (Sherlock Holmes in the 22nd Century) 
Characters: Watson (Sherlock Holmes in the 22nd Century), Sherlock Holmes, Beth Lestrade 
Additional Tags: Mentioned John Watson, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, let’s just say that I have taken a number of liberties with the canon, but also the show doesn’t even have internal consistency within the same episode so like, Dystopia, Grief/Mourning, In a sense, Unrequited Love, in a sense????, Wrong Watson Feelings, obsessed with the fact that that tag exists, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, Delusions, Suicide Attempt, poor holmes, Identity Issues, Androids Feeling Emotions, Internalized Android Discrimination, what a tag, Bittersweet Ending, this fic is just me going insane about the deeply upsetting implications of a children’s cartoon, title taken from “world.execute(me);” by Mili 
He knows he isn’t Watson. Not really. No matter how much he wishes he were.
But he tries to be all the same.
(Or, the unnecessary diary of a machine, and his fond observations of a broken man.)
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svartalfhild · 2 years
Not me once again getting mad about the complete disregard a lot of people have for any genuine interpretation of Sherlock Holmes as ace and/or aro, as if that's somehow less interesting, important, and/or revolutionary to the queer cause than interpreting him as gay.
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evilestgentleman · 1 year
Round 1, Group 4
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Moriarty Propaganda
none!! Send some in
Dracula Propaganda
Dracula wants to suck all of England dry, and he wants to do it while being super handsome. He's a real lady-killer. And baby-killer. And killer in general. Not the most pleasant dude, but he looks dashing the whole time.
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