#happy birthday kai!!
g0ttal0ve101 · 8 months
Kai’s Birthday
Note: Happy birthday to you owa owa!! ok but seriously uh tw: child abuse, murder, and. lukai angst. thank you buh bye :3
October 1st, xxxx.
11:30 PM.
Kai didn’t mind the dark - Being alone was the true torture.
Footsteps echoed from upstairs and muffled voices blurred together into Kai’s mind up until the point where all he could do was cry. They were better off without him. All of them were. Nothing would change if he died or if he disappeared for good. That truth hurt more than the abuse he endured.
Staying inside the moldy, damp basement wasn’t easy. He practically lived beside the incinerator to keep his body heat regulated with nothing but a tattered blanket to sleep with. The muzzle that had been strapped on his face for months was so tight on his skull that when he laid down, it felt like someone was drilling into his head. But when he did finally fall asleep, it was with an empty stomach and a whole lot of pain coursing throughout his body.
That day was the same as any other.
Kai had finally fallen asleep for a few hours from the overwhelming exhaustion and hunger he struggled against until he was woken up to the sound of the basement door creaking open at the top of the stairwell. A bright light illuminated the blood and dried tears on his face. Expecting it to be his father in search of someone to let his anger out on, he clenched his eyes shut and rested his head against the wall. However, once the individual made it to the bottom of the stairs, he was greeted by an unexpected visitor.
His eyes sprung open to see his little brother, Asa, standing before him. His dark unkempt hair strayed about as his pale skin showcased bruises and scabs identical to Kai’s. It was such a horrible sight to see on such a young child when knowing that these wounds were not from playing and having fun outside, but rather, from their parents’ neglect. Shaking the thought from mind, Kai’s eyes landed on the plastic plate he was holding.
Asa fell to his knees and gently moved the hair out of Kai’s face, evidently worried for him. “You got boo-boos…!”
Kai shamefully avoided eye contact with the little boy. He didn’t deserve to know the horrible things their father put him through. It would only scare him more than he already was. However, this doesn’t prevent him from giving his older brother a warm hug. Kai had forgotten what that felt like.
“You need to be more carefulll. What’s on your face?”
He shouldn’t be down here. He could get in trouble. He had to make him leave. Thinking these things were easier than saying them. Kai opened his mouth to speak but remembered how his teeth could possibly scare the boy, sealing his lips once more. The smell of food controlled his every move now that he saw how close it was in his grasp.
Asa tugged on the muzzle and fiddled with the straps, trying to make it come loose so his older brother could eat. Kai held him close as he did so, wanting nothing more than to protect him from the cruel world around them.
“Nghh, it won’t come off!”
A shadow from the top of the steps interrupted their one-sided conversation. Asa fell onto Kai’s lap as he saw their older brother, his tiny frame trembling in his grasp.
Daiki’s voice struck them like a lightning bolt. “Asa, what are you doing down there?” His tone could cut through the thick tension that surrounded them. When he received silence as a reply, Daiki began to journey down the steps. Kai grabbed his little brother and shielded him with his body, preparing himself to do whatever it took to protect him.
“Kai, he’ll hurt you again!” Asa whimpered softly, grasping his brother’s shirt from behind. “He’ll hurt you!”
There wasn’t any time left to change plans. Once Daiki’s foot landed on the bottom step, Kai rose from the ground and guarded the little boy. It was amusing to watch such a bloodthirsty predator protecting something that would be its prey.
“Daiki, he hasn’t eaten in so long! I-I just wanted to help him!”
“Get your ass over here.”
Asa’s big round eyes fill with tears. He tried to step forward but Kai rested his hand against his chest in a command to stand their ground. Obeying his brother’s wishes, Asa hides behind his figure again.
Rage bubbled up in his chest from the sight. “You fucking brat! Don’t think ‘cause you’re hiding behind that thing I won’t smash your fucking teeth in!”
The ‘thing’ he referred to was Kai. To him and the other members of the family, Kai did not have a name. He wasn’t worthy of one, rather, an inanimate object that had no purpose in this world. Asa didn’t see him that way. With a mind so innocent as his, he wanted to cater to Kai’s needs. That would all change in a matter of one night.
After being ignored, Daiki took another step closer. This prompted Kai to lunge forward and tackle the older boy, knocking him to the floor with a hard collision. Asa let out a gasp of horror as he observed the scene play out, having little to no idea what Kai was capable of doing - Having no idea the reason why Kai was muzzled and locked away in the basement.
“I’ll fucking kill you.” Kai sneered with a horrific smile on his face, resting the hand-made pocket knife against his elder brother’s throat. If it weren’t for the muzzle, his teeth would’ve been sunk into his flesh years ago.
Daiki fought against his grasp and wailed for his mother at the top of his lungs, knowing that Kai was sure to keep his word if given a second or two longer. As he attempted to escape, Kai beat the ever-living shit out of him, fracturing his nose and ripping his fingernails deep into his face. Asa watched in absolute dread with beads of sweat and tears streaming down his face.
“K-Kai, stop…!” He whimpered, hovering over his brothers in hopes he could cease the commotion. When he saw Daiki’s massacred face, however, he let out a scream of hysteria. “KAI, STOP IT! STOP IT!”
Hearing the desperation embedded into his little brother’s voice, Kai broke away from his violent tendencies. His neck shifted over slowly to see the look on Asa’s face. Terror. Pure and unfiltered terror was displayed on his round face just as it was for all the others. Kai felt pain when seeing this for the very first time. He loved his little brother. He didn’t want to scare him.
Before he could assure him that everything was fine, their mother bolted down the stairs to investigate the screaming. When she saw Daiki’s bloody face and Asa’s horrified expression, she immediately panicked. “OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD, LET THEM GO! LET THEM GO!”
Even his own mother was too scared to approach him. Kai stepped away from the motionless body of his older brother and watched as Asa ran past him, into their mother’s arms.
“I didn’t mean to…” Kai muttered while gazing at his little brother fondly. “…scare you, Asa. I…I love you…”
Asa doesn’t say a word, tripping over his own feet to the top of the stairwell. After that day, he never visited Kai again.
October 1st, xxxx.
8:36 PM.
“Kai, can I hug you?”
Snapping out of the daydream, Kai’s golden eyes widen. He hadn’t realized he’d been staring into space for a solid minute when he was supposed to be helping his boyfriend dismember their last victim. He brushed off the offer and went back to work with a faint smile appearing on his lips. “You’ll get all bloody.”
Lucian frowned and dropped his axe, creating a loud cluttering sound against the pavement, before crawling over. It was funny to watch him traveling on his hands and knees but absolutely flustering to have his face inches away from his own. Kai giggled and dodged eye contact unlike usual. “Whaaat?” He chuckled aimlessly, unable to breathe from the pure amount of adrenaline coursing through his body.
With furrowed eyebrows, Lucian backed away and sat with his hands folded on his thighs. It was obvious he was suspicious about something but Kai didn’t understand why. Were his feelings really that noticeable or was Lucian just good at picking things up? Maybe a mixture of both? He had no clue.
“I’ll get all bloody? Really? Kai, we’re literally dissecting someone right now. What do you mean I’ll get bloody? I already am, silly!” Lucian bubbled with an undertone of sincerity. He understood the gravity of the situation. “It’s okay if you don’t want a hug. Don’t feel bad about saying no.”
“What?!” Kai stammered, his jaw dropping at the suggestion. “I wanna hug! I do! Lulu, please gimmie one!” Hesitating, his boyfriend examined his face thoroughly. Kai couldn’t last another minute waiting. Instead, he lurched forward and initiated the hug himself, holding Lucian securely. As he mentioned before, more blood was mashed into his clothes, but he didn’t seem to mind. “I always want a hug from you…”
Even after hearing it, Lucian still felt something was off. He rested his fingers inside Kai’s curls, rubbing his head gently. That gut feeling wouldn’t shake. “It’s getting late. You wanna start heading home?”
There was a yearning for it just a bit. He wanted to go home and take a nice bath to wash away all of the painful thoughts he’s had throughout the day. Then again, he was having such fun with Lucian before all of this and to just throw that all away for some worthless pity party made him sick.
He simply pulled him back into the embrace they once shared and said nothing. That alone spoke volumes to Lucian. He shifted himself into Kai’s lap and wrapped his legs around his waist, alongside his arms placed on his shoulders to play with his hair. Kai felt a hundred times better than he did before. Physical affection was the cure to all his problems - Or so it felt.
“When we get home,” Lucian hummed in a pleasant tone, “we can take a bubble bath. I’ll put extra, extra, extra bubbles in this time if you want. And I’ll brush out your hair for you too.”
Kai melted at the suggestion. It sounded better than heaven at this point. However, he was unable to respond considering the fact he had his face buried in Lucian’s chest to listen to his steady heartbeat. A melody so beautiful, he could hardly believe in its existence.
Combing back his hair with his palm, Lucian continued with the plan. “I’ll let you stay up really late tonight too. We can just eat snacks and watch movies! Whatever movies you want! Does that sound good?”
Every last bit of it did. And yet, Kai still felt that black hole eating away at him, craving more. What else could he have? What else could make it better? Well, it was a simple answer. He wanted Lucian all to himself.
With hot pink dust covering his face, Kai nodded. “Mhmmm.”
“Okay! Let's hide the body, then-!”
Lucian pulled away from his embrace to look him in the eyes. His golden irises were muted, completely hollow, and glossy. He recognized this to be his expression of obsession. Whenever he saw a boy he wanted to pick apart and play with, his eyes looked the way they did now. It sent a chill down Lucian’s spine but did not frighten him. He knew better than to feel scared.
With a ring of laughter, he tilted his head. “What? Why not?”
His dark hair fell into his face as he leaned closer to Lucian’s, smiling sadistically. “I want everyone to see what we did together…” His voice wavered into seduction as he caressed his boyfriend’s pale skin. “Don’t you think that’ll be so romantic?”
Lucian hummed in pleasure. “…Yeah. I like that idea.”
A thick tension sprung into action during the period of silence between the two. Kai cradled his boyfriend’s hips and waited for the break, seeing the spark he created in his eyes. As suspected, Lucian lowered his head and interlocked their lips together, resting his hands on his shoulders. Once the friction was created, there was no way of stopping it. One kiss led to another, then another, then to Kai leaving love bites on Lucian’s neck. This caught Lucian off guard, considering he was typically the one to leave any sort of marks on Kai, but he wasn’t displeased with it. He figured that Kai was just too nervous to do it before.
“Haha, that tickles!” Lucian bubbled, despite having Kai’s teeth gnawing at his skin. He knew that his boyfriend could easily start hurting him - or even worse, rip out his throat - but trusted him with his whole being not to. He loved him more than life itself. There was no way he would be able to hold such worries in the back of his mind. Blood trickled down his collarbone as a result of Kai having gone a bit too deep with one of the bites. Lucian didn’t mind but the same couldn’t be said about Kai himself. He lurched back in horror while trying to dab the blood up with his sleeve, panicking silently. Lucian sighed. He was just too cute.
“It doesn’t hurt, does it? I’m so sorry!”
“You’re fine, baby. Why do you always worry so much?”
Kai thought about Asa’s face.
Ashamed, he reeled back and released Lucian from his grasp entirely. He fucked up again. First it was biting his tongue when they kissed, then it was cutting his cheek when they were roughhousing, and now this? Why couldn’t he control himself? Why did he keep hurting him? And why did he seem so okay with all of it?
It didn’t take a genius to see the wheels turning in Kai’s head. Lucian knew that he was genuinely upset about what just happened and it made him feel awful. Kai was always tip-toeing around initiating any sort of physical affection because of this sole reason. He didn’t want to accidentally hurt him. Even if it was miniscule, even if it didn’t bother him, Kai felt like a complete monster for it. That’s why Lucian always made the first move - Because things like this always seemed to happen whenever Kai did.
“Don’t make that face…” Lucian pulled him close for a hug. “You’re a good boy. You didn’t do anything wrong. Let’s go home.”
“…Okay.” Kai whispered in a mixture of disappointment and humiliation.
October 1st, xxxx.
10:08 PM.
After taking a bubble bath and having Lucian comb out his curls, Kai felt better about what happened. He examined the wound on his collarbone at least a hundred times before convincing himself that it wasn’t a big deal, kissing it constantly to make it up to him. The other vampire kisses he left on him, however, filled him with pride. He successfully gave Lucian pretty lovebites for everyone to see. Now no one could make the mistake of thinking he was single.
“Are you looking at them again?” Lucian giggled, his eyes still focused on the TV screen. Without even sparing a glance he knew that Kai was too busy observing his art pieces rather than watching the movie they put on. He was correct in assuming so.
Kai blushed heavily and averted his gaze elsewhere. “N-No. I was just looking at you, silly.”
Pulling up his snowy strands of hair into a messy bun, the boy prominently made the marks more visible to tease his adorable boyfriend. Kai knew all too well what he was up to. He pouted and furrowed his eyebrows.
“Can you see them better like that?”
“That was your present for me…” He hummed, getting off the couch and marching into the darkness. “But now I have to get my presents for you!”
Confused, Kai tilted his head. He didn’t understand why he would have any sort of prize prepared for him. It wasn’t a special day or anything, was it? Not their anniversary, not Valentine’s Day, not Halloween yet…
Suddenly it hit him. Today was October 1st. Today was his fifteenth birthday.
As he made this realization, Lucian came springing out of the darkness with a basket full of wrapped-up presents for him; Including a cake he held in the opposing hand. “Happy birthday, Kaiiii!” Seeing how astonished he appeared to be, Lucian bursted into enthusiastic laughter. “I was gonna give them to you earlier, but it seemed like you totally forgot it was your birthday again! I didn’t wanna ruin our plans of going out on a date tonight, so I just waited to get home!”
Kai was practically shaking in excitement. “These are all for me? Really?!”
Setting the basket and cake on the coffee table, Lucian nodded rapidly. “Yep! All for you! I just can’t believe you forgot again this year…”
Opening the box of cake, Lucian revealed the decorative icing he crafted into the top. It read out, ‘Happy 15th Birthday, Kai!’ with gorgeous handwriting and flowers surrounding it. Kai was stunned to see it was Lucian’s handwriting, meaning that he baked this cake. The wheels on his head turned for just a moment before he launched himself into Lucian’s arms.
“You made this for me?!” Kai’s voice squeaked out with pure joy, his golden irises shimmering. “Thank you so much! I-I don’t even know what to say!”
Lucian placed a warm kiss on his nose. “You spoil me for my birthday every year, it’s only fair I do the same! Now, let’s get these candles on the cake!”
Watching as his boyfriend placed each candle deliberately inside the cake’s interior, another realization hit him. This was the first cake he’s ever had dedicated to his birthday. Even when dating Lucian, they never got him a full-blown cake - They ‘went out to eat’ instead. So this would mark the first time anything like this happened to him.
Once he was finished lighting each one up, Lucian scooted close to Kai and grabbed his hand. “You ready?”
“Huh? For what?”
“For me to sing, silly!”
Kai had forgotten that part of a birthday cake tradition. With a bright smile, he said the saddest thing Lucian had heard all year. “O-Okay! Lucian, I really mean it when I say thank you. I-I’ve never had a birthday cake before!”
Those words hit him like a ton of bricks. Lucian blinked aimlessly for a few seconds before feeling his heart utterly shatter, seeing how bright Kai’s eyes were for such a simple gesture. He felt selfish. Both boys had tragic lives before meeting each other, but Lucian had at least experienced what love felt like for a short while. As a child, he could remember his family sitting around the table, singing him happy birthday and cheerfully clapping once he successfully blew out the candles. But Kai never had that opportunity. Kai never had a family that loved him. Even as an innocent child, he never felt loved at all.
“Lucian…?” Kai whispered, his tone laced with joyful eagerness. Lucian snapped out of his thoughts and gave him a warm smile. “Are you gonna do it now?”
“Yeah! Yeah, ready?”
He took a deep breath, staring at the flames dancing around on top of the wax. Fifteen years have passed and not a single person has truly recognized his birthday. Lucian could imagine his sweet little Kai watching as all the other children he knew celebrated their birthdays, knowing that a day dedicated to him would never come - Knowing that no one cared enough to celebrate it with him.
“Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday, dear Kai! Happy birthday to you!”
Kai blew out all the candles with one go, having prepared his entire life to do so. He cheered for himself when he saw his accomplishment, turning to Lucian to see how impressed he was. Instead, he saw tears trickling down his cheeks.
“Lucian? Lucian, what’s wro-?”
Lucian pulled him into the tightest embrace he had ever given, burying his face into Kai’s shoulder. “I’m so sorry th-they treated you that way! Everyone deserves a b-birthday…everyone!”
He couldn’t contain himself anymore. Breaking down within the birthday boy’s arms, Lucian sobbed for the child who had experienced such horrific neglect. Not a single gift, not a single hug and kiss, not even a birthday cake. Who could hurt such a beautiful child by doing something like that?
Kai stroked his hair and held him close to his chest, seeing every pretty tear roll from his cheeks. Every teardrop he shed for him had already occurred in the past as little Kai cried for himself every year, wondering if he would ever see the day where he’d be recognized as a human being. Today was finally the day. It felt almost too good to be true.
“Lucian…” He sighed lovingly, wiping the tears from his cheeks. “Don’t cry…it doesn’t matter if I’ve had a birthday cake before, 'cause I have you now. That’s all that really matters to me.” Unable to respond, Lucian choked up a few more tears. Kai kissed his forehead before resting his own on it, holding his hands gently. “You’re the best birthday gift I could ever ask for. I love you, Lucian.”
Laughing through his tears, Lucian closed his eyes and imagined himself holding onto the little Kai that had never felt any sort of love before. “I love you too, Kai…more than anything.”
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pixanefan · 5 months
Congrats on the 13 years!
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January 14
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qiankunnies · 5 months
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Kai — From MAMA (2012) to EXIST (2023) Countdown to Jongin's Birthday: D-0
01.14.2024 🧸 HAPPY JONGIN DAY!! 🤍
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byunbaekhyunie · 4 months
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a film by WONG KAR WAI starring KIM JONG IN... for @possession1981
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static-radio-ao3 · 18 days
talking on the ride home
Regulus Black does not have a lot of luck in love. Nor does he have a driver’s license.
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djo · 1 year
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babygirl diagnosis [insp.]
— happy birthday, @heroeddiemunson! ♡ 
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xjustakay · 2 months
✺ (3/27) ✺ @jegulus-microfic prompt: birthday — 1,009 words (jegulus dads ft. harry; sugary waffles and a very happy birthday for the world’s greatest dad —love, harry and regulus)
“Shhh, we have to keep quiet, darling,” Regulus whispers, shooting Harry an amused look.
Harry cups both hands around his mouth, whispers between them, “Sorry, papa.”
With a quiet snort, Regulus ruffles the mess of his dark hair —made even worse by the fact that they’ve only been awake and out of bed for all of thirty minutes. Getting ready for the day had been put on hold in favor of tiptoeing around the kitchen, being as quiet as humanly possible for a five year old who’s over-excited to make his dad waffles for his birthday. Regulus is under no illusion that James is actually still sleeping in their bed, but they’ll both pretend for the sake of their son.
“Should we put whipped cream on top?” Regulus suggests as he drops the fresh waffle onto a plate.
Harry nods hurriedly. “And rainbow sprinkles, and a cherry! Like a sundae!”
“Of course,” Regulus chuckles.
He follows the little boy’s giggled instruction, allowing Harry to be the one that tells him when to finally stop piling the whipped cream on (there’s more whipped cream than there is waffle, by that point). Regulus hands off the shaker of sprinkles, lets Harry take that over as well. In the middle of watching him, he notices his phone light up on the counter. Reaching for it and finding a message notification on the screen, his lips curl upward.
How bad is it?
Regulus eyes the mountain of whipped cream on top of the thick waffle on the plate. Harry has taken it upon himself to try to cover every inch of the sugar pile with rainbow sprinkles, tongue poked out between his teeth in concentration. It’s the same thing James unconsciously does while deeply focused and it warms something in Regulus’ chest to see it.
He snaps a quick, secret photo, unnoticed by the boy, and sends it off with no comment. The moving dots of a reply show up near-immediately.
Say goodbye to my abs, I guess
Regulus laughs a touch too loudly at the message, startling Harry out of his focus. With a furrowed brow, Harry lifts a hand, holding a finger to his mouth and shushing him.
“Too loud, papa,” He admonishes.
“Sorry, darling,” Regulus mutters, a grin unchanging from his face. “Maybe we’re finished with the sprinkles, yeah?”
Harry nods his head but continues shaking the container over one last section of the plate until he’s satisfied. He plops a bright red cherry on top of the colorful, sugary mess, then wide green eyes are looking up at Regulus.
“Do we have birthday candles?”
Regulus nods. “In the drawer by the sink.”
Before he can move to retrieve them, Harry scrambles off his stool and goes to do it for him. He comes scurrying back over, holding up the package for Regulus to take.
“How old is daddy now, papa?”
“He’s just turned thirty today,” Regulus answers, voice purposefully louder than moments before.
Exactly as expected, his phone buzzes with another message shortly after his voice carries from the kitchen.
Quit smiling about it
Regulus laughs quietly to himself, sends back a quick ‘never’ and tucks his phone in the pocket of his sweatpants. Despite Harry’s suggestion to try to fit all thirty candles on the melting pile of whipped cream, Regulus talks him down to just three. They’re very carefully situated and lit, Regulus balancing the plate on his palm to carry it down to the bedroom. Harry rushes ahead, feet thumping hurriedly on the hardwood before he pushes the door open.
James, bless him, is in fact pretending to be asleep still. His phone sits set aside on the nightstand, his arm tossed over his face where he’s sprawled dramatically in the center of the bed. Harry creeps around the side, tiptoeing once again and glancing back at Regulus behind him.
“Should we wake him?” Harry whispers.
James chooses that precise moment to make a loud snoring sound that send Harry clapping both little hands over his mouth to stifle his laugh. Regulus smiles widely, fond gaze flickering back and forth between his husband and his son. Harry looks at him expectantly once again and waits for a nod of approval before clambering up onto the bed.
He’s poised to pounce right on his father, wake him up enthusiastically, but before he’s given the chance, James jolts upright toward him with a playful roar. Harry squeals loudly, losing himself in a fit of giggles when he’s scooped into James’ arms, relentless fingers tickling at his sides.
“Papa, help!” Harry shrieks between peals of laughter.
“Papa can’t help you now,” James threatens jokingly. 
Regulus snorts, shaking his head. “Okay, lit candles here, let’s settle for a minute, yeah?”
James finally gives Harry a reprieve, both of them breathless and pink in the face. Harry flops onto his back between James’ outstretched legs, the bedsheet tangled around one thick thigh and the opposite calf. James makes a ‘bring it here’ motion with his hand and Regulus steps forward, carefully perching on the side of the bed nearest to the two of them. Harry hauls himself into a sitting position, watching eagerly as Regulus holds the plate out in front of where James sits.
“You have to make a birthday wish, daddy!” Harry tells him.
“What, you’re not going to sing to me?” James replies.
“No,” Regulus says immediately, earning a loud laugh from his husband. “Blow out your candles, the whipped cream is melting.”
James sneers at him but adjusts his lopsided glasses to stare at the flickering candle flames. His hazel eyes dart to Harry in front of him, then to Regulus at his left. A wide smile stretches across his face, crinkling the corners of his eyes, helpless adoration bright in his gaze.
He locks eyes with Regulus for a long moment, the two sharing a fond, knowing look. James doesn’t have to say a thing for Regulus to know what he’s thinking; what else is there to wish for, when this is what life looks like?
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kasterarts · 2 months
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"Hey Sara... would you help me make Sou a cake for his birthday?"
(spoilers below)
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ladybugsimblr · 3 months
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Happy Birthday Lyric & Legend! Farewell to that easy kiddie life and hello to the oh so dramatic tween years. Let’s gooo!
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morroodle · 5 months
I'm a little late and its not super big cause I didn't realize it was the anniversary until I started seeing posts about it but happy birthday ninjago!
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doll3tt33 · 5 months
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Happy birthday to my hubby evan <3
((aka the loml who made my standards in men so ridiculously high but it’s okay I’m not complaining
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g0ttal0ve101 · 8 months
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pixanefan · 7 months
Happy Birthday Brent Miller and Zane Julien!!! 🥰🤩🥳🍰🧁🎂🎈🎉🎊✨🎇🎆
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October 28
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katsukichu · 2 months
𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐈 𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐝 - 𝐊𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢 𝐁𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐠𝐨𝐮 𝐱 𝐠𝐧 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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Not the fic I wanted to upload for Katsuki's birthday but something I quickly threw together
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The city lights danced beneath the night sky as Dynamight soared through the air, his eyes grew tired while his heart weighed heavy realising he's late and was not able to celebrate with you. It was his birthday, but hero duty called louder than celebration. Patrols stretched late into the night and he had to fulfil his duty of ensuring the safety of the city.
00:33 21 April 2024
The clock ticked past midnight, as he returned home. Exhaustion weighed heavy on his shoulders, but a flicker of anticipation burned within him. Pushing open the door, he stepped into the warmth of your shared apartment.The sight that greeted him brought a soft smile to his lips, despite the weariness. Birthday decorations adorned the living room along with an assortment of his favourite baked goods.
A note on the table that read :
Hi honey Happy Birthday again, I know you hate parties but I wanted to have something cute since this is the first birthday we're celebrating in our new home! I got some treats for us from that bakery you like and I made some of your favourite foods and treats in the fridge <3 y/n
Katsuki has the biggest smile as he reads the note and an even bigger one when he sees you on the couch cuddling a Dynamight plush. He leaves the plush aside because he's jealous because why would you need that when you have the real thing?
He tries his best to pick you up carefully so he doesn't wake you up - carrying you effortlessly in his strong arms he takes you to the bedroom and places you gently on the soft sheets. You stirred slightly, murmuring his name and slightly opening your eyes. Realising it's actually him you hug him closely and cover his face in kisses while apologising for falling asleep when you wanted to stay awake and surprise him.
“It's alright sweetheart - I love and appreciate everything you've done for me but let's go to bed now it's late. We can pick up from here in the morning.“
Hmmm is all you're able to respond with. You've had an extremely busy day. Doing preparations for his birthday, cooking,baking as well as entertaining family and friends that came over hoping to see Katsuki.
As Katsuki tucks you into bed he notices a neatly wrapped gift on the nightstand. He's said multiple times that he didn't want presents because he didn't want you spending your money on him. Regardless he carefully unwrapped the present to find a handmade photo album, filled with memories of your time together. Each page held a snapshot of your adventures and laughter frozen in time.
A warmth spread through Katsuki's chest as he flipped through the pages. The last page did not have a picture yet but had the caption - 20 April 2024 Katsuki's Birthday - First birthday celebrated in our new home!.
For years Katsuki has loathed his birthday - he never understood why people would be happier to get older. Katsuki never needed extravagant parties or lavish gifts that his parents and friends would try and force him to enjoy.
As he tucks himself in - entwined in each other's arms, Katsuki knew that he was home.
“All I need is you.”
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tomatx · 9 days
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theaceofarrows · 9 months
Everyone: Happy birthday Lloyd!
Lloyd: Aww, thanks guys
Jay: Okay, not to be that guy, but what number are we supposed to put on the cake-
Kai: Ugh, not again
Jay: Because we're running out of time before Cole eats it
Cole: Hey!
Nya: [sigh] Really Jay?
Jay: What?! I just need to know if we're 18 or under or somewhere over 20?
[Everyone looks at Lloyd]
Lloyd: [with a deadpan look] A secret third thing
Everyone: [groans]
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