#guitarist mizu
keegansgf · 5 months
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so sick of people claiming that she’s their wife… we’re married guys, back off…
(I hc her as a bassist and drummer— heavily critiques guitarists too) (don’t get me wrong, she can play guitar) (maybe I’m just projecting as a bassist)
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catfern · 3 months
rockstar!mizu headcanons
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w.c; 700
a.n; this is gonna flop but love my bae mizu
michael green & zionism . palestine m.post . daily click
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rockstar!mizu who is the absolutely fawned over guitarist for a heavy rock band, new to the scene but rising fast. patchwork tattoos cascading down her arms, the ink teasing her fingers. she’s cool and collected on stage, her hands steady and oh so poetic in their work, a stark contrast to her bandmates, so swept up in drugs, sex and rock’n’roll.
rockstar!mizu with her baby, a hand painted, azure blue guitar, graffitied lovingly with a tally of how many shows played and how many bras thrown in her direction while performing.
rockstar!mizu who, despite her jaded disposition, secretly adores the attention. sure, some of her dm’s still make her blush, but the girls throwing themselves at her feet fill her with this syrupy, superior high. she scrolls through the #mizu tag on just about every platform, as casually as one checks the morning news when they wake up. a low, rough chuckle falling from her lips as she glazes over the edits, the fanart, the absolute whores on tumblr. she’ll punt her phone across the room when a bandmate peeks at what she’s having so much fun with.
rockstar!mizu who likes to send little nods to her obsessed fans, to give them just enough to keep a tight hold on her curtails. spending a good thirty minutes before the show painting her nails a certain colour because some obscure fan account tweeted that it was their favourite. pulling up her shirt to wipe the light sweat on her brow from the heat of the spotlight, the contour of her stomach a haunting image in the electric darkness of the small theatre. rockstar!mizu who gives a rare, light laugh with an deliriously lopsided smile when she sees the rush in the crowd.
rockstar!mizu who likes to act above the glitz and glamour appeal of fame, but singles out sweet, shy girls at bars, who gives them just enough attention, just the slightest taste of her effortless charm, and watches them fumble under her soft, firm touch. rockstar!mizu who listens as these girls test, a quiet, unsure mumble, “you’re mizu,” and god, that validation is an echo in her blood, an addictive buzz. 
“you wanna get outta here?”
rockstar!mizu who’s sweet, in a way. a guiding hand finds its home in the small of your back, a soft push of heat in your stomach as a whispered breath curls around your throat, her perfume, something fresh but overbearing, leading you as you make your way to her car. her hand settles on the bare of your thigh as she takes her place in the driver’s seat, the stolen glances in traffic enough to keep the burn of your timid disposition firm under your skin, in your bones. she knows she scares you, intimidates you, but for her, that’s exactly the appeal.
rockstar!mizu who loses those small kindnesses as soon as you cross the threshold to her apartment. who doesn’t even bother, or rather, doesn’t want you in her bedroom. the press of her kitchen counter against your back hurts, but its so perfectly detached. she didn’t bring you here to have you in her space, to have you learn about her. she wants worship, she wants the absolutely frenetic ichor of her fame to pull you to her feet, eager to please.
rockstar!mizu who is the type to really praise, but only if you earn it. an unforgiving grip on your hair, her voice is breathy, controlled sycophancy as she pushes you down, your tongue servant to her strings. she has to fight the triumphant smile that teases her lips as she looks down at you, oh so pliant, her meek admirer with lips glossy with her taste, eyes wide, forgiving and all-consumed.
rockstar!mizu who adores hearing her name roll off your lips, a mixture of ecstasy and reverence. who teases you with praise offered from the mizu, the idol. you, who should be lucky to be touched by a star, begging for a pleasure only she can give you. it’s all she ever wanted from you anyway, all she brought you home for. to hear you beg.
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inspired by this tiktok
taglist; @whore4abby @endureher @beemillss @afraidofheightss @sentimentalyellow
dm to join!
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mt-oe · 20 days
𝙎𝙤𝙣𝙜 𝘼𝙗𝙤𝙪𝙩 𝙈𝙚—ex bandmate mizu
Hey dears!
Back with one of my favorite tropes! I high key feel bad for being away for so long and for being too shy to actually interact with anyone so I'll try to make up for it as much as I can.
Will you be the bad guy in this one? Not sure, that's for you to decide. I hope all of you will enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it <3
Hope you enjoy! Mwa mwa ;*
warning/s: not proofread, angst, cursing, violence (mdni!), toxic, she/her for mizu, implied afab reader
note: I tried fixing some parts because I wrote this while I was drunk and I realized that some parts sucked. I'm sorry, dears!
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The sound of cars whizzing past, horns beeping, and the endless conversations of people chatting on the street filled the night. The wind blew harshly, the cold biting at your flushed cheeks. Stars glimmering as bright as your narrowed eyes as you ran, footsteps heavy on the concrete.
Bright lights lit up the city, commercials everywhere of something stupid. Probably the next new hyped up skincare product that was overpriced and didn't work or the next new corny romance film they're trying to sell out. Celebrities' faces plastered on every building, some pretty, some borderline lewd, some dramatic.
God, you hated these fucking displays, always so obnoxious and overly marketed...
Especially her fucking face.
Mizu's stupid fucking face plastered all around the buildings, informing you of her concert in your home city as a way of ending her first oh-so-grand world tour. The new hit guitarist made by Abijah Fowler, the manager of the biggest fucking band in the world. A legend. Anyone he handled turns into a star by the first debut.
Oh, fuck you.
These displays were truly obnoxious, even more so with her stupid fucking face, her stupid hands holding her same old guitar, and her gorgeously blue eyes on display for every passerby to see. For you to see every time you went to work, went to get the groceries, went to...whatever.
Blue eyes reminding you of the times when you were her manager. Of when both of you were young and stupid, when playing in a band was just something you did to unwind and have something to do aside from rot. Reminding you of your promise to make her a star, that talent recognizes talent.
And indeed, she was talent.
She was the greatest fucking talent the world ever saw. Her hands played the guitar as if it was natural to her. As if whatever deity that created her wanted mankind to know what music actually sounded like. Like her hands were made for this. Like she was made for this.
Every time she went on stage, countless would scream for her, cheer for her, throw what ever expensive lingerie they had for her. It took months, maybe even a year, to be able to schedule an interview with her. Her fans would sell their soul for a chance to breathe the same air as her, yet alone be in the same room with her.
Which ever city she went, concert or no concert, paparazzi was waiting for her. Each stage she rocked, she made the floors shake with how hyped her audience got. Everyone who attended had post-concert syndrome. They were star struck. She exuded confidence. She was an icon. Not even the lead singer but she was the front man.
An eye catcher.
Talent personified.
A star.
Your fucking star.
And you hated this bitch with every fiber of your body, with every cell that passed and will pass through your veins, with every nerve, with everything you had. You made her a star, gave her to the best fucking manager known to man. For fuck's sake she even finished a world tour. And this is how she repays you?
Your hands pushed the crowds of people away, legs burning as you tried to run into the backstage. The sounds of people yelling at you, glaring at your figure as you cut through lines echoing across the waiting area.
Was this illegal? Probably.
Who cares?
You were getting this bitch even if you had to be dragged out by every armed force known to man.
Just as you were about to reach the doors, security immediately held you back. Bodyguards grabbing you as you thrashed around, trying to kick them off while pulling your arms away from them. "Let me go! Let me fucking see this bitch!" you screamed at them, nails digging into their skin as they held you back.
"Mizu you fucking bitch! I know you're there! Explain yourself!" you yelled, hissing in pain as security tried to drag you out, yelling at you to leave. Your hair out of the bun you put it in, seams at the corners of your shirt ripping slightly, legs scratched. Their hands leaving red marks on your skin, and yet you continued to try and fight them off, yelling obscenities as they held you down. "Fuck! Get off of me! You motherfucker! You ungrateful bitch!"
With a twist of your arm and an unexpected bite at their hands, you finally broke free from their grasps, only to be tackled to the ground as soon as you tried to sprint towards the door. The impact of your head on the ground making you extremely light-headed. Your vision growing blurry as the warm red liquid started dripping from your nose onto the concrete. You could feel them lifting your body; but just as you were about to drag your body out, you heard a voice. The same fucking voice you were searching for.
"Unhand her. Don't worry she's with me."
Upon her words, the guards looked at each other and security hesitantly let go of you, going back to their stations. With a groan, you sat up straight, blowing the blood out of your nostril before wiping the leftover crimson with the back of your hand as she approached you with an unreadable expression.
Just as you looked up, your breath got caught in your throat as your eyes met. Blue orbs meeting with yours. Those gorgeous blue eyes. Drowning you.
Slowly, you stood up, trying your best to balance yourself. Her eyebrows knitting at how beaten up you looked. But just as she was about to open her mouth...
...her cheek was met with a harsh stinging pain, knocking her back slightly. Her chest rose up and down as she panted, trying to register what had just happened, hand slowly clutching her cheek.
Sharp blue eyes glared at you as soon as she composed herself. She watched as you shook the pain from your hand, glaring at her with such loathing. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?" she growled, grabbing you by the collar.
I asked you a question, I wanna know why Why'd you have to make a record 'bout me?
"What the fuck am I doing? What the fuck do you think you're doing?" you yelled at her, eyes narrowing further as you continued to glare at her, no longer caring if her hold on your collar was choking you. "Answer me, Mizu. Why'd you have to make a fucking song about me, you stupid jackass?"
Her eyes scanned your face, looking over every detail as her grip on your collar tightened. Even with a scratched up face and a bloody nose, you were still so beautiful to her. The most beautiful woman she has ever met.
"That's what you're here for? Hah..fuck...I'm with my own band. Stay out of my business," she said in low voice, pulling you closer, jaw clenching as if holding back some sort of unexplainable anger towards you as well. An exasperated yet angered expression washed over your face at her words.
"Stay out of your business?" you repeated before letting out an angry sarcastic laugh. "How can I when you fucking used my picture? Our picture? On a fucking diss album, for fuck's sake! Are you stupid?!" you yelled, hand gripping her hand around your collar tightly until your knuckles turned white, until your nails were digging into her skin.
That's right.
A whole fucking record about you. A whole motherfucking album dedicated to you. This is how this jackass repays you.
The track list started with innocent cute little love songs about how much she admired you, how much she fucking tried for you, how she constantly played her heart out just for you to realize how in love she was with you.
Then, it went on to heavier songs, talking about how you sold her. How you were a fucking traitor who threw her into the pit, making her feel as if you would be there for her no matter where the band's musical journey took off to only to leave her.
And you wouldn't have minded if it was just some kind of corny ass typical romance album with cheesy lyrics a little angst. Every band had that at some point. Maybe it wasn't even dedicated for you. You hoped it wasn't dedicated to you. However, the moment you saw the album cover, you could physically feel the color draining out of your face.
But it's alright 'Cause it was all in my mind To begin with (And you don't know why)
It was a picture of you and Mizu in the old studio. Your body turned to the side as you wrote something on your clipboard. Mizu was at the background tuning her guitar. Of course they had the decency to blur out your face, but you knew.
You fucking knew.
God, you loved this picture so much.
"Mizu...do you think we should add crushcrushcrush to our song list for the next gig," you asked, eyes trained on your clipboard. Your eyebrows furrowed in thought. Damn, this client was stingy. Only 3 songs? How were you going to fit a whole ass gig into three songs?
She looked up from her guitar before her eyes glanced at Akemi who was just beside you, giggling as she looked at her digital camera then back at her with a sly smile, showing the camera to her mischievously. Mizu immediately turned around in fear of her face being captured in the photo, fiddling with her guitar while she thought of an answer. "...Well if you want a Paramore song, I think Ignorance would be better," she said quietly but loud enough for you to hear.
"Although...I still think One Weak is better. Make Taigen sing or something," she suggested, plucking the strings of her guitar as she tuned it. A small 'I second that' could be heard from Akemi as she pointed the camera towards you. Your eyes widened in delight at the suggestion, immediately writing it down on your clipboard. "That's not a bad idea! Not bad at a—"
You were cut off by the loud click sound of a camera, followed by the bright lights of the camera flash. "Oops.." Akemi mumbled sheepishly as she watched you rub your eyes. Just as she was going to hide the camera in her bag, you waved your hand around before gesturing her to give it to you.
Mizu couldn't help but be curious, setting her guitar down to take a peek. "Woah..." you mumbled, grinning at the picture.
It was perfect.
The slight tint from how old the camera was gave it a vintage look. The way your skirt rode up slightly from how you crossed your legs gave it a slightly lewd feel. And along with your combat boots? It definitely had that edge. Y'know? Like that little irresistible charm that made you stare at album covers like Around the Fur.
Mhmm.. don't even deny it. We've all stared at that album cover before.
Even the way Mizu was standing at the background looked so badass. Her back turned from the camera, so sturdy and strong. She definitely had that natural mysterious vibe that drew everyone in.
Everything about this picture...made your heart race.
"Looks like an album cover," Mizu commented, sitting down next to you. A small blush appearing on her cheeks as her eyes traced your legs. The three of you nodded in agreement, each with your own smiles. "Hmm.. maybe if we make it big somehow. We could use this," Akemi suggested.
You nodded, smiling at the photo fondly. "Yeah, let's make it big together," you mumbled, eyes still staring at the picture. God, you loved this picture so much.
God, you hated this picture so much.
Keep the chaos 'cause you don't know why
"Oh don't be such a fucking narcissist. Just because we used a picture you loved so damn much, doesn't mean its for you," she growled, hairs on the back of her neck standing up from anger.
Slowly, her hands gripped your collar tighter, ignoring the pain your nails were inflicting on her, shoving you until your back collided with the cool metal of the trailer. Your body trapped between the vehicle and her body. The tension was so thick it was suffocating you.
You could feel the air being squeezed out from your throat as you continued to glare at her, not letting this go. "Then tell me, Mizu." A small cough escaping your throat as your breathing turned into wheezing. "Who...who is this stupid fucking album for?"
Her eyes narrowed at your question, continuing to stare at you intensely but gave no answer. Although the slight tremble and weakening of her grip told you that you definitely struck a nerve. The silence was unnerving and even with the lack of oxygen, it was pissing you off.
"Answer me, you bitch!" With the remaining energy you had, you lifted your leg before stomping it towards her, digging your foot onto her stomach.
Immediately, her hands let go of your collar as she reeled back, coughing and wheezing. Your hands rubbed at the area where the friction from your collar burned your skin, trying to soothe it as you tried your best to regain your breath.
It was a good try, but Mizu was strong. So strong and well-built. The body that used to keep you close, holding the umbrella for you, trying to hide the shiver in the cold so she could lend you her jacket, was now pinning you to the ground. Knees weighing down on your hands and her weight pushed on to you. You loved her. You hated her. You love her so much.
I heard your song but I wasn't impressed So, you got your feels hurt and now you're feeling depressed Just because we had sex and it didn't last? Now you want revenge, you wanna put me on blast?
"Give me one good reason to not kill you right now," she said in a low voice. Her long, rough, slender fingers wrapping around your neck, squeezing it lightly. You could feel the hesitance in her hold, the slight tremble of her hands and the almost invisible quivering of her lips, contrasting the harshness of her expression.
"You're such a fucking bitch," you coughed out, eyes narrowing as you tried to lift her weight off your body. "Tell me who that motherfucking album is for! Spit it the fuck out!"
Eyes narrowed further as she gritted her teeth, jaw clenching. Her hands squeezing against your throat further, other hand balling into a fist as she lifted it out. Anger emanated from her gaze, burning deeply as she looked at you. If eyes were the windows to the soul, then her soul must be either dead or burning with rage more than ever. And yours? Yours filled with a type of hatred that seemed to deep to be quenched.
No, don't look at her like that.
Fists raised and clenched tightly, mind violent and filled with rage. And yet, she could see no fear in you. Even with the threat of pain, you looked at her with no fear, as if you thought she could never hurt you. Even with the threat of pain, you felt no fear, as if you knew she could never hurt you. Mizu could never do that to you.
So please, don't look at her like that
Her breathing became heavier as she continued to glare at you, fist shaking until eventually letting go. She let out an exhale, eyes glossing over ever-so-slightly. 'What the hell am I doing?', she thought, throat tightening as a lump formed, making it hard for her to breathe. Your form under her, too beautiful, too lovely.
She couldn't do it. Not to you.
Slowly, she got off of your body, sitting on the spot next to you as the two of you looked up at the sky, except her eyes were on your figure. You took a deep breath before eventually looking at her, admiring her features. "You changed so much.." you mumbled, glare softening but still there. "Tell me. That album...was for me, wasn't it?"
A sigh escaped her lips before she gave a slow, hesitant nod. "Why?" you asked, sitting up slowly.
"Why'd you have to.."
"Because you're a fucking liar."
Your eyes widened before narrowing into the harsh glare it was before. "Liar? How am I a liar?" you almost yelled, voice a bit raspy.
Her eyes glared back at you, nails digging into her own skin of her palms. "You fucking sold my contract. To Fowler of all people!" she exclaimed. "Have you ever considered how I felt? Did you even think of me?"
"Of course I thought of you! If I didn't hand over your contract to Fowler, you wouldn't be where you fucking are!" you yelled back, turning to face her. "Look at you now! The biggest and fastest rising star! People are praising you like you're some sort of modern Kurt Cobain, Mizu! Can't you be fucking grateful?!"
Don't make me laugh
She stood up and grabbed you by the shoulders before pulling you up harshly, your sides almost colliding with the trailer yet again. Rage enveloping her being, radiating from her as she approached you, fingers digging into your shoulders. "You didn't think about me! Fuck, you didn't think about any of us at all!"
"How about Ringo? Taigen? Akemi? Where the fuck are they now after you disbanded us, left us all rotting, for Abijah's stupid fuckin' agenda?!" she almost croaked out, face getting closer to yours. Her jaw clenching as her hands trembled in both anger and the desire to be soft with you.
You couldn't believe what she was saying right now. You didn't even think of her? How could she say that after you gave her to the best, to make her dreams come true? Harshly, you pushed her off of you. Now it was your turn to grab her by the collar, pulling her to your height. "Abijah's 'stupid fucking agenda' is what got you where you are, Mizu,'' you growled. "Talent recognizes talent and Abijah is the most talented manager in the industry and he wanted you. The kingmaker wanted you."
A strange sense of disappointment towards you swirled into her eyes. It was stupid of her to think that if she met you again, things would go back to the way they were. An unexplainable retching in her gut welling up as she listened to you speak. Was this it? Was this why you sold her fucking contract?
"You wanted to be a star, he made you a star. I made you a—"
"I never fucking wanted to be a star!" she yelled, glare hardening. Confusion painted over your face, making the anger in your eyes falter. Her disappointment and dismay in full view as opposed to the anger she held earlier. "I don't understand, Mizu. Isn't this why you joined—"
"I fucking joined your stupid band to be with you, dumbass," she sighed, pulling your hands off of her collar. "It was never about making it big. I just...wanted to play and be with you."
Her hands held yours softly as she looked away. "You told me we'd stay together as a band. That we'd be together no matter if we made it big or not." The grip she had on your hands trembling slightly as it tightened. She took a deep breath to calm herself down before looking at you straight in the eyes. "But you're a fucking liar, aren't you?"
For the first time since you've heard of Mizu's concert in your home city, you were speechless. Thoughts empty as you tried to process her words. Hatred quelled deep in your heart. "Mizu.. I really don't understand," you replied, hands desperately trying to hold hers as she tried to pull away.
She looked down at you with a sigh. The heavy feeling weighing down both your chests. With one look at your eyes, she knew this was too difficult for both of you. And maybe, this was just how the world worked.
She loved you. She loves you. But she can't help but hate you too.
"Go. Get the fuck out of here," she said coldly, turning to head back, making you even more confused and even a bit more pissed off. An unexplainable anger gnawing at her insides, making her throat tighten. "I don't want to see you ever again."
Her feet made its way towards the backstage. Ringing echoing in her ears as you plead her to come back, to explain, to talk to you. She heard nothing because she knew nothing would get her feelings into your dense little brain. This was pointless.
Before opening the door to head into the backstage, she took one last look at you. Her eyes tracing your figure, admiring your features that she had grown to love so much. Even with your bruises, anger, and hatred, you really were the most beautiful woman she has ever seen.
Just as she was about to turn away, your hands traveled to the hem of your skirt, pulling it up to your waist, sticking your tongue out as if to mock her cowardice. A blush appeared on her cheeks as she caught a glimpse of your underwear.
'It's pink', she thought with a groan, glaring at you before storming inside and slamming the door behind her. Once she was inside, she hid her face behind her hands, breathing heavily. How fucked up did you have to be to tug at her heart at a time like this?
She really did hate you. You really did hate her.
The feeling was mutual.
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fuukonomiko · 3 months
BES Hollywood AU
I know some other fandoms have this AU (including Warhammer40k where I saw @mixuen and her most creative takes!) so I think it would be awesome to have BES have it too.
Someone mentioned this to @lillydrawsmizu and I apologize for forgetting who it was but hopefully you can see this too!
Some silly ideas (please feel free to make suggestions, or make art)
The actors for Swordfather Eiji and Seki were a comedy duo when they were younger. Think Abbott and Costello.
The actor who plays Ringo is a part time musician. He has his own Indie band and he is actually the lead guitarist. He brings his guitar to write songs during downtime. When his fans saw his role in the show they freaked out not seeing his hands. Mikio's actor has taken this role to move away from his image as a stereotypical Hollywood leading man. It's his first venture into playing a very unlikeable character. Abijah Fowler's star is actually one of the nicest and most professional actors on set! He brings baked goods and sweets for the cast and crew on hectic days with long shoots. Sometimes he even orders catering for them! Akemi's actress is in her first big role! She used to have minor parts in soap operas. She's excited for her big debut! The actor who played Ise actually read for the Akemi role too. Madam Kaji and Lady Ito initially read for the others' part. The casting director made them switch because they felt the other actress suited their respective roles better.
Casting for Taigen took forever as none of the dozens who auditioned was convincing enough for the role. The actor they finally cast was a last minute find when he dropped out of a sci-fi series. After wrapping up season 1, word has it that the actors playing Mizu and Taigen actually became a couple
Discussing this insanity with @kaladinkholins :D And just saw an actor AU from @doughnutshi
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rabbitbandit05 · 2 months
i heard a song today that immediately gave off mizu vibes -- Blood In The Cut by K.Flay. The lyrics don't match her entirely except for some parts, but the song's vibe just SCREAMS mizu or guitarist mizu to me. you dont need to write for this, i just thought it would be fun to share :)
I just saw this and gave it a listen-
The thought of Guitarist Mizu has got me kicking my feet and giggling-
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dinadearine · 5 months
Okay here's the story— so me and my friend was playing around with a nearby (retired idk) band, borrowing their instruments and we were doing freestyling plays till we suddenly made this music, I WAS SHOCKED actually, I'm the electric guitarist, while my friend is the drummer.
I'm too broke to buy an electric guitar, but surely I would plan a full music!
bw this song is based on Mizu's revenge, idk if I would put some lyrics in the future hehehehehe
ps: Apologies if the Audio is crunchy, the speaker was too loud lol.
btw pls mention me or credit me by this music piece by: DINA_DEARINE ty <3
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geraniumplant · 5 months
𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐠𝐞 𝐀𝐔 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐬 ~
- Vash Saverem : Age 20. Plant Engineer & track star. He got a full-ride scholarship along with his brother Nai. Started a band with his friend Wolfwood. (lead singer & bass guitarist) Doesn't have his license because he never passed his driving test. He basically walks everywhere unless he can get a ride from Wolfwood or Meryl. Favorite hang-out spots are the bakery, the coffee shop, & the track.
- Nicholas D. Wolfwood : Age 22. Dropped out of beauty school to help his brother pay for & run their childhood orphanage. Nico washes hair at the salon & is a guitarist in Vash Saverem's band. His main means of transportation is his motorcycle. He's very street-smart & feeds the neighborhood stray cats & dogs.
- Genjo Sanzo : Age 23. A biblical & theology major. He's not too passionate about this choice of study but was inherited the Sanzo title from his late adopted father, so a lot is expected of him. Despite being a trust fund kid he's down to earth but a loner. When he's not on campus he can be found smoking on his apartment porch or browsing the nonfiction section of the local bookstore. (he never buys anything though)
- Vergil Sparda : Age 25. An adjunct professor of Medieval literature. He's considered prissy or stuck-up compared to his carefree twin, but the guy is overworked & lonely. In his spare time, he collects & refurbishes artifacts. He pays child support for his son who was a result of a teen pregnancy. When the mother left Vergil gave his son up for adoption to the Fortuna family, because he believes they provide him a better life.
- Mizu : age 19. An exchange student from Japan who lives with a host family. Mizu is a Sociology major & trained mixed martial artist & boxer. They practice at the dojo regularly & do odd jobs on the side, participating in several boxing matches for money. Can be found around the dojo, the gym, & the coffee shop.
D Dracul : Age 20. A Demonology major that minors in psychology. He wants nothing to do with his rich, high-status father & does many odd jobs to support himself, his education, & his stoner twin. This includes Uber, Door Dash, & picking up shifts at the mom & pop hardware store. D is an all-around friendly guy. Kinda dresses goth/hisper-like & is very quiet.
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sonic-cynin · 1 year
I… made a lot of updated doodles….
I’ll split them up into a couple posts so yeah…. Let’s start with redesign speed round!
(Let me know if you guys wanna see old vs new comparisons!)
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*Kodai is the only Echidna known to exist, being genetically created using old DNA
*Tsume is the Main Guitarist of the J-Pop band, “Mizu! O! Utsu!”
*Platinum is a members of the super hero team, “Mo-Kinia Defenders”
*Donavan is a member of the Cyber Leaf team, a sub branch of UPSG
*Eis, Jaquí, Quintro, and Whip are various types of bad guys/Anti heroes
*Xu is the youngest member of Team Spade and an ex-member of the Raiju Clan
*Blaine is a firefighter in the main city, living with his Wife, Dazzle.
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gl0st1ck · 9 months
I got inspired by a comment under the latest TOTBP chapter (ty Stardust 🙏), so here’s a list of some well-known music groups and artists in modern Hyrule
The Secret Stones: A group comprised of rock musicians that wear matching stones as jewelry. The guitarist, a Rito, first debuted in the industry with the now lead vocalist, a Gerudo. They later enlisted a Goron to play the drums and a Zora to play the bass. There used to be two Zonai in their band as their sound mixers, but they left to pursue their academics.
MIZU DROP: A group of three Naydra Sea Zora looking to debut in the idol industry. Not much is known outside of their studio’s social media, but it’s rumored that the three Zora are in Hyrule City for college. There’s been a teaser poster released of the center singer for an upcoming underground idol festival, which has sparked some excitement about the group.
The Wind Wakers: An indie band comprised of a Rito guitarist, a Korok violinist, and a Hylian vocalist. They also collaborated with two ocarina players from Kokiri Forest in their latest album.
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lovejustforaday · 3 years
Album Review - Citrus by Asobi Seksu
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Citrus - Asobi Seksu
Main Genres: Shoegaze, Dream Pop, Indie Pop
A decent sampling of: Twee Pop, Neo-Psychedelia, Noise Pop
In the conversation of greatest shoegaze and dream pop bands of all time, you usually hear a lot of the same names: My Bloody Valentine, Cocteau Twins, Ride, Slowdive, Beach House, or maybe even Mazzy Star. But one name that doesn’t get mentioned nearly as often as it should is Asobi Seksu.
Asobi Seksu were an American indie rock band consisting of songwriting duo Yuki Chikudate on vocals and keyboards, and James Hanna as lead guitarist, with a rotating rhythm section that changed from LP to LP. Critics never really gave them a fair chance, but to me they are the finest band to lead the wave of “nu-gaze” that took place over the mid-to-late 2000s.
While a lot of new shoegaze bands today are made up of younger millennials and zoomers who are very traditionalist in recreating the sounds of the original scene, the 2000s “nu-gaze” “““revival””” saw a lot of bands who wanted to expand the genre’s scope. “Nu-Gaze” bands usually fell into one of two cluster groups:
Cluster A was made up of bands incorporating prominent electronic elements to expand on the soundscapes of the original scene. Cluster B bands were making riff-heavy alternative rock that blended shoegaze guitar tones and walls of sound with clearer vocals and more distinct melodic structures, building more on the foundations of bands like Ride or Lush than the likes of MBV.
Asobi Seksu’s self-titled debut falls into the latter category, with a college-radio-esque record of mostly no-nonsense shoegaze and indie pop. It’s a pretty great record itself, but it wasn’t exactly career defining, and if it had ended there, I would say they were another above-average shoegaze band that I listen to mostly just cause they happen to make my favourite subgenre of music.
Something truly brilliant came after though. The band decided to embrace the more immersive dream pop + heavy shoegaze hybrid sound that defined most of the greatest bands of the original movement. But beyond that, the band retained their indie pop melodies and developed a vivacious, sanguine, high-energy formula that set them apart from a scene that had always mostly been defined by subtlety, introspection, and bittersweetness. The resulting album was Citrus.
True to its name, Citrus is a viscous smoothie concoction of saccharine and tangy flavours, expressed in the form of Yuki Chikudate’s frolicking vocal melodies and bright keyboard notes mixed with James Hanna’s roaring walls of sound. True to its cover art, the sonic colours of this record consist of vibrant shades of vermilion, tangerine, and daffodil. This LP is the sonic equivalent of the feeling you get from that first refreshing taste of ice cream on a hot summer’s day. A magnificently vivid experience all around.
A lot of shoegaze bands stick to very strict conventional rock instrumentation - drumkit, bass, and lots of guitars. Maybe an added string section on a song here or there for dramatic effect. But on Citrus, I hear not only the addition of Yuki’s keyboard leads, but also organs, xylophones, sleigh bells, and even toy pianos.
Citrus fades into view with “Everything Is On”, a 17 second ambient intro that sounds something like an arcade submerged in a swimming pool. Normally, I’m not particularly drawn to the trend of albums opening with these odd micro-tracks. This one instance really works however, because it contrasts ever so nicely with the bright, jangly opening guitars of “Strawberries“, the album’s proper introduction.
Speaking of, “Strawberries” is the sound of summer in full bloom, with a splendid pseudo-call-and-response riff that bounces like a yo-yo in between several intermissions of crushed shoegaze drone that feel not unlike dunking your head in a bucket of ice water. I love hearing what sounds like a rotary organ buried deep into the mix of those intermissions. The track ends brilliantly with a major tempo and rhythm shift into a rampant breakdown of manic rock instruments and festive celebration.
“Thursday” is the single greatest song of the 2000s “nu-gaze” revival, and indeed one of the very greatest indie rock songs of all time. A brief ghostly prelude foreshadows a blurry four minute burst of love and ecstasy, with one of the most pleasing choruses I’ve ever heard where Yuki offers the kindest words of concern “it seems you’ve lost your way, you’ve let it all fall apart”. This is the feeling of waking up at the end of a depressive episode and crying tears of joy as you gaze up at the sunny sky and realize that you're happy just to be alive. By the end of "Thursday”, I am completely smitten with the very notion of life itself.
The gentle strums of “Strings” open up into a sun-soaked daydream. Like on several other tracks here, Yuki uses English and Japanese interchangeably, allowing the sounds of her syllables to convey the necessary emotional imagery to non-bilingual listeners as she practically skips and hops her way through the song in an impressive display of vocal gymnastics. The wall of sound orchestrated at the end of this track is one of my all time favourites in the history of shoegaze and noise pop, like an enormous heatwave that hits you all at once.
The glorious midpoint and climax of Citrus is the seven and a half minute wonder “Red Sea”, a vision of a world that lies beyond the horizon while surfing the waves of a vast and foamy ocean. This track reaches monumental heights that I find particularly hard to put into words. What I will say is that this is second place to “Thursday” only by a small fraction, and it contains around the three minute mark one of the most captivatingly nostalgic melodies I’ve ever heard.
“Goodbye” is the sole occasion of a mostly straightforward indie pop song on this record, and its one of the sweetest breakup songs you’ll probably ever hear. “Lions and Tigers” is a distant meadow of dream pop that makes me feel like I’m a kid and I’m hugging my friend one last time before they move to another city. “Nefi + Girly” is like a follow-up to “Strawberries”, with another playful lead guitar riff and a dreamy keyboard lead that sounds like its splattering an empty canvas of indie rock with lively paint colours.
“Exotic Animal Parade” slows the record down for a brief melancholy ballad before exploding in a dream like it never even existed. “Mizu Asobi” emerges from the aftermath to finish off the record with one last beam of radiant joy before the festivities end with a bang.
As a footnote, I would like to add that, although they never count towards my final rating of a record, the bonus tracks/b-sides/etc. from the Citrus era are some of the best deep cuts ever released. Likewise, here’s some quick thoughts on those:
The band recorded two covers of two mid-20th century classics during this album cycle, including a twinkling, wistful haze rendition of Frank Sinatra’s “All Through The Day” as well as a giddy, fleeting noise pop cover of The Crystal’s “Then He Kissed Me”. Both are excellent examples of how to expand on their respective originals, reviving vintage pop classics with gorgeous soundscapes. There’s also the stand alone single “Stay Awake”, a sweeping end-of-chapter moment with some of the most excellent indie rock dynamics I’ve ever heard.
Like most people these days, Loveless was my first shoegaze record and my formal introduction to one of indie rock’s most elusive subgenres. It was good enough at the time to make me listen to a few more shoegaze bands, but Citrus was the record that made me fall in love with the genre medium. It was Citrus that allowed me to go back and fully appreciate Loveless as the masterpiece that it is, and later fall in love with other brilliant shoegaze records like Souvlaki and Ceres & Calypso In The Deep Time.
This album was also the unofficial soundtrack to most of my time as an undergrad. It played on my bus rides into the city and during walks around campus downtown on those last few days of exams before the summer. It helped me more than any other record to get through the worst year of mental health in my life. I am endlessly fond of this beautiful work of art, and I am truly grateful for how Asobi Seksu managed to expand my horizons. This will forever be one of my favourite records. Happy 15th anniversary Citrus.
highlights: “Thursday”, “Red Sea”, “Strawberries”, “Lions and Tigers”, “Strings”, “Goodbye”, “Nefi + Girly”, “Mizu Asobi”, “New Years”, “Everything Is On”, “Exotic Animal Parade”
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keegansgf · 3 months
fine fine… I’ll consider guitarist Mizu
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recentanimenews · 2 years
Hiroko Moriguchi's Next Gundam Cover Album Comes with a Custom Model Kit
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  In 2019, singer Hiroko Moriguchi released an album of Mobile Suit Gundam song covers to celebrate the franchise's 40th anniversary. Since then, she's released a second with even more songs from across the many series. In March, she's dropping one more, marking GUNDAM SONG COVERS 3 as "final chapter" in her series of song covers.
  Moriguchi's connection to Gundam goes all the way back to 1985, when her debut single "Mizu no Hoshi e Ai wo Komete" served as the second opening theme for Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam. For this album, she'll be covering songs originally performed by male vocalists: the openings of the original Gundam series, Turn A Gundam, and many more.
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    Guitarist Kotaro Oshio and violinist Naoko Terai, who both appeared on the previous two GUNDAM SONG COVERS albums, return as performers. Keep an ear out for more collaborators across the album — including rock band TM Network, who will join Moriguchi for a new version of their theme to Mobile Suit Gundam: Char's Counterattack.
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    Lots of special editions and bonus goods will be up for grabs. Fans have their pick of an LP release, a box to hold all three albums, a Blu-ray containing extra music videos, and a clear file of the new album's cover art. For fans who want to go really big, there's even a set that includes a Zeta Gundam (Hiroko Moriguchi ver.) plastic model kit:
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    GUNDAM SONG COVERS 3 comes out March 22. LP editions and special-edition model kits will be available for pre-order starting December 21.
  Source: Comic Natalie
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    Watch Mobile Suit Gundam on Crunchyroll!
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  By: Kara Dennison
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findasongblog · 6 years
Find a #electronic song
Nikki Oniyome - Drown
Single from the upcoming EP 水 Sui/ Mizu.
Nikki Oniyome 鬼嫁日記 is the heart child of songwriter, vocalist and guitarist Lisa E.
Nikki Oniyome 鬼嫁日記’s EP is named 水 Sui or mizu, meaning "Water", which in Japanese mythology represents the fluid, flowing, formless things in the world. The lyrics are centered around uncertainty, helplessness, and the need for other human beings. The music blends into the lyrics just as water, continually taking on new forms. The lyrics is inspired by troubadourism, exploring themes of love, religion and oppression with dark humor and and twisted theatricality. 
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rawchefyin · 4 years
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VEGAN FOOD ADVENTURES with Raw Chef Yin - Zen House Japanese Vegetarian Cuisine in Sunway Pyramid, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia Mr Jazz Guitarist had a toothache so we had to go see the dentist. Since we happened to be around Sunway Pyramid, we decided to check out Zen House which is a Japanese Vegetarian restaurant. I’ve been to their outlet in Sunway Velocity Mall once. This Sunway Pyramid outlet just opened 3 months ago: Here’s what we ate: 1. (mock) Chicken Katsu Curry Set RM29.90 2. Kimchi Ramen set RM18.90 3. Mizu Shingen Mochi RM9.90 They also charge for the wet tissue at 30 sen per piece. There’s quite a bit of eggs and cheese on the menu and vegan options aren’t marked, so do check with the staff to ensure there’s no eggs or dairy in the food. We double checked to ensure that the curry has no milk and that the mock chicken katsu batter didn’t contain eggs. They replaced the chawanmushi in the set with extra seaweed. We also requested for the salad to have no dressing - so I could be sure there’s no eggs in it. I enjoyed the rice and the noodles. The dessert was pretty interesting, it’s something I’ve been wanting to make for a long time so I thought I’d give it a try so I know what texture to aim for. @zenhouse_my Zen House Japanese Vegetarian Restaurant Lot LG2.99, Lower Ground 2, Sunway Pyramid Shopping Mall, Petaling Jaya, Selangor Where’s your favourite place to have vegan Japanese food?💚🏯 . . . #veganfoodadventures #rcyvideo #japanese #japanesefood #veganjapanesefood #katsu #vegankatsu #vegankatsucurry #vegancurry #veganramen #kimchiramen #ramen #ramennoodles (at Zen House Japanese Vegetarian Restaurant) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8DVoZtpDPn/?igshid=9wojo5qbfltb
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rhythmbastard · 7 years
Status Quo Sunday IN YOUR HOUSE
PATREON SONG COMING NEXT WEEK! Might not be ready by this Sunday, but sign up now, and you'll be able to download the new track "The Most Epic T-Shirt" and have the new song a week before it's released to the public! HOLIDAY MATUSRI EVENTS! Yup! Still got one (maybe 2?) more events for the rest of the year! Holiday Matsuri is always a big fun show, but I might be able to stay there Sunday night. Hardcore Nerdcore Punk (3:45 PM, Panel Room A)
Crank your Holiday Matsuri up to 11 when Rhythm Bastard brings his mix of punk rock and fandom to the stage! You like video games? Comics? Card games? Come on down and open the pit up!
Holmat Slam  (5:00 PM, Panel Room A) Get ready to rumble in the hypest fake wrestling event Holiday Matsuri has ever seen! From the people who brought you AFO Rumble, Mizu-Mania, and Iwai-vor Series, comes Holmat Slam! Play some old N64 Wrestling games, and compete for the chance to win a championship belt! ANIME IWAI: SOAR LIVE VIDEOS!
JAM OF THE WEEK: "It's A Long Way To The Top (If You Want To Rock and Roll)" by AC/DC
Malcolm Young, co-founder and rhythm guitarist for AC/DC died on Saturday. They were a huge influence on me, and Malcolm provided the base upon which some of the greatest rock songs of all time were built on, that still hold up to this day. My attitude now is the same as to when David Bowie passed away: look at his legacy, and find someone now who is looking to carry that torch forward. NEW SERIES COMING SOON!While I'm still trying to stream more regularly, I'm doing a series called "Rectangular Reckoning" where I play through a deck in either Hearthstone or Magic The Gathering for an hour and break it down. I'll also do some Arena runs in Hearthstone and some drafts and stuff in MtG: Arena when that comes out. via Blogger http://ift.tt/2iy9fYq
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keegansgf · 4 months
I’ll gladly be a modern Mizu writer since honestly I kinda suck at integrating the reader into canon. send in ur requests, especially for bassist mizu who I will doodle more when I get the chance to along with guitarist! taigen, drummer! ringo, and keyboardist! + vocalist! akemi ^^
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