#gwendolyn zap
beeclops · 3 months
Teaser for the upcoming Big City Greens movie "Spacecation!"
Plot synopsis:
Big City Greens the Movie: Spacecation follows the Green family as they embark on an adventurous outer space-bound vacation. When thrill-seeker Cricket tricks his family into taking a ‘road trip’ in space, chaos in the cosmos quickly ensues. Despite growing frustrations between Cricket and his dad, Bill, the two must learn to appreciate each other’s unique perspectives in order to prevent Big City from being destroyed by an interstellar disaster.
Premieres Thursday June 6th at 8pm on Disney Channel, next day on Disney+!
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jobvelldone · 6 years
but does gwendolyn sound like eva gabor?
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anarchopuppy · 3 years
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Phone Zap to support the Donaldson 4
⚡⚡⚡All Day February 13th⚡⚡⚡ ⚡⚡⚡In solidarity with everyone fighting for prison abolition inside and out ⚡⚡⚡
*copy and paste to share*
Donaldson Correctional (205)436-3681 ask for wardens Phyllis Morgan and Kenneth Peters I'm calling because i'm concerned for the safety for Derrol Shaw and Wilbur Smith, who were assaulted by guards in this facility. I do not believe that they are safe at this facility until drastic actions are taken. Also, the COs involved in the assault of the Donaldson 4 need to be fired and charged. ⚡⚡⚡ Kilby Correctional (334)215-6600 ask for wardens Rolanda Calloway and Gwendolyn Babers I'm calling because i'm concerned for the safety of Ephan Moore and Robert Earl Council, who were assaulted by guards at Donaldson Corr. I'm also concerned that inmates at Kilby don't have access to hot water, hand sanitizer, face masks, and the ability to social distance. This can be the difference between life and death for some, and to deny inmates this is pre-mediated murder. ⚡⚡⚡ Commissioner Jeff Dunn (334)353-3883 I'm calling to demand that the COs involved in the assault of the Donaldson 4 are fired and charged. An investigation into conditions at Donaldson Corr should be your top priority. ⚡⚡⚡ Governor Kay Ivey (334)242-7100 Im calling to ask that the COs involved with the assault of the Donaldson 4 are fired and charged. An investigation into conditions at Donaldson Corr should be top priority for the state. Also, the contracts for the two new prisons should be nullified. Alabama cant afford to build more prisons when conditions for inmates are already horrific. The people of Alabama want the prisons closed and ADOC held accountable. ⚡⚡⚡
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kariachi · 4 years
Only one episode today, but it’s a two-parter because apparently this season is big on them so I figure it evens out.
Tokyo Fun!
Huh, so this world’s version of the Olympics is held every five years
And there’s a Sumo Slammers theme park in Tokyo, can’t say I’m surprised
If there’s one thing I can support Max in, it’s his dedication to badminton. I also love the sport
How many times do you think Max has gotten ticketed for illegal parking of that stupid chopper?
This family is precious
“Bigger isn’t always better“ out of a fucking Ben! Holy shit alert the presses!
And is embarassed to have accidentally given a life lesson
Max losing his mind over the Japanese Badminton team
When this restaurant says big food they ain’t kidding, shit the size of heads
...welp, that’s not concerning. Eat your weight in sushi (literally) alongside a sundae you have to eat with a shovel, and then be hungry again immediately after? Who do they think they are, Mike?
Hello Maurice. Are you using a grow-ray to make big food that shrinks back down to size after it’s been eaten, therefor making a restaurant where the customers are never satisfied and so have to keep giving you money for a massive profit overall?
...the Bugg Brothers have an intern. His name is Charlemagne and he is a cockroach. A proper-sized cockroach. I love him already.
Really the intern thing is a great excuse for exposition on the Bros’ plans. They intend to become a worldwide franchise with their popular restaurant of ‘big’ food, becoming rich enough to buy whole countries. Honestly I’m kind’ve impressed.
And while Ben fights Sidney, Max tries to go make friends with the pro athletes
Aw, they seem like nice people
I don’t even have words y’all, this shit is ridiculous
Ben fucking blasted Charlemagne! And then the poor thing got zapped with the busted grow-ray!
Aw, Maurice is worried about his intern. He cares.
Charlemagne grows to massive size, because of course. He continues to be precious and Maurice is totally willing to work with this.
And Ben has been blasted with the grow-ray
Ben: *grows giant, immediately is aggravated Kevin isn’t there because damnit for once he’s taller than him*
Seriously, where are the Bevin fans, it was weird enough they dropped off the face of the earth when OV aired, this is just disconcerting
They just keep growing. Kaijuing it up.
‘Nephew’? Charlemagne is their fucking nephew? Or at least Maurice’s? ...okay! I can work with that!
Poor Charlemagne, all he wants is to visit the Sumo Slammers theme park
There’s a fight, things happen, eventually Ben and Charlemagne go to the theme park together as friends.
And now part 2!
...well. Sumo Slammers is certainly a Thing.
That show has left Ben completely unprepared to see real sumo wrestling
Gwendolyn Tennyson, the nerdiest of jocks, losing her mind over sumo wrestling
Oh look, it’s Solar and Polar, there to avenge their mother? Grandmother? ‘Mumsy’. One of them has a very small woman strapped to his chest.
Fuckers mocked their Mum and now they demand apologies and also revenge
And they don’t even last thirty seconds before they’re fighting, which their Mum does not like. Very soft spoken woman so far.
They are literally fighting over who gets to carry their mother and who gets to steal the gold medals for her
Boys please do not throw shit at each other when you are carrying your damn mother
The protective clutching of the Mum
The boys ran off to drop their mother off at the playground so they can fight Ben without risking her safety. Note that now they are fighting over where precisely to leave her that would be best for her health.
She wants to go on the train ride, so of course all children must be kicked out so she can have it to herself.
They love her so
Ben, unable to figure why Shockrock wouldn’t work against the guys with electromagnetic powers.
“Ben’s allergic to strategy, as usual.“
These boys are stealing every single medal they can find and giving them to their mum
Ben is doing like, nothing to sabotage these two
Really the sibling writing in this show is surprisingly accurate depending on what kind’ve siblings you’re talking about
The Tennysons have found the Mum. She’s very polite.
Oh my gods. She competed in the games while the boys were small, sustaining an injury during an event and going on despite it to win silver! Except her boys are convinced she deserves better than that and so are getting her all the gold medals. That honestly so sweet in a completely misguided way.
Also she was a lot larger way back then, built like a fucking wall
Woman is sitting here blaming herself for her boys, talking about her concerns that focusing too much on her athletic career taught them that winning was the most important thing, and that no medal is as important to her as seeing her boys get along
Oh great, now they’re fighting over which one gets to quash all their mother’s opponents
I love this show
Huh, Solar is a columnist as well, wrote one on Truman Capote.
omg the billboard they threw crumpled just right to say “We <3 Mom” and their mother loves it so much
“You boys are my greatest achievement“ That cracking sound you heard was by cold black heart
The boys gets arrested, promising to write their mother weekly while she promises they won’t have to because she’s gonna visit.
“Kiss kiss, follow your bliss, Mumsy” my heart
10/10, Mumsy and Charlemagne deserve no less!
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dramallamadingdang · 7 years
Reply time.
For @elfpuddle, @nimitwinklesims, @fuzzyspork, @penig, @clericalrodent, @0201-sims, and @pixelated-world.
elfpuddle replied to your photoset “Screwing around with a completely roadless neighborhood. Well, OK, it...”
Looking forward to seeing pics of invisible cars driving through your Amish 'hood at night on those invisible roads. ��Those creepy headlights will be just the thing they needed, I'm sure!��
LOL. Luckily for these “Amish,” I modded out neighborhood-view traffic in my main playing user account because it bugs me. So, no mysterious lights randomly zipping around the area.
nimitwinklesims replied to your photoset “Screwing around with a completely roadless neighborhood. Well, OK, it...”
Those winding roads look reallllly nice!
It’s a really nice set. Easy to place (not too fiddly, like I find a lot of small neighborhood deco to be), a good number of shapes to mix and match, AND they don’t float when viewed in lot view. Kudos to Criquette! :)  I kind of went all zen when I was “building” the roads. It was quite meditative and it was fun to create the shapes. I’m looking forward to building the “road network” as the neighborhood grows.
fuzzyspork replied to your photo “Yeah, you know, I’d be freaked out if I was looking through my...”
Maybe she's looking into the past. :P I don't know what the criteria for the Spy On Guy is. Mine starts as the first sim to move into the 'hood, or the oldest one. Sometimes is changes before that sim is dead to one I've played more (with more memories/relationships? or maybe that reputation thing has something to do with it, idk)
Now that’d be a neat trick! Yet it also makes an odd kind of sense. Whenever a telescope is used to look at objects many light-years away in space, it’s seeing that thing as it was dozens or hundreds or thousands or millions of years ago, after all. Doesn’t quite work the same way when you’re just spying on your neighbors, of course, but...Details. Don’t bother me with details. :)
In any case, I think the Spy On Guy is determined by instance number, meaning the playable that was created first in the neighborhood is The One, initially. Which is why it’s always Mortimer Goth when you play Pleasantview or any subhood attached to it. For this neighborhood, since it has no premades, it was Goopy, who was a clone of the original townie. From there, I don’t know how the game determines who the next one will be. If it just goes down the list in order... Sandy was the second playable created, but she’s dead, too. Steven was the next...also dead. After that, it was Gwendolyn, so it SHOULD be her being spied on, but...apparently not!
penig replied to your photo “Owen made sparkly mac ‘n cheese (because Andrew wanted it)…and...”
Why not? It's in his house, therefore it is his food. He's very generous to share it with humans.
Indeed he is. :) They’re lucky he needs human servants or he very well might kick them all out. :)
penig replied to your photo “Yeah, you know, I’d be freaked out if I was looking through my...”
They normally do. In Drama Acres it was Peter Ottomas, but now that he and Sam are dead it's David. That's weird.
Yeah, after giving it further thought, I think it’s just in this neighborhood where it hasn’t switched to someone else. This neighborhood does have its odd quirks. I think it’s because it was originally made on my old Simming computer that got zapped. It does funky things on occasion.
clericalrodent replied to your post “Replies about skies and Halloween. :)”
Yup, two. Mardipäev in 10.nov and Kadripäev in 25. nov. They're kinda similar to Halloween, but have key differences. You dress up (as a dark man for Mart, light woman for Kadri), go around the town asking for entrance (in song), then entertain the family and bless their household in exchange for treats.
Ahhhh, so it’s kind of like Christmas caroling, then...which is also a dying/dead thing here in the US. (Sadly. It was one of my favorite things about Xmas when I was growing up. My family and some of their friends and all us kids used to do it as a group every year, and it was so much fun.) It’s cool that you get two occasions to do it! 
0201-sims replied to your post “Replies about skies and Halloween. :)”
Oh, and I don't mind teens trick-or-treating. I did as a teen because I didn't want to give up the fun, but they have to be in a proper costume. If they're just going around trying to mooch candy off people - no way! We don't give them any. ;D
I think there should be some kind of generally-accepted age cut-off for trick-or-treating. 14, maybe. After that, go to parties or parades or something in your costume, but leave the door-to-door candy-begging for the younger ones. :) I’ve seen older kids harassing younger ones out on Halloween, and it...irritates me. And I’ve been known to kick bully ass, so...yeah. :)
0201-sims replied to your post “Replies about skies and Halloween. :)”
Here in the Midwest trick-or-treating is very much alive! My family buys a few big bags of candy and we always run out before the night's over. My neighborhood is in a pretty blighted part of the city though it's managed to stay fairly safe and well-maintained so I think a lot of families come from nearby neighborhoods to trick-or-treat in my area! :D
I’m glad to hear it’s still going on there. In the area(s) where I live, it seems most people take their kids to malls to trick-or-treat these days...although since malls are dying, too, I’m not sure what they’ll do. ;) Or maybe it’s just not as big of thing out in the west? I dunno... When I was growing up in northeastern Indiana, it was definitely a thing, even though I lived in less-densely-populated farmland. I never went out, myself, but the local kids generally went into nearby towns, driven in in groups by parents who had trucks/vans/station wagons. But, y’know, that was like 45 years ago, so... :)
pixelated-world replied to your post “Sometimes I think I’m the only person in the world (or at least the...”
It's also creeping its way in France, which is weird because people don't really celebrate it, it's more about the supermarkets trying to sell candies and other stuff like house decorations... On the same way, I just hate that shops are now doing the Black Friday thing, because as I see it it's typically American (the day after Thanksgiving) and it should stay this way. But Autumn is awesome, best season ever !
Ohhhhh, don’t get me started on the commercialization of Christmas. It’s just...so, SO out of alignment with Jesus’s teachings that it makes my heart hurt. The Black Friday thing is just an outgrowth of that cancer, IMO. But I’ll stop there. :) I’m kind of surprised that Halloween isn’t generally celebrated in France, though, in that France was at one time an area populated by Celts, and the Halloween thing of costumes and trick-or-treating does have its roots in the Celtic festival of Samhain and its mumming and such...although it, too, has been greatly bastardized and commercialized, of course. Perhaps that’s why it’s not so popular in France. French folks don’t strike me as people who appreciate American-style gross (in many senses of the word) consumerism and commercialization. :P 
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Spider-Gwen Info
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Full name: Gwendolyn Maxine Stacy
Species: Human
Age: 17
Sexuality: Demisexual
FC(s): Emma Mackey
Bio: Spider-Woman, also known as White Widow, Ghost-Spider, or, simply, Spider-Gwen, has been who she is for the past three years. How you may ask? It all started when a radioactive spider bit her, giving her these incredible powers. 
Her road to becoming a full-time superhero was shaky, and ultimately a tragedy was the catalyst to her dedicated hero mode. She may have saved her father, chief of the police, from death, but wasn’t able to do the same for her best friend, Peter Parker.
Whenever she is not Spider-Women, Gwen Stacy is an average girl with an average life; currently playing the drums in a band formed with Mary Jane Watson, Betty Grant and Glory Grant, simply called the Mary Janes.
Note: Follows “Into the Spider-Verse” limited canon and info about her. Haven’t read the comics nor will I.
V001: Zip Zap Here Comes Spider Woman
Default main verse. Gwen is the only super spider in her universe. Bitten by a radioactive spider around the age of 14, Gwen has to deal with managing the superhero life (plus, having the public against her) and being a normal teenage student who’s also part of a band.
V002: I Ain’t from ‘Round Here
Multiverse / Crossover verse. This verse mainly exists for any interactions outside of her universe. This includes the timeline during or after “Into the Spider-Verse” too! It can also work for stuff like the regular MCU or other comic timelines I’m unfamiliar with ( I am not a comic reader, my Gwen is based off the movie and some stuff I found online;; )
Miles Morales :: [ Monie ]
pending tag
Armin Beilschmidt :: [ Bae ]
pending tag
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ruffsficstuffplace · 7 years
The Keeper of the Grove (Part 72)
The dining hall of Manor Schnee had been temporarily turned into a combination situation room/planning area/mess hall for the space and the slapdash nature of their operations.
Among other Queensguard, Agent Gumshoe waited there, pulling out a Fizzle Stick from her breast pocket, putting it into her mouth, and lighting it with her antique Zippo. The tip of the candy started to crackle, the sugar inside it melting and pouring out the other side, and she began to chew.
“They say we were all lucky that we came when we did, guns blazing and putting all kinds of holes in the plans of the Heralds and whoever the hell the ‘Council’ are,” she said. “Poor bastards don’t realize we Queensguard didn’t have the winning numbers on our tickets, and probably never will.”
Used to it, and with their own eccentric quirks beside, none of the other agents commented.
“It’s a hard life, being a Queensguard.
“You got your personal issues, your awful pasts, and your honest desire to make a difference in this world and help people out by putting holes in others, wondering if you’re a fuckin’ hero who deserves a parade, or just a gun with two legs someone else is throwing into the fray for them.
“Then you join the program, and everything goes to even deeper shit.
“Physical training that’ll make the Old World’s Marine Corps weep. School, the kind of eyebrow burning usually done by people lookin’ to tack some fancy letters to their name, have people callin’ em Dr. Whoever-The-Fuck. And don’t get me started on the third part of our training…
“Psychological Conditioning’ they call it, if only because ‘Mental Torture’ doesn’t sound as nice.
“They build us up, then seni through straight through hell and back, then send us back for however many go-arounds it takes before we break. Then they pick the pieces up, glue ‘em all back together best as they can, rinse and repeat, until they either wash out, or they come out the other side one certified Badass Motherfucker who can take on goddamn anything.
“You can’t do something like that without leaving plenty of scars, though, some of them more obvious than others.
“Take Agent Qi, here. Fuckin’ obsessed with the number 7, and his fancy revolver.”
“Seven is life,” Agent Qi said. “Six bullets, one barrel—seven.”
“Won’t say no to a mission that doesn’t have anything—and I mean anything—about it that is or adds up to seven, be it the time the shit’s going down, the letters in the name, or even the coordinates on the map.
“But if it does, you can be sure as shit he’s going to coast through all that with a smile on his face, like he’s the luckiest man in all the realm.”
“Then there’s Agent Gwendolyn, AKA ‘The Knight.’
“Lost her whole team in a mission where she was shadowing all the other functioning nutcases we call ‘Queensguard Agents.’ Almost died along with them—had actually, for a few seconds before her suit’s revival protocols kicked in and zapped her brain back to life, but either something went wrong in the process, or it was that particular moment that she cracked like the rest of us Rank 7’s did, got it in her head that the only way she was going to get through this and more if Gwendolyn died, and was reborn as someone better.
“So now she goes around narrating everything like me, except she calls herself ‘The Knight.’”
Everyone stopped as a new agent walked in, carrying a tray of food in her still armoured hands.
“Hello everyone,” Winter said.
Gumshoe pulled out the free seat next to her.
“Thank you,” Winter said as she sat down, and began to eat.
“You’re welcome, doll. If’n you don’t mind, I’m gonna continue my whole shtick with you.”
“Go on ahead, Gummy, it’s not like it isn’t all over the Info-Grid,” Winter replied.
“Thanks, doll.” Gumshoe replied. She chewed what remained of her fizzle stick for a few moments, then continued.
“And then there’s Winter.
“You’d think the name was her call sign, seeing as she’s got a reputation for keeping her cool through everything; melting her walls and becoming the warmest damn person you’d ever met in your entire life if it’d serve her mission well to butter you up before she cut straight to your heart like a hot knife; and being more than a little bit of a bitch, but no:
“That’s what her grandma named her, like she could see in the future and decided to save a future lover the trouble of nicknaming her their own version of ‘Frosty the Snowbitch.’
“So what’s wrong with someone who sounds like the mythical Queensguard Agent that makes it through training completely intact? Even someone who looks about as well-put together as can be like Ironwood has got his issues.
“Five words: The Keeper of the Grove.”
Winter choked on her food. Gumshoe picked up her drink for her, she took a long swig then sighed in relief.
“You need me to stop, sweetheart?”
“I’m fine...” Winter whispered.
“If you say so. Anyway...
“As Fear is a pretty helpful emotion for getting your ass in gear when you need it to, she didn’t beat it out of her so much as she made it so that she was scared of as few things as possible. Maybe she might get startled or uneasy, but never shitting-your-pants terror.
“It had seemed like a good idea at the time: she was already pretty well and tramautized from a horror show way back when she was still a sweet and innocent kid, and what would be the problem with being scared exclusively by someone that only existed in myth, pop culture, and really bad costumes on Eve of the Ether?
“When it turns out they live in Reality too, that’s what!
“As the Keeper was terrorizing her and her little sis in this very mansion, us crazies in the Queensguard thought Winter had finally broken for good, that this time, there would be no picking the pieces back up and gluing them back together. All we thought we were doing when we hauled her conked-out ass back to base was fix her as much as possible before we set her up for a nice, quiet civilian life with a hefty pension and a whole lotta perks beside.
“Then we all watched the Keeper 86 her sister on live holovision, and it turned out that the only thing in little tiny pieces that couldn’t be put back together was what we thought was reality.
“Nothing new, really, considering all the other crazy shit that happens in Avalon that necessitates an even crazier bunch of loons willing to protect it—AKA the Queensguard—but it still caught us all off guard.
“By the time we realized our big mistake, her sister was dead, the rest of her whole family was in the ground or may as well have been, and since she only ever kept working for us to keep her sister safe, she had pretty much lost everything she ever gave a fuck about.
“And what do you do with someone with nothing to lose?
“Give them everything to gain—namely, the Shepherd Suit Mk. IV, the latest in the line.
“First, Piper’s gearheads strapped guns and sturdy pieces of scrap metal to exo-suits originally made for hauling boxes around, then we started slapping armour and weapons designed specifically for getting shot and shooting right back, and then we shrank it down so you if you wanted to enter a building, you’d only have to duck to avoid banging your head, than break down the door and take a good chunk of the wall while you were at it.
“So where do we go from there?
“You make it smaller, faster, and strap some wings and the very cutting edge in energy-weapons to it, is what you do.
“There’s only three things that are keeping the Big Guys Upstairs from equipping every single trooper with these:
“One, it’s expensive as hell to mine, refine, and use this much Exanite and a shit-ton of other super-rare metals that all the armour, the weaponry, and the wiring needs.
“Two, it eats up power like a bus full of relapsed alcoholics at last call for Happy Hour, which is why it’s a damn good thing it can take out entire armies in the blink of an eye.
“And three, once you put it on, you can’t ever take it off—unlike its older siblings, the spine-jack on this thing becomes part of your actual spine.
“We thought we were just making the best of a very bad situation like usual, squeezing out some more use out of someone we thought we were going to have to put out to pasture, and who didn’t want to go there yet, either.
“But it turns out, the timing couldn’t have been better, because now the little sister turns out to be a whole lot less dead than we thought, we’ve got a messiah gone missing and possibly rogue, and a whole bunch of loonies with alien magitech and animal ears running about the whole realm causing hell and talking about something they call ‘The Truth.’
“You could be blind, and still read all the signs pointing to the one place that has the answers to all the latest mysteries Avalon is throwing at us:
“The Viridian Valley.
“So how many of us loons are going with you out there, soon as it gets dark and we don’t get turned to people-jerky soon as we step out the barrier?” Gumshoe asked.
“None,” Winter replied. “I’m going in with two Tinmen, and that’s mostly for recharging my core.”
Surprise came over all the agents faces.
“Seriously, doll?” Gumshoe asked.
“Yes, seriously,” Winter replied, her serious expression the most serious the others had ever seen.
“Sure you won’t end up putting your waste-management subsystems on overdrive when you eyeball her?” Gumshoe continued.
“I’m sure,” Winter replied. “I may have been absolutely terrified of the Keeper for almost all my life, but that ends now, because the face of my nightmares has kidnapped my little sister, brainwashed her, and seduced her.”
She raised her fists to the sky and started screaming.
Winter sighed and got up from her seat. “Excuse me, everyone, I need to go get some last-minute repairs and upgrades before my big mission...”
“You do that!” Gumshoe yelled, as she and all the other agents were gathered up at the furthest corner away from Winter as possible, holding up their guns and projecting shields.
Winter left the dining hall, the agents slowly returned to their seats.
“Turns out there’s a fourth downside to the Mk. IV!” Gumshoe muttered as she chewed the last of her fizzle stick, pulled out a new one with shaking hands. “If it turns out the person you put it in is STILL pretty batshit insane, getting them out of the suit is going to be a LOT harder than putting them in…
“Like I said: we thought it was a good idea at the time...”
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atrayo · 7 years
Jewels of Truth Statements and Favorite Quotes of the Month
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Hello All, I wanted to squeeze in this "Jewels of Truth and Favorite Quotes of the Month" segment before this month of November concluded. By acknowledging my lack of usual posts for November in terms of consistency. Being a caregiver has zapped my motivation and what has been a sheer delight in channeling the Angels on the behalf of all. Feels now like I'm performing open heart surgery at least in terms of public blogging. This is aside from my private writing which is happening less frequently around to once or twice a week. Although my more elaborate "Gems of Opportunity" series of new material has come to a standstill. That takes greater focus and concentration in channeling the angels and with caregiving to my mom that has dementia has knocked me off kilter. That's why I haven't shared inventions, business models, governmental policy etc... for about nearly 6 months now. As part of the "Gems of Opportunity" series as angelic solutions for the next society to come after this 2nd Gilded Age comes to a conclusion. Sorry, for that helter-skelter update I just wanted to give you all my global loyal readers a heads-up as to my whereabouts. Now onto the good stuff which I enjoy disseminating here at "Atrayo's Oracle", meaning the channeled Angelic Wisdom. Today's trio of spiritual wisdom statements are on the topics of Peace 2,566; Faith 2,572; and finally Oh My God! 2,573. May you enjoy them as you find them uplifting in your very sacred personal faith traditions whatever they be of holy origin. Peace:
2566) With every season when peace is there it is God's Peace eternally without end. All peace has a basis upon the profound spiritual truth of well-being. Without such a core distinction all secular peace that is to follow becomes lukewarm and often meaningless towards the masses. To have a World with global unconditional Peace is to have the basis of such a grace be divine in holy nature. No matter if its codex of jurisprudence is written into secular vernacular as the rule of law. All laws that are thoughtful as they are effective with a genuine purpose serving the public trust without corruption and exploitation. Has a spiritual component for such a society in question irrespective of any one religion in particular. Often it is said of bold-faced cheaters following the letter of the law and hardly it's sacred spirit. Have fornicated before God and Country as hypocrites with a justice meant to curb misconduct. This is when the larger and wider informed citizenry must call to task such miscreants to stop giving the oppressed lip service. To carry their weight with both hands and hardly just in rhetoric. Slick legal representation can hardly protect you when economic divestiture is the ultimate equalizer of the multi-national corruptions. Advocacy is local as it is nationally bespoken and internationally laid claim to in all sincerity. As it is the eternal dissemination of the Will of God upon which all righteousness is embarked upon for all time. Any voice that falls silent given a choice to do right is a victory given for wrongdoers universally. Righteousness may come at a cost to integrity if it fails to be practical repeatedly versus than just once. To do otherwise may be easier chalked up to idealistic fools. However, this is how justice is to be upheld if the moral conduct is diluted to the point it becomes meaningless. Beyond becoming a police state of fear without democracy much less equal representation within a pluralistic republic society. I reiterate World Peace is God's Peace Holy as it is Sublime not as a pipe dream but as Heaven on Earth. It is a fine line between a Utopian civilization and a dystopian catastrophe on Earth. A spiritual enlightened shift can alter the course of human history to follow for eons to come. Be Divine versus just little more than barbaric animals upon Creation. Amen.     ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.
Faith: 2572)  When Life spins us out of control when all seems to be cast aside in turmoil. This is when our faith in God is tested as valid or plainly hypocritical. Only through the struggle with suffering is our best and worst features of self-revealed for all to witness. Sometimes this is expressed as torturous pain and at other times it is showcased as a personal triumph by the divine wind known as Luck and Character combined. The Divine doesn't take pleasure in exposing us to pain and danger in the world. However, it is aware that this is one of the most direct routes to positive change in the world. By benefiting countless by revealing the holy children of paradise in how they respond to pain in the world. Versus how the unholy children of perdition do behave when confronted with hardships usually by making the circumstances worse and not better. Sifting through the shards of pain it can indicate who are the Angels and the daemons reborn on Earth. By means of reincarnation by every generation of mortality of all species timed perfectly by the Will of God in Divine Origin. Every person is a reborn original Angelic Image and Likeness of God the Majestic Original Apex Creator. By divine nature, we are hurled into the world by the means of Infinite reincarnations without end or beginning meaning constantly like a spinning wheel. One lifetime we are a saint and another soulful spirit later we are a criminal. The Infinite is due its equal moment before the Spirit of God that finds value in this stark contrast. Not out of petty whims of vanity but in celestial divine order as Enlightenment much like how a battery uses electricity. Our human and other reincarnated rebirths in these many universes combined hurl us through the circuits of a meta lifespan. The use of the Essence of God is akin to electricity to power the short shelf life of a disposable battery. (a lifetime)  What is generated is far greater in output than our solitary human experiences alone can indicate at first glance. Something akin to a meta-cycle of sublime metric analytics spews forth like a torrent of a Mighty Whirl Wind of endless Life. From such a short lifetime provides a richness of telemetry that propels us all together in no uncertain terms as God Itself. Like a natural feedback loop as a circular power train of propulsion swirling together endless Physical and Metaphysical Universes like a ballet. Our individual lives matter and our collective humanity matter equally to God. As One and the same phenomena metaphysically to him / her / itself. God, can lay claim to any individual lifetime and become realized by means of miracles. For God is a higher perfect order beyond our mundane natural laws of nature leads us to believe is paramount. One Metasystem of Law subordinates a lesser system of laws everytime as a consequence of dynamical motion. God claims our good for us when we are stuck, distracted, or in some other dilemma in the world. When God claims our lives miracles become commonplace for all to see and hear by grace. Amen.  ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.
Oh My God!: 2573) When people lament "My God!" so and so in astonishment and in anguish. The disbelief of such a phrase as part of our earthly vernacular from the universal human condition is triggered gently into a metaphysical movement. In stating "My God" silently or out loud something magical occurs soul wise. Although the intent differs from the reason of such an outburst. What happens spiritually is quite the opposite of happenstance in holy origin. What occurs behind the metaphysical veil takes a mere moment but is beautiful and miraculous simultaneously. The person(s) whether aware of this spiritual phenomenon or not has claimed their entity godhood with the Supreme Creator. Since in a meta scheme we are each God in an Infinite Capacity as his omnipresence in a universal inclusive scope ethereally. This causes a blessed pivot to occur with our own Angelic Image and Likeness of the Infinite personified individualized Face of God. That we each have been endowed with by the Grace of God in earnest. Our Soul of God shimmers like it's been pinged or caressed gently with compassion. Depending on the pious demeanor of such a spiritual being as a living person upon Creation. It garners a cornucopia of potential blessings to be seized and fully realized. Much like "Jesus the Christ" stated often in the Christian New Testament amongst many of the Books of the Apostles such as in Mark, Luke, Matthew, etc... That one's Faith has Made Them Well. When the faith of the righteous is joined literally to an unrehearsed astonishment of "Oh My God!" Then one has for all intents and purposes pinged the Holy Spirit of God metaphysically. By claiming your divine heritage in a role greater than your present era humanity. As the living fabric of God's Great Mystery for all of our macro totality known as our reality. One takes communal ownership of the Omnipresence of God by accepting ones grace in the world. It matters not if one is atheist or deeply spiritual and/or religious in context it happens all the same almost identically as a pleasantry with the Creator. Much akin to a positive well-meaning handshake soul to soul with God the Original Supreme Greatest One of Heaven and all Creation(s)! You have tickled the Holy of Holies and in return unknowingly you will be Loved and Blest Deeply every time. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.
============================ Sometimes our light goes out but is blown again into instant flame by an encounter with another human being. Each of us owes the deepest thanks to those who have rekindled this inner light. ---Dr. Albert Schweitzer. My humanity is bound up in yours for we can only be human together. ---Desmond Tutu. We are each other's harvest; we are each other's business; we are each other's magnitude and bond. ---Gwendolyn Brooks. Our Unity is like a gently flowing river which waters the earth with blessings. ---St. Mary Euphrasia. Human beings must always be on the watch for the coming of wonders. ---E.B. White. Let me fall If I must. The One I will become will catch me. ---Baal Shemtov. We are not alone. There is always an unseen power working for righteous.    ---Olympia Brown. Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 22 years of his life to the pursuit of clairvoyant automatic writing channeling the Angelic host. Ivan is the author of the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels inspired conceptual designs that are multifaceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work are available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 12 years plus online. Your welcome to visit his website "Jewelsoftruth.us" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.
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