#gsrm info
laylachips · 5 months
About me
Hello! I am Layla Chips, but you can call me Layla, Ray, or whatever funny nicknames, such as Chippy or Lays. More info below the cut!
✦ Pronouns: any
✧ Sexuality/orientation: Aroace
✦ Nationality: brazilian
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This blog is mostly about LGBT+ stuff I find around Tumblr. Most of the posts here are reblogs.
No form of discrimination will EVER be accepted here. This is a safe space for GSRM, POC, disabled people, and everyone else! As long as you’re nice and respectful to everyone, you’re welcome here.
Cool blogs you should follow
@raysartsncrafts : my art blog, which is way more fun and active than this one.
@artsyraccoonsinyourbackyard : my bestie’s blog! She posts very cool and amazing art!
I might add more stuff to this later, who knows. Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoy your stay!
(If there are any mistakes on my part, please do correct me in the comments!)
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Official Transsexual’s (Unofficial) Discourse Dictionary
IMPORTANT NOTE: This post is not meant to be an authoritative source. It is a reference sheet for how discourse-related terms are used on this blog. Definitions of words on this list may change to reflect changes in their use over time, to include new information that I was unaware of at the time of writing, or for clarification purposes.
Version 1.1 (last edit March 03, 2020)
AGAB: Assigned Gender At Birth. The sex/gender label applied to a person when they were first born. Used interchangeably with ASAB (Assigned Sex At Birth). A person who is assigned male at birth is described as AMAB, while a person assigned female at birth is AFAB. Not to be confused with ACAB (All Cops Are Bastards).
American Psychiatric Association (APA): The medical association which publishes the DSM. Their website is psychiatry.org. Not to be confused with the American Psychological Association, which publishes the APA style guide (they can be found at apa.org). Please be aware that the blog official-transsexual uses the acronym APA to refer to to American Psychiatric Association, unless otherwise indicated. Unlike the American Psychological Association, members of the American Psychiatric Association must either have a valid medical licence, or be medical students or residents training in psychiatry.
DSM: The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, published by the American Psychiatric Association. The DSM-5 was published in 2013, replacing the DSM-IV-TR (Text Revision).
Dysphoria: A medical term referring to distress or discomfort. See Wiktionary for more: https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/dysphoria
Gender: A set of social constructs dealing with expectations related to binary sex categorization.
Gender Dysphoria (GD): A medical term referring to the distress that commonly (but not universally) accompanies Gender Incongruence. In the DSM-5, a diagnosis of GD requires gender incongruence (criterion A) that is accompanied by significant distress or impairment (criterion B). More info: https://official-transsexual.tumblr.com/post/187465391113/ill-add-links-in-a-bit-after-i-see-if-this-shows
Gender Euphoria: A non-medical term referring to the feelings of joy (euphoria) that occur as a result of social affirmation or positive transition results. Gender Euphoria may be inseparable from Gender Dysphoria in individuals who experience both.
Gender Expression: How one presents themself to the word using symbols related to gender norms (see Social Construction)
Gender Identity: An unchosen sense of self in relation to societal gender and sex categories (see Social Construction). 
Gender Identity Disorder (GID): A former diagnosis applied to transgender people; replaced by Gender Dysphoria in the DSM-5
Gender Incongruence: Having a gender identity that is different from one's AGAB. Gender identities that overlap with a person's AGAB may still be considered incongruent overall, particularly in the case of individuals with fluid identities or identities which encompass multiple genders (see Non-binary).
Gender Non-Conforming (GNC): Individuals whose gender expression differs from their gender identity in some socially significant way.
Harry Benjamin Syndrome (HBS): A proposed "neurological intersex condition" heavily endorsed by early transmedicalists in the '00s. Proponents, known as HBSers, believed that only individuals classified as "True Transsexuals" according to Harry Benjamin's 1966 Sex Orientation Scale were actually the gender they identified as, and individuals who referred to themselves as "transgender" without meeting the criteria for HBS were actually "transvestites" (more on the Sex Orientation Scale: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benjamin_scale). The term "Truscum" was originally coined as a derogatory reference to "True Transsexual superiority," before being adopted by modern transmedicalists, who primarily believe that all trans people experience gender dysphoria. More info: https://official-transsexual.tumblr.com/post/610945552177397760/for-anyone-whos-confused-hbsers-are-old-school
HBSer: The precursors to modern transmedicalists (see Harry Benjamin Syndrome). The original truscum.
Intersex: A blanket term for individuals with sex traits that cannot be easily classified as exclusively "male" or "female." Some, but not all, intersex people identity as LGBT+/queer as a direct result of their intersex status. Some intersex people also identify as transgender. A common complaint about HBSers was that they appropriated intersex experiences in order to validate their own identities.
LGBT(+): Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and related communities. One of the most well-recognized form of the acronym. Originated as GL for lesbian and gay, then eventually evolved into GLBT before the first two letters were rearranged and other letters began to be added to represent related communities. Other commonly included letters are Q (queer, questioning), A (asexual, aromantic), I (intersex), P (pansexual), and 2 or 2S (two-spirit). Many transmeds argue that some or all of these groups should be excluded from the acronym. (see: MOGAI).
MOGAI: Marginalized Orientations, Gender Alignments, and Intersex. A proposed alternative to LGBT+. Not to be confused with "Sexual Minority"/GSM/GSRM, which was the one proposed by the creepy dude. Use of the term MOGAI is primarily associated with microlabels, which are highly specific labels referring to aspects of one's orientation and gender identity (see: Non-binary). It is used both positively and negatively, depending on the speaker's opinions. Many transmeds consider themselves "anti-MOGAI".
Non-binary: Any gender identity that is not exclusively female or exclusively male (see: Transgender). Some non-binary people use microlabels, while others use much broader categories (see: MOGAI).
Queer: A generic term for LGBT+ people. Depending on the context and and background of the speaker and audience, this may be interpreted as either an identity or a slur (see: Social Construction).
Radical Feminist/Radfem: A branch of feminism that claims to be fighting to dismantle the roots of misogyny. Originally, radical feminism actually was pretty inclusive of trans women and generally opposed to inflexible essentialist definitions of womanhood, but it's long since been hijacked by TERFs and SWERFs. Modern radical feminists who do not explicitly disavow TERFs and SWERFs are unfortunately very likely to fall into at least one of those categories.
Social Construct: A sociological term referring to the social processes involved in assigning a shared meaning to symbols. All language and categories are socially constructed, including those meant to categorize empirical observations (see Sex, Gender).
Sex: A set of biological categories. Depending on the context, sex categories may be constructed based on genitals, chromosomes, gonadal structure or function, hormones, or secondary sex traits such as breast development or body hair. The practice of applying social values to sex categories or sexed traits results in the creation of social norms. (see Gender, Social Construction)
SWERF: Sex Worker Exclusionary Radical Feminist. The venn diagram of TERFs and SWERFs is almost a perfect circle.
T-bro: "Trans bro." A generally derogatory term referring to dudebros who are also trans men.
TERF: Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist/Trans Exterminatory Radical Feminist
Transgender (Trans): An individual who identifies as a gender other than their AGAB (see Gender Incongruence). In the past, this term has also been applied to individuals who would currently be considered GNC. More info on the history of the word transgender: http://www.cristanwilliams.com/2012/03/27/tracking-transgender-the-historical-truth/
Transmedicalist/Transmed: Individuals who believe that transgender identities should remain medicalized. Modern transmeds primarily believe that all transgender people experience gender dysphoria, however this term has historically also included individuals who believe that being trans is a neurological condition/a form of intersex neurology (see HBSers, Harry Benjamin Syndrome). Some tucutes/anti-truscum object to this use of this term, because it directly contradicts a FAQ endorsed by the APA; these individuals primarily refer to transmeds as truscum.
Transmisia: An alternative term for "transphobia," coined to avoid potential ableist connotations related to the -phobia suffix. 
Transmisogyny: The combination of misogyny and transphobia/transmisia experienced by transgender women and other AMAB trans people. Individuals who are not targeted by transmisogyny are sometimes referred to as "transmisogyny exempt", or TME.
Transphobia: The fear or hatred of transgender people. Due to concerns about the ableist connotations of the -phobia suffix, some have proposed the term transmisia as a replacement.
Transsexual: The term transsexual has had a variety of meanings depending on who's using it; in some contexts, it is used as a direct synonym for "Transgender," however at times this word may also be used to mean only trans people who have transitioned or only trans people who meet specific narrow diagnostic criteria (see True Transsexual). More on the history of the terms transsexual and transgender: https://www.them.us/story/inqueery-transgender
Transtrender: A derogatory term used to refer to individuals who are believed to only identify as transgender because it is trendy to do so. Appears to have arisen as a variant of the term "trans-trending," which popularized by the TERF dirtywhiteboi67, who began using it in 2011 as part of a series of blog posts where she basically doxxed young AFAB trans people out of the conviction that they only identify as trans because it's trendy to do so. More info: https://official-transsexual.tumblr.com/post/190517063383/official-transsexual-i-ended-up-researching-the
True Transsexual: a term used by HBSers; Originally drawn from Harry Benjamin's 1966 Sex Orientation Scale. Early anti-transmedicalists used this term to mock HBSers, sometimes stylized as "Troo Transsexual." (see Harry Benjamin Syndrome)
Truscum: A derogatory term for transmedicalists. Originally stylized "TruScum" in the post where it was coined by former tumblr user transstingray in reference to people who are "fighting for True Transsexual superiority over other trans* [sic] people" (the capitalization of "True Transsexual" indicates that this is a reference to the use of the term by/about HBSers, who adopted the term from Harry Benjamin's 1966 Sex Orientation Scale. More info: https://official-transsexual.tumblr.com/post/610945552177397760/for-anyone-whos-confused-hbsers-are-old-school
Tucute: a term for anti-transmedicalists. Used as a derogatory term by transmedicalists. Coined by tumblr user idislikecispeople/transgemder (Kat) c. 2014. After coining this term, Kat was harassed and coerced into sharing nudes to prove that she is trans; these pics were subsequently shared widely without her consent and will therefore not be discussed on this blog. Her ex has confirmed that she is a trans woman.
TWERF: Trans Woman Exclusionary/Exterminatory Radical Feminist. An alternative name for TERFs meant to highlight the fact that TERFs target trans women and transfeminine people to a much greater extent than they target transmasc people.
Terms/abbreviations primarily used by or about TERFs:
Gender Critical: an attempt to rebrand TERF ideology.
Radscum: An old derogatory term for TERFs and SWERFs, which was reclaimed by them years ago for similar reasons to why transmeds reclaimed truscum, or why some anti-transmeds/tucutes have reclaimed transtrender. (Note: this isn't a moral judgment, this is 100% a "people are people" comparison).
ROGD (Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria): a psuedo-scientific TERF theory that proposes that gender dysphoria is a "social contagion" that is causing kids (by which they mean teens and young adults) to identify as trans because it's trendy (see: Transtrender). A study claiming to validate RODG was published on PLoS; the entire methodology of the study was to ask visitors of anti-trans forums with trans kids if they had any idea that their "kid" (again, generally meaning teen or adult) was trans before they came out. More info: http://juliaserano.blogspot.com/2019/02/origins-of-social-contagion-and-rapid.html?m=1
TIM: "Trans Identified Male," aka trans women & other AMAB trans people 
TIF: "Trans Identified Female," aka trans men and other AFAB trans people 
TRA: "Trans Rights Activists"
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renaroo · 5 years
To my knowledge, the reason GSRM isn't used it because the creator was trying to use it to include pedophiles in the community, though I haven't been able to verify that in my quick google searches.
Hm while I definitely need to look at this more myself, I do think that it’s growing as a term at least in the YT spaces I frequent. Again, not that it means anything, because I’m pretty much only on Leftietube and watching true crime shows so maybe it’s deserving of a more thorough examination. 
Thanks for the info all the same, anon
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You write a lot of LGBQT+ characters, and you give them good rep, but I want to know if you are LGBQT+.. It sounds like you have a lot of inside knowledge.
I am aromantic and asexual, and I love the LGBT community. (I actually refer to it as the GSRM community, which means “gender, sexual, and romantic minorties”, because I think it is more inclusive). All my characters are based of real people I know. You can check my bio an fanftiction dot net for more info about this subject. Thanks for the ask:)
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