#he’s the tall bf in every ship idc
nympippi · 1 year
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Vance loves listening to Finn’s space rants 💕🪐 🚀
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poppitron360 · 14 days
Do you ship valdangelo or solangelo/valgrace ( or both?) :)
Tysm for the ask the answer is all of them. Multiship like crazy.
I’m still on HoH, so I haven’t actually got to the Solangelo bits yet, but they’re gay and cute, so ofc I ship them.
Valdangelo I love bc they’re my two favourite characters they’re both tiny traumatised orphaned autistics, and both metaphors for different ways of dealing with loss. I ship them platonically mostly, I just want them to be besties. Nico definitely recognises and relates to Leo’s sadness in ways none of the others can, and Leo’s not the type to try and heal or fix Nico’s sadness, he’d just listen and empathise. They are crying buddies. They sit five feet apart and not talk but just cry together and keep each other company.
There’s some Valgrace fanart/fanfiction that’s honestly SO CUTE I could die. I was a bit sceptical at first bc I definitely see Jason as the Token CisHet of the group, but I’m warming up to it more and more, and I’m even writing my own Valgrace fanfiction now. I LOVE LOVE LOVE it in the books when Jason and Leo interact, particularly in tlh. Jason is the only one who sees through Leo’s mask (except maybe Annabeth), and makes an effort to remind him that he is a valued and respected member of the team, and that none of whatever went wrong is his fault and that he’s doing everything right. Leo never puts any expectations on Jason to be the Big Hero, and lets him just be Jason.
Brason is also my otp. Need I say more
VALZHANG is my brotp. I love them so much. I love how they are just opposites in every way- Frank is 7ft tall and built like a brick shithouse but is actually soft pookie bear, whereas Leo is built like a fuckin twig but is also a terror to society. I love how they intitially hated each other (bc they were intimidated by each other) but then realised they misjudged one another and ended up bonding over similar trauma and dead moms. I love seeing them be menaces to each other, but they are EACH OTHER’S menaces. No-one is allowed to annoy Frank except Leo, otherwise prepared to get BURNT. No-one is allowed to call Leo annoying except Frank, otherwise be prepared to get a bear claw to the face. They cannot live without each other. Who else is gonna ridicule the other without mercy and with a smile on their face? I want to see Frank being overly protective of his tiny reckless bf/bff in battle, refusing to leave his side. I want to see Leo being kind and considerate to Frank, making sure that all the meals he cooks him are lactose-free. Their rivalry/reluctant friendship is everything to me, and everything Caleo did, they could do a bajillion times better. Idc whether it is platonic or romantic I just love them together.
Yes, I know I just wrote a fucking thesis on this. No, I will not apologise.
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feelssogoodinmyarms · 5 years
Dude... do you have any soft dwsa head-cannons of couples just being cute and happy (even if they’re trans or deaf or just not like Melchiwhore) I’m literally so sad right now. My nonbinary ass is tired as hell/ emotionally and physically exhausted. I just want to hear your cute dwsa couple headcannons. Idc which couples tbh
Of course my dear!! Sorry this took so long, here are some of my favorite ships ft no smellchior.
so josey and i came up with the wonderful idea of ernitz and marthanna having brunch together and mo and ernst are so tall, martha and anna feel like they’re in the land of the giants. 
I have a hc that martha and anna kissed for the first time at prom during this one frank ocean song that im forgetting the name of
Hanschen bought Ernst his first binder at the end of high school :’)
Moritz kissed martha for the first time on the swings in third grade. She ran away after.
Anna goes to Thea’s softball/basketball games because she’s high key crushing on her but has no idea how to talk to her. Thea starts to notice and looks forward to seeing this cute girl in the stands and her teammates hype her up to talk to her eventually. 
You know that Ernst brings Moritz flowers on their first date and Moritz almost falls over, he’s so blushy and doesn’t know what to do. Ernst was already nervous about this and he starts apologizing and Mo is like no it’s fine I’m sorry.
Georg tries to bake for his bf Otto but the smoke alarm goes off and it’s a disaster. Otto thinks it’s hilarious but Georg feels bad so they go to a bakery and get cupcakes and otto pretends like Georg made them
If Georg and thea dated they would start off pretending to hate each other. Like Thea makes fun of everyone, right? It’s just her. Georg is bros with Hanschen and he brings Georg over and Thea’s like ew why would you bring nerdy mcnerdface into our house. So Georg sets out to show her that he’s the smartiest. they’re both in ap english and Georg starts to attack every point she makes. they have battles during socratic seminars and thus, a rivalry begins. one time Georg comes over when Hanschen isn’t home yet and he and Thea argue over something stupid and then they start making out angrily and that’s that. 
Ernst will wake Hanschen up on nights he finds especially beautiful and beg him to come outside and look at them. This could be a gorgeous, warm summer night, but Ernst also does this in the dead of winter and if Hanschen didn’t love him so damn much it would be really irritating. More often than not Ernst convinces Hansi to join him, and the night is always just as beautiful as Ernst insists. 
Moritz loves having his hair played with. You bet that whoever you ship him with does that for him.
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