smappybubbles · 10 months
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Screenshots from today's NaLu Day livestream!! Mashima-sensei really spoiled is this time ^~^
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pencilequipped · 1 year
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Lucy, Aquarius and Brandi at the Beach!
I was gonna do a quick Aquarius for Mermay but the call of Fairy Tail is too much so I did a whole scene.
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shizzlesisntevenaword · 5 months
so ik 100YQ is basically mashima’s stepchild at this point and NaLu is a Joke, reduced to mindless fanservice, but hear me out HEAR ME OUT
- Lucy NO LONGER DENYING when someone calls her out/teases her about Natsu. She no longer says “they don’t have that kind of relationship”, but is instead more skeptical that it can work out between them. That’s still PROGRESS, right?
- Natsu is more protective and lewd. I understand the lewd stuff is basically fanservice, but you can’t deny him running at the speed of light at the thought of lewd things being done to her without her consent AFTER PREVIOUSLY believing in and defending her strength isn’t some real cute stuff.
- Being each others’ rock. Lucy is basically Natsu’s conscience when he loses himself in his power and he counts on her, albeit unconsciously, to keep him human. Natsu is Lucy’s strength. He believes in her so steadfastly, asks her to fight with him, encourages her.
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hollie-artz · 1 year
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I just had to draw her in this new outfit
[ inspired by the newest 100 year quest chapter cover ]
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Loke Headcanons:
-Loke summons himself all the time. On Lucy's days off, he's often seen hanging around the guild too. Fairy Tail is his family too after all
-Cana refers to him as a Cat Boy and often groups him with the exeeds when talking. She does it just to piss him off
-Loke does in fact purr. It's very rare but one time Gray scratched his head as a joke and Loke subconsciously started purring.
-Him and Hibiki have drinks every couple months. It started off as Loke wanting to apologize for Karen's death, but the two hit it off and have become good friends.
-No one is safe from his flirting. Everyone in the guild is fair game, including the men
-The first time he entered the spirit world after Lucy saved him, he just stood there and sobbed. The other spirits ran to greet him, making him cry even more.
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rururi-chan · 3 months
The sun
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The moon
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fictionalnation · 1 year
So, I went down the rabbit hole of watching anime again. Fairy Tail. Am I regretting my decision? A little. I know i should be productive and work and stuff but like— AH. Not to mention as usual my main ship wont end up together.🥲 I just want one anime where my ships end up together yknow?? Even TV shows are difficult. I can only remember like one show where my ship ends up together (OUAT BLESS THEM😭). But I am falling hard for Graylu / GraLu. I can’t even see Natsu and Lucy as a couple and I am like 60 episodes in. Gray and Lucy have such a respectful and adorable relationship. And he really does care for her a lot. Gray lovessss her, i actually even prefer Loke and Lucy over NaLu. I just.. Dont see it. 🥲
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kiliinstinct · 1 year
Chapter 20:
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Rating: T Pairing: Nalu FF.Net || AO3
[Ch: 1] ||| [Prev] | [Next] -  Next Update: AUGUST 1ST
Beta: @phoenix-before-the-flame​
Yes you read the next update Date correctly. After this chapter, I’m taking a mini break to work on some other things before Chapter 21 Drops. So look forward to ���The Stone Prince’ and ‘The Colosseum’ getting updated in the near future!  Hope you enjoy!
The first day of dances left Lucy exhausted. 
She didn’t join in, but keenly observed the steps; the connection between others while enjoying the festive atmosphere that stayed strong into the night. The high energy was a treat, but it drained her, leaving her body to pass out the moment her head hit the furs of her bed that night and the ones that followed after.
The revelation that Natsu knew how to dance despite his constant denial claiming ‘Fire Dancing’ to be a different thing, alongside solving the mystery behind his aversion to her filled Lucy’s mind until the scenes repeated each time her eyes closed.  After his opening dance, he’d joined her in the crowd for a break and the following, awkward silence nearly took precedence over the courting dance. It was the first of the week with many to come. Cana explained that some couples waited for the final day, while others shared a dance each night. It wasn’t as much of a spectacle as Lucy had been led to believe. The music was nice- light and airy following the heavy rhythms of the fire dance before it, moderate in speed and those who danced followed no set steps. Not a single person danced the same as the other -though a few couples attempted to match with varying results. It was fun and exhilarating to observe. But Lucy firmly watched from the side, clutching her cane too tight and twisting her fingers in her skirt, denying  the want to join in. She realized it wasn’t the courting dance she yearned for, but to join any of them … the thought called to her. A sweet temptation that she stubbornly ignored. She could imagine herself roped into a dance by one of her friends, slow and clumsy, but following along to the beat, messing up the steps on the shifting sands, laughing along with the others. But Insecurity held her back while she glared ruefully at her throbbing leg. She’d ignored it to hug Natsu that first day; paying no mind to the fatigue settling in her bones or her draining stamina, but once it was over and they stood side by side, the soreness crept through her nerves like a burning illness. The returning walk home was a blur, save for the occasional, hesitant hand, steadying her.  Deep sleep was a commodity, with no strange dreams following suit for once. 
Natsu had come to meet her each morning after that, a smile brimming wide as he slung an arm over her shoulder. Lucy limped out the door with far less energy than the man before her. She was sore from the previous days, unused to the constant walking on sand for the festivities, but the heat of his arm around her was as relaxing as it was jarring. As if her leaping hug from the fire dance had broken down an invisible wall. The Draconis had reverted back to usual antics. His attention drew to the garlands on her door, eyeing each one curiously. Mirajane’s garland was left behind, resting atop the table, but Natsu’s gaze was drawn upward. “Ready to get into some dances today?” Natsu's attention returned to Lucy, ushering her down the road that was already full of people milling about. He exuded excitement as though it were part of his very magic. “Ooh, maybe you can do the Maypole with the kids? That’s a slower one. Just gotta watch your head with the ribbons since they're shorter than ya’. Ooor, there’s also a couple of others before my fire dance that ain't too crazy-”
He’d become talkative since the first day and Lucy, unfortunately, zoned out through most of it, focusing on the tension in her muscles and the way each step sent a shock up her spine. She considered sleeping in, allowing her body time to adjust, but inevitably decided against it. Lucy didn’t wish to miss a second of the Festival. A need deep inside her heart begged to experience every fleeting moment. Even if she had to begrudgingly watch rather than join. “I mean, you could even do the dumb courting dance thing if you really wanted- “ Natsu was still talking, dragging Lucy back to reality with a lurch in her throat at the thought of participating in that one. Scrunching her nose, she gazed at him through her cringe.
“I know I’ve been here for a full season,” She began, wondering where his mind was going to assume she’d join in that dance out of all of them, “but I don’t think I know anyone well enough to consider courting.”
Natsu’s honest surprise took Lucy off-guard. As if he’d never considered the length of time being a factor in anything.  “Eh? So? I’ve seen some do it before ever knowing a person properly. They spent the rest of the year getting to know each other.”
“And what about the following year?” She pressed, eyebrow raised, “Did they dance again?” “... some of them did.” He hedged, looking confused. “You looked like you wanted to join in yesterday, is all.” “I thought the dance looked fun, that doesn’t mean I want to be courted!” She snapped, ignoring the way her cheeks flushed. The dance was enjoyable to watch, from what she remembered. While none of the couples followed a particular style and each dance was different from the next, Lucy recalled the flushed expressions on each couples face: the sheer thrill of being together with an intended partner. Clearing her throat, she peered at Natsu, curious.  “What of you then? Do you want to dance with someone?”
He recoiled from her, eyes wide at the thought. “Eh? No way!” He looked horrified. “I find that sorta thing weird. Why announce it like that when you can just tell it to someone straight?”
Lucy couldn’t bring herself to respond, mystified. Shrugging, he took her silence in stride and pulled her back to the gaming stalls. He was adamant they enjoy the side games to make up for their previous argument. Lucy assured him that it wasn’t necessary, but he remained unconvinced, having already made up his mind.
After three rounds of target shooting, he tugged her off to eat, gifting her a pastry covered in sweet powder while he inhaled one of his own and more. Then they were off again, finding more games for Lucy to attempt. There were so many, Lucy could hardly keep track of them, but with each new source of entertainment, the more she forgot her fatigue.
Natsu was onto something when he mentioned joining the children’s dance. The steps were simple, something Lucy felt she could do with minimal effort and take a break in between. When they stopped to watch a few, she considered it, but her feet stayed firmly planted in the ground, still as a statue. She watched Natsu join with bursts of flame, causing the children to shriek in delight but even his own form of ‘dance’ was reserved, held back from its usual heat and passion. If fire wasn’t the main attraction, he wasn’t interested.
When he said as much, Lucy bit back a giggle, hiding her amused grin behind slim fingers. Natsu mirrored her with his own and all tension from the previous days was long forgotten. It was hard to believe any was there in the first place.
For one, fleeting moment, Lucy spied Erza and Freed over his shoulder and through the crowd, snapping at each other, expressions grim from exhaustion as they strolled back to the old walls surrounding them. It was a curious thing that made her wonder, but before she could bring it to Natsu’s attention, Gray and Cana burst through the throng to drag her and Natsu back to one of the many gaming stalls they’d enjoyed earlier.
Apparently, Lucy noted, everyone was a whirlwind of energy when they wanted to be and Gray made his intentions clear when they made it to the target-shooting stall. Lucy realized she and Natsu hadn’t returned to it since the first day, flushing at the memory. “Bet I can hit more bullseyes than you, Natsu.” Gray challenged, deftly spinning a slingshot between his fingers with ease. He ignored the way Natsu bristled in response. Cana clucked her tongue, arms swung over his and Lucy’s shoulders, a knowing smirk resting on her lips. “And I’m betting they’ll both hit the exact same amount, then bicker about it for the rest of the day like a pair of dumb kids. So we’re gonna find out. If I’m right, Gray owes me booze.”
“How can I owe you anything? We don’t charge money here.” “I get your portion, duh.”
Gray snorted, but gave no reply. The challenge was on and Lucy could hardly get a word in while the two Roma’s moved into position while Natsu gathered up his own slingshot. Lucy grew too absorbed in the competition to think of much else after that, forgetting the curious, grim expressions of Erza and Freed from before.
Near the entrance of the old prison, Freed heaved for breath. He sucked in oxygen as though he were drowning and cleared his throat. The effort to do so almost sent him into a coughing fit, burning at his already raw throat. He'd rushed through the village crowds with a wildness unbefitting of him in order to find one red headed Romni. It took more from him than he anticipated. Green hair cascaded down his shoulders in a matted mess and stuck to his sweaty, heated skin, resembling a bird’s nest. With the sweat dripping down his brows , his fingers shook to wipe it. 
They didn’t shake from whatever ailed him, no -
-But at the mere thought that he was possibly failing. And putting them all in danger.
“What is this about Freed?” Erza asked, voice controlled by a thin layer of concern. Excited was an understatement for her newest high score at her third game of the afternoon, but being tugged away from the festivities put a damper on that. If not for Freed’s inability to parse full sentences together in his haste, she may have ignored his unusual insistence she join him by the cells. 
She crossed her arms, looking him over, “If I recall, you were supposed to be on watch today, while I got the day off. What seems to be the issue?”
“I couldn’t find Laxus,” He rasped, voice dragging and falling off as he sucked in more air. Every second it took to breathe pained him and he clenched the fabric of his shirt in earnest. “I know he was supposed to be watching the outskirts, but-”
She raised a hand, urging him to catch his breath once more. “So I was closer: understood. Catch your breath and then get to the point. Quickly please.”
For him to be this frantic… Erza’s expression darkened as she looked back towards the entry doors further up the path. “Our prisoner. He's not-?”
The enchanter shook his head and slipped slowly to the ground, seating himself before his own legs could give out. "He is still inside, rest assured, but- .. something is …” A pause as he clenched his eyes shut as dizziness nearly overtook him, body visibly twitching, “My magic,  it’s…”
She moved to join him, a worried hand braced his back as she examined his pallid cheeks. He looked worse for wear, so much so that the thought of festivities no longer pulled her interest. His sunken cheeks and wheezing lungs filled her with concern; Her fears rose the longer she stared into his near manic eyes, waiting for a response he struggled to give. “Freed?”
“It’s gone.” He choked, hurriedly sucking in another breath. He gripped her wrist tightly with trembling fingers turned near white. “I don’t know how long my barrier has left, but I can’t watch him, not anymore. I’m-... I’m sorry!”
Erza felt her stomach lurch, as if being punched,  eyes widened as she moved to ease him against the outer wall. Once secured, she brushed the hair from his eyes and glanced around hurriedly, hoping by some chance for a sign of anyone nearby. Cursing when she saw none, she made a quick decision.
Someone had to watch the cell. The command she gave made Freed stiffen in place, tired eyes filling with shock and despair. “Stay here. I’ll handle it. Once you’re able to move or if someone comes by, find a way to get Makarov or Laxus.”  When he nodded his assent, she rushed to the fort’s doors, swinging them open with enough force to make the hinges screech. She spared one last glance at the sickly man. “Freed. Don’t push yourself until you’re certain you can move. Losing magic is fatal. Do not overdo it. That's an order."
She didn’t spare the time to see him agree, dashing through the stone halls, she rushed to make it to the cells. If his barrier failed before she got there… 
‘What damage could he do once he could access his magic?’ She didn’t want to find out. 
Something was off.
Like buzzing in the back of her head. A quiet warning,  but no direction could be discerned. Lucy felt it ooze over her thoughts, hooking tiny tendrils of doubt and uncertainty in the back of her mind only to stubbornly be cast aside.
Everywhere around her, faces were smiling. Laughter and music weaved in the air, one barely recognized from the other as the people enjoyed themselves, raucous, loud and free. The next courting dances were to start soon while Natsu and Gray's loud competition threatened to overtake the crowd, having tied in their competition, just as predicted. The day was too perfect, too entertaining, a stark difference from the tension that burned the edges of the first day. Lucy was determined to keep it that way.
Looking upon Natsu and Gray deciding to break their tie with another game, she sighed, wistful. She’d seen it before during her travels with the caravan, but now set it to stone.
The two Roma’s reminded her almost of brothers, constantly bickering, always attempting to one-up the other, but there was no true hate between them. No heat to the fire. Nothing tangible. It was the same everywhere she looked. This place, the villagers and nomads included, they were family. It was a comfort Lucy felt herself sinking into with each new moment added to her memories. 
At some point Cana disappeared into the crowd, no doubt on the hunt for more drinks and to spread mischief. She muttered a quiet, “See you at the dances,” before she went. Now it was just herself, giggling as she observed the antics of two boys refusing to admit defeat, resorting to elbowing each other grouchily, hardly paying Cana any mind when she left. Lucy assumed their rivalry would continue well into the night, but was stunned when both paused at the tell-tale changes in music around them. 
With the lighting of the torches and quiet, steady beat of the drums, Lucy recognized it just as they did. The next dances were about to begin.
Gray stiffened, ears going pink through the fringe of his dark hair as he glanced awkwardly between Natsu and Lucy, raising his eyebrows expectantly. When neither moved, watching Gray in bemusement, he grumbled, clearly frustrated at the lack of whatever reaction he was looking for. “So? You two just gonna stand there? You're gonna be late if you don’t hurry it up.” He mumbled, eyes glancing in every direction that didn’t meet their own. Lucy froze in place, blinking at him owlishly, uncertain how to respond while Natsu choked on whatever other challenge he was about to shout. Gray continued, jerking a thumb towards the beach where a few pairs were already breaking off from the crowd and making their way. “We can settle our score later, Natsu, don’t you two have a dance to get to? You don’t wanna skip out more than two days in a row do you? Shouldn't let stuff like this wait.”
A beat of silence passed between them. Then another.
Then the realization. “Oi! that’s not -” Natsu began, voice turning to steam in his mouth. 
Heart rose in her throat and threatened to overtake her entire face. Lucy stammered, abashed. “I’m not dancing! Especially not for that!” Why did everyone assume she was ready to court? She hadn’t even been there a year! 
Gray started, slack-jawed and ready to catch flies. The disbelief on his face quickly shifted to mild annoyance, pinching the bridge of his nose with a groan as he listened to their denials, their words tumbling over one another. Lucy wasn't sure which of them was more embarrassed. Gray threw up his hands, cutting them off. “For the love of- I thought with the whole matching get ups that you- … You're joking right? I knew Natsu was oblivious, but I didn’t think it was contagious. You know what? Whatever, I’m out of here. Before it spreads. I owe Cana her drinks anyway.”
The two continued to protest, but Gray waved them off and kept his stride, hand lowering as the crowd swallowed him.
Lucy covered her face, turning her attention to Natsu, eyes peeking through her fingers. Similarly, he couldn’t look her in the eyes. The beginning of the dances thrummed the rhythm of drums through the ground and the crowd dispersed, slowly thinning as onlookers moved to witness the birth of brimming, young couples. Or the death of some, she vaguely recalled, thinking of Cana. Lucy was rooted in place, uncertainty freezing her as Natsu played with the ends of the red scarf on his head, avoiding her gaze. “So.. uh- “ He drawled, reaching for any source of distraction, “You’re not going to do.. Any dance…..at all?” At the sight of Lucy’s expression turning dark, Natsu backpedaled, “Not the courting one! Just, any of ‘em? Lisanna taught you the basic ones, right? Really not gonna try a few out?”
If Lucy had, at any moment, appreciated Natsu’s ability to cut through an awkward moment and change the subject, it was then. She clutched his questions like a lifeline. Lucy cleared her throat and motioned towards her leg, standing strong, but still braced by the cane in her grasp. Gnawing her bottom lip, she considered the situation and cursed her inability to heal at a normal pace. 
“She did teach me a few,” Lucy admitted, recalling their first meeting and Natsu witnessing the end of the practice session that followed after. She enjoyed that memory. Loved every moment Lisanna had taught her the movements with unending patience and enthusiasm.
For the first time in almost a year, Lucy had felt her body move, free from the dull thud of her chained magic and memories of pain chased away with each fumbling step that she had taken. However, that fun night didn’t lead to any form of mastery, and self-doubt riddled her words as she continued, “but I can’t claim I remember them all.” 
“Who says you gotta remember 'em all?” Natsu snorted, head tilting off towards the Maypole, silhouetted by the stars and torches in the distance. “Only dancers like Lisanna are perfect at them, y’know. You don’t gotta be like that.”
Lucy’s flush burned anew, “I know, it’s just.. ,” she reached for words that refused to surface and frowned deeply, “Well my leg is already sore and I just…” Push through, Lucy, you can say it! “I don’t want to….get in anyone's way?”
Whatever Lucy was expecting, Natsu wincing like her words struck him was not it. Instantly his countenance changed. A spark of yellow flashed through his eyes and his body grew tense, as if holding back an unknown reflex. Growling low, frustration welled inside and he reached to grasp Lucy by the shoulder, gaze burning with an intensity that left her confused and breathless. 
“Uhh- “ Was her intelligent response. Her eyes glanced between his serious expression and the calloused fingers that gripped her, “Is something wrong-”
“There is,” He paused and Lucy realized he was considering his words beforehand. A sign he was to be taken seriously, she’d learned. His grip tightened slightly, regaining her attention as he decided his phrasing, “why do you have to be so weird and think you could ever get in the way? Everyone just wants you to enjoy yourself. Even if that means resting up that leg and clapping along on the side if that's the best you can do. No one's watching to see you mess up”
"Oh…" She exhaled a soft breath, stunned. A surge of emotion pricked her eyes and she sniffled, nodding silently as the barest hint of a relieved smile curled along her lips. “That’s- .. I think I needed to hear that- “
Natsu however wasn’t finished. His hand slid along her arm to grip her fingers, warmth passing through him to warm the chilled digits. Foregoing an explanation he gently tugged her through the crowd, leading her off through the stalls and away from the beach. Away from… the beach?
“If you’re not confident enough to dance with everyone yet,” Natsu said, gaze fixed on the tree line beyond the village, “Then maybe this’ll help.”
She wanted to demand answers, to dig her feet into the ground and see just what was going through his mind in that moment, but the warning still sung in the back of her mind and the stars above sparkled brightly in earnest.
They shone above as tiny whispers spoke within her heart and soul, urging her to follow and his hand, far gentler than she was used to, continued to lead her through the easiest path, never jarring her leg for a second. Natsu was careful. So careful. Curiosity won and Lucy allowed herself to be tugged away, far from the music and dances, far from the gazes of the villagers who watched her and Natsu’s every move. A quiet want for a tiny, small adventure led her on and the stars above urged her to continue.
She trusted him after all and could find no other reason to deny him at this moment. 
Further and further from the village, Natsu led her up the inclines nearest the woods, veering off the path that would've taken them to Porlyusica to forge his own way, pushing past the curling thicket and thin branches with confidence. 
Determined and steadfast, he knew exactly where he wanted to go and Lucy went along with a little stumble each time the pace grew too much for her. Natsu always paused then, uttering a sheepish apology before urging her to follow yet again. It reminded her of their first venture through the woods. After that dreadful landslide and before her magic illness had taken complete hold.
He’d led her through the thickets with ease then, stamping down the grass to help her follow along. This time however, impatience overruled logic and after a few more stumbles, he swooped in to lift her, arm holding her legs and skirts together as he moved, a snicker escaped at her surprised squeak. Lucy’s yelp echoed through the brambles as a few birds took flight, startled out of their sleep. “Was that necessary?”
“Do you mind?” He asked belatedly, but Lucy bit down the sass, recognizing his intention that belied the outcome. She shook her head and sighed, fingers clutching her cane as she wrapped an arm around his shoulders. It was a familiar comfort, one her aching leg relished upon as the sudden freedom allowed her stiff muscles to relax.
“I’ll hold off from lecturing.” She decided after a few seconds, eyes looking to the darkened skies above. Glittering stars peeked through the leaves that littered above their heads, lighting the way alongside the strange orange glow of the moon. Her eyes narrowed, something tugging at the back of her mind. She hadn't noticed that before. “Only because you’re in such an obvious hurry.” She murmured, distracted.
Natsu’s responding smirk was all the answer she needed. Smugly, he tightened his hold and sped up, ignoring the grains of sand that drifted from their clothes and how the echoes of music slowly began to fade the further they went along. Soon, the glow of the festival was far behind them. The night sky illuminated the path before them, if it could even be called that. and Lucy squinted to keep track of it. Just where was he going?
When she asked, he chuckled, unbothered by the low light. “You’ll see.” He simply said. The grin he flashed her brought a strange heat to Lucy’s chest. She rolled her eyes, recognizing his need to uphold the mystery.
“I think everyone but me knew you could dance,” She accused, eyes narrowing sharply. “So what’s all this secrecy about?”
“They don’t know I can dance. I made sure of that.” Natsu argued, fingers heating lightly to warm her now that the night air began to bring its early spring chill. “You saw the fire dance, right? I goof up all the others.” After a pause, he added, “Keep that between us, yeah?” “You-.” Lucy began, mouth agape, “You do it on purpose?  Even Lisanna thinks you have two left feet! If she found out-”
“That’s why I asked ya’ to keep it between us!” Natsu whined, voice revealing his sudden pout. “It’s easier to avoid stuff when people think you suck at it.”
Lucy opened her mouth to argue, more than prepared with the memory of Gray’s earlier assumption in her mind, but his implications caught in her throat and she realized his idea had less to do with dancing and everything to do with… with… realizing Gray’s obvious thoughts towards their relationship.
 Lucy bit her lip, hiding her face in the crook of Natsu’s neck to avoid his observant gaze.  “And yet you did a perfect Fire Dance. Are you sure everyone isn’t just pretending for your benefit?”
“They’re not the same thing!” The retort was a repeat of his words the day before and he jostled her playfully.  Her answering giggle went ignored and she tweaked his ear in response. With a yelp, their discussion continued. 
Back and forth they bickered until the shrubs and twigs gave way to an open clearing surrounded by trees that towered into the sky. Lucy wiped stray leaves from her and Natsu’s hair before drinking in the scene before her.
The stars have never been clearer, shining proudly with no wisp of cloud in sight to bar them.  The corners of the sky almost seemed to glow with the distant red hues of the bonfires down below, but everything was paled by the moon. Risen in position far above their heads and an ever darkening red orange, it loomed above them, encircling the clearing in a warm gentle light that painted the tips of each strand of grass. Lucy could hear the crickets start their chirping and an owl made itself known through the darkened trees. It was clear, in that moment- and in the way Natsu slowed his steps, carefully setting her down with a gentle hand on her shoulder- that this had been his target all along. 
The clearing was far removed from the coastal village and Lucy wondered how Natsu had come across it. When she asked, voice heavy with awe,  he gave her a noncommittal shrug.
He intended to keep his secrets for now, leaving Lucy in the dark.  
“If I’m gonna dance where no one can see me, where else would I go?” His rhetorical question hung between them while his fingers trailed down her shoulder to grasp her wrist instead, urging her to follow his lead once again. Uncertainty almost slowed her pace, but she’d gone this far with him and continued onward, her cane barely brushing against the ground before she was urged to step forward again and again. The grass had yet to grow to its full height, brushing along the hem of her skirts as they shuffled to the center. 
It felt as though Lucy had stepped into a new world with him, the village pushed to the recesses of her mind. But the steady thumping of the drums echoed with a gentle beat, barely reaching her ears, but enough to ground her to reality.  
“We’re so far from everything.” She pointed out, foot tapping against the ground. “ If we're supposed to dance, how can we without music?”
"Can't you hear the drums? That not enough for you?"
"Hardly." She complained, "I have to strain if I want to follow along."
“ Well I can hear 'em just fine. But that doesn't matter. Don't need it either way.” Natsu stated, turning to face her as he swiped the cane faster than she could blink. 
“Hey-!” Lucy’s surprised shout cut off when he tossed it to the side, the soft thud echoing its location. “What are you doing? I NEED that!”
That teasing grin was back. “No you don’t.”
Lucy fixed him with a stare, unamused.
He repeated himself, mischief filtering through his every word. “You don’t need it. I’m here.”
“That doesn’t make sense!” Lucy argued, “How are you supposed to teach me confidence I don’t have if I can’t even hold myself up to do it?”
He didn’t answer her. Not with words.
Natsu stepped into her space and Lucy thought for a moment he was about to scoop her into his arms again. Instead, he braced her elbows, pulling her to him until the tips of her feet touch his own, leaving hardly any space between them. He was close.
Too close. She thought.
Far too close.
Her eyes were level with his chin and neck. Turning shy, Lucy tilted her gaze downward, unable to meet Natsu’s, only to immediately regret the decision as his broad chest came directly into view instead. He still hadn’t put his undershirt back on since yesterday's dances. Coughing, she frantically looked further down at their feet, focusing on the straps on their sandals, the blades of grass, anything but the sudden change that had her heart threatening to climb up her throat. All while struggling to question his intentions. The trees felt restrictive, threatening to close in on her and swallow her in darkness.
“Uh, wait, Natsu. I- I can't. I don’t-”
He interrupted with her name, voice as low as a whisper, dark eyes intently staring at her own when she finally met his gaze. “Breathe. Just say the word and I’ll back down.”
Lucy’s mouth became dry and the pieces of her world and their current predicament shifted away from her like sand.
“I-” She was confused, not uncomfortable, but it felt embarrassing to say. Everything felt too much. too embarrassing. Her emotions ballooned out of control as she struggled to make sense of them. Her fingers turned white from the pressure she dug into his arms, bracing herself as he held her up. Her toes wriggled, brushing against the edge of his sandals and with another tug, she came to a mystified realization.
The pressure on her leg, it was gone. The soreness of her knee, barely a memory. Natsu’s arms not only braced her, but held her up, keeping the weight off her legs as she considered him. Despite the tension in her arms, he was keeping her still, safe.
She- she was safe. She swallowed a deep breath, feeling the cloud of fear ebb away. Her stomach flipped and her grip relaxed. 
Lucy said nothing. She didn’t have to. And Natsu’s understanding smile was warm, unguarded and another piece of Lucy’s worries dropped away. “All right. Move your feet then.”
Lucy’s nose scrunched, her confusion renewed.  “Move them where exactly?”
“Onto mine, duh.” Natsu huffed, almost irritated that she wasn’t getting the point yet. “How else am I gonna teach you?”
“You can’t be serious.”
He grinned, “Oh I definitely am.”
She had no answer. No sound escaped as she stared, stupefied. He wanted her to... “That’s been your idea this entire time?”
“Well, yeah,” He raised a brow, head tilting as if he didn’t once consider how ridiculous the whole notion was. “It’ll be easier on your legs right? And you can feel each movement with your body. Muscle memory is great and you won't be too sore tomorrow as a bonus!”
She almost said no. It was silly. Too silly. Why drag her out here, with the stars as their only witness, so far from the festival just to have her dance on his toes like a small child? Is that how he saw her? A child?
Lucy couldn’t deny the ease on her knee, and his careful consideration of her pain argued with her offended feelings. He was trying his best. For her. Despite how nervous his proximity made her, Lucy couldn’t voice her annoyance. Not now. Not when he looked so excited to share this with her.
She grasped his shoulder, and shuffled carefully to stand atop his feet. Her other hand moved to grasp his awaiting one, squeezing their digits together.
It was just one dance. What could it hurt?
“Okay. Fine.” Lucy agreed, feeling his warmth spread through her entire nervous system, “Teach me.”
And he did.
It was an awkward and clumsy start. Lucy’s concerns were fair. Not only was Natsu’s sandals hard to grip, her own movements caused the two to stumble more than once as he began to move her to a silent beat. There were also a few moments where somehow he almost stepped on her feet.
The pace began too fast and she slipped, almost sending them crashing to the ground, but Natsu chortled and pulled her back without hesitation. It was all part of learning, he claimed, keeping her situated against him.  A few more false starts and stumbles that left Lucy’s head throbbing as she smacked into his chin and the two fell into a fit of giggles, over-taking all other sounds in the area. 
“This,” Lucy started, gasping for air as her giggles began to disperse, “Is ridiculous!”
“No,” Natsu argued, finally taking a much slower pace for her to keep up with, hands holding her securely as they moved side to side, twirling as they went, “It’s fun!”
As their little dance continued, Lucy began to realize that maybe, just maybe, Natsu was also learning. He met her halfway at each juncture, reeling in just a little more the longer it went on.
When his moments of speed left her dizzy he adjusted at each complaint that she issued. Natsu’s grin was a permanent fixture on his face, crinkling at the corners of his bright eyes while his fingers moved to warm her back. He held her with a gentleness that contradicted his very nature while through the laughter, missteps and almost disasters, she had to accept one simple fact:
It was fun. All of it.
The air was crisp and clear. The stars gleamed brightly above them and at some point, Lucy felt as if nothing else mattered. Her pain. Her grief. Each jolt of giggles and stumbles filled a yawning hole in her heart she had desperately tried to ignore for months. Natsu’s eyes glowed with the light of his inner fire, keeping his focus firmly on her. Their steps fell in line, slow and comfortable, sliding about the clearing. The moment was theirs and theirs alone, under the watchful gaze of the glowing moon that shone upon them, its cool light unreaching as Lucy tasted a touch of heat to the air. 
Embers danced in the air around them, they slipped from Natsu's skin and thickened to curling strands that wrapped her in warmth and ignited the ground beneath their shared steps.
“ - Natsu…?” Lucy questioned softly, but he didn’t answer. 
The tingle of magic now brushed from his palm to hers, the twisting coils raced atop her skin. His fire flowed from him unrestrained, warm and licking at the edges of her dress. Lucy realized - baffled- that she felt no pain, smelled no ash. There was no scalding heat. 
The flames were there and yet the world acted as if it were not. The magic Natsu sent through his fingers jolted through her own, firing up her body with each rhythmic pulse. It sent signals to every limb, pulling at her soul. Distantly, she recalled a time months ago, when she exclaimed her surprise at his control and he claimed, offended, ‘My fire doesn’t work like that!’ She experienced it now, the control he masterfully held, keeping his heat from endangering her and the world around them.
His magic. She could feel it as it called to her. 
She almost slipped at the startling revelation, but Natsu was prepared, arms quickly shifting to accommodate her, eyes reflecting the orange moon above. She saw herself in those eyes and her breath caught in her throat. He pulled her flush against him, leaning close enough for his lips to brush against the edge of her ear, voice a heated whisper.
“You think way too much.” He coaxed, a chuckle escaped with his words. “Now's not the time to think, Lucy. It's just us here and no one's watching ya'. Don’t fight it. Just go with the feeling.”
His words struck her at her core, loosening the lock on the part of her that was forcibly tied down.  Like a dam had burst, the tingle of magic that flared across her skin was no longer the choking sickness that threatened to strike her down.
No longer was it just the heat of his own fire, tempting her to release whatever barriers that had been placed upon her. In the seconds that spanned in that brief eternity, her magic answered the call, washing over her in a blinding flash, almost drowning out Natsu's before balancing out. A brilliant, soft glow mixed with the flames and arose around them like their own, personal night sky of twinkling yellows and sparkling orange embers. 
“There you go.” His withdrawal left her neck and ears cold, but the heat of their magic replaced it. Natsu slowed their dance, spinning them before coming to a near stop. Breathing in, he rested his forehead against her own. “That's better, right?”
Lucy couldn’t answer with words. Tears welled up in her shining eyes that spilled down her cheeks in a cascade of bittersweet joy while her fingers clung tightly to his arms, trembling with emotion.
How long had it been since she felt the pull of her magic without pain? Since it sang under her skin like an old friend that didn’t promise fever or seared through her like venom? Its waves rocked and pulled at her from within, suspending her mind in a fog of comfort.
How could she say anything when these emotions overflowed? 
Whatever feelings that muted her, Natsu only grinned in response. Words weren’t needed. Not for this. And Lucy had never felt more grateful than in that moment. 
Slowly, their dance began anew, the clearing now bathed in the light of their shared magic, and Lucy felt the whispers of the stars pricking against her senses. She never realized the pressure that built against her until it dropped and she had to marvel at the way Natsu helped bring it out of her.
How did he know? She mumbled the question, unwilling to part during that perfect moment and giggled when Natsu’s answering reply tickled the edge of her ear.
“Just doing what felt right I guess.”  It was such a Natsu type answer, Lucy accepted it immediately. She couldn’t hear the drums, nor the faint laughter of the festival down below, but she reveled in that fact, the privacy was a comfort that she needed. Lucy followed Natsu’s lead as she focused on the thrum of magic inside her, hanging onto that familiar glimpse of light for dear life Lucy.. 
… We’re so glad… We can help you now…
It had been weeks, no, months, since Lucy last heard the strange voices that echoed in her soul. No longer did she feel the slicing headache that came with it, nor the same confusion that struck her the first time. The voices entwined together, a formation of many and matched the sparkling of the stars above them. For the first time since her Clan was lost, Lucy recognized them for what they were. The very stars. They recognized her birthright and finally, she could hear them.
Lucy stepped off Natsu’s feet, enthralled. Golden tendrils of light circled her knee to keep her steady and she glanced towards the very friends she’d never known she had lost, who'd watched over her in her darkest moments . She took her first steady steps in almost a year. “I can hear them.” She whispered in awe, wiping the tears that stained her cheeks. “The stars are with us, Natsu.” She didn’t hear the Draconis' response as he let her slide from his fingers; he stood back to witness her spin on her own two feet, his smile a permanent fixture splitting across his face. How long the magic would hold her up, neither could tell, but it didn’t matter. Not when Lucy glowed with a smile so bright he thought it would steal away his very breath. He hadn’t realized how sad her previous smiles had been, but this one cracked through the barrier of her grief and revealed a Lucy he’d never seen before. She shined. 
The wind picked up with Lucy’s dance, rustling the leaves and grass around them as clouds rolled in, slightly covering the reddened moon high above them.
Natsu felt a chill run up his spine, one that was ignored in favor of Lucy’s brightness. Her laugh illuminated her entire countenance, enjoying the moment of freedom she finally possessed and he refused to let anything interrupt the experience. But something wanted him to notice. And with another heavy gust of wind, he heard the same voices he had heard just moments before the ground beneath him had swallowed him and Lucy up. The trees… Look…  to the …
“Lucy,” Natsu started, noticing her expression drop, recognition shining in her eyes, “Do you hear that-”
The wind died instantly. A choking stillness that threaded itself in the air made the blanket of clouds slow to a crawl, filling the empty sky with shadow.
The red of the moon still bled through illuminating the oily black darkness that sliced through the trees, drowning the remnants of Natsu’s fire, stifling the light from a startled Lucy. She crashed to the ground, the magic holding her fizzled out from the shock as Natsu bolted to her position, instinctively grasping her shoulders to pull her from danger. The shadows swallowed everything like a wave, pulling itself through the grasses and reared up like a beast, thinning to dagger like points that it bared at them, desperate for blood. A familiar voice, one that raised the hairs on Natsu’s neck in warning, broke through the trees in a gleeful cackle. “I found you!”  
The manic tone of Kage’s voice sent alarm bells through Natsu, reacting just in time to cover Lucy as the shadows engulfed them, the sharp, dark edges cutting through the fabric of his clothes to leave glancing scratches beading with blood. Lucy shrieked, hands pushing against him in a futile attempt to shove him from the onslaught.
“Natsu- “ She wheezed beneath him, “it’s me! It’s me he wants!” The wild declaration was too fast, too sudden. He knew she was right, and it cemented his body in place and his resolve, “He wants me alive Natsu, move!”
There was no response. Not in words. Just the budding of scales along his arms and face as anger suffused his body in dark flames.
The shadows that struck him clashed and burned and finally, his gaze met the desperate ones of their former prisoner, free and jumping through the bushes, his hands raised as he directed his shadows to his quarry. “What makes you so sure?” He asked, a tendril of his shades came bursting through the grass to strike once more. In horror, Natsu realized the wave of shadows came to circle upon them. His intent was clear. He was trying to take them both together. Rolling to the side, Natsu pulled Lucy over him, arms heaving as he moved on instinct. He still remembered the words spoken to him so long ago. Their instructions were clear and ringing in his ears. 
‘Don’t let her burn out…’
“Start running and don’t look back.” He ordered, shoving her with all his might towards the cane forgotten in the grass, his fanged grin was wicked in the low light, sharp and feral as more scales grew and hardened against his skin. Natsu met her terrified eyes with a now steady yellowed gaze, broken by thin slit pupils. The shadows swarmed to overtake him, “I’ve got this.”
Lucy’s scream pierced through the sky as sharp blades sliced once more, wrapping his body in a cloud of darkness leaving shallow cuts on his arms thrown up in defense.
But he moved too slow. Lucy couldn't miss the heavy burst of red that flew from the gash on his neck, painting the air and the tips of the triumphant blade that had found its mark. His angry roar was silenced.
Immense heat burst from his body, blazing through the shadows and circling the clearing. He felt the blood flowing freely on his clothes drenching the fabric in sticky warmth but that wasn’t enough to stop him.  Wetness coated the back of his throat, a metallic tang on his tongue made him curl his lips in a feral snarl.
A swirling cocoon of fire and darkness enshrouded him from view and he could no longer hear Lucy, but Kage’s laughter embroiled him. ‘... Draconis.’
If the stars knew what he was, who was he to deny them?
--- Tag List ---
@cobblepottantrum @pbfanart @lovelyluce @yuldragneel @mamabearcat @millennial-star-gazer @caandleworks @kaycha1989 @just-another-dream-girl @dlshieldss @ctay21 @gingerthesnap @acidrain1698 @clockworkassassino @caranikki-blog @doginshoe @unwei @moeruhoshi @mykingdomforachocolatecookie @melissa827 @littlejinxed @moonlitstargazerforever @squeep123 @bitch-stole-my-nutella-again @shadyhydrathesnekqueen
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luckychi7 · 1 year
Emotional Embrace From HarEli to NaLu  to Shicca
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Consistency is a very key thing in storytelling, and this is one of the many reasons why I love Hiro Mashima as a writer and a artist. The way he’s able to build up genuine romance between his characters:
Haru x Elie (HaruEli or HarLie) 
Natsu x Lucy (NaLu)
Shiki x Rebecca (Shicca) 
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grayluweek2023 · 7 months
Happy Garylu Week!!
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smappybubbles · 10 months
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Here's my obligatory NaLu day sketch! I wanted to draw Natsu and Lucy in the Ember and Frostbite armors from Tears of the Kingdom, because I thought the outfits really suited them! Maybe I'll finish it one day lol. I was at work all night and quickly tossed this together while on shift ^^"
Happy NaLu Day 2023 to all who celebrate! 🔥🗝️✨❤️
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tobethefairybest · 10 months
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My Lucy Heartfillia cosplay at Abunaicon 2023 last weekend ❤️
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I am on the ball with these chapters.
And the arc is almost finished now that the Cobra VS Natsu fight is finished.
Plus I only have 5 chapters left. I might have to start adding in chapters if things don't go exactly as planned since there are a couple of things that happen after the arc that need to be done and the same might happen for Edolus since I have such little wiggle room to work with at 6 chapters for that arc.
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hollie-artz · 10 months
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…”open gate of the dragon”…
Inspired by the dragon cry concept art , I really wish they gave Lucy this star dress in the movie.
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reviewvines · 2 years
Lucy Heartfilia
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A Fairy Tail practice drawing with Rim Lighting and yellow!!
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