#hatori tag
jascurka · 9 months
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I hit a new low bar and it's them x tumblr posts.
(x, x)
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almondpiglet · 7 months
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super five/claw stuff i did for practice
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robinmage · 4 months
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It's curious to me, how the general consensus among others when it comes to Chise's curses are "bad; we need to get rid of it (we just don't know how.)" Which, considering they are both curses made of pain and suffering, makes sense why someone wouldn't want to keep those around.
We (the audience) know vaguely how the curses interact with each other. The dragon's curse: made from strong emotions of anger and despair, provides Chise with her strength and durability against both magical and physical elements, at the cost of her own strength one day tearing herself apart. Cartaphilus' curse prevents her from dying, but offers no protection against injury or decay. Together they "keep each other in check"-- Cartaphilus will keep her alive, the dragon will keep her strong.
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A lot of things have happened in the past arc that make it easy to forget the fundamentals of the first season. When the series started, Chise was a few steps away from walking off a roof. Even after she arrived in England, it took a long time before she decided that maybe life wasn't so bad. Her entire life up until that point had been nothing but misery; abandoned and alone, she had no one to protect her from the constant targeting and harassment by both fae and humans alike. She believed that the only way to escape her torment was through death... I think its a facet of her character that goes unfairly unrecognized a lot (especially after the first arc).
When she's in England and is going through her mental/psychological character development, she is still facing the imminent threat of her weak sleigh beggey body constantly failing her. Using magic exacerbates her condition, causing her to be sick and/or incapacitated for significant stretches of time. It's painful, it's uncomfortable, it's frustrating. By the time she realizes she wants to live, her clock is already running quite short.
Her solution is handed to her on a rusted platter. To be "just like everyone else", for once. Finally.
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Going to school, hanging out with friends, using magic without it killing her-- all things shes never been able to do before. All thanks to the curses trapped in her. These things that should be considered a horribly tragic fate have now become her salvation. Both physically and mentally, she's the strongest and most resilient she's ever been. Yet, when faced with the idea of liberating herself from her curses...
The curses only work the way they do because they're in sync with each other. Taking away either curse would leave her vulnerable to the other-- the dragon's curse would slowly overwhelm her into a brutally agonizing death, while Cartaphilus' curse would leave her to live and suffer through the constant breaking down of her sleigh beggey body.
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When told about the reality of her curses and just how severe they are (not just to her, but to the people around her), she doesn't seem to completely understand what that may mean for herself and her future. Or perhaps, she just doesn't care. After a life where pain and suffering was her "normal", she finally has the means to create something meaningful and positive out of herself. How could that possibly be a bad thing?
She understands on some level that these curses were only ever meant to be temporary. Elias' original goal, to keep Chise alive in spite of her sleigh beggey curse, has not changed. Tacking on two more curses was not a part of the plan, and though they've offered a temporary solution and some time, curses are called curses for a reason. They cannot be relied upon. They've got to go.
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But getting rid of those curses (both, or either) essentially puts her back at square one. Back to the pain, discomfort, and illness. She probably won't be able to use magic without hurting herself, too. She's gained freedom in both mind and body for the first time in her life. Sure, she encounters a few hiccups, but considering what she's used to, this is a big step up.
Something has finally given her the power and freedom to spread her wings and fly. Would she be able to clip her own feathers just because that power is "supposed" to be "bad"?
Could she? Could you?
Through it all, everyone she's come across has appointed her curses as a problem. Everyone, except...
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chaikajpeg · 3 months
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with the amount of assignments i need to do drawing should be the last thing on my mind right now, but i really wanted to draw chise and this happened . . .
photo reference: i can't find the name of the photographer right now but i'll make another attempt later... i saw the name of Stefano Ronchi a few days ago but can't find the source anymore... and i'm not sure if it was correct at all... if anyone knows the author please tell me 🙏🙏
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illyasfeel · 10 months
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The Ancient Magus’ Bride S2 OP1
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vrieseasees · 11 months
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OK HEAR ME OUT ... *nothing comes out of my mouth*
This is where the viewer tries to figure out if that was just a ploy or he was really actually into it *throws hands up and walks away backwards*
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cant remember which post i pulled that flashback from... it's somewhere in this blog lol i died when i remembered i drew that and didnt know why
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dailyfigures · 1 year
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Elias Ainsworth & Hatori Chise ; The Ancient Magus' Bride ☆ Genei
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skullieshroom · 3 months
Autism Incoming
Thought of writing a fic with a Beauty on the Beast take on robinthorn (Elias x Chise) but with a twist.
Chise is a slave of the cursed prince and is sent out to convince the caster to undo it. Caster being, Elias. A stubborn fae bitch that got petty over being called hideous by the prince and said "Oh yeah?" And magicked all over the place.
Chise isn't particularly loyal to the crown but she does fear the prince's wrath. Now she's at the mercy of Elias, but he's not all that bad. Despite the odds, they manage to bond and stuff. Mehhh hard to explain I just wanted to feed the tag lol
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1o1percentmilk · 8 months
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after days of searching i finally found my brown pigeon pics again
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robinmage · 6 months
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chaikajpeg · 9 months
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chise and renfred again (ref under the cut)
used a screenshot from "the last of us" tv show as a reference
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when i was 14, the tlou game playthroughs on youtube were my most favourite thing ever... i screamed in joy when the show was announced years later but i haven't yet watched it for some reason
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switching from mechanical pencil to a regular one, using a reference and scaling up the drawing changed EVERYTHING... i didn't sweat over every single little detail and the process was a lot more enjoyable. im not letting go of regular pencils ever again 🤣🤣
....also i had to mirror the drawing because i forgot renfred doesn't have an arm AGAIN....... (last time that happened to joseph)
UPD i just realised that his scars are supposed to be visible after mirroring the drawing jesus fucking christ
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illyasfeel · 1 year
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Mahoutsukai no Yome (The Ancient Magus' Bride) S2 project start PV
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vrieseasees · 7 months
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The ultimate 3! I mean 5! Plus 2, so 7! Then their boss.... it's 8! Eight guys! Ah-ah-ahhh!
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purpletyrant · 2 months
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well. i finally blasted through season 2 and reread/caught up on the manga from the start of the college arc, so it is safe to say that my brain is on fire with tamb rot. its also made me do a lot of thinking about my old fic i wrote for this thing, she who travels, which got some random attention recently so thank you for that!
its a six year old fic... some of it is a little "erm, well that just happened ☝🤓" in my view. but i think its one of the longform writings im most satisfied with. i was and still am smitten with all the ocs i made for it. and with fumiki almost certainly being featured in the newest chapters.... oooh i am writhing in agony
anyway, please dont get mad but i have more tamb on the docket. black and white version under the cut cause i kinda liked it :P
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1o1percentmilk · 10 months
i actually think hatori is more of an electrical/hardware engineer than an informatics/information technology/software engineering person
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kesobun · 1 year
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oh yea im also on board with these two btw. here's them in different flavors
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