Let me tell you now, you're the lucky one
(Enemies to Enemies Who Fuck)
(HaruKaku in Bonten timeline)
(some past-MuSan and past-KakuIza with a subtle RanOmi bc why not, it's my fic and I don't have self-restrain when it comes to multishipping)
(link to ao3 in case some one preferes to read it there)
Warnings: Dead Dove: Do Not Eat!
All of them. Bonten is their own warning. Substance abuse. Really unhealthy coping mechanisms. Depression. Mental health problems. Suicide. Major character death. (it's Bonten, they all want to kill themselves and some of them succeed, okay?) Mentions of unsafe sex, but there is no smut or graphic depiction of it.
I tried to not be too graphic with any of this topics, the focus is mostly on what the characters are thinking/feeling. But it's hard anyway, tbh the last scene was actually difficult and painful for me to write. So please, don't take the CW lightly and prioritize your mental health!
Angst and Hurt/No Comfort.
Notes: HaruKaku came as an hilarious idea. Because they are hilarious, let's be real. Soulmates archnemesis, doomed to hate each other in every timeline. But then Bonten happened and of course, I ended up writing some angsty shit instead of focusing in all the other moments when they are hilarious. Kudos for me, yey! 🥲
This is canon complicit (again, is Bonten, beware!)
It alternates from Kakucho's POV to Sanzu's POV. I did that thing again of using "Haruchiyo" when he's in his most vulnerable state because for some reason I like playing with his name like this.
(English is not my first language, be nice please 🙈)
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(the art is from @just-sp-in-inginthevoid who is in part responsible for the archnemesis brain riot, but mostly the hilarious part, tbh)
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Is not that Kakucho enjoys Sanzu's company. Or that the pinkette gradually started to grow on him. Quite the opposite, to be honest. He hates him a little bit more every day, every shared mission, every time they had to spent hours together.
But with Sanzu, he feels. He feels intensely, he feels with passion. Even if it's twisted, at least he's not empty anymore. The void that threatens to devour him seems to disappear when he's around the other man. Sometimes, Kakucho wants to murder him, but he knows he can't. Others, he wonders what would happen to him if he also loses the only person that it's still able to provoke an intense emotion on him.
Hate is better than apathy, isn't it?
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They hate each other passionately. Sanzu finds his reactions too funny for stopping it, always willing to go a little further, to push Kakucho to the edge. It's too easy to pick on him, making him forget about his allegedly righteous patience.
It's disgusting, how Kakucho thinks of himself like he was better than the rest of them. So Sanzu enjoys to proves him wrong, to show him that they are the same (even if he can't stand that fact either, seeing that burning rage in those heterochromatic eyes makes it worth it).
Now that he thinks about it, it was probably a matter of time, considering that his king denied them the right to kill each other, they needed to find a way of releasing all that build up anger. That's probably why isn't that surprising when it finally happens.
It looked like a regular night. Sanzu was high as a kite, trying to forget every one of his lives. Kakucho just seemed to be there, he can't recall exactly why, some type of report, but he didn't pay any attention to it at the moment, too intoxicated for actually caring for something that could wait until tomorrow.
“Why are you still here? You like me that much or what?”
The pinkette man says, slurring his words.
“Are you that high? You know I hate you.”
Is the harsh answer that he earns. It's brutal, but real. Kakucho's honesty has something that grounds him to the present. It's sickening. It's exactly what he wants right now.
“I hate you too, don't worry.” He laughs, finding his own words amusing. “Think about it, me and you. Just us, hating each other all night long.”
“You're crazy.”
“And you didn't say no.”
(If he was more honest with himself, he would admit that he was trying to find another way of punishing his broken mind and his body. But he's not.)
And oh, it actually feels good. Kakucho fucks him with the same brutality that talks to him. He couldn't bear any type of gentle touch (specially not from someone that it's so linked to Mucho, but he isn't thinking in that, he promised himself to forget his old captain a long time ago).
There isn't any type of care between them, only spite. Both men are too broken for having the ability to love someone again. Indeed, this was precisely what he needed. This is perfect.
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The next day, Kakucho feels nauseated. How couldn't he? Sanzu was high as fuck, too intoxicated to give proper consent to do anything. So even if he was also a little drunk, even if it wasn't his idea, Kakucho feels guilty for what happened.
Until Sanzu just laughs at his poorly attempt of apologizing, mocking his morals once more. He was about to punch him in the face, but the lingering guilt doesn't allow him to do it. Not that one more bruise would make a difference, actually.
Both are covered in so many marks that more than sex, it looks like they tried to kill each other. Yeah, maybe he should stop feeling sorry for Sanzu, considering this. Maybe that was the best way to get rid of that not-so-pent-up hate.
And it works. At least for a while, it works. Until it happens again. And again.
Is not that they are lovers (Kakucho wants to puke with that idea). They just fuck from time to time. That's all. They hate each other, they wish they could kill the other. But they can't. So, sometimes, they fuck.
Their relationship is not pretty. At all. Or better. If Kakucho had to use only one word for describing it, he would say “real”. They don't lie to each other, what would be the point? Both are too able of seeing between the lies, they are too similar in so many ways. But that raw honesty only makes it worse.
Kakucho knows it's a mistake, that he shouldn't care about Sanzu's fate (he brought it on himself and he doesn't seem to have any complains). But Mikey is worse every day, the king is falling and his loyal dog is falling with him. Kakucho needs to do something, because the uneasiness he feels every time he sees them is now living rent-free in his mind.
That's why, one day, Kakucho tries. He's trying to find his clothes, dressing quickly, wanting to get out of this room that only makes him feel sick. Then, he looks at Sanzu, his pink hair scattered on the pillows, a lazy and satisfied smile than only appears after sex (and never lasts). There is some twisted vulnerability in how content the other man is while lighting up a joint, as if seeing these new swelling (all this pain) on his skin was something he wanted.
(Kakucho can't shake the feeling that Sanzu is using him as another way of hurting himself and that infuriates him so fucking much... Maybe that's the real reason why he decides against his best judgment and opens his big mouth.)
“Is not worth it.”
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Sanzu looks at the other, not sure if he actually heard something. He just wants to smoke and relax, to feel the post-orgasmic satisfaction while it lasts, to enjoy the pain in his body (one more of his little punishments).
“I said is not worth it. Dying with Mikey.”
If it had been anyone else, Sanzu would shoot him in the face just for saying this. Thinking like that, talking like that about his king is treason. It should be. But it's difficult to pretend Kakucho's isn't right about this when, unfortunately, it's the only one Sanzu trusts with Mikey's well-being (It's the one he calls every time Mikey is being suicidal again).
“You wish you could be me, you wish you had died with Izana.”
Sanzu spits his words, burning with all the rage he feels every time he has to acknowledge the reality of how is Mikey.
“That's not what this is about-”
Kakucho is unable to finish his sentence, turning pale in anger when Sanzu cuts him. 'Good'.
“You're a selfish bastard, aren't you? You want me to be like you, stuck here with no purpose, jerking yourself with the memory of a ghost. Pretend it's because of your high morals, that you're worried about me or some other bullshit. But you're just another selfish bastard. And you envy me.”
If it had been anyone else, Sanzu would shoot him in the face. But he can't (he wants to, oh, he wants it so much, but he can't disobey Mikey's orders). So, instead of bullets, he uses his words.
“At least Izana cared about me.”
Is the last thing he hears before Kakucho slams the door. Sanzu laughs maniacally, throwing the first shit he can find to the place the other man was a few seconds a go. He's momentary satisfaction long forgotten, replaced only by hate (and pain, but one that he refuses to see).
The worst part is that in a sickening way, he trusts Kakucho. They don't lie to each other, that makes it so much worse, because both of them know that what the other said is true. He hates him, he hates him with every fiber of his body. He doesn't want this words to be true, he can't accept that. He needs to keep living in this denial, to pretend Mikey is fine (to pretend he doesn't keep mixing this Mikey with that in his nightmares, to pretend they don't look so alike).
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It's been three days. Three whole days since Mikey's death was splattered on the news (no one seems to care about Takemichi's death, even with all that footage of how the hero tried to save the most dangerous man in Japan). Kakucho cares, but he knows damn well that he wouldn't be welcomed within the hero's friends, so he would have to say goodbye in his own way (again).
During this days, Kakucho learned some things, like the fact that apparently everyone had some kind of contingency plan in case this happened (no, for when this happened, all of them could see that Mikey was more on the edge every day). But nobody spoke to him about it, keeping him in the darkness, the only idiot that didn't prepare himself for the end. Well, not the only, he knows that, of course he knows that.
(Sanzu would have killed them in the blink of an eye. Anyone who dared to imply that Bonten needed to be prepared to function without a king.)
Kakucho understands the need for secrets, of course he does. The idea of Mikey falling would be considered treason a few days ago, it was taboo to think like that. At the same time, none of them wanted to acknowledge it, like saying it out loud would make it more real. He can't even be mad when the Haitanis (obviously) thought about him on their own schemes, making sure Kakucho was also safe. Or as safe as any of them could be now that Bonten was crumbleling.
It's been three days. Bonten is crumbleling. Mikey is dead. And Sanzu disappeared the same day. Everyone knows he's dead, but they don't say it. Not in front of Takeomi, who's still desperately looking, going out in the rain for hours. Trying to find something, some clue that leads him to his little brother. Clinging to the hope that he's still alive somewhere. That he's going to find him, high as fuck, but alive (Kakucho thinks being able to find Sanzu's body at all would already be a miracle).
Only Ran is able to convince Takeomi to rest a little bit, promising that he and Rindou will help with the search as long as the older man gets a few hours of sleep. Takeomi just nods, mumbling “Today is his birthday, Ran. Is his fucking birthday and he's out there alone.” while Ran drags him softly, a concerned look plastered in those violet eyes.
Kakucho hates it, hates having to see all this sorrow around him (again). He doesn't lament the loss of Mikey and Sanzu, he's incapable of doing it. Grief took his heart for hostage a long time ago, there is nothing more for him to mourn.
More than anything, Kakucho hates himself, because he's jealous of Sanzu. He knows he shouldn't, but he hates that the pinkette man was right about him. He envies Sanzu, who had the privilege of dying with Mikey, of dying with his king.
Kakucho hates the Mad Dog even more right now. But he's aware that once this hate fades away, he would feel empty again. So he clings onto this feeling, he needs this rage as a motor to keep moving.
It doesn't matter if this energy is fulled with rage, he needs it. He can't fail his friends, what's left of his family. Kakucho has to keep living even if he can't remember how being alive felt anymore. Even if he's more dead inside every day.
So, over and over... Kakucho would keep living.
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The rain keeps pouring down without truce, Haruchiyo shrinks inside the leather jacket that was always too big for him. Now the only thing that makes him feel protected from that annoying rain (from the world). To be honest, he isn't completely aware how he managed to recover it from his penthouse, but it seemed important in that moment.
The jacket and the old picture that he's still clutching in his pocket, the only two things he cared enough to take. He doesn't even need to look at it to see the four happy smiles stained with watermelon juice. Two pink haired kids that could be confused by twins, one with a shy smile, the other with a cheerful one, happy to be included with his brother friends. Next, a fierce smile showing two small fangs, already a force of nature at his young age. In the middle, a blond kid with the most radiant smile Haruchiyo ever saw, capable of making everything shine just with his presence. Full of life, of dreams. Full of potential. Brighter than the sun, a true leader.
But that was a long time ago and, once again, Sanzu is the only one who remembers. The man staggering in the rain is now the only survivor from that photo. Only him, alone in this fuck up world where nothing and no one matters anymore. Not without Mikey. Even Bonten can burn from what he cares.
He keeps walking (it feels more like floating for him, floating in a cloud of pain and numbness at the same time). Until he finally reaches his destination, an abandoned bowling alley. Sanzu enters in some kind of trance, not sure if he's dissociating or too intoxicated. He doesn't care.
He sits down exactly in the same place his king sat down. How many days had passed since that moment? One? Two? Ages. It certainly feels like ages for him. Haruchiyo hugs himself, trying to make space for his legs inside the big comforting jacket. Completely curled up. And he cries, he cries like he hasn't allowed himself to do so in the last ten years.
He's starting to sober up, he can feel it. Because the flashbacks are coming back. Shinichiro jumping from that bridge. Mikey jumping from this exact building. Mikey falling from the stairs, that awful “clonk”. Mikey jumping again from this building.
Haruchiyo screams, holding his head with both hands, begging the images to stop, unable to continue reliving those memories. He needs everything to stop, to be quiet, his shattered mind can't take it anymore.
He takes out a small box from his pocket, looking at the content. Everything he needs is here, he knows how to do it, how to make sure he's not going to wake up from this trip. His stupid hands are shaking while he gets the syringe ready.
For some reason, he suddenly remembers Kakucho's words a few months ago. He hates it, he hates thinking in that fucker when he's about to die. But the other man was right, wasn't he? Mikey never cared about Sanzu, he spent years of his life trying to keep his king alive and it was all for nothing. Everything blew up in one night.
A manic laugh escapes between his whimpers. Of course is that, he's fucking jealous. Sanzu is fucking jealous because at least Kakucho got to held Izana's hand when he died, he got to comfort his king in his last moments. Sanzu didn't had that, Hanagaki was the one holding Mikey's hand. Always that cockroach, never him.
What did he expect anyway? Haruchiyo is just a failure. He never deserved to be the one making his king last moments less painful. Of course, he should had known. He failed everyone. He failed Shinichiro, unable to protect Mikey, to be the friend he promised he would be. He failed Mikey, watching him falling into the darkness, becoming the same empty shell he already saw in a past that never happened, and doing nothing about it.
Sanzu doesn't have anything left. He also killed his own chance of happiness a long time ago (he also failed his captain, didn't he?). The only thing left for him is to disappear, to follow his king. He's going with him, because he's being following Mikey for so long, that he doesn't see any other choice. He's going with him, because he doesn't deserve to keep living when he couldn't save Mikey.
But it's fine, the drug is already kicking in, his body feels more relaxed. Even his mind seems to be quiet, almost in peace. He looks at the old photo one last time, before drifting out of consciousness, looking for safety in the inner part of the leather, pretending it smells like cheesecake.
It's fine, because at the end of the day... Haruchiyo was just a failure.
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aimless-lost-soul · 10 years
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Kakucho: Is there a cactus where your heart should be?
Mikey: What’s up your ass this morning!
Sanzu: *walks in* ...Hey.
Mikey: Hmm… nevermind.
Kakucho: WAIT NO!
This happens in some point of my HaruKaku fic, before the (most) angsty shit, I just know it @just-sp-in-inginthevoid
(well, it's my fic, ofc I know it 😌)
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Masterlist (or something)
Yey, I finally decided to put a little bit of order here, good for me! 🎉
In case that you didn't notice it, Tokyo Revengers is my Roman Empire, so there is going to be a lot of that here.
Current head image it's an amazing comission of me and Sanzu, by the hand of @gojosoreos . It makes me so so so happy, planning some chaos with my favourite gremlin ever! 💜💜💜
Is not my head image anymore, but I still wanna leave this here because it'll always be hilarious! The product of a collaborative brain riot with @just-sp-in-inginthevoid , about Autistic!Kakucho vs. Adhd!Sanzu. They're soulmates archnemesis and it's so funny 🤣🙈 Link to the art here!
The icon is mine, Meowzu, the best member of the Haitanis Team Rocket! 🙈 (link to the art in this same post)
Real masterlist and how to do ask/requests after this!
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Red Snow (Angst KakuIza with happy ending)
Bonten was born from pain (this is technically a drabble but with enough angst for being a long fic T.T)
Look at how my tears ricochet: (Sanzu vs. Kisaki Angst with some light MuSan on it)
Part 1
Part 2
Let me tell you now, you're the lucky one (really angsty Bonten HaruKaku)
Hits Different (drabble of a train wreck)
Chokehold (Sanzu/Takuya in bad Toman Takemichi timeline) + Check the art here! 🥹
No drug can give me clarity (I need you here). Past Musan drabble
I'll love you better when I'm dead (tragic MuSan drabble of chapter 206)
Soon you'll get better (because you have to) (Dead Dove Bonten HaruMai)
Izana Kurokawa x gn!reader receiving a red rose
Izana Kurokawa being a little shit with surprises (hc+drabble x gn!reader)
Kakucho Unbirthday series:
Izana's servant needs a birthday. Period. (platonic KakuIza)
Kakucho used to loves his unbirthdays. Before everything changed. (Angst drabble of Bonten Kakucho)
Mitsuya used to admire the Haitani brothers. In past sentence. (drabble of the final timeline)
Snippet on 5th division Takemichi.
Fanart:(or something)
Haitani brothers + Sanzu as a Team Rocket
Ran Haitani with an energetic s/o (art)
Ran Haitani with an energetic s/o
Izana Kurokawa being a little shit with surprises (hc+drabble x gn!reader)
Little hc of Izana with "his kids" in the final timeline
Kurokawa siblings in the OG!timeline
Shared hc of Manila Izana and Bonten Mikey being connected in dreams!
HaruTaku headcanons! 💜 + Final timeline childhood sweethearts HaruTaku!
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I'm gonna try to put my theories/rumbles/memes about TR here, but it's a little bit chaotic and I'm probably forgetting something 😅
Memes: (aka random stuff that I found funny)
I can fix it (or not) + extra Takemitchy
Shinichiro DON'T
Poor Mitchy xD
My TR matchup! (because it makes me so happy that I didn't want to lose it)
Random thoughts/theories:
Kurokawa siblings in the OG!timeline
TR is like a trauma onion (Sanzu and OG!timeline)
The meaning of Sanzu's name (all thanks to @just-sp-in-inginthevoid )
Random thoughts about Mikey and TR ending
Say My Name (or how the season 3 ending broke me):
Analysis of why this ending is just pure pain
Analysis Part 2
Say My Name is pure Bonten coded
Talking about the meaning of Kokonui kiss
Kakucho and Sanzu parallels (again, just adding and commenting to @just-sp-in-inginthevoid post, bc sharing hc is fun 💜)
Adhd Sanzu Propaganda (I'm not even sure if this is a hc or just brain riot)
SHINICHIRO STAY AWAY FROM THE KIDS! (with love, but please xD)
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You can ask me anything, if you just want to talk about TR or any other fandom I'm in, I will be more than happy to do it!
(but please, I can talk/theorize about JJK, but don't ask me to write about it, I'm still coping 😭)
About requests:
You can ask for headcanons, specify if you also want a drabble!
I'm gonna try to answer all the request, but sometimes I can write a lot in one day and other times not being able to do it in weeks, so if you ask for a drabble, be patient please!
I don't write smut (mostly because I don't feel comfortable writing it even if I enjoy reading it, sorry >.<) But we can talk about "dead dove, do not eat" 😌
Angst (with ot without happy ending) and fluff are my happy places for writing. But tbh, I'm an angsty whore. Hurt/Comfort is my type of fluff 🙈
Also, ask for ships! Rare ships are more than welcome, I love to experiment with them!
Or a gen drabble. You are curious about that character in that specific time line? Hell yeah, give me brain riot! 🔥
I usually write gn!reader, but I can do any specific gender if you ask.
I will not tolerate transphobia, homphobia, racism, etc. So be respectful!
Besides that, I will be more than happy to do any request, since I feel this is helping me to write more again. So don't be shy, ask! 💜
Ps: English is not my first language, so be nice please!
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