#have i watched the mv a disgusting amount of times? i have indeed
xcziel · 7 months
i am not kidding BLESS those jeans
if someone is somehow reading my blog and sharing last night's critique of the baggy pants vs choreo precision issue i would just like to say you are doing the work of the gods thank you SO much
#jeon jungkook#there is nothing i embrace more than an all-black wardrobe and the lines on this times square look are just *chef's kiss*#bless the piercings bless the tattoos bless the black palette is all i can say#i know it's too cold on an outdoor stage rn to do the bare arms but fck if that didn't make the choreo pop even harder#i wanna get a still from that one instant with his right arm gesturing right before The Shoulder Move#bc it's insanely hot - just the line of his extended tattoed arm and his shoulder like#it CANNOT be overstated how expressive his gestures are and how the sleeveless look really highlighted that#have i watched the mv a disgusting amount of times? i have indeed#i'm sorry it's just EVERYTHING i have been asking for from a pop song for so long#the BASS the live instruments THE BRASS SECTION .... the *BASS*#if you have followed me for more than two seconds you've probably run into me expounding on my 'horn theory' of good pop music lol#i.e. if you want a really good power hit pop song you need a goddamn brass section#evidence: the 70s and 80s. ... even beyonce knows this#but also funk/disco bass trumps everything else and i would kill to have an extended remix done by AN ACTUAL BAND#the current remixes don't add anything for me - i want an actual bass player going to town a la the disco extended plays of yore#maybe in the concert version ... kinda hoping jk takes inspo from yoongi's concert setup#i feel like that might have been part of the impetus behind recording with actual musicians#i can't believe that's so unusual these days - it's sad that i watched a reaction clip and the person was like#what sample is that?? what is that from??#and i'm like yelling at the screen it's an actual band that's how it's *supposed* to be#also can i say i love how he (and all the maknae line now that i think of it) makes it so clear when he's singing and when it's#the backing track - like no lip syncing/pretending just sticking to the bts standards for live performance vs like music show#thinking on it part of it may be that like the rap line *can't* really coast over a backing track so then vocal line doesn't either#(i say maknae line only in reference to this last year's recent live performances bc there've been multiple from each of them)#and he's outside and it's cold - that is HARD on the vocal chords#most of your diva singers - not that jk is a diva but he does have the range of one - like mariah or ariana would never#do that to their voices - i think he's just used to being the indestructable bunny#he better have people babying him tonight and giving him hot soup and tea with honey and vitamin c and idk ginseng#having the humidifier going and getting as much rest as possible to keep healthy
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wonhuis · 4 years
hank u! i got a 5 lol, so everything is good for now. Rn i’m studyin english, like in depth but a few years ago I was studying literature and philosophy and since i did 3 (almost 4) years i didn’t want to lose all that work but i didn’t take some finals so they sent me a mail telling that i needed at least one okay. i loved exo m but my bias is chanyeol lol, i think both cheol and him can be very loud sometimes (most of the time!) and i love that 1/? 🍰-sss
and i don’t follow nct a lot so i can’t give u an answer. such mood! rn i’m listening to some horror stories (podcast style) ah yes, some songs are meh, i really liked the reve festival day 1 (most of the songs). i hope u can be able to play gta soon, it’s a old game but i love stealing cars(? i started to watch it, so far so good but i’ll give u my final review when i finish it. 2/? 🍰-sss
FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST! i love love love that anime, both versions. 2003 one has a special place in my heart. ahhh all of those are really amazing ones! i remember ouran was one of my firsts mangas. currently i’m trying to collect the yu yu hakusho ones. kyoukai no kanata is still my fav anime, i remember i watched it in one day before my sociology final lmao. and then the movie! i wanted to make a svt/knk kind of edit but im lazy! 3/? 🍰-sss
jun’s pink/lilac hair was iconic!! such a good look, his whole aes in clap era had such a strong energy
reposters have no respect, unfortunatelly a lot of people that are into social media just want numbers but they don’t even work hard for them. bc alright u care abt the amount of followers u have, at least do smth to earn that. but no, they just steal bc it’s the easier way, honestly such a disgusting move. gfx, gifs, fanarts, etc take effort, talent and time. it’s really sad that some people don’t appreciate that, damn a lot of them sound like ignorants 5/6 🍰-sss
(reminds me of when my great aunt told me literature wasn’t a valid major to choose, smh. not everybody want to be a lawyer karen). !!! the foot fetish omg jfbsdfs. and don’t worry! hahah i luv ya, we can ramble and share our hate towards twitter. how is your weekend going so far?? 6/6 🍰-sss
yayyy, that’s great!!! i’m happy for u 💕💕 ohh i get it! i’m glad u could do well on this one then!! CHANYEOL! YES! A HAPPY BOY!! u cant write chanyeol without cheol so that’s cute LMAO and yessss they’re both rlly loud!!! god i love chanyeol but i can never see him next to baekhyun without feeling anxious bc of the shippers lmao right now not as much as a few years ago but i still got the trauma lol and!! idk if u know but noses are my fave thing ever right and chanyeol has one of my fave noses in kpop i love it :/// i used to cry about his nose as much as i cry about vernon’s now lmao 
oh i don’t remember if i actually listened to the albums lmao idk but sometimes if i dont like the title track i feel rlly unmotivated to listen to the whole album :/ also what did u think about psycho? to me it kinda felt the same as umpah umpah like i enjoyed the song but it kinda sounded more like a b track? also as i was listening to it and watching the mv it reminded me a lot of an ending song? like not an anime ending sort of song but like a goodbye song if it makes any sense lmao like goodbye by 2ne1 or lonely by sistar idk wHY BUT the album actually has the word finale in it and i was actually shocked to see it but it made sense in my head lmao
stealing cars is amazing but i actually like it more to punch random people on the street :/ i have anger issues and sometimes i do wish i could do that irl but i CANT so i do it in the game lmao also shooting random ppl god i LOVE it, love me some violent games where i can do whatever i want and then pretend i’m sane irl LMAO
fma is my fave thing in the world after my cats and maybe tied with pjo i LOVE that anime/manga and you’re completely RIGHT the 2003 version is just as good the 2009 ver supremacists are wrong bc both versions are amazing and they complement each other really well!! oh ur so brave to try collecting a whole manga lmao like it’s my DREAM but i only have bits and pieces of some of them bc i mostly buy them second handed
KYOUKAI NO KANATA I LOVEEEE, did i mention it on my list or did i forget? either way i LOVE that anime, i’ve watched it so many times it’s one of my absolute faves!! also i’m rlly sad there’s absolutely no english translation for the light novel i think? i searched a few years ago and couldn’t find anything, i’d love to read it even if i don’t usually read light novels lmao and god i fully support you and ur gfx idea but i do understand 100% about being too lazy to do it lmao i’ve had a gfx idea i wanted to do for the longest time but i’ll be SO hard and it’ll take me so much time i’m just zzzzzzz lmao
god jun in clap era was rlly something!! the hair, the outfits, the earring, ahhh i miss it lmao
reposters can just fuck off honestly lmao and yeah!! i’m rlly grateful my mother always allowed me to do whatever i wanted to when it comes to college so i never had that problem, but i’m rlly sad about every artist who got told that art isn’t a “real job” or stuff like that, same with stuff like literature/philosophy/sociology like some professions get sooo neglected it’s sad :/ 
also i do wanna thank you for letting me ramble and never complaining about it bc my friend (the only friend i talk to, in fact) always tells me that if he were u he wouldn’t read half the things i write lmao and he does indeed NOT read half the things i tell him lmao bc like i talk a lot and ramble a lot but not everyone is like this so i’m sorry if i’m making u talk more than u are used to but also thank you for doing so akdjnfsd
and my weeked was pretty ok i think? i dont rlly remember what i did, might have just slept a lot lmao but i don’t have any complaints either! what about yours??
also i’m going to the beach for a couple of days with my friends this week so i’m exciteddd i love the beach and i was sad thinking i wouldn’t go anymore, it’ll be for 3 or 4 days only but that’s already something!!
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