#he wants AKANE
petz5 · 2 years
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just finished rereading the shinnosuke arc and this has to be my most favorite page in the whole series because this truly shows how much ranma loves akane .. he is willing to let her go to be with someone else but he is never letting her risk her own life because he would rather she be happy with someone else than not exist in the world .. it’s not about ego or thinking he isn’t as irresistible as he thinks he is, it’s truly just about wanting the person you love to be alive and happy and if he has to be the one who makes sure that happens by sacrificing himself, then so be it
akane brought out this side of him (even if he was a massive jerk to her lol) because she was his home and he always wanted to know she was safe and happy even if it wasn’t with him 😭💕
REALLY AND TRULY OMFG. I adore this arc because it’s a perfect showcase of how much he loves her (and we get one of MY personal favorite panels)
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(Also like all of this could have been avoided (minus the orochi) if he had just let her explain shinnosuke was dying 😩 but my man just heard “I cant be with you right now” and ran off to go sob in a cave LMFAO)
They’re so dedicated to each other and they know how the other feels about them even if they struggle to say it, it’s SO sweet. Idk how anyone can say with complete confidence that ranma is wishy washy and “cant choose” like are u even watching the same series???
Also the OVA not including ranma‘s inner dialogue here was a war crime
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hajihiko · 3 months
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a long time ago I was like "I bet there are a lot of characters that are both touch-starved and touch-averse" so. Thinks
Impostor explanation: has been around the whole scale as various identities, has a hard time understanding themselves and their own true preference. Tends to just adjust to whoever they're around.
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iamhereinthebg · 3 months
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I need more of these two interacting AidaIro
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mari-lair · 6 months
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Role Swap
Aoi's keeper outfit is based on Mirais.
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skania · 24 days
AquaKane & OnK 148
Ohhhhh boy. I thought we would have to wait until July to get back to Aqua and Akane, so this chapter blindsided me lol
I know that the most on-the-nose reading of this chapter is that Aka is preparing to pull the classic romcom trope where the love interest gives up on the MC only so the rest of the cast can reassure her that she is the one who makes the MC happy, etc. etc. Considering that this is happening two chapters after Aqua told Kana that he has fun with her, it's like Aka is leading us all to believe that's where it's going. It's all very tropey and in-your-face and perfectly on brand with the way Aka has always written that particular ship.
So instead of talking about the obvious, I'd like to indulge my hopes for good writing and discuss the possibility of Aka actually subverting those tropes by playing this straight, regardless of how likely or unlikely it may be. Because if he does, then all of the stuff I've always loved about Aqua and Akane may just end up meaning something.
This is the possibility I'm rooting for against all odds after all, so I figure that I may as well go down throwing my ship the hurrahs it deserves while I can still do so lol
So buckle up because this is going to be long!
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This chapter is a wild ride because it touches upon a lot of different things at once.
First, Aqua supposedly didn't want to be involved with Akane any longer in order to keep her safe.
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However, when Akane announced that she would stop his plans — in other words, that she would stay involved in his life — Aqua looked giddy.
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Look at him. When Aka allows him to actually emote and be an actual character, Aqua can be so funny!
True to form, in this chapter we see Akane come up to him and Aqua just... welcome her. In fact, he even asks her if she feels awkward around him. Instead of acting like they never dated (which is exactly what Akane has been doing, mind you), he himself brings their former relationship to the forefront.
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There's a pause splitting his question in two, meaning that this is something Aqua hesitates to ask. Almost like he is scared of the reply. Or like he may be feeling a little awkward himself.
Which is no surprise, because that is how Aka himself presents their current era. Akane isn't just Akane and she isn't just a friend; she is Aqua's ex girlfriend, a title that never fails to bring attention to the fact that they used to be romantically involved.
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From colleagues, to a fake couple, to partners, to a real couple and now they're in their Exes era. I've been waiting for Aka to explore all the tension and complexity that should bring, but he's been kind of busy off-paneling most things Aqua. Alas!
When I commented on Chapter 131, I mentioned that (to me) it feels like after Chapter 116, Akane found something to focus on. She isn't thinking about her relationship with Aqua, the only thing she has in mind is Aqua. Keeping him safe, helping him achieve happiness.
Even here during this chapter, she goes to him to ease his loneliness and remind him that he has people worth living for and that he deserves to be happy, but... nothing she says includes her. It's all about Aqua and the others, the others and Aqua.
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I don't think it's a coincidence that Akane walks away from him with her eyes closed. Her mind is consumed with thoughts about wanting Aqua to be happy, and so she doesn't even notice the way he turns to look at her retreating back.
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Until Kana shines her proverbial light on her, making Akane open her eyes.
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The way the chapter is structured, it's like Kana is there to give Akane the answer — the missing piece to solve the Aqua Happiness Conundrum™ that Akane is so focused on. It's easy to think that the answer is predictably Kana herself, but since I'm here for Aqua and Akane, I'd like to believe the answer can be just as Kana says.
After all, who is prominently featured in what Aqua considers to be his happy days?
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Kana's words are abrupt, yes, but the silver lining is that they reflect what Aqua himself has already told us.
Akane is front and center in what Aqua has come to know as happiness.
One may wonder: How TF does Kana know that though?? And it's a fair question that I'll talk about in a little bit, but maybe what matters most is that she knows it at all.
In a way, it feels almost like meta commentary. Like the story has finally reached the point where Aka can afford to go back to Aqua and Akane, and so he is getting ready to reap all the seeds he sowed during the previous arcs fingers crossed.
And this is the very first one of those seeds: Aqua was happy with Akane, but Akane never let herself think that she played an instrumental part in his happiness. She seems to think that it was just being freed from his revenge.
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I'd even argue this right here was the true reason of their downfall. It wasn't Aqua finding out about the loophole and Akane not coming clean, it was the reason why she didn't come clean.
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Aqua's happiness mattered so much to her that Akane failed to consider that risking her life for him was the last thing Aqua wanted.
So when I read the leaks and Kana's comment, my kneejerk reaction was to think Finally! because this could be setting in motion something I've been waiting for all along.
For Aqua and Akane to revisit their dynamic, their relationship, and come clean about what they mean to each other — wherever that may lead them.
Now, going back to Kana and that earlier question of how does she know? Perhaps she saw something we haven't been privy to (in classic Aka fashion). Or maybe it's as simple as Kana finally realizing that Aqua is deeply unwell, and knowing that the last time she saw him happy was back when he was dating Akane.
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Considering the information Kana has and — especially — all the information she lacks, it's not far-fetched for her to come to the conclusion that Aqua's state is partly to blame on his break-up with Akane.
Once again, it would be easy for Aka to say that Kana got it wrong because she doesn't know anything about Aqua's revenge. But wouldn't it be ironic if Kana's lack of insight into that particular side of Aqua is what allows her to see something so simple that the very parties involved are missing it?
Regardless of the road she took to get there, I'd like to think the manga has given us enough reasons to believe Kana is not quite wrong.
After all, Aqua didn't get his black stars when he found out that his father was alive. It wasn't finding out about his father's identity that did it, either.
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It was turning his back on Akane and on the naive thoughts of being happy in order to walk down the Revenge Road, on a chapter aptly titled "Going Astray", that gave Aqua his two black stars.
If that was the chapter where Aqua stepped away from the "correct path", so to speak, then it stands to reason to believe that Akane may be front and center in the path Aqua is meant to take.
Coincidentally, this was the last interaction Aqua and Akane were allowed to have before this chapter.
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Another thing I find very important in c148 is the way Kana words her realization. Kana isn't telling all of this to Akane as an observer. She's saying it as someone who likes Aqua romantically.
This is in contrast to Akane and Aqua, who are two hot messes when it comes to identifying the nature of their own feelings.
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Throughout the entire manga, we've never seen Akane put a label on the way she feels about Aqua. We've seen her realize why she feels the way she does, but we haven't seen her say what she feels, even though Aqua himself has questioned it.
Closest we got was this, and they broke up a chapter later.
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Aqua has unexpectedly been more open than Akane in that regard, but... once again, they broke up literally one chapter after Aqua was at his most candid.
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And considering everything that happened before and after that, I'm not sure if Akane actually got the message.
But before I get to that, there is an important difference in the way Akane was thinking of Aqua's happiness back then and the way she's thinking about it now.
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Chapter 97 was even titled Together. Akane wanted to make Aqua happy, yes, and she also wanted to be together with him always. Just like Aqua wanted them to, according to his own admission: "I don't want to let go of these days... when you're by my side."
But all of that is missing in this most recent chapter. She no longer includes herself as part of the equation at all.
It truly feels like Akane is back to completely underestimating how much she means to Aqua.
Back when Aqua told her this:
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Akane reacted like this:
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And what is her reaction to Kana's words this chapter?
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Every single time, Akane is taken aback by the thought of meaning more to Aqua than she thinks. Every. Single. Time.
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This is sad and a little frustrating, but it's far from surprising. After all, this is how Akane has always interpreted their relationship:
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As far as Akane is concerned, their relationship was a lie that was turning into truth little by little. She never dared to hope that he loved her back; hell, she even thought that he was attracted to Kana and wondered why he decided to date her instead.
To make matters worse, in Chapter 98, Aqua deliberately set the stage so that Akane's trust in him — the very basis of their relationship — would be broken.
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So while Akane realizes that Aqua doesn't want to use her, she may have explained that away as Aqua being his kind self rather than as Aqua harboring any kind of special feelings towards her.
Regardless of how she interpreted his actions though, it seems likely that Akane thinks that she failed him.
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She couldn't save him as his girlfriend and Aqua told her he would have nothing to do with her anymore, and so Akane is now trying to save him as something else entirely. Not even as a friend, because she hardly interacts with him at all.
She's trying to save him while staying away just like he wanted her to. While only stepping in when she deems it appropriate and/or necessary.
But is that really and truly what Aqua wants?
Most importantly, is that what Aqua needs?
This chapter suggests that may not be the case, and the rest of the manga agrees. Staying away is not how Akane saved Aqua little by little. This is how she did it:
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That's why the way Kana worded her realization is important. It isn't only that Kana — the very girl Akane thought Aqua was attracted to — is bringing romance to the forefront and thus setting the stage for the nature of Akane's (and Aqua's) feelings to be finally cleared up.
It's also that Kana is showing Akane that it's possible to own her feelings while being selfless about his happiness.
After all, the ball right now is in Akane's court. In the state he is now, Aqua would never ever allow himself to chase his own happiness. Even when he thought he was free to do so, he felt that Akane deserved better than to be held back by him.
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So all in all, it's like with this chapter alone Aka has laid the groundwork to address all the AquaKane elephants in the room. Just in time for the very season that will be showing AquaKane in all its glory to all the anime-only watchers, at that.
In each of the last arcs, Aqua has reconciled with someone important to him. Kana and Ruby are fully back in his life now, yet he isn't doing any better. Maybe it's finally Akane's turn to try again.
So yes, Kana's change of heart is so abrupt that it may be a red herring leading to a very predictable end.
But since I've made it this far, I may as well keep hoping for the opposite to be true: maybe, just maybe, Aka is planning to tie all of this together and lead it to a satisfying conclusion. I can only hope that is the case, because it's where I feel that the writing is at its best.
Besides, if "giving up on Aqua" and "turning his black star white" are so-called "winning flags", well... Akane did both of those first 😂
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vvvincentzzz · 1 month
How come the most breathtaking beautiful pretty heavenly ethereal wonderful smart intelligent popular nice sweet caring girl ever told Teru they're engaged and he just :> while the ugliest mustiest loser freak insulted him and he looked like he has never been more in love I am sick of them
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drawbauchery · 9 months
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i got excited when i remembered they are friends in tdp
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oshi no ko aqua is such a fun character bc by most counts he's a more than decent guy.
in his first life he regularly visited hospital inpatients who had no visitors. he was genuinely happy and excited to help Ai deliver her babies, because he wants her to be happy on her own terms. he saves Akane simply because he can, and gets angry at the staff on her behalf. he doesn't stop at saving her life and spends sleepless nights turning around her public image. at that point there was nothing in it for him to keep akane around, she was just a person he was able to help and wanted to help.
by most counts he's a pretty decent guy who steps up when people need him most, except. except he's also a guy who really wants to kill his dad and that makes him manipulate people somewhat often and this is somehow not entirely at odds with his instinct to help others
#oshi no ko#like he's a doctor i can rly respect yknow#except for the patricide thing#gorou said do no harm unless it's my dad#also the way that gorou regularly visit patients is something SARINA has to tell the audience and not gorou#bc to gorou is nothing worth mentioning#for quite a while i was like man gorou is kind of sleazy for only visiting sarina esp when she's so young and vulnerable#but he visits the others also... sarina was just the most special patient to him because she introduced him to ai and also#because she was a kid whose parents never showed up#also SPOILERS FOR LIKE CH90+ OR SMTHING BELOW#the way aqua doesnt let akane dirty her hands like ok aqua we get it you want the best for everyone who isnt your dad#wipes tear someone get him therapy hes a decent guy who's ruining his life#also the way he is conscious of how he's playing w akane's feelings and tries very hard to be honest with her and to do her right#like sigh okay aqua i GUESS i cant hate you#and that one ghosting kana arc where i wanted to beat him up and then he was like i dont want to drag kana into this & he looked terrified#like SIGH. OKAY. FINE AQUA i cant hate you after all#like apart from the patricide (which is big know) the biggest downside to his personality is how cold he is#he pushes ppl away all the time and is just borderline rude#but like idk i feel like thats a byproduct of his 'i plan to go to jail for patricide and dont want to drag others down' mindset#which is like... well. you can't hate him for that.. he's looking out for others in his own way
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pedi-bug · 7 months
I once again have another terukaneaoi au (I love these losers so much) it's a camp au with a bit of a twist. (not really tbh)
It's the summer of 89 and all the parents are excited to send all their children to summer camp, which Aoi and Teru happened to get sent to (Kou comes along as well but is quickly separated by Teru because of his age, the camp is massive and is divided up by grade school, middle school, and high school) Aoi and Teru both have a goal set in mind, both don't quite know each other despite going to the same highschool but both are determined to kill one of the high schoolers in there camp and choose the same target, Akane.
Teru has a messed up mind, he's sadistic and violent and he hides behind a carefully built facade of a kind and thoughtful person so he can keep others from suspecting him, he's an exorcist, he's exorcised humanoid supernaturals, and he's always wondered since a young age what it would be like to kill one of his kind, the kind he has to protect. Aoi is the same way, she parallels Teru even if they are different in ways, she's watched horror movies, never seemingly reactive to them, she used to kill small animals and scrap them in an empty book when she was a young child. Her mother seemingly worried sent her to therapy and pressured her to be normal, she needs to kill something bigger, her curiosity is simply too much to handle and she wonders if they will react the same way when killed like in the movies.
They figured camp would be the perfect place to kill someone at, and so they chose carefully, meticulously, as after day one they decided Akane was the perfect target. He seemed quite quiet and reserved and they quickly tried to become closer to him, and tried to get him to trust them, (Teru and Aoi bumped heads many times, sharing glares as they begged for Akane's attention) They quickly realized he might have not been the best target, he was suspicious and wary of them, on the border of disliking them (although he was more fond of Aoi) he was very helpful and usually a lot of people were talking to him or asking for help, he was constantly surrounded by people, going back and forth to people. He was athletic and a lot stronger than they expected (They were both sure he'd be quite tricky to kill, but both thought a challenge could be fun)
So, they both kept trying, they eventually became a known trio within the camp, Teru and Aoi started trying to attempt to murder him many times without him knowing but withdrawing because the two were becoming quite attached to him.
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I caught up to the oshi no ko manga recently and can I say whatever aquakane has going on is fucking insane good lord. Not platonic not romantic but a secret third thing (fake dating to “I have feelings for you” “I have feelings for you too” *narrator voice* the feeling was friendship to willing to commit a murder so the other won’t return to a spiraling revenge quest, a murder she was 100% down with since the moment it was implied to complicated exes but goddammit I still see through your bs and care about you idiot I’m gonna ruin your clearly self saboteering revenge quest and also it’s all super ace coded)
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eggs-can-draw · 11 months
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‘ULTRA DESPAIR GIRLS TWO: MORE GIRLS AND EVEN MORE DESPAIR’ WHERE TOKOMARU HELP NAEGI AND CO WRANGLE THE REMNANTS OF DESPAIR!! (Also the warriors of hope (sans Monaca ofc) are their Guys In The Chair, reluctantly added to the team since they’d know the most about how the remnants operate due to their time w/ junko, and who grow to be friends with tokomaru because I said so and I say friendship is real and the dynamic could be hilarious — plus the concept of the wohs popping in to tell komaru to do something dumb like check out an abandoned candy store for treats or do a kick flip on a mostly intact skateboard is really fun to me)
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petz5 · 6 months
probably not gonna finish this bc i’d need to resketch it to fix all the inconsistencies but i woke up from a nap yesterday w the need to draw this out
small au where i ruin rumiko’s funny punchline of the “engagement ring” actually just being a pill box
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hajihiko · 10 months
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Multilingual 🌍
Fuyuhiko: its beneficial to understand when rivals are talking in secret
Sonia: diplomacy is easier when you speak their language too
Hajime: duolingo library forced speedrun
Akane: worked in customer service
Kazuichi is just more of a Language of Numbera guy 😋
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iamhereinthebg · 2 months
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๋࣭ ⭑unexplainable sorrow⭑ .
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mari-lair · 7 months
Look at how many more comments and likes the post where Teru shows up has in the nursery universe.
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compared to the ones where he isn't in it
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he is popular in all aus it seems
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tokyo-daaaamn-ji-gang · 3 months
Imagine if koko did try to secretly date yuzuha but got caught by ether inuipi or Taiju
Rip Koko (at least at first, ngl I feel like after the initial shock and anger from Taiju then he'd be ok with it. Taiju clearly likes/respects Koko so I think he'd understand that he wouldn't be a bad partner. He'd likely be more angry with them hiding it from him and not telling him/ asking permission first.)
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