#heartxshaped bruises
lxvefrxmthextherside Β· 1 year
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α΄˜ΚŸα΄α΄›α΄›α΄‡α΄… κœ±α΄›α΄€Κ€α΄›α΄‡Κ€ κœ°α΄Κ€ @heartxshaped-bruises
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It was a little past noon, right around the time for everyone to come barreling into the community lunch room. God, he hated the ruckus and the idle chit chat. Luckily, he didn't hate his daily talks with Dex.
As he sat, waiting for his friend to come sit at their normal table, a stranger emerged and plopped down in a chair next to him.
"Who the fuck are you?" Xander asked rather bluntly, eyeing the man up and down.
He'd been here a month, and Mr. Lewins had made sure to introduce him to everyone, much to his dismay.
So, when did this guy show up?
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thanaredreamtof Β· 1 year
πŸ–ΌοΈ [ felicity // oliver <3 ]
Foolish Love @heartxshaped-bruises
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β€œThere was something bout you that now I can’t remember
It’s the same damn thing that made my heart surrender
And I miss you on the train, I miss you in the mornings, I never know what to think about,
I think about you,
Do you think I have forgotten? Do you think I have forgotten? About you”
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lilxmcrtes Β· 11 months
Aeron has a soft spot on the back of his neck that if you massage it gently, he'll just fall apart. Melt into a puddle
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brokenblondeprincess Β· 1 year
@heartxshaped-bruises asked:
πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘§β€πŸ‘¦ (moodboard for family)
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betweenshadcws Β· 11 months
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Perhaps because demonic nature was so similar to the feline one they both blended so seamlessly in Grim. That caused the cat form to manifest in his love for tuna, catnip addiction and all the other small things that are essential for his fluffy specie.
When asleep this distinction surely was even more visible. The demons didn't need rest, they had no soul to retire. But as Grim found a sunny, heated spot in the lazy afternoon he slowed down, wrapped himself in a donut and closed his golden eyes. Soon his breath calmed down and all the walls that demon could have put up fell down.
He wasn't a cat though. He knew more of the world and he knew about creatures that would make pitbulls run for their money. In his dreams he fought with angels and other demons. And if he stopped to think he could wonder why angels were taunting him with sparkling golden fishies on a long rod.
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alxnetxgether-moved Β· 1 year
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@heartxshaped-bruises ❝ you look like a mess. ❞ [ violet // joe ]
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A deadpan stare meets the mask of the man speaking to her. Violet doesn't say anything despite the number of snarky replies that run through her head. She just stands there for a moment, trying to think of something to say that won't get her in trouble with her captor. He stuck her here.... where ever here is days ago! Unable to take care of herself and now he's telling her she looks like shit. It's hard to believe he can't see the irony, but that's what you get with crazy people.
"Can I get some water?" She finally asks figuring that would be a safe bet.
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savagecuhnt Β· 1 year
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nanlanmoarchived Β· 1 year
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@heartxshaped-bruises said : trace [ jess // tal ]
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Jessica lingered somewhere between awake and asleep. What once was a charade put on for friends and visitors had now become a nightly routine, even when their home was quiet and only the pair of them rested under its roof. The woman stretched along her husband's side with a deep sigh at the feeling of Tal's fingers along her skin. At first, the sensation stirred a half-awake smirk to form on her lips as chills chased the brush of his fingers from her shoulder down her spine. Modesty long since gone, she hadn't thought about the nightdress she'd chosen to wear to bed, the low back of it offering a reprieve from the warm night. It's as his touch rose and fell along the crests and valleys of the scars that peeked just above the gauzy fabric that the budding curiosity of where his exploration might lead dissipates.
There were parts of her life she'd pointedly avoided discussing with the fae, at first out of fear of him using it as fodder for his teasing then as that distance between them closed. . . The terrible things her father had done, the cruelty his anger had unleased, they didn't matter anymore and she didn't want to bring those ugly feelings where they weren't welcome. The cruel reality of bearing the scars of those awful moments, though, meant that try as she might to move on, her father's anger lived on her skin as a permanent reminder of all the "wrongs" she'd committed.
Usually bright gaze is dulled with embarrassment as she turned her head to study Taliesin's features. What would he think of her, now? Doe-eyes dance from his eyes to his mouth and back again, hoping to glean some sort of insight and her voice betrays that uncertainty as she speaks softly, "That was why I was so afraid to leave my home. Why I refused to marry. I couldn't leave Eden to bear his anger alone."
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interxstitial Β· 2 years
πŸ’­ + favorite pieces of clothing
HMMMMMM okay i have to break this down into categories bc jiwon is such a clothes person, if that makes sense?? also answering these for his main verse! \o/
tops: there is a very specific medium wash denim jacket that i’m picturing right now, with a handful of cute little buttons and badges like β€˜bee kind today!’ (shaped like a bee of course) or chubby cartoon ducks... it’s well-worn but still cosy and warm, doesn’t feel too heavy for spring nor too light for autumn. goes well with any outfit!
bottoms: any trusty pair of ripped skinnies! but the rips have to be in very specific places or he’ll strategically make them himself because he doesn’t want his surgery scars showing :’(
shoes: he once got a pair of YSL lug-sole oxfords from one of his tutoring students for christmas (in that they just kinda happened to give it to him during christmas while they were cleaning out their wardrobe) and jiwon loooves wearing these on special occasions. they’re his special shoes that make him feel confident and expensive !! he also has a pair of pastel rainbow high-top nikes that he worked very, very hard to buy for himself!
accessories: okay wait this one’s kind of hard because jiwon wears so many accessories 😬 he’s always got some kind of earrings, stackable rings on at least 3 fingers of each hand, dainty chain necklaces... his absolute fav would probably be this set of hair clips he has?? they came in a set and they’re all fruit-themed, so he’ll pick one that best matches his outfit. πŸ“πŸ’πŸ‰πŸ₯‘πŸ‹
ask jiwon anything: ACCEPTING!
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lxvefrxmthextherside Β· 3 months
@heartxshaped-bruises .... πŸ‘€β‰οΈJoe?! Lmao
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thanaredreamtof Β· 1 year
πŸ’‹ [ felicity // oliver ofc <3 ]
Based off of
Felicity lay back, her head rested on Oliver’s lap as they sat in the park. The sky was beginning to turn a candy floss pink, a sky reminiscent of their fun fair adventures, and she smiled as she listened to him read to her. Since he had come back, and she had forgiven him (it wasn’t that hard to) she was enjoying spending every waking moment, and every sleepy one too, by his side.
The June evening that captivated them, set the backdrop for the two lovers in the grassy area. There was a picnic blanket beneath them, and a mostly eaten pizza beside them, as they enjoyed the fresh air and each others voices. Felicity felt as though she could have dozed off, listening to Oliver’s soothing voice.
She moved her head from its resting position so she could look at him more clearly, see his eyes, and the lines on his face, and the hairs that fell around his ears and forehead. She smiled to herself, and when he noticed her gaze she shrugged her shoulders. β€œNothing” she said when he asked what was she looking at, β€œjust…thinking how glad I am to have you back” she said quietly, her gaze not breaking.
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As he put the book down, now paying more attention to the redheads gaze, Felicity leaned up closer. She pushed her hands beneath her to raise her properly to his level. There was a moments pause before she leaned in and pressed her lips to his. Her hands moved to the back of his neck, and she smiled against his lips as she kissed him. A part of her couldn’t believe that she was in Oliver’s arms again, and all of her knew she never wanted to be away from him again.
She pulled away after a moment and leaned her forehead against his. β€œIt’s late” she whispered, even though there was no need to be so quiet really, β€œlet’s go home”. Home, home was with him, whether it was on the grass in the park, or on the couch at her apartment, so long as she was with her Oliver, she was home.
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lilxmcrtes Β· 1 year
β—Β°β€’β˜† Headcanons β˜†β€’Β°β—
Music Taste
Eira - P.aramore, A.dele, 5.S.O.S., A.lec B.enjamin, M.arina, C.onan G.ray
Aeron - I.magine D.ragons, G.reen D.ay, S.um 4.1, N.irvana, L.inkin P.ark
Ryder - P.ierce T.he V.eil, B.lack V.eil B.rides, P.alaye R.oyale, M.y C.hemical R.omance
Tripp - M.etallica, T.hree D.ays G.race, F.ive F.inger D.eath P.unch, A D.ay T.o R.emember, H.ollywood U.ndead
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brokenblondeprincess Β· 11 months
😘 - from all the boys for Lu xD
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myriadxofxmuses Β· 2 years
πŸ’Œ Send this to the twelve nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get five back you must be pretty awesome. πŸ’Œ
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alxnetxgether-moved Β· 1 year
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@heartxshaped-bruises said: ❝ i have decided that i will no longer be thinking. not a single thought in this head, from this point onward. ❞ [ trev // emry ]
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Trevor doesn't even look up from his phone when he speaks, he simply lowers the coffee cup that was approaching his lips. "I thought you made that decision years ago Emry," he smirks as he slowly sets down his phone, attempting to cut whatever tension his roommate was feeling. "So, what happened, why are you turning off your brain?" He asks, knowing there's a story there, and it's Emry, so it's gotta be a good one.
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cursedvessels Β· 1 month
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NAME: jay/jules
PRONOUNS: xe/xem/xyr, they/them
MOST ACTIVE MUSE(S): Shimi, Elizabeth, Daianira
RP PET PEEVES: people not reading my info/about/rules
EXPERIENCE/HOW MANY YEARS: Uhhhhh I've been writing for probably somewhere close to 15 years now? Short stories, novels, fanfic, roleplay, script writing, poetry...etc, pretty much dabbled in everything, but writing song lyrics is a struggle
FLUFF, ANGST, or SMUT: I like a good mix of fluff and angst because I feel one gets a little bit boring without the other...too much angst and you lose the energy and desire to keep writing, too much fluff and it gets boring and standstill, balance is good
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: I love having a mix of both, but I unfortunately have a tendency to ramble, which i think makes people think they too need to make their replies long when, in fact, i don't mind as long as it's fitting for the thread ++ there's enough to go off of
TIME TO WRITE: I'm not entirely sure what this means? But I guess if we're talking how long for replies, that's extremely variable, so I don't really have a good answer. I love to back and forth with people when possible, but it's also dependent on muse...otherwise it can take anywhere from a few days to a few months...I know, I'm terribly inconsistent
Tagged by: @noiranamnesis - thank you πŸ™πŸ»
Tagging: @heartxshaped-bruises @gollldrush @miidnighters @sacredpyre
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