#hadass vishkower
theodorebasmanov · 3 years
I’ve watched “Yentl” and I liked it so much! I mean – it’s a musical with Barbara Streisand in the leading role which tells about a Jewish girl from Eastern Europe (why can’t you just say Latvia if there’s Riga?) who wants to study Talmud, but can’t do it openly, because she’s a woman, even though her father teaches her, so, (Spoilers!) when her father died she cut her hair, dressed as a man and went to the nearest town to study there. And then on her way, she meets a group of students and right away gets along with one man – Avigdor. And then they use the most fanfiction cliché – they came to the town and there was ONLY ONE BED. And then they were study partners. Well, the main problem was – she fell in love with him, and he got refused by his bride and so… He persuaded Yentl to marry his bride so that they can still spend time together. Yentl is very nervous, and at her bridal night, they drink wine and make a pillow fight. And then Hadass (the wife) falls in love with Yentl (her husband). Then Yentl finally decides to tell Avigdor. So, they leave to another town and proves to him that she’s a woman. At first, she freaks out but then, she tells that she loves him she kisses her and offers her to run away and live together but again he denies her the opportunity to study. Again. So, it all ended up like: She’s going to America for new opportunities, Hadass and Avigdor are married. I liked it so much! Firstly,– yes, Jewish aesthetics, I just can’t help myself. And secondly, even though Wikipedia says that one of the themes of the movie is “heterosexuality”, it’s so homoerotic! On the one hand, she’s dressed as a boy, and he seems to slowly fall in love with her… him. And on the other hand, she’s a woman married to a woman, who falls in love with her. So, yes – iconically bisexual and (don’t beat me) polyamorous. The great thing and Barbara Streisand sings amazingly.
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sophia-helix · 7 years
Yuletide 2016
A Change of Season (3456 words) by lnhammer Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Táng Cháo | Tang Dynasty RPF Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Shàngguān Wǎnér & Wǔ Zétiān Characters: Shàngguān Wǎnér, Wǔ Zétiān Additional Tags: Misses Clause Challenge, Chromatic Source, Chromatic Yuletide, Palace Intrigue, strong women of history, corridors of power, Poetry, Love Poems, Mentor/Protégé Summary:
Shangguan Wan-er could think of no reason for the Empress to summon a palace slave to her presence. No good reason. It would be the first meeting of two of the most powerful women of Chinese history.
I swear I asked for this just because I ran across Shàngguān Wanér's name in an article and the wiki article was so fascinating. I desperately wanted women-focused historical fiction about her and this story more than delivered. It's about poetry and maturity and change and I just adored it.
My assignment:
Begin With Love (4123 words) by sophiahelix Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Yentl (1983) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Yentl Mendel | Anshel Mendel/Hadass Vishkower Characters: Hadass Vishkower, Yentl Mendel | Anshel Mendel Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Misses Clause Challenge, Menstruation, Judaism Summary:
Her husband had his monthly courses today.
I've been wanting to write Yentl fic the last few years, and I was going to treat this letter if I didn't get assigned it, heh.
If you're not familiar with the movie, it's about a young Jewish woman in turn of the century Eastern Europe who's been secretly studying Talmud with her father. After he dies, she cuts off her hair and goes to the big city to join a yeshiva, where she meets and becomes study partners with a man named Avigdor whom she quickly falls for. Avigdor is engaged to the beautiful, extremely feminine Hadass, but it gets called off for Reasons, and also for Reasons he convinces "Anschel" to marry her instead, so he can still see her.
Rewatching the movie was an experience; I recall being very into Yentl/Avigdor as a teenager, because I had/have a big thing for Mandy Patinkin, but now I found myself caring about Anschel/Hadass far more, because it turns out I had/have a big thing for Amy Irving I didn't realize at the time. Hadass loves Anschel for himself, as her husband, and the chemistry between them is strong.
Of course, in the movie Yentl isn't in love with Hadass, though she cares for her, and she reveals herself to Avigdor and goes off to America to be "free" (this is a departure from the original short story and the tone of the movie is much more superficially Feminist without much deeper examination). Luckily my recipient wanted a different ending and I was happy to write it.
And oh, the research on this! My first thought was, "How on earth does Yentl manage menstruation?" It's explicitly stated that Hadass is kept very innocent by her parents, so I thought Yentl might be able to talk her way through it like she does other things, but I also knew there was Jewish law on the subject. Cue days of research during which I had tabs on Talmudic law and Google books and the short story open; I had a feeling I was missing something big about actual normative cultural practices, and finally managed to run down references to a medieval commentary tract with much stricter rules than the Talmudic period of 12 days of no contact.
Anyway once I had the ground rules down the story came through on its own and I really loved writing it. I was in a very femslash mood this Yuletide and this was exactly the kind of thing I wanted to write.
I also wrote a Treat:
Get Real Get Right (Fuckin Right) (1040 words) by sophiahelix Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Riveyonce Cuoknowles Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Sufjan Stevens - Character, Aubrey Drake Graham, St. Vincent | Annie Clark Summary:
Sufjan Stevens: how much do you know about the rapper drake
Annie Clark: He seems nice
Sufjan Stevens: ok
Annie Clark: Why?
Sufjan Stevens: no reason
Sufjan Stevens: I just found this weird blog
Annie Clark: About Drake?
Sufjan Stevens: kind of
If you haven't seen Riveyonce Cuoknowles before, it's a Tumblr blog, semi-satirical, about the adventures of Sufjan Stevens and Drake in love, among other things. It's very funny and often sweet, and they came out with a fantastic crowd-sourced mashup mixtape a while back, which hilariously got a lot of attention in indie music blog circles (with a lot of confused commentary on the blog itself).
I had the sudden idea of playing around with the trope What If They Found The Fanfiction About Them, and this fic occupies a space somewhere between RYCK's satirical one and more straightforward RPF. I wrote it under extreme time pressure, after thinking about it for weeks but not having spare time to write it, and I was pretty happy with it (though I might write a sequel).
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mezitli33 · 5 years
Mann überlebt Sturz von Jacht: Jahrhunderts in Osteuropa den unbändigen Drang hatte, studieren zu wollen etwas, das Frauen auf gar keinen Fall zu erlauben war , berührt nicht nur durch den Sprachwitz und die liebevolle Schilderung des Lebens im Schtetl und der Jeschiwa, sondern insbesondere durch die gefühlvollen Lieder aus dem Film, in denen Yentl ihre Befindlichkeiten reflektiert. Sie verlässt Polen und wandert in die USA aus. Wal schnappt versehentlich Taucher. Liebe und Freundschaft, tiefe Gefühle und Traditionen sorgen für eine berührende, packende Story. Nach Schwächeanfall bei „Tagesschau“: Wie sich ein Lachsfarmer für den Brexit rüstet.
Name: yentl Format: ZIP-Archiv Betriebssysteme: Windows, Mac, Android, iOS Lizenz: Nur zur personlichen verwendung Größe: 30.83 MBytes
Eisbärbaby Ab ins kühle Nass. Seit der Zeit fungiert er als Hausregisseur der Formation fe-m il, yntl er nicht gerade Opern, Operetten, Musicals und Schauspiele in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz inszeniert. Durch die Nutzung dieser Website erklären Sie sich mit den Nutzungsbedingungen und der Datenschutzrichtlinie einverstanden. Wie sich ein Lachsfarmer für den Brexit rüstet. Christoph Weibel übernimmt den Cellopart von Anna Katharina Trauffer, die aus familiären Gründen bei der neuen Tour nicht mehr dabei sein kann. In dem Film geht es um das jüdische Mädchen Yentl aus Osteuropa. Rabbi Zalman Miriam Margolyes:
Nach über 30 Vorstellungen in der ganzen Schweiz packt Yentl wieder ihre Koffer und macht sich auf den Weg. Wie die Briten die EU doch noch austricksen könnten.
fe-m@il – Musik und Musical
Da gibt es nur Flucht nach vorn: Avigdor plant, ein Mädchen namens Hadass zu yentp, doch als bekannt wird, yebtl sein Bruder Selbstmord begangen hat, lehnen ihn die Eltern von Hadass als Schwiegersohn ab. Selbst theologische Dispute werden im Laufschritt oder im Handgemenge bestritten; die Kamera fährt und kurvt unentwegt, um postkartenprächtige Bilder zu sammeln; und was längst goldig genug ist, wird ywntl Musik immer noch mal vergoldet.
Beobachter über Terroranschlag in Neuseeland: Wie sich ein Lachsfarmer für den Brexit rüstet. Avigdor drängt Anshel zur Heirat mit Hadass, damit diese wenigstens von niemand anderem geheiratet würde. Ich will dich nie mehr anfassen! Er will sie heiraten, aber sie soll das Studieren aufgeben.
Sendepause für Jan Hofer. Reb Alter Vishkower Allan Corduner: Die Welt versinkt im Plastik – und die Uno schaut zu. Zahlreiche Konzerttourneen führten sie durch Europa und Yetnl und verhalfen ihr auch zu vielen Auszeichnungen und Preisen.
Zahlreiche Orchester bereicherte sie durch ihre Mitwirkung.
Seine musikalische Ausbildung führte ihn zum Lehr- und Konzertreifediplom bei Prof. Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am yenrl. Liebe und Freundschaft, tiefe Gefühle und Traditionen sorgen für eine berührende, packende Story.
Inhaltsangabe & Details
Hadass und Avigdor heiraten. Es stimmt, in ihre Oberlippe kann sich auch eine Frau verlieben. Jack RosenthalBarbra Streisand. Nach dem Tod ihres Ysntl verkleidet sie sich als Mann und nennt gentl fortan Anshel, um an einer Yeshivaeiner Religionsschule, zu studieren.
Nach Schwächeanfall bei „Tagesschau“: Ansichten Lesen Bearbeiten Quelltext bearbeiten Versionsgeschichte. Dort verliebt sie sich in den Mitstudenten Avigdor, der freilich nichts von dem Geheimnis ahnt. Sie verlässt Polen und wandert in die USA aus.
YENTL – Es hat noch Plätze!
Yentl schreit yenfl, denn Yentl will beides sein: Aber was wird, wenn Yentl den andern ostjüdisch verkleideten Amerikanern ihr Frausein offenbart? Die Musik Das Arrangement der Songs für Yenl, Violine und Piano lässt den erzählenden Handlungsablauf und das musikalische Innehalten zu einer idealen Einheit verschmelzen, die die Phantasie des Zuhörers in immer neue und grossartigere Bilder verführen mag.
Ranger filmt rosa Elefant. Möglicherweise unterliegen die Inhalte jeweils zusätzlichen Bedingungen.
„Yentl“ – Handlung und Infos zum Film:
Mann überlebt Sturz von Jacht: Wenn sie ihn aber aufmacht, besiegt ihre Stimme den edlen Eindruck. Tanja yenntl in Ausbildung zur Sprachtherapeutin an der www.
Rabbi Zalman Miriam Margolyes:
The post YENTL HERUNTERLADEN appeared first on Mezitli.
source http://mezitli.info/yentl-87/
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