#he's totally got suspision
majorproblems77 · 2 months
Hey Linked Maze fans! It's me! :D
Another update another ramble from yours truly! :D
I love the smol updates just as much as the large ones cause it gets me thinking ngl. Makes me wonder what's gonna happen next!
(Especially in situations like this)
Okay enough from me
A link to the comic page can be found here! Please do go and check it out and give it a lil reblog to show your support! It's wonderful.
Linked maze belongs too @linked-maze and its creator @frulleboi. if you've not seen it note that it's for more mature audiences! :)
without further ado!
You might not need snacks for this one, but get some water, I know you need some right now. Got some? Awesome, let's begin!
We start with this panel!
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First off the saturation of the image, we know that wind's outfit is like blue blue. So it's interesting to see it so discoloured. Makes me wonder if this is how wolfy sees generally or if it's just in wolf form.
(Ha you thought I was gonna go straight to the sents right, nope :D)
But now I will
So we can see 3 colours here. A reddish pink, A purple, and cream? I'm gonna call it cream.
So this confirms something
Three people have had enough contact with this object to leave an impression.
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And here we can see two of them
If im understanding this correctly, Red belongs to Sky. The purple belongs to this second figure who I am going to assume is Zelda.
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Also who I can assume is Wolfie seeing this red in his eyes. A cool touch!
A visual representation of whose scent he is following I can only assume., which would defo be useful later. For like when we oh I dont know
Go looking for the cream-coloured scent owner?
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This is the only frame we see this cream-coloured scent. So I'm gonna call this now and assume that this scent belongs to Angel or djævel. Probably Angel since she's the one we've seen wandering around collecting the hero's items.
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He sniffin
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it's the windy boi
I love him, your honour
Also totally not Wolfie pretending that sword isn't his.
It's not mine what are you talking about :))))))))))
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I like this shot, it's very nice.
I am a little worried as to why Warrior looks worried. Surely he must know about dog scenes. and I feel like Wolfy has proven himself by now as to not be a threat to him.
Do you think Warrior noticed Wolfy does not smell the sword handle? And smell the random fabric instead.
A sword handle would have the most intense smell of something right? Because of the sweat. So...
Warrior is wondering and now so am I.
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This is the face of a man who knows something is up with that wolf
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Man is trying to be a good friendo
Warrior dont apologise you smol cinnamon roll it's fine let the kids lead
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The mix of the colours here is interesting.
(Totally not me zooming in on the coloured lines to see if I can figure out what colours they are made from)
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I see mainly that pinky red here.
But something in me wants to say that there's a little bit of cream in here.
You think they are gonna use the sailcloth to find Angel later? That could be cool. Maybe get Wolfy to smell a bunch of items to build a scent profile for Angel so they can go looking for her later?
Just a thought! let me know what you think! I love doing these and it's great. Thanks again to @linked-maze for the permission to do this. I love doing them.
Thats all tho so I hope you have a wonderful day/night! :D
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444rockstargf · 9 months
But Fr tho thanks for doing our requests I appreciate it you write wonderfully
Well idk if you’ve ever written something like this but if it too much you don’t have to give it a second though lol but-
Maybe freeuse!Danny
Hear me out- maybe you and your friends get together at a small gathering (everyone knows why they’re all there) Danny is SLUTTED out I’m talking thigh highs crop top collar on his neck (with your initial ofc!!) tonight’s all about your bf.
He’s all blushy and shy (like he didn’t ask for this in the first place) whining into your neck sitting on your lap but once you feel his cock hardening against your stomach you knew he was turned on.
One of your friends instruct him to come to them crawling and he obeys he’s just being a good free use slut all night. Everyone has permission to touch anywhere they want but nobody has permission to make him cum (your privilege)
(Maybe someone’s is fingering him while another one is softly stroking him totally up to you) he’s just the whore of the night complying to everything anyone says to him
ahhh thank you so much!! ur literally so sweet, i swear im crying 😭 and ive thought of this concept sooo many times omg
"i know what the boys want." | dan cooper
lolita. - lana del rey
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gn!reader x dan
contents: exhibitionism, throat-fucking, use of sex toys, (theres more. i think...)
not proofread yet. pls bear with the grammar and spelling errors. ty!!
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you had 3 of your friends over for the evening. you told them that you had planned something special for them all, and they all had a suspision of what it would be.
"oh danny... we're all waiting for you." you called out. less than a minute later, dan walking into the room shyly. he was wearing baby blue thigh-high socks, tiny blue shorts, a crop top that had "slut" written on it in red letters, and a jeweled collar with your first initial on it. he looked ready for everything that you had planned for tonight.
you patted your lap, gesturing for him to come sit. he walked over to you, planting himself on one of your legs, each of his legs on either side. he hid his head in your shoulder as he felt all your friends leering at him, like predators watching their prey.
he squirmed a little as you started gently massaging his back, your hands travelling up and down his body. he felt the gazes of everyone else wandering down his body. he felt like he was on full display, which he totally was.
"he's such a good little boy..." one of your friends said. danny whimpered softly, and you started to feel his bulge pressing up against your stomach. he wanted this really badly.
"why dont you c'mere for a moment, danny..." your other friend said. he looked at you, as if asking for permission. after getting your nod of approval, he crawled off your lap and started making his way to your friend.
but before he could get very far, you called him back. "why don't you lose the shorts for us, hun?" a red bush quickly spread through his face, but he couldn't refuse.
he slowly peeled the shorts off him, wearing no boxers underneath. his cock sprung out, already red and begging for attention. you smiled as he started crawling over to your friends, who were immediately all over him.
he sat infront of them like a little puppy, looking at them with his giant eyes as his boner throbbed in plain sight. one of the 3 sat in front of him, wrapping a hand around his cock and stroking it t a medium fast pace, making dan fall apart right at that second.
another one of them got behind dan, ordering him to lift his hips up, giving a perfect view of his little asshole. they spat on their fingers before massging the spit into dan's tight hole, making him whimper. they stuck 2 fingers in, making dan's body completely surrender to all the pleasure that he was feeling.
you handed the third friend a dildo, telling them to do whatever felt right. so they got in front of dan and made him open his mouth. as he did so, they shoved the dildo into his throat, forcing him to take the whole thing.
as dan was being throat-fucked, jerked off, and fingered, he couldnt help but feel like the biggest whore ever. letting strangers do whatever they wanted with his body. as much as he hated to admit it, he loved every second of it.
all three of them started to pick up the pace, his tight hole being stretched, his cock being stroked until it was red and swollen, and his poor, poor uvula which was being abused as the dildo went in and out of his throat. you sat back and watched the entire thing, a smile on your face.
you noticed his eyes welling with tears as the immense pleasure in his body started turning into a tight knot in his stomach. you stood up from the chair, deciding to take over as dan was about to reach his orgasm.
you told your friends to sit down, them stopping their actions immediately and doing as you say. as dan had his orgasm denied, he cried out, begging you to finish the job. you couldnt resist your precious little boy, so of course you did.
you putthe dildo onto the ground, making dan sit on it. you gave him permission to jerk himself off, which he did happily. as he started pleasuring himself, feeling that familiar sensation once again, you stuck two of your fingers down his throat, making him suck on them.
he started drooling all over your fingers as he felt the dildo hitting that sensitive spot inside of him. tears were falling down his face. he felt all the eyes staring at him as he put on this show, but he couldnt stop.
the stroked his cock faster and faster until he felt his spine starting to shiver and his mind going completely blank. "wanna cum for us, danny?" you whispered. he nodded frantically.
you flipped him over so he was on his back and called your friends over to assist. one took over with jerking him off, and the other two stretched his perfect little asshole for him.
"alright danny, you can cum on the count of three, ok?" you said sweetly. dan nodded, sobbing from everything that he was feeling right now. "3... 2... 1..." he screamed out as he came, so much more coming out than you anticipated.
he was in a position that allowed him to cum all over his own face, so in a matter of seconds, his face was painted with his own cum. it was a very pretty sight to see.
he was panting like a dog by the time you were done with him, his hair dishevelled and his cheeks flushed. you sat back on the couch, dan sitting on your lap. you gave him a soft, tender kiss. "you did such a good job for me tonight, baby..." he beamed as he heard this.
now your friends all knew one thing for certain: dan cooper was definitely the world's biggest whore.
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author's note: last post of the day!! thank you so much for this amazing request, it was so much fun to write and i cant wait to read it myself. i hope you all enjoyed!
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tetsunabouquet · 11 months
Jonathan Christopher Fray, how he would have been like (Headcanon)
A/N: Alright, remember when I said that whilst I'll mainly do KNB content, I want to branch out to other fandoms on occasion? This is one of those!
Now for the Shadowhunter fandom; my headcanons are usually me picking any topic I have a headcanon about for a character, whether its a subtle element I feel like others are missing, a character analysis kind of thingy, where I can see them in the future that sort of thing.
So hereby, I'll dedicate myself to Jonathan Christopher Fray, the boy Sebastian should have been. Here are my headcanon's for a version of him where he never was experimented on by Valentine and grew up with Clary in New York.
-He's actually the total opposite of his father. Whilst confident, he's a total sweetheart and a caring brother. I mean, we have seen Sebastian from Thule, and how all of his humanity has burned away in that world. Yet even then, he's more generous of a father and spoils his kid way more then he's ever been. If he can do things better then Valentine when he's pretty much a demon now- just think of how good of a soul Jonathan actually must have been. For it to have hold out against Lilith's demon's blood for at least 17 years also makes me think he has a very strong will. -He's the perfect older brother, Clary is very lucky. -Jonathan and Simon actually also get along pretty well. I have a suspision he'd actually could be convinced to game with Simon considering he did allow Ash to game. -In regards to the topic of gaming, by the time Jace would come around, the three of them would have annual gaming sessions. They even have their own mancave for doing so. -Alec and Magnus, tease them for it on occasion. -On occasion, Luke supplies them with beer as they decided to use Jonathan's old room as the mancave (he moved into the Institute). -Considering Jonathan grew up happily alongside Clary in this perfect world, he's actually fond of Luke. He considers Luke the father figure and role model he needed, and is glad he was raised by Luke instead of Valentine every day. -Actually also would have picked up some form of artistic pursuit.  With Jocelyn being a painter and Valentine having had carving skills, it's very much possible Clary isn't the only talented one. I have a feeling he would have been into ceramics, considering the way it can feature both sculpting and painting. -I literally have this scenario for a one shot in my head about him and the reader having a cute pottery date, with him trying to teach the reader, since being introduced to the concept of him in City of Heavenly Fire. -Considering his resemblance to Valentine, Jace pretty much was onto them being related right away, yet it did not stop him from falling in love with Clary anyway. He went into the tormented anguish of thinking he's in love with his sister right away. -After finding out the truth, Jonathan did not object fo Clary and Jace even though he found it a bit weird at first as Jace was still their adopted brother. -I imagine he's actually not too keen on fighting. Now, don't get me wrong he's still fighting alongside everyone when necessary but I can imagine he'd actually feel some responsibility being Valentine's son, and trying to work for Downworlders's rights politically rather then being active on patrols all the time.  -Valentine totally would have loathed everything he'd stand for. -Considering his pranking of Valentine, Jonathan totally has a mischievous, prankster streak. Especially when he was a young boy, he was a force to be reckoned with. -And he'd target any kid bullying Clary. -Which often got him into trouble. Jocelyn had to be called by the headmaster more then once. -But because he was a sweet, adorable boy they'd often just end up giving him a slap on the wrist. He definitely has that in common with Valentine, but sometimes Jonathan just creates too big of a mess to ignore. -Like, any April Fools. -Clary very much tries everything in her power to stay away from him during April Fools. He definitely got her good more then once when they were kids. -His creativity only makes it worse. -Jonathan was the one to carry the rings on Jocelyn and Luke's wedding. -And unlike Sebastian who's fashion sense is influenced by Valentine, these sort of occasions are the only time you'll spot Jonathen wearing a suit. Considering he's an artist, and probably wants comfort on the days were he isn't fighting, he dresses very casually.
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not-a-big-slay · 3 years
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summary: you are sick and cal is taking care of you
type: fluff
warnings: throwing up, headache, vomit, swearing but nothing too harsh.
A/N: i. did this fic a while ago and then i deleted it, but i've spend hours doing it so... well enjoy ig
also i find Tumblr's lack of Cal x reader fanfics disturbing.
You were never sick!
Of course every now and then you were having a little cold or a headache, but nothing too serious.
You were laying on a bed, hands on your forehead. You felt like your head was a gong that was constantly being hit. Your throat was sore and every word or sound you made hurted and your skin was on fire.
Not literally, but it sure felt like it.
You groaned, feeling the upcoming pain in your throat as you turned to the other side. You heard Cere's laugh from another room, a little jealous of how happy and healthy she's feeling.
Come on, Y/N
You've said to yourself. The last thing you desired was to jeopardise this mission because of a "low state of your body" .
Get up!
You lifted your legs. They've seemed heavier than usual. Once your legs were steadily on the floor you brought your upper body up, sighing of an exhaustion.
This will be a long day
After a few moments you got up and started to make your way into the kitchen. You've figured that if you would secretly take some medicine, others wouldn't even notice.
But you weren't so inconspicuous about that. You hardly made it to the kitchen without stumbling over anything that came in your way. The crew looked at you and you tried to cover everything up by smiling and waving at them.
It didn't cover up shit, but you tried.
"Good morning" you greeted them with a smile, that looked like it hurts more than a knife in the back. You walked to the kitchen counter, picking your food and completely ignoring others gazes.
"Morning" said Cere with a suspision in her voice. She knew there was something wrong with you, it wasn't that hard to see.
"Is.. everything ok?" Cal was worried that Greez's food might have poisened you, cause frankly, he doesn't cook as good as he claims.
"Yeah, everything's fine."
"You're definitely not the best liar of the year, kid. " Greez chuckled at his own comment. You tried to act normal as you walked to the table and sat down, but it didn't matter how good at acting you were, they already knew that something's up
"I promise guys, im fine." as convincing you may sound, they're not falling for that. Cal reached his hand out and putted it on your head. Before you could say something, he pulled away.
"Yeah, they have a fever" he said it like you were an air for them, which made you scoff. Cere nodded and walked away.
"I already said that im ok!" you still denied to admit, that you're sick. Yes, you were feeling horrible and all, but it was nothing you couldn't handle. Just a bad day, that was it.
Cere was back in a minute with a small bag. You watched her bringing out medicine, you've never seen before, and putting it on the table.
"So," she started after emptying the bag, "what is hurting you"
You could have probably still pretend that you're ok and totally healthy, but at this point it would be dreadful, for all of you. You sighed in defeat, even though there wasn't any competition to lose, and finally admitted that you are unfortunetly sick.
"Well, i have a soar throat and a really big headache." you said quietly. Your voice had to be kept down, you've already said enough today, that wasn't worth the pain.
Cere hummed in an understandable tone, proving that she heard your struggles and started looking for the right bottles.
"Alright, you're gonna be fine. Go lie down."
You wanted to listen to her, but the problem was that you barely made it here. Cal, like he read your mind, was next to you in a second, offering his hand.
"Come on, i'll help you" he smiled and you swore to the Maker that it healed you a little bit. You gladly accept his help and got up.
The way to the bed was easier with the Jedi's help. He didn't let go of you until you were completely lying on the matress, and even after he was reassured of it, he sat down on the bed and moved his hand into your palm, squeezing it lightly.
You looked up to his eyes, trying to find the cure to your sickness there. You were sure that he was the only thing, that could make you feel better.
"You look terribly."
Okay, not so sure now.
You scoffed and rolled your eyes when his laughter reached your ears. It was beautiful, like when you feel a cold wind on hot summer day or a sudden breeze of heat while you're freezing in winter. The hope everybody's waiting for and when it comes, they're grateful for it.
He was more than welcome to make fun of you if he'll laugh like that.
"I'll go for the medicine" he said, squeezing your hand again before standing up and leaving you alone with the sound of engines.
You never understood how Cal could sleep here. You often only layed down and relaxed, but you could never fall asleep like that Jedi. He was probably used to this. You doubt that Bracca scrappers have a nice soundproof bedroom. But the noise really gets annoying.
Cal was back in a minute with medicine in his hand and a cup of something hot, judging from the steam that was coming out of it, in the other. You were watching him as he putted everything down and sat back down on the bed. Suddenly a really bad feeling in you appeared. You went from feeling pretty much alive to "im gonna puke all my organs out". You shifted to the side, expecting to feel your breakfast escaping from your body. Cal immediately knew what is going on and was on his legs faster than light.
"H-hold it in for a sec, i'll bring some-" poor guy wasn't able to finish the sentence, because you have spilled your guts out. You couldn't understand how something can be this relieving and awful at the same time. You felt embarrased by your action when Cal's earlier words came to your mind.
He was more worried that you will repeat that than disgusted. He quickly helped you sit down and without a word started looking for something that he would clean the mess with.
And also for a bucket.
While he was searching, he was constantly telling you words of affirmation. Cal figured that it might help you not to puke again and calm you down. Or calm him down, because his heart rate was now higher than a sky. He was worried about you. A lot.
"It's okay, it's okay, you're gonna be fine." Another words slip out of his mouth like you would hear him, even though he's far away. He finally found what he was looking for. A bucket and a mop. He returned to your side as fast as he could and putted the bucket next to the bed. You thanked him for his actions and closed your eyes. You felt bad for him, that he has to clean it, but at the same time you didn't care. You haven't felt this dreadful in a long time and it wasn't a great experience. All you wanted to do was to lie down and sleep, but you doubt that your headache would let you be. You should have take some of the medicine Cere gave you.
As you thought of that, you felt someone sitting down across from you and nudging you with a cup. The nice smell coming out of it forced your eyes to open and took the cup into your hands from Cal's. While you were taking it from him, you touched his hand, finding out that he was cold. So cold. He must have felt the same, because he frowned as you two interacted. But your hands were hot that he thought it would burn his skin. You sipped from the cup while Cal reached for the medicine.
"This is on your headache," he showed you a little green bottle, "and this is for your stomach." he said and gave you a yellow bottle. You took the yellow medicine and drank from your cup. "And this is for the throat, i suppose." you said with a little smile, raising your cup a bit. You didn't feel like smiling, but if Cal would return it to you, it was worth it. And he gladly did.
"So, who's gonna clean this" you pointed out your doing on the floor. Your mind was telling you that you probably should, but you barely walked by yourself.
"Ah, let Greez take care of it." he waved his hand to show that he doesn't care about it. You both laughed, but a feel of guilt washed over you.
"Im sorry that you all are taking care of me, i know how this mission is important to you." you said as you tapped your fingers against the cup. You were kinda nervous that he would be mad at you. For jeopardising this mission and for leaving your earlier food next to the bed.
"Y/N, it's alright. Right now, curing you is our priority." he reassured his words with a heartmelting smile.
The most important thing for him right now is not a mission, it's you. He hated to see you like this and whatever it takes he'll make you feel better.
"Thank you." you returned him a smile. You wanted to sleep. That's all you desired to do right now. You set down your mug and layed down on your back. Cal was standing up to let you sleep in peace, but your voice stopped him.
"Could you stay with me? Please?"
He turned around and caught your eyes with his. They were full of hope and he couldn't say no to that.
He wouldn't anyway.
You hoped that your vomiting won't change his mind, but as he sat down and took your hand gently, your worries were washed away like a sand by a wave.
You knew that he would never leave your side willingly. Doesn't matter if it's in a fight or in sickness, you two would never leave each other. You smiled at that thought as you were drifting away in sleep, with a warm feeling of your hand in Cal's.
When you woke up, the feeling was gone. And so was Cal.
And so was your vomit.
You knew, that whoever cleaned it, is not very happy about it. You were feeling better due to the medicine Cere gave you and you were sure you could now keep your food in your stomach better. Only thing you could heard was the engines next to you. That meant everybody was still asleep and that it is probably early for anyone to wake up, until you heard footsteps coming to you. The door slid open and you saw Cal standing there, big smile on his face.
"Cal?" you said, reassuring yourself that it is him. "What time is it?"
"I've made you a breakfast." he ignored your question and impatiently waited for your answer. Which disappointed him when you replied with a simple 'what?'.
"Come on" Cal said stepping closer to your bed. He waited, if you would need his help to walk. He woke up earlier than you, but on purpose. It was still dark outside when he was making you your favorite breakfast and after he was finished, the suns were about to set. He made the food of course lighter than usual, because he didn't know the possibility of you throwing up and he didn't want to bother Greez with it again. Even though it was fun to watch him as he cursed everyone on The Mantis and struggled with the already dry bits of your vomit.
You still wanted to sleep, but Cal looked so proud of what he made that you couldn't refuse him. You sat down on the edge of the bed and started to stand up. Cal was ready to catch you if you would stumble or fall. But you didn't seem like it. You started walking slowly, Cal right behind you, and you added on speed a little after you were sure that you won't fall.
You soon had a good view on Cal's cooking. It looked better than every other food you had here so far. Next to it was a cup of tea, you supposed and then a little flower you saw many times outside on this planet.
"Oh my god, Cal, this is amazing!" you couldn't believe that he woke up before you and everyone else just to make you a breakfast. Your heart was about to collapse, but you ignored it and have seated yourself instead.
"Glad you like it." he stated and leaned against the counter. He was waiting on your first bite, cause he was a bit unsure if it taste just as good as it smelled. But to his amusment your reaction confirmed his hope.
"Damn, this is good!" you stated before eating more and more of it. Cal only laughed and sat down next to you, waiting for your next wish.
Cause he would sure as hell fulfill it.
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ravenadottir · 3 years
And now here’s the second message! I saw you talking about loving drama so I wanna share my little thought with you. It’s not much but it’s more depth than the game gives. It’s a bit long, I’m sorry. Please bear with me.
In my Bobby routes, my MC is on the shy side (but not quiet and mysterious because I want Bobby to step forward) and she picks Bobby on day 1 because his outgoing personality is attractive to her. She knows that people like that bring out more of her. He’s fun and easy to talk to so it’s an easy pick. After Priya steals him, she tells him to pick her on day 3 because she’s still more comfortable with him. Bobby is onboard with it but Rocco steals her that night! So there’s some tension between Bobby and Rocco and my Mc and Lottie (but not for long cuz my MC would talking things out since she’s not a fan of fighting). She and Bobby would talk and would come up with the conclusion that they should give their new couples a shot because it’s fair that they explore their options. It’s clear that Bobby and Lottie are just friends but MC falls for Rocco a bit because he always says the right things and is physically affectionate the way she likes but had that nagging feeling that something is wrong. Especially on night 5 when Rocco is talking to Marisol by the pool. She gives Rocco a chance to confess but he disregards it and smooth talks his way out of it. MC has to put her trust in him but there’s that feeling. Then on day 6 when Rocco and Marisol kiss each other, it comes crashing down because her suspisions were confirmed and she’s hurt. They both lied to her and betrayed her which goes against Marisol’s thing of goong for what she wants and screw friendship because she and MC were good with each other and she never told her anything. So with that hurt in her heart, she easily votes off Rocco. Then she gets back with Bobby and is happy. But when Operation Nope happens, MC is totally shocked and hurt! It’s like Roccogate again with sneaking behind other people’s backs and this time, her partner is involved again! Things between MC and Bobby are rocky because her trust was shaken once more. Bobby tries to make up for it and make her laugh but it’s really hard. Then he’s shocked when Lurik steals her away on night 13 and she just goes to him. Then during casa amor, he figures out that he really cares for and likes MC. When we come back from casa amor, it’s mentioned that Bobby almost fought Lurik. So imagine how pissed Bobby was! He figures out that he likes MC a lot which makes his guilt worse then sees that the guy who took her might is dumping her from someone else which would not only be her THIRD betrayal but it puts her in danger of leaving too! I imagine that Bobby and Lurik definitely had a passionate arguement but were seperated before it got physical.
...sorry this got so long.
you know, this is the type of route writers will spend months on writing around it, because it has so much flavor and it’s so good!
i often think about the conflicts, the angry glances that one or two li’s might cast at someone who just made the wrong decision.
the tension between mc (on a rocco route) and marisol.
things that fusebox decided it was too much to write for us, and honestly, i love these scenarios!
especially for bobby’s rout, given th fact that if you do follow one start-to-finish for him, with no interference, things are a bit on the dull side!
it’s nice to put some of our own twists in there, to make things interesting, and i love yours!
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peterparkerisababy · 4 years
Get You/Starker Secret Santa
@cammerel happy holidays, here ya go bb! hope you like it! 
WARNINGS: Mpreg, brief mention of abortion 
(Ignore the shitty title)
Peter woke up, with a soreness all over his body, in a strange bed.
He was confused for a couple of seconds, but he recovered as he felt the warm body spooning him.
He blushed all over, remembering how his previous night had gone. He went out to celebrate the end of the semester, and gone home with a really hot guy.
The person holding him started to stir, and Peter sat up and yawned wiping his eyes as he mumbled a bashful 'good morning'.
"Good morning, beautiful," a sleepy, familiar voice slurred, and-fucking shit.
Peter jumped to confirm his suspisions and Tony, the same man that he spent almost all of his time with and had a huge crush on, was cuddling him aftet a one night stand. Was it a one night stand? Peter hoped not.
"Oh, fuck," Peter gasped, and Tony-he'd dropped Mr. Stark after he'd practically moved in with him-chuckled.
"Nice to see you, too."
Peter blushed again, slowly relaxing.
"I'm-I'm uh, I'm sorry, I'm still a bit sleepy. Um...want me to make, like, breakfast or something?" He asked, not really understanding one-night stand protocol.
"That sounds great. I make an amazing black coffee, if you'd like," Tony joked, making Peter giggle as he slid on a shirt that stopped mid thigh.
He walked to the door and stopped short, staring at how huge Tony's house was. He'd explored every floor of the house except for Tony's personal floor.
"The upstairs kitchen is to your right," Tony called from behind him. And then, in a quiet, shameful voice, "Fri, cancel One Night Stand protocol."
Peter heard him and blushed (but to be fair, his senses were constantly at 11, did Tony honestly expect him not to hear him?) as he shuffled to the kitchen.
He went to the refrigerator and started to make breakfast, pushing the gradually-increasing insecure thoughts out of his mind.
"Hey, Pete, I'm real sorry, but I gotta go-are those eggs?" Tony asked, coming into the room in a suit and looking into the pan of food Peter had.
Peter nodded. "Just like you like them."
Tony stood there for a moment before he sat down. "I can be a bit late."
Peter brought him a plate of eggs, bacon, and slightly burnt toast.
"Petey, this is incredible," Tony praised, making Peter blush for what seemed like the millionth time that day.
They ate in silence, Peter wracking his mind for something to say.
Sorry about the toast.
This is a nice kitchen.
I love that suit.
Last night was the greatest time of my life and I've been dreaming about it all my life.
"Pete, I gotta go-um, meeting," Tony interrupted the silence, shoving his chair back. "Happy'll be back in about 30 minutes and he'll give you a ride. You can take a shower and steal some clothes, okay?"
Before Peter could really say anything, Tony was walking out, entering an elevator and disappearing.
Peter sat there, mouth dropped open, before he finally pulled himself together, slowly cleaning the mess he'd made cooking as tears started rolling down his cheeks. Tony had really slept with him and abandoned him.
As he cleaned, questions swirled through his mind. Was Tony coming back? Did he think Peter wasn't good enough?
Was this his plan all along?
Peter finished cleaning and laughed bitterly to himself. Tony had left him and Peter just cleaned his kitchen.
"Pete, you here?" Happy called from the elevator.
Peter's eyes widened. He ran to the bedroom and grabbed his backpack and some sweatpants, before he put on his web slingers and left through the window, too upset to care who saw him.
"Hey, Pete," May called, not looking up from her phone, having memorized Peter's footsteps. "What's wrong? I-"
May stopped mid sentence when she saw his face.
"Baby, what's wrong?" She asked, standing up. Peter walked a few steps forward and dropped into her open arms.
"Is it okay if... I don't talk about it?" He mumbled, voice cracking in the middle of his sentence. May frowned, gently leading them to the couch. She kissed his forehead and played in his curls, soothing him as best as she could.
She didn't even mention the hickeys.
Peter was studying for chemistry a week later when he felt it.
Something in his stomach stirred. It wasn't hunger, it wasn't sadness, it wasn't anger, it wasn't arousal, and it wasn't fear.
It was just...different.
Five weeks after that, he was sick.
It wasn't like any sickness he'd had before. He was glued to toilet and had thrown up everything he'd eaten, and even when he'd completely emptied his stomach, he was still there, dry heaving.
May entered the room with a cool washcloth.
"Sweetheart, you've been throwing up for a week," she told him, feeling his forehead. "You're clammy."
May's expression suddenly changed into a fearful one.
"Peter," she began, forcing her voice to be steady. "I need you to completely honest, and I'm not asking this as your aunt, but as a friend. When was the last time you had sex?"
Peter groaned, trying to remember. "Six weeks ago."
May's eyes widened even more, but she still tried to stay calm as she met Peter's eyes.
"Peter," she said, "you might be pregnant."
Peter threw up again.
We need to talk.
Peter sent Tony the message later that day, curled up in a blanket with a bucket in front of him.
He waited all day for Tony to respond, throwing up to keep himself busy, but he never did. So he sent a second message.
Can we meet up?
No response.
Are you seriously ghosting me?
He wondered if he had been blocked.
He cried himself to sleep.
Dr. Cho smiled as Peter entered her office a week later in a hoodie, followed by Aunt May.
"What's thi-"
"Can you be sworn to secrecy? Please?"
She laughed.
"Peter, I've known you were Spiderman for years, I think I can-"
"You can't tell Tony," May interrupted. Peter felt a stab of guilt, knowing that May thought that Peter was just scared of losing Tony's mentorship.
She frowned. "I'm sorry, but anything that happens with Peter has to be reported to him. It's the-"
"Fuck the Baby-Monitor protocol, Helen, you can't tell Tony," Peter pleaded. "Please."
Frowning, she nodded. "What's wrong?"
"I think I'm pregnant," he told her.
She drew a shaky breath, before she composed herself. "Peter, I really should-"
May gave her a look. Dr. Cho nodded again and turned to Peter, grabbing a cup and handing it to him.
"Pee in this and we'll go from there."
Peter was lying in his bed staring blankly at the ceiling.
They had driven back in silence, and the second they got home, Peter had gone into his room and shut the door.
Dr. Cho had determined that he was about a month and a half. She printed out an ultrasound for him that had a really small gray blob in the middle. The baby. His baby.
As if on cue, his phone buzzed right then.
Hey, Pete. We do have a lot to talk about.
Peter froze, thinking Dr. Cho had snitched on him, until his phone buzzed again.
Me leaving the other day was totally not cool and I was a huge jerk for doing it, and I apologize. I also shouldn't have ignored your texts, but I was really busy, thought I had responded, and forgot about it. I'm sorry about that, too. Could we meet up soon and work things out in person? :*
Was Tony sincere, he wondered, or was he just trying to get into his pants again?
He turned off his phone and cupped his stomach. There was a bit of a bump there, already, that could be played off as him not patrolling as much and getting a bit chunky.
Then again, Tony was a genius. He knew what pregnant people looked like. What if he'd, somehow, seen Peter and already knew he was pregnant?
What if he wanted him to get an abortion?
Peter's heart dropped at the thought. Did Tony want kids? He might not want to be bogged down by a 22 year-old and a baby. He'd probably make Peter abort it or set it up for adoption.
He pulled out his laptop and spent hours googling stories of abortion and adoption. By the time he was done, he had cried even more and sworn to not do either.
"I'm sorry,"  he whispered to the air, trying to steady his breathing. He inhaled shakily, then exhaled, slowly calming down.
He could hear familiar footsteps coming to his door, and then there was a knock.
"Come in," he called. May entered the room, holding her keys.
"I'm, um, going to get us some dinner. Anything specific you want?"
"Um-" If he was honest, he was even hungrier than he'd even been as Spiderman.
"Pizza okay?" She asked. "I know you've been talking about it."
He actually did want some pizza, really badly, to be honest. So he sat up, sighing.
"Actually, I do," he told her. He walked to her, leaning into her side. She pecked his forehead.
"We'll get through this, Peter."
"Guess those cravings have kicked in, huh?" May laughed, grabbing Peter's 7th empty pizza box. "Pineapple, anchovies, and syrup with on a pizza with no sauce." "Ugh, if I taste any marinara sauce I think I'll die," Peter groaned, before he pouted. "I'm gonna run to the store, want anything?" "No, not really," she replied nonchalantly. He grabbed his wallet and left.
At the store, he practically bought the whole snack aisle. As he walked out, he saw a bogo sale on photo albums.
He bought four, just to be safe.
"Peter, why did you call us down here on 'urgent notice' if you're just gonna mope?" MJ asked.
"We're worried," Ned added in a softer tone of voice, taking a bite of his pizza.
Peter sighed, sitting up in his seat. "I'm pregnant."
Ned choked on his pizza, MJ harshly hitting his back. He drank his soda and she let him go, turning to Peter.
"Pregnant?!" She yelled, catching the attention of everyone around them. "How?!"
"You know how," Peter attempted to joke, even though his face and tone were serious.
"Congrats, man!" Ned cheered, but MJ didn't let up.
"Who's the father? What are you gonna do with it? Is this a prank?"
"I'm keeping it, it's not a prank, and the father is...Mr. Stark."
Ned covered his mouth and MJ's eyes widened.
"Don't tell anyone," he begged. "Please."
He put his head in his arms, and MJ and Ned put their hands on his back reassuringly.
"We'll support you, Peter," Ned promised.
"As long as you name it after us," MJ teased.
Peter laughed weakly.
By month three, his morning sickness had barely decreased, he was always tired, and you could really tell he was pregnant. He went to Dr. Cho monthly, since she wanted to make sure the spider bite didn't affect the baby, and chose to keep the gender a secret.
He had transferred to MIT, changed most of his classes to online, and gotten an apartment where Tony would never think to find him.
MJ and Ned FaceTimed and texted him everyday, and they visited as often as they could afford, bringing him Spiderman themed baby clothes and toys.
May was still staying in New York, visiting as often as possible and sending him half of her paycheck each month. She would often talk about Tony, telling him how he would show up looking for Peter.
"He misses you, Peter," she told Peter as she cooked him some soup.  "You should talk with him. I'm certain he wouldn't fire you because you're pregnant-as a matter of fact, he could be a great figure in the baby's life."
Peter stiffened and his eyes opened. He sat up on the couch he had been resting on and decided it was now or never.
"Um, May?" He whispered.
"Hmm?" She hummed, stirring her food.
"That's the thing...Tonyismybaby'sfather."
May stilled at the stove, making Peter bite his lip nervously.
She turned to him slowly, an unreadable expression on her face before she sighed, moving the pot off the burner and grabbing two bowls and two spoons.
"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" She asked, spooning soup into the bowls. "I'm not mad, just disappointed."
"I thought you'd be super mad with me," Peter frowned.
"Peter...I know. I knew after you came home from his house with hickeys everywhere. I was just waiting for you to tell me."
He practically deflated, stress seeping from his bones and turning to relief. This pregnancy would be so, so much easier if he knew May wasn't disappointed or disgusted with him.
"So you're not mad?"
May handed him a bowl and a ginger-ale-the only drink, other than water, he could stomach-before sitting down herself. "Not mad, just hurt you didn't tell me. And I don't care for the power imbalance or the age difference-"
"I made the first move," he spilled, quick to remedy any of May's concerns. "And I'm able to get a good job without him. And if he ever tried anything bad, I'd stop him, you know that. But he wouldn't, Tony's an amazing guy-"
"But do you love him?" May interruped, staring into his soul.
Peter inhaled shakily, shocked, before he answered.
"I really do."
May smiled. "As long as you two love each other and you're happy...then I'm okay with it."
Peter grinned so wide he thought his face would crack, one of the many burdens on his shoulders lifting.
"There's a new Stranger Things, wanna watch?" She offered.
He nodded, glad to change the subject, and the two of them put their feet on the table and ate, relaxed, as the show played.
When he was four months, he was sitting in Dr. Cho's office, holding his stomach as he waited for another visit.
"I'm way too big for four months," he whined as Dr. Cho walked in.
"My favorite patient," she smiled. "This will be a short appointment, is that okay? Just an ultrasound."
"Okay," he smiled, getting on the bed.
Dr. Cho poured the familiar cold gel over his stomach, Peter barely flinching, before rubbing the wand and spreading it.
Peter beamed happily as the familiar blob showed on-screen. Dr. Cho was scanning the screen when her eyes suddenly furrowed and she added more gel. Peter's spidey senses shot to 100 as she peered at the screen.
"What is it?" He demanded. She ignored him, still watching the screen until her face broke into a smile.
"Peter, it looks like you'll be having twins."
"You're joking." Dr. Cho shook her head. "Twins? Really?"
He grinned so wide his face hurt, before he teared up.
"I'm happy, it's just these..."
"Hormones?" Cho finished. "I understand."
She handed him paper towels and cleaned up a bit as Peter composed himself. At the end of the visit, she had a conflicted expression on her face as she held an envelope. She finally thrust it into Peter's hands.
"He really misses you, Peter," she told him. "I've never seem him this upset before."
"I just-" he stopped, sighing. "I don't know if he wants us."
"Peter," Cho said, "I know Tony, and I know he'll be elated about you and your babies."
Peter tossed the envelope in his bag, nodding grimly to Cho.
By month six he felt ugly, lonely, and worried.
Because he'd been seeing news articles of Tony, and in each one, he was drunk and looked miserable.
The straw that broke the camel's back was when he was staying with May and Tony came over at 2 in the morning. From his room, he could hear Tony begging  May for information on him. 
"Please, May," he pleaded, "I haven't seen him in months. Nobody will tell me anything and I'm going fucking crazy. I just want to know if he's okay and what I did wrong."
Peter took a deep breath.
"May...let him in," he called out, after covering his midsection with two huge blankets.
Tony practically broke down Peter's door, freezing when he saw him. Peter's heart raced as he slowly bent down.
"Pete," he mumbled, trying to say something else, but stopping.
He suddenly pulled Peter into a tight hug, and Peter could tell he was crying by the way his body shook, and Peter slowly started to cry with him.
May came to the doorway, prepared to intervene, but Peter gently waved her away. She nodded, walking away.
A few minutes later, Tony sniffled and pulled away, looking at Peter with hurt, red rimmed eyes.
"What did I do?" He whispered when he was somewhat composed, and that made Peter start sobbing harder.
"Tony, it wasn't you," he cried, "it was me, I'm-"
He slowly, nervously pulled the blankets away and watched as Tony's eyes widened.
Peter nodded, sniffling. "They're yours."
Tony froze, a fresh wave of tears pouring down his face.
"I'm so sorry," Peter mumbled, "I was scared you'd have me abort them, or adopt them, but I couldn't, Tony. I love them."
Peter nodded. "They're twins."
Tony's eyes widened and he cleared his throat, shocked and teary eyed.
"Peter, I hate that you thought I wouldn't want them," Tony told him when his voice had somewhat steadied, "and I hate even more that you hid it. I understand that you were scared, but, fuck-"
He looked away. "I thought you hated me."
"I thought you would've hated me," Peter admitted.
"I could never hate you, Pete," Tony assured him. Peter smiled before yawning loudly.
"I'm gonna go," Tony told him, "and I'll be back tomorrow morning. We can talk and I'll bring breakfast."
Peter almost burst into tears again. "Please don't go," he begged. 
Tony smiled softly, happily, as he took off his socks, shoes, and pants, leaving him in his AC/DC shirt and boxers, crawling behind Peter and spooning him.
"Good night, Pete," he whispered, and Peter was out like a light.
The next day, when he woke up, Tony was still there. He smiled to himself, feeling a rough thumping against his side begin. He groaned, accidentally waking Tony up.
"Mornin', babe," Tony mumbled sleepily, "why're you squirmin'?"
Peter blushed at the rasp of Tony's voice and the nickname. "They're kicking me again, and it's always hardest when-"
"Kicking?" Tony interrupted, suddenly wide awake. "Why didn't you tell me?"
"I didn't think about it," Peter admitted, which was true. May, MJ, and Ned all felt his bump anytime they saw him, so much so that he didn't think to offer.
Peter led Tony's hands to the small feet, who kicked faster.
"They really like you," Peter told him, astonished. "They've never kicked this hard."
"I have that effect on people," Tony joked. Then his face turned serious.
"Peter, I want to be a part of their lives," he said, "and if you would rather us co-parent, I am perfectly okay with that, but I would love for us to...get together."
"Get together? Like date?" Peter exclaimed excitedly, before he blushed, making Tony chuckle. "Yes, Tony."
Tony smiled, leaning forward and kissing him until May came in.
"I bought some lunch, you two slept late-"
She stopped.
"Am I interrupting something?" She smirked, hands on her hips.
"No," Peter grinned, leaning his head on Tony's shoulder. "What'd you get for lunch?"
Two and a half months later, Peter was in the hospital, cursing Tony for ever getting near him, and telling him to "go ahead and schedule a vasectomy, old man, because I am not doing this again-"
Until the babies came out. The moment he laid eyes on them, he teared up.
"I want more," he told Tony, who laughed in slight fear, remembering how he had been cussed out 30 minutes ago, until he saw them and yeah, he completely understood why Peter's tune had changed. They were perfect.
May, MJ, and Ned came right afterwards, bringing balloons and gifts and rushing to hold the twins.
"Oh, what are their names?" May cooed when it was her turn.
Peter and Tony exchanged a look.
"The boy is Anthony Edward, or AJ," Tony beamed proudly.
"And the girl is named Morgan May."
May teared up, looking at Peter.
"You mean it?" She whispered. Peter nodded, also tearing up (Cho had warned them of postpartum hormones, but it was a beautiful moment-everyone in the room got a bit choked up).
Tony and Peter got married when the twins were two.
When they were three, Peter announced he was pregnant again.
This time, Tony was the first to know.
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edds-cola-can · 5 years
totally not suspisous ask, but do you got a colour pallete for Jordan (Is that his name?) he looks super dope, may draw him who knows totally not being subtle abt making fanart
Tumblr media
pwease draw my boy,,
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fluffyyeollie · 7 years
Chapter six: Daniël
Story: Smile!
Genre: Angst, slight romance
Word count: 1863
A/N:  This story includes triggering scenes, bullying, depression, the mention of suicide and eating disorders. Don’t read it if you can’t handle heavy content.
Prologue , Chapter one , Chapter two , Chapter three , Chapter four , Chapter five , Chapter six , Chapter seven ,  Chapter eight
As soon as he got home, he closed the door behind him and pressed his back against it, letting out a deep sigh as he leant his head back and ran a hand through his hair. He hadn't expected her to know about him trying to help, and even less for her to reach out to him to start over again. He closed his eyes for a moment, thinking about what'd just happened. He had been able to keep his cool in front of her, but he'd been so angry. Angry and worried. He'd certainly noticed how thin she was. He'd seen all the cuts and bruises the moment he ripped off her clothes in panick, scared of the unimaginable amount of blood that'd left her body. He felt faint stings in his eyes as he placed his hand over them. He let out another shaky breath. He'd cried that day. A lot. She had so many scars. So many cuts. So many bruises. So little body fat. He'd been surprised when he carried her home. He had imagined her to be a lot heavier. She wasn't. She was so light he'd been scared she already lost too much blood. It had been his own fault. He'd started all this, and he regret just that even more than anything. He let out a sigh and pushed his back off the door, wiping his eyes one last time before walking to his room. His parents'd come home in about three hours. He lay down on his bed and thought some more about what Morgana had said. "If you're trying to put an end to it, you can't be such a bad person, right? I don't trust you yet, but I will give you another chance," he repeated softly and sighed. "I don't deserve this... neither does she." He whispered softly and turned to lay on his side. He grabbed his phone and searched up one particular contact. He hesitated a little. It's true she reached out to him, but was it right to meddle with her business? He read the name of the contact again and then started writing, making up his mind.
Have you eaten yet?
He hesitated again before sending his message. He knew very well she hadn't eaten yet, and that she didn't plan to, either. He felt miserable knowing he was probably the main reason of her suffering, and he wanted to try his best to correct his mistake. He pressed send and waited. She replied almost immediately. The bleep startled him and he looked down at his screen. "No." he read softly and sighed, looking away in frustration. He wondered why someone'd do that to themselves.
Wanna go grab some takeout together?
It was the only thing he could think of. He wanted to make her eat again. He was so afraid she'd break every time he touched her. Even when he grabbed her hand earlier today he could already feel her bones through her shirt and it scared him. He'd kicked her not too long ago. He'd kicked her while it felt like even the wind could break her in two. He shuddered at the though and looked on his screen again, letting out a surprised noise. She'd agreed. Why?
I'll come get you in half an hour.
With that, he put his phone away and released his breath, not noticing he'd held it in. Okay. This was the first step.
* * *
When he went to get her, he'd expected something totally different from what he got. It took him a moment to realize it was really Morgana who stood in front of him. He examined her from head to toe. Skinny jeans, pastel shirt and a ribbon in her hair. Not only did she look totally different from her usual self, she looked cute. He cleared his throat and spoke up. "So, what do you want to eat?" He asked and she turned to face him. "Weren't we going to eat takeout? Chinese, I suppose?" She asked and cocked her head a little. He had to look away and take a breath. He didn't remember ever seeing her like this. She was less tense. It suited her. "Y-yeah but if you don't like that we can go somewhere else. It doesn't even have to be takeout. As long as it's food, it's okay." He said and she turned away. "No, it's fine. Takeout is okay." She started walking and he hurried after her. "How's your mother? You said she'd be coming back soon, right?" He saw her tense up and quickly cover it up. Impressive, how she did that. "I don't know. I don't think I want to, either." She'd answered in her usual tone but he knew she didn't want him to pry into it so he didn't. After a seemingly long, awkward silence, she spoke up. "Daniël. Stop acting weird. You're more tense than usual, and since when do you try to have contact with me? Just act like yourself. You can even go back to kicking me, if that's who you are." She stayed silent for a brief moment and then continued. "It's exhausting to see you acting so differently. It makes it seem fake and that's irritating." She glanced at him. He was speechless. Did she just tell him how she felt? That's a first. It took him a moment to think of whether he should make up some excuse or tell her the truth. "I'm sorry, it's just... You're different, too." He said, changing his mind last minute. He'd almost told her she was cute, but it seemed a bit unnecessary to disclose such information. She looked at him in surprise. "I am?" She looked at her reflection in a window and then seemed to realize it, too. "Oh, this.." She motioned for her clothes and then looked in front of her again. "I've been wanting to wear this for a while now, but since it's such a light color and skinny jeans stick on your skin it isn't such a good idea to wear to school. My shirt'd get dirty and the skinny jeans would stick to my wounds, making it even more painful to take them off at home." He stayed silent, looking down at his feet as he kept walking. He didn't think she had to worry so much even about what she could wear at school and what not. "I'm sorry." He said and though he could hear his own voice waver. Not good, he wasn't the type to get emotional in front of people, and especially not in front of her. "Don't be. This year, you've been the one to bully me the least." She said calmly, making him feel even worse about himself. "Oh, we're here." He said and motioned at the building next to them. "Come on, these people sell the best Chinese takeout in the neighborhood." He said and walked inside, too afraid to grab her arm and pull her with him in case he held her too tight and hurt her even more, but also because he didn't want to feel the crusts of the healing wounds beneath the fabric of her shirt. They stepped inside the small place and looked at the menu. Daniël looked around and saw an empty spot. He tapped Morgana very gently on her healthy shoulder and pointed at the empty spot. He brought his face close to hers and spoke softly "Tell me what you want and go sit there. I'll pay." She turned her head to look at him and for a moment, their faces were only inches away from eachother, before they both took a step away. Daniël could feel his own cheeks getting warmer and he saw a slight blush form on Morgana's cheeks, which made her look so innocent. So cute. She nodded and pointed at the noodle menu. "Chili noodles?" He asked to confirm and she nodded. He flashed her a faint smile and she turned to sit on the spot he'd appointed her. He waited in line and felt the heat still in his cheeks. "She smells like strawberries..." He softly muttered before it was his turn to order.
He walked up to her holding two boxes with noodles. "I know it's takeout but since they have a free spot here, I thought it'd be more fun to eat here." He said with a small smile as he sat down and handed Morgana her noodles. "I didn't know you were the type to eat spicy foods." He said a bit teasingly and she glanced up at him. "I didn't know you were the type to eat Chinese takeout." She said and he chuckled softly. "And besides, spicy foods stimulate faster digestion," She added before starting to eat. He looked at her for a few more moments before also starting to eat, thinking about what she said. He kept watching her while eating. He looked up at her when she finished and stood up. She glanced around for a moment before turning back to him. "I'm going to the bathroom." She said and he felt tense as he watched her walk away. He felt a knot in his stomach and couldn't eat until he saw her walk out of the bathroom. It took him one glance to see she looked paler than before, and he feared the worst. She sat down again and smiled faintly at him. "Sorry I took so long. I wanted to check on my shoulder. It was stinging earlier so I was afraid it might've opened again." She said and poured some water for herself. She sounded convincing, and it could explain why she looked so pale. It was a serious injury after all, and the fear of it opening again could drain some color from her face. He tried hard to convice himself that was the case while also finishing up his noodles. He'd lost his appetite at the thought of her purging, but he couldn't just leave the food. He knew that'd raise her suspision. When he finished, they walked back home, having no other reason to be outside. In front of her house Daniël stopped her. "Morgana.." he paused a little and she looked up at him, waiting for him to continue. He wanted to ask her if she really just checked her schoulder, or if she'd actually done something else. "Take care." he said and she nodded, walking inside her house and closing the door. He sighed. He'd wanted to ask her, but he couldn't. He entered his own house and heard clattering in the kitchen. His mother had come home. "Oh, Daniël? Is that you? Where were you?" He heard is mother ask and he sighed softly. "yeah, I'm home. I was out with a friend. We ate takeout noodles so I'll skip dinner for today." He said as he walked to his room and closed the door behind him. He sat down on his bed and rested his arms on his legs, entertwining his fingers with eachother as he looked down and sighed again, thinking hard. "She'll die like this."
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icharchivist · 5 years
I totally buy Cross updated Bookman on Allen all the time. I feel like everyone who knew Neah in some way all kind of knew or about each other in some capacity. Considering Bookman supposedly knows Neah's weaknesses I wouldn't be surprised if he knew almost as much as Cross about whatever is going on. I'm definitely on board w/the Allen bookman theory. I wouldn't be surprised if Bookman knew Cross was looking for 'Allen' and kept contact w/him in the hope he'd see what had happened to his lost-
2 apprentice for both duty and personal reasons. When he did they both waited for Neah to pop up. When he didn't Cross told Bookman Allen was becoming a Exorcist and that made Bookman decide to too. Though in Bookman's case, I don't believe he thought Allen would succumb just yet. He seems to know something that makes him more certain for Allen. I bet while Cross knows more about the Noah side, bookman might know more about the Innocence side. Which was why Bookman feared Apocryphos coming-
3 coming after them and how much faith he had in Hevlaska/Innocence making a prophecy about Allen's destiny. It might be just like w/Lavi and his covered left eye. Allen also had something unusual that made Bookman pick him but that ended up being bigger then he thought (or maybe Lavi's situation seemed similar to Allen's and Bookman picked him partly for that?). Either way I bet Bookman and Cross never interacted because they didn't want to arouse suspicion and jeopardize Bookman's mission.
You know, you’re completely right  but you just reminded me “Everyone who knew Nea knew or about each other” it reminds me that upon getting the very traumatized Allen back, Cross did go to Mother, a person whom we know, knows about Nea. If Cross was willing to trust her with that information, it’s very likely he would have been ready to trust Bookman as an unbiased watcher (since we have all sort of clue thinking at least Cross knows more secrets about the Bookmen than most) - especially if Past!A=Past Apprentice and that therefore Cross and Bookman are kinda obligated to keep an eye on each other.
Plus all you mention, Bookman knowing Nea’s weakness adds to it and ofc, Past!Allen=Past Apprentice would give Bookman even more personal reasons to keep an eye on it and Cross to at least hold his end of the barging. 
Tbh we can even wonder if Bookman didn’t know Allen would not let Nea take over too if he remembers his apprentice as being stubborn enough to not let it happen ahah, but joke aside, i think you have  a very good point.
Cross definitly seems to know more about the Noah side: he had tempered with Akuma, can impersonate a Skurl, knows how the Ark works, ect....Bookman knew where to find the innocences at least, seems to have an eye on the Order’s secrets and faith in the prophecy, but also yeah, more knowledge about Apocryphos and why they should fear him. I mean - when you think about it, Cross didn’t click Apo’s connection with Allen until before his death. Nothing on the crime scene would incriminate Apo. But the Bookmen knew. So yeah, strengthening more knowledge from Apo’s side. And besides, “Apocryphos”’s name litterally means “Religious Texts that were rejected by the making of the Official Bible”, linking Apocryphos to a litteral secret history there. 
As for why Past!A was chosen as Bookman’s apprentice, we don’t have enough info so far but i could see it be something that would at least... have Bookman be reminded of him upon meeting Lavi. Although depending on what’s under Lavi’s eyepatch, it could also be something more important about Allen’s ressurection than about his Past!self. But... we won’t know anytime soon orz.I do wonder why Past!A was chosen, I don’t think he was linked to the prophecy yet, but depending when he met the Campbell twins and how it would have been worth to keep an eye on it.. Not to mention Past!A has knowledge of the Helix to some advanced extends, so this could also play part in how important Past!A would have been as an apprentice.
One thng is certain like you say tho, is that Bookman and Cross avoided each other, or at least didn’t spend time together, which seems deliberate when Bookman joined the “saving Cross” mission specifically, that the two Bookmen reacted strangely upon hearing Cross might be alive, that Bookman is the only one to know about some of Cross’s skillset, the Bookmen setting themselves to record Cross’s revealations, and ofc, their reaction to his “death” - it all got too much focus. They have to have been connected somehow, and it all goes in the direction of not trying to actively involve each other into their plans.
In a way it’s better that way right? Cross is scrutinized by both the Order AND the Noah. Bookman ended up mostly free from being this scrutinized. Like you say, at this point it would just be better to not have a spotlight on what Bookman might know about Cross especially after Cross disappeared - and perhaps same logic about how they didn’t want the Noah to link Bookman back to Allen either. Which backfired like we’ve seen.
So yeah i’m 100% with you there and this is completely believable for me.
And at this point now, with Cross heading Allen toward the Campbell mansion where Bookman is? seems too much to be a coincidence. 
So yeah. Cross letting Bookman know of Allen’s whereabouts to the point Bookman decided to join the Order in preparation makes sense to me. Also yeah, the timing seems to work fine: could take 2/3 years for Cross to realize Nea isn’t coming up (perhaps pressed by Bookman telling him Allen won’t give up, but who knows) so after those few years, he tells Bookman he will send Allen to the Order when he will be ready, and Bookman immediatly try to find a way to sneak in (”linked to the third side of the war”). Besides if not to get too much suspisions on their intends, they had to come far before Allen did. Otherwise it would be “too much of a coincidence” that would have jeopardized their mission. 
So all of that makes a lot of sense to me. Now I just hope to see if any of this reflection is right?
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