#happy to spread the taimizu agenda 🫑🫑🫑
kaladinkholins Β· 4 months
My man! (Are you? Not sure, but think generic term of man) I love your fic! Do you have any other Taimizu fic recommendations? I want to read more stuff!!!!
Haha yes hello! And don't worry, I will take a "my man" in a gender neutral way or otherwise, because my gender is everything in a blender anyway lol!
And ahh thank you so much, I'm so glad you like my fic!! πŸ’“
As for Taimizu fic recsβ€” My friend, you've come to the right place, because I love nothing more than to rec my fav fics to people and give fic writers some love for the wonderful work they do for fandom!
Now, I was like halfway typing up a whole list, but I got tired because it's 2am here, and also my allergies are killing me (the heat wave and the haze does that to you), so, scrap that.
Instead, I shall usher you to my ✨ AO3 bookmarks ✨ where you can find a whole list of Taimizu fics I've already read and loved, compiled in a list for your convenience. Enjoy 😎
As a side note, remember to fully read the tags, warnings and summary before reading, and click away if it doesn't strike your fancy for any reason! Our tastes may differ, KINKTOMATO, and all that jazz. On the flip side though, if you did enjoy the fic, please leave a nice comment for the writer!
Thus with all that said, I hope you have the time of your life reading some good Taimizu fics, anon! :D
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