#shit just realised i forgot about connor
iwonderwh0 · 7 months
I thought of something funny for Vampire AU
What if, in this au when vampires sleep and reach a certain stage of deep sleep, their heart basically stops (gets so slow you can barely feel it), same with breathing
And then there's Connor, already unable to sleep tormented with all kinds of thoghts in which he argues with himself on whether or not killing Markus is still part of his mission and whether abandoning it would be a betreyal of everything he believes in. All with Markus peacefully dreaming, using him as his pillow.
And then at some point
Markus just kinda... stops being alive
And Connor is all like "OH SHIT OH FUCK"
Wondering if he could have accidentally done it somehow
Did he just die in his sleep?
He'll be frantically trying to find his pulse, finding none
That'd be his turning point in realising that he doesn't actually want him dead at all
"And you never even considered, I don't know, maybe telling me?"
"I forgot."
Connor won't believe him even though it's the truth. It could have been intentional if Markus had a chance to actually think about it, but he actually, genuinely completely forgot.
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chaos-thirium · 2 years
104, Sixty
Here you go, anon. I'm guessing you're dealing with the summer heat too, since you asked for this one! This ended up more playfully suggestive than smutty, but I hope you like it!
104  “I forgot my towel”
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Being peer-pressured into going skinny dipping was such a cliché. You couldn’t believe you were dealing with it, particularly as a grown adult. Luckily, it was dark, so you were able to scuttle into the lake without anyone really seeing you. By the time the moon peeped back out from behind its covering cloud, only your shoulders and head showed above the water. Your friends laughed, but left you alone. You were engaging in the group activity like everyone else, so there was no need to give you any more shit.
You knew skinny dipping was a camping tradition, but you still felt it was a weird thing to do with a bunch of friends, even ones you knew well. Although, since all of them were paired off with each other, it made a little more sense. Well, all of them except you and one other.
The fact that you were even on this trip was a miracle. It almost hadn’t happened, all because of the android known as Sixty. When you’d first met him, you’d thought he’d be like Connor. Connor who was sassy yet sweet, loyal and funny, serious when he needed to be. Connor who was swimming not too far away with a girl that you had only recently stopped being a little bit jealous of.
Despite looking identical and sharing some of the same memories, Sixty had gone a different way since deviating. He was snarky and overly confident, arrogant, a player who left a string of broken hearts in his wake. Yet, he kept proving that he could be a decent person, despite all of that. It was infuriating, because it meant you couldn’t just hate him in peace. Part of you liked him, and you resented that.
You almost hadn’t come on the trip because he fucking knew you liked him, and he wouldn’t let it go. Well, unless you slept with him, probably. Then he’d likely drop you like a live grenade.
Your friends seemed to be on a mission to push the two of you together, which, considering Sixty’s track record, felt a little cruel. Didn’t they realise that you’d just be the latest notch on his metaphorical bedpost? Or were they sharing a mutual delusion that you’d miraculously be the one he was going to change for?
You shoved the thoughts out of your head, swimming a little further out. The lake was clear and cold, refreshing after a long day of hiking and exploration. You loved swimming. That was the main reason why you’d agreed to the skinny dipping.
“Fuck, it’s freezing!”
You rolled your eyes at Gavin’s exclamation. The only reason he was here was because he was dating a mutual friend of yours and Connor’s. All he’d done so far was complain about things and make bad jokes, and you weren’t sure which was more annoying.
“It’s not that bad,” Connor said tentatively.
“You’re made of plastic, what would you care?”
“Actually…” Connor began, before swiftly giving up.
Sixty, however, had no such problem. “We still feel temperatures, meat sack. We’re just not whiny little bitches like you.”
“Fuck you!” Gavin shot back. He turned to his partner. “I’m getting out. I think my dick has retreated inside my body.”
A pause followed his words, and everyone looked to Sixty, even you. The lack of a joke at Gavin’s expense surprised you.
“What?” Sixty said, glancing at everyone. “I’m not saying anything. That’s way too easy, it wouldn’t even be fun.”
You snorted quietly. Gavin waded out, and you glanced away until he’d retrieved his towel.
“You all think it’s fucking freezing,” he declared, “you’re just too stubborn to admit it!” He glanced back towards the campfire. “There’s one brownie left. Last person out of the lake wins it.”
“How’s that fair?” Sixty argued. “Some of us don’t eat!”
“Fine. If an android wins, you get…I dunno…one favour from the person in second place. But you’re not allowed to mess around with your sensors or whatever.”
“I don’t know,” Connor said, treading water effortlessly. “That seems unsafe. If people are as stubborn as you say, they could risk hypothermia just to win.”
Gavin rolled his eyes so hard, you saw it even in the dim moonlight. “Risking hypothermia to win is against the rules. You feel weird, you get out. Simple as.”
You started swimming again, gentle breaststroke back and forth. It reserved your energy and kept your muscles warm. You were winning that brownie.
Seventeen minutes later, the only people still in the competition were you and Sixty. Everyone else had gone back to the fire. You weren’t really surprised. You were both incredibly obstinate, especially when pitted against each other. You weren’t really a competitive person, except for where Sixty was concerned. Part of you suspected you needed to feel in control, so that you could continue pretending you weren’t attracted to him. If he beat you at something, you felt off-kilter, vulnerable.
You were still swimming, but you were tired now, getting colder every time you needed to take a rest break. You really should get out of the water, or you’d be breaking the ‘don’t get hypothermia’ rule. You wondered if Sixty was risking any of his biocomponents by staying in the lake or if he was tougher than that. You suspected he was. He and Connor were the only androids in your group, and Connor had got out when his girlfriend had rather than when he needed to. You weren’t going to win this. You needed to give it up before your teeth started chattering.
“Fuck,” you muttered, switching direction and heading for the shore. “Fuck.”
Your eyes narrowed as you realised the beach was empty. Your friends had all disappeared from the fireside, presumably back to their tents. You’d been so busy focusing on your swimming, you hadn’t noticed them leave! At least that meant that…
You’d just started wading when the dilemma struck you. If you got out now, Sixty would see you. The moon was bright, and your towel was far enough away that he’d get an eyeful before you covered yourself.
Sighing, you turned to him. He was lounging in the shallows, his hands folded behind his head, looking like he hadn’t a care in the world. His eyes were fixed on you, trademark smirk in place.
“Close your eyes,” you ordered him.
He quirked an eyebrow, but did as you requested.
You kept your gaze on him as you waded out, but he didn’t move. You hurried to your towel and wrapped it around you, sitting by the fire. The warmth kissed your skin, and you let out a blissful sigh. At least you were the last human standing. You could brag about that.
You heard the slosh of waves as Sixty made his way out, but you didn’t look up until he approached the fire. Your eyes widened as you realised he was still naked, and your shocked gaze took in everything before you reacted enough to turn away.
“What the fuck, Sixty?” you burst out, staring adamantly at the fire.
Holy shit, he was gorgeous. And apparently didn’t have the same reaction to the cold that humans did, judging by what you’d caught a glimpse of between his legs. Your cheeks burned, even without the fire’s warmth.
You saw him shrug in your peripheral vision. “I forgot my towel,” he said casually.
“Bullshit,” you scoffed. “Androids don’t forget things.”
“Deviants do,” he retorted, for which you had no answer. He might be right, you didn’t know.
He sat beside you, and you jerked away as if stung.
“Put your fucking clothes on!” you squeaked.
“They’ll get wet,” he said.
“You should have thought of that before you forgot your towel,” you snapped.
He laughed softly. “What are you afraid of?”
“You can’t even look at me.”
Just to prove him wrong, you turned your head, keeping your gaze firmly on his shoulders or above. That traitorous part of you wanted to roam further down, take in the magnificence of his perfect, sculpted form. He wore an amused expression, as if he knew, dark eyes lit golden by the fire.
“You owe me a favour,” he said.
You frowned. “What?”
“The rules of the game,” he explained. “I can’t eat the brownie, so I get a favour from you instead.”
Right, Gavin’s rules. You remembered now. Wariness began to creep over you. Sixty was a little shit, and the possibilities of how he could use this to his advantage were endless.
“What do you want?” you asked cautiously.
He hesitated, presumably for dramatic effect, since you were sure he already knew what he was going to say.
“I need a towel,” he said eventually. “So you either give me yours or let me share it.”
You blanched, your heart tripping in alarm. “And if I refuse?”
Sixty shrugged. “Doesn’t bother me. I don’t have a problem with my nudity.”
You frowned, backed into a corner. Judging by the smirk on his face, he expected you to refuse, allowing him to sit there and torment you. That just made you want to do the opposite, but what then? He would get a free show, and you’d have to look him in the eye knowing he’d seen you naked.
There were worse fates. And truthfully, you were getting tired of the back and forth between you. Part of you just wanted to jump him, have one amazing night before he inevitably dropped you. It would be better to do that sooner rather than later, before your heart got involved. You wanted him too, so at least you’d get to have that for yourself before he moved on to the next conquest.
You stood, and Sixty lifted a hand towards you.
“Come on, it’s just a game…” he started to say.
His words trailed off as you unwrapped your towel and dumped it in his lap. His widened eyes stared at you, trailing a slow sweep of your still-damp skin.
“Fuck,” he said hoarsely.
You felt emboldened under his gaze, and with your new determination running through you. There was a sense of peaceful confidence in making a decision, even if the thought of going through with it made you breathless with anticipation.
“We’re going to share that towel,” you said.
“Oh?” Sixty queried.
You nodded. “We’re going to lie on it while we fuck.”
You had the satisfaction of seeing the stunned look on his face as he took in your words. You never spoke like this, but you were starting to think you should do it more often. His reaction was priceless.
You glanced at him with raised brows. “That’s what you want, right?”
He pulled himself together enough to stand too, staring you down. “What do you want?” he threw back at you.
“I want you to follow me back to my tent,” you said simply before walking away.
You smiled at the sound of him hastily kicking sand over the dying fire, and glanced back over your shoulder.
“And bring that brownie.”
You were going to need to keep your stamina up, after all.
It surprised you when you woke and he was still there, arm around your waist, limbs tangled with yours. It surprised you the day after, too, and the day after that.
After six months or so, it stopped surprising you.
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murdererofthumbs · 2 years
What gets me every time is how each of Roy siblings latch onto Logan’s approval and faux affection as if it’s last ounce of oxygen they could get. Literally like it’s their lifeline, and it gets them into his trap every.fucking.time. His abuse and narcissistic parenting twisted their idea of what love should look like in such a persistent way that when they are met with actual affection they don’t know what to do with it. Because for them love is a game, it’s a competition and everything they experienced made them eerie, because they know that when it comes to their father - they always lose. I feel like this lack of power, complete lack of control makes them seek it, or makes them force the complete detachment from it.
Shiv restores her power dynamics by treating Tom like he is lesser than her; Logan’s misogyny and lack of acknowledgment of her as a capable person and equal to her brothers makes her seek (and abuse) this power in her marriage. But she also wants to be loved, wants to be able to have someone that could actually emotionally respond to her, but who isn’t carrying her family’s forsaken genes that make them all cold and repressed and so detached from everyone else.
Kendall detaches himself completely, almost subconsciously ignoring the problem at hand, removing himself from himself. It’s drugs, and parties, and completely new personality of a liberal voice for women. It’s manic ups and downs, because he can’t defeat this lack of control that he constantly feels from his father, who is like a looming shadow, always hanging over him, pushing him aside but also keeping the leash tight.
Roman seems like he wants to remove himself from control, like he is so used to being berated and humiliated, that he seeks that familiarity, there is a certain level of warmth to the burn that they bring him. He is like a push and pull, afraid of intimacy, but also intensely seeking love and affection of those who would never give it to him. There is almost a childlike feature in the way he naively believes that his parents can do no wrong, that one pat on the head is worth being constantly kicked around.
It’s how Logan has persistently been using emotional and physical abuse against his children for literal decades. He created adults that have emotional capacity of a child, incapable of regulating or actually understanding their own, and other’s emotions. They are so desperate for love and affection that they are ready to tear each other apart and cross all the lines in order to get it. And it’s worth jack shit. It’s all a game, and the rules keep changing, and only Logan knows what they are. So they will always lose.
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imjeralee · 3 years
Not the same anon but I really liked your adhd hcs! Could you the same but with Diluc, Kaeya and Xiao please? (could you also add the fact s/o absolutely can't focus for shit on anything more than 5s before zoning out and they tend to be overstimulated very easily by their environment lol)
hi anon!! thank you so much! I’m glad you enjoyed it :) Not a problem, I guess this can be a part 2 ehe. I hope you like this one too. Please see below - 
You’re actually one of the best workers he has in Dawn Winery, because you’re efficient and smart and bustling around like ♪~ ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ
But you do tend to zone out a lot and sometimes you end up working so late into night and you don’t realise it but you had forgotten to eat dinner so you go to the kitchen and it’s like 3am and Diluc is there because he works late too and he’s also just finally getting the chance to eat so you are always having food together whilst everyone else is asleep :3
At work though, if you had forgotten to do something such as paying the bills, no worries, Diluc has a backup plan - the maids usually help with this 
You usually ramble away to Diluc about anything you think of, even when he’s working at his desk. He’ll just be sitting silently and occasionally throwing you glances every now and then as you pace the study up and down and gesture with your hands. You know he’s listening. 
You may be messy, but the maids help clean up after you 
If you can’t focus, Diluc will help organise your day because he is organised himself and has lots of deadlines and also he has trustworthy employees like Adelinde and Connor who can help come up with a schedule for you on a daily basis but Diluc keeps you close by his side which also means you most likely do a lot of things together and you work/stay very closely with him
In order to help you stay focused and on task, he wants you to accomplish one thing at a time and often Diluc will do this with you personally 
If he was in the middle of doing something else, he will pause to head over to assist you. If he’s not able to, he’ll get Connor or Adelinde to help
When you’re overstimulated because there’s too many people visiting the Winery or feeling really uncomfortable in general and your thoughts are darting all over the place, Diluc will take your hand and lead you away and to your special, quiet place where you can just focus on him and look at his face which helps you gradually relax and calm down
You might zone out a bit when he starts talking but then you notice the intricate details on the buttons of his shirt and the buckle on his belt and you’re like ‘cool’…. And start pressing your fingers over them and he’s like “…….”
He still loff you a lot though 
Somehow everything you lose always end up in his possession??? Like you might go up to him and go ‘Kaeya! I lost my sword! I don’t know what happened to it! Its just disappeared!!” And he will just whip it out from behind his back and be like “You mean.... this sword?” And you’ll be like “YESSSS gimme.”
“Nuh-uh, not yet.”
“You have to give me a kiss first.”
It’s actually pretty cool and reassuring because you have no idea how he does it
And this is the kind of relationship you have with him so you’re never bored around him because of how unpredictable he is 
You tend to zone out a lot so he likes making up little puzzles and brain teasers for you whenever you’re with him and keeping you guessing all the time
If you ask a question he’ll answer your question with a question. Can be either infuriating or very stimulating. Hmm.
Also enjoys telling you ghost stories 
I suspect you and Kaeya may actually be a pretty messy duo because you’re both busy with knightly duties and shit and your house will be utter chaos. Kaeya has arranged for a knight to come around twice a week to clean up tho
He loves to act as your own personal assistant and remind you of things so you don’t forget, usually by coming up behind you and leaning down to whisper in your ear 
If you zone out again, he’ll feed you some candy or hold your hand so you can play with his long fingers and the studs on his gloves or he’ll make little ice crystals with unique patterns and make them float around in the air for you 
He’ll also allow you to play with his ponytail
He’s quiet on his own so he’ll be a good listener
When you are experiencing sensory overload, Kaeya will usually sort it out for you one way or another. You’re in good hands. Then you will go and take a nap together.
Xiao is your mentor. He speaks so fluently and to the point and also expects you to be clear and concise when dealing with him and so unceremoniously end up helping you organise your own thoughts 
Otherwise, you might zone out often and very easily because there’s too many things going on in Wangshu Inn and it’s too much to handle but then the smell of almond tofu being cooked in the kitchen helps kick you back to reality and you’ll realise Xiao was standing there by your side the entire time 
Ok ok so we know from Ganyu that Xiao is punctual and hates tardiness so he’s good at reminding you about appointments/deadline if needed.
I mean he will drill this into your brain with an iron fist. Defy him if you dare
It also means he will inevitably come up with some practises and teach you how to be mindful, how to increase your awareness and also various breathing exercises
Aside from that, he will notice you lose things a lot esp when he finds random stuff littering the Wangshu Inn ranging from cheese and vials of whopperflower nectar so he will keep an eye on you from now on.
Or if he’s not around, he will ask Verr Goldet to take note of what you lost so she can easily and quickly replace it thanks to Wangshu Inn’s connections
Xiao observes what you do on a regular basis from the shadows and then returns to the inn and also ask Verr Goldet to check up on you every now and then and remind you when it’s time to eat because he noticed you often forget to eat
One day you might return to your room and discover that he’s actually left some food for you and there this note on it with the word “EAT” scribbled on it 
Your impulsiveness and the hectic and chaos that surrounds you works well with him because it’s not like he has a schedule either, I mean he often turns up in your room at 4am after fighting so many demons after 3 days straight and he’s in agony from all that bad karma but there’s you and you’re awake because obv you forgot to do something and went back to it hours later but now that he’s here and in your presence and you want to talk to him about your day and he’ll be listening to everything
And listening to your voice and the way you speak is actually really soothing/comforting to him and even makes his pain goes away
Then you’ll remember what you were doing and rush off and he’ll be back up and running and go off to destroy more demons so the world can sleep better at night 
or if he’s free, you drag him outside to go on an adventure and explore the area around the inn and beat up some hilichurls 
If you have some trivial task to do and need his help, he’ll just offer his assistance at no cost, quite simple as that
During his free time, he’ll try to find out more about stim toys to help you. 
Xiao will learn what triggers your overstimulation and purposefully help you avoid it or get rid of the problem before it actually happens.
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captain039 · 3 years
We can take care of each other
Hank x reader x Connor
Warnings: ABO, poly relationship, swearing, police things, Intimate, sexual, harassment, Daddy Hank, anxiety, angst, domestic from cases, other criminal things
Ah when you can’t decide between daddy and baby boy 🤷🏻‍♀️
Reeds a dick
After deviant revolution
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You stared at the dead body on the ground disgusted. Seems people still had it out for people.
“What we got?” You heard Hanks voice. You stood by him and Connor by you probably analysing the body.
“Dave Frank, 29, alpha male, worked at the little shop on this street called human goods” you frowned at the weird name.
“Ok” Hank took the tablet from the officer.
“Looks like he had a partner, 25 omega female Chelsey Lilac” your stomach sank a little. No matter how far in life you got, omegas will always be looked down on.
“Possible suspect?” Hank asked and the officer nodded. Hank handed you the tablet and you went through the briefing. Connor looked also as you scrolled through.
“We’ve got signs of struggle, signs of a possible fight, neighbours complain there is lots of yelling and crashing on this place” Officer Chris sighed.
“Domestic” you muttered and he nodded. You hated these cases, omegas trapped with an alpha they can’t escape from without some serious form of damage.
You hand fisted tightly, you needed air or something. You felt a hand go around yours and frowned looking to Connor. He looked at the body though and intertwined your fingers together. You clenched his hand tightly without realising finding some comfort in it.
“Stinks in here” Hank grumbled going outside. You let go of Connors hand and followed. You took a deep breath in of fresh air and sighed. You looked over the backyard, it hadn’t been taken care of in years. It smelt of rain, wet dirt and-
You frowned catching the scent of a frightened omega.
“Hank go inside” you said and he frowned.
“What? why?” The man asked.
“Just do it” you snapped and he raised his hands up and went inside.
You looked around noticing a shadow behind the large slip bin.
“Hello?” You said softly going closer.
You saw scared eyes shine in the light.
“Chelsey?” You asked and she nodded. You stood a meter away she was shaking and drenched from rain and mud.
“My names Detective Y/n” you said softly glancing to the door which Hank stood at staring at you.
“I didn’t mean too” she sobbed coming into the light.
“I-“ she stuttered as you glanced to the knife in her hand. She had blood on her, wounds on her head and arms old and new.
“Here” she handed you the knife and you stuttered.
“Y/n” Hank called you and she fled.
“He’s gonna hurt me” she whispered.
“All alphas are cruel” she added and you felt your heart clench.
“It’s alright” you said looking to Hank. You laid the weapon on the ground.
“I need you to stay there though please” you added and Hank frowned but stopped. You saw Connor come out the door also.
“Connor, stay there” you said and he frowned but stayed also.
“Two?” She whispered.
“Are you trapped?” You frowned at her questioned.
“Am I trapped?” You asked.
“Two alphas” she said.
“No, Connor isn’t an alpha, he’s-“ you couldn’t call him an android.
“He’s a deviant” you said.
“Oh” the girl muttered.
“One alpha” she added eyes darting. She was in shock, no doubt about that.
“He’s big” she said scared.
“Does he hurt you too? We can run!” She stood and grabbed you.
“No- no he doesn’t hurt me, he isn’t my alpha” you said holding the young woman’s arms.
“Doesn’t hurt you?” She said confused looking to him.
“Not yours” she mumbled.
“Chelsey I need you to come with me” you said and she tensed.
“Away from here” you added.
“Away” she repeated.
“Away” she nodded holding onto you. You tensed as she held you, she wanted comfort from another omega. She shook in your hold, both wet now from the rain, blood smeared on you also.
“Come on” you said softly leading her around the house and to a car.
“No alphas” you said as one went to get in. She nodded backing away and got a beta.
“I’ll see you at the station” you said to Chelsey and she nodded.
You sagged drained, your body was shaking from the cold, emotions haywire.
“Good job” You heard Hanks voice. You turned to him and he frowned. You wiped your eyes realising you were crying and went to his car. You and Connor had hitched a ride. You hid behind it the best you could from across the street. You took deep breaths and cursed softly.
Hank had followed you, worry in his eyes as you began to pace.
“Y/n” he called but you didn’t listen.
“Omega” you froze on the spot. Hank sighed as he stood in front of you, you stared at the ground shaking. He grabbed the back of your neck and tugged you close. You sighed leaning your head against his shoulder. He gently massaged the back of your neck while you calmed down.
“Hank?” You heard Connor call before hearing him behind you.
“Is everything alright?” He asked and you smiled faintly, he still didn’t understand humans.
“Just worked up” Hank said and you moved to rest your cheek on him instead. You wrapped your arms around him without thinking, enjoying his warmth and smell.
“Very worked up” he muttered. You felt a warm hand on your back and glanced to Connor who offered a kind smile.
“You’re freezing detective” he said softly and you nodded.
“No shit” you said softly.
“Lieutenant?” Someone called and you tensed.
“Oh-“ the officer stood a little awkward.
“Connor” Hank said and you frowned.
“I’ll be back” he said to you rather softly and you nodded. You looked to Connor after letting go, you shuddered, your teeth chattering.
“I can warm you up detective” he said and you flushed.
“I have inbuilt heaters, see?” He took your hand and rested it on his stomach. You frowned at the amount of warmth coming from him.
“Please don’t blow up” you muttered going closer.
“I can assure you I won’t” he smiled and you nodded.
“I suggest you put your arms around me detective” he said after your awkward stance.
“Oh- Connor the reason I did that to Hank-“ you trailed off embarrassed.
“He’s an alpha” Connor said and you nodded sighing.
“I’ve bonded to him in a sense so he’s my source of comfort is all, just don’t tell him that” you muttered slowly putting your arms around the android. You sighed feeling his warmth seeping through.
“I should take you everywhere” you said without thinking and rested your cheek on his chest.
“You’re so warm” you hummed contently. You tensed slightly when one hand rested on your back and the other on your neck.
“The lieutenant did this” Connor said softly as he massaged your neck lightly.
“Calms me down” you mumbled.
Your heart was pounding but you didn’t want to let go of him. To be honest you had bonded to both of them in a sense, your little family, just you couldn’t tell them. When you weren’t around them it was lonely, you felt empty almost, you had gotten use to be alone when you left home, but when you met Hank it just crumbled.
“Right-“ Hank had come back and obviously stood shocked.
“I have inbuilt heaters” Connor said simply.
“You should feel how warm he is” you said chuckling.
“Jesus” Hank muttered shaking his head.
“Come on let’s get you home” he sighed.
“What about paper work?” You let Connor go and looked to Hank.
“What about it? Do it tomorrow” he shrugged and you smiled slightly.
As you pulled up to your house you got everyone inside and out of the rain.
“Curse this weather” you said turning on your lights.
“Where’s the damn remote!” You yelled in the lounge rummaging.
“Heater on” Connor said and it turned on.
“Oh” you muttered.
“I forgot it could do that” you said.
“You want a towel?” You asked them both. Connor nodded while Hank shrugged.
You went to your cupboard and pulled out some towels. You gave the two men some and one for yourself.
“I need a warm shower and PJ’s” you said cursing sticky clothes.
“Detective?” Connor asked.
“Yeah?” You said.
“Is it alright if I stay here tonight?” He asked and you frowned. Usually he stayed with Hank.
“Yeah if you want too” you shrugged.
“You wanna sleep over too Hank?” You grinned at him and he glared.
“Fuck you” he said and you laughed.
“I need a drink” he muttered running a hand down his face. You looked a little too long, wet hair slicked back down from him pushing it out the way, clothes drenched defining his surprising body sculpture.
“There should be some in the cupboard” you said.
“It’s alright I need to change clothes” he said hanging your towel on the kitchen chair.
“Goodnight lieutenant” Connor said.
“Night” Hank waved.
You followed him out and stood under your veranda.
“You be ok with him?” Hank turned back to you.
“Connor? Yeah” you said and he nodded.
“You ok?” He added and you nodded.
“I’ll-“ you shrugged.
“Get through it” you sighed. Hank sighed like he wanted to say something, he stood a little tense before leaving to his car. Your heart sank a bit and gave a small wave before heading inside.
“I have to shower” you said looking for Connor.
“Connor?” You called hearing water running. You went to your bathroom and frowned seeing him pouring a bath.
“What are you doing?” You asked as he stood.
“Running you a bath” he said. Your heart swelled at the thought.
“I don’t normally take baths” you chuckled and he frowned.
“But I’ll jump in” you added quickly.
“I’ve noted it for next time” he nodded and you frowned next time?
“Thanks” you said again softly as it filled.
“I don’t know what clothes to give you, you could try a pair of PJ pants and top, I always buy mine too big” you said.
“I won’t intrude on your personal belongings detective” he said.
“Oh- right” you mumbled embarrassed.
“Let me get you some hang on” you walked to your bedroom. Connor followed but stayed by the door as you shifted through clothes.
“Uh try these” you said handing him a pair of plain grey PJ’s.
“You’ll need a towel” you moved passed him and grabbed a fresh towel.
“Uh, put your clothes-“ you looked around.
“In the basket” you said grabbing the washing basket.
“I’ll hang them up after my bath” you said and he nodded.
“Alright” you said.
“I’ll be ok detective” Connor smiled.
“Ok” you smiled going to the bath.
You sunk into the water and sighed the warmth soothing your muscles.
Your eyes closed as you thought back to the case, the young woman had gripped your tightly, when she asked if you were trapped, you were confused. Hank wasn’t your alpha and Connor was, well Connor. You tried not to think about it as the water started to go cold.
You drained the bath and hoped out drying yourself. You forgot to bring clothes you realised and cursed. You peeked out the door and saw Connor on the couch. You quickly snuck to your bedroom and closed your door.
You got dressed and did your hair up messily before heading back out.
“Did they fit?” You asked as he stood. You held back a laugh at how the shirt looked like a big crop top on him.
“Is something funny?” He asked confused and you laughed.
“You look like some sport obsessed teenager” you laughed.
“I’m sorry Con” you said smiling.
“I’m afraid they’re a bit small” he smiled.
“If it’s too uncomfortable take the shirt off” you spoke without thinking again.
“When I’m in bed” you added quickly as he gripped the hem. You glanced to your pull out couch, did he sleep? Power down? Something.
“Do you want a bed?” You asked.
“I don’t require a bed” he said and you frowned slightly.
“But I’d like one” he smiled.
“Alright” you chuckled shaking your head. You struggled with the pull out bed, it finally click and swung out a bit to quick.
“Fuck!” You said tensing as it unfolded itself.
“They really should put warnings on these things��� you mumbled. You went to the cupboard and found some sheets and unused pillows.
You set his bed up as he watched intently.
“Right, you want a blanket?” You asked.
“Just have a blanket” you added quickly knowing he would say something like he didn’t require one but wanted one.
“What’s the time” you muttered glancing to your band.
“1 in the morning” you groaned.
“I’m going to bed, make yourself comfortable, I don’t know what you do with Hank” you said nervously chuckling.
“Thank you detective” he said sitting down.
“Y/n” you said and he frowned.
“You can call me Y/n out of work I’ve told you this” you chuckled softly.
“Well, goodnight Y/n” he said and you felt your heart skip.
“Goodnight Connor” you smiled heading to bed.
You laid awake for a while a smile on your face, Connor was adorable in things he did, still learning human emotions and how to speak like one, it was funny. You didn’t expect Hank to embrace you like that either, you melted in it though, you felt like you were in heaven despite the depressing rain and situation. His hand felt nice on your neck gently massaging, his natural scent had seeped through the alcohol and the smell of Sumo on his clothes. Connor had a fresh smell you guess, his clothes were always clean unless soaked in the rain. A neutral scent almost, it was nice for a change. Slumber eventually took you, the sound of rain lulling you to a deep sleep.
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an-actual-angel · 3 years
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Pairing: Connor (RK800) x Reader, Collin (RK800-60) x Reader, Richard (RK900) x Reader
Summary: The year was 2082. 44 Years after the android revolution. Things have turned south for humanity. Androids now rule the world, leaving humans to be considered as mere animals. While some Androids still have a general disdain for humanity some have taken to the idea of keeping them as “family pets.” You, born in captivity, specifically bred to be the perfect pet happen to get adopted by the RK brothers.
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Chapter 36 -  Running away is easy, Its the leaving that's hard
It had almost been two weeks since you last saw Connor and Collin. It had been tough, to say the least, you missed them like crazy. You would constantly check your phone for messages that would never come. Perhaps it didn’t take them long at all to forget about you. You couldn’t let yourself get too upset about it though, this was your decision. Maybe it was easier for them to keep their distance. It would probably work out better this way in the end.
Danny was right when he said that life in the settlement wasn't going to be glamorous, it was hard work, something you weren’t used to, coming from living cushy in a penthouse. You mostly helped out with farming the land and tending to the chickens, feeding them, cleaning out their coop, collecting eggs, etc. You also got stuck with the job of babysitting some kids from time to time. It was good to keep busy though, to keep your mind away from androids.
When you had free time, you spent it mostly with Emily, catching up, attempting to look after her, although insisted she didn’t need the fuss.
You had been staying in Emily’s shack, it was just you her and her cat Pepper, but you made a good little family. You wondered whatever happened to the father of Emily’s child, she didn’t want to talk about him too much, whoever he was. She’d just say he was away.
You didn’t want to push her but your overbearing curiosity would not sit at peace. Some other ladies around the settlement had told you he had been taken by androids.
What Emily did tell you about the child’s father was that his name was James and he was the one that saved her from the adoption centre. Well, he’d been one of the humans in the midst of the one of the riots in the city who also happened to help some of the humans escape the centre.
“Took down two androids right in front of my eyes, that how I knew he was the one.” She laughed.  
“He took down two androids? On his own?” You spluttered out, not believing her.
“Yeah, with one of these,” Emily smirked handing you over a baton.
Taking it in your hand you examine it, slightly confused until you see a button near the bottom. “Is this one of the electric ones the cops use?”
“Yep, can take out an android with a few quick buzzes.” She points her chin at you and smiles. “That’s my man, always got the good weapons.”
“I’m quite surprised you settled on a man honestly.” You smirked, “Last time I saw you, you were giving puppy dog eyes to Olivia.” You cock your head to the side, raising your eyebrows.
“Yeah, I did have a thing for her, until she got adopted and you know. Kinda couldn’t see her anymore.”
“Liv got adopted?”
“Yeah.” Emily shrugged plainly and looked away.
“I’m sorry Emily.” You reach out your hand to touch hers.
“Why are you sorry?” She shakes her head, pulling her hand away from yours to rest on her baby bump.
“It just must have been lonely for you, without me and Liv.” You bite at the broken skin on your bottom lip.
“Yeah it was a bit, but then I met James.” She smiled a little but it faded fast. “He’ll come back you know.” She said quickly, more telling it as a way to convince herself, rather than you.
You nod back to her, not wanting to hurt your friend. “Of course Emily.”
Her hand wipes at her eye a little. “Best be getting to bed.” She stands to her feet. “You should as well” she smiles placing her hand on your shoulder.
“That’s probably a good idea.” You nod. “Big day tomorrow.”
You woke to the sun shining through the thin material of your makeshift curtain, with a rub of your eyes and a quick stretch you were up to start your day. Making breakfast for yourself and Emily was first on the list and then feeding Emily’s cat Pepper was second. The next few hours would be spent outside on the farm tending to some of the plants and vegetables, you would do this until lunchtime when you would have a quick bite to eat and then on to the ‘town’ meeting, a quick impromptu one that had been called by Danny.
They had received word from another settlement, one not too far from them that they would aid them in their next city raid.
“City raid?” You whispered to Emily, not understanding what he had meant.
“Yeah, we’d been planning this one for a while.” She whispers back quickly. “It’s how we get more weapons, people, stuff like that.”
“Does Connor know you guys have been doing this?” You ask.
“No. but he doesn’t need to know.” She shrugs. “We send our doughboys out with masks anyway.”
“Doughboys?” You asked even more confused than before.
“Yeah, our fighters.” She snaps as she furrows her brows. “Don’t you listen?” realising how quick she was with you she apologises “Sorry, I forgot that you’re still new around here. We call our ‘recruits’” she says with parenthesis. “Doughboys, and they get shit done. I was one before, well before y’know.” She rubs her bump.
“Never pegged you as a fighter.”
“Well, I guess there’s a lot you don’t know about me then.” She laughs.
“Ladies,” Danny calls Emily and your attention back to him.
“This time it’s going to be the big one.” Danny looks around at everyone’s faces. “There are people from other settlements in the city as we speak. It’s almost our time to join them. Three days. Three more days!” His weathered hand hits the table he was standing in front of. “And we're getting our boys back.”
You notice Emily nod to Danny, her lip wobbles as she turns to you.
“James.” she half-smiles half whimpers as her hand grabs yours.
You give her hand a tight squeeze and whisper a silent prayer that they will indeed find him alive and well.
As the day goes on most of the camp seems in a mixture of excitement and fear about the upcoming raid.
The ‘Doughboys’ as Emily called them, coordinating their plan of attack, parents ensuring their children that everything will work out, farmers, bakers, and medics in a tizzy to prepare the needed supplies.
As the evening settles in you begin to worry for Emily, what if they can’t find James? what if he’s not even alive?
Poor Emily has been through so much. She doesn’t deserve any more grief.
A part of you wants to tell her to not get her hopes up but saying that would be cruel. You just nod along and try to keep her comfortable. After dinner Emily ends up falling asleep on the recliner chair she had been sitting on. As you wrap a blanket over her shoulders you realise that you're almost out of firewood and the fire its self is beginning to dwindle down.
Grabbing one of Emily’s cloaks from a hanger, you drape it over your shoulders before heading out on your quest to seek out more wood.
Wooden logs were usually kept in an area just west of the settlement, it was a little walk through the trees but not too far. You usually preferred going out when it was brighter. The light from your phone only made the place look creepier. The quietness of the area didn’t help either, if it wasn’t for the noises made by nearby animals the place would be downright eerie. At least you could still see the warm glow of the settlement in the distance through the trees.  
You knelt down on dry dirt to pick up some of the logs from the bottom of the pile to put in the wicker basket that you had brought with you. After you make your selection you stand back to your feet and dust off the dirt of your clothes. Just as you are about to reach down for your basket again you are abruptly stopped by a large hand being placed over your mouth as well as an arm wrapping around your front holding both your arms in place so that you cannot struggle from the grasp. You try to wrestle your way out of the grasp in a fit of fear but a familiar voice sends you into shock.
“Please calm down.”
Is that?
Your body is frozen.
“I only grabbed you like this in case you screamed. Sorry, it was a bit abrupt, I know.”
Your heart begins to thump harder in your chest but this time not from fear.
“When I let go, please don’t scream.” The voice pleads.
You manage to nod your head, still, in your state of shock, the hands and arm loosen from you and you try to steady yourself on your feet before turning around.
You take a deep breath as you slowly move on your feet towards the person whose grip you had just been in.
“Richard.” You exhale deeply.
His tongue wets his lip before he attempts to speak, however, you cut him off.
“What are you doing here!? If anyone sees you!” You shout in a whisper at him.
“Look, I know, I know.” He lifts his hands in defence. “I was just lucky that you happened to be out here so I didn't have to go in there.” He gestures his head towards the settlement.
“Don’t dare step foot in there.” Your eyes widen as if he’s gone mad.
“I won’t, I won’t… If you come back.”
“What? No.” You shake your head.
“I can’t Richard. I belong here.”
“Y/N, Look at this place. It’s disgusting.” He shakes his head as he scans his eyes across the poorly put together ‘town’. “Surviving on scraps, like an animal. You have a nice home, come back.” He reaches out to hold your hands.
You lift your brows to look up at him, your mouth becoming straight as you shake your head and slowly pull your hands away.
“I can’t, I just can’t.” You pick your basket off the ground and turn to walk away from the android.
“I’ll give you anything!” He shouts out. You turn your head to him.
“I’ll do anything.” He moves towards you again. “Just say the word. Please.”
He reaches his hand towards yours once more, his other caressing your cheek.
“I’ll even help with the rebellion.” He whispers.
“The rebellion?” You look up at him, your face plagued with even more confusion.
“Whatever it is the humans are planning. I can help, I can be of use just, please come back.” He begs his forehead now resting against yours.
“Wha- I don't understand. Why?” You whisper to him, closing your eyes as you press your forehead back against his.
“Because I love you.”
Chapter 37 -  Alrighty Aphrodite
You had entered the settlement on your own again. Going back to your shack, you had to explain the situation to Emily.
“If he can get James back.” She stopped for a minute to steady her breath. “Then I’m on board.”
After a quick hug and farewell, you had a bag packed and you were off.
“I’ll be back.” You said once more to Emily before leaving.
“I know.” She nods.
Richard had been waiting for you just outside the gateway, you had told him to wait there so he wouldn’t spook the residents.
“I can carry that” Richard insist, taking your bag from your hands, before you could say anything he had it thrown over his shoulder. You bite at your lips not really knowing what to say but walking through the forested area with him in silence.
“It’s not too far of a walk to the car,” He said. “I did try to park as close as I could.”
You just nod and continue to walk. After another while of insufferable silence, you finally speak up to him.
“So, is it true?” You turn towards the Android. “Do you really love me?”
His eyes fall to the ground for a moment as he continues on. “Yes.” He fell quiet again for a moment before continuing on. “I think I first began to realise when Collin got in that accident. You stayed with him.” He let out an artificial sigh. “I started to think about if something had happened to you and-” He shrugged.
“It took me a long time to come to grips with my feelings as you could probably tell. I never experience this type of emotion before.”
“Why didn’t you say anything?” You tilt your head attempting to make eye contact, his gaze still avoiding yours as he trudged forward.
“I was an idiot. A scared fool.”
“You are an idiot.” You stop for a minute causing Richard to stop as well, he moves closer to you, to see if you are alright. Taking him by surprise you lean up to press a kiss to his cheek. Richard hums for a second moving away slowly, he looks into your eyes before he tries to kiss your lips.
You however hold your hand out and say “I can't do that, I have boyfriends.” Before walking on.
“Yeah, ones that left you behind.” Richard sighs moving again to walk beside you.
“They did that to protect me.”
“Connor in his twisted reasoning. He probably did it more to protect himself. He is selfish. You have no idea what your leaving has done to Collin.” Richard grumbles.
“So you’re guilt-tripping me now?” You roll your eyes.
“I’m just saying.” Richard grunts, re-adjusting your bag against his back. “Why’d you not bring your suitcase?”
“This is just temporary.” You shrug.
“I see.”
“How’s Connor doing?” You change the subject before Richard tries to convince you to stay forever.
“He’s stressed about all of the attacks that have been happening in the city and he’s stressed because Collins current mental stability is not too fun. I think it would cheer him up to see you.”
“Yeah and he might murder you for bringing me.” You quip back.
“True. I guess we’ll just have to see.” He retorts as you notice Richard’s car parked in the distance. He did park quite close. Something Connor would also be pissed about.
“How did you find me anyway?” You ask the question that’s been on your mind since you first saw him.
“I’m afraid the truth of the matter might unsettle you a little.” He explains as his car beeps at his arrival.
“Go on.” You encourage him. “You can’t stop now.”
“I am one of the most advanced androids in existence.” He explains whilst throwing your bag in the back of his car. He then opens the passenger side door for you to get in. When you do he leans down to your ear to whisper, “I’m everywhere.” And with that, he closes the door.
You sit for a moment in contemplation as he gets into his side of the car to sit down. As he puts his seat belt on you turn to him with confusion on your face. “Did you hack my phone?”
Richard rolls his eyes as he starts up the car. “I was able to tap into the journey history of Connor's vehicle. I knew he was behind all of this.” He begins to explain as his own car sets out.
“When I got to the location of the factory I was able to scan for signs of nearby technology. Your settlement stood out like a beacon. Didn’t take too long for me to tap into some phones that were being used yes, and then I saw you.”
“Can other androids do all that?”
“Not a lot can. And definitely not to the extent that I can. As I say, I’m everywhere. Any piece of technology, I can tap into if I desire so.” Richard explains proudly.
“So, do you ever use it to spy on people?”
“Only if necessary.”
“You ever watch people naked?” You smirk a little.
Richard’s brows furrow as he blushes slightly. “No, I would not do that.”
You burst out in laughter at his defensiveness. “I’m just teasing.”
Richard adjusts his shirt collar in discomfort. “Indeed.” He replies dryly.
You smile and rest your head against the back of the seat.
“You know you can lie in the back if you want, it’s a long drive and you could do with some sleep.”
You swivel your seat around to look at the back seat, assessing it. Swapping your seat with your bag that had been put in the back and lay down on the cool leather.
“You don’t have any blankets do you?” You ask Richard as you attempt to find some level of comfort on the cold seat.
“No, sorry. I can turn the heat up if you like?”
“hmmpf.” You think for a minute. “Isn’t this car self-driving?”
“Yes,” Richard replies, not really sure at what you’re getting at.
“Why don’t you just put in the destination and then come back here and lie with me?”
His LED begins flashing red. “I think Connor would definitely try and kill me if we sleep with each other again.” Richard stammers.
“I wasn’t suggesting we have sex, oh my god!” You smack your hand over your mouth to not laugh.
Richard's face began to turn in cringe, “oh I just thought-”
“I meant so we could cuddle.” You explain, smirk still present on your face.
“Do you think Collin and Connor would be okay with that?”
“I think they’d be angrier if you let me get sick from the cold.” You tease.
“That is a fair point.” Richard raises a brow as he puts in the location for the car to self-drive. When he has it tapped in, he too swivels around in his seat to move to the back with you.
Richard is a little awkward at first as he clumsily shifted to lay down in the backseat with you, eventually pulling you into his chest. The thrum of his thirium pump makes you grin in triumph as he settles his head to rest on top of yours. Richard then changes his body temperature to a comfortable setting so that he could be your personal radiator for the next few hours.
Was this weird? Absolutely. Was this wrong? Maybe. Was this comfortable? YES.
But you allowed yourself the brief comfort of being in Richard's arms, even if it was just for this one night. Maybe you felt like you deserved it, you were entitled to some amount of comfort after all the crap you’ve been through.
A part of you was angry and Collin and Connor for not reaching out, even to send a measly little text message. Your more rational mind told you to drop it, something might have come up, you didn’t know the full story, and maybe it was too hard for them. Although that didn’t stop it from stinging your ego any less.
You managed to drift off to sleep rather quickly, that was one of the benefits from all the hard work you had been up to at the settlement, sleep found you a whole lot quicker. Richard had stayed beside you for the majority of the journey as well, cherishing the feeling of having you in his arms once again. Deciding to himself to never be without this feeling anymore. His face snuck its way between your neck and collar bone to take in your scent and to delicately place his lips against your skin just for a sweet moment of indulgence. He had to wiggle his hips away from yours so you would not awake with his growing hardness against your ass.
Feeling a little guilty for his body’s response he decided to give you some space, sliding his form out from the side, slowly as not to wake you. He couldn’t help but smiling down at how comfortable you seemed as he made his way back to the driver’s seat, the seat still swivelled around to face the back.
Richard did eventually wake you up as the car pulled into the private garage area for the RK’s apartment building.
“We're here, little dove.” He coos to you, brushing his knuckles down the length of your arm.
Your eyes squinted open, feeling blinded by the violently bright fluorescent lights of the garage you had found yourself in. Looking down you had noticed one of Richard's coats had been draped over you. You rubbed your eyes briefly before reaching down to it to hand it over to Richard.
“You put it on.” He insisted, pushing it back towards you. “At least until we get inside. It gets cold in the garage, at least that’s what my sensors tell me.”
You didn’t object you just nodded in silence, still in that groggy half sleep-like state. Throwing the oversized coat onto yourself you open the car door and hop out, Richard grabbing your bag soon follows behind, hand on your shoulder as he directs you towards the elevator.
It felt strange being back in the city, even stranger to see the apartment building again.
When you entered back into your old home, it had felt different somehow, a little bit eerie even. Suppose it didn’t help that most of the lights were off.
“Collin and Connor are both out at the moment.” Richard finally spoke up again, leading you by the shoulder into the dark living room, with a flash of his LED the lights were on.
You squinted again at the harshness of them before Richard had dimmed them to a more pleasing brightness level.
“Why don’t you go and get a nice hot bath and I can put your stuff away.” He awkwardly half-smiles over at you.
“Are you sure?” You ask skittishly.
“Of course.” He tilts his head in confusion, it’s not like having YOU here was any bother to him, he was bloody delighted. “After that, I can go get my brothers?”
“Right now?” You stuttered out the question, fidgeting with the large sleeves of Richard’s coat that you had forgotten to take off.
“Do you want some time before?” Richard asked, head tilting once more, exposing his pale neck to you.
You shook your head and looked back down at your hands. “I don’t know, maybe. It’s not that I don’t want to see them. This is all just a little overwhelming.”
“I understand.” Richard nods. “Just one thing at a time.”
You look up at him once more, catching his cool eyes in a stare, you nod. “A hot bath sounds good.”
Notes:  I lowkey called Emily's love interest James after Bucky Barnes (cause for some reason I imaging him looking like Bucky lol)
Sorry I'd been gone for a while, just been really busy with work and general life stuff.
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 years
Oh my god! Please extend on the htgawm au or cast tsc characters as htgawm charcters.
I can already see Alastair as Connor, Thomas as Oliver, Grace as Michaela and obviously Charles as Aiden (even though he isn't that important, that conversation between Michaela and Connor is too iconic to not include him). Because of this, we will also get a Grace and Alastair dynamic which will be interesting to see.
I am kinda confused on the other characters. I can kind of see Maryse and Robert as Annalise and Sam, but then it makes Robert's canon development seem futile so I don't wanna do that. Also, now that I think about it, just because Maryse and Robert have the whole cheating arc, doesn't really make them similar to Annalise and Sam.
So, please help with the characters. You can choose characters from any timeline. It would be interesting to the character dynamic since characters from tmi and tda have never met characters from tid and tlh and Its interesting to imagine how they would get along and what their friendship would be like.
(P.S: I am sorry if I'm getting too excited, but htgawm is one of my all time favorite shows and tsc is one of my favorite book series, so I am getting very pumped up)
Okay this took me way too long to figure out cause htgatwm character dynamics are messy af. I couldn't put all the characters from different trilogies together. But how about this?
What if we make Annalise...Jocelyn?
The tmi gang kills 'Valentine/Sam' without knowing he is a piece of shit.
Clary can be Bonnie and Frank can be Sebastian (big ew - the plot needs to change but I feel like the dynamics work. The two of them being closest to Jocelyn/Annalise
Jace can be Asher. Checks out.
Izzy can be Laurel. Yes????
I would love to see Maia as Michaela. The power this two women hold oof.
Also, Luke is Nate!!! IT WORKS.
I think Magnus and Alec work perfectly as Connor and Oliver. They are both soft ships and must be protected at all costs. Also we know Magnus saves the gang's ass all the time just like Oliver.
why the fuck is this actually coming together imma stop now bye
Edit - just realised I forgot fucking Wes lmao. SIMON? I GUESS? CAUSE CANONICALLY DIES?
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archadianskies · 3 years
"you're at a resort, and in desperate need to get away from your family. you hide in a wardrobe down in the lobby, and while in there, you discover that a stranger is also hiding there" - Leo & Sixty
Make no mistake- he loves it when the old man pays for everything. He figures it’s the least the geezer can do after a neglectful childhood and a turbulent adolescence and a spiralling young adulthood. It’s just that somewhere between the flight to New York and the fancy hotel, Leo forgets he actually has to spend time with Carl and that’s a massive oversight on his part.
He wanted to go back to New York for fashion week and of course Markus wanted to go too because he’s not only Android Jesus but a goddamn Work of Art fit for the runway. And since both Manfreds wanted to go, Senior Manfred decided to make it into a Family Bonding Experience. Leo regrets ever bringing it up.
“Ok so maybe the neon pop of colour for the Siriano runway, and the velvet for the Ford runway?” Markus is deliberating over outfits and Carl is humming and nodding thoughtfully and that’s when Leo decides nope, no thank you, goodbye. Slipping the camera strap over his head and jamming his phone in his pocket, Leo grabs his jacket on the way out and closes the door behind him.
“Leo-!” Markus calls out behind him and yeah ok it’s not his greatest moment but Leo flees like a coward, managing to wedge himself into the elevator just before it closes. He just does not want any of this, and so he ignores all the strange looks from the people stuck with him and races out into the lobby once the doors open. Is it just his imagination or are there sounds of running footsteps coming from the fire escape??? Oh shit, he forgot his brother can do fancy android parkour.
Leo turns the corner and dives into the coat storage.
Go away go away go away, he thinks desperately to himself.
“Go away!” Someone hisses, right into his ear and Leo screams into someone’s palm. “Shut up or we’ll be found!” The hand is removed from his mouth and Leo looks beside him. He knows this face. It’s a very famous face.
“It’s Sean.” The android cuts him off, expression sour. He’s not Connor. Connor doesn’t have a bullet scar in the center of his forehead. “And you’re Leo Manfred, what the fuck are you doing in here?”
“What are you doing in here?” Leo shoots right back, huffing as he shifts into a more comfortable slump against the wall.
“Hiding from my dad.” He barks a laugh at that.
“Oh you too? What’s your old geezer done?”
“He got tickets for us to go to the World of Reptiles at the Bronx Zoo,” the android mumbles, his LED cycling an anxious yellow.
“And you don’t want to go?” Leo rolls his eyes. “Great, another dad who doesn’t care about their son’s interests but forces them along to theirs.”
“No, I want to go!” Sean corrects hastily. “I really want to go! That's all I’ve talked about for the past month, I’ve looked up every single reptile there and traced back their origins, and I’ve plotted the most efficient route so we see every single reptile!”
“Well,” Leo blinks, confused, “what’s the problem then?”
The android curls in on himself, hugging his knees to his chest. His LED blinks red briefly before it fades back into the anxious yellow.
“I-I-I’m not used to being alone with him,” Sean chews his lip, pointedly not making eye contact. “It’s always the four of us- five if you count Sumo. It’s never been just me and him.”
“Let me get this right-” Leo can’t help the bitterness that poisons his tone, “your dad wants to spend time with you, doing something you love and you’re hiding from him?”
“It’s just a lot, okay?!” Sean snaps, the anger dissipating when he makes eye contact. “...you don’t- you don’t know what I did, you don’t know how it happened. I’m going to be making up for what I did for the rest of his life, and mine.”
“But whatever you did, he still loves you for it,” the bitterness is still there like something slimy coating his tongue “which is more than what I’ve got with my old man. You’ve had your dad for months and I’ve had mine for-”
“About the same,” Sean says firmly. “You only had him back for about the same.”
“...Okay. Yeah. About the same.” Shit he’s right. “But he fucked up for years before that and he didn’t have any android slavery coding running through him.”
Sean snorts back a laugh, managing a brief grin before his expression turns somewhat hopeful. “You wanna ditch your dad and come hang out with me and mine? Bet you could take lots of great photos with your fancy camera.”
“Maybe not today,” Leo shakes his head. “Today sounds special. It sounds like something just for you, and you don’t need to share that with me. I appreciate the offer though.”
“What are you ditching your family for anyway?”
“He and Markus are being insufferable about clothes,” Leo rolls his eyes. “Carl paid for everything- the flights, the hotel, the runway tickets. I can’t exactly not go given this was all my idea. I just didn’t realise they’d be like that the whole time.”
“What if you got to take photos instead?” Sean suggests. “You wouldn’t have to sit with them. You’d still be there but not stuck to them.”
“Do you have any idea how hard it is to get a media pass to New York Fashion Week?” Leo scoffs. “The application process is a nightmare and it takes like, forever, for approval.”
Sean tips his head slightly, LED blinking yellow rapidly for a few moments before cycling down to a neon blue. “Done. You can pick your pass up an hour before the first show.”
“...Seriously?” He stares at Sean dumbly as the android gets to his feet and offers Leo his hand.
“Thanks for the talk,” Sean squares his shoulders, looking more settled in himself. “I think I’ll really enjoy today with Hank.”
“You will,” Leo says sincerely. “You want to hit up Central Park Zoo tomorrow?”
“Not tomorrow, we’re here for some stupid android police training thing. Conferences and training exercises and all that shit,” Sean grumbles, fiddling with the cuffs of his jacket. “It’s why we’re all here. Saturday, though?”
“Yeah okay,” Leo agrees automatically, unable to stop himself from making a stupif, goofy smile. “Saturday it is.”
The wardrobe door opens and a confused android pauses as they reach for one of the coats.
“Nice talk, Manfred,” Sean claps him on the shoulder as they emerge from their hiding spot. Leo grins, elbowing him playfully.
“See you on Saturday, Anderson.”
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sycamoretrees · 3 years
for the hockey dudes boning: Giroux and Crosby, draisaitl and mtkachuck, frederik andersen and connor brown. all together or as pairs ;3
anon the scope of your ambition is inspirational, unforch I know next to nothing about andersen and brown but the other two I can do!!
giroux and crosby: these two hatef*cking is well-worn territory (not a complaint), so let's say. '22 Winter Olympics (I've just found out G has never competed??? He probably wouldn't go to the next one either, anyway, details), Sid and G warming down after an early round win (gotta take that stuff seriously at their age yknow, no one's 23 forever), trading league gossip, Sid starts in on an anecdote 'yeah you remember what Luongo was like in Sochi, when he -' G cuts him off emphatically 'nope' really sounding out the plosive, huffs a laugh so Sid knows he isn't too upset about it. 'shit sorry man, forgot it was your first time'
G: ah fuck off, makes it sound like I'm a virgin
Sid keeps making jokes until G does actually start getting kinda frustrated, 'is this a thing for you?'
Spoiler alert: it is, they roleplay G being a virgin, maybe even a rookie, maybe with a bit of a hero worship crush on Sid, Sid being the Big Deal Captain who's the first guy to have rookie!Giroux choke on his dick, who gets crazy hot for G white-knuckling the sheets and gasping about how big he is, etc.
Sid's maybe kind of embarrassed after, G even worse off (like yeah they'd been pretending but he'd still begged for it, he'd still made those noises, he'd still -), but they get up the next day and play the next game and it's fine, and when Canada wins gold and they're doing some Q+A thing wearing these huge medals around their necks, and a reporter says 'this question's for Claude, you never been to the Olympics before, right?' G glances at Sid, smirking, before answering 'yeah well there's a first time for everything' and Sid spends the rest of the presser desperately trying not to laugh
Mtkachuk and Draisaitl: so part of my weirdly over-developed mtkachuk headcanon is he's self-conscious about his body for some reason, and this came up in a chat recently so i’m just gonna borrow my thoughts because maybe if i put it out into the universe someone will write it (under a cut because long)(ETA: THIS EVOLVED so warning for dubcon, general filth, bad language etc):
objectively there is nothing [about his body for him to be self conscious about] but What If it was: tits
I would enjoy a fic that explored that maybe. Maybe the other guy is nice about it.... But maybe............... They Are Not
the existing RL dynamic where Leon HATES him and Matthew is just like. Enjoys someone paying attention to him and is kind of amused at Leon’s depth of feeling and maybe also a bit turned on about it. And then Leon stumbles across the knowledge that he’s self-conscious about his body somehow and in his angry insults further stumbles upon the precise focus of said self-consciousness
Are they already fucking when Leon finds this out or does he find out and THEN they hook up, idk
If it's the latter it's because Leon says something about it (blindly) and it's the one thing that makes Matthew fucking SNAP
Like he's been blithely volleying Leon's insults while they circle each other on the ice, maybe doing that dumb upright wrestling thing that players do when they aren't ready to commit, looking like he's laughing at Leon all the while which drives Leon MAD and he's so DISGUSTED at himself for giving a shit about this ASSHOLE, and then Leon spits out something about fuck idk 'can see why you'd want to keep that covered up man, got the same tits as my 10th grade girlfriend' and Matthew LUNGES, not even just for the show of it like he usually fights but really trying to HURT Leon, but so frantic with it that he can't get anything to land
Oh actually they're not on the ice for this because I need Leon to realise that while matthew is indeed genuinely irate he is also FULLY boned up
And Leon is DELIGHTED to finally have something on matthew, to finally have the upper hand. like for once he gets to feel like he's not the one embarrassing himself by being too invested. And as soon as matt realises Leon's noticed - maybe as soon as MATTHEW notices - he scrambles away mortified and sprints the fuck out of dodge
And like Leon would LOVE to take the chance to feel superior, like maybe now he's come out on top for once he can get on with the rest of his life without feeling like he's got a score to settle with some mouthy smirking asshole with shitty hair who plays on a team that doesn't even MATTER, like, Leon WON. Now he can MOVE ON. except he can't stop fucking thinking about it, the hot flush on matt's cheeks, the raw fury making matthew's fingers bite into Leon's flesh and how maybe just for a second, just at the end there, it looked like maybe matthew was gonna cry about it
Anyway blah blah the next time they play each other and Leon tracks Matthew down in the [arena stadium idk] and Matthew tries to brush him off, none of the gleeful chirping he'd normally unleash upon seeing Leon out in the wild, but Leon doesn't let him, pushes and pushes and gets up in his space
Until Matthew shoves at him, drops his water bottle and his keys and his two fucking cellphones (one's for 'business') and gets Leon right in the solar plexus, and it hurts, enough that it makes Leon dizzy for a second and when he blinks back into clarity he's got Matthew against the wall, one of Matthew's arms twisted between them, the other hot in Leon's hand, his pulse so rabbit-fast it feels like humming
They're the same size pretty much, but Matthew's scattered, eyes darting all over, trying to pull free in every direction at once, and Leon's focused. Can channel all his energy towards Matthew, into him, keeping him here
Leon shifts even closer, leans more of his weight, yanks at Matthew's wrist where he was trying to twist it away
'you're gonna let me see them,' he says, face tucked in tight to Matthew's neck. Heat's coming off him like asphalt, humid and syrupy
'the fuck're you talking about,' Matthew grits, still twisting under him, and honestly Leon doesn't know, didn't know he was going to say that until he did, but it's there now, and the certainty of it keeps him in place like a lead weight, like a cliff face Matthew's throwing himself against
'you're gonna show me,' Leon says, 'your pretty fuckin' tits, gonna let me see'
'what - what -' Matthew's chest spasms under Leon like he's laughing, but the sound doesn't come out right, just this tight wet noise from the back of his throat
'yeah,' Leon says, letting his voice loose against the hot skin at Matthew's jaw, 'yeah, get you naked, spread out for me, let me get my hands on them'
Leon's blood never settled from the fight and it's pounding in his ears, thump-thump-thump like the bassline at a club, driving bodies forward, pushing them higher. His hands are sweat damp now but it doesn't matter, Matthew isn't fighting any more, not really, not like he's trying to get away. Squirming under Leon like - like -
'hardly got enough for each hand, huh, but you're gonna let me anyway,' and Matthew jerks so hard under Leon it takes the wind out of him for a second, so he doubles down, puts all his weight into holding matthew against the wall, all his limbs pinned. 'you want me to, right? Want me to look at you, it's all you ever fucking want, can't get enough of it'
If he'd been thinking he'd have braced then, because surely Matthew isn't going to let him keep saying this shit, but Matthew’s shuddering, this rumble that travels over into Leon’s body, and if Leon’s out of breath it’s nothing compared to Matthew, panting rough and raw
'you gonna jerk me off while I feel you up, huh matty? Get your hand on my dick, let me - fuck, let me come on you, come all over your pretty little tits'
Matthew sobs, wet, Leon can feel the tears smearing against his cheek, but he's riding Leon's thigh now, grinding against it like a girl really would. Leon slaps his hand over Matthew's mouth, ignoring the shocked little noise Matthew makes at that because he's being so loud
'would you get yourself off like that, with my come all over you? You think everyone would know, they'd smell it on you, how much you liked it, how much you wanted it -'
Matthew jerks against him, once, twice, the noise he makes muffled against Leon's palm, thank god, because it sounded like - it sounded like what it was. He lets his head fall back against the wall finally, and - and he’s a fucking wreck, bright red all the way up to his hairline, the faintest outline of where Leon's hand had been pressing into his skin just fading away.
'fuck, fuck, fuck,' matthew's repeating under his breath, eyes squeezed shut still. He hasn't looked at Leon.
Leon's so hard his balls hurt, and the hand he was holding over Matthew’s mouth is floating awkwardly near his shoulder, damp from Matthew’s tears, from his sweat. He has a powerful urge to move it back, slip his thumb into Matthew’s mouth, make him lick the salt off, but he - it doesn’t feel like he can, now
Matthew blinks open. His eyes are red, and Leon can see his tongue in his open mouth, wet and shiny everywhere.
‘you’re fucked up,’ Matthew says, hoarse. Leon nods, slowly, warily, because. Well, yeah. ‘you’re not gonna...’
He trails off, and Leon isn’t sure - not gonna tell anyone? is that what he was going to say? Leon isn’t, jesus fucking christ is Leon not telling anyone about this, where would he even start - and then Matthew swallows, throat clicking loud in the silence, and when Leon looks at him he lets his eyes trail down, down, past Leon’s face and his torso and... oh, ok. yeah. Leon lowers his hand, slowly, thumb catching on his waistband, still watching Matthew’s eyeline.
‘D’you want me to?’ Leon says, his fingers just edging under. Matthew doesn’t say anything, and then he shrugs, barely. Leon’s not even touching him any more. ‘Yeah. Yeah, you do.’
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fandom-necromancer · 3 years
Another option
This was prompted by an amazing anon! I hope you enjoy! As always with these topics, I hope I didn’t offend anyone. Connor pulls at least one phrase I know you shouldn’t say in that context. If I said anything wrong, please message me so I can change/delete that part!
Fandom: Detroit become human | Ship: Reed900 | Add. Characters: Connor (Warnings: gender disphoria, coming out as nonbinary, nonbinary character written by only slightly nonbinary author)
Nines sat at his table, watching his brother chat with another officer in the breakroom. He had something eating at him for a few weeks already, but there wasn’t much he could do about it himself. It was a discomforting feeling he had trouble to even find words for, much less voice in front of others. Connor really was the only one he trusted enough to consider speaking to. Sure, he had more friends than just his brother and was very close with Gavin, but Gavin was human. Most of his friends were. And he didn’t want to creep them out further than he already did by now.
He had learned very quickly that he wasn’t like other androids. Being an unfinished prototype last-minute patched by Elijah Kamski himself after being activated in the Cyberlife Tower wasn’t easy when everyone around him was integrating perfectly, some blending in so perfectly they were only distinguishable from humans when they had to refill their Thirium levels. Nines stood out. His military coding wasn’t that advanced when it came to something like social interaction, making friends and… do human things. He didn’t like being idle, something most humans desired from time to time, he was longing for clear orders instead of complex inuendo of politeness. Maybe that’s why he had taken to Gavin that easily. But none of that was what was bothering Nines at the moment. All these shortcomings he had accepted as his character. Sure, he sometimes longed for the ease others displayed in those situations, but mostly he was content with it. No, his problem was something entirely different. And if he didn’t ask someone for help or an explanation soon, he was sure it would eat him alive. Connor probably was his safest bet.
And so, as soon as the officer left Connor alone, gesturing for their desk, Nines took his chance. He walked over, trying not to alarm anyone with his hurry and likely failing. ‘Connor? Can we talk for a moment?’, he asked and looked around. ‘In private?’ The RK800 frowned but nodded. ‘Of course. What is it?’ ‘I feel something I can’t quite put into words’, Nines muttered. ‘I… It has bothered me for a while now. And- Well, I don’t know how to explain it.’ ‘Just try, I will tell you if I don’t understand something��, Connor told him with a smile. ‘Well, I… Did you ever think about how it’s weird androids have genders?’ ‘Not really…’, Connor shrugged. ‘Why?’ ‘I mean, humans, they have genders because they are biological creatures, right? We don’t need that. We can’t reproduce.’
Connor looked at him. ‘Well, I guess. But we were built in their image. So we too are male or female.’ ‘But I don’t feel like that’, Nines stated. ‘I mean, I am supposed to be male from my build, but I don’t feel like that.’ ‘So you feel… female?’ ‘No, neither actually’, RK900 sighed. ‘I’m myself. RK900. An unfinished prototype, a detective, your sibling, Gavin and I love each other, … Saying I am male just feels… wrong? Weird? Am I making sense?’ ‘So you don’t feel like you have a gender?’, Connor asked, and his face told Nines everything he needed to know.
‘This is because I’m not finished once again, isn’t it?’, he sighed disappointedly. ‘Another part I’m missing.’ ‘Hey, Nines’, Connor quickly interrupted him, taking his hand in his and waiting until he looked back into his face again. ‘Nines, if you don’t feel like that it’s fine. I don’t think anything less of you and neither will anyone else. If you don’t identify as male or female, then I will respect that. Just because I don’t understand what you are feeling it doesn’t mean I can’t respect your decision, wishes and sense of identity. Do you understand? You are my bro- You are family. I love you no matter what will happen. Okay?’ Nines nodded, forcing himself to smile, but took back his hand to push it into his pocket. ‘Yes, I understand. Thank you, Connor.’
Dropping his appearance as soon as he was out of sight, he walked back to his desk, sitting down and trying to concentrate on his work. He had thought he had learned of everything he was missing. discovering new faults made him wonder what else was still out there waiting for him. Would he one day become better instead of worse? He sighed deeply, reaching for the interface device to get back to his cases. But before he could reach it, out of nowhere Gavin spoke up: ‘Hey, something is up, what is it?’ ‘Nothing.’ ‘Nothing causes your LED to show a lot of red then’, Gavin refused to drop it. ‘Do you want to speak about it or need some distraction?’ Nines looked up at the human that looked completely honest with his offering. As if to confirm, he continued: ‘I didn’t take my break yet. We can go outside and talk while I have a cigarette or something. If that would help you.’
Nines sighed. ‘Okay. I still need some time to process it, so I doubt I could have worked like this anyways.’ Gavin nodded and took his pack from the drawer before heading out the back entrance. He walked towards the railing, leaning against it while igniting his cigarette and taking the first drag. Nines watched the cloud of smoke rise in the air, standing a bit lost to his side. ‘Alright, tin-can, spill the beans’, Gavin chuckled but got serious fairly quickly. ‘What’s up in that metal brain of yours?’ ‘I told Connor something that has been bothering me for a while, but he didn’t understand me. So I guess it’s just another part of me being the unfinished prototype of a war machine.’ ‘What did you tell him?’, Gavin asked, continuing to look over the parking lot int front of him. ‘I… I don’t know if I should tell you.’ ‘Come on, man, it’s eating you up and I hope by now you do realise you can tell me anything. I can keep a secret.’
Nines rolled his shoulders indecisive. But then he let his tension fall in defeat and muttered: ‘I don’t feel like a man.’ He waited for a while, but Gavin didn’t answer. Only as silence stretched, he half turned his head towards him to signalise he was still listening. ‘I don’t feel female either. I don’t feel like I have a gender at all. But Connor couldn’t give me any explanation as he feels comfortable being male. I guess it’s really just something wrong with me yet again and I have to accept that.’ He let his head fall and felt his skin crawl with discomfort at having to admit it once again to the human.
Nines frowned, when Gavin let out a huge cloud of smoke having held his breath until just now. Without turning around and fixing a distant point, he commented: ‘Nah, buddy, there’s a word for it, it’s called being nonbinary. Or transgender, genderfluid, …’ He stopped talking another pull from his cigarette. ‘There are actually a lot of different designations to choose from for someone not conforming to gender binary. I can’t say I understand them all, I just researched until I came to the conclusion I am quite comfortable with being male.’ Nines looked at him, his face not really readable for Gavin, so he continued: ‘Of course, you don’t have to use any label, but it might help you not feeling alone or weird or broken. Knowing there are others feeling similarly if not the same.’
‘So you say, humans experience this too?’, Nines asked, voice not more than a whisper. ‘This is not just me being… incomplete? Gavin sighed, turning around and leaning his back against the railing. He looked the android into the eyes and showed him a gentle smile. ‘Listen, tin-can, humans are complex. There is no black and white, never was and never will be. So why should your kind be any different? If anything, it is just as logical with you as it is with us, if not more. We are born - you are built - with a gender we couldn’t chose. If you feel like it doesn’t fit with you, then you can pick something else.’
He turned back around to flick the ash that had accumulated at the end of his cigarette in the ashtray before he continued with a shrug: ‘There are people born as female that become male, or the other way around. And there are people identifying with neither or only a little bit of it. None of them are “missing” something or broken or whatever kinda shit word others may tell you. And I see no reason to think the same doesn’t apply to androids. Hell, maybe they truly forgot to install something, who am I to know, but you are not alone and not in any case less of a person for it.’
Nines stayed silent for quite a while, processing what he just heard. ‘And people will… accept that?’, he asked tentatively. Gavin laughed. ‘Buddy, if they don’t, I’ll give them hell and you’ll file a complaint with HR. Easy as that.’ That made Nines smile. Research on that topic was already well underway, both on what Gavin had mentioned and what else there was to look into. Content with what Nines had found, he updated his status in every databank that was readily available for him for now. Noticing then that there were still a few minutes left of the break, they walked up to Gavin and joined him leaning against the railing.
‘Thank you. I think I found what I was looking for.’
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iwonderwh0 · 11 months
One more scene for this out-of-body fic idea. This one is (almost) directly following the one started here
It was decided that when it comes to Hank going to sleep, a phone with Connor will be left in the garage, right next to the washing machine set for the longest cycle of two and a half hours. Additionally Hank promised to leave a working fan to maintain the noise present once the washing machine finished its job.
That was the plan.
What it didn't account for was the fact that Hank would need to actually do the laundry and all the laundry-related tasks, and to his own regret, he decided that it was a great occasion to finally wash all the bedding - a chore consisting of (as he realised a little too late) the most tedious tasks. Tasks such as: unbuttoning and removing all the pillowcases, sheets, duvet cover and replacing them all with new ones by going through the miserable process of searching for the replacement bedding in a closet, fitting all the pillows into according pillowcases, buttoning them back on and the worst of it all – fitting the comforter into a new duvet cover. This was too much work. He could have simply loaded the washing machine with the content of laundry basket and call it a day. That's what he should have done. Now it was too late.
He lay down on a bare bed and stared at the ceiling as the pile of removed bedding frowned at him from the corner of his eye. He tried to pretend it wasn't there, ignore it, but he could still feel it taking up space -- both mental and physical -- even with his eyes closed. This knowledge alone filled him with the kind of dread only the tedious unfinished tasks could induce. Tasks like making an appointment at the doctor's office or cancelling a subscription he didn't remember having, reminded him of it only by a weekly junk-mail. Tasks that are easy to do, but much more tempting to just ignore. Let them pile up and rot.
"I forgot how much I fucking hate laundry," Hank grumbled, cutting through the silence of the last couple of minutes.
"I thought you hate doing the dishes," Connor said.
"I hate doing laundry and the dishes. But if I had to choose, I'd rather do the dishes."
"I'm sorry. I would help you if I could."
Something about sincerely apologetic tone of android's voice annoyed Hank and he scoffed.
"Sure you fucking would."
"Is something wrong?"
"No. Yes. It doesn't fucking matter."
Hank pressed his palms against his face and sighed.
"Fuck...This is embarrassing," he said and instantly winced from realisation of saying it out loud - something he didn't intend to do.
Hank huffed and applied more pressure to his palms, seeing colourful spots appearing at his fake vision of closed eyes.
"Yeah. Laundry."
"Is the process of laundry embarrassing in itself or is it-"
"-Connor. Just stop, okay?"
Connor got quiet, but only for a moment.
"You know, you don't have to do it today," he said.
"That's what I told myself yesterday. And...Shit, I don't even remember when was the last time I did it. And now I already took the sheets and covers out..."
"So you're already half way there, much closer than yesterday, right? You can do it tomorrow morning."
Hank didn't feel like arguing and insisting on doing something he already subconsciously decided not to do, so he agreed. He abruptly thought if android tried to use reverse-psychology on him to make him finish making the bed now, but if that was the case -- Hank thought -- he should have known better than to do it like this.
"Tomorrow it is, then. I'm not doing it."
He took his hands off his face and stared at the pile of removed bedding. The sight of it was nauseous. He turned to his side and looked at the phone laying on the other side of the bed instead.
"What about you? What are you doing exactly? I'm sure you're not only here talking to me."
"Correct. But I try to focus on my audio input the most, so what I'm doing on the background is not so important."
"You can still tell me about it," Hank turned to his back.
"You want me to talk about what I'm doing?"
"Couldn't be more clear than that."
Connor made a noise - something between a surprise and content.
"It's not much, there isn't enough computing power for me to use, so mostly I'm just surfing through text articles. For example, when you mentioned hating laundry, I tried to find something that might change your perspective on it. I found that there's a music album named 'Laundry Service' released on November 13, 2001 - the same day the President of the United States signed an executive order allowing military tribunals against foreigners suspected of terrorist acts as part of the war on terror following the September 11 attacks."
"Wow," Hank elongated the word and shook his head, "I must admit, it does indeed change my whole perspective on laundry."
He chuckled at his own joke reaching the phone to move it closer.
"Is it something you only do now or..," Hank started.
"No, I've been also doing it before."
"Ah, I get it. Can't be entertained by a conversation only. Can't blame ya. I'd probably do the same if I had a computer for a brain to do this kind of shit unnoticed."
"It's not about my level of entertainment and more about not being familiar with some of the cultural references I may encounter. I can't know it all, Hank."
"Right. I keep forgetting how little you've been around. Of course you'd search things up... didn't come out of the box with all this nonsense installed."
"Technically I've never been in a box."
"I'm not sure what's that supposed to mean. Is this a joke about coffin?"
Hank laughed.
"What? No. Actually, I don't know what I was thinking. Probably just imagined you in a big cardboard box or something."
"Why would I be in a cardboard box?"
"I don't know, why would you be in a coffin?"
"I don't know, you said my body looks like a corpse in your living room."
"Connor, fuck...Do me a favour and shut the fuck up!"
The awkward silence filled the room. Once again Hank got painfully aware of the pile of sheets, but this time it looked more like an excuse than anything else. He rose from the bed and grabbed the pile on his way to the door. He was halfway through the threshold when he got stopped by the sound of his name. He froze.
"I won't say anything. Please, don't leave me alone in silence."
Hank felt a heavy knot forming in his stomach. He swallowed and turned back around.
"Of course not. Wasn't going to."
He returned to the bed to pick up the phone, then walked to the garage, loaded the washing machine, closed the door, and stared at it blankly. It seemed like he had forgotten something, but the silence-induced noise was too loud in his ears to remember whatever it was. He started the washing machine, gave it another glance, and returned to the bedroom where he collapsed onto the bed. After a few moments he realised that he had returned with his phone in his hand. He was squeezing it tightly, still. It had been quiet the entire time, and for a moment, Hank wondered if he could accidentally turn it off without even noticing. The thought sent a surge of panic down his spine, and he swiped his finger to unlock the phone. The screen lit up with CyberLife program still up and running. Thank god. He let out a sigh of relief and sank into the matress, setting the phone aside.
There was no response.
Hank burried his face deeper into the pillow. He felt sick. Without meaning to, he accidentally remembered what it was he had forgotten -- aside from leaving the phone in the garage with a fan, which had been a rather conscious decision-- washing detergent. He hadn't used it at all.
"Connor," he tried again.
After a few seconds phone buzzed in response.
"Listen, you can talk if you want."
The room remained silent.
Hank turned to his side and unlocked the phone. He wasn't sure why, probably just to see CyberLife screen again, to make sure it was still there. He looked at it for a few seconds, then locked the phone back.
"I'm sorry" was what he meant to say. What he wanted to say. What he said instead was "Say something, damn it!"
It came out wrong. Agressive. Not the way he intended it, again.
"Goodnight, Hank," Connor said.
It was something. Sharp and short. Hank let another sigh out - both from frustration and relief.
"Goodnight, Connor."
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wonderful-writer · 4 years
10 - Biological Warfare
Summary: Murphy returns to camp with a virus that renders the camp vulnerable to a grounder attack, and Y/n realizes something she should’ve seen a long while ago.
Word Count: 3.20k
Based Off: 01x10 “I Am Become Death”
A/N: So i forgot to queue this post yesterday before i went to bed and now it’s 3 hours late so enjoy :)
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The next morning, you, Clarke, Bellamy, Finn, Raven and a handful of other delinquents were heading out to the crash site to investigate. Bellamy tried to talk to you multiple times throughout the trip, along with Clarke, but you and Finn ignored them and Raven and walked together instead.
As you looked around, Finn pointed out that neither you or Clarke should be here.
“Clarke’s mom was on the ship, and y/n’s dad and grandmother were, too. They’re looking for answers.” Raven explained. “You wanna help them? Find me the black box, hard drives, anything that will explain why the ship crashed.”
“Stay sharp.” Bellamy told everyone. “Grounder retaliation for what happened on the bridge is coming, it’s just a matter of when.”
“Can you blame them?” You asked him.
“No, I blame you.” He sassed back.
“Maybe if you didn’t bring guns-” Finn was cut off by Raven.
“If we didn’t bring guns, we all would’ve been killed.”
“Why they’re coming doesn’t matter anymore.” Bellamy pointed out. “It’s our job to be ready when they do. We’re on our own now.”
You tuned the world out and looked at the burnt corpses, wondering which of them was your grandmother, and which was your father. You realised now that maybe you should’ve taken your grandmother's offer and talked with your dad, because now it was too late.
“You would’ve loved him, nana.” You looked up at the sky, deciding that looking at the bodies wasn’t going to do much for you, especially if it wasn’t the body of your beloved grandmother. It would’ve been weird if you said that to some technician you didn’t know.
You wiped a tear that had begun to fall and clutched your necklace. You looked back up when Raven, Finn, and Bellamy made their way to you and Clarke, who had been a few paces ahead of you.
“It’s hydrazine. Highly unstable in its solid form. If this stuff meets fire, we’re all pink mist.” Raven informed her. She dipped a rock in a puddle that had gathered, standing up and shouting, “Fire in the hole!” And tossed it into a distant fire, before causing a mediocre explosion.
“We need to clear the area.” She instructed Bellamy, who nodded at her.
“We move in formation, no straggling, weapons hot. We’ve got to get back before dark.” He shouted over to the others that you brought along, everyone following his lead.
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When you arrived back at camp the next morning, everyone told you and Bellamy that Murphy was back and in the dropship. Bellamy angrily stomped into the dropship, demanding to see him.
You expected the usual, cocky Murphy, but you saw the exact opposite. Murphy was cowering in a corner as a small group of people surrounded him, basically beaten to pulp. The small crowd stepped to the side at Bellamy's appearance, who looked shocked to see Murphy in the condition he was in.
“Everyone but Connor and Derek, out. Now!” The others scrambled out of the dropship, leaving you, Clarke, Finn, Murphy, and Connor and Derek.
“He claims he was with the grounders.” Derek spoke first.
“We caught him trying to sneak back into camp.” Connor glared.
“I wasn’t sneaking.” Murphy muttered from his spot on the floor. “I was running from the grounders.”
“Anyone see any grounders?” Bellamy asked angrily, to which Connor and Derek shook their heads. “Well in that case,” Bellamy raised his gun to shoot Murphy, but Finn pushed it down.
“Hey, what the hell is wrong with you?” He asked the man.
“We were clear what would happen if he came back.” He shouted, raising his gun again. But this time, Finn stepped in front of the barrel. You took the time to stand in front of Murphy and get a closer look as they shouted at one another.
He flinched as you bent down to his level, but you put your hands out to assure you weren’t there to hurt him, even if you really wanted to.
You inspected his various wounds and lightly grabbed his hands, taking note of his missing fingernails. “Clarke, come look at this.”
She moved to squat next to you and looked at his fingernails as well.
“Clarke, think about Charlotte!” Bellamy yelled.
“I am thinking about her, but what happened to Charlotte was as much our fault as it is his.” She commented, sending a shiver down your spine.
“He’s not lying,” You defended Murphy. “His fingernails were torn off. They tortured him.”
“You and the grounders should compare notes.” Finn commented snarkily.
“The grounders know we’re at war.” Bellamy snapped back. “What did you tell them about us?” He shouted at Murphy.
“Everything.” Murphy replied in a broken tone. You and Clarke stood up in fear, but she turned to Bellamy and you just glanced around with arms crossed.
“Once he’s better, we find out what he knows, and then he’s out of here. Okay?” She compromised with Bellamy.
“And what if he refuses to leave?” Bellamy asked as she started to leave. “What do we do with him then?”
“Then we kill him.” She responded, turning back around and leaving the dropship. You followed after her and went to visit Jasper at his guard post, but he decided not to talk to you, so you went to find Monroe to ask her about what happened by the fire on Unity Day.
“Oh my God, Y/n! Your eyes!” She exclaimed, grabbing half of the camp’s attention. You felt hazy but reached a hand up to your cheek, pulling away to see blood coating your fingertips. You stumbled over to her just in time for Bellamy to exit the dropship, and for you to collapse into her arms.
She helped lower you to the ground and you pushed her body away before proceeding to cough up an unusual amount of blood. Connor and Derek began to do the same, but Bellamy still made his way towards you.
“Holy shit, Y/n, are you okay?” He asked you. You tried to push him away, still mad about yesterday, but you were too weak and gave up. He carried you up to the dropship, not concerned about catching whatever you had.  
He set you down on the table where you were about a week ago, asking Clarke what was happening as she demanded he stay back.
“Biological warfare.” She responded gravely. “You were waiting for the grounders to retaliate for the bridge? This is it. And Murphy is the weapon.”
Your body was reacting worse to whatever illness Murphy gave you worse than Clarke, but you didn’t know why. You sat up from the table you were on and stumbled over to the nearest wall, watching as Connor seized and eventually died.
The thought of the same thing happening to you scared both you and Bellamy, who noticed you had gotten up when you coughed again. You clutched your waist and he made his way over to you to help you stand, much like he did on Unity Day.
“Round up anyone who had contact with Murphy. Bring them here. And everyone Connor, Derek, Y/n, and me had contact with as well.” She instructed Finn, watching as he left the dropship, before turning to you and Bellamy.
“Bellamy, you really shouldn’t be touching her-” She moved towards them and attempted to take you into her arms as you coughed again.
“Clarke, I’ll be fine.”
“You could get sick-”
“I said, I'll be fine.” He interrupted, voice dripping with authority. She sighed and gave up, turning to ask Connor who Murphy had contact with. His response scared Bellamy, who gently put you against the wall and looked at you once more before rushing out to get his sister.
“Clarke,” You rasped. She turned to you and bent down to meet your eyes. “Why am I worse than you? You were with Murphy the same time I was.”
“I-I don’t know, Y/n. It might be because you have a weakened immune system, or because your stab wound is still healing. It could be anything.” Other people started to file in as they caught the virus, Bellamy standing near Octavia as Clarke examined her, a cloth over his mouth and nose.
Bellamy glanced over at your tired form before leaving the dropship, while Octavia followed his eyes. You were lazily propped up against the wall, pale and sweaty, with an arm draped across your middle. Octavia’s eyes grew wide as you began to cough up your own blood, rushing to help you.
She helped lower you onto your side, rubbing your back as you gagged and coughed up even more blood into a puddle on the dropship floor. You groaned in pain at the unpleasant feeling of throwing up your own blood, but became grateful that it was soon over for the time being.
“Octavia, you could get sick. Get away from me.” You mumbled, blood coating your lips as you attempted to push her away.
“I’ll be fine. Clarke said I’m asymptomatic or whatever.” She responded as she set you against the wall. She was called away by Clarke and you watched her leave the dropship, eyelids heavy.
You only ever woke up when you had to cough up more of your own blood, which meant nearly twice every hour you were in a lot of pain from the heaving. After that, either Murphy or Octavia, usually the latter, would come to bring you a cup of water and you would pass out again. You were better soon, though, and was limited to helping those around you.
However, when you saw Bellamy come into the dropship and be laid down on a bed, you broke almost every rule and got up, stumbling over to the man. Bellamy closed his eyes by the time you got there, sitting by his head on the same side as Octavia.
Someone else started to cough uncontrollably, so you assured Octavia that you would take care of Bellamy while she took care of the others with Murphy. You took the cloth from her hand as she rushed over to the delinquent, and resumed wiping the blood from his face and nose. You hated to see him like this, although you weren’t much better.
Just the thought of anything happening to Bellamy at all terrified you, and you didn’t have a clue as to why. You pushed back the anxiety and tears as you wiped away the sweat that was collecting on Bellamy’s forehead, sniffling to keep it at bay.
It wasn’t long after that Bellamy woke up again, and you signalled Murphy to get him a cup of water. “Get the hell away from me,”
“Bellamy, stop.” You said from behind him. He looked over at you and felt a great sense of relief. “You’re sick, and Murphy’s just trying to help. He’s been helping everyone in here, including me, since he was well enough to.”
“When I get better, if you’re still here-” Bellamy began to threaten.
“You know what, Murphy? I got this one.” He looked to you and left to help out with Clarke, who began to get better not long after you did. You were still pale, but you weren’t coughing up any blood.
“Here,” You handed him the cup of water. He took it and looked you up and down.
“Are you feeling better?” He asked.
“Don’t worry about me, Bell. I’m fine. Clarke said I can go sometime tomorrow, but I don’t think I’ll be leaving here until you’re okay.”
“You know you don’t have to do that, right?”
“It’s fine, Bellamy.” You put a hand on his arm to assure him. “Think of it as a thank you for both of the times you saved my life.”
He smiled and sipped on the water before asking if you had seen Octavia.
“She was up all night helping out, Murphy gave her a break.”
“Don’t tell me you trust him now.” Bellamy deadpanned.
“Trust him? After what he did? No. Not at all. But Clarke believes that we should give him a second chance.” Bellamy rolled his eyes and looked around, pointing out that it was almost dawn.
“We better get everyone inside. If we close the doors, maybe the grounders’ll think we’re not home.”
“Not everyone is sick. We can’t risk it.” You denied his suggestion.
“Sick is better than dead.” He countered seriously.
“You don’t think Finn and Jasper are gonna pull it off.” You realized.
“Do you?” He asked.
“I may be mad him right now, but he’s still my brother.” Was your response.
“I’ll get everyone inside,” Clarke sighed as she overheard your conversation while passing by.
There was a pause in yours and Bellamy’s conversation, a comfortable silence. He looked longingly over to you, and you looked down at your hands before meeting his gaze. He could see the worry in your eyes, and your shaking hands gave away your well-hidden anxiety.
“We’ll be fine, princess.” You sighed shakily at his words and wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him into a hug. You were terrified that you were going to die soon, and you felt comforted in Bellamy’s arms as they wrapped around your torso.
You were reminded of the fact that both your grandmother and father were dead, leaving you virtually alone, for lack of a better term. The tears dripped slowly from your eyes and landed on Bellamy’s jacket as he rubbed your back.
Soon, everyone who was able had gathered outside as the bomb went off.
“They did it.” Clarke gasped as the mushroom cloud grew larger in the air.
“I am become death. Destroyer of worlds.” You quoted as Bellamy looked at you. “It’s Oppenheimer. The man who built the first-” You mumbled when you glanced back at him.
“Yeah, I know who Oppenheimer is.” Bellamy commented with a smirk, causing you to smile back at him.
By midday, Clarke said you were well enough to leave the dropship, along with herself and a handful of others. You still planned on taking care of Bellamy, however, because that’s what you promised to do. But, by some miracle, he was okay, too.
You watched him go outside of the wall with a few others, leaving you to think about all that’s happened since you arrived on Earth. One of your arms was crossed as the other rested on it, hand reaching up to twist your locket. You sat at the fire with a couple of other people, Harper being one of them.
You began to think more and more about Bellamy and how you treated each other, realizing that you both treated each other differently than you did anyone else in camp. You didn’t even treat Jasper the same way you treated Bellamy. You got lost in your thoughts as the came back to your mother, and some advice she had given you when you were young, advice you didn’t understand until now.
“Mom, what’s love?”
“My little bug, you’re too young to know this now, but when you’re in love, and mean deeply in love, you can feel it.”
“But how?”
“Well, you would do anything for the person you love, even if you got in trouble for it. You smile every time you see them, and you get a tingling feeling in your tummy.” She smiled. “You couldn’t think about living without them, not for a second. When you’re upset, they make you smile, and when you cry, they help you wipe your tears.”
“And sometimes falling in love is quick and fast, and you don’t see it until you’re already at the bottom, and sometimes it’s slow and beautiful. They brighten up every room they walk into and show you how pretty and amazing life can be. Darling, if you ever find a love like that, never ever let it go.”
You gasped quietly as you pulled yourself from your thoughts, standing from your spot at the fire. You quietly excused yourself as everyone looked at you, rushing to get to Jasper and Monty’s tent as fast as you could.
You stumbled inside, almost tripping on the tent flap. “Jasper! Jasper oh my God!”
The man in question looked up at you from his spot on the bed. “What? What is it? Are we under attack-?” You sat him back down as he rose before beginning to pace.
“No, no, nothing like that.” You spoke quickly.
“I understand it now.” You spoke fast, in a desperate haste to get the words out.  “I mean he’s different when he’s around me, he makes me happy, he comforts me when I cry, and- and- God! How did I not see it before!” You groaned, still pacing.
Jasper stood in front of you and put his hands on your shoulders, stopping you in your tracks.
“Y/n, what in the world are you talking about?” He asked.
You sighed and a queasy smile crossed your lips. “I’m in love with Bellamy Blake.” You admitted, hands thrown up in a sort of shrug.
Jasper looked at you in annoyance as he let his hands fall back to his sides. “Congratulations, you’re officially the last person to know.”
He turned back to sit down on his bed and you looked at him, bug-eyed and almost choking on your own saliva. “I’m sorry, what?!”
“Y/n, everyone in camp can see that you love him. It’s not like you’re hiding it.” He chuckled. You put your hands on the top of your head in stress.
“Do you think he knows?” You asked in a slight whisper.
“Bellamy?” You nodded. “No way. You’d think he would’ve figured it out with all the staring he does, but I think he’s too oblivious to see it. What I do know, along with everyone else in camp, is that he loves you too. He just doesn’t see it.”
You groaned at Jasper’s answer, and his only response was to laugh. You gave up and went to your own tent, collapsing into your bed. Things were going to be tougher around camp - and not just because of the grounders.
Taglist: @soullessbabee | @hyperion-moonbabe-art3mis | @dummythiccwitch | @sireddobrev | @gxvrielle
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connorssock · 4 years
You’ve Got Mail
It had started out as a joke. Gavin had made a passing comment that no courier would take a parcel as big and heavy as he was. Which, naturally, translated in Hank’s head into a challenge. That evening, he went home and found a company that would prove Gavin wrong. Only, that wouldn’t be enough, no, Hank needed to be proven right in an unforgettable way. He snickered as he booked an express parcel collection and delivery and found the biggest box he could. The snickering had to be stifled once he pulled the lid closed and taped it shut from the inside.
Being mailed was a decidedly uncomfortable experience. Hank, being the idiot he was, forgot about things like food, water and even the need to go to the toilet. So, by the time he was delivered, he was grouchy and not really paying much attention to the noises around him. The box was wheeled into somewhere, voices said goodbye and Hank waited. It seemed that Gavin was a bastard who wasn’t killed by curiosity. There was no tearing the box open to see what mystery had been delivered.
A grumble was quickly stifled and Hank pulled on the tape holding the lid closed. He still wanted Gavin to yell in surprise, so Hank waited until he heard footsteps approach before launching upwards and out of the box with a yelled “surprise!”
As he had hoped, there was a scream. But it wasn’t Gavin’s voice. And it most certainly wasn’t Gavin sprawled on the floor with a bowl of cheese puffs strewn around him. Hank’s mind was stuck on a loop of “oh shit” because he has just scared the crap out of a stranger. And he wasn’t in Gavin’s living room either. Definitely not good. Pulling his arms down, he looked as small and meek as a guy his size could.
“Hello?” he offered with a wave.
The man on the floor looked deathly pale as he stared up at Hank. Definitely not a good first impression. Except, he gave a weak smile and croaked out a hello back.
Like a genius, Hank followed up with “you’re not Gavin.”
Finally, the man was getting up off the floor and he pouted as he took in how his snack had been spilled on the floor. With a shrug, he picked one off the carpet and popped it in his mouth.
“I am not. And I will not question why Gavin would order himself a bear by post.” He cocked his head to the side as he looked over Hank again, now that he was a little less panicked. “It seems the man does have taste after all but my brother will be most disappointed. And angry.”
As a followup to his mantra of ‘oh shit’, Hank’s mind supplied a very helpful ‘uh-oh’ as he realised what this might look like.
“He did not order me. I am not for hire or order or whatever. I’m his boss.” That did not make things better in any way, shape, or form. “He didn’t believe me when I said couriers would take packages in my size.”
There was a beat of silence before a tinkling bark of laughter shot through the room. The stranger Hank had almost given a heart attack seemed thoroughly entertained.
“Well then, I think you have made your point. But Gavin won’t be home until the evening - I think he’s working days this week. Which, as he boss, you should know.”
It was Hank’s turn to flush. He had completely forgotten that, as it was his day off, Gavin was guaranteed to be working the day. To top that off, he was still standing in the box like an idiot. A hand appeared in his sight as the other man offered him help in getting out.
“I’ve already let Gavin know I’ve got a parcel for him. He’ll come collect it this evening. Why not spend the day with me? I’m Connor.”
That was how Hank ended up spending his day off on Connor’s couch, laughing and having fun. In the evening, they sent Gavin a message while snickering.
Had to pop out, left door unlocked. Parcel is in the middle of the living room, hard to miss.
When Gavin arrived to pick up his mysterious parcel, he screamed and jumped into the arms of his boyfriend while Nines stared, frozen. Hank and Connor stood in the box together, cackling and giving each other a high five at a prank gone right.
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insanelycooljk · 4 years
IF UR STILL DOIN THESE can i ask about your roleswap au? oR the evan is a compulsive liar one, whichever! @bandtrees
send me the title of one of my deh wips and I’ll share an excerpt/tell you a bit about it  
(you can read my reply about the “maybe evan really IS a compulsive liar” one here)
Oh boy the roleswap au... honestly this is an idea I’ve had for a really long time that I kind of forgot about, but then Kayla’s jared dies! au inspired me to revisit it. In a suprise to absolutely no one lmao, there’s a whole lot of angst. Like, I’d kind of forgotten what the plot was, and when I went back and read over my notes for it the other day I made MYSELF cry. So uhhh, yeah, this one’s gonna hurt
The concept is very simple, and I’m sure has been done before, but basically Evan and Connor (and Jared and Zoe to an extent) swap roles. So Evan dies, and Connor writes a therapy letter which gets mistaken for Evan’s suicide note. On that, obviously trigger warning for suicide.
Alright so this wip still needs a lot of work because I’m still trying to narrow it down to a single cohesive plot and figure out how to keep it in character (for instance I just can’t see Connor forming the equivalent of The Connor Project and dragging out the lie to that extent) But, here’s what I’ve got at the moment!
The first day of school is almost identical to canon, so I won’t get into that, but Evan still had his attempt over the summer and hence has his broken arm. I mean yeah, maybe Evan’s dialogue is a little different because he’s struggling more with his depression, but I don’t see his second attempt as necessarily being planned. It’s more of an impromptu “finish what I started” decision he makes after having an awful first day back at school
The only real change from canon at this point is the letter. It’s a therapy assignment for Connor rather than Evan.
The scene where Evan prints his letter and Connor signs his cast is essentially the same as canon too, except obviously Connor is the one writing the letter. Evan is just in the library to print out some homework or something for school.
After they talk/Connor signs his cast, Evan goes over to the printer to grab his own thing, and sees the page underneath has “Dear Connor Murphy” written at the top. Evan assumes it’s Connor’s, so in an attempt to be nice, grabs it as well.
Aaaaand here’s where the angst really starts. Originally I was going to do a whole kleinphy thing by fully switching Zoe and Jared. But then I had an excellent (aka horrible) idea.
So Connor’s finished letter still follows the same format of Evan’s as [today was NOT an amazing day] [talking about Zoe/Jared] [sad shit].
Except here’s the thing. The morning was essentially the same as canon, which means Jared still made the awful school shooter joke. So sure, Connor mentions Jared in his letter, but he’s got nothing nice to say. As he’s venting about how today wasn’t an amazing day, he writes a few lines about how Jared is a fucking asshole and he can’t believe he ever thought that they could actually be friends.
... Yeah. I’m sure you can already guess how that is going to turn out :(
But the angst doesn’t stop there. Evan clearly isn’t going to see Jared’s name in Connor’s letter and freak out because he thinks Connor has a crush on him. That just... makes zero sense lmao. But you know what Evan might think when he sees Jared’s name? Especially after Jared was a dick to Evan at the start of the day?
That they’re making fun of him.
“D-did Jared put you up to this?”
“… What?”
“He… you’re making fun of me. Both of you.”
Connor can see Evan’s spiralling into some sort of panic attack, knows he probably shouldn’t push but he’s got no clue what the fuck Evan is talking about.
“What the fuck are you talking about?”
“That’s why you came to apologise and-, and why you signed my cast, you two are making fun of me.”
“What? I wasn’t-“
Evan’s not even listening, he just keeps talking like he can’t hear Connor at all.
“I can’t believe I thought you were being nice to me.” He chokes out a bitter laugh that sounds more like sob. “But no, it’s just one of Jared’s stupid jokes.”
Connor’s speechless. Has no clue what to say because this just makes no fucking sense at all.
Evan’s full-on hyperventilating now, taking these huge shuddering breaths. Connor’s kind of worried Evan might pass out on him if he doesn’t do something
“Evan hey, just breathe.”
“I’m sorry,” he gasps, finally making eye contact. “I-I have to, have to go.”
And then Evan runs out of the room because he’s definitely having a panic attack and he needs to get away.
Connor is just kind of standing there staring at the door, trying to figure out what the fuck just happened. Feels like shit because he was actually enjoying talking to Evan, but no somehow he managed to ruin it. 
It takes Connor a minute before he realises Evan still has his letter. He calls out after Evan but he’s long gone.
Then we switch to Heidi’s POV. She gets a phone call while at work from Evan’s therapist’s office saying he never showed up to his appointment after school.
Heidi never forgives herself for this after the fact, but her first reaction is to feel kind of annoyed. She knew Evan didn’t want to go to his session today when she booked it, but she was just trying to do the right thing because she knows Evan always struggles starting back at school. Plus therapy costs money, they don’t exactly give you a refund/cancellation fee for not showing up, and they just can’t afford to be paying for therapy sessions Evan isn’t even attending right now.
She is a little concerned though. It’s not the first time Evan’s skipped an appointment, but he usually only does it if he’s had a particularly bad panic attack that day. But she isn’t worried enough to leave work early, which kills her later. Heidi wonders if she had of gone straight home if she could’ve been there quick enough.
I don’t want to go into this in too much detail, but I’m thinking Evan ODs. The tree thing didn’t work out last time so he figures he better try something else. He feels bad that this definitely couldn’t be interpretted as an accident like his fall was, but he just... doesn’t care anymore.
And god, Heidi finds him when she gets home from work, and somehow her being a nurse makes it so much worse because she knows it’s too late. Of course she still tries everything she can, and she kind of dissociates into work mode so she can put some of her panic aside, but she knows.
But... I don’t really want to write that because it’s too sad even for me lol. So the scene will probably just end with Heidi coming home and getting a bad feeling when she calls out to Evan and he doesn’t reply. It’s not the most out of character thing, because Heidi’s assuming he must have had a really bad panic attack since he ditched therapy, so he’s probably exhausted and having a sleep. But when she goes to Evan’s room to check on him her heart stops.
The next couple of days Connor mirrors Evan in canon. He’s getting antsy that Evan stole his letter and now hasn’t been at school.
I haven’t quite worked out what Zoe’s role will be yet, so I’m not sure if she’ll act as Connor’s sole confidant (like Jared is for Evan) or not. It’d make sense since Jared is kind of taking Zoe’s place, but I just don’t think it will work given the current state of her and Connor’s relationship. Either way, whether he told Zoe or not, Connor is getting really paranoid about Evan/the letter.
It’s been 3 days now since Evan took his letter and he’s still not at school.
Jared’s been away too, but he’s back today and is acting really fucking weird. He’s wearing like... a plain hoodie or something which is very unlike Jared, and he just looks really exhausted and has none of his usual arrogance. Plus he keeps staring at Connor and giving him these weird looks.
Connor’s so stressed about this stupid letter that he’s contemplating asking Jared where the hell Evan is, but he’s seriously freaking Connor out right now.
Before Connor has a chance to make up his mind about whether he should try to talk to Jared, he gets called to the principal’s office. And so the lie begins lmao.
But god... the amount of extra angst of NOT going the kleinphy route and instead having Connor write bad things about Jared in the letter is just... pure evil genius if I do say so myself
Like, imagine Jared’s parents going to see Heidi and do whatever they can to be there for her and make sure she’s ok, and Jared kind of numbly getting ready to go with them, only for his parents to explain that Heidi doesn’t exactly want to see him right now because of what Evan wrote in his note... ouch.
And god that just makes Jared sick to his stomach because what the hell did Evan say about him? And once he gets to actually read the “note” himself he really is sick.
And since his family is obviously very close with Heidi it really puts a strain on Jared’s relationship with his parents too, because they’re clearly extremely disappointed in him for doing whatever it was that made Evan write THAT
Just the whole Kleinman/Hansen dynamic would be so complicated. (but it will be fun to write!)
And oh boy... remember the amount of horrific hate Zoe recieved when Alana posted Evan’s letter online? Connor’s letter outright says something along of the lines of Jared is a fucking asshole/why did I ever think we could possibly be friends/etc. I haven’t worked out the exact wording yet because getting the letter right is just... so critical to the fic lol, but yeah if it gets posted online? yikes.
So anyway, that’s the roleswap au. I’m still working out the more specific plot details of this one, but I think it’s got some alright potential. There’s going to be a lot of tension between Jared and Connor as Jared struggles to decide whether or not he believes Connor, and as Connor finds it increasingly difficult to lie to Jared. Hmm you know on second thought maybe a kleinphy subplot doesn’t sound so bad 🤔 but just more of a slowburn angle which doesn’t start until after Evan dies... much to think about hahaha
I like to think Jared works out the truth on his own eventually, which leads to a gfy-esque fight. And whilst Zoe might take on Jared’s role in a way, Alana will be pretty much the same as she is in canon. Because for her it was always more about the message of the project than the actual person.
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bubblieywubbliey · 5 years
Evan x Reader (SMUT) - Practice Part 2!
So this is the sequel to my smutfic, Practice. Read that first for context, if not, just know that the reader has just started dating Evan and Heidi has come home just after they had sex for the first time. (Also I know she took her underwear off upstairs, but for the sake of the plot, we’ll pretend it’s possible for her to have forgotten them downstairs.
“Okay, um, are we telling her?” You asked hurriedly, still getting dressed.
“W-What no! She can never know we did this, ever, I’d never hear the end of it!” Evan’s eyes widened.“N-No, not that we had sex! That we’re… Together? I don’t know if you want to see where this goes first.”
“O-Oh. Right, that makes more sense, much more… sense… Yes. If you, you want to tell her. This is new, I’ve never, well, dated anyone before. Obviously.
You knew that. Duh… Ha…” Evan rambled, grinning awkwardly. You took kiss hands and kissed him on the nose. He smiled at you and for a moment, you forgot that Heidi was moments away from finding your underwear wedged into the couch.
“Shit! Go, go!” Evan muttered and pushed you out of the door. Evan hid your tights under his pillow as you arrived downstairs, peeping around the corner to look into the living room. Heidi was walking into the living room from the kitchen and you spotted your underwear tucked into the corner of the sofa.
“Heidi! Hey! You rushed forward before she could reach the sofa. She paused just in front of it and grinned at the sight of you. Your hair was messy, to say the least, so you hoped she wouldn’t question it.
“Y/N! How are you?” She pulled you into a hug and you smiled, almost forgetting why you were here. You stood back, blocking her view of the sofa. Evan arrived at the bottom of the stairs and you maintained the conversation with her while you pointed behind your back at the panties stuffed into the couch. Evan came and stood next to you.
“Hey, Mom! You’re back early, that’s, unusual. Y/N’s gonna be here for dinner tonight if that’s okay.” Evan spoke awkwardly, fiddling with his shirt. This was the singular time that he wished his mother hadn’t been around
“I thought you’d be excited! They double booked my shift so I got out of it!” Evan nodded and sat down on the sofa, exactly where your panties were. You sat next to him, feeling uncomfortably bare.
“Do you feel like watching a movie? I just ordered pizza.” Heidi asked the pair of you.“Sounds good!” You answer chirpily and Evan just smiled, you see him slip your underwear into his pocket.
“Also…” You took Evan’s hand and squeezed it. “I guess, um, Evan and I are dating now.” You mumbled to his mother. “Oh?” Heidi raised an eyebrow, trying not to laugh. “I know it’s kind of, um, sudden and we only really decided like 15 minutes ago but I really care about her…”
“Ev, I don’t care. Y/N will be great for you! I’m gonna go grab some blankets, we can eat the pizza on the couch. “ Heidi smiled at the pair of you and you couldn’t help but grin. Evan looked at you and you noticed him sweating slightly, his anxiety getting the better of him.
“Ev, are you okay? We can head out if you want, I’ll take you for a drive through the forest?”
“N-No, it’s okay, I just, um, I feel a bit overwhelmed. Can we put on a movie? I just need to, to calm down.”
“Okay, whatever you need. If this-” You gestured between the pair of you, “Is too much, we can stay friends.” You gave him an out and his eyes widened once again and he leaned forward, kissing you. You relaxed into it, not realising how tense you had become. Evan’s burst of confidence led him to deepen the kiss.
Heidi interrupted and you jumped apart Evan let out a muffled yell. She chuckled at the pair of you and walked into the room. Evan fiddled with the hem of his shirt and you struggled not to laugh.
“Oh come on, don’t worry Evan! It’s fine, you’re teenagers. Just maybe keep it out of my line of sight, huh?” Heidi laughed again, the pair of you were awkwardly silent and you silently thanked God that the doorbell rang at that moment. “This evening is gonna be a bit awkward huh?”
It was a month later when you walked through the double doors slightly late. The mid-winter break was over and you had been away skiing with your family and hadn’t seen Evan ever since the night you’d slept together. Of course, you had texted and FaceTimed non-stop and barely left the actual lodge for fear of losing the wifi and not being able to reply. You saw your boyfriend stood at his locker nervously, with what looked like a small bouquet of flowers for you. You couldn’t help but smile as you approached him.
“Y-Y/N! Hi!” He grinned at the sight of you, his body visibly relaxing before he handed you the flowers.
“I, um, I got you these because, well I saw them this morning and I thought you’d like them since your bag has flowers on it…” You smiled again and gave him a small hug.
“Thanks, Evan, they’re really pretty!” You remarked, placing them into your locker before closing the door and turning back to him.
“So. I spoke to Zoe and, well, she said she didn’t mind at all and she’s happy for us. Connor said they’ll meet us at lunchtime.”
“Okay, time for English class?” You asked. You were both in the same classes, barring some of your electives, so you had this lesson together.
“Yep.” He took your hand and you looked down at it. “Oh, I get if you don’t want people to know that’s okay” he mumbled, letting go. “I understand that since I’m kind of a loser and people actually think you’re cool.” Evan rambled. You took both of Evan’s hands, feeling very self-conscious as you kissed him. A chorus of ‘Oooh!’s rippled through the corridor and you disconnected, trying not to laugh, you pressed your forehead to his, looking at the floor.
“You aren’t a loser, okay? I love you. I don’t care that people knew we were friends and I don’t care that people know we’re dating.” You recoiled inside at the general cringe of the words leaving your mouth, but they were true and they seemed to comfort Evan.
“Okay.” He mumbled, kissing you again quickly before letting go of one of your hands to pick up his bag. The pair of you walked into the classroom and sat next to each other. You brought your bottle of water to your lips as Evan muttered something to you.
“Oh also, I still have your um, you know, underwear and the tights. You never got them back from me.” He whispered and you choked on the water that you had just sipped.
“Oh. Okay. I’ll have to come over later and get them I guess.” You tried to play it cool but you had turned bright red and Evan was blushing too. You arrived at Evan’s front door. Your boyfriend opened it before you could even knock, clearly, he was still feeling nervous about the two of you.
He handed you a small plastic bag with your tights and underwear inside. You took them and looked back up at him. "Thanks..." You mumbled. He kissed you quickly before speaking."Uh, I have a lot of work to do tonight- like an essay for History, so if it's okay, could we hang out tomorrow? I really need to focus and I definitely can't do that with you around." He explained. You raised an eyebrow, questioning his statement.
"Why can't you focus with me around?"
"Well, because, I, um. Holy shit. I could barely focus in our lessons today. You're wearing the same skirt as the other night... You know? Sorry I know that’s weird." You tried not to laugh at Evan's reasoning before nodding. "Okay, I get it. I won't wear this skirt again then." You promised and you saw relief sweep across his face. You gave Evan a lingering kiss, his hands moved to your waist and yours cupped his face. You kissed until he finally pulled away, blushing and looked down at you.
“Love you.” He mumbled, his heart swelling with affection for you, how had he found someone who was so understanding, kind and beautiful? Who wasn’t phased by his awkwardness?
“Love you too Evan.” You replied, smiling at his shyness. Evan fiddled with the hem of his polo shirt.
“Bye then, Y/N.”
“Bye, Ev.” You turned to get back in your car and heard the door close behind you. The tension was clear, but you couldn’t tell yet whether it was sexual, or just Evan’s awkwardness. Likely a combination, since he didn’t really know how to handle his more sexual feelings. You started to think over how you could make him more comfortable talking to you about it. You came to the conclusion that the only way to make him more comfortable was to be open. You would go back over there and explain to him that he didn’t have to hide those things. You opened the car door and put the bag that Evan gave you on the back seat. Walking over to the door, you took a few deep breaths before knocking, preparing yourself for what could be a awkward chat. You knocked on the door and got no reply, but he hadn’t closed it properly and it swung open.
You walked into the house and peered around for Evan. He was nowhere in sight, having obviously retreated to his room to write his essay.
“Evan! You called up the staircase. No reply. You ventured upstairs, the steps creaking beneath your feet and the house was oddly silent. Evan usually listened to music while he worked, but maybe he was still getting his stuff out.
You pushed open the door to his bedroom and quickly backtracked at Evan fell out of his desk chair and cried out. “Y/N! What are you, why are you her- I wasn’t doing anything!” You stood, slightly shocked as Evan lay outstretched on the floor, pants around his ankles. He had clearly been masturbating. You cringed, helping him up and he very quickly pulled his boxers and khakis up.
“Holy shit, Evan.” You gasped out. “I, um, I was actually here to discuss that. Shit, I wasn’t actually expecting it to go this way. I wanted to say if you’re feeling things like that it’s okay to tell me. I feel like that too, it’s part of being in a relationship. Sharing that with each other, y’know?” You managed to force the words out of your mouth, cringing and waiting for his response. “I just, just want you to know I don’t do that a lot, like at all, I really don’t. It was just, shit, it was that fucking skirt.” He fiddled with the hem of his polo shirt and stared at his feet. You blushed a little at the idea of him finding you attractive. “It’s okay if you jerk off, Evan!” His eyes got wider and his blush intensified. You took his hands and smiled at him, his eyes meeting yours.
“Okay.” He replied, smiling back at you. You placed your arms on his shoulders and fiddled with the hair at the base of his neck, before leaning in and kissing him.
“So, do you want some help with that?” You ventured, hands still around his neck.
“Um, I mean, you don’t have to, if you’re not in the mood, I hate that you just got back and this is what we’re doing… I can’t help it, I still feel like I’m using you.”
“Evan, I’m in the mood okay? And it’s not using me, I told you I enjoy it and honestly I’ve been so wound up. I was sharing a room with my sister and I kept dreaming about you. That’s a bad combo.” He blushed again at your response and you pecked him on the lips before stepping back and pulling your shirt off. Evan inhaled sharply at the sight of you in just your bra and skirt. You pulled off your tights and your underwear along with them.
“Oh my god.” Evan breathed out.
“What?” You chuckled at his expression, but you knew you had to initiate things until he became more confident.
“Just, wow. How did, how did you become my girlfriend? You’re so pretty…” he trailed off. You blushed and went to unzip your skirt but Evan stopped you.
“Keep it on? Please?” You raised an eyebrow and he looked away, embarrassment clear on his face.
“Okay.” You replied without hesitation, your boyfriend perked up and you reached forward, unbuttoning his polo shirt and kissing the newly exposed skin. He moaned out softly at your touch and you smiled against his neck before sucking on it harshly. He let out a grunt and his left hand became tangled in your hair as he gasped out. You pulled the shirt over his head and kissed down his chest to his trousers. They dropped to the ground with a thud and his boxers followed.
Once again his rather impressive length was before you and you rubbed your thumb over the head. Evan couldn’t help but moan.
“Oh… oh god.” His eyes fluttered shut and you leaned forward to take him into your mouth. You took a little under half of him in, as you began to bob up and down he let out a half-strangled cry before throwing a hand over his mouth. You released him before commenting.
“Don’t you dare cover up those sounds, they’re beautiful.” You scolded him and returned to his dick.
“I- okay….” he mumbled in reply, almost embarrassed at his own embarrassment.
Engulfing him all the way to the back of your throat, you rubbed what you couldn’t reach and he let out a beautiful sound, gasping and breathing out your name. You felt yourself getting wetter and your clit began to throb harder and harder as he gasped out. You bobbed your head up and down a few more times and he groaned out your name again. You pulled your mouth off of him and he looked down at you, disappointed.
“God, Evan I need you to fuck me.”
“I’m not gonna last long though…” he mumbled.
“Me neither.” You replied, sitting on his desk, you undid your bra and he gasped merely at the sight of the exposed flesh.
“Okay, um wow, you’re so hot.” He muttered. You laughed and leaned over to pull a condom out of the bedside table next to the desk. He took it from you and wrapped it over himself. You grabbed his waist and pulled him closer to you, kissing him again. Moaning into the kiss as you felt him press against you. You could see how apprehensive he was and you took his length into your hand, rubbing it gently.
“Ready?” You asked and he nodded. You let go and leaned back, arranging yourself so you were sat right at the edge of the desk. He gingerly placed a finger at you entrance, easing it in. You pushed his hand away and blushed slightly at how dripping wet you were.
“I can’t wait, just go.” You breathed out. You were already ready.
“Oh, um, okay.” He muttered and placed himself at your entrance. He pushed in slowly and you felt yourself stretch slowly, you gasped out at the feeling rushing through you. “Is this okay, are you okay?” He asked worriedly.
“Y-yes, just wait a second. Oh god…” You felt the burning that usually accompanied any initial stretching as he stilled inside you. “Evan…” you gasped as you leant forward into his shoulder. You pulled him forward and he bottomed out inside you. You couldn’t help but let out a small whimper and Evan mumbled a stream of unintelligible words. You shifted slightly as you adjusted to his size once again.
“O-okay… you can move.” Your head was still resting on his shoulder as he tightened his grip on your hips and he slid out of you halfway and pushed back in carefully. He repeated the action and you moaned out his name. Evan gasped again and repeated the action. He continued his thrusts, the pair of you panting in sync, pleasure began to overwhelm you as Evan reaches parts inside you that you’d never reached yourself. Evan whimpered into your ear as you sucked on his neck roughly, forming a hickey before kissing it over and over. His fingers were clenched tightly into the fabric of your skirt as he grunted and whimpered at the overwhelming pleasure.
“Y/N, holy shit, you’re so beautiful, so tight- uh!” He cut himself off with a moan and his thrust became more erratic. You reached down and began to rub your own clit, crying out your boyfriend’s name with nearly every thrust. He began to drill into you and the friction against your g-spot combined with your own ministrations pushed you over the edge.
“I’m gonna… Evan!” You couldn’t help but shout as your orgasm shook you and Evan let go straight away alongside you, your walls fluttering around him and ten clenching around his length. Evan grunted and pushed into you one final time as he rode out his orgasm. Holding onto you tightly.
“Y/N… god you’re so amazing, thank you.” He panted, leaning his head against your shoulder as he recovered.
“Ev, you don’t need to thank me every time we have sex.” You laughed, reaching forward to push the hair out of his eyes when he stood up straight. He blushed and stepped back, pulling out of you, he binned the condom.
“Um, d’you wanna lie down? I’m really tired.”
“God yes.” You replied, attempting to stand but your legs were still wobbly, you fell into the chair.
“Oh my god! Are you okay?” Evan finished putting on his boxers and rushed over and pulled you up, helping you over to the bed.
“Yeah, I just underestimated how strong that orgasm was…” You flopped down on the bed and Evan lay down next to you, spooning you.
“This is nice.” He mumbled into your neck.
“Yeah.” You replied, shuffled so you more of you was pressed against him. Evan pulled a blanket over you and kissed your shoulder.
“I’m gonna go on the pill, mmkay?”
“W-what? Why?” You turned to face him.
“I, well it means we’ll stop having to remember condoms. And we’ll always know when my um, time of the month is gonna be.”
“O-oh, okay, if that’s what you want to do.”
“It is. I’ve done it before, don’t worry about it. Now, tell me about your winter break.” You snuggled into his chest and pressed a brief kiss to his jawline.
Evan began to talk and you smiled, closing your eyes to listen to his voice and feel his arms wrapped around you. After a couple of hours of chatting, you finally both nodded off.
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think too much (DBH Reed900 Star Trek AU)
Pairing: Gavin/RK900
Word Count: 1200
Summary: Gavin loved talking to Nines through the bond. He just wasn’t very good at it.
(or, the Star Trek AU nobody asked for)
According to anyone who’d ever met Gavin Reed, even in passing, he wasn’t relationship material.
It was something he’d heard his entire life— growing up, his own parents had constantly berated him for being unpresentable. His friends had always said they could never imagine Gavin ending up in a serious relationship. When he finally reached dating age, partner after partner proved this to be true.
They would leave, and Gavin would be alone.
He threw himself into his career, chasing promotions and ranks like nothing else mattered. Because, for someone with two friends and no chance of anything more, nothing else really did.
He was always going to be alone, and by the age of 36, he’d just kind of accepted it as a fact of life.
Until Nines.
Nines was everything he could have hoped for and more. He was attentive, sweet, and just on the right side of scathing— although nobody would ever believe him about any of those things. To any outsider, Nines was the same as any other Vulcan, if not even more emotionless. His persistently unimpressed demeanour fell particularly cold against Connor’s sunny aura.
Connor, the least Vulcanlike Vulcan that Gavin had ever met.
In any case, the average person who passed judgement on Nines tended to be astronomically incorrect. He was full of a unique kind of charm, and quick-witted in a way Gavin had never known in anybody else. Nines was one of the only people who managed to keep up with Gavin’s antics.
A warm kind of pleasure bubbled through Gavin’s chest as he heard the voice— Nines was speaking to him through the bond.
‘What’s up?’ he asked, not without effort. He loved talking through the bond, but he wasn’t great at it. Yet.
‘I will be joining you soon. Please ensure your lunch is nutritious, this time.’
With an eye-roll, Gavin changed his replicator order. Substituting regular pasta for whole wheat pasta would do. ‘Whatever,’ he shot back.
‘Thank you, ashayam.’
A prickly heat rose to Gavin’s cheeks faster than he could stop it, and he knew he was caught when a tall figure crowded behind him. Not too close for humans. Far too close for Vulcans.
“You appear to be blushing,” a low voice came from behind him. It took Gavin a second to realise that Nines had switched to speaking out loud.
‘Fuck off. I’m not.’
He barely even realised he’d spoken through the bond. Had no time to think about what that meant, because Nines had leant down to press a quick kiss to the back of Gavin’s head.
Whirling around, Gavin fixed Nines with a shocked expression. “That was forward.”
Forward for a Vulcan in public, anyway. Connor had told him once that even holding hands was prohibited to bonded couples on Vulcan.
‘It is only logical to protect what belongs to me,’ came the smug reply.
Gavin could see why he’d kept that one between the two of them.
    He was new to this whole telepathic bond thing. He’d never expected to be jealous of somebody’s telepathy skills, but... it came so easily to Nines.
Gavin did seem to be improving, however. He practiced sometimes— he might even try to send over an image if he felt particularly confident.
Outside of those times of intense concentration, Gavin had little to no control over what he sent. He’d reached the level of being able to send over thoughts whenever he wanted to— and fuck, was that a cause for celebration. It had only taken him six months of being bonded to Nines.
One thing he couldn’t master, though, was shielding his thoughts. It wasn’t like he wanted to hide anything from Nines. Part of the whole ‘mind link’ thing was that you trusted someone to open up completely to. It had scared the shit out of Gavin at first, but he’d never considered how happy he would be to settle with somebody who’d seen everything, and still wanted him.
Gavin had trouble shielding his thoughts. Often, Nines’ telepathic voice would drift over to Gavin, informing him that he’d sent another stray thought over.
It was always mundane things, like musing over what he’d have for breakfast the next day. Once, it was a math problem. Nines had promptly responded with the answer, and Gavin managed to impress a colleague that day.
Today, it wasn’t quite that.
The slow burn of lust had settled deep into Gavin’s stomach in the middle of his shift, when he let his mind wander. He’d had nothing else to do, anyway. He let his thoughts drift to the night before— a long night. They’d both had some time off, and decided to spend the evening together. A date night, of sorts.
It had been a bubble of domestic bliss, and fuck, Gavin never thought he’d be the type for that shit. It turned out he was exactly the type for that shit. Especially when the evening ended with Nines pressing him slowly into the bedsheets, eyes burning with the wild lust Gavin knew Nines kept just below the surface.
He was interrupted with the closest thing he’d ever heard to a hiss from Nines came through the bond.
Startling, Gavin sat up. ‘Are you alright, babe?’
‘I am trying to work.’
Gavin frowned. ‘What? I know, I’m— oh. Fuck. Sorry.’
Wincing, Gavin did his best to pull his thoughts back. Nines had tried to teach him techniques to do it— he’d called it shielding.
‘What are you doing?’ came almost immediately. A surge of confusion came through the bond, a hint of hurt. Even with everything else, that was the hardest part of the bond to get used to.
‘I’m trying to shield it.’
The confusion stopped. The hurt didn’t.
‘Please do not.’
‘Isn’t it tiring, having all of my annoying human emotions bombarding you all the time?’ Gavin knew his expansive and rapidly-changing set of emotions would be too much for a human to deal with, so he couldn’t imagine what it would be like for a Vulcan.
‘It feels as though are trying to block our bond.’
‘Oh.’ Gavin took a minute to frown to himself. ‘I would never. Not unless you wanted.’
The bond fell quiet for a few moments. So long that Gavin began to wonder if Nines had gotten distracted and forgotten the conversation.
‘The constant presence of your mind within mine makes me happier than I have ever wished to be.’
The raw emotion bleeding through the bond hit Gavin right in the chest, and he forgot to breathe for a second. It was impossible to lie through a bond, and that— that was almost too much to process.
‘I love you,’ he thought back. It didn’t seem nearly enough, but when Nines could feel the pure love seeping through Gavin’s veins, he knew it would do.
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