#thanks so much for this
lostinthe--stars · 2 months
You’ve inspired me to become an author on Ao3, I love your works. So, what’s inspired you?
Hey! Thank you so much <3
What has ultimately inspired me is a bit of tough question to answer properly, and I feel my answer may also end up being cliche.
I grew up loving to write. I was always a creative child and loved coming up with characters.
As I got older and I got into more movies/books/tv shows, I had all these ideas for stories within those worlds, with the characters, and there was so much I wanted from the source material.
Then I got even older and discovered fanfiction, and it was everything I wanted! I read for a few years, while having all these ideas myself and things I wanted to write. So then I did.
I get ideas from many different places, often it’s hard to pinpoint where I get my ideas from or why. Most of the time it’s something I’d want to read myself.
So ultimately, I guess what inspires me is my love for different characters and the things I want to see.
Hope this answers your question, and thank you again!
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professoroaksboytoy · 2 months
For the why I followed question: You're cute, seem really nice and friendly and bonus; your posts are usually great [I'm even fighting my shyness/awkwardness and saying this off anon since you seem that good].
Aww you are so damn kind to say all that. I like to think I am nice and friendly but I am also super shy so sometimes come off a little cold 😅
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takearisk-x · 5 months
OK 100% the diabetic cat. It's sooooo hard to write funny stuff, and that part always makes me laugh. Thankyouuuuuu
sldjhfksjdhfglsl the fat cat that haunts the apartment building is one of my favorite tpfy characters
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I'm sorry if this comes out of nowhere, but I was thinking about r//nance, lol. So, like in canon for me, it was ooc for Robin to want to befriend the girl who broke her bffs heart so badly, bc why would she you know. So I keep thinking maybe Steve, who already blames himself, just doesn't really say negative things about Nancy, like he deserved this kinda treatment. I mean still I wouldn't want to be friends with that person who makes my bff feel that way, especially because I heard rumors about cheating and Nancy did move on pretty quickly, like not even a week so that would raise red flags. Anyway, if we all ignore this and Robin thinks of Nancy as this great amazing person who she wants to spend time together, wouldn't she then ask Nancy about Steve and their relationship?? And if so, wouldn't Nancy then have to admit to Robin how she used Steve as a placeholder? And if Robin finds the whole truth, wouldn't she want to stay far away from Nancy? Like it just wouldn't make any sense, realistically why Robin would want to be close to her after everything. It wouldn't matter if Steve would only say positive things about Nancy or reassure her the hurt he felt was only because of his mistakes. Robin is smart she would piece one and one together, Nancy hurt her best friend, and she wouldn't let this slide. This is why I hate this whole plotline about Robin kissing Nancy's ass in s4, I know the show doesn't acknowledge Nancy's mistakes in Stancy, but omg. Not everyone has to be best buddies, especially if there is history.
It was sooo ooc for Robin to act this way, like she should have been wary and maybe a bit cold to her. If Steve was my best friend, I would not whorship the ground his ex walks on. Robin seems like to have the same principles. In Rebel Robin, she hates it that Barb ditched her for Nancy, like idk how canon those books are but if it's true it's another thing why Robin should have been at least a bit bitchy.
The fandom and the show, but mostly the fandom, just wants everyone to be bffs, disregarding the major conflicts and mistakes. Like no realistically, Jonathan and Steve won't be friends, Jonathan is Nancy's boyfriend who knowingly cheated with her on Steve. Steve and Nancy can't be friends because of the messy breakup. Like every teen is like negatively linked to someone, which creates this clusterfuck. The only reason why the kids can all be friends is because they never cross-dated and genuinely like each other. The teens are only together in the group bc of trauma, not because they want to.
it’s totally cool! i love talking about this :) yeah it was quite weird especially cuz she had reservations before about nancy and now she changed it like at the flip of a hat - it’s so weird. yeah i think steve totally believes he was at fault for the relationship so i don’t see steve telling robin an unbiased version anytime soon of how he was the one at fault. yes about the hearing rumors! okay i find it odd how fandom has no problem judging what tommy says in season 2 and doesn’t realize the implications that the entire school knows something is going on with nancy and jonathan. also people were at a party when steve and nancy had their fight so i do not see anyway really trusting their judgement that something even happened between the two of them cuz everyone was drunk and not fully paying attention. all people know is that steve and nancy had a bickering over and steve left without nancy like i don’t think people would only come to the conclusion that they broke up. like there would be so many different rumors about this situation - none of them where nancy and jonathan come out to look like good people in the public’s eye so robin who already had reservations about nancy wouldn’t want to make friends with her after knowing that she possibly cheated or that she just didn’t care about steve. yeah robin kissing nancy’s ass makes no sense like why ‘she’s full of surprises isn’t she?’ like ngl that comment didn’t make sense to me cuz robin herself was never really surprised at nancy on screen about her guns or etc.
omg yeah robin would totally ask about it but ngl i kind of don’t see nancy even admitting that she was also at fault. like she already has no problem not admitting her mistakes in canon and she heard steve say that he was a shitty bf (which i don’t agree with) but i can hardly see nancy having to admit that steve was a place holder to his best friend of all people. also like i think it would be in character for nancy to not admit anything cuz she doesn’t think she did anything wrong.
yeah robin could have acted cold to her like i genuinely think she would have the same energy that she at first had with steve in the first place with nancy! like regardless if robin did feel comfortable now in her own skin - she wouldn’t just automatically trust nancy! or even enthusiastically try to make friends when she had reservations about nancy in the first place! SHE CALLS NANCY A PRISS! and like you said about the rebel robin - she has a bunch of reasons to not like nancy (although i don’t think the books are really canon but honestly i love robin being friends with barb and then being upset that nancy came along and took her from her)
fucking everything you said in the last paragraph!!! the fandom just wants all of the teens to be besties and it’s like that’s not even remotely canon or how the characters feel!!! it’s also not how any of the dynamics are in canon ! like idk what fandom’s obsession is with making everyone want to be canon bestie cuz it’s so much more interesting when they aren’t! cuz they aren’t in canon!!!! and yes everything you said about the party too! literally everything you said in that last paragraph is so perfect
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avspol · 2 years
Jean Pierre Goncharov
wow i can't believe this was the main character in martin scorsese's hit 1973 mafia movie
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theaceofarrows · 2 years
Darius, Eda, Raine, Alador, Gus' dad (I'm pretty sure his name is Perry), and Willow's dads should start a club/support group called "help how do i parent this emotionally scarred teen"
Your right, they absolutely should. Their kids need therapy and they need support
So... I saw this ask and it sparked an idea that I got a little carried away with...⬇
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They all own one of these t-shirts to wear to their bi weekly meetings (I couldn't decide on the design), and yes, Raine absolutely named them the "Parents Of Traumatized Teens" AKA the "POTTs" *trauma noises*. Sorry I couldn't think of anything more clever to than that. It took awhile lol
This was great! I was a having a creativity block, so thanks so much for sending this!!
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kissing-monsters · 2 years
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jesus christ
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weirdnerdstr · 1 year
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The Electric Mayhem in Muppet Babies 2018
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jessica-writes22 · 2 years
You don't have to post this one, I just wanted to remind you that princes/princesses aren't limited to the children of queens/kings! They could be siblings of the queen/king, people who married the children of the queen/king, or a prince/princess consort. The last one is basically someone who's married to the queen/king but didn't get the title of king/queen too. Royal titles and stuff are a little complicated lol
Thanks for this!!!
I totally forgot about those, royal titles certainly are complicated lol
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re-decorate · 2 years
Honestly, I don’t know what to say as far as reasons to go on, because I don’t know your values, the things that click with you, the things you love - but I just hope that you do stick around. Know that a stranger saw your message and was moved to say something, I hope that helps. You are loved - I am sure in your personal life, and I feel compassion for your struggle too. I have been there before and I know when you’re in a place like that it seems like a dark hole with only one bad exit. It’s not true! Please take care of yourself, sleep if it’s bedtime, have a good meal, stay hydrated - these things will not cure you but will surely give you a better footing to face the next day. - @vulture-who-feeds-on-pain
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tariah23 · 4 months
Oh…. Well, it’s over for Crunchyroll I guess
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hansoeii · 10 months
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we go just right.
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i totally get if you don't want to talk about it anymore, feel free to delete this if that's the case! but i saw your posts about the st poll thing and i just wanna say that i totally get how you're feeling. i made a few joking posts about it and ended up having some severe anxiety because i thought some crazy people would send me some very unkind things or something :")
i truly don't understand why, when it comes to steve harrington, there will always be a part of this fanbase who will immediately dismiss you. for instance the part of the fandom that does scene analysis and stuff here on tumblr really intrigues me! and i thought of joining it a few times and making a few posts but if you aren't like. 100% dedicated to either byler or something else that they like then you just kind of are seen as a joke. i'm the kind of person who really likes theories and analysis but also really enjoys silly things, and there's like. no room for that with them? idk i think maybe i'm gettinga bit off topic so sorry for that but genuinely i don't understand why we can't just have a favorite character without being attacked senselessly. this whole ordeal has left a major bad taste in my mouth as well :/
It’s cool - I’ll talk about it as I’ve calmed down now a little bit m lol. Also it’s so funny how I was literally on your blog as I got your notification.
Yeah ngl when I also posted that stuff I felt nervous too honestly but also I was just in a little rage mood so that helped into wanting to post it. Also I hope no one sent you anything bad about the posts you made about it.
Yes yes yes! It’s insane to me how it’s always Steve that people will just dismiss you because you like him or just say the most hateful shit. Also like I love all the characters but just post more about Steve which is ironic that these people are doing this considering that some of their blogs talk about mainly their fav characters while they like other characters. And yes yes yes about the analysis stuff like all of the other blogs seem to have a pattern of just being ride or die for some other stuff and like they do intrigue me of the theories and stuff. But somehow they’re the ones who always just end up dissing Steve or people who like him and the majority of them are like heavy byler blogs. So despite it also intriguing me their side of the fandom: it also just like wants me to get away from them. So I totally get what you mean about all of this.
And same like it’s totally normal to want the theories and analysis but also have the silly stuff. Having that balance is perfectly normal and don’t feel bad for going off topic. And yeah same like I genuinely don’t understand what’s so bad about liking Steve that people will attack others for it. idk what they even get out of it at this point. Like it’s not a good look on people and it’s just going to make others have a grudge against them so I honestly don’t even understand what they’re trying to do now. And same yeah it’s just left a whole bad taste in my mouth too because like it was a stupid poll. Hell a poll that other people who don’t watch st could have seen and just picked a character because they were familiar with it or just their finger slipped and they didn’t want to pick who they wanted (I accidentally did this on the poll cuz I thought Steve was the first option so I accidentally hit Mike 💀) . Like just because an option is winning a poll in fandom stuff it doesn’t actually mean much like I said people who don’t know anything about st could have just choosen one that they were most familiar with. A poll doesn’t just stay within a fandom just like a post that’s about a fandom with the characters sometimes doesn’t stay in only the fandom space. It’s just wild to me how this was the only poll that actually had drama like all of the other polls had the word protagonist and no one was going crazy about it at all. But suddenly cuz you add Steve to the mix these people want to create drama like hello hes a main character as this is an ensemble show and he’s literally been on all the posters except for season 1 because he was considered a side character then but now in season 4 he is not a side character at all. Hell even in season 2 he wasn’t considered a side character and was pretty important to the plot. Lol this was a long rant cuz j have a lot to say about it so I’ll shut up now before I go on an even longer rant.
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theaceofarrows · 2 years
I just want to tell you how much I love your Owl House posts and I love your AroAce memes even more
Thank you so much!! That really means a lot to me and inspires me to make more. I should have some more up soon, I've just been really busy lately
Once again thank you for sending this!<3
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daikaiju-arts · 1 month
May we see some Gangle x Pomni plspls I just like them in your style 🙏🙏
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I don’t necessarily ship them romantically per se, BUT I do like to think of them as being close friends 💚 I friendship them lol
Also a Bonus:
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canisalbus · 6 days
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✦ Freshly ordained ✦
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