#hamliza au
icarusbetide · 26 days
modern au hamilton relinquishes the aux cord to his kids and complains about the trash youngsters listen to these days, as per dad humor, until angelica turns on i bet on losing dogs. when philip and angelica finally realize it's way too quiet they stop kicking each other to look at him through the rearview mirror and he's got tears running down his cheeks. he pulls over, gets out of the car, slams the door shut, and calls his wife. pip & angelica sit in the backseats in silence learning horrific dad lore through the muffled car windows while betsey deals with her husband who is totally fine but also choking down sobs as he's saying that he's fine and he's just being silly also he forgot to get the specific hot sauce she likes so they're probably going to run a little late so she shouldn't start dinner yet.
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bloodiedbeloveds · 10 days
charming disaster trifecta au
thanks to @my-deer-friend for enabling us! there's more plot that isn't in this post, but this lays out the premise decently
this AU name sounds like word salad, but actually it makes perfect sense with the context that "charming disaster" is the name of a goth-folk band and this entire au is based on three of their songs. linking the songs in the section headers!
this post contains murder and bad consent practices
"What Remains": John & Eliza
growing up in a small town is hard enough without having been born as a magician. John & Eliza are bonded by their shared experiences and are very close starting in middle school. they read every relevant book in the library and spent hours at a time in the woods together, trying to shape the power inside them into something that can be tamed
they grow sideways into strange young people with wild eyes and secret, twisting thoughts. they learn to rule themselves but not how to fit in. they become steadily more distant from everyone else; no one else can accept them or their aspirations. their more mundane mental illnesses don't help
in late June, after they've both graduated from high school, John accidentally murders Francis
(that awkward moment when you're lying in the grass with your boyfriend and he begins to talk about magicians and crazies and he says he doesn't mean you but he doesn't listen when you argue back and you pull your hand away from his and swallow your sick sense of realization. that awkward moment when you meet him after a long night of ritual practice in a desperate attempt to keep yourself steady and he finally calls you a nutcase to your face and the strength of your fury chokes him)
John never meant for anything like this to happen and he spends a long time sobbing over Francis's body in a birch clearing before he goes to find Eliza
they can fix this. they know they can. they can hide it. John considers suicide but Eliza won't let him so they drag the body to the river and complete their work
they fuck up! John doesn't know they fucked up until the next day; Eliza never finds out. they are successful in making it look like an accident, in letting the river claim him and wash them both clean. John's guilt is taken from him, but so is everything else. he wakes alone in a strange room with no memory of his personal history
he doesn't know he is meant to speak to Eliza. he sits through the funeral of a stranger and disappears at midnight a week later. he intends never to return to these people who love and resent a person he doesn't remember.
Eliza doesn't know why he left her. she doesn't know anything about what happened to him. why would he leave me, she cries to the dark woods and the pale sky the morning after his departure; nothing answers. when she leaves their hometown, when she finds her way in the world, she does it with a still-broken heart.
"Sympathetic Magic": Alex & John
Alex wasn't born a magician; he's just very bad at taking no for an answer and when his local witch told him at nine years old he would never be able to imitate her, he took that as a challenge
he's not very good at magic, at all. mostly this is because he can't stick to one thing and is trying to cozy up with practitioners of every single goddamn discipline
John has by this time grown from a weird isolated teenager into a weirder, even more isolated adult who lives on a house on a hill surrounded on one side by mountains and on the other by a vast, windswept plain. he also finally has actual friends who actually like him and invite him to social events, which he attends on occasion when he's capable of leaving home. (all his friends are also magicians.)
Alex managed to get an invitation to a seance held by one of John's friends (this is mostly a social thing-- they do in fact attempt to contact some spirits, but the point of the evening is to catch up with everyone). John attends and spends the first two hours being asked by everyone he knows how his latest project is going, then locks eyes with Alex across the room and starts telling people he'll write them a letter about it later
at the end of the evening they kiss beneath a yew tree. John, giddy and exhilarated, is not as careful as he should have been; Alex, ever observant, does not disturb the strands of hair which clung to his jacket when they parted
they write to each other, but their relationship quickly turns sour, because John refuses to teach Alex basically any magic. in retaliation, Alex makes a poppet and begins to torture him. yes, this is a kink thing. no, it's not a good idea at all
eventually John, feeling violated, uses his small army of possessed birds to try to kill him
"Blacksnake": Eliza & Alex
Eliza as an adult is more well-adjusted than John, though that's not really a high bar to clear. for a magician she's relatively social, by which we mean that she lives in the middle of a desert and curses people who show up at her house unexpectedly, but is capable of visiting her friends a few times a week.
when she left her hometown she joined a secret society. after discovering that there are many different secret societies, many of which are not nearly as weirdly controlling yet impersonal as her first group, she left it and flirted with membership in a few different societies before settling on her current group. they are part social club, part study group, part religious gathering. (one of the members was john's mentor, but neither of them are aware of this connection.)
she knows that John's alive. she's kept some of his old possessions for years. she still remembers what his magic feels like. when she sees a cloud of sparrows barrelling towards a stranger on the disused highway near her home she knows who sent them and longs once again to rip out her heart
she saves Alex mostly out of spite. then, because he's pretty, she takes him home. Alex, who has no sense of self-preservation, agrees to go with her, lets her dress his wounds, has sex with her, and falls asleep in her bed. while he's asleep Eliza steals a chunk of his soul from him
she starts appearing in his home at night when she feels like it. she curses him occasionally. they have violent sex. he tries to keep her out but nothing ever works for long
(yes, Alex at this point knows one magician who he could kill (which is hot) and one magician who could kill him (which is hot). being on the receiving end of dubiously consensual magic kink doesn't discourage him from continuing to treat John as a plaything. don't try this at home)
eventually, John tracks Alex to Eliza's house to try again to kill him. he doesn't recognize Eliza. she is not pleased
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junebway · 2 years
Hamilfuture || subway
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akechi-if-he-slayed · 9 months
honestly i think the days where i was reading musical-based lams wattpad yaoi was like the best time of my life
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Power couple
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imjustsasha · 2 years
Remember that Alexander and Eliza has 8 children in real
And now imagine, what is it the vampire!Hamilton au
Alex is a vampire and all his children is also a vampire
People in the city starting to say that the hamfam want to seize control and come back to make the vampire nation great and powerful again (imagine the evil laugh from hamfam)
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//why did i make this?!
I don't know lol
But I was listening to suki suki daisuki and got an idea but i can't edit so meh..
It turned ok, i guess
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icarusbetide · 1 month
hamliza but little women au where alexander is the rich boy who gets to live recklessly, angelica is his best friend, and eliza is the sister he actually loves and ends up with WHO SAID THAT-
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romanticinpanic · 7 months
From the archives
Summary: 1781, Alexander was taken as a POW by the British, but presumed dead by the Americans. Through a series of events and occasionally armistices, the war continues on and off for twenty or so years.
1800, Philip is young and foolish when he enlists behind his mother’s back. With his luck, he ends up captured and stuck with a strangely familiar man as his cellmate.
Relationships: Alexander Hamilton & Philip Hamilton (1782-1801), Theodosia Burr Alston/Philip Hamilton, Philip Hamilton (1782-1801) & Elizabeth "Eliza" Schuyler, Alexander Hamilton/Elizabeth "Eliza" Schuyler 
Fandom: Hamilton - Miranda, 18th Century CE RPF, 19th Century CE RPF
Rating: T
Wordcount: 1,851 words (in progress)
Additional Tags: Father-Son Relationship, Identity Porn, almost a sort of reverse anastasia au, 18th Century, 19th Century, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Secret Children, Miscommunication, 1800s, Alternate History, References to Ancient Greek Religion & Lore, Relapsing into my middle school fandoms
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espressopatronum454 · 2 years
Are you going to writ the first movie or just skipping it (covering the event in a few chapters) to the second movie directly to get directly into darktailchaser ????
i’m starting with the first movie. i wanna have the build up and explain how they start dating, as well as their shift from bad kids to morally grey/good. also, the events of the movies that contain hades are gonna have to change, but it’ll be fine
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junebway · 2 years
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Hamilfuture || hamliza
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soggyliverr · 27 days
i love modern AU's of hamilton.
when its lams and hamliza but the story is that john and alex were dating but then john died and then alex meets eliza and they get along yk, start dating and stuff and eliza just helps him get through the painful process of letting go of john.
i just thought about this because im rewatching hamilton animatics and i stumbled across the "I'll be here" animatics </3
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duelamort · 8 months
stuck thinking about hamliza gone girl au
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ask-chubby-hamilton · 10 months
//i have my au hamliza on my mind, it's been like this for a week.
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empressbitchalt · 7 months
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callmejud3 · 1 year
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THIS !!!!!!
44 notes - Posted April 22, 2022
Soooo i did the TikTok trend where you put your name + core (+ aesthetic) on Pinterest that what I got !
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48 notes - Posted May 28, 2022
Okkkk so half canon compliant walphemia au
So walphemia we’re together in hogwarts but at the start of sixth year Bugs and Orion learn that they were going to get married after graduation but Wally wanted to keep it a secret (yk bc of Effie) so they did. after graduation they just both ghosted everyone and get married. (bc they thought it would less hurt that way) Monty, Lyall and Effie learned it in the daily prophet. And they were really chocked and felt betrayed mostly Effie.
So years pass Effie falls in love w/ Monty and Lyall w/ Hope (lyall and monty were tgthr n had an healthy brake up) so eventually James and Remus came in the picture so does Sirius and Regulus on the other side. the kids go to hogwarts they met and befriended (BUGS IS A GOOD MOM) so when Sirius went to Potters for the first time Effie was so chocked she almost cried so did Wally when she met James. They both eventually find a way to not see each other bc they knew they wouldn’t be able to handle it.
Years pass (again) and jegulus/wolfstar eventually happen. AND that’s at one of the wedding that Walburga and Euphemia met again for the first time after years (26 maybe) and yk they’re not in love anymore…but they still hold a big place in each other’s heart. So they just befriended again and became besties !!!! (total menace duo)
So in the end Harry and Ted got to grow up with they’re grandmas Gigi and Fifi
okay that’s it thx for listening guys !!! ✨💗
@archie-ships-jegulus @espressopatronum454 @if-i-were-a-villain
55 notes - Posted May 1, 2022
🌻So guys…. To celebrate this !!!!🌻
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You’re getting surprises !!!!!! (little one shots that I planed)
Tagging my moots !!!! : @wifeofdevil @black-potter-danvers @sternenleserin @ur-lil-bunny @creaturre @artemislosthunter @fuckboyregulus @elder-millennial-trash @if-i-were-a-villain @aithusarosekiller @espressopatronum454 @dr-james-potter @saphire-me @sarahsedserio @aureusprongs @littlequeers @lily-the-ravenclaw @lorenzo-the-dummy @minaaddams @dis-weird-person @deadgay-wizards @theoretically-theo @whatsorryiwasntlistening @annapoofle @regulusb14ck @romanticvampire @eyp-is-covered-in-mud-and-blood @siriusly-fruity @greenalienwookie and I may have forgot a lot of you guys !!!! But I love you all !!! Bc it wouldn’t have been possible without you !!! 💗✨💗✨💗✨💗✨💗✨💗✨💗✨💗
72 notes - Posted June 14, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
soooo can someone explain to me WHY the fuck did we kept Ted as wolfstar’s kid’s name bc I like it’s a really cute name but it doesn’t makes sense to me
bc ok Harry as jegulus or even rosestarkillerchaser kid awesome and the name Harry as nothing specific to do w/ lily so it’s alright and it’s cute
luna as pandalily same nothing special to Xenophilius….. I think, tell me if I’m wrong tho
so why did the whole fandom decided to keep Ted as his name like it’s literally Tonk’s dad’s name so why !! bc if he’s wolfstar’s and tonk isn’t in the picture….????? It does not make sense to me !!!!
298 notes - Posted May 4, 2022
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