#im experiencing intense shrimp emotions
murdererofthumbs · 2 years
What gets me every time is how each of Roy siblings latch onto Logan’s approval and faux affection as if it’s last ounce of oxygen they could get. Literally like it’s their lifeline, and it gets them into his trap every.fucking.time. His abuse and narcissistic parenting twisted their idea of what love should look like in such a persistent way that when they are met with actual affection they don’t know what to do with it. Because for them love is a game, it’s a competition and everything they experienced made them eerie, because they know that when it comes to their father - they always lose. I feel like this lack of power, complete lack of control makes them seek it, or makes them force the complete detachment from it.
Shiv restores her power dynamics by treating Tom like he is lesser than her; Logan’s misogyny and lack of acknowledgment of her as a capable person and equal to her brothers makes her seek (and abuse) this power in her marriage. But she also wants to be loved, wants to be able to have someone that could actually emotionally respond to her, but who isn’t carrying her family’s forsaken genes that make them all cold and repressed and so detached from everyone else.
Kendall detaches himself completely, almost subconsciously ignoring the problem at hand, removing himself from himself. It’s drugs, and parties, and completely new personality of a liberal voice for women. It’s manic ups and downs, because he can’t defeat this lack of control that he constantly feels from his father, who is like a looming shadow, always hanging over him, pushing him aside but also keeping the leash tight.
Roman seems like he wants to remove himself from control, like he is so used to being berated and humiliated, that he seeks that familiarity, there is a certain level of warmth to the burn that they bring him. He is like a push and pull, afraid of intimacy, but also intensely seeking love and affection of those who would never give it to him. There is almost a childlike feature in the way he naively believes that his parents can do no wrong, that one pat on the head is worth being constantly kicked around.
It’s how Logan has persistently been using emotional and physical abuse against his children for literal decades. He created adults that have emotional capacity of a child, incapable of regulating or actually understanding their own, and other’s emotions. They are so desperate for love and affection that they are ready to tear each other apart and cross all the lines in order to get it. And it’s worth jack shit. It’s all a game, and the rules keep changing, and only Logan knows what they are. So they will always lose.
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shoichee · 3 years
Can you do a scenario with Murasakibara, Hanamiya, Imayoshi and Kagami where their S/O really wants a lot of attention like cuddles etc? Do you mind making it fluffy as hell? I just finished finals and I’m so drained mentally. Good luck with your finals I hope you do well luv! 💗
My rules are 3 characters max for requests (GoM requests are the exceptions), but it’s been a looong time, so I’ll do them all as a treat! I RLLY HOPE YOURE DOING OKAY, FINALS SUCK SO MUCH :(( I think i did my finals alright heh // these are more formatted as fluffy (within their character LOL) reactions more than anything, enjoy! IM SORRY I TOOK SO LONG PLS FORGIVE ME ANON 
Murasakibara Atsushi
“Hnn?” He looked away from his plate on the table in the living room to see you fidgeting with the hem of your shirt after asking to cuddle. Your shirt had been slightly stained from all the messy cooking you both did together earlier for lunch in his home. “Okay.”
Murasakibara immediately goes back to eating his shrimp tempuras, delicately picking each one to pop into his mouth despite his large hands. He didn’t need to look at you to see how flustered you were in hearing such a casual response from him. Normally, he would be hesitant to agree, he knew that, but sensing how you were too antsy in wanting physical touches from him, he didn’t mind to indulge you. Besides, who’s to say that this isn’t also a treat for him, as well? Not like he would admit that so readily though.
“What are you standing for, (y/n)-chin?” he slightly frowns with an averted gaze before opting to stare at his food on the table instead. “Hurry up already…” At his words, you skipped to sit on the floor next to him with a happy flush, sitting close to him and watching him finish his meal before you can pounce on him. Murasakibara eyes you swaying side to side with anticipation, and he immediately sighs with closed eyes before he gently puts down his chopsticks. Your questioning gaze immediately morphs into one of surprise when he swiftly picks you up and places you on his lap, with your back against his chest and his chin on top of your head.
“Hm? Why do you look surprised? Didn’t you wanna cuddle?” he drawls, moving his chin off your head and tilting your head back by nudging your chin upward to gently kiss your forehead. The languid giant then picks up his utensils again to pick up the last shrimp on the plate to place it against your lips. “Hurry already, food doesn’t taste good when it gets cold, (y/n)-chin…”
As you were chewing, he put the chopsticks on the cleared plate and pushed it away towards the center of the table, all while nuzzling his own face closer to your hair and temple.
You also didn’t miss the way his spare arm was slowly sneaking around your stomach to pull you tauter against his own warm body.
“Hm…” he hums with a deep rumble from his chest. “You feel nice… Oy, stop moving around, (y/n)-chin… what are you doing?” He curiously stares at your fingers carding through his moppy hair, wondering why you’re so drawn to it. When you tell him that you simply want to appreciate every part of him, he merely smiles like a satisfied child before he takes that same hand running through his hair to place a chaste kiss in the palm.
“Hm?” He slyly smirks at your flustered expression. “I want to appreciate every part of (y/n)-chin too, obviously.”
Hanamiya Makoto
Most would be very afraid to be in the near vicinity of Hanamiya Makoto. You’re one of the very few who would approach him so unabashedly, let alone be direct about what you want from him. Even still, Hanamiya raises a thick brow at you before loudly scoffing at the question of you two possibly cuddling together because you “missed his touch.” He ignores you completely and turns his attention back to analyze his teammates practicing on the court, reclining his back further on the bleachers with a stretch. Yet, he’s inwardly ticked yet somewhat touched that you knew that he had no objections to you cozying up to him, without him needing to say anything. Ah, but the ever so “Bad Boy” wouldn’t easily let you approach him like so, and he knew from the way you were standing there expectantly, you knew too. After all, Hanamiya would never pass up an opportunity to potentially savor the sweet taste of misfortune of others, no matter how menial.
“Come over here, darling~” he coos with an open grin as he continues to relax with his arms behind his head, saccharine tone oozing with his dark, rich voice. “I can’t stand a moment without you by my side.” Of course, he once again feels conflicting emotions of subtle pride and irritation in being unsuccessful in embarrassing, flustering, or even provoking you in the slightest. When you settled yourself by his side with a casual scoff of your own, he immediately shot out his arm around your shoulders and cradled your head closer to lay on his shoulder. But he leans in close to your ear to hiss with his usual infuriating sneer, “Like I’d ever say that, dumbass.” You only respond with a customary retort before snuggling closer against him, pulling his arm around your side for more optimal cuddles.
Even despite the harsh rebuke, his touch is gentle, reverring, protective one would dare say, even if his eyes are currently more occupied watching the court than you.
“... Hey,” he curtly calls out after some minutes later, flicking your ear with the hand around your shoulders to ensure you are listening to him. He gets a small sense of satisfaction seeing your dismayed expression. “You’re being awfully damn clingy lately. Are you actually that fucking touch-starved?” Yet again, his actions betray his words, the same fingers that harshly flicked your ear were now softly toying with your hair near your temple in a clumsy, nonverbal attempt to soothe you.
He hates how you somehow knew yet again how he meant that he was only curious about your recent actions, the way you cheekily replied back how he’s actually reciprocating the cuddles with a raspberry tongue to try to provoke a reaction from his end. And he hates it even more when he willingly lets you reciprocate the soft touches when you tuck his shoulder-length hair behind his ear.
But all he could do to save face was to click his tongue arrogantly. Even still, you somehow see straight through him.
Imayoshi Shoichi
“My, my, those are quite some puppy eyes you’re shooting at me, hm?” Imayoshi relaxes his posture and lays back against the couch to give his signature closed-eye smile. “To think you were this needy.” He simply cocks his head innocently, but you knew something ulterior simmered behind that grin. Even without opening his eyes, his “stare” was still overwhelming in intensity that you couldn’t help but squirm and debate to take back your request.
“Ho? What’s with that look, my dear (y/n)? Don’t mind me darling, keep doing what you were doing before… Hm? I’m being mean?... I’m only graciously doing what you asked me to do. You wanted my attention, correct? You have my full attention now…” His smirk only grows wider when you huff at his comments. “You meant that you wanted to cuddle when you asked for my attention…? Now, now, (y/n), you know that greed is the greatest vice… Still, how cute of you to try to monopolize all of me so.”
Before you can either utter a single comeback or simply leave the room, he abruptly wraps his arms around you and immediately encloses you between his legs. You look up to try to scold him for being so difficult, but all words are caught in your throat when his eyes are slightly open in relishing your figure in his embrace. He merely smiles at your stunned silence, although he knew that you could tell that it was a genuine, affectionate one.
As you begin to relax, Imayoshi rubs gentle circles on your arms, occasionally giving a goading comment or two that elicited eyerolls from your end. Eventually, when you fall into a light snooze from his therapeutic touches, he stares at you fondly for quite some time before an idea crept into his mind.
“My dear (y/n)...” he purrs into your ear. “Am I really reduced to a body pillow for your convenience, my love? I’m hurt.” When you slightly jolt awake from the unexpected closeness of his voice, he merely chuckles at your reaction before hugging you tighter and settling his head atop your shoulder. “Well, I must admit, you’re quite lucky that I’m just as greedy for your attention, darling. In fact, if you’re not careful, I might just end up becoming greedier if you end up forgetting about me… eh? You wouldn’t…? Really now… you’re insisting that I can also ask you for attention, any time?...
… how cute, (y/n), but I must warn you to be careful about what you say, yes? Hm? You really do mean it?... ‘only for you,’ you say? Hah… you really are adorable… quite beyond my expectations.”
Imagine his actual, shell-shocked surprise when you suddenly turn around to face him to nuzzle into his neck with a sneaky kiss attack. He stiffens up, his eyes fully blown open to process the sudden sensation his body just experienced, and he could do nothing but chuckle with a slight chagrined blush.
“... You really never cease to amaze me, hm?”
Kagami Taiga
When you mentioned how cold today was, he already knew since that morning; his body has always had an aversion to the cold, and unfortunately for him, he just happened to be more sensitive to lower temperatures than the average person too.
“Well, yeah… I guess it’s been cold,” Kagami mumbles, scooting himself closer to the kotatsu in an attempt to absorb more of the brazier’s heat. And he’s been sitting there almost motionless for nearly an hour, closing his eyes and breathing softly to conserve his body heat.
When he finally opens his eyes again, Kagami turns to you to invite you to a seat next to him, but he nervously gulps when he sees you standing there with a mischievous look on your face. Who knows how long you’ve been observing him?
When you open your mouth to suggest cuddling to stave off the cold, he erupts a cherry red, knowing full well you were taking advantage of his tendency to get cold extremely easily. But you didn’t stop there. You teased him that he ignored you the entire time, and so, cuddles were only appropriate to make it up to you.
Kagami suddenly felt warm from the rush of blood rising to his face and neck.
“C-C-Cuddle?!... well, yeah… w-we’ve done this before… No! I’m not thinking anything more out of it…! It’s just… I—well, no! It’s not that I don’t wanna cuddle! It’s just…” He sputters, but stops when he realizes that he just admitted to not objecting to having a cuddle session, and he merely sweatdrops when he sees a victorious grin growing wider on your cheeks. “Fine… you must be cold too, right?—Wha, where did that blanket even come from?!”
You immediately plopped the weighted fleece blanket over his shoulders like a cape and tackled him with a hug, making sure to tug the blanket over your own body too. Kagami can only react by catching you while trying to break both of your falls, and he topples from his criss-cross sitting position to end up laying next to you, face-to-face.
“S-Stop squirming… how else are we supposed to cuddle if you keep moving under this heavy-ass blanket…? Pfft, well, it’s pretty warm now, huh? Come closer, yeah?” He nudges your head up against his chest, and his breath fans over your head as you sling your own arm over his waist.
“I dunno about you, but I wanna stay like this for a while… if that’s okay with you.”
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