#hello ladies and gentlemen i woke up today and decided to be in emotional pain
murdererofthumbs · 2 years
What gets me every time is how each of Roy siblings latch onto Logan’s approval and faux affection as if it’s last ounce of oxygen they could get. Literally like it’s their lifeline, and it gets them into his trap every.fucking.time. His abuse and narcissistic parenting twisted their idea of what love should look like in such a persistent way that when they are met with actual affection they don’t know what to do with it. Because for them love is a game, it’s a competition and everything they experienced made them eerie, because they know that when it comes to their father - they always lose. I feel like this lack of power, complete lack of control makes them seek it, or makes them force the complete detachment from it.
Shiv restores her power dynamics by treating Tom like he is lesser than her; Logan’s misogyny and lack of acknowledgment of her as a capable person and equal to her brothers makes her seek (and abuse) this power in her marriage. But she also wants to be loved, wants to be able to have someone that could actually emotionally respond to her, but who isn’t carrying her family’s forsaken genes that make them all cold and repressed and so detached from everyone else.
Kendall detaches himself completely, almost subconsciously ignoring the problem at hand, removing himself from himself. It’s drugs, and parties, and completely new personality of a liberal voice for women. It’s manic ups and downs, because he can’t defeat this lack of control that he constantly feels from his father, who is like a looming shadow, always hanging over him, pushing him aside but also keeping the leash tight.
Roman seems like he wants to remove himself from control, like he is so used to being berated and humiliated, that he seeks that familiarity, there is a certain level of warmth to the burn that they bring him. He is like a push and pull, afraid of intimacy, but also intensely seeking love and affection of those who would never give it to him. There is almost a childlike feature in the way he naively believes that his parents can do no wrong, that one pat on the head is worth being constantly kicked around.
It’s how Logan has persistently been using emotional and physical abuse against his children for literal decades. He created adults that have emotional capacity of a child, incapable of regulating or actually understanding their own, and other’s emotions. They are so desperate for love and affection that they are ready to tear each other apart and cross all the lines in order to get it. And it’s worth jack shit. It’s all a game, and the rules keep changing, and only Logan knows what they are. So they will always lose.
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